Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.1
How to Cite:
Marrero-Sánchez, O., & Vergara-Romero, A. (2023). Digital competence of the university student. A systematic and bibliographic
update. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.1
Digital competence of the university student. A systematic and
bibliographic update
Competencia digital del estudiante universitario. Una actualización sistemática y
Received: May 12, 2023 Accepted: June 26, 2023
Written by:
Odalys Marrero-nchez1
Arnaldo Vergara-Romero2
Society has experienced an essential
technological revolution in recent decades,
generating significant repercussions in the
educational field, especially in higher education.
This technological evolution demands the
development of digital skills that allow us to face
problems and situations in this environment.
In this sense, Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) have attached great importance to the
training in digital skills of university students in
their academic policies. Digital competence
implies the knowledge, abilities, skills, and
attitudes necessary to access, analyze, evaluate,
reflect critically, create, and communicate in four
key areas: technological, informational,
multimedia, and communicative.
The objective of this article is to analyze
documents related to the digital competencies of
university students. To achieve this, a descriptive
bibliometric study was carried out. Among the
conclusions, the need to strengthen the training
in digital skills of university students is
highlighted so that they can take advantage of the
communication tools available in the knowledge
Keywords: Digital competencies, higher
education, higher education institutions,
university students.
1 Doctora en Comunicación, Docente tiempo completo, Universidad Ecotec, Samborondón, Ecuador.
2 Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, Docente-Investigador de tiempo completo, Universidad Ecotec, Samborondón,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
University students' digital competency is crucial
in an age of rapid technological advancement and
widespread digitalization. Understanding
students' digital capabilities is vital as
educational institutions integrate digital tools,
platforms, and methods into their curricula
globally. This extensive systematic and
bibliographic update examines the complex
world of digital competence among university
students, including the newest research, trends,
and perspectives.
Digital literacy and proficiency are now required
for academic success, employability, and lifelong
learning in higher education. The term "digital
competence" comprises digital literacy,
information fluency, critical thinking in digital
situations, ethical digital behavior, and the ability
to adapt to new technology. Thus, this update
tries to comprehend digital competence's many
facets and its effects on students and instructors.
As the global workforce becomes more digital,
university students need the ability to succeed.
Inadequate digital competency can affect
academic and occupational success. This update
is crucial for educators, policymakers,
academics, and stakeholders interested in
comprehensive student development in the
digital era.
This article presents the results of the
bibliometric analysis of the digital competence of
university students. Its objective is to contribute
to an improved thoughtful of the study of Digital
competencies of the university student, as well as
their motivations in higher education.
Literature review
The university's substantive processes today are
teaching, research, and community outreach. As
an objective, the university must ensure the
comprehensive training of its students. The
increasingly accelerated development of
technology requires fully prepared professionals
and people to graduate, capable of responding to
society's various problems.
In this sense, digital competence has become a
fundamental skill in higher education. According
to the European Parliament report, digital
competence implies "the critical and safe use of
Information Society Technologies for work, free
time and communication" (European Parliament,
2006). This means not only the ability to use
digital tools but also the ability to evaluate
information and communicate effectively in
virtual environments critically.
The importance of digital skills in higher
education is not limited only to students but also
affects teachers and professionals. As Pelgrum
(2001) points out, "Digital skills are essential for
teachers today, as they must be prepared to
integrate technology effectively into their
teaching practices and facilitate student learning
in digital environments."
In addition, digital skills are essential for
research and professional development in an
increasingly globalized and connected world.
Carretero et al., (2019) argued that "digital skills
are necessary for researchers and practitioners in
general, as they allow them to access online
resources and tools, collaborate virtually with
colleagues worldwide, and disseminate their
research results more widely.
To address this panorama, it is necessary to work
on training university teachers. Núñez-Canal et
al., (2022) state, "It is essential to provide
teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge
to integrate digital technologies into their
educational practices and make the most of the
opportunities they provide to improve teaching
and learning."
In addition, creating flexible and collaborative
virtual environments in the university
environment is required. Englund et al., (2017)
state that "virtual learning environments can
encourage active student participation,
collaboration, and collective knowledge creation,
which is especially relevant for digital natives,
who have grown up immersed in technology and
are more familiar with her".
