www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.5
How to Cite:
Hrechanyk, N., Koval, D., Kovalchuk, I., Slovik, O., & Zinchenko, L. (2023). Exploring benefits and models of blended learning
technology in modern professional training. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 54-65. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.5
Exploring benefits and models of blended learning technology in
modern professional training
Впровадження технології змішаного навчання в сучасну професійну підготовку
Received: March 25, 2023 Accepted: June 29, 2023
Written by:
Nataliia Hrechanyk1
Daria Koval2
Inna Kovalchuk3
Oksana Slovik4
Lina Zinchenko5
The article shows the main ways of applying the
mixed learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists. The purpose
of the article is to find out the main ways of
applying the technology of mixed learning in the
modern professional training of specialists. The
methodological concept provides a categorical
and component analysis of the technology of
mixed learning in the modern professional
training of specialists in the following
dimensions: philosophical, psychological,
cultural, socio-pedagogical. The following
methodological approaches were used in the
article: sociosystemic, informational, synergistic,
interdisciplinary, axiological, cultural, structural
and functional and subject-activity. In
connection with the digital transformation of
education, we will distinguish three main
components of mixed learning that can be
implemented in a higher education institution,
that is, in its information and educational
environment (traditional learning (face to face);
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department of Management and Educational Technology,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. Researcher ID: AGA-7595-2022
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Legal Disciplines, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State
Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Researcher ID: AAZ-8960-2021
Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Social Work, Yuri
Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine. Researcher ID: IUO-5588-2023
Graduate Student, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Researcher ID: ITU-1931-2023
Doctor of Philosophy, Educational, Pedagogical Science, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, National
Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine. Researcher ID: GZH-0745-2022
Hrechanyk, N., Koval, D., Kovalchuk, I., Slovik, O., Zinchenko, L. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 54-65 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
self-study learning; joint online - learning (online
collaborative learning). The four basic models of
mixed learning, which are discussed in the
article, are the most popular (rotational model,
flexible model, self-mixing model, virtual-
enriched model).
Keywords: technology of blended learning,
professional training of specialists, digital
transformation of education, information and
educational environment, basic models of
blended learning.
The attention of personnel development
specialists is increasingly focused on distance
learning (e-learning), which is a way of
organizing the learning process, which allows the
transfer of knowledge at a distance without direct
contact between the teacher and the student. This
form opens up new opportunities for professional
retraining and professional development. cation,
obtaining a second higher education and, in
principle, the organization of continuous
education. This innovative format has a number
of advantages. With distance learning, the
student independently chooses a convenient time
and place of study for him, determines a
comfortable pace, selects a course or program
that is interesting to him. However, such training
has a number of disadvantages.
Critics of e-learning single out the lack of social
contact with other study participants, the danger
of misinterpretation of theoretical material, but
the main thing is the need for a high level of self-
education of the students. The search for more
advanced methods of learning, using the
advantages of e-learning and compensating for
its shortcomings, led to the creation of mixed
learning, combining distance format, face-to-
face classes and self-training. Mixed learning is
possible as a form of organization of the
educational process, within which the traditional
form is combined in equal proportion with
distance learning, which involves the use of
computer technologies and Internet resources to
achieve the maximum efficiency of both forms of
education. Blended learning allows you to take
the best of online and offline formats and get rid
of their shortcomings.
In connection with COVID-19, the whole world
is under strict conditions of isolation of
quarantine measures. Due to the spread of the
coronavirus infection, quarantine has become a
time of experimentation and innovation for
higher education worldwide.
Institutions of higher education directed their
activities to the needs of society and the
individual to quality continuing education
through the development of educational
programs and forms of an education organization
(distance, full-time, part-time, mixed, part-time,
etc.). Digitization of the educational space directs
effective sequential learning and the formation of
digital (information and communication)
competence and promotes professional
awareness, changing the traditional education
system, which allows students of higher
education to increase virtual mobility (Tsiuniak
& Rozlutska, 2021).
The application of mixed learning technology in
the modern professional training of specialists
provides a powerful potential for training in
crises and forms the professional competencies
of education seekers in the situation in which
world education has found itself today, starting
from 2020. It is possible to bring the results of
educational activities closer to the standards of
the European educational space and to achieve
significant changes in the educational process of
institutions of higher education through constant
innovations and changes in the professional
activity of a teacher with his competitive
orientation to the digitalization of the educational
process, constant innovation in the educational
space of a higher education institution and his
ability to implement personal creative potential.
