Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.33
How to Cite:
Iskakova, M., Junissova, A., Kaldygozova, S., Shafranskyi, V., & Shakenova, M. (2023). Psychology of personality consciousness
in the context of information and communication technologies and education system reform: Experience of EU countries. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(66), 355-364. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.33
Psychology of personality consciousness in the context of information
and communication technologies and education system reform:
Experience of EU countries
Psicología de la conciencia de la personalidad en el contexto de las tecnologías de la
información y la comunicación y la reforma del sistema educativo: La experiencia de los
países de la UE
Received: June 15, 2023 Accepted: July 15, 2023
Written by:
Mira Iskakova1
Ainura Junissova2
Sandugash Kaldygozova3
Volodymyr Shafranskyi4
Maigul Shakenova5
The purpose of the article is to analyze the
processes of formation of the psychology of
personality consciousness in the context of active
use of information and communication
technologies and transformations in the field of
education, primarily in the countries of the
European Union. To realize this goal, the
methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as
well as axiological and systematic methods as
elements of general scientific knowledge are
used. The results of the study indicate that the use
of ICTs can be useful for developing countries
that are implementing the westernization of
educational systems, including the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The use of various interactive
platforms, online courses, multimedia materials,
and other digital tools contributes to the creation
of multifaceted and meaningful learning
environments that promote critical thinking,
1 Doctor of Phychology, Professor, M.Auezov name SKU, Shimkent, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: JAX-6332-2023
2 Ph.D. in Philology, Dehuty dean for Research, and innovation, M.Auezov name SKU, Shimkent, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher
ID: JAX-7020-2023
3 Ph.D. in Pedagogу, Head of Departament of Russian language and Literature, M.Auezov name SKU, Shimkent, Kazakhstan. WoS
Researcher ID: JAX-6992-2023
4 Ph.D. in Pedagogу, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, West Ukrainian National University,
Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JAN-4544-2023
5 Ph.D. in Philology, Professor, Shimkent, Kazakhstan, M. Auezov name SKU. WoS Researcher ID: GZM-0015-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
independence, and innovative abilities of
students. It is also proved that the availability of
information and its accessibility still do not
guarantee the formation of knowledge at the
personal level. The conclusions indicate that in
order to optimize the use of ICT in the modern
educational process, it is proposed to introduce
artificial intelligence and develop in-depth
digital competence among teachers.
Keywords: information and educational
technologies, psychology, European Union,
education, transformations.
Research Problem
Modern technological progress and the
development of digital technologies, their
integration into public life have a significant
impact on the perception, understanding, and
interaction with the world around us, establishing
contacts with other people, and the formation of
new requirements for professional activities. The
psychology of the individual's consciousness is
also undergoing corresponding transformations,
which are changing as a result of information and
communication technologies, the formation of
new mental processes, and behavioral patterns.
These impacts are particularly noticeable in the
education sector. The global COVID-19
pandemic has demonstrated the potential for the
development of distance education and the
widespread use of digitalization in the training
and education of future professionals (Chang
López, 2022). Although the quarantine
restrictions have been lifted, the idea of active
use of information and digital technologies in
education has become a trend of our time
(Mehlenbacher & Mehlenbacher, 2020). In
particular, in European countries, the
achievements and positive experience of distance
learning are not abandoned even after the formal
end of the pandemic (Ramsaroop et al., 2022). In
such circumstances, information and education
technologies are closely intertwined with
educational mechanisms and the psychological
development of students, forming a specific
picture of interaction and mutual influence. The
problem is also relevant not only because of the
relatively short time of its emergence but also
because of the challenges posed by digitalization.
For example, we are talking about the impact of
social media and online interaction.
Research Focus
Information and communication technologies
(ICTs) provide an opportunity to easily
communicate and interact with other users,
including for learning purposes, but this can also
have a negative impact on the social behavior and
psychological state of learners. Social media can
cause certain psychological effects, such as
feelings of loneliness, comparison with others,
lower self-esteem, lead to digital addiction,
reduce life satisfaction, and cause other negative
consequences. In such circumstances, the study
of the inclusion of digital technologies in the
educational process and the related psychological
impact becomes even more relevant. This aspect
is especially important for governments and civil
society organizations in developing countries
that are embarking on structural reforms. In
particular, Kazakhstani officials have
implemented a number of transformations in the
field of education, but further development of
reforms also requires taking into account the
critical experience of the EU. Therefore, the main
focus of the study is to analyze the impact of
ICTs on the formation of psychological attitudes
of an individual through the prism of analyzing
the experience of EU countries.
