www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.3
How to Cite:
Mykulanynets, L., Zhyshkovych, M., Bassa, O., Kachur, M., & Dikun, I. (2023). Biography as a factor of shaping the artist’s
creative style. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.3
Biography as a factor of shaping the artist’s creative style
Біографія як чинник формування творчого стилю митця
Received: June 1, 2023 Accepted: July 5, 2023
Written by:
Lesia Mykulanynets1
Myroslava Zhyshkovych2
Oksana Bassa3
Myroslava Kachur4
Iryna Dikun5
The objective of the article is to specify the
essence of the chronicle as a sociocultural,
anthropocentric phenomenon, as well as to
justify the significance of biographical factors in
the establishment and development of the
master’s creative style. Its implementation has
become possible via involving a number of
general scientific methods (induction, deduction,
synthesis, etc.) alongside with the following
interdisciplinary approaches: culture studies,
comparative, biographical, analytical, systemic,
etc. It was confirmed that: the biography is the
central genre of comparative humanitarian
studies. It implements ontology, outlook and the
key achievements of an individual. Due to its
multifaceted and universal character, the
biography appears an important factor of
shaping, transforming and studying the master’s
technique; it fixes and explicates the basic stages
of a creative personality’s individual history,
biography events that have presupposed
active/passive character, justified the person’s
spiritual requirements and revealed their
philosophical paradigm. While rebroadcasting
PhD in Arts, Associate professor of Department of Musical Art, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: CAH-2772-2022
PhD in Arts, Professor, Head of Department Solo singing, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IQM-7507-2023
PhD in Arts, Associate professor, Head of Department of Piano Accompaniment, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Academic Secretary at the Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical
Education, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: EZY-7756-2022
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior teacher of Department of Art Disciplines, Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Bar
Humanitarian Pedagogical College named after Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Bar, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: CNR-4410-2022
Mykulanynets, L., Zhyshkovych, M., Bassa, O., Kachur, M., Dikun, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 30-37 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the master’s chronicle, the author simultaneously
reveals the sociocultural situation in which the
character used to exist, and demonstrates the
dominating concepts of the period.
Key words: biography, the artist, creative style,
artistic opus, humanitarian studies.
Humanitarian studies give significant importance
to realizing the creative personality’s practical
activity, as it enhances civilizational processes
reconstruction and promotes the study of Homo
sapiens progress regulations. The master’s
creative style is a complex and controversial
phenomenon and its formation depends on many
factors. In our view, among the dominant ones
are the following: sociocultural, historical
situation of the era in which the individual exists;
family-like atmosphere, immediate environment;
psychological qualities, the mindset, skills, etc.
The artistic canvas of the world is multifaceted.
While experiencing its images, considering
certain events, passing them through the “Self”
prism, the master broadcasts the experienced
impressions via opuses. Thus, life collisions not
only become the facts of the individual's past but
are also consciously or intuitively projected onto
the artist's elaborations, thereby determining the
specifics of the writing manner. Within this
framework, biography is a panoramic mirror
reflecting the person’s daily routines with their
searches, discoveries, achievements, hopes,
disappointments, losses, etc. The universality of
the aforementioned genre, a significant scientific
potential require a comprehensive study of its
regularities, functions, tasks, as well as revealing
its impact on civilizational transformations.
The objective of the article is to specify the
essence of biography as a sociocultural,
anthropocentric phenomenon, to confirm the
importance of biographical factors for the
establishment and development of the master’s
creative style.
Scientific novelty for the first time ever within
the science discourse, the interaction between the
master’s chronicle and the uniqueness of their
creative achievements was justified.