The application of blended learning cannot be
considered a mechanical process that promotes
the transfer of educational interaction, and its
selective types, to the online environment. For
such an educational process, it is necessary to
change the role of the institution of higher
education and to promote the innovative
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
transformation of teachers in the educational
process of the institution, to change the culture of
the educational institution and interpersonal
relations between the participants of the
educational process (Shevchuk, 2023).
Today, blended learning around the world is the
main impetus for the innovative development of
higher education. The main goal of higher
education institutions is to find ways to update
the educational process and to be ready to
organize the educational process in the event of
an indefinite suspension of classroom work and a
full transition to distance education. There is a
need to transition to Internet technologies, which
have accelerated the development of the
information society, filling many aspects of our
lives and overcoming geographical barriers. The
educational Internet space with the help of
Internet technologies makes it possible to make
the educational process comprehensive and
comprehensive. Therefore, one of the main ways
to improve education is the organization of
mixed education, which, in the presence of
favorable conditions, combines distance
education with face-to-face (Vyshkivska et al.,
In connection with the digital transformation of
education, the article highlights the main
components of blended learning that can be
implemented in a higher educational institution;
blended learning models are shown; the factors
of mixed learning in the educational process are
characterized; the task of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional training of
specialists of higher educational institutions is
summarized; the key features of the mixed
learning technology in the modern professional
training of specialists are clarified; aspects of the
application of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists are
highlighted; innovative models of blended
learning are shown; the characteristic features of
the mixed learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists are
Literature Review
The problem of the application of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional training of
specialists is a prominent object of research by
scientists of the entire world educational space.
Let's pay attention to studies that thoroughly or
indirectly reveal the outlined problem.
O. Tsiuniak & H. Rozlutska (2021) considered
the possibility of using blended learning in higher
education institutions during the quarantine and
strict quarantine measures caused by the
COVID-19 coronavirus infection when the
whole world was in such isolation conditions and
it became a problem for all participants in the
educational process; revealed the meaning of the
concept of "blended learning"; proved the
significance and necessity for the educational
field of blended learning, showed its
innovativeness in the organization of the
educational process in institutions of higher
education; showed ways to transform the
structure and content of education; emphasized
the need to change the traditional roles of
teachers and students of education. To implement
training in institutions of higher education, the
scientists showed the possibilities of combining
online services with digital educational resources
and emphasized the important aspects of blended
learning, which makes it possible to distinguish
between professional material to be studied in the
classroom and that which will be presented in the
informational and educational electronic
K. Osadcha & V. Osadchy (2022) highlight the
issue of improving foreign practices through
mixed education in higher education. The authors
emphasize the importance of blended learning,
which is one of the most popular technologies
today because it provides an opportunity to use
the convenience and flexibility of distance
technologies from any course and the advantages
of traditional (auditory) learning. In the world's
best institutions of higher education (Great
Britain, the USA, Finland, Germany), the
experience of mixed education is summarized,
the foreign works of scientists from the leading
countries of the world are analyzed, and
progressive ideas of the introduction of mixed
education in institutions of higher education are
singled out for implementation in the educational
process of institutions of higher education.
I. Puchkov (2017) considered the possibilities of
introducing mixed learning into the educational
process of higher education institutions, revealed
his pedagogical experience of working at the
university in teacher training; grouped the most
essential features of blended learning;
substantiated the structural content of the
distance course: "Fundamentals of computer
science with elements of programming";
analyzed the results of his scientific work, the
effectiveness of which he proved using the
methods of mathematical statistics.
S. Shevchuk (2023) proposed a method of using
mixed learning in the professional training of
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
future specialists; the purpose, principles,
essence, and models of blended learning through
the competence approach are revealed. The
author presents blended learning as a
combination of forms of interaction between
teaching staff and students of education (direct
and indirect); as a process of increasing the
efficiency and optimization of the educational
process for those seeking higher education to best
ensure the educational interests and needs of
future specialists by transforming the educational
process with the use of modern pedagogical
approaches and the application of the
possibilities of modern digital technologies.
