Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.11
How to Cite:
Sovhira, S., Dushechkina, N., Balokha, A., Borysenko, N., & Ieresko, O. (2023). Ecologization of education in the innovative space
of higher education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 115-1267. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.11
Ecologization of education in the innovative space of higher education
Екологізація освіти в інноваційному просторі вищої освіти
Received: June 2, 2023 Accepted: August 3, 2023
Written by:
Svitlana Sovhira1
Nataliia Dushechkina2
Alona Balokha3
Nataliia Borysenko4
Oleg Ieresko5
The new content of the ecologization of
education is considered, the goal is formulated
and the possibilities of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education are shown. Definitions are interpreted:
ecologization, ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education; the main
goals of ecologization of education and the main
components and most important tasks of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education are highlighted
(formation of ecological culture for all segments
of the population; training of ecological
specialists for the educational field and various
branches of the national economy; in the field of
ecological studies: improvement,
standardization, harmonization of terminology.
Three main types of spiritual values were
identified. The main principles of ecologization
of education in the innovative space of higher
education and two interrelated components
(promotional, content-informational) are singled
out. The relevance of educational, cultural, and
educational functions of ecologically oriented
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and Methods of Teaching, Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: D-9438-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and methods
of their training, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: D-8642-2019
Ph.D., Lecturer, Department of Theory and Method of Pre-School and Primary Education, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: AAW-6713-2020
Ph.D. of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Method of Pre-School and Primary Education,
Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ААС-9008-2021
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IZP-5348-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
blogging is emphasized and the effectiveness of
using project technologies in the formation of the
ecological worldview of a higher education
student, which contributes to the realization of
the comprehensive development of the
individual as a person and the highest value of
society, is shown.
Keywords: ecologization of education,
innovative space of higher education, ecological
outlook, ecological culture, principles of
The third millennium is characterized on the one
hand by the accelerated development and
innovation of technology, science, and the latest
information and communication technologies,
and on the other by the state of the world's global
ecological crisis. Over the past century, an
artificial powerful system has formed in the
biosphere the technosphere, which includes
transport, industrial facilities, urbanized
communal complexes, and the agricultural
sector. Today, the activities of mankind are
aligned with the forces of the elements, which
have led to the destruction of the mechanisms of
self-regulation of Nature, the destruction of many
types of natural resources, and the circulation of
substances and energy. The consequence of such
natural destruction is the degradation of
ecosystems, which progresses and can become
unpredictable and irreversible for the entire
planet (Biliavskyi, 2006). Therefore, a new
position is necessary about ecological education,
which should be established at the current stage
of reforming the educational sector.
Ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education is considered as a
process of human socialization, its adaptation to
existence in an urbanized environment in the
conditions of the development of an
informational, balanced, civil, sustainable
society. This approach to the problem of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education allows us to consider it
as a new educational field with extracurricular
functions because it forms two value orientations
the relationship to the internal environment of
the individual himself, his health, and the
relationship of Man to the natural and artificial,
external, surrounding environment.
Ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education should study not only
natural objects but the relationship of mankind to
them, influencing the norms of preference,
ethical, aesthetic goals, and legal ideals.
Ecological education promotes a new universal
human value concern for the noosphere,
ecological quality of the environment (the most
important essence of the individual in the 21st
century) and tries to reveal the limitations of the
consumer lifestyle of a person (Saienko &
Boichenko, 2013).
Ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education focuses on the search
for new innovative means of the coexistence of
the world of culture and the world of nature,
provides prospects for the organization of quality
knowledge, and leads to an understanding of the
paths of joint human evolution. In this process,
cognitive models or ecological cognitive
orientations play an important role, because with
their help it is possible to distinguish levels of
reality, which, at a certain historical stage of the
social development of the world, reflect the
levels of interaction between nature and man
(Pustovit et al., 2016).