Research Aim and Research Questions
The purpose of the article is to study the main
processes of formation of the psychology of
consciousness of the individual in the context of
the use of information and communication
technologies and transformations in the
educational sector (based on the analysis of the
experience of European countries).
The corresponding goal involves the following
Iskakova, M., Junissova, A., Kaldygozova, S., Shafranskyi, V., Shakenova, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 355-364 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
1. Characterization of the theoretical
foundations of the research problem;
2. Analysis of the impact of ICT on the
psychological attitudes of the individual
3. Determining the relationship between
individual psychology and ICT and
characterizing current trends in European
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Consciousness as a certain psychological
phenomenon has repeatedly become an object of
scientific knowledge. However, in modern
research, there is no single clear definition of this
concept, since psychological and philosophical
concepts are undoubtedly difficult to interpret.
Given the current definitions, consciousness can
be interpreted as a higher level of mental
reflection and self-regulation that is unique to
humans (Sperling, 1982). According to Roberts
& Yoon (2021), personality psychology has “a
well-established set of four responsibilities that it
implicitly or explicitly considers as a field” (p.
1. description of what a personality is;
2. personality development;
3. explanation of personality processes and
their importance for functioning;
4. the basics of understanding and explaining
actions and motivation (Roberts & Yoon,
Based on this, it can be determined that
consciousness is the highest stage of mental
development, and its characteristic features are
activity, dynamic perception, and a combination
of sensual and rational images that are formed
individually and based on personal experience
(Gulbs et al., 2018). The comparative function,
inner experiences, and the ability to self-observe
allow us to know ourselves and the environment,
respond to intense changes, etc. (Gross, 2019)
(See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Building blocks and components of consciousness
Source: Compiled based on Gulbs et al., (2018).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Accordingly, personality psychology is based on
an individualized perception of the world around
us and the peculiarities of its functioning
(Sanguineti, 2022). Each person is endowed with
this ability and uses it at his or her own discretion
(Canfield, 2007).
The psychology of consciousness in the context
of information and communication technologies
is an aspect of psychology that studies the
peculiarities of learning, cognition, and
perception of the world caused by the use of
modern information and communication
technologies. Thanks to them, a person can
quickly find information, communicate, gain
knowledge, and interact with others online
(Kozhakhmetova, 2019). But such constant
access to information can lead to data overload,
which can affect concentration, attention, and
memory (Leleka et al., 2022). This requires
additional research and development of
cyberpsychology to maintain psychological
health and adapt to the new realities of the
modern world.
Therefore, the methodological basis of the article
is also based on works that explore key aspects
of the use of information and communication
technologies in the modern world (Clark-Wilson
et al., 2020; Delic & Riley, 2020). The issue of
digital transformation of education in Hungary is
described in detail in Stoika (2022). The
peculiarities of implementing innovative
programs in higher education in Latvia are
described in Andersone (2020). Thus, the above
studies have shown that digitalization, which
involves the large-scale use of technology in
various spheres of life, significantly affects the
formation of a personality in the modern world.
In particular, access to knowledge and self-
development is now an important positive aspect,
as information and communication technologies
provide access to knowledge and ample
opportunities for lifelong learning. This, in turn,
helps to develop intellectual abilities and expand
At the same time, Almås et al., (2021)
characterized the key aspects of digital
competence formation. Sultanbayeva &
Lozhnikova (2020) characterized the importance
of information and communication technologies
in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Separately,
Tynyshbaeva et al., (2022) identified the key
features of digital transformation in universities
in Kazakhstan. Ismailova (2022) analyzed
individual cases of solving socio-cultural
challenges, taking into account the circumstances
of digitalization in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Conte et al., (2019) explored the key aspects of
using digital technologies in the learning process.
Devadze et al., 2022 identified the problem of
education of the future, characterized the main
ways of its development. The authors focused on
the importance of developing information
literacy in students, which generally affects the
psychology of individuals. Therefore,
information and communication technologies
play an important role in the process of becoming
a person of the future, the optimal use of which
forms an important digital competence and
information awareness in an individual.
Information and communication tools help to
solve various tasks quickly and efficiently, which
provides more opportunities for personal
However, further consideration will be required
to characterize the impact of information and
communication technologies on the
psychological attitudes of an individual and to
analyze the main methods of combating the
negative impact of information and
communication technologies based on the
experience of EU countries.
General background
The study is based on theoretical research
methods. First of all, we are talking about
analysis and synthesis, which allowed us to first
divide the main subject of the study into several
smaller parts (problems): the use of ICT in
modern European education and the impact of
this process on the individual psychological state
of students. Then, based on the above methods,
these separate parts were combined, and our own
general judgments were formed. Among other
important general scientific theoretical methods,
content analysis, systemic and axiological,
prognostic, and comparative research methods
were used.