L. Movchan & N. Komisarenko (2022) in the
context of teaching in institutions of higher
education defined the concept of "blended
learning" based on foreign experience as an
innovative organization of the educational
process in institutions of higher education; the
main elements of the mixed type of educational
process are grouped; blended learning
technologies are described; the expediency and
relevance of the implementation of the
innovative organization of the educational
process in higher education institutions has been
proven; models of blended learning depending
on the purpose of teaching were investigated. It
has been established that mixed learning
determines the technological readiness of
teachers, students of education and the
educational institution, methodical preparation
of all disciplines, organization of classroom
classes, and, most importantly, independent work
of students. The element of mixed learning
program complexes are considered.
T. Sobchenko (2021) researched the content of
blended learning and showed its necessity in
connection with the pandemic and the
development of information and communication
technologies throughout the world. The
organization of the educational process has
undergone significant corrections and updates,
including the introduction of blended learning;
the concept of "blended learning" was clarified
and considered as a model, teaching system,
method, mixture of learning strategies and
methods, program, the form of learning, etc.; the
tasks of mixed learning, which are set in
institutions of higher education, are summarized.
A. Tkachenko & T. Romanenko (2021) devoted
their research to the problem of using technology
of mixed education of students in higher
education institutions. Scientists have found out
that the methods, forms, content, and means of
teaching the traditional acquisition of knowledge
are becoming less and less relevant and need to
be improved and updated by the requirements of
modern education; the need to use the technology
of mixed learning in modern education, which
has become the most relevant educational trend,
has been established; the peculiarities of the
organization of the educational process of
students of higher education through the
introduction of mixed learning technology are
identified and substantiated, and the methodical
approaches of using this technology to the design
of the educational process are clarified.
B. Vyshkivska, O. Chemerys, A. Prus, &
I. Kulyk (2022) showed the peculiarities of the
educational process, the possibilities of its
organization in institutions of higher education,
the impossibility of working only in offline mode
because education requires: learning in an
electronic educational environment, the use of
innovative forms of work with education seekers,
development of information and communication
competence in the teaching staff. The meaning of
the concept of "mixed learning" is revealed, and
the conditions of its influence on the
effectiveness of the educational process are
shown. Blended learning is presented as a
didactic means of implementing the transition
from a traditional educational model to an
integrated model using electronic resources and
environments; the role of blended learning in
ensuring quality professional training of each
student is clarified, because blended learning is
characterized by: flexibility, adaptability,
accessibility; the usual approach to education
was revised, redistribution of educational space
resources and the creation of a new educational
paradigm were proposed.
The analysis of research allowed us to single out
those questions that were considered by scientists
regarding the problem of applying the
technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists. We drew
attention to the fact that scientists, on the basis of
foreign experience, defined the concept of
"blended learning", researched the content of
blended learning and showed its necessity for the
field of education; the possibilities of applying
blended learning in institutions of higher
education are considered, the issue of improving
foreign practices through blended learning in
higher education is outlined, the possibilities of
introducing blended learning into the educational
process are shown, the methodology of applying
blended learning in the professional training of
future specialists is proposed, and the conditions
of its influence on the effectiveness of the
educational process are shown . It has been found
that despite a wide range of research areas
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
devoted to this problem, there is still no
unanimity in science in understanding the
solution to the problem of the application of
blended learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists. Thus, the
controversy surrounding the problem of the
application of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists
continues to this day. Therefore, we set the
following tasks in the research: to show the
necessity of using the technology of mixed
learning, to highlight the characteristic features
of the technology of mixed learning, its
organizational forms in the modern professional
training of specialists; reveal the three main
components of blended learning that can be
implemented in a higher education institution;
characterize the basic models of blended
learning, show the key features of blended
learning technology, highlight the stages of
blended learning technology.
The aim of the study: to find out the main ways
of applying the technology of mixed learning in
the modern professional training of specialists.