Therefore, the ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education is intended
to foster a sense of responsibility for one's actions
and deeds in the field of professional work and
everyday life, to lay the worldview of a modern
personality, to contribute to the rethinking of its
productive place in nature. Therefore, the global
pedagogical community speaks of the
importance of the content of their professional
training in the professional training of future
specialists of all specialties of ecologization
(Siaska, 2021).
Literature Review
O. Bida, I. Oros, & V. Honcharuk revealed the
main foundations of the formation of ecological
culture for the young generation. Scientists have
developed not just ways of learning for the
younger generation, but have connected it with
ecological education and presented it as an
individual process that is necessary for
Sovhira, S., Dushechkina, N., Balokha, A., Borysenko, N., Ieresko, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 115-126 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
personality development. The ecological culture
was presented as a complex of objectifications
and subjectivations, which in the process of
cross-cultural education should be assimilated
and used in everyday orientation. The most
important function of the ecological culture of
mankind is that it is a way by which society
solves the main problems that exist in the world
(Bida et al., 2020).
V. Prusak (2020) developed the basics of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education and created the concept
of continuous ecological training of specialists.
A continuous educational system of ecological
training of future specialists has been developed
and theoretically substantiated, taking into
account general scientific approaches with the
following components: methodological
approaches, leading ideas, scientific and
pedagogical approaches, principles (specific and
general), pedagogical conditions, forms,
methods, and means. Their positive influence on
the training of future specialists, being in a single
complex, has been proven. The author's
structural-functional model was designed, and
the stages of continuous ecological training of
future specialists were displayed. Pedagogical
conditions for the formation of the designer's
ecological competence and the method of
implementing a pedagogical continuous system
of ecological training of future specialists are
I. Siaska (2021) analyzed the professional
training of future science teachers and
substantiated the theoretical and methodological
basis of the formation of their ecological
competence in the educational process of higher
education institutions. developed the concept
(theoretical, methodological, methodical level),
designed the structure and content of the system
for the formation of ecological competence of
future specialists and, with the help of
introducing the conceptual model into the
training process, carried out its approbation,
determined the conditions for its implementation
in the process of professional training. She
showed the functions, revealed the essence,
outlined the structure, proved the effectiveness of
the ecological competence of future specialists,
and substantiated the stages of its genesis in the
process of professional training.
O. Bida, T. Zorochkina, I. Oros, O. Kuchai,
A. Chychuk, & T. Kuchai (2021b) studied,
designed, revealed the essence of the structure of
health-preserving activities of higher education
students; showed the real state of the problem of
the formation of the ecological culture of the
students of education; in the educational process
of the educational institutions, they developed,
formulated, scientifically substantiated, specified
the pedagogical conditions for effective health-
preserving activities of the students of higher
N. Pustovit, O. Kolonkova, O. Prutsakova,
G. Tarasiuk, & Yu. Solobai (2016) designed,
revealed the essence, scientifically substantiated
the theoretical principles, determined
pedagogical conditions, and characterized
practical approaches to the ecologization of the
educational space of an educational institution.
We considered a valuable educational space, a
system of components connected by the ideas of
sustainable development of society, ecological
responsibility, ecological safety of the
environment, preservation of biodiversity,
valuable attitude to nature, and frugal resource
consumption. For educational institutions,
educational programs have been developed that
reflect modern trends in ecological pedagogy in
a spatial approach, and the main organizational
approaches to everyday activities and the
ecologization of family leisure have been
T. Saienko, & S. Boichenko (2013) found out the
relevance and importance of the development of
the higher ecological education system in
technical universities, analyzed the determining
factors for the sustainable (balanced)
development of the education component and the
formation of a harmonious, harmonious,
ecologically safe society. They proved that in
times of global ecological crisis, the spread of
eco-pedagogy is the main condition of the
process of transformation of society in the
direction of noospherogenesis. They analyzed
the factors of activation of the informal sector of
education, eco-auditing, and eco-management,
formed the necessary positions in the educational
process for the development of psychological
and pedagogical foundations of information and
didactic support, based on the ecological
imperative, showed ways of cooperation with
religious institutions, and proved the importance
of developing a system of compliance with the
requirements of ecological culture, ethics,
ecological outlook.
