Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.32
How to Cite:
Vovk, S., Bader, A., Novoskoltseva, L., Mezhenska, O., & Zablotskyi, V. (2023). Mechanisms of determination of armed violence
in the modern world. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 347-354. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.32
Mechanisms of determination of armed violence in the modern world
Mecanismos de determinación de la violencia armada en el mundo moderno
Received: June 10, 2023 Accepted: July 14, 2023
Written by:
Svitlana Vovk1
Anton Bader2
Liudmyla Novoskoltseva3
Olena Mezhenska4
Volodymyr Zablotskyi5
The purpose of the study is to investigate the
mechanisms of determination of armed violence
in the modern world. The relevance of the study
lies in the fact that Ukraine and civil society are
experiencing many global problems as a result of
the armed conflict, aggression, and violence on
the part of Russia, which affect the level of
security and life in the country. To stop the
escalation of armed conflict and violence, it is
necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence.
The topic of the study is revealed through the
prism of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The general
scientific, philosophical, and special methods
and approaches were used in the research
process. The basic approaches to the study of the
topic were systemic and structural-functional. To
achieve this goal, a number of tasks were
performed. In particular, the work of other
scholars was analyzed and the author's own
definitions of the concepts of “armed conflict”
and “armed violence” were formed. To
determine the causes of the escalation of the
armed conflict during the Russian-Ukrainian
war, the subjective factors that can be influenced
1 Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of Department of of Political Science and Law, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HNO-9123-2023
2 Doctor of Political Sciences, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-
Political Sciences, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HNI-7944-2023
3 Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Law, Lugansk National Taras
Shevchenko University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-5980-2022
4 Candidate of Political Sciences, Lugansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IZP-9812-2023
5 Assistant of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine. WoS
Researcher ID: AAX-8839-2020
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and changed were analyzed. The subjects of
armed violence during a full-scale war were
Keywords: Actors of armed violence, armed
conflict, conflict escalation, political system,
subjective factors of armed violence
The phenomenon studied in this paper is a tool
for restructuring the political system. According
to this, a change in the political system can be
achieved through the establishment of
diplomatic, conventional relations, reforms, or
the use of hard power, which involves the use of
armed violence as an integral component of the
exercise of political power (Bader, 2020a). The
relevance of studying the mechanisms of
determination of armed violence in the modern
world is due to the objective conditions that
restrict human rights and freedoms and hinder the
development of civil society during the long-
running Russian-Ukrainian war. Russia's armed
aggression against Ukraine is international in
nature and creates global challenges that generate
problems and transformational changes at the
social, political, demographic, energy, raw
materials, and economic levels. The problem of
establishing peace and diplomatic relations is
relevant for Ukraine's development. It can be
argued that a form of violence was present in
primitive societies, but with its evolution, there
were changes in the methods and means of
implementing violence. Accordingly, there is a
problem of active development of violence in the
information society, which has transformed from
a non-international armed conflict in the East of
Ukraine into a full-scale war. This, in turn,
indicates indirect forms of warfare.
The grounds for Russia's armed aggression
against Ukraine are subjective factors, in
particular the psycho-emotional state of the
Russian president. This, in turn, has created a
threat to Ukraine's national security. A long-term
armed conflict is associated with a number of
negative consequences, including increased
mortality, an increase in the number of internally
displaced persons, refugees, the development of
an environmental disaster, and impunity for war
crimes and crimes against humanity. Failure to
understand the causes of armed violence leads to
its recurrence and spread, which destabilizes the
political system of the victim state. It is also
worth noting that the phenomenon of violence is
a social problem, as society is characterized by
evil, hatred, struggle in the context of “friend or
foe”, and aggression. For the aggressor country,
the development of armed violence is a
historically conditioned condition for the
implementation of an authoritarian regime, and
there is also the problem of money laundering in
The purpose of the study was to examine the
mechanisms of determination of armed violence
in the modern world. In order to achieve this
goal, the following tasks need to be
accomplished: 1) to identify the subjective
(internal) factors of armed violence on the
example of the Russian-Ukrainian war; 2) to
identify the main actors of armed violence; 3) to
determine the impact on globalization, anti-
globalization, and alter-globalization processes.
Bergmann (2020) noted that the socioeconomic
level of a country can influence the development
of armed violence. The main actors that increase
the number of murders and violence are
organized criminal groups, police, and armed
forces. The author emphasizes the war between
criminal groups and the government that uses
force. The study analyzes the process of
organization and escalation of the armed conflict.
The author identifies the trend of increasing
armed violence in El Salvador. The researcher
concludes that the escalation of armed violence
between criminal organized groups and the state
in El Salvador has narrowed the use of conflict
means over time, which stops the use of violent
methods in achieving political goals.
