Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.8
How to Cite:
Chernysh, R., Chekhovska, M., Stoliarenko, O., Lisovska, O., & Lyseiuk, A. (2023). Ensuring information security of critical
infrastructure objects as a component to guarantee Ukraine’s national security. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 87-95.
Ensuring information security of critical infrastructure objects as a
component to guarantee Ukraine’s national security
Забезпечення інформаційної безпеки об’єктів критичної інфраструктури, як
складова гарантування національної безпеки України
Received: May 30, 2023 Accepted: July 2, 2023
Written by:
Roman Chernysh1
Mariia Chekhovska2
Olena Stoliarenko3
Olena Lisovska4
Andrii Lyseiuk5
The purpose of the article is to define and justify
the conceptual foundations of the
implementation of the state policy on ensuring
the information security of critical infrastructure
objects, as a component of guaranteeing the
national security of Ukraine. The methodological
basis of the study was a set of general scientific
and special methods of scientific knowledge:
dialectical-phenomenological, systemic analysis
and synthesis, structural-functional, deduction
and induction, etc. According to the results of the
research: the author's definition of the concepts
«information security of critical infrastructure
objects of Ukraine» and «threats to information
security of critical infrastructure objects of
Ukraine» was formulated; the elements of the
system of threats to the information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine are
identified; the factors leading to the emergence
of threats to critical infrastructure objects of
Ukraine are singled out and groups of basic
measures aimed at countering traditional and
1 Phd in Law, Аssociate Рrofessor, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
2 Doctor of Economics, Professor, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
3 Doctor of Economics, Аssociate Professor, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
4 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
5 Phd in Law, Associate Professor, National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
new threats to the information security of critical
infrastructure objects of Ukraine are formulated.
Keywords: critical infrastructure objects,
information security, forces and means, national
security, threats to informatio
n security.
The further development of Ukraine, the
implementation of the European integration
course, the very existence of our state in a period
of threats and danger even more than in
peacetime, requires the activation of radical
reform processes, first of all, in the field of
organization and activity of the national security
and defense sector, transformation on democratic
principles of all the main civil institutions,
introduction of new principles of exercise of state
Provided the spread of information technologies
and their active use in the conditions of the
Russian-Ukrainian war (Horska et al., 2023,
p. 353), the issue of ensuring the sustainable
functioning of critical infrastructure facilities is
extremely urgent. Therefore, our state should
systematically improve conceptual measures of
information security, because information threats
are much more dynamic compared to economic
or political ones. In our opinion, a certain reserve
in this countermeasure is the improvement of the
organization of the work of special entities to
ensure timely and targeted neutralization of
information threats (preferably at the stage of
preparation for their implementation or at the
initial stage).
In modern conditions, «informational potential»
becomes one of the most important factors in
ensuring national security, along with «economic
potential», «military potential», etc. The level of
development and security of the information
environment actively influence the state of
political, economic and other components of
national security of Ukraine (Prysiazhniuk, 2014,
p. 27).
In order to achieve the goals of scientific
research, a combination of interrelated and
complementary scientific research methods was
Thus, the methodological basis of the study was
a set of general scientific and special methods of
scientific knowledge: dialectical-
phenomenological, systemic analysis and
synthesis, structural-functional, deduction and
induction, and others. In particular, the use of the
dialectical and phenomenological method, as
well as systemic analysis and synthesis, made it
possible to identify the essential features of the
implementation of state policy in the field of
ensuring information security of critical
infrastructure objects, as a component of
guaranteeing the national security of Ukraine.
Thanks to the use of the structural-functional
method, it was possible to identify and generally
characterize the forces and means of ensuring
information security of critical infrastructure
objects of Ukraine. The use of methods of system
analysis and synthesis, as well as deduction and
induction made it possible to formulate the
concept of «threats to the information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine», to
systematize them, to single out the factors that
lead to their occurrence, and to propose groups of
basic measures aimed at countering traditional
and new threats to the information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine.
The research also used the work of scientists
reflected in scientific articles, which are indexed
in the Web of Science scientometric database.
Literature Review
An urgent problem today for ensuring
international and national security is prompt
response to the emergence of new challenges and
threats in various spheres of public life.
Its successful solution in the conditions of global
transformations in the world is impossible within
the framework of the application of traditional
approaches to predicting threats and ensuring the
appropriate level of collective and national
In these conditions, the awareness and proper
assessment of the importance of information and
the informational component of the development
of modern civilization becomes of primary
importance. Understanding the importance of
ensuring information security (including critical
Chernysh, R., Chekhovska, M., Stoliarenko, O., Lisovska, O., Lyseiuk, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 87-95 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
infrastructure objects), more and more scientists
from different countries of the world are paying
attention to the study of this issue.
