Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.2
How to Cite:
Viznіuk, I, Dolynnyi, S., Rabetska, N., Ladychenko, T., & Zagrebelna, N. (2023). Forming communicative competence in future
specialists of the socio-economic sphere. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 19-29. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.2
Forming communicative competence in future specialists of the
socio-economic sphere
Формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців
соціально-економічної сфери
Received: June 8, 2023 Accepted: July 9, 2023
Written by:
Inessa Viznіuk1
Serhii Dolynnyi2
Nadiia Rabetska3
Tetiana Ladychenko4
Nina Zagrebelna5
This article explores the cultural tendencies of
verbal etiquette among future professionals in the
socio-economic field in the context of
postmodern society during their professional
training. The aim of the article is to investigate
the formation peculiarities of communicative
competence in education seekers of socio-
economic professions regarding the development
of speech culture related to the problem of verbal
etiquette in postmodern society. The components
of communicative competence in future
professionals of the socio-economic field include
subjective, praxeological, and gnoseological
aspects, which are interdependent and contribute
to the development of communicative interaction
in their professional activities. The research was
conducted within the educational process of
higher education institutions, employing
identical measurement techniques, time, and
duration of training, which allowed for
diagnosing the level of communicative
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State
Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAJ-4611-2021
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Social Work, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi
State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GLN-4867-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Oleksiy Solyanyk Odesa Maritime College of
Maritime and Fisheries Fleet, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IAM-1262-2023
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Social Disciplines, Ukrainian
State Mykhailo Dragomanov University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IAM-1375-2023
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Social Disciplines,
Ukrainian State Mykhailo Dragomanov University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IAM-1412-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
competence of future professionals in the socio-
economic field according to the criteria of speech
culture. Communicative competence of future
professionals in the socio-economic field is
defined as the integration of scientific
knowledge, intellectual and practical skills and
abilities, virtual literacy in interpersonal
interaction, competence in overcoming
communication barriers, general culture, and
personal qualities of education seekers capable of
solving life-creative tasks.
Keywords: future professionals, socio-economic
field, communicative competence, postmodern
space, educational process.
Radical changes in the development of political,
economic, and educational systems, the
continuous intensification of the information
space, the acceleration of life pace, modern
demands for the efficiency of professional
communication, and increased intellectual
workload - these are the defining characteristics
of the prospects of the socio-cultural postmodern
Researching the development of the
communicative competence of future
professionals in the educational environment of
higher education institutions is crucial, as it lays
the foundation for their communicative and
professional-personal growth. The formation of
education seekers' personalities in the context of
applying a competency-based approach to the
development of communicative competence in
future professionals in the socio-economic field,
taking into account the specifics of individual
communicative characteristics, remains
In the studies of modern researchers (Di Pietro,
2021; T. Engelking, 2018; Gong, Gao, Li, & Lai,
2021), communicative competence is presented
as the basis for the development of a
multicultural personality, dependent on
successful interpersonal communication and the
creation of communicative behavior models in
the context of language and culture acquisition,
as well as the prerequisites for achieving life-
sustaining goals during communication and the
implementation of professional training for
students. Various aspects of professional
preparation for future professionals in the socio-
economic sphere are highlighted in the research
of scholars such as B. Grimwood, M. Gordon &
Z. Stevens (2018). The understanding of short-
term variability in life satisfaction according to
the model of individual differences in life
satisfaction assessment is presented in the works
of H. Bell, H. Gibson, M. Tarrant, L. Perry &
L. Stoner (2016). The peculiarities of forming
communicative competence in future educators,
social workers, and psychologists have been
investigated by L. Munalim & G. Gonong
(2019), E. Niehaus, J. Reading, M. Nelson,
Wegener & A. Arthur (2018). J. Kenworthy,
A. Voci & M. Hewstone (2016) regard students'
communicative competence as a combination of
communicative knowledge and skills required
for effective professional performance.