Pérez Ricart (2022) analyzed the relationship
between the presence of a large number of
weapons in the hands of civilians and the level of
armed violence. The level of violence was
analyzed in Latin America. The author refuted
the thesis that the presence of weapons always
directly affects the increase in violence.
However, the author does not rule out the
possibility that under certain circumstances of
the month and time, the presence of weapons
increases violence.
Vovk, S., Bader, A., Novoskoltseva, L., Mezhenska, O., Zablotskyi, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 347-354 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Elfversson and Hoglund (2021), analyzing the
urban nature of armed conflict, noted that
modern armed violence is increasingly having a
devastating impact on cities. The article
examined the level and pattern of mortality
during armed conflict in 1989-2019. Armed
conflicts were considered if the state that initiated
the armed violence was its subject.
The study by Galindo-Silva (2021) notes that a
democratic regime and open political institutions
reduce the likelihood of armed violence, as it
contradicts the principles of democracy. Party
pluralism reduces the level of armed violence
against the one-man rule. During the Russian-
Ukrainian war, consolidation of power (Ukraine)
versus monopoly of power (Russia) is taking
place, which reduces the tragic consequences.
Gassebner, Schaudtand, and Wong (2023) noted
that the functioning of criminal groups within the
state provides grounds for the development of
external armed violence. The researcher
emphasized that in order to develop mechanisms
and recommendations to reduce the level of
armed violence, it is necessary to identify
internal factors. Radchenko (2018) defined the
essence and impact of modern anti-globalization
and anti-globalization trends on the development
of globalization.
Anti-globalist sentiments are noticeable in many
countries, particularly in South America, where
local drug cartels pursue their policy of violence
and coercion. Resorting to hybrid methods of
pressure, leaders of Colombian mafia
paramilitary structures have gained significant
power. In particular, Eventon (2016) identified
the impact of mafia violence on the development
of modern Colombian democracy, characterizing
instances of violence as an essential element of
the country's political life. On the other hand,
Rosen (2021) highlighted the American
perspective on the crimes that occurred in
Colombia due to mafia wars for drug distribution
markets. The researcher's work is valuable for its
consistent and balanced legal-political
assessment, crucial for understanding
manifestations of not only military crimes but
also the equally terrifying and brutal mafia wars.
The study uses general scientific, philosophical,
and special methods of cognition that reveal the
phenomenon of armed violence in the context of
a full-scale war. The methodology is based on the
principles of analysis and generalization. The
systemic and structural-functional approaches to
the study of the topic were the main ones since
the functioning of armed violence is considered
through the prism of types of political systems by
the regime. The inductive method was used to
establish the cause-and-effect relationship
between armed violence and the type of political
system. The structural approach was used to
identify the main components of the phenomena
of conflict and violence. Using the psychological
approach to studying the mechanisms of
determination of armed violence, the subjective
(internal) factors of President Putin's decision to
start the Russian-Ukrainian war were identified.
With the help of the conflictological method, the
socio-political significance of armed violence in
public administration and building foreign
relations was established. The deductive method
was used to identify the subjects of armed
violence in the context of a full-scale war. The
comparative method was used to study the
impact of armed violence on globalization and
anti-globalization processes. The dialectical
method was used to consider other points of view
and to supplement the results of the study. Using
the method of concretization, the phenomenon of
armed violence was studied comprehensively in
connection with historical conditions. The
method of generalization was used to identify the
main conceptual ideas of the study.
The theoretical basis of the study was formed by
the scientific views and concepts of Ukrainian
and foreign scholars who have studied the
phenomenon of armed violence, its types, the
impact of Russian aggression against Ukraine on
globalization, etc. Based on these scientific
works, the mechanisms of determining armed
violence in the modern world were identified.
The main keywords used in the search for
materials in international databases were: armed
conflicts in the context of globalization, war,
causes, armed violence, armed forces.
Results and Discussion
The Russian-Ukrainian war has demonstrated
new dimensions of armed violence in the modern
world. In particular, the following possible
elements are mentioned:
1. Political conflicts and resistance.
Accordingly, political conflicts, however,
based on territorial, ethnic, or religious
contradictions, can cause armed violence. At
the same time, negative election outcomes,
authoritarian regimes, discrimination, and
inequality can also contribute to the
emergence of resistance and conflicts that
can escalate to armed confrontation and war.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2. Ethnic and religious tensions. Ethnic and
religious tensions can lead to armed
violence. This means that mutual rejection,
discrimination, and violence on ethnic or
religious grounds can create hostility and
armed conflict situations of various levels.
3. Economic reasons. Contemporary
researchers note that economic problems,
such as poverty, unemployment, inequality,
and access to resources, can also contribute
to armed violence. Struggles for control over
material resources, wealth, corruption, and
unequal distribution of economic benefits
can contribute to the emergence of armed
conflict situations.