The following research methods were used for
the research: theoretical: methods: study of
psychological, philosophical-cultural, historical-
pedagogical, sociological literature on the
problem of studying the advantages of mixed
learning technology in modern professional
training of specialists; instructional instructions,
documents of higher education, regulatory and
legislative framework, methodical documents for
improving professional education, methods of
conceptual and comparative analysis; analysis of
the theoretical foundations of research,
summarization of data from literary sources,
retrospective analysis, identification of socio-
pedagogical problems, theoretical modeling of
the experimental model of mixed learning
technology in modern professional training of
specialists, forecasting of research results
methods of structural and systemic analysis;
generalization of the experience of using mixed
learning technology in the modern professional
training of specialists based on the study of the
work of teachers of higher education institutions
in order to substantiate the theoretical and
methodological foundations of the professional
training of future specialists; empirical:
psychodiagnostic (psychological-pedagogical
observation, conversations, method of solving
problem situations, self-assessment analysis)
with the aim of clarifying the results of scientific
research activities of students when applying
mixed learning technology in modern
professional education.
In connection with the expansion of the
introduction of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists, the
main goal of the study is the need to substantiate
the theoretical and methodological foundations
of the introduction of mixed learning technology
in the modern professional training of specialists.
The conceptual foundations of mixed learning
technology in modern professional training of
specialists need justification at the following
levels of scientific research: methodological,
theoretical, and methodical.
The research methods used by us were used to
clarify the possibilities of qualitative application
of mixed learning technology in modern
professional training of specialists. For this
purpose, the conceptual foundations of the
blended learning technology based on the
following levels of scientific research were
identified: methodological, theoretical and
methodical. In our study the methodological
concept provides a categorical and component
analysis of the technology of mixed learning in
the modern professional training of specialists in
the following dimensions:
philosophical, the relationship between
practical human activity and cognition is
investigated based on social, biological, and
spiritual factors, the study of the socio-
pedagogical thesaurus of mixed learning
technology in modern professional training
of specialists, etc.;
psychological, a psychological analysis of
the structure of mixed learning technology is
carried out in modern professional training
of specialists, taking into account the
individual and age characteristics of such
future specialists;
cultural, there is an analysis of the socio-
pedagogical activity of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional
training of specialists, which is based on
modern studies of civilization,
informatization, and intercultural
socio-pedagogical, includes goals,
principles, content, forms, methods, results,
etc., which are structural components of
mixed learning technology in modern
professional training of specialists, the basis
of which is the organization of an
information environment for individual and
group training of education seekers.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The following methodological approaches were
applied: socio-systemic, informational,
synergistic, interdisciplinary, axiological,
cultural, structural-functional, and subject-
The theoretical concept is represented by the
rationale the substantiation of the
interrelationship of several models of blended
learning technology in modern professional
training of specialists serves as the theoretical
basis for the design of professional training of
The theoretical aspect of the research consists of:
scientific provisions of the theory of activity;
concepts of the subject activity of a person in the
process of his professional formation; theoretical
foundations of training a future specialist.
The methodical concept of the research of mixed
learning technology in the modern professional
training of specialists involves the introduction
of informational and methodical support of the
educational process.
Results and Discussion
The introduction into the system of higher
education of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists is of
great importance for the modernization of the
educational sector and its integration into the
European area of higher education. The term
"blended learning" is synonymous with the terms
"hybrid learning", "flexible learning", and
"combined learning". To determine clear
program learning results, during the modern
professional training of specialists, the
technology of mixed learning is a combination of
remote, traditional educational, mobile
technologies, and learning strategies. Scientists
pay attention to the combination of formal and
informal means of education. For example, there
can be a discussion of theoretical educational
material using video conferences, e-mail, the
study of professional material using multimedia
tools, and consultations via the Internet. When
implementing the technology of mixed learning
with modern professional training specialists, the
combination of electronic technologies and
traditional learning technologies (mobile,
remote, computer) is of great importance, the use
of which is a necessary condition for the effective
implementation of blended learning (Shchyrbul
et al., 2022).
In connection with the digital transformation of
education, we will single out three main
components of blended learning that can be
implemented in a higher education institution,
that is, in its information and educational
traditional teaching (face-to-face), which
takes place under the guidance of a teacher
during traditional classes in the classroom;
self-study learning includes independent
work of students of higher education (work
with online services, in cloud environments,
laboratory, practical work, processing of
educational materials);
joint online learning (online collaborative
learning), in which the work of teachers and
students of education takes place online in
the mode of synchronous interaction
(holding of conferences, webinars, forums,
etc.) (Kravchenko et al., 2022).