Despite a considerable number of scientific
works on the issue of professional training of
future professionals in the socio-economic
sphere, the effectiveness of developing their
communicative competence in the context of
personal self-development and improving the
educational activities of learners remains
The aim of this article is to investigate the
peculiarities of developing communicative
competence among students in socio-economic
professions in terms of fostering language culture
through the issue of speech etiquette in
postmodern society.
The research was conducted within the
educational process of higher education
institutions, using the same measurement
techniques, duration of training, and time frame.
This allowed for the assessment of the level of
communicative competence among future
professionals in the socio-economic sphere
Viznіuk, I, Dolynnyi, S., Rabetska, N., Ladychenko, T., Zagrebelna, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 19-29 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
according to the criteria of the language culture.
All participants provided their consent to
participate in the study, and ethical rights were
The leading idea of the research is driven by the
peculiarities of identifying the cultural-linguistic
tendencies of future professionals in the socio-
economic sphere regarding the issue of speech
etiquette in postmodern society during their
professional training. This will contribute to a
purposeful and effective development of
communicative competence among future
specialists in higher education institutions during
the modernization phase of the educational
process, within the context of implementing
innovative contemporary approaches.
Literature Review
N. Rabetska (2018) considers in her work
communicative competence of future specialists
in the socionomic sphere in professional training.
Defines the communicative competence of future
specialists in the socionomic sphere; considers
the principles of organizing the educational
process of higher educational institutions.
J. Pipitone, & C. Raghavan, (2017) in their article
builds upon existing place- based research
through the application of a socio-spatial
perspective to make sense of how students’
experiences in/of place shape, and are shaped by,
the production of experiential learning space.
They conduct a socio-spatial analysis of this data
guided by Lefebvre’s spatial theory and offer
three spatial readings of our findings including a
diverse country of paradox, encountered
histories, and positioned bodies through
O. Halan (2018) emphasizes that the need for a
new generation of social work specialists is a
priority in the educational process of higher
education institutions. He notes that today the
development of society is characterized by a
number of negative trends associated with the
aggravation of socio-economic, socio-
pedagogical problems and, as a result, socio-
psychological maladaptation of his life is
S. Arkhypova (2018) characterize the main
groups of key competences of specialists in the
social sphere and to develop a model of their
formation in the process of professional training.
The communicative competence of future
professionals in the socio-economic sphere is
characterized as a multi-component, complex-
structured, individual-personal formation, based
on a combination of knowledge and skills related
to the experience of organizing professional
communications within the context of
interpersonal interaction. It is defined by the
ability to perceive and understand partners for
effective information exchange, the application
of nonverbal and verbal communication
elements, skills in emotional self-regulation to
prevent and overcome conflicts in fulfilling
duties, the display of empathy and tolerance
towards one's environment to provide timely
assistance in resolving non-standard life
situations (Zurbriggen, Jendryczko, & Nussbeck,
Socionomic professions are professions that are
determined by the effectiveness of
communication in the "person-to-person" type
context, involving the study of the essence of
these relationships and the development of
society regarding their impact on social
processes in various manifestations of social
interaction. These professions contribute to
solving problems related to conflictual
interactions in society, focusing on their
development and the study of social trends and
patterns in the preservation of historically
established cultural traditions at all levels of
interaction (Pedersen, Fitzke, Bouskill, &
Sedano, 2021).
The professional activity of specialists in the
socionomic sphere is a process of direct
interaction with people (or victims), in which
case they consciously apply professional skills,
education, and experience to provide the
necessary socio-psychological and legal
assistance in solving their difficult life situations
(Grimwood, Gordon, & Stevens, 2018).
The components of the communicative
competence of future professionals in the
socionomic field include the subjective,
praxeological, and gnoseological components,
which are interrelated and contribute to the
development of communicative interaction in
their professional activities (Liu & Zhang, 2014).