Data analysis
Based on the prognostic method, the problem of
further use of ICT in educational processes is
highlighted and solutions to common
misconceptions about working with the latest
technologies, regarding which there are disparate
opinions in the scientific literature, are proposed.
Content analysis was used at the initial stages of
the study when information was collected on the
research topic and the initial analysis of
professional scientific literature on these issues
was carried out, as well as the review of the
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
curricula of educational institutions that offer
students ICT studies. The axiological method of
the study involved the identification of the main
values and guidelines for the further evolution of
the value of education and the establishment of
relevant ideas in personality psychology. Based
on the systematic method of research, the use of
ICT in European education is considered as a
complex system that includes many components,
the study of some of which has become an
important task of this article. In some cases, the
method of comparison is used to determine the
differences, first of all, in the estimates of
scientists and to highlight the negative and
positive impact of ICT on the psychological
consciousness of the individual.
Results and Discussion
Influence of information and communication
technologies on the psychological attitudes of
an individual
Information and communication technologies are
based on information and its transmission. The
process of reconstructing the discourse
embedded in the information field begins with
the stage of its perception. Information can be
interpreted as a potential subject-subject
communication, although in reality there is only
a one-way process subject - information
(object) (Plusch, 2017). At the same time, going
beyond the subject-object dualism typical of
psychology will allow, in addition to the study of
the mental through the mental, to use the social
context of communication in the analysis.
At the same time, the process of perceiving
information has an existential character: it is
subordinated to the task at hand. Accordingly, the
process of perception of information and
communication technologies is not only a certain
act that is realized in the mind of an individual,
but also an act of interaction with the world,
which not only informs the subject but also
affects his or her consciousness.
Taking into account the trinitarian approach,
which is widely used in modern science, three
areas of perception have been formed: physical
(based on information itself), social (subject-
subject communication between the author and
the consumer of information), and mental
(reflection on the importance of information for
the subject's life) (Plusch, 2017). Information is
a text that is both socially significant and
discursive in nature. Interpreting information as
signs (textual part), meanings (depending on the
author of the texts), and goals (aimed at
consumers), it is obvious that there are three
different semantic means of perceiving
information: recognition of signs, awareness of
the main meanings and anticipation of goals (See
Figure 2).
Figure 2. Stages of information perception
Source: Plusch (2017).
Psychological actions of an individual (we are
talking about psychological mechanisms),
through which the process of perception of
information is realized, which unfolds in
different mental planes In particular, in the
physical plane, information (text) is a meaningful
sequence of any signs, the characteristic features
of which are continuity and coherence.
Accordingly, the subject in the plane of the
existing discourse recognizes the signs that form
the material basis of the text. At the same time,
in the social dimension, perception involves the
formation of a kind of transition from sign to
meaning. The meaning of signs changes
depending on the context, outside of which the
sign itself has no meaning. Since the text itself
does not possess a holistic principle of structure
in the mentality, the content and meaning of its
signs are determined by the contexts formed by
the author. The perception of information is
shaped by the communication process with the
author of the information and the understanding
of the meanings he or she has laid down (through
the reconstruction of the text's contexts).
Accordingly, information technologies, such as
the Internet, mobile devices, and social networks,
affect human psychology and can have both
positive and negative effects (See Table 1).
Stage of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Psychology
of Consciousness
The positive impact of information and communication technologies on psychology
Communication and communication
ICTs make it possible to bring people who are far apart
closer together and keep in touch with family, friends,
and colleagues even when they are separated.
Quick access to information
The Internet provides quick and easy access to
knowledge and information, which stimulates the
development of critical thinking and self-education.
Implementation of psychological support
Networks can provide support during difficult times in
life by helping you find a community of people who are
going through similar experiences.
Support for relaxation and entertainment
Using entertainment technology can be a way to relax
and unwind after a busy day (Shyshkina et al., 2023).
The negative impact of information and communication technologies on personal psychology
Excessive use of technology can lead to dependence on
smartphones, social media, and the Internet, which
negatively affects mental health and social adaptation.
Effect on brain activity
The constant flow of information can cause stress,
uncertainty, and loss of focus.
Psychological influence on a person, which is not
always realized by him or her and which is designed to
produce various reactions (thoughts, feelings, actions)
that are desirable for the manipulator.
Negative impact on self-esteem
Social media can promote comparison with others,
which can lead to negative self-esteem and a sense of
dissatisfaction with one's life.