The four basic models of blended learning are the
most popular:
rotary model;
flexible model;
self-mixing model;
virtual-enriched model (Polishchuk et al.,
The choice and effectiveness of the basic model
of blended learning in the educational process
depend on the following factors:
form of educational process organization
level of educational achievements of
education seekers;
the level of information and communication
skills of future specialists;
the content of the academic discipline is
designed for blended learning;
the sufficient number of hours for
independent work;
availability of the appropriate material and
technical base of the institution of higher
education for the possible implementation of
mixed education (Tsiuniak & Rozlutska,
The task of mixed learning technology in modern
professional training of specialists in higher
education institutions is summarized:
expansion of opportunities of the
educational process for education seekers
due to flexibility and accessibility;
increasing the motivation of education
seekers in the process of applying mixed
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists for
independence, reflection, self-analysis,
educational and cognitive activity, social
activity, and the formation of responsibility;
taking into account individual educational
needs, pace, and rhythm of educational
material in the modern professional training
of specialists through the technology of
mixed learning;
changing the role of the teacher by moving
from the presentation of the material to
interactive interaction with the student;
formation of digital competence;
increasing the effectiveness of education
during the application of mixed learning
technology and learning results in general;
autonomy and pedagogical freedom of the
teacher regarding the choice of educational
platforms, services, and presentation of
material during the application of mixed
learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists;
the possibility of controlling one's activity
during the application of mixed-learning
personalization of the educational process
during the professional training of
specialists (definition of learning goals and
ways to achieve them, taking into account
interests, abilities, and educational needs;
moreover, the teacher is an assistant)
learning independence (Sobchenko, 2021).
Under the condition of the correct application of
mixed learning technology and a clear ratio of
independent work and classroom classes in the
modern professional training of specialists, the
quality of education will increase. It should be
taken into account that the technology of mixed
learning puts forward increased requirements for
the level of competence of teachers in modern
professional training of specialists, shifting the
emphasis of organizing the educational process
traditionally to working with databases,
providing individualized assistance to students in
modern professional training, adding online
components to traditional training ( online
discussions, blogs, surveys, discussion of
problematic issues, completion of tasks in
electronic form, etc.) to solving problems of
motivation and stimulation. The technology of
mixed learning makes it possible to receive
differentiated instructions for specialists with
modern professional training and to work in a
convenient mode and pace (Vyshkivska et al.,
We will find out the key features of the
technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists.
first, the constant use of information and
communication technologies during the
application of mixed learning technology to
find educational material and obtain new
knowledge in the modern professional
training of specialists, i.e. ICT is the main
component of the education process;
secondly, the integration of various
methodological approaches, tools, methods,
methods, presentation of new material in
modern professional training of specialists,
types of educational activities of education
seekers, in particular, part of the information
is divided into group work, part into the
independent study (Stratan-Artyshkova et
al., 2022).
During the application of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional training of
specialists, there is a noticeable transformation in
the role of the teacher, which is manifested in
three aspects:
1) the teacher in the modern professional
training of specialists acts as a consultant
during the application of the technology of
mixed learning, choosing for students an
individual trajectory of the educational
2) the teacher acts as a mentor during the
application of mixed-learning technology;
3) the teacher performs the role of a facilitator
of the educational process, namely, during
the application of the technology of mixed
learning in the modern professional training
of specialists, he ensures the active
involvement of students of education in team
cooperation, promotes feedback
communication between the teacher and
students of education, organizes
independent educational activities of
students, promotes the use of electronic
resources, ICT means (Kuchai et al., 2022).
The technology of mixed learning provides an
opportunity for the student of education to learn
using ICT tools according to an individual
schedule, which is the most convenient for the
future with modern professional training of
specialists, carries out the process of consulting
the student of education, directs him to the
independent acquisition of skills, knowledge,
abilities for carrying out practical activities, i.e.
during the application of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional training of
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists, education seekers are assisted in the
independent acquisition of professional, subject,
social (soft skills) competences when applying
innovative didactic support for the organization
of their educational trajectory. During the
application of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists, the
teacher selects innovative methods, forms, and
means of education that provide the opportunity
for students to self-study, self-organization,
responsible attitude to learning, independent
planning time for education, etc. (Bershadska et
al., 2020).
One of the main elements of the application of
mixed learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists is the
feedback between the teacher and the student.