In the current university context, digital skills
have become essential for the comprehensive
development of students, teaching practice,
research, and professional development.
University teacher training and creating
collaborative virtual environments are vital
aspects of promoting the effective use of
technology and preparing students to face the
challenges of a digital society.
In addition to digital skills, higher education
must address students' motivations for
developing these skills. According to studies by
Krumsvik (2011) and Mateescu et al., (2021),
university students are motivated to acquire
digital skills due to their relevance in the labor
Marrero-Sánchez, O., Vergara-Romero, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 9-18 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
market and ability to improve employability.
Employers highly value technology skills in an
increasingly digitized world, prompting students
to seek digital learning opportunities during their
higher education.
Along with employability, students may be
motivated by the need to adapt and fully
participate in an increasingly digital society. As
Bennett et al., (2008), digital competence has
become a form of digital citizenship, which
implies actively participating in social, political,
and economic life through technology. Students
recognize the importance of these skills for their
participation in society and their ability to access
information, services, and opportunities online.
On the other hand, the training of university
teachers in digital skills is essential to guarantee
quality education. According to a study by
Ramírez-Montoya & García-Peñalvo (2017),
teachers with well-developed digital skills can
create rich and compelling learning
environments, use digital resources efficiently,
and encourage active student participation.
Teacher training in digital skills allows for more
innovative, collaborative, and student-centered
teaching, which is aligned with the needs and
expectations of digital natives.
Digital competence has become a fundamental
skill in higher education, driven by labor market
demand and the need to participate fully in the
digital society. Students' motivation to acquire
these skills is based on their employability and
ability to adapt to a constantly evolving digital
environment. Training teachers in digital skills is
also crucial to provide quality education and
making the most of the opportunities offered by
technology in the university environment.
Digital competency is vital for students,
professors, and professionals in higher education.
It requires digital tools, interpreting information,
and communicating in virtual spaces. These
abilities help teachers enhance teaching, making
students more employable and digitally active.
Technology, teacher training, and collaborative
virtual environments are essential to maximizing
education. Overall, digital competence is
necessary for success in higher education and
The methodology used in this research combines
a documentary approach of descriptive scope and
a qualitative approach. According to Martínez-
Corona et al., (2023), documentary research
refers to a series of methods and techniques for
searching, processing, and storing information in
documents and systematically, coherently, and
arguably presenting new information in a
scientific paper. This definition supports using
desk research to collect and analyze relevant
scientific articles in the study area.
Regarding the choice of the unit of analysis and
the selection criteria, the use of the Scopus
database and the open-access journal is justified
by its broad scope and recognition in the
academic field. In this regard, Hiebl (2023)
mentions that academic databases, such as
Scopus, provide a wide range of reliable and
updated sources for literature review.
The literature also supports using an Excel
spreadsheet to collect and organize data from
selected articles. For example, Chowdhury et al.,
(2023) mention that spreadsheets are practical for
classifying and analyzing data in bibliometric
studies and literature analysis.
In addition, using relevant keywords, such as
"digital competence" or "digital competence", in
searching for scientific articles is considered a
common practice in documentary research.
According to Ray (2023), keywords are essential
to identify relevant literature in a specific area
and maximize the effectiveness of the search.
For the search for research articles, the Scopus
database was used given its relevance since it not
only collects bibliographic information but also
analyzes the behavior of the citations received by
the journals, thus allowing the generation of
many bibliometric indicators. Obtaining the
following results (See Table 1):
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Articles associated to the object of study.
Main Contribution
Vericad et -Boté
(2023) ,al.
of digital teaching balancedTo analyze the
competence of university professors of health
sciences in two Spanish autonomous
communities: Andalusia and Catalonia.
, teachers report a high groups equallyIn
command of technical skills, such as or educatorscommunication with other
in online courses. contribution
Méndez -Gabarda
(2023) ,et al.
Develop digital competence from a transversal
perspective in teachers.