Let's name only some of them, without at all
diminishing the achievements and significance of
other scientists and researchers. In particular,
these are: Doronin I., Dovgan O., Govorukha V.,
Horbulin V., Krutov V., Lipkan V., Marushchak
A., Petryk V., Pocheptsov H., Polevy V.,
Pylypchuk V., Risman D., Ron T.,
Tikhomirov O., Tkachuk T., Ukhanova N. and
These authors made a significant contribution to
the development of legal and organizational
regulation of legal relations in the information
field. Protest, despite the achievements of
Ukrainian and foreign scientists, in view of the
ultra-fast pace of informatization, in particular
the current stage digitization, a significant
range of issues of the raised issues still remain
insufficiently researched and require scientific
substantiation for the purpose of further
implementation into the practical component.
The rapid development of information
technologies and the globalization of the Internet
have led to the fact that the information
infrastructure of the state has become an object
of criminal activity - more vulnerable places for
illegal encroachments have appeared.
Criminal and terrorist groups have gained the
opportunity to use the global network to achieve
their goals.
Because of this, the problem of ensuring the
security of the information infrastructure is
essential in the state's defense capability, its
economic and social development.
The processes of global informatization have led
to the fact that modern society is almost
completely dependent on the state of security of
the information infrastructure.
Results and discussion
According to the provisions of the Law of
Ukraine «On the National Security of Ukraine»,
threats to the national security of Ukraine are
phenomena, trends and factors that make it
impossible or difficult or may make it impossible
or difficult to realize national interests and
preserve the national values of Ukraine. In turn,
national interests in the specified article are
defined as vital interests of man, society and the
state, the implementation of which ensures the
state sovereignty of Ukraine, its progressive
democratic development, as well as safe living
conditions and well-being of its citizens (Law
2469-VIII, 2018).
Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine «On the National
Security of Ukraine» also stipulates that the
National Strategy is a document that defines the
current threats to the national security of Ukraine
and the corresponding goals, tasks, mechanisms
for the protection of the national interests of
Ukraine and is the basis for the planning and
implementation of state policy in the field of
national security of Ukraine. The specified legal
act states that the priorities of the national
interests of Ukraine and ensuring national
security are:
defense of independence and state
restoration of territorial integrity within the
internationally recognized state border of
social development, primarily the
development of human capital;
protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate
interests of citizens of Ukraine;
European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Implementation of these priorities will be
ensured in the following areas:
restoration of peace, territorial integrity and
state sovereignty in the temporarily
occupied territories in the Donetsk and
Luhansk regions of Ukraine on the basis of
international law;
implementation of international legal,
political and diplomatic, security,
humanitarian and economic measures aimed
at ending the illegal occupation of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the
city of Sevastopol by the Russian federation;
continuation of the implementation of
defense and deterrence measures, active use
of negotiating formats and consolidation of
international pressure on the Russian
federation as a guarantee of preventing the
escalation of the conflict on the part of
Russia, reducing tension and ending armed
aggression by the Russian federation;
use of all available mechanisms of the UN,
the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and other
international organizations to consolidate
international support for Ukraine in
countering Russian aggression, restoring
Ukraine's territorial integrity and state
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of relations with the United
States of America, the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada,
the Federal Republic of Germany, the
French Republic, neighboring and other
states, as well as with international
organizations to ensure international
security and counter common challenges
and threats, minimizing their impact on
full implementation of the Association
Agreement between Ukraine, on the one
hand, and the European Union, the European
Atomic Energy Community and their
member states, on the other hand, and
modernization of its parameters where
necessary, based on the results of a
comprehensive review of the achievement of
the goals of the Agreement in accordance
with Article 481, with the aim of acquiring
full membership of Ukraine in the European
development of a special partnership with
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with
the aim of gaining full membership of
Ukraine in NATO;
strengthening the capabilities of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine, other bodies of the
security and defense sector;
sustainable development of the national
economy and its integration into the
European economic space;
the development of Ukraine’s human
capital, in particular through the
modernization of education and science,
health care, culture, and social protection;
protection of the individual, society and the
state from offenses, in particular corruption,
ensuring the restoration of violated rights,
compensation for the damage caused;
ensuring environmental safety, creating safe
conditions for human life, in particular in
territories affected by hostilities, building an
effective civil defense system;
strengthening the capabilities of the national
cyber security system to effectively counter
cyber threats in the modern security
development of public-private partnership
(Decree of the President of Ukraine
392/2020, 2020).