Literature review
The current stage of humanitarian studies
development is characterized by flourishing of
personality study, which has supplemented and
clarified a significant corpus of philanthropic
knowledge. Various aspects of demiurge’s
biography research are represented by works of
the leading contemporary Ukrainian scientists
who conduct their investigations within the focus
of European scientific trends. They study
biography content I. Golubovich (2009),
O. Popovych (2011), Yu Vernik (2013) and some
others); its conceptual and typological features
(V. Andreiev (2011), V. Bondarchuk (2017),
U. Hrab (2016), V. Levchenko (2016),
S. Liashko (2013), M. Minakov (2015),
V. Menzhulin (2011), O. Onufriienko (2011) and
some others); the genre genesis and
transformation from the antiquity to nowadays
N. Novosad & Moroz (2014), Z. Svjashhenko
(2017) and some others); realize the
implementation of the epoch profile, the
dominant anthropological ideas within the
master’s chronicle A. Valevskyi (1993),
T. Vlasova & Kryvchyk, Gh.Gh (2018) and
some others); the ways of broadcasting
individual and corporate experience via the
master’s biography Astalosh & Mykulanynets,
(2021), N. Bohdanova (2011), A. Kosheljev
(2021), L. Mykulanynets (2018, 2021) and some
others); the communicative potential of the
master’s chronicle Artemenko, (2018),
Iu. Vernik (2013), N. Dichek (2016), O. Zlotnyk
(2019) and some others); explicate the
description of being as a means of culture
interpretation L. Mykulanynets (2015),
O. Popovych (2011) and some others); interpret
an artwork as part of the master's personal history
Babenko, (2005), S. Matsenko (2014),
T. Cherkashyna (2008), (2015) and some others);
reveal biographical concepts within the artistic
opuses L. Mykulanynets (2022), Muratova O.
(2020) and some others), etc.
Scientific reference review witnesses a
significant interest to the creative personality’s
ontology, the biography as a form of its fixation
and cognition. Ever-changing civilizational
conditions, innovative social requirements
demand further mastering of the genre within the
framework of the key basis of the trans-modern
epoch. The works that reveal the biography
within the aspect of its impact on the formation,
metamorphosis of the demiurge's creative style,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
their choice of specific issues, genres for self-
expression appear relevant.
Implementing the objective of the article has
become possible due to involving a number of
general scientific methods (induction, deduction,
analysis, synthesis, etc.), as well as
interdisciplinary approaches: culture studies by
studying the interaction between sociocultural
and personalized dimensions of the creative
individual’s existence; comparative by
comparing the uniqueness of the stages of the
master’s chronicles; stylistic by revealing the
specifics of the master’s style transformation at
various stages of the existence; biographical by
researching age and ontological aspects of the
master’s daily routine; analytical by the grasp
of the corpus of theses on the aforementioned
issues; systemic comprehensively and in
accordance with humanitarian studies
achievements, via considering the suggested
question; theoretical generalization by
summarizing the research results.
Results and discussions
Biography is one of the oldest and most
significant humanistic genres in European
history. In different eras, it performed important
civilizational and social functions, and reflected
the dominant worldview priorities. The tradition
of connecting artworks understanding with their
creator’s biography dates back to the theses by
F. Schleiermacher (1768 - 1834), who was
convinced in the following: mastering a text
means understanding its author, i. e. the subject
of the text. The 19th century became the next
stage within this route. This time was marked by
a boost of personality studies presupposed by the
scientific activity of Sh. O. Sainte-Beuve (2008)
- the biographical method founder. The essence
of the scholar’s views is that an artistic opus
cannot be considered without the analysis of
demiurge’s individuality, their psychology,
family atmosphere and immediate surrounding.
The abovementioned factors impact shaping and
transformation of the master’s talent and artistic
manner. The ideas of the scholar were
appreciated by the researchers of further periods,
and they were convinced that the most important
experience, as well as the facts of being, are
reconsidered and reflected in opuses.
At the boundary of the 19th and the early 20th
centuries, scientists studied the chronicles in
order to understand the master’s / philosopher’s
character. The construction of the strategy of
personal existence, the presence (absence) of
controversies between the ideas and actions
represented by creativity aroused interest. In the
result of the accumulated information,
conclusions were made regarding the following:
the opinion authority of a person having a certain
fortune, a peculiar daily routine; the
reasonableness of their assertions, the
appropriateness of their use while shaping
innovative humanistic knowledge. The relevance
of such research is due to the enhancement of the
master’s social role, interpreting them as
accelerators of public and cultural processes, an
attempt to understand global disturbances
through the grasp of the prominent person’s
In the 20th century, the interest to the creative
person increased. They are interpreted as carriers
of a special life-giving energy able to change the
world efficiently. Thus, the study of individual
history by the public shapes a critical non-
conformist consciousness and prevents people
from neglecting their personal features. Most
anthropologists of the aforementioned period
regard the master's elaborations as an expression
of their essence (although the formal school
representatives disagree on this).