The suggestion is to enhance the practical
component of teacher training through
increased experimentation, emphasizing the
conscious, effective, and feasible utilization
of technologies. Additionally, restructuring
ing cutt-the curriculum to incorporate crossto use the content would encourage students .internet and other technologies responsibly
Cerero -Fernández
(2023) ,et al.
of teaching technicalof influenceTo know the educational concerningteachers college of characteristicthe cultivatinginclusion and
life of students with disabilities.
Perpetual improvement of digital training
for teachers and the exploration of
innovative teaching methods are crucial.
Furthermore, addressing the limited access
for students with prospectsto ICT
ilities is essential, as it contributes to disab and hampers equal divisionthe digital and knowledge. datato approach
Marchwacka et
(2023) ,al.
Describe the ways of teaching and learning
used by teachers in the first semester of the
pandemic. 19-COVID
face to digital -to-from face variationThe
teaching revealed the positive trend of
in health professions. educationdigital
,Kaloyanova et al.
has highlighted the epidemic19 -The COVID
significance of digital health literacy while
l challenges. also presenting severa
Understanding the importance of digital health
literacy has become crucial in effectively -navigating the digital landscape for health
elated information and services during these r
unprecedented times.
e revealed that students from th reportThe
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
demonstrated a consistent and
commendable level of health literacy across
various health literacy scales. These
encouraging findings can be attributed to
the students' advanced digital skills, which
heir adeptness in navigating contributed to t
related information and resources.-health
García et -Alonso )(2023 ,al.
To know the perception of students about
digital competence in teaching.
educator collegeThey consider that containprocesses should teaching of digital skills. accreditation
Martí et -Marimon
(2023) ,al.
of discernmentThis study aims to analyze the
pursuing Education degrees scholarsyear -first
in Catalonia and Andorra regarding their
. It further capabilitydigital teaching al differences in perception investigates potenti
based on gender and degree program,
contributing to the diagnosis and formative
assessment of future teachers.-self
of Education degrees in scholarsyear -First
Catalonia and Andorra generally hold a
digital teaching positive perception of their
competence. They tend to view themselves
virtuousas highly proficient in
, communication, and characteristics
utilizing resources and applications.
However, they perceive themselves as less
experienced in pedagogical design,
nd utilizing digital technologies evaluation, a
for knowledge purposes.
,Romero et al.
Identify how the digital challenges to promote
lifelong learning through ICT in Higher
Education (HE) are reflected in specific
contexts and where digital transformation
relevance. particular(DT) acquires
It stresses that technology should be a way
and ,rove teaching, researchto imp
knowledge sharing.
Moreira et -Area
(2023) ,al.
To analyze to what extent the implemented
HyFlex model was valued by the students and
its effects on academic performance
year period such -throughout a turbulent three
19 pandemic.-of the Covid as the years
The HyFlex model has the potential to be
transferred and applied to the subjects of
face degrees that want to be digitally -to-face
Pequeño -Gutiérrez
(2023) ,et al.
The implementation of the "Youth Social
Lab" project was investigated as an Media
exemplar of content creation that integrates
multimedia elements (such as images, video,
text, and audio) while fostering participatory
niversity The study concludes that u
classrooms undergo a transformative
process, serving as spaces where students'
creativity and ability to seek innovative
solutions are challenged. This is evident in
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
cultures and nurturing the acquisition of
digital skills.
their selection of diverse topics within the
field of social education and the
evelopment of scripts (storyboards) for d s. Moreover, the social media creating video
laboratory examined in this study becomes
epistemic space that promotes the -an inter
recognition of students' cognitive diversity,
on of cultural hybridization, and the integrati
different perspectives and approaches. The
laboratory provides opportunities for
experimenting with novel digital,
multimedia, and interactive formats for
content creation, as well as investigating a
variety of topics concerning the
of youth in the contemporary role
Sellés -Hernández
(2023) ,et al.
about the tasks and roles analysis anPresent work in virtual collectiveof teachers in its typology and recognizing ,circumstances .scholarsthe importance given by the
It made it possible to identify seven key
professor collegethat a responsibilities an online applyingwhen progressshould work methodology: pedagogical, collective
evaluator, social, technological, and ,counselor/mediator, organizer/manager
Jugembayeva &
to examine the key purposesThe study factors that drive the academicand methodical
evolution of educational formats in response
to advanced technological trends. Specifically,
of eagernessthe focus is on assessing the within knowledgefor digital scholarsphysics
the University 4.0 model, which emphasizes
technological integration and innovation in
higher education.