In accordance with the provisions of the
Information Security Strategy, global challenges
and threats are defined as:
increase in the number of global
disinformation campaigns;
the information policy of the Russian
federation is a threat not only to Ukraine, but
also to other democratic states;
social networks as subjects of influence in
the information space;
insufficient level of media literacy (media
culture) in conditions of rapid development
of digital technologies.
National challenges and threats are defined as:
informational influence of the Russian
federation as an aggressor state on the
population of Ukraine;
the information dominance of the Russian
federation as an aggressor state in the
temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;
limited opportunities to respond to
disinformation campaigns;
lack of formation of the strategic
communications system;
imperfect regulation of relations in the field
of information activities and protection of
journalist’s professional activities
attempts to manipulate the consciousness of
Ukrainian citizens regarding the European
and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine;
access to information at the local level;
insufficient level of information culture and
media literacy in society to counteract
manipulative and informational influences
(Decree of the President of Ukraine
685/2021, 2021).
According to the provisions of the National
Security Strategy, the main task of the
development of the cyber security system is to
guarantee the cyber resistance and cyber security
of the national information infrastructure, in
particular in the conditions of digital
transformation (Decree of the President of
Ukraine 392/2020, 2020).
Having analyzed the above, we state that
information security, cyber security and state
security are components of national security.
That is, on the one hand, they are independent
components of the state's national security, and
on the other hand, they are integrated
components of any other security: military,
economic, political, etc.
All components of the structure of national
security are interconnected, but it is appropriate
to note that some types of security are not only
independent, but also those that have
corresponding dimensions in other directions of
the life of society. Among such «integrative»
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
types, according to Pirozhkov S., information
security occupies an important place (Pirozhkov,
The issue of ensuring state interests and state
security in the field of obtaining and using
information is currently quite relevant.
Information security is ensured by the
implementation of a unified state policy in the
field of national information security, a system of
economic, political and organizational measures
adequate to existing and potential threats to
national interests (personal, public and state) in
the information sphere.
At the same time, in our opinion, the national
special services with their information and
analytical potential should play a significant role
in this complex system (Shilin, Shmotkin,
Chernysh, Chekhovska & Konyk, 2023; Shilin,
Shmotkin, Chernysh, Konyk & Botvinkin, 2022;
Chernysh, Prozorov, Tytarenko, Matsiuk &
Lebedev, 2022; Kostenko, Strilchu, Chernysh &
Buchynska, 2021).
To ensure and maintain the necessary level of
state security in the information space, a system
of legal norms regulating relations in the
information sphere is being developed and
implemented. It provides for the determination of
the key areas of activity of state administration
bodies, the creation or reorganization of bodies
and forces that ensure information security, as
well as the formation of a mechanism for
monitoring their activities.
The point of view of Lipkan V. deserves
attention, noting that the process of forming key
elements of the information security system has
not yet been completed. Taking into account the
general lack of formation of the national security
system, the uncertainty of the state information
policy is appropriate in this context. Moreover,
the imperfection of regulatory and legal
regulation of the studied processes negatively
affects the quality of public administration in the
specified area (Lipkan et al., 2006).
In our opinion, the issue of ensuring information
security of critical infrastructure objects, as a
component of ensuring Ukraine’s national
security, should be considered systematically and
comprehensively - in the context of ensuring
cyber security, state security and information
security. These components act as integrated
components of national security and are
positioned as priority functions of the state.
Information security of objects of critical
infrastructure of Ukraine is a systematic
provision of the state of complete security of
their information field. Control over the use of
information resources and the ability to
effectively take certain actions in relation to them
is information sovereignty, and one of the main
tools of such control is countering destructive
informational influences.
The rapid development of the global information
space and the use of information and
communication technologies in all spheres of life
contribute to the expansion of the information
society in Ukraine and determine the importance
of information security problems. In such
conditions, one of the main tasks of the state is to
create a comprehensive system for assessing
threats of an informational nature and
corresponding response in order to ensure state
security in the information sphere (Decree of the
President of Ukraine 449/2014, 2014).