Problems with sleep
Using technology before bedtime can lead to sleep
disorders and poor quality of rest.
Source: compiled by the authors
In today's globalized era, manipulation is an
important factor in the negative impact of
information and communication technologies on
the psychological consciousness of an individual.
Information manipulation has an imperceptible
impact on the will, feelings, emotions, and
attitudes of the object of influence. The
manipulative nature is one of the main and
leading features of information technologies. The
process of manipulating public attitudes with the
use of information and communication
technologies of information and psychological
influence is a widespread phenomenon in the
world. Contemporary researchers prove that the
process of manipulating the mass consciousness
is mostly carried out under the slogans of
freedom, equality, and under the current slogans
of significant events in society.
In general, the information provided to us by
information and communication technologies
goes through mental censorship. The latter stands
in the way of the message that appears in the
center of human perception (through
representational and signaling systems) (Roberts
& Yoon, 2021). Human consciousness has the
ability to redistribute information and perceive it
in its own way. One part of the information
message reaches the consciousness as a result of
the censorship of the psyche, while the other
(much larger) part goes to the subconscious. At
the same time, the information message that has
entered the subconscious begins to influence the
consciousness after a certain period of time.
Thus, the process of influencing the thoughts and
behavior of a person through the attitudes of
consciousness begins (Sutin et al., 2021). Thus,
manipulation is a widespread phenomenon in the
world that requires resilience from the individual
and an understanding of various manipulative
aspects. A modern individual should learn to
distinguish between useful and harmful
information, develop critical thinking, and the
ability to manage their emotions when using
The Psychology of the ICT Individual and
Current Trends in European Education:
Mutual Integrations and Risks
In order to counteract the negative impact of
information and communication technologies on
personality psychology, the EU countries are
implementing specific measures that play an
important role in the social sphere, including
education. It is worth noting that the combination
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of digitalization and education creates peculiar
conditions for the training and development of
the psychology of students, including in the
Republic of Kazakhstan. For example, in the
higher education system, informatization is
becoming a key condition for increasing the
importance of mental types of work and degrees,
the gradual transformation from industrial and
information paradigms of social development to
a knowledge society - a new organization of
society in which knowledge becomes not only
the basis for economic growth but also the main
organizational principle of society (Shakun,
2022). In fact, the knowledge society is
becoming an important goal for the educational
policy of the EU member states. In previous
industrial and information societies, the main
task of the education sector was to assimilate and
reproduce previous experience in professional
and everyday activities, taking into account the
available opportunities and resources. However,
in the knowledge society, the central aspect is the
creation of new knowledge by each individual,
using not only existing but also new problem-
solving methods and resources (Reid, 2020). The
digital revolution and the development of ICTs
make it possible to actively engage in the process
of knowledge creation, promote the development
of creative and creative abilities, and provide
ample opportunities for the preservation,
dissemination, and access to knowledge
(Sönmez, 2021). The use of interactive
platforms, online courses, multimedia materials,
and other digital tools helps to create a
multifaceted and meaningful learning
environment, promotes the development of
critical thinking, independence, and innovative
abilities of students and learners (Poliezhaiev,
2020). Thus, the use of digitalization in EU
education contributes to the enhancement of the
role of intellectual activity, the training of
competent and creative professionals, and
facilitates the transition to a knowledge society,
where knowledge becomes an important resource
and basis for the further development of society.
ICT has long been a subject of research and
education in Europe. In Germany, in particular,
the Philipps-Universität Marburg has a separate
Institute of Media Studies. The main areas of its
educational work include the study of digital
media resources, audiovisual processes of
information transmission, media organization,
and the work of cinema and television. This
institution even has a computer games
laboratory, where the Game Studies course was
launched, and a media center with access to
modern technical equipment. At the European
University of Applied Sciences (Berlin,
Hamburg), there is a Media Studies Society (Die
Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft), whose
scientific policy is aimed at studying media in
terms of their technical, aesthetic, symbolic, and
communicative characteristics. This society has
made a significant contribution to understanding
the relationship between media and cultural,
scientific, economic, political, and social aspects.
One of the important areas of work is advocating
for the improvement of media literacy among the
population. In the context of modern hybrid
information threats, the spread of deliberate
fakes, and manipulations, this practice is
absolutely in demand. Researchers have
repeatedly emphasized this fact, pointing to the
experience of other European countries (Zhang
& Aslan, 2021). Improving digital literacy is
indeed an important challenge for modern
education in EU countries.