Education 4.0 represents a crucial
component for promoting inclusive and
accessible higher education, aligning with
ble the United Nations Sustaina
Development Goals (SDGs). To ensure the
integrity and sustainability of Education 4.0
in higher education, it is vital for entirelyeducational technologies to be First, and scalable. innovative, incorporated
in this manner can they be deemed
.novel orilysatisfact A study investigating the innovative
to engage in scholarsof physics eagerness
digital educational experiences within the
standardframework of the University 4.0 Scholarsencouraging findings. divulges nd a inventivenessexhibit a high level of novelattitude towards optimisticpossess a . These outcomes highlight actions didactic
their potential to actively participate in and
of renovationbenefit from the digital
.instruction superior
Alpiste et -Fuertes
(2023) ,al.
To study the perceptions of teachers and
interactive synchronous concerningstudents teachers fivevideoconferences carried out by
of 3 different subjects from the Faculty of
Education of the University of Barcelona.
The study has allowed us to know the
rceptions of mixed teaching by teachers pe
and students, being those favorable, which
will reinforce the implementation of these
of Pedagogy studies. learningactions in the
,Kuntadi et al.
Measure and analyze the level of digital skills
.with industry experience possessstudents
fallIt concludes that training students
. However, it university's roleon the mainly
should be noted that universities must also
ping collaborate with industry in develo
benchmarks and standards to measure and
establish what skill sets should be taught
and prepared in academia.
-Fernández )2Jiménez (202
Analyze digital skills in higher education.
society the It considers the new need of , where all citizenscreated in the digital era, acquire particularly future teachers, must
skills and abilities that allow them to
function actively and adequately in the
society of knowledge.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
-Abanades )2(202 -Sánchez
about online our students' perceptionsKnow through er's interactionteachclasses and the
innovate must It concludes that the twelve have a andin skills to develop their students
more guiding profile and leadership that
allows them to empathize more with them.
It must be permanently formed.
Murillo -Merchán
Analyze and address the use of technology for
,the teaching process , its complexity,learning student support.and the need for
-He considers that, in a digital and hyper
connected era, traditional ways of learning
ial are complemented by the exponent
increase in tools offered by ICT. Education is in a process of continuous
change because the learning needs of
ts are changing. The skills necessary studen
to develop jobs in companies are also
changing. Therefore, the work and profiles
required by them are increasingly different.
León Lizárraga et
)2(202 ,al.
students' perceptionTo assess 114 university
of themselves regarding their level of digital
competence in communication in digital
.content creationmedia and
It stands out as a contribution that, even
when young university students grow and
develop in a technological context, it is not
that they have sufficient digital a guarantee since their respective competencies
investigations show an absence of advanced
levels of digital competence. In this sense,
they reflect on the need to implement
academic programs that promote the
s with the development of such skill
condition of adapting them as technologies
González et Cerda
(2023) ,al.
digital To analyze the frequency of ,academic, recreational, socialtechnologies'
and economic uses in pedagogy students
based on four variables: type of digital
competence, gender, permanence in the
and approval of subjects. ,program
This study showed that when digital
technologies are used for academic or
se of skills recreational purposes, the u
depends on whether or not they have passed
,.Kassymova et al
of master's students opinionsTo explore the
about their digital competence by identifying
and satisfaction in ,the frequency, experience method knowledgethe use of ICT in their
when they study at the university and teach
English as a Foreign Language (EFL). in the
.instructionof online environment
domainsin all is crucial Digital competence . You need to living contemporaneousof our in a concurrently connectstudy, work and improve the to technology: continuous 19 -educational context. The COVID
social and presentpandemic and other us go throughhave difficultieseconomic and ,to blended, distance conventionalfrom
online education formats.