V. Isaienko, K. Babikova, Yu. Satalkin, &
M. Romanov (2019) considered the
interdisciplinary system of methodological,
theoretical, and technological knowledge for
training engineers of synergistic innovation
competence in engineering ecology, which for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the period up to 2030-2050 is oriented to the
trends of innovative global and ecological
imperatives; developed models of technological
synergism. The synergistic foundations of
ecological engineering, infrastructure, and
system engineering ecologization of production
are revealed. The foreign experience was studied
and progressive ideas on the investigated
problem were singled out; a system model of
sustainable development of an ecologically clean
enterprise was developed; the essence of
aerospace technologies of ecological engineering
is revealed. Structural components of
professional competencies have been developed
for specialists of various branch specializations
to form models of integrated engineering and
ecological competence in the specialty
"Engineering Ecology".
L. Fenchak (2011) indicated axiological
guidelines in the development of the personality
of the future teacher, based on the principles of
axiology, the peculiarities of the formation of the
ecological culture of future specialists were
considered. For future primary school teachers,
an analysis of the state of the formation of
ecological culture during their preparation for
professional activity was made based on
Ways of forming personal values in the field of
education are considered, at the current stage of
the formation and development of pedagogical
education, where considerable attention is paid to
substantiating the system of ecological culture
formation of future specialists on axiological
principles, the conditions for its successful
implementation are determined; the
psychological-pedagogical mechanism of the
formation of the appropriate quality in the
students of education, who form the ways of
independent life activity, was investigated.
A. Kuzminskyi, O. Kuchai, O. Bida A.,
A. Chychuk, I. Sihetii, & T. Kuchai (2021) in
higher education institutions indicated the main
ways of innovative training of specialists in the
conditions of distance learning, identified the
characteristic features of distance learning,
showed the advantages of distance learning in the
preparation of students of education, ways of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of education, found out the conditions of
high-quality distance learning: the presence of
students of education accounting for
psychological patterns of perception, attention,
memory, computer literacy, psychological
comfort, age characteristics of students of
education, personal and individual
characteristics, the ability to dialogue by means
of information technologies, an individual
approach, systematic control, organized self-
control, generalization of knowledge, mastering
the skills of independent work, ensuring the
interaction of the components of the distance
learning system.
O. Bida, A. Chychuk, O. Kuchai, V. Honcharuk,
& T. Kuchai (2022) revealed the concept of
"ecological competence", showed its essence,
and substantiated the structural components of
the formation of ecological competence for
future biology teachers. Among the future
teachers of natural sciences, the levels of the
formation of ecological competence were
identified. The concept of the formation of
ecological competence has been developed for
future biology teachers. The main idea of the
concept is to develop and substantiate such a
system for the formation of ecological
competence of future biology teachers, the
purpose of which at the strategic level is the
functioning and creation of an ecologically
oriented environment, the implementation of
which in the educational process is the system-
integrating basis of the formation of the
pedagogical phenomenon and modernizes,
rationalizes, modifies the educational content of
professional training. Pedagogical conditions for
the realization and development of the studied
ability in the process of professional training are
presented. The system-integrating basis of the
formation of ecological competence is
methodologically substantiated, and the ways of
ensuring the professional training of future
biology teachers are proposed.