The praxeological component involves
organizing productive constructive creative-
innovative activities of professionals in the
socionomic field, which ensures the successful
implementation of new technologies, programs,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and methods and also contributes to effective
support of reflective and research-experimental
The gnoseological component reflects
respondents' sensitivity to receiving information
through various means regarding the formation
of their labor, moral, and intellectual assets, rapid
acquisition of scientific research methods, and
ways of studying individual characteristics of
individuals. Gnostic abilities ensure obtaining
information about one's environment, enabling
control and self-regulation, and meeting the
needs and capabilities of learners.
The subjective component contributes to the
qualitative professional training for personal self-
development and activation of educational
activities for learners within the framework of
domestic and global concepts of modern
education. The student transitions from the role
of an object being taught to the role of a subject
responsible for their worldview, activating their
exploratory and cognitive activities, self-
developing, and self-improving in the process.
By the technology of preparing future
professionals in the socio-economic sphere, we
understand the holistic combination of teaching
techniques, methods, and tools, as well as forms
of correction and control, stages (individual-
developmental, practice-oriented, and
information-motivational) that harmoniously
complement each other, forming a stable unity,
within the context of their sequential
implementation in the educational environment
of higher education institutions, ensuring the
effectiveness of the intended outcome.
The research was conducted at the Central
Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named
after Volodymyr Vynnychenko and the State
Institution Southern Ukrainian National
Pedagogical University named after K. D.
Ushynsky, according to the decision of the
specialized academic council (protocol No. 21
dated March 25, 2022). The empirical study
involved 242 students aged 18-25 years. The
experimental group (EG) consisted of 120
students who participated in the experimental
methodology for developing communicative
competence, while the control group (CG)
included 122 respondents who only exhibited the
phenomenon under observation. All participants
voluntarily took part in the experiment, and their
ethical rights were respected.
During the experimental research work,
extensive observations were conducted on the
behavior, effectiveness of interpersonal
relationships, and communication style of future
professionals in the socio-economic field.
Interviews were also conducted with them,
during which role-playing games, business
simulations, discussions, and self-analysis of
creative individual tasks were employed. The
observations were carried out within the
framework of a longitudinal study, ensuring the
dynamic and representative nature of the sample
In the psychodiagnostic dimension of the
communicative competence of future
professionals in the socio-economic field, the
questionnaire by N. Kozhemyako "Assessment
of Knowledge Level in Professional
Communication Specifics" was used. This
questionnaire consists of 30 test tasks. Each
correct answer is awarded one point (Table 1).
Table 1.
The level of knowledge of the specifics of professional communication in future socio-economic
professionals in the experimental group (EG) and control group (CG)
Number of points
CG, in %
EG, in %
from 21 to 30
from 11 to 20
from 1 to 10
As seen in Figure 1, in the majority of individuals
in the experimental group, communicative
competence (45.0%) is formed at a satisfactory
level. A significant percentage (36.7%)
demonstrates a low level of communicative
competence. Only 15 students (18.3%) possess a
high level of communicative competence, which
is not significantly different from the control
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 1. Levels of development of communicative competence in students of the experimental group (EG)
and control group (CG) (in %)
The next indicator of communicative
competence is the awareness of the specifics of
using virtual communication. Knowledge and
skills related to virtual literacy are of particular
importance in the modern context, as
interpersonal communication occurs not only
face-to-face but also through mediated channels.
The need for consultation, obtaining information
about needs, and receiving recommendations
through the use of information and
communication technologies, telephone, or the
Internet provides comfortable conditions for
communication between students and teachers.
In the context of preparing future professionals in
the socio-economic field for their professional
activities, cloud technologies, mind maps, and
the author's screencasts were applied in every
practical session. These tools were used to
structure the theoretical components related to
the research topic and present the main stages of
developing a typical animation.
Virtual communication simulates the structure
and functions of human interaction based on the
outcomes of real relationships through virtual
representations. Researchers (Buckner, Zhang &
Blanco, 2021) have found that virtual
bolsters the development of creative “Me”;
facilitates the communicative process itself;
removes psychological barriers;
has some advantages over real opportunities
in communication;
there is some looseness and selective
broadcasting of social standards (virtual
attributes of physical superiority and
social hierarchy, regarding the possibility of
influencing the development of
communications between partners, etc (Ngai
& Janusch, 2015).