When studying each academic discipline in the
classroom, in online mode, during the
independent work of students, the teacher
ensures the implementation of feedback to
discuss problematic issues, providing
consultations, monitoring and correcting
knowledge, conducting briefings, etc. Such work
can be done using testing platforms, and ICT
tools by students of online education (Tkachenko
& Romanenko, 2021).
Computer network technologies have become a
promising platform for developing electronic
learning (e-learning), distance learning, and
mobile learning (m-learning), which are
effectively used for all forms of the educational
process. The development of e-learning gave an
opportunity for a new direction in education
blended learning, which is very important in the
modern professional training of specialists.
Therefore, we are observing the rapid
development of the creation of e-learning
software complexes of various orientations,
including the organization of learning LMS
(Learning Management Systems), content
delivery systems, which embody in their content:
the development of educational courses,
communication, administration, assessment of
Nowadays, we see the movement of distance
learning in a new direction:
1. E-learning has become more important,
compared to distance learning.
2. Distance learning has moved to the
3. Blended learning is widely used in
4. E-learning began to focus more on the
acquisition of professional knowledge and
less on the course of lectures.
5. E-learning has become adapted to different
levels of education.
6. Traditional educational technologies have
taken a back seat.
The technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists consists of
three stages:
distance learning,
in the form of day classes for mastering
practical aspects,
The basis for the selection of models of the
application of mixed learning technology in the
modern professional training of specialists is the
degree of independence of students, the ratio of
electronic and traditional forms of education
when choosing course sections for independent
study and mastering the educational material
(Movchan & Komisarenko, 2022).
Different tools, primarily cloud technologies, are
used in the implementation of blended learning.
Currently, video materials play an important role
in the application of mixed-learning technology
in the modern professional training of specialists.
The use of video in MOOS (massive open online
course) limits (10 minutes) the duration of the
educational video fragment.
Let's list the options for working with video:
video creation (Screenr, Screencast-o-
mattic, Camtasia),
video editing (YouTube),
creation of animation
creating a video with comments,
creating a video by adding sound to the
creating a video with testing,
creating a video lesson (Guo, 2013).
The combination of distance learning and
classroom learning provides good conditions for
teaching flexibility, access to learning, and
improvement of methods. In addition, the
application of mixed learning technology in
modern professional training of specialists can
include asynchronous and synchronous online
learning, provide innovative means of Internet
learning, and a wide selection of modern
technologies (Movchan & Komisarenko, 2022).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
So, let's highlight the characteristic features of
the technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists:
the teacher's ability to pay more attention to
students, not only during the classroom
session. It is possible to consult education
seekers via chat, e-mail, and forum;
development of one's schedule of
extracurricular activities. Students get an
education at a time convenient for them: the
materials are compactly arranged and are
available on the distance educational
resource and are presented online. Education
seekers work with materials at a convenient
pace, do not waste time looking for the
necessary material elsewhere, but work in an
electronic library, Internet cafe, or at home;
the teacher's observation of the student's task
completion time, his progress, and the
capabilities of each student, which makes it
possible to draw up a schedule of students'
classes, approach each one individually and
conduct consultations at a convenient time
for each student. Students, with this
approach, can eliminate debts, control their
academic performance, improve educational
the teacher changes and supplements
educational materials, and improves his
competence, which contributes to updating
the learning process every year and makes it
different from the previous one;
every student is an individual and needs an
individual approach, therefore, the
educational process for every student of
education is different.
With mixed learning, since it allows the inclusion
of audio or video lectures, graphics, etc., all the
peculiarities of the students of education are
taken into account (Rashevska, 2010).
Modern education has developed innovative
material for the use of mixed learning technology
in the modern professional training of specialists
in the educational process of a higher educational
institution. One of the main directions of
improving the professional training of future
specialists is the development and application of
distance courses, and their preparation for the use
of information technologies (Puchkov, 2017).
The technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists does not
become a completely online education that takes
place in front of a computer constantly and does
not have traditional classes. With the technology
of mixed learning in the modern professional
training of specialists, the elements of online and
personal training work together, to create a
diverse base of education seekers, and not
duplicate the content of the course in different
formats (Panapto, 2019).