M. Diachenko-Bohun, V. Onipko, &
V. Ishchenko (2019) developed methodological
recommendations for the implementation of
ecological education for students in the field of
training: 101 "Ecology" by the program of the
course "Theory and Practice of Ecological
Education" and designed for the preparation of
students of the educational degree " master". The
authors presented theo retical material that will
help future specialists to better study theoretical
issues from the academic discipline "Theory and
Practice of Ecological Education", as well as to
master practical work skills, to form among
students of education the concept of modern
principles of continuity of ecological education;
equip them with skills and knowledge necessary
for the formation of ecological culture,
worldview, ecological innovative thinking,
consciousness; development of methods of
ecologization of the educational space, skills of
educational and research activities.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
O. Bida, I. Oros, & T. Kuchai (2021a) proved the
innovative composition of culture by proposing
four main elements: rules and norms, values,
notions (concepts), and relations. It has been
shown the extremely important role of each of
these components in ecological education,
creating the cultural image of specialists. The
main function of culture is the method by which
the whole society solves problems. Taking into
account the current world trends, the authors
proved the importance of the formation of
ecological culture in students of education.
The purpose of the study: to consider the new
content of the ecologization of education,
formulate the goal and show the possibilities of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education.
The following research methods were used to
solve the tasks: theoretical analysis of
normative documentation, psychological-
pedagogical, philosophical, and methodical
literature, educational publications on the
research problem; generalization, comparison,
systematization of pedagogical experience,
theoretical and methodological principles,
organization of educational and game activities
of ecologization of education to clarify the
content of the key concepts of research,
clarification in practice and theory of the current
state of research of the problem; empirical
modeling, analysis of pedagogical best practices,
generalization of independent characteristics to
substantiate the ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education, the
methodology of forming the readiness of future
specialists to consider this problem.
The research was carried out using the following
scientific covers the main concepts,
theories, and regularities that condition and
characterize relations and show interaction
in the "society-nature-man" system. When
using the approach, the ecological
knowledge acquired by the students of
higher education, which they acquire, should
be based on provisions verified not only by
science but also by practice, that is,
scientific. It is worth taking into account the
peculiarities of modern progress, in which
one of the main problems arises, which
consists in the availability of a large amount
of scientific information, which, the further
the progress of society goes, the more often
it outstrips the possibilities of learning;
noosphere approach is based on nature-
based education and training, which is aimed
at the development of a holistic worldview,
synthetic thinking, the spiritual and moral
sphere of the individual, ecological
awareness, the identification of an effective
tool for choosing a personal place in the
"society-nature-man" system, the ability to
choose morally available means of
education, setting goals and achieving them,
forecasting the consequences of one's
systemic approach in the institution of
higher education, ecological education is
taken into account as a component or
element of the system of continuous
ecological education; on its basis, decisions
are made in the process of implementation,
design, management of pedagogical systems
in general and, in particular, ecological
cultural approach considers the
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education in the context of
the unity of natural-scientific and
humanitarian knowledge, as a result of the
cultural-historical development of mankind;
examines the content of ecological
education based on accumulation and
preservation of traditions, continuity,
historical experience of ecological traditions
of the people;
value approach is based on the formation
of theoretical-cognitive, spiritual
prerequisites, moral-ethical attitudes to the
problem of ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education, the
environment both in everyday life and in
professional activity;
normative approach aimed at the
implementation and assimilation of the
system of laws, ecological norms, rules, and
prescriptions regarding the behavior and
activities of each individual, both as a
specialist in particular and as a citizen in
co-evolutionary approach the transition of
the "Man biosphere" system is based on
the understanding by the conquerors of the
remaining space that they must ensure their
future not only by changing the biosphere,
(i.e. the transformation of the biosphere into
the noosphere) by adapting it to their needs,
but also by adapting to a state of dynamically
stable integrity, to the objective
requirements of nature, symbiosis. Above
all, ecological and moral imperatives help to
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ensure this process, and a person should
follow such a position. The first imperative
means a set of prohibitions on all such types
of human activity, production that is
incompatible with the very existence of
humanity, saturated with irreversible
changes in the biosphere. The second
imperative requires turning the worldview
towards universal human values, changing
the worldview of people, a sense of respect
for any life, a reassessment of traditional
consumer ideals, and the ability to prioritize
not private, but general interests.
activity approach consists in the
application of practical skills of
ecologization of education, ecological
household, and professional activities;
provides for the creation of innovative
conditions, not just the transfer of ecological
knowledge, but with the help of innovative
and traditional technologies, the entire
process of ecologization of education is
modeled in the innovative space of higher
education, the real content of the activities of
education seekers in society and nature is
competence approach consists in the
content of professional education serves as a
guide of ecological culture, is based on the
formation of ecological competence, in the
technology of education ensures the
implementation of developmental and
personal functions, and creates motivation
for value orientation in education.