Characteristic features of individual student
communication, with the advantage of computer
networks, are:
the possibility of communication with a
large number of people who are in different
parts of the world of the postmodern cultural
impossibility of using non-verbal means of
communication regarding the use of
manipulative interaction;
decrease of the emotional component during
virtual communication;
the anonymity of communication;
reducing the psychological risk of increased
formation of new forms and styles of
Internet etiquette.
The style of virtual communication (Gong, Gao,
Li, & Lai, 2021) is defined as an individual
characteristic of educational seekers' virtual
communication, characterized by interaction
with respondents through network technologies.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Sufficient level
Satisfactory level
Low level
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The formation of virtual communication skills in
future professionals in the socio-economic
sphere involves the communicator's ability to
understand the language of numbers, develop
individual tactics, and establish interpersonal
relationships with virtual interlocutors. The
criteria for expert assessment regarding the
features of communicative knowledge and skills
in virtual communication include the ability to
receive and understand information, express
opinions, build virtual relationships, and develop
an individual behavior strategy.
Thus, the virtual communicative competence of
students will shape their understanding of the
essence of cultural tendencies in speech etiquette
in postmodern society, contributing to the
development of their skills in mediated
interaction in virtual spaces, remote telephone
conversations for obtaining information,
consultations in resolving complex situations,
acquiring necessary preliminary information,
scheduling meetings, and providing
consultations. Therefore, the awareness of future
professionals in the socio-economic sphere
regarding the features of virtual communication
confirms the level of development of their
communicative competence.
In the future, we practically applied distance
learning web services (e-mail, Google
Classroom, Telegram, SMS, and Viber) and
proved their effectiveness in the qualified
training of future specialists of the experimental
group of people. Regarding the qualitative
implementation of this method in the educational
process of higher education institutions, it is
worth noting the possibility of using interactive
video and audio presentations (Skype, Zoom, MS
Teams, Google Meet) to implement virtual
communication on various platforms (Reese,
Statistical calculations based on the Student's
criterion (Sm1 = √SS / N (N - 1); Sm1(CG) =
0.187; Sm2(EG) = 0.189) indicate that the
difference in performance indicators between the
CG and EG individuals is not significant, and the
results are approximately the same. This allows
for their identification on general grounds of
developing communicative competence. As for
the effectiveness of using virtual communication
technologies in the educational environment of
educational institutions, it should be noted that
the success of using interactive posters and
project technologies according to this criterion
for the topic "Computer Animation" through
digital input in the EG is higher (Sm1(EG) =
0.194) than in the CG individuals, who used
written submissions on provided forms
(Sm1(CG) = 0.177). The calculations show a
certain difference in the indicators, indicating the
advantages of distance learning for EG
1 =0,296 ± 0,32 in EG individuals;
2 =0,289 ±0,38 in CG individuals.
Thus, the experimental and control samples have
some minor errors regarding the implementation
of distance learning in the educational process of
educational institutions, which highlights the
importance of the following priorities of virtual
communication in the development of
communicative competence among education
seekers: accessibility of training (for people with
special needs, increasing the audience of
individual focus of training,
providing comfortable conditions for
students and teachers,
individual psychological features of
cognitive processes,
individual learning pace
improvement of information culture, etc.
One of the indicators of the formation of
communicative competence of future specialists
in the socionomic sphere is education in
overcoming communication barriers. In general,
communication barriers are obstacles to the
exchange of information from the recipient
(receiver) to the communicator (sender of
information). Kuhbandner C., Spachtholz P., &
Pastotter B. (2016) argue that communication
barriers are psychological in nature and serve as
a defense mechanism against distorted
Communication barriers in postmodern society
are due to the following factors (Grimwood,
Gordon, & Stevens, 2018):
the difference in national traditions and
cultures of people communicating;
the difference in the level of education,
values, and religious affiliation;
age difference;
social and property status;
belonging to the male or female gender;
disagreement in life needs and goals;
a feature of the psyche of communicators;
the presence of stereotyped thinking in the
human mind, etc.