-Latorre , .Cosculluela et al
of sequencea ngamoTo analyze the effects discernmentto the connected measurements aptitudeon the team instructionof university of desires distinctiveto the answerof ICT to effectiveness and supposed, on the scholars and, finally, ,these tools concerning positions its use. aboutbehavior dynamicon
the divulge analysisof this effectsThe amongst arrangementof grade elevated aptitudethe concerninguniversity teachers of work and stepto the adjustof ICT to
learning of students, regardless of their
. It also highlights the descriptions comprehensive designof significance the offerthat simulationseducational scholarsto all occasions knowledge similar of ICT in incorporationthrough the proper
, .Sollied et al-Siri
Investigate the possibilities and limitations of
learning outcomes in an online teacher-student
collaborative learning activity.
for professional requirementthe seeThey
digital competence as central, as digital academictechnology is not simply part of tointegral appropriatebut is erformsp
communication and collaboration with
colleagues and parents. Additionally, in connection with performing
group of assumedfor a lead academicas a increased instructor scholarstaff, the of the expected respectiveand ,knowledge attainedoutcomes were education online practice. concluded
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
.et al.Morra
we directionand teachingthe Recapitulate
provide to BLAs (Biology Learning
digital adjustAssistants) on how best to throughout scholarstools to engage instructive .termstheir virtual
specificHe considers that digital tools have
, which include obligationstechnological
hardware, software, and sufficient Internet
their use, the counselling . Whenstructure reasonablethe increaseto requirement of these technologies to reduce accessibility
the gap in the most neglected populations
should be considered.
honysamy Ant
professorsand scholars helpingContribute to to approachesuse the appropriate motivational .literatenessstudents' digital raise
Teachers must apply motivating strategies
that promote the digital competence of
& .Quiroz, J-Silva do -Morales Morga
year pedagogy students'-firstTo determine , crossed with leveldigital competence (CD)
two socioeconomic variables: the type of
educational establishment where they attended
theirhigh school and the territorial scope of
that university teaching consider yeTh student's should incorporate CD as part of
, especially students academic training
preparing to be teachers. On the other hand,
should be exerciseother forms of
implemented for those students who do not
have the financial resources so that their
inclusion in the digital competence learning
.process can be guaranteed
Source: Own elaboration.
The table shows a common factor among
multiple investigations is that digital skills
positively affect students and teachers in the
university environment. However, possibilities
for reflections are opened based on the evidence
of the articles that involve media literacy in the
cognitive elements and, in this way, increase the
experimentation of the practical component
applied for the restructuring of the curriculum of
the subjects.
Likewise, the use of the Hyflex model is reflected
as a tool for ethical aspects, communication, use
of multimedia resources, and specific
applications, with an inclusive element that is
part of ICTs for students with disabilities and
accessible information as an opportunity for
The trend of digital competence and the Hyflex
model has an essential shift in the academic
curriculum and the recognition of the cognitive
plurality of students, cultural hybridization, and
communication between evaluators, counselors,
and educational managers.
The results show that studies on digital
competence in the university represent an interest
for the global scientific society due to its
implications in academic, professional, and
cultural life.
The current educational system cannot be
understood without Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT). In this
sense, permanent training is required in teachers
that allows them to guarantee inclusive,
equitable, and quality education and promote
learning opportunities during all life for all, as
stipulated in the fourth Sustainable Development
Goal Agenda 2030.
Given the ongoing development of technologies
that bring information saturation, new text
formats, and consequently different forms of
communication which affect human activities
and interpersonal relationships, they demand to
integrate digital resources in their training
processes, which must generate the development
of digital skills in the student body.
Developing digital competence in students
stimulates innovation and creativity, and they
develop soft skills such as teamwork.
Using motivating strategies in the teaching
process through ICT raises students' digital
Digital competence constitutes a transversal
competence in training professionals at the
undergraduate and postgraduate levels (master's
and doctorate).
Information and communication technologies
(ICT) allow access to shared documents, virtual
teaching materials, and videoconferences at any
time and place and in the search for updated and
relevant information.
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