Results and Discussion
The development of ecological awareness and
the ecologization of education determines human
behavior, ecological culture, and activity.
Through consciousness, a person reveals his
attitude to his environment, can adapt to his own
needs, change nature, and adapt to the
surrounding world.
In the relationship between society and nature,
there is an aggravation of contradictions and a
worsening of the ecological situation in the
world, which causes alarm, such a situation leads
to a violation of the ecological balance and
ecological disasters. A way out of the current
situation requires the combined efforts of
humanity, significant economic and social
transformations. Harmonization of such
relationships can only be a result of the
ecologization of education in an innovative
educational space, and the development of
ecological awareness of society. Therefore,
significant importance should be attached to the
formation of ecological awareness of teachers
and students during the educational process in
higher education institutions. The ecological
state of the modern planet has caused the
deepening and expansion of the methodological
basis in educational practice and sees the solution
to this problem at the level of education
(Vlasenko, 2020).
Ecologization is a process:
focused on the improvement and
preservation of the quality of the natural
environment, on the implementation of ideas
in the field of sustainable environment
legislation, management and preservation of
nature, development of technologies,
education, economy, etc.;
consistent implementation of systems of
legal, managerial, technological, and other
solutions that make it possible to reduce the
anthropogenic load on the natural
environment, and increase the efficiency of
the use of natural resources;
leads to the concrete implementation of
ecological requirements in various spheres
of human activity, and not only denotes a
phenomenon for the protection of the
biosphere from anthropogenic influence.
The main goals of the ecologization of education
in the innovative space of higher education are:
use of zero-waste technologies and closed
cycles of resource consumption;
using improving and preserving the
properties of the natural environment
optimizing the living conditions of mankind;
rational use of natural resources, ensuring
their restoration, protection, and extended
preservation and protection of the gene pool
of the animal and plant world (Pustovit et al.,
At the current stage of the development of
society, the ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education is
formulated as:
new nature-centric life orientations,
complex interdependent connections in the
an educational and educational system-
complex process of formation of worldview,
ethics, ecological thinking, and culture
through the assimilation of skills, ecological
knowledge, and skills about the role and
place of man in the biosphere environment;
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the factor of realization of higher education,
development of the biosphere noosphere,
for a balanced, sustainable society;
harmonization of relations between Nature
and society, overcoming global and regional
ecological crises.
The goal of ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education: training of
future competitive specialists who can choose
ecologically appropriate economic and social
development strategies, solve complex
ecological problems in the conditions of an
ecological crisis, develop ecological protection
measures, effective resource-saving technologies
by the ecologically safe, balanced development
of society as whole and individual territories.
Let's highlight the main components of the
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education. This is informal and
formal education. Higher and postgraduate
education are components of formal education,
which are the progress of modern educational
changes because they prepare civil servants of all
levels, managerial staff, employees of local self-
government bodies, etc.
The national nature of ecological education
reflects one of the directions of rational nature
use, international strategy on the problems of the
natural environment in the field of education,
nature reproduction using informal and formal
education, ideas of humanism, democracy, rich
folk traditions, systematicity, systematicity,
continuity of self-improvement of the individual,
interdisciplinary ecological education (Saienko
& Boichenko, 2013).