Threats to the information security of critical
infrastructure objects of Ukraine can be
formulated as a system of conditions and factors
that lead or may lead to damage to important
state, public and personal interests due to
technical influence on information resources and
The system of threats to the information
security of critical infrastructure objects of
Ukraine may include the following categories:
threats to the security of information and
related infrastructure, which include risks
related to misuse, unauthorized access,
damage or loss of information, as well as
attacks on information infrastructure (cyber-
attacks or computer viruses);
threats to the safety of subjects of the
information direction and social ties
between them from actions (influences) of
an informational nature, which include
manipulation of information with the aim of
influencing the consciousness and behavior
of citizens, forming the desired impression
and manipulation of social ties with the aim
of influencing the public order;
threats to the current order of realization of
the rights and interests of subjects of the
information sector, which include actions
aimed at violating laws, rights and freedoms,
in particular in the field of information
(distribution of misinformation,
discrediting, obstacles to access to
information or restriction of freedom of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
At the same time, we agree with the opinion of
Khmelevskyi R. that even detailed lists of threats
cannot be comprehensive and stable. This is
explained by the fact that the sources of threats
can be diverse: a person, technical means,
models, algorithms, software and technological
processing schemes, the external environment,
etc. (Khmelevskyi, 2016, p. 69).
Having analyzed the system of threats to
information security of critical infrastructure
objects of Ukraine, we come to the conclusion
that the technical aspect is not central to the
structure of information security of critical
infrastructure objects of Ukraine. Taking into
account the above classifications, it is advisable
to ensure not only the security of information
data from destruction, distortion or blocking, but
also general information security. This will be
facilitated by the priority development of an
appropriate system of regulatory and legal
regulation of countering threats to these interests
and streamlining the law-making process in the
field of analysis, generalization, use and
dissemination of information.
The need for such development of the system of
regulatory and legal support is determined by
certain factors. First, in the conditions of the
functioning of the legal state and civil society, the
main functions of state authorities, which are
entrusted with the main responsibility for
national security, should be regulated by legal
norms aimed at ensuring civil constitutional
rights and freedoms. Legislation in this direction
should be aimed at the normative consolidation
of the tasks of countering threats to the national
security of Ukraine, the means and methods of
their implementation, ensuring the conciliatory
policy of the authorities. Secondly, Ukraine’s
course for integration into the international
community significantly expands the
possibilities of consolidating the conceptual
foundations of state information security through
participation in the development and
improvement of international legal norms in this
area, the formation of an international system for
ensuring information security on a global scale
and within the framework of an individual
country. Thirdly, the implementation of
guarantees of civil rights and freedoms,
protection of state interests of our country
involves a significant increase in the role of
authorities in regulating relevant social relations,
the presence of a transparent and understandable
state policy (Pocheptsov, 2015).
The main factors that lead to the emergence of
threats to the objects of critical infrastructure of
Ukraine include the following:
lack of a complete system of information
and analytical support of state authorities
and management;
destruction of intellectual potential,
unpreparedness of the education system to
support the processes of anticipatory
development of the state;
low general level of information
infrastructure development, which does not
exclude the possibility of expansion of
foreign companies in the market of
information services;
the destruction of the national information
space and the possibility of its use in anti-
state interests;
insufficient professional, intellectual and
creative level of domestic producers of
information products and services, their lack
of competitiveness in the global information
informational expansion of leading foreign
states, development and use by them,
international or domestic criminal
organizations of various modern methods of
direct subversion;
poorly controlled activities of individual
political forces, media and individuals,
aimed at destroying moral values,
undermining the moral and physical health
of the nation; using mass media from
positions contrary to the interests of citizens,
political and public organizations, and the
loss of trust in the government by a
significant part of the population due to the
spread of slander, the use of «dirty» political
technologies, especially during election
competitive struggle for ownership of mass
media, the process of their monopolization
and concentration of informational and
political power; manipulation of public
opinion (through disinformation, distortion
of data, suppression of true information,
etc.) (Petryk et al., 2018, p. 26-27).
The system of ensuring information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine as a
component of the system of ensuring national
security is generally characterized by appropriate
forces and means. In this context, it is possible to
consider the forces as the subject composition of
the information security system of critical
infrastructure objects of Ukraine, i.e., people,
organizations, structures, special bodies that
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
carry out information protection; means as
technologies and various technical, software,
linguistic, legal and organizational resources.
They include telecommunications channels used
to collect, form, analyze, transmit or receive
information data, as well as measures aimed at
strengthening said security.
In the modern information society, each subject
plays an important role in ensuring the
information security of critical infrastructure
objects of Ukraine. Thanks to synergistic
features, any of the subjects can simultaneously
be an object of information security and a source
of possible threats or a channel of their spread.