4. Political and military ambitions. Political
and military ambitions of state leaders or
political groups may lead to the use of armed
force to achieve their goals. Expansion,
territory acquisition, and geopolitical
strategy are typical policies of the modern
authoritarian Kremlin regime.
Accordingly, the emergence and functioning of
armed violence in the modern world depends on
the type of political system behind the regime.
Balatska (2019) noted that armed violence in the
modern world is a major component of the
political system. There are three types of political
regimes: totalitarian, authoritarian, and
democratic. Accordingly, the domestic and
foreign policy of the state is carried out using the
means of armed aggression and violence
(totalitarian and authoritarian political system) or
the tools of diplomacy (democratic political
system). Let us consider the causes of armed
violence during the Russian-Ukrainian war
(since 2014). The Russian Federation is an
authoritarian state in terms of its political regime,
in which power belongs to one person - V. Putin.
This leads to the hypothesis that the first cause of
armed violence is the internal factors of the
president, who seeks to defend the power of sole
domination through conflict, aggression, and
war. An additional factor in the development of
armed violence is legal nihilism (Toribio
Vazquez, 2021; Rezvorovych, 2022). However,
the development and implementation of legal
documents on military and civil-military law
remains relevant for the regulation of relations
(Gorinov & Mereniuk, 2022). Given the
existence of the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation as the main instrument of political
power, their training, preparation, and production
of weapons, the phenomenon of armed violence
cannot be avoided. In addition, the anti-
democratic nature of Russia, different social and
economic development leads to the development
of armed violence. But to reduce the spread of
armed violence, a democratic state (Ukraine)
needs to develop and implement measures to
eradicate corruption, which, in turn, provides
energy for authoritarian politics to flourish.
Kushnarev (2018) noted that the development of
political corruption hinders the achievement of
sustainable development goals. In today's world,
we can observe how Russia is striving to become
a hegemonic state, which has caused an armed
The armed conflict that lasted for 8 years
escalated into a full-scale war (since February 24,
2022) between Russia and Ukraine, which can be
classified as an escalation. The latter causes the
functioning of armed violence, which consists in
a purposeful act of destruction and harm. That is,
the number of war crimes (murder, torture,
destruction of civilian infrastructure, looting,
misappropriation of property not caused by the
needs of war, etc.), crimes against humanity
during armed violence is growing rapidly.
However, armed violence includes not only
physical destruction but also psychological
destruction. In this context, countering
information violence and warfare is becoming
increasingly important. Macaya-Aguirre and
Espinoza (2021), studying violence during the
armed conflict in Colombia, noted that the
emergence of this phenomenon is due to three
aspects: 1) armed violence, including war crimes,
including sexual violence, as a means of war;
2) armed violence as an integral part of violence;
3) the development of armed violence as an
acceptable practice with a weak evidence base
and low level of criminal liability. Currently,
about 72 thousand war crimes have been
recorded, and only 29 people are criminally
liable (Sobenko & Kolomiets, 2023).
Accordingly, it is necessary to introduce a
renewal and modernization of the judicial system
of Ukraine, based on the principles of
subsidiarity of the European Court of Human
Rights (Kumar, 2021).
The armed violence in different types of political
systems can have objective, subjective, or
artificially created conditions for the
development of this phenomenon. According to
Richardson-Little (2021), the main subjective
cause of Russian armed violence is the
motivation of the actors, the belligerent mood,
which is due to the existence of the empire world.
A key factor that influences the subjective causes
of the war, as well as the formation of certain
beliefs about the use of armed violence by
Russia, is the high level of armament and
availability of military equipment. As well as
confidence in the Russian armed forces, which
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
have better professional and military training,
and a subjective idea of victory. In addition,
important subjective factors before the outbreak
of a full-scale war were weak mechanisms of
collective security and the presence of a certain
group of people who were engaged in activities
on the territory of Ukraine to change public order
and the state system, which was beneficial to
Russia. We can also identify internal factors of
the Russian president that influenced the
outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war: trauma
from the collapse of the Soviet Union, a mental
state that was used to being in a state of
aggression and violence, the experience of a
Chekist in the USSR Civil Service Committee,
and the president's rejection of Ukraine as a
separate independent state.
The subjects of armed violence are the state and
an opposition group seeking to seize power.
Accordingly, armed violence is used to preserve
their own interests and power. Bader (2020b),
considering armed violence as a socio-political
phenomenon, noted that the main actors include
individuals, groups, associations, and socio-
political institutions. During a full-scale war, the
state of Russia and Ukraine are subjects of armed
violence. However, the goals of using armed
violence are the opposite. Russia, which initiated
the war and is trying to violate its territorial
integrity, is the subject of violence, while the
Ukrainian side, which has been aggressed, is the
object. Accordingly, the Moscow regime seeks to
force the opposite side (the Ukrainian
government) to follow their political will by
using extreme forms of violence. Persons who
carry out certain orders (Russian mercenaries or
the armed forces) are also subjects characterized
by a different level of organization. Armed
violence as a socio-political phenomenon has
negative and positive consequences at the global
level. On the example of the Russian-Ukrainian
war (Table 1):
Table 1.