Let us single out the most important tasks of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education:
1. The formation of ecological culture for all
segments of the population, which includes:
fostering an understanding of modern
ecological problems of the world and the
state, awareness of their relevance,
importance, and universality;
formation of awareness of the futility of the
technocratic idea of necessity and the
development of its replacement with an
ecological one, which is based on the global
complex-organized system of harmonious
development and coexistence on the
understanding of the unity of all living and
non-living things;
education towards the native nature of love,
revival in mutual relations with the
environment of the best traditions of the
Ukrainian people;
the development of individual responsibility
for the state of the environment at the global,
national, regional, and local levels, the
ability to forecast the activities of teams and
other people, as well as personal activities;
formation of an understanding of the
mandatory coordination of the human
strategy and the strategy of nature based on
overcoming the consumerist attitude
towards nature, the idea of self-limitation,
and the universality of natural connections;
development of skills to preserve one's
health and foster a deep respect for it;
mastering the norms of ecologically
competent behavior, developing the ability
to make (significant, responsible) decisions
regarding ecological problems.
2. Training of ecological specialists for the
educational sector (teachers, teachers) and
various branches of the national economy:
in the field of rational nature management
and ecological protection;
public ecological organizations;
for state management bodies.
3. In the field of ecological studies:
improvement, standardization, and
harmonization of terminology
(Diachenko-Bohun et al., 2019).
Modern society poses challenges to ecological
education that cannot be solved without
appropriate professional training of future
specialists in the innovative space of higher
education. Professional training requires the
provision of cultural individual development of
the personality, and not only the acquisition of
relevant skills and knowledge by future
specialists. In the development of the spiritual
culture of an individual, education plays a special
role in higher educational institutions, as it
contributes to ensuring the transmission of
national traditions, values, ideas, knowledge, and
skills from one generation to another.
An important link in the development of future
specialists in ecological culture is professional
training and the acquisition of skills in the
formation of ecological culture in their students
and employees.
Taking into account the fact that the content of
ecological culture is foreseen by the new concept
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the development of higher education and the
formation of ecological culture in future
specialists is a part of professional training, there
is a need to objectively make effective changes
in the methods of training specialists, the content
of training by their future activities. The level of
morality and culture of people and their attitude
to nature will depend on the quality of training of
future specialists.
In the formation of ecologization of education in
the innovative space of higher education, we will
identify spiritual values of three main types:
1) traditional universal moral norms that
regulate people's activities, constitute a kind
of algorithm, perform the function of
stabilizers of society;
2) mobile, dynamic values determined by the
changing socio-cultural environment. The
constant change of positive meanings is their
feature, which in specific conditions have
their moral justification, social and
3) values-innovations, their emergence is
connected with the emergence of new
ecological and socio-cultural situations. It is
they who should form systemic ecological
thinking in new social realities, taking into
account the hierarchy of values-regulators of
individual, purposeful, mass activity
(Fenchak, 2011).
Ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education is considered as a
continuous process that covers all professional,
social, and age groups of the population and is
based on the following principles:
integrity, because ecologization of education
in the innovative space of higher education
occurs as a pedagogical integral process; at
all educational levels provides for the
implementation of stages and directions of
educational work; is aimed at the formation
of a person's holistic picture of the world, at
the versatile and harmonious development
of the personality; covers all spheres of life
of education seekers; is carried out in
educational activities of all social institutes
and outside educational activities;
acmeological involves the creation of
conditions for optimal self-realization of a
person, the orientation of the educational
process towards achieving the highest moral
and spiritual development by the student of
higher education; improvement of abilities
and disclosure of individual capabilities in
interaction with nature; predicting the
consequences of one's actions; formation of
skills to mobilize all one's strength to
overcome contradictions and difficulties of
interaction with nature; the ability to make
ecologically appropriate, conscious
preventiveness provides educational
influences aimed at preventing the
destructive behavior of higher education