The role of the artist during the postmodernism
epoch is extremely complicated and ambiguous
(as something personal as the "product" of their
activity), it lies in recreating the atmosphere of
the existence absurdity, in revealing the cult of an
autonomous personality, in combining various
trends and focuses into a single unity, in
theatricalizing the surrounding reality, etc. The
abovementioned processes have intensified the
search of representatives of various humanitarian
fields in order to find adequate methodology of
researching the master’s creative style. A certain
scientific universality was justified by
biographical studies, which, by implementing a
wide range of philanthropic knowledge,
documentary references, the achievements of
applied disciplines, have offered the ways of
studying various aspects of a creative
personality’s existence and practical activity.
This promoted a more appropriate cognition of
their nature and gave the clue to interpreting their
The 21st century is a boost of personality studies,
which have integrated into almost all the spheres
of Homo sapiens activity. It was especially
profoundly displayed in visual art forms - on
television and the Internet domain. Nowadays,
we can manifest the emergence of a significant
number of films, documentaries and journalistic
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
programs. The goal is to reveal the secrets of
success, the ways of structuring the progress
pathway, creative style interpretation, the
philosophy of prominent profiles of both
nowadays and the preceding historical epochs.
The center of the concept of such projects is
usually a chronological description of a
personality’s existence, drawing parallels
between the facts of their daily routine and
significant achievements (which have become
their feedback), civilizational mission outline,
etc. They are focused on the recipient of various
intellectual and spiritual levels; they aspire after
demonstrating a successful hero model (which
anyone could imitate) and encouraging an
average dweller to self-fulfill.
Within the scientific discourse, the chronicle
research is characteristic of nearly all the
humanitarian disciplines. Significant
achievements are represented in pedagogy,
culture studies, sociology, philology,
psychology, philosophy and some others. A
specific biographical trend was formed in art
studies. By implementing a large-scale corpus of
the achievements of applied sciences, it studies
the uniqueness of the master's being by means of
projecting its impact on the individual creative
style. Thus, a postulate is being justified: life
events registered in the creative individual’s
chronicles are being sublimated due to the
master’s theses.
The generally accepted traditional definition of a
chronicle is the following: this is a retrospective,
chronological description of the personality’s
existence and significant achievements from
birth to death. The art studies type of the genre
has its own specifics, since the ontology
constituents are cultural artifacts created by its
character. The study of various domains of the
creative personality’s daily routine is an essential
background for the grasp of the artistic and
image-bearing, emotional and intellectual world
of their achievements. While plunging into the
life atmosphere, the scientist reconstructs and
explains the individual’s practical activity,
acknowledges with the multifaceted
circumstances that reveal the sense and the
stylistic parameters of opuses. Private
experience, moral and ethical, political and
public positions are reflected in an artistic sample
depicting the reality through the prism of the
author's subjective vision. An opus is a form of
highlighting an individual reality concept,
implementing exceptional ideas of the dynamics
of essential processes. The master's philosophical
paradigm finds its artistic expression through a
characteristic combination of a content series.
There exists a large number of interactions
between a demiurge and an artwork; they outline
the issues of the selected genre, stylistics, the
presentation method and predicting the reaction.
An important feature of biography is a vivid
sociocultural context. Any master is a hero of a
certain epoch (although they may not tolerate its
ideology or the dominant views); their life
unfolds within the historical realities determining
individual specifics of being. Moreover, an
author who is structuring a chronicle builds the
narrative in accordance with literature and
artistic canons, social requirements functioning
at a specific time. He emphasizes the key
civilization basis, public ideals manifested by the
character. Thus, the genre under consideration
appears as an anthropological phenomenon able
to broadcast information not only about a person,
but also about their attitudes, controversies,
challenges and the heritage of an era.