The impact of armed violence on globalization processes
Negative effects
Positive effects
Decrease in global GDP; Reduction in exports; Rising inflation in developing
countries; Rising prices for energy and food
products; Food crisis and unsuitable land for
agricultural production; An increase in the number of
internally displaced persons and
migration processes; Unemployment due to the war; Humanitarian crisis; War crimes; Increased government spending on
armaments and defense; Intimidation by Russia with a
nuclear disaster; Environmental disaster due to high
mortality, fires, etc.
China has opened a new railroad
route to Europe through the Caspian
and Black Sea regions without
passing through Russia; Pressure on China to resolve the
Taiwan crisis and Beijing's refusal
to resolve it by force Unification of NATO and the
European Union against the
background of providing assistance
to Ukraine in the war; NATO expansion; Reducing the number of
representatives of the “Fifth
Column” group, especially in
European countries, especially in
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and
Germany; Expanding the search for alternative
sources of fuel, eliminating Russian
companies from European markets
Source: developed by the author based on (Brusientseva, 2022)
The formation and expansion of a single
European family of nations can also be
understood as the intensification of globalization
processes through the spread of political,
cultural, and economic paradigms. Against the
backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the
Eurocentric aspirations of Ukrainians have
particularly intensified, as can be seen in opinion
polls (Fig. 1):
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Results of the Survey on Support for Ukraine's European Integration in the Current Context
Source: developed by the author based on (European Pravda, 2022)
The opposite process to globalization is the anti-
globalization processes that periodically occur
around the world. They are aimed at breaking the
system of European values.
A characteristic feature of anti-globalization is
that it encompasses a variety of ideological
trends, worldview principles, ethical norms, and
dogmas (Radchenko, 2018). Adherents of anti-
globalization define their own ways and
approaches to resolve current contradictions
arising from globalization processes and develop
new forms of social self-organization. In general,
anti-globalization movements act as informal
associations that are ready to mobilize and
organize joint activities (Radchenko, 2018). The
Russian authorities launch this process with the
aim of introducing panic, uncertainty, and chaos.
The result of successful anti-globalization
processes is the rejection of global integrative
processes, as the problematic issues are the social
standard of living of the population, which is
much lower in developing countries. However,
the share of people who are against European
integration is 7.9% (European Pravda, 2022).
Zahra (2023), in her study of anti-globalization
and politics during wartime, noted that this
phenomenon is triggered by the development of
instability and inequality. Accordingly, anti-
globalists advocate for a fair and equal
development of social life in all countries.
Matviychuk-Soskina, Krysovatyy, Zvarych,
Zvarych, and Ivashchuk (2019) noted that alter-
globalization is aimed at spreading global
international influence, environmental and local
stability, and human-centeredness, as well as
integration in economic and cultural aspects.
Developing alternative globalization processes
support certain globalization processes, in
particular European integration, and are aimed at
developing the cultural and axiological
component of society. Therefore, modern anti-
globalization and alternative globalization
movements aim to form their own concept
(variant) of globalization and are fighting against
further globalization changes of the Western
European type.
The study examines the functioning of armed
violence in the modern globalized world in the
context of socio-political relations. The author
emphasizes that the use of armed violence is an
integral part of an authoritarian political system,
which is determined by subjective factors.
However, at the same time, the means and
methods can be used by both the first and the
second subject. The only difference is the
purpose of using armed violence, which is to
destroy or protect civilians and territorial
integrity. The results demonstrate that armed
violence is a phenomenon that purposefully
exerts physical and psychological impact by
armed means and is destructive, although it may
have some positive elements, including for third
parties who are not directly involved in an armed
The author analyzes the mechanisms of
determination of armed violence in the modern
world on the example of the Russian-Ukrainian
war, which has escalated from an armed conflict
in the East of Ukraine into a full-scale war. It is
determined that armed violence can be caused by
objective, subjective, or artificial factors. In the
context of a full-scale war, its outbreak was based
on the subjective characteristics of the Russian
president. It is determined that armed violence
has both a positive and negative impact on the
0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90,00%
For EU membership
Against European integration
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of modern globalization processes.
Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of
anti-globalization protests, in particular, it is
established that they are supported by the
Russian authorities, which are trying to use all
available tools and mechanisms to stop the
process of European integration. For Ukraine,
this challenge is extremely important, and the
formation of appropriate methods of legal
response to the armed violence of the Russian
Federation against the Ukrainian population can
be considered as relevant prospects for further
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