It is obvious that the effective use of interactive
technologies is impossible without the parallel
creation of special disciplines on digital and
information literacy not only for students but also
for adults. The trend of lifelong learning is
popular in many EU countries. Continuing
education promotes the development of new
skills in adults and develops their acquired
knowledge (Gumennykova et al., 2023). For this
reason, many European universities organize
various additional courses, webinars, and
summer schools for both students and the general
public. Such activities are aimed at developing
information literacy. It has been proven that
specialists with information competence can
critically analyze various information and
communication technologies, use appropriate
methods of searching, analyzing, and interpreting
various information texts (Franco & DeLuca,
2019; Khan & Vuopala, 2019). Thus, such
individuals have the ability to resist information
manipulation, effectively use various digital
resources, etc. It should be noted that the
emphasis in the study of any discipline at
European universities is on the study of
information literacy and the formation of digital
competence. In particular, as demonstrated in
Lavrentieva et al., (2023), at the Berlin
University of the Arts (Germany), the
educational process is aimed at forming digital
competence: “art and media literacy”,
“information culture”, “social and business
communication”, “visual communication”, etc.
At the same time, Maastricht University (the
Netherlands) uses a variety of information and
communication software tools in the learning
process, with considerable attention paid to
media education and the formation of
information competence (Lavrentieva et al.,
2023). At the University of Latvia, where the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Art
operates, the main focus of training is on the use
of innovative software solutions, which thus
prepares specialists ready for future innovative
changes (Andersone, 2020).
In combination with ICTs, the actualization of
the European experience can lead to structural
changes in the development of the education
sector, which should be taken into account by
developing countries (in particular, Kazakhstan).
At the same time, it is necessary to take into
account the risks to the psychology of the
individual's consciousness caused by excessive
exposure to and use of ICTs. These risks include:
1. Unfortunately, the standardized notion that
the “knowledge base” is, in fact, an
information resource formed on a certain
technical device, which is popular in
engineering research circles, causes
misunderstandings in the interpretation of
the differences between the concepts of
“information” and “knowledge”.
A successful solution to this problem is possible
if the latest pedagogical technologies and
computer tools are introduced into the
educational process, taking into account the
peculiarities of ontogeny and psychophysiology
of students. Such an approach will help to take
into account the factors of target and work
motivation of learners related to the needs of the
individual and society for intellectual resources.
2. The introduction of ICTs in many
educational institutions faces a contradiction
between the capabilities of computer
technology and the lack of highly effective
curricula aimed at effective learning for
students, not just searching for and
accumulating information on academic
subjects (Sarosa et al., 2022). An important
task is to transform such information into
knowledge for students, which is now
proving to be problematic.
The solution to this problem may be the
widespread use of artificial intelligence
capabilities. Through this process, educational
work can take place with the least human
intervention, but with the rational use of digital
database resources in its own way. The use of
ICT in such circumstances is integrated into the
educational process. This experience can also be
useful for the realities of Kazakhstan, where the
introduction of artificial intelligence is only at its
initial stage.
Thus, information and communication
technologies play an important role in modern
education in the EU member states. Based on the
analysis, it was found that certain aspects of their
use can be useful for developing countries that
are undergoing a certain westernization of
educational systems, including the Republic of
Kazakhstan. It has been established that the
digital revolution and the development of ICT in
the European education system have provided an
opportunity to actively generate new knowledge,
promote the development of creative and creative
opportunities for further preservation,
dissemination, and access to knowledge. The use
of various interactive platforms, online courses,
multimedia materials, and other digital tools has
contributed to the creation of multifaceted and
meaningful learning environments, but ICTs
themselves have become an object of research,
with both positive and negative aspects. Among
the negative aspects, there is primarily a
destructive impact on the formation of
personality psychology due to detachment, lack
of live communication, excessive solitude, etc.
At the same time, other difficulties are less
evident, as they are related to the fact that there
is a misunderstanding of the importance of ICTs
for education. In particular, it is demonstrated
that the availability of information and its
accessibility still do not form knowledge as such
at the personal level. In addition, the software is
aimed at collecting and retaining information,
and learning opportunities are much smaller. The
use of artificial intelligence and the formation of
in-depth digital competence among teachers are
proposed as important elements of the use of ICT
in modern times. Therefore, the use of
digitalization in EU education contributes to the
enhancement of the role of intellectual activity,
prepares competent and creative professionals,
and facilitates the transition to a knowledge
society, where knowledge becomes an important
resource and basis for the further development of
society. This experience can be used in the
Republic of Kazakhstan, but the regulatory
framework for introducing digitalization into the
educational process will require additional
analysis. The harmonization of legislative norms
is as much a part of borrowing experience as the
practice of using information and communication
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