While cognizing the creative personality’s
biography, scientists traditionally divide it into
stages. This contributes to highlighting the key
moments of life, a detailed study of the factors
having influenced the formation and
crystallization of everyday status. The generally
accepted stages are the following: early (the
personality’s formation and individual writing
manner), mature (the assertion of their own
philosophy and professional skills), late
(summarizing the creative and ontological
results). The quality of everyone's experience
determines not only shaping psychological
features and world outlook, but is also reflected
in their achievements. Let us consider each
period in more detail in order to reveal the
personality’s evolution and to realize the role in
the artistic style formation.
The early stage (approximately up to 18-25
years) encompasses childhood and youth. In
scientific research, scientists (with an exception
for wunderkinds’ biographies) usually skip early
childhood. This tendency is a certain atavism of
the previous epochs (before the 20th century),
when children were considered not quite mature
people. It was essential to wait for their
adulthood, and only then to regard their potential
and achievements seriously. However, it has
already been scientifically confirmed that the
abovementioned stage is a crucial form of a
personality's existence, which will focus their
values, requirements and ideals in the future.
Within this period, there occur: the formation of
the "Self" concept, the characteristic features of
personal creative style, the manner of expressing
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
an artistic image and thought presentation, which
are going to become the mature style basis.
At this stage, a significant importance is given to
the master’s identity, social and cultural
environment, family-like atmosphere, historical
and political background for growth, which
speed up (or slow down) the process of
professional self-fulfillment. The private life
events, learning from the wise and iconic
teachers, being acknowledged with outstanding
masters’ opuses, perceiving world masterpieces,
distinguishing favorite ones define the specifics
of the creative personality’s way of thinking. The
elaborations of the aforementioned development
stage are not often autonomous or innovative,
they are exposed to the existing canons; however,
they implement the accumulated experience,
demonstrate the difficult path of the identity
search and become the basis for personal
It is vital that the biography author focuses on
understanding the psycho-age, immanent and
stylistic, sociocultural background for the hero
formation. It requires a detailed revealing of
significant events, impressions and meetings
from the young talented person’s life. This will
enable to understand the temperament, character,
preferences and appeal to certain topics, artistic
trends, as well as to justify the choice of
expressive means, etc., thus to decode the
program of progress. The abovementioned stage
of wunderkinds should be scrupulously studied,
since their giftedness and independent, unique
style are established during the early period.
The mature stage (in the Christian and Jewish
tradition it refers to 33 70 year olds) is
characterized by the activity intensity, the
emergence of remarkable opuses, the
establishment of personal philosophical position,
identifying new creative paths, etc. This is the
most long-lasting, controversial and
heterogeneous stage of the master’s ontology, the
consequence of which is usually the following:
realizing the importance of personal practical
activity, responsible attitude to the ideas being
broadcast; self-reflection, energy concentration
on opuses; conscious qualitative world
transformation through the responsible cultural
creative work, aspiring after transferring the
accumulated experience to the next generations
of recipients, leaving a personal footprint in
The importance of the abovementioned period
requires not only the analysis of the master's
achievements, but also seeking methods of
interpreting the individual writing manner. It is
essential to outline the reasons for appealing to a
certain issue or genre clearly. For this, it is
appropriate for the scientist to study the
autobiographical material thoroughly (in case it
is available, since not every performer aspires
after explaining his spiritual intentions verbally),
the information that the demiurges have
broadcast about themselves and their opuses, to
plunge into their microcosm. It is also worth
considering a significant layer of epistolary and
science literature, letters, their contemporaries’
memories, diaries, archival documents, etc. It is
vital to see a real person rather than an idealized
image being quite often offered by classical art
studies, which is still under the influence of the
Victorian chronicle type (only positive sides of
the master's existence are demonstrated).
While reproducing the chronotope of the artist's
life creativity, the author is obliged to restore the
psychological portrait, mental organization, to
accentuate the collisions running through their
being. It is important to outline private events in
detail, as well as to be highly adequate, i. e. not
to descend to the level of the so-called "yellow
press", not to get involved in myth-making and
indulgence in the show business laws (in order to
arouse interest to the character from the
recipients’ side). It is appropriate to compare the
personal and occupational, to justify the choice
of genres, subordination of the opus content to
the master’s life vicissitudes. When the master
deliberately deviates from the autobiographical
nature of personal achievements, which is a quite
rare phenomenon in itself (K. Debussy,
O. Skriabin and some others), it is worth
explaining the nature and essence of the parallel
existence of creative and private world.