Therefore, the success of ensuring information
security of critical infrastructure objects of
Ukraine depends not only on special state
structures, but also on each subject of
information relations, which must protect itself in
the information sphere. At the same time, the
state acts as a special subject of ensuring
information security, as it has the ability to direct
administrative action and uses legal means to
regulate information relations. In addition, it
should be taken into account that the state plays
a special role among the subjects of information
security of critical infrastructure objects of
Ukraine. After all, only it has a wide potential,
which includes not only economic, political and
ideological means of indirect influence, but also
direct managerial action. This means that the
state can use legal means to regulate information
relations and directly influence the provision of
information security (Tikhomirov, 2023).
Taking into account the provisions of Article 17
of the Constitution of Ukraine (Law 254к/96-ВР,
1996), ensuring information security is
considered one of the most important functions
of the state, along with the protection of
Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.
State activity in this direction is carried out
through relevant authorities. In particular, the
circle of subjects responsible for ensuring state
security and implementing a set of other
measures of a similar direction has been defined.
These entities include military formations,
special services and law enforcement agencies,
the content and procedure of which are
determined by law.
According to the provisions of Article 12 of the
Law of Ukraine «On National Security of
Ukraine», the national security and defense
sector consists of four interrelated elements:
security forces; defense forces; defense industrial
complex; citizens and their associations who can
voluntarily participate in ensuring the security of
the state. The functions and competence of
elements of the security and defense sector are
established by the current legislation of Ukraine
(Law № 2469-VIII, 2018).
Lipkan V. proves that, taking into account the
functionality of the subjects, the information
security system is formed from the strategic,
tactical and operational levels of security
management. The researcher attributes the
National Security and Defense Council of
Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
to the subjects of the higher, strategic level,
respectively, the central bodies of the executive
power are the subjects of the lower, tactical level,
and the local bodies of the executive power are
located at the operational level (Lipkan, 2009).
Agreeing with Lipkan V., it should be noted at
the same time that the Security Service of
Ukraine and intelligence agencies «drop out» of
the three-level system.
The results of the study of the genesis of the
regulatory and legal regulation of organizational
and practical measures to ensure the information
security of Ukraine give grounds to believe that
in the modern conditions of information
confrontations, the information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine is
insufficiently protected from internal and
external threats (Chernysh, Pogrebnaya,
Montrin, Koval & Paramonova, 2020a;
Chernysh, Pogrebnaya, Montrin, Koval &
Paramonova, 2020b). Therefore, the protection
of their information sovereignty, the formation of
a powerful and effective information security
system, the development and implementation of
effective strategies and tactics for countering
information threats should be the priority tasks of
state authorities, special services and law
enforcement agencies (including taking into
account russian armed aggression) and non-state
Taking into account the above, we come to the
conclusion that in modern conditions it is
possible to formulate the following groups of
basic measures aimed at countering traditional
and new threats to the information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine and
eliminating the factors that lead to their
political and diplomatic measures
political and diplomatic efforts to strengthen
international cooperation, conclude
international treaties and agreements, build
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
alliances and partnerships with other
countries in order to ensure collective
security in the information sphere;
military measures strengthening of the
country's defense capabilities, development
of military infrastructure, modernization of
military forces and implementation of
military operations to protect the state
security of Ukraine in the information
legal (legislative) measures development
and adoption of normative legal acts aimed
at regulating the field of information
security, including the fight against
terrorism, cyber threats, cyber-crime, etc.;
informational and psychological
measures conducting informational
campaigns, appropriate psychological
influence on the public, formation of a
positive image of the country, fight against
disinformation and propaganda, formation
of a «culture of information consumption»
among the population;
economic measures development of
economic sectors, attracting investments,
ensuring economic stability, combating
financial threats in the information sphere;
scientific and technological measures
scientific research, development of
technologies and innovations, which are
aimed at identifying, forecasting and
countering new threats in the information
sphere, including cyberespionage and
cyberattacks on critical infrastructure
organizational (administrative and
procedural) measures development and
implementation of effective organizational
structures, procedures and policies that
contribute to ensuring information security.
May include creation of specialized
information security departments,
determination of information access control
procedures, regular review and updating of
security systems, etc.;
physical measures physical protection of
information infrastructure, data storage
facilities (primarily critical infrastructure
facilities), restriction of physical access to
confidential information and installation of
video surveillance and control systems;
technical (hardware and software)
measures application of special hardware
and software for information protection, data
encryption, detection and recovery after
incidents, data backup and other technical
means to ensure state security in the
information sphere.
The implementation of the mentioned measures
will contribute to the creation of a comprehensive
system (takes into account various threats and
uses various methods for their prevention and
localization) of ensuring information security of
critical infrastructure objects of Ukraine, as a
component to guarantee Ukraine’s national
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