As for speech and stylistic provocations of
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
communication barriers, it is worth noting the
following obstacles in communication
(Pedersen, Fitzke, Bouskill, & Sedano, 2021):
stylistic and phonetic barriers (violation of
pace, diction, speed, and volume of speech);
intellectual barrier (logico-agrammatic
features of thinking);
semantic barrier (caused by a person's own
life experience;
emotional barrier (difference in emotional
background between partners);
motivational barrier (diversity of goals,
instructions, and motivation);
socio-role barrier, etc.
There are also speech barriers to communication
(communication in different languages). Often,
the same expressions can be interpreted
differently by communicators, and some words
can be understood differently by them.
Knowledge of overcoming communication
barriers is the most important component in the
ability to communicate effectively. Therefore,
the acquisition by future specialists of the
socionomic field of knowledge and skills to
overcome communicative barriers is a significant
indicator of the level of communication
competence formation (Savicki & Price, 2017).
Thus, the communicative competence of future
workers in the socionomic sphere is determined
by the dependence of scientific knowledge,
intellectual and practical abilities, and skills,
virtual education regarding interpersonal
interaction, education in overcoming
communication barriers, general culture, and
personal qualities of education seekers capable of
solving life-creating tasks.
Results and Discussion
In the process of researching the levels of
formation of communicative readiness for
effective communication in future workers of the
socionomic sphere in the context of the indicated
indicators, the following psychodiagnostic
methods were used, presented in Table 2. The
criteria for evaluating communicative
competence about the problems of speech
etiquette in a postmodern society were noted as
follows (Buckner, Zhang & Blanco, 2021):
cognitive (knowledge of professional
communication, specific skills of virtual
communication, skills to overcome
communication barriers), personal (availability
of empathy, communicative tolerance, conflict
resistance, and emotional self-regulation skills),
activity (perceptive skills and non-verbal
communication, speech literacy, reflection ).
Table 2.
Psychodiagnostic measurements of the levels of communicative competence formation in future workers in
the socionomic sphere
Cognitive criterion
Specifics of professional
Questionnaire "Determining the level of knowledge of the
specifics of professional communication" (N.
Orientation in professional
"Language barriers in communication" test (V. McLean)
Specificity of the skill of virtual
Questionnaire "To what extent do you know professional
terminology" (I. Vlasiuk)
Skills for overcoming
communication barriers
Test "Computer communications" (O. Punko)
Communicative tolerance
Diagnostics of emotional intelligence (E. Hall)
Emotional self-regulation skills
Diagnostics of communicative tolerance (V. Boyko)
Presence of empathy
Behavior description test (K. Thomas)
Conflict tolerance
Diagnosis of the ability to empathize (E. Rogov)
Speech literacy
Test "Assessment of the level of sociability" (V. Ryakhovsky)
Perceptual skills
Test "Types of speech activity"
Non-verbal communication skills
Self-assessment of the level of ontogenetic reflection (N.
Presence of reflection
Test "What do facial expressions and gestures tell you?"
(O. Shayuk)
Experimental work on the formation of
communicative competence in future employees
of the socio-economic sphere involved the
gradual introduction of a set of techniques,
methods, and teaching tools that harmoniously
complement each other, guaranteeing the
effectiveness of the planned result (Table 3).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Criteria for assessing the formation of the level of communicative competence of future specialists in the
socionomic sphere
Before experiment
After experiment
CG, in %
CG, in %
CG, in %
CG, in %
According to the results of the diagnostics, after the
end of the experiment, it was found that in the group
studied in the implementation of technologies of
preparation for professional activity, there were
significant positive changes in the formation of
communicative competence of future specialists in
the socionomic sphere in comparison with the
control group of people, according to the results of
which no significant changes were observed (Fig. 2,
3, 4).