Moreover, it is not desirable to explain the
artwork semantics primitively, by interpreting it
as a literal reflection of the chronicle data. Before
becoming an artwork, the phenomenon is
exposed to reconsideration and is being
sublimated into creative energy, and only
thereafter becomes a cultural artifact.
The stylistic parameters of the mature stage are
characterized by asserting an individual way of
thinking (rooted in tradition, or deliberately
opposed to it, but with a clearly defined unique
manner), selecting the author's methodology for
solving artistic issues, philosophical late themes,
the independence of thought, designing new
artistic ways and some others. During this period,
the demiurge is usually not afraid to experiment,
to go beyond the manifested canons; they
promote their elaborations, etc.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The late period is consolidating the achieved
results, reassessing the values being broadcast
during the lifetime, transition to the patriarch’s
status, the reduction of practical intensity,
summarizing ontological results. This stage of
the master’s existence is characterized by the
artistic thinking transformation, the reflection of
the progress being accomplished, accentuating
attention on the past years’ experience. The daily
priorities change, the demiurge’s activeness is
directed from external dimensions to internal
ones; the reflections and philosophical
generalizations are getting intense. The
aforementioned processes also affect the
master’s public image and their style specifics.
They tend to appeal to eternal issues (God, death,
immortality, civilization, humanity, etc.), as well
as to global problems.
In old age, the master is less interested in the
public side of life; they rarely appear at public
events, their circle of communication being
limited to the family and close friends. Such a
chronicle scenario affects their creative style.
Quite often, they appeal to chambering, intimacy
of expression, the simplicity of thought and a
kind of autobiography (via self-quoting, allusion
and reminiscence). For a conscious master, the
period under analysis lies in summing up,
preparing for eternity; therefore, the demiurge’s
"words" are perceived as a special Homo sapiens
Every stage of the master's biography is self-
sufficient and significant, even if it was not
enlightened by significant achievement.
Moreover, it is worth remembering that talent has
its specific time for public recognition. The
master may sometimes predict cultural
tendencies that are likely to become dominant in
further centuries. Thus, a thoughtful researcher
takes great responsibility in structuring the
creative personality’s chronicle, realizing the
important civilizational role of their work.
The conducted research enables to manifest that
the artist’s biography is a multifaceted narration
about the life-creating mission implementation.
It reflects the key facts of existence, explains the
motives, actions and behavior of the character.
The master transmits the external stimuli
(historical, economic, social, etc.) through the
inner being, and then reflects them via personal
practical activity, thereby making them a creative
style constituent. The artistic heritage is a
concentration of a large-scale layer of
phenomena being perceived and reconsidered by
a unique profile and embodied in an artistic form.
Biography is the central anthropological genre of
contemporary humanitarian study. It implements
the ontology, world outlook and the key
achievements of a unique personality. Due to its
multifaceted nature and universality, biography
becomes a significant factor of shaping,
transformation and studying the master's style; it
registers and explicates the basic stages of
individual history, as chronicled events
presuppose creative activity / passivity, explain
spiritual inquiries and reveal a philosophical
paradigm. While rebroadcasting the master’s
chronicle, the author simultaneously depicts the
sociocultural situation, in which the character of
the narration exists and demonstrates the
dominant concepts of the era.
Before becoming an artistic image, the reality
passes through the demiurge’s inner essence,
while the existence facts are becoming a
meaningful component of an artistic opus. Life
episodes can be broadcast in different ways:
through practice integration into a certain
civilizational process; the blending of personal
experience and social phenomena within artistic
activity. The condition for implementing
chronicles with creative samples lies in the
master’s ability to productively observe and
consider the reality, to specifically sympathize
with it (so that it occurs part of their “Self”), to
be conscious and responsible towards
The article under consideration does not reveal
all the aspects of the issued problematic field.
Research dedicated to the study of prominent
masters’ biographies, as well as to revealing the
role of staged opuses in the master's creative
activity, and realizing the demiurge’s civilizing
mission appear perspective.
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