students about the activities of nature;
implementation and development of a
system of measures with elements of an
economic, ecological, social, and legal
nature aimed at the constructive solution of
ecological problems and the formation of
ideas about cause-and-effect relationships in
the interaction of man with nature;
meaningful self-activity in life involves the
formation of the student of education as a
designer and creator of his life, who in
interaction with nature knows how to make
independent decisions and be responsible for
them, actively act and live fully in the
dynamic conditions of life, respond
adequately and flexibly to social changes,
constantly improve himself (Pustovit et al.,
systematicity, systematicity, and continuity,
which create organizational conditions for
the formation of the ecological culture of the
individual between individual links of
education, the unity of informal and formal
education of the population;
focus on the universality of all connections
of natural processes and components; the
idea of the integrity of nature;
an interdisciplinary approach to the
formation of ecological thinking in the
innovative space of higher education, which
involves the logical subordination of
personal knowledge to the main goal of
ecological education, the combination and
logical deepening of systemic natural
the relationship between global and national
thinking, which contributes to the
understanding of ecological problems at
various levels;
the local studies principle of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education should be laid as a basis and
objectivity and specificity of skills, abilities,
and knowledge;
a combination of ecological highly
professional knowledge with universal high
moral values, synthesis of socio-
humanitarian and natural-scientific
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Based on the principles of beauty and goodness,
consciousness and reason, universalism and
patriotism, compliance with ecological law and
scientific knowledge, ecological education in the
relationship between man and nature is aimed at
combining the rational and the emotional
(Diachenko-Bohun et al., 2019).
The work on the ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education of
education seekers should combine two
interrelated components:
1) promotional component: acquisition of the
values of a healthy lifestyle by those
obtaining higher education;
2) practical and content-informational plane:
identification and acceptance by higher
education students of knowledge and
acquisition of skills and abilities necessary
for independent fulfillment of requirements
and transfer of knowledge to others in future
professional activities (Bida et al., 2021b).
We note the low level of ecologization of
education, which depends on the low quality of
ecological training of specialists. Currently,
prerequisites have been created for the
ecologization of education, and it is very
important in institutions of higher education to
increase the level of ecological thinking of
students of education, ethics, consciousness, and
culture of both students of education and
teachers. Currently, the conditions and ways of
involving all countries in the development and
formation of the global market of ecological
services and goods are being developed, the
capacity of which with an annual increase of
about 1% is estimated at $ 20 billion in the
countries of Eastern Europe. In the first half of
the XXI century. we observe ecological products
up to 40% of global production, as well as an
increase in ecologically clean energy and
ecological technologies (Saienko & Boichenko,
As methods and ways of improving the
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education, as a factor in the
implementation of education throughout life for
balanced personality development, we offer
solutions to the following tasks that make the
to the competence paradigm of education
from the cognitive one;
to education: balanced, active, co-creative,
socialized (from passive education);
from fragmentary to end-to-end, continuous,
systematic, systemic;
from ecological protection to moral-ethical,
effective-responsible, worldview-value.
We consider the main tasks of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education to be:
promoting the development of ecological
thinking based on skills, knowledge, skills,
ecological education;
improvement of ecological knowledge in the
theory and practice of ecological activities;
the creation of an ecological outlook,
properties, self-improvement, personal
abilities, and ecological thinking based on
systemic professional knowledge;
education of ecological ethics, the main
component of professional development,
executive-practical, scientific-educational
the formation of ecological culture the
synthesis of ecological skills, abilities,
knowledge, practical activities, and
education aimed at preserving one's health
and the entire environment.
We see the new meaning of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education "in a system-complex (holistic) view
of the world of Nature with an ecocentric type of
consciousness, the psychological inclusion of
Man in Nature, with its subjective nature of
perception and non-pragmatic interaction with all
natural objects, including with people;
understanding the global economic crisis as a
crisis of general culture; education based on the
elements of natural beauty, the Ukrainian
national tradition of nature use, nature
reproduction, ecological life" (Saienko &
Boichenko, 2013).