As can be seen from Fig. 2., significant changes in
the development of communicative competence of
future workers in the socionomic sphere according to
the cognitive criterion were observed in the
experimental group, in the context of which
purposeful corrective work was carried out. Thus, at
a low level, the indicators of results decreased by
24.2%, at a satisfactory level, they increased by
2.5%, and at a sufficient level, by 21.7%, which
indicates an increase in the level of communicative
interaction of specialists.
Changes in this criterion are also observed in the
control group, but not so significantly compared to
the experimental group: at a low level, the results
decreased by 5.7%, at a satisfactory level, they
increased by 1.6%, and at a sufficient level, by
Fig. 2. Indicators of the levels of the formation of communicative competence in respondents according to
the cognitive criterion before and after the experiment
010 20 30 40 50 60
EG after exp. CG after exp. EG to exp. CG to exp.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Perceptible changes in measuring the levels of
formation of professional communications in
future employees of the socionomic sphere
according to the activity criterion are shown in
Fig. 3, where, thanks to the targeted work,
improvements occurred in the experimental
group. Thus, at a low level, the indicators of
results decreased by 20.0%, at a satisfactory
level, they increased by 0.9%, and at a
sufficient level, by 19.1%.
Fig. 3. Indicators of the levels of the formation of communicative competence in respondents according to
the activity criterion before and after the experiment
Changes according to this criterion are also
characteristic of the control group, which turned
out to be less significant compared to the
experimental group. At a low level, the indicators
of results decreased by 4.1%, at a satisfactory
level, no changes were detected, at a sufficient
level, the results increased by 4.1%.
Fig. 4. Indicators of the levels of the formation of communicative competence in respondents according to
personal criteria before and after the experiment
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
EG after exp. CG after exp. EG to exp. CG to exp.
010 20 30 40 50 60
EG after exp. CG after exp. EG to exp. CG to exp.KG to exp.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Perceptible changes were ascertained in terms of the
level of formation of communicative competence of
future workers in the socionomic sphere according to
the personal criterion, which occurred in the
experimental group (Fig. 4) in the context of
purposeful work with education seekers. Thus, at a
low level, the indicators of the results decreased by
22.5%, at a satisfactory level, there was a difference
of 3.3%, at a sufficient level, the indicators increased
by 19.2%.
In the control group, no significant changes,
according to this criterion, were noted in comparison
with the experimental group of persons. Indicators of
low-level results were diagnosed, which decreased
by 4.9%, at a satisfactory level, no changes are visible
(the indicator corresponds to the mark of 46.7%), at
a sufficient level, the indicators of results increased
by 4.9%.
Thus, the implementation of training
technologies for the professional support of
future workers in the socio-economic sphere
contributed to increasing the level of
communicative competence at a high level,
which is characterized by a mark according to the
results of the study in the experimental group of
people with a difference before and after the
experiment of 39.2% ≥19.2% and in the control
group - 24.6%≥20.5%, at a satisfactory level the
difference was noted in EG students -
48.3%≥45.8%, and in CG students - by 45.9%
≥45.1%, the low level was evidenced by the
indicators of future EG specialists with a
difference of 12.5%≤35.0% and among CG
respondents by 29.5% ≤34.4%.
Therefore, communicative competence is
characterized as a complex integral personal
formation, which is determined by developed
individual and personal qualities and the
presence of practical skills and communication
skills, as well as knowledge of the rules and
norms of communicative behavior in society,
which are necessary for the implementation of
constructive interaction with the surrounding
people, and the ability to their application in the
field of professional activity.
The conducted research does not reveal all
aspects of the need for the formed
communicative competence of future workers in
the socionomic sphere but outlines the
peculiarities of its development according to the
problem of speech culture and communication
etiquette in a postmodern society. The
perspective of further scientific research is the
development of communicative competence of
future employees of the socionomic sphere in the
content of continuous education regarding the
implementation of comparative pedagogical
experience in the formation of communicative
competence based on the results in Ukraine and
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