A combination of learning environments can:
expand opportunities and educational space
for attracting different lecturers, use, and
training of innovative technologies;
to promote support for communication,
monitoring, and feedback from education
seekers, application of own assessment
to increase the availability of resources and
saturation of information for those seeking
education. More use of interactive
educational methods to learn the material
and develop creative projects;
involvement of students in partnership work
through cooperation during classes;
motivation for education seekers and their
interest in the future profession.
The technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists can be used
for supporting learning in large and small groups,
learning in person between the teacher and
students, independent, distance, autonomous
learning, communication between the teacher
and groups of students, or individual students,
between the students themselves. With the
technology of mixed learning, with modern
professional training of specialists, it is possible
to "mix" time, for example, standard classes with
video classes; venue, for example, a traditional
excursion versus a "virtual" one using the
Internet, websites; interesting people, for
example, video communication with visiting
scientists in this field; equipment and activities
such as the classroom or online surveys. In
general, the technology of mixed learning in the
modern professional training of specialists has
several advantages for those seeking education
and is much more effective than the traditional
(Edera R&D, 2019). When applying the
technology of mixed learning in the modern
professional training of specialists, teachers
focus on a creative approach, communication,
and the formation of the worldview of education
seekers; a combination of teaching methods,
independent work with support from the teacher
(Peresunko & Smolnikova, 2022).
There are various organizational forms of mixed
learning technology in modern professional
training of specialists.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Innovative models are distinguished
The "Rotation" model, which is based on the
principle of rotation. During the educational
process, the student's learning time is divided
between classroom learning and individual
electronic learning. When learning in the
classroom, the educational process takes place
together with a teacher who provides remote
support for electronic learning. This model has
the following varieties:
the rotation model with the presence of
"online stations" (training of education
seekers takes place in groups according to
the prescribed rotation schedule, which is
shared by all);
the rotation model with laboratory works
(the class, in which students work in the
laboratory, is equipped with computer
equipment for the possibility of using
computer technologies);
"flipped classroom" (students receive
prepared educational material and
instructions online for their independent
processing; such classes are held with the
active participation of students in
educational activities;
individual rotation model (students study
according to individual rotation schedules).
The "Flex" model creates the conditions of e-
learning for students to learn most of the
material, the teacher helps students remotely, but
if students have difficulties understanding
complex issues, the teacher organizes classroom
consultations with each individual or small
groups of students. The model allows for
substantial face-to-face support for learners.
The "Self-blend" model allows students to
additionally study the material in online courses
at their institutions of higher education and other
educational institutions. This model divides the
study time between the distance form of
education and the attendance of classroom
classes by the students of education. With this
approach, students have the opportunity not to
visit an educational institution every day. This is
a model of the work of the entire educational
institution, and not just a system of studying a
course or a discipline (Dubinina, 2018).
The combination of distance learning and the
classroom process creates conditions that
contribute to the flexibility of teaching,
increasing access to learning, and improving
methods and methods. In addition, the high-
quality application of mixed learning technology
in the modern professional training of specialists
significantly improves the monitoring of the
learning process, and the educational process,
provides an opportunity to support students, and
enables the automation of part of the teacher's
work. Methodical approaches contribute to the
interest of education seekers in the process of
assimilation of material, training, and effective
interaction between the personalization of
training, and subjects of the educational process.
In the article, the main ways of applying mixed
learning technology are proposed for high-
quality modern professional training of
specialists. Three main components of mixed
learning that should be implemented in the
information and educational environment of a
higher education institution are singled out
(traditional learning (face-to-face); self-study
learning; joint online learning (online
collaborative learning). The article considers
four basic models of blended learning, which are
the most popular (rotational model, flexible
model, model of self-mixing, and virtual-
enriched model). When implementing blended
learning technology, various tools are used,
primarily cloud technologies, and video
materials. The essence of innovative models is
shown (model " Rotation", "Flex" model, "Self-
blend" models. The choice and effectiveness of
the basic model of blended learning in the
educational process depend on the factors
analyzed in the article (the form of organization
of the educational process (full-time/part-time),
the level of educational achievements of the
students, the level information and
communication skills of future specialists, the
content of the educational discipline is designed
for mixed learning, a sufficient number of hours
for independent work, the availability of the
appropriate material and technical base of the
higher education institution for the possible
implementation of the technology of mixed
learning). Peculiarities and organizational forms
are singled out, and the stages of mixed-learning
technology are shown.
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