To ensure effective ecological and educational
activities, it is necessary to use the world of
communications. With the development and in
general, with the emergence of mass media, there
is a need to use them for the ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education, since they play an important role in
spreading ecological knowledge among the
population. In the formation of an ecologically
oriented worldview, journalism and blogging of
a wide viewing and reading audience play a
leading role. The educational, cultural, and
educational functions of ecologically oriented
blogging are becoming more relevant as the
importance and complexity of ecological
problems are realized. To ensure a high-quality
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
innovative space of higher education, in which
students will receive information from various
fields about global ecological trends, from eco
food and sustainable fashion to renewable energy
and electric cars, educators should turn not only
to Internet resources but also to tips, the Internet
page, mass media.
Demonstrates the effectiveness of the use of
project technologies in the formation of the
ecological worldview of a higher education
student and promotes the realization of the
comprehensive development of the individual as
a person and the highest value of society, his
creative, intellectual, physical abilities, talents,
the formation of competencies and values
necessary for self-realization (Polishchuk et al.,
Let's emphasize the importance of one of the
effective forms of implementing the
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education: excursions along
ecological trails that facilitate familiarity with
local vegetation and animal life, allow you to
observe landforms, see the consequences of
anthropogenic impact on natural landscapes
(positive and negative) and personally be a
participant in nature protection affairs
(Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
We recommend the main methods of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education:
fostering a responsible attitude towards
use of informational computer technologies:
multimedia accompaniment of classes,
educational videos;
involvement of higher education students in
carrying out scientific and research work on
the ecological state of the environment, in
working on scientific projects of ecological
the use of interactive methods during
training sessions: training, discussion, role-
playing, project method, brainstorming, etc.;
the use of educational tasks in the field of
ecological protection during educational
consideration of topics of ecological content
during the study of professional disciplines;
creation of campaign teams, involvement of
education seekers in active campaigning
work on ecological protection among the
active participation of students of higher
education in the improvement and greening
of the territory of the institution of higher
education and the territory of the city;
increasing the scope of independent work of
education seekers: participation in
ecological circles, speeches at seminars and
conferences, etc.;
conducting ecological weeks, photo
exhibitions, issues of ecological booklets
and newspapers, etc (Ishchenko et al., 2022).
Taking into account the modern trends of the
world, the modern problems of nature protection
and education are of particular importance,
therefore, the formation of an ecological culture
among students of education, their preparation
for ecological education, and ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education is an urgent problem and requires new
approaches to its solution. (Akseonova et al.,
The ecological culture of future specialists
contributes to humanity's turn to a frugal and
restorative way of life and moves away from
consumerism because it is possible to instill a
love for the environment, beauty, and health in
educational institutions (Kuchai, 2010).
So, first of all, we must take into account the
relationship between man and nature, solving the
ecological problems of today. We consider
ecological protection to be the most important
task of European integration. At the national and
international levels, we consider the
establishment of the priority of humanistic values
and ideals in relationships between people and in
their relationship with the environment to be the
most important condition for the sustainable
development of society (Honcharuk, 2019).
The new content of the ecologization of
education is considered, the goal is formulated
and the possibilities of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education are shown.
Definitions are interpreted: ecologization,
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education; the main goals of
ecologization of education and the main
components and most important tasks of
ecologization of education in the innovative
space of higher education are highlighted
(formation of ecological culture for all segments
of the population; training of ecological
specialists for the educational field (teachers,
teachers) and various branches of the national
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
economy; in the field of ecological studies:
improvement, standardization, harmonization of
Three main types of spiritual values were
identified (traditional moral universal norms;
mobile, dynamic values; values-innovations).
The main principles of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
education and two interrelated components
(promotional, content-informational) are singled
The relevance of educational, cultural, and
educational functions of ecologically oriented
blogging is emphasized and the effectiveness of
using project technologies in the formation of the
ecological worldview of a higher education
student, which contributes to the realization of
the comprehensive development of the individual
as a person and the highest value of society, is
Recommendations on the application of basic
methods of ecologization of education in the
innovative space of higher education have been
We see the prospects for further research in the
clarification of the possibility of ecologization of
education in the innovative space of higher
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