Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.31
How to Cite:
Anosova, A., Levitina, L., Lupak, N., Korniichuk, O., & Deineha, O. (2023). Methods of developing management competencies of
education workers in postgraduate education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 335-346. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.31
Methods of developing management competencies of education
workers in postgraduate education
Методи розвитку управлінських компетенцій освітян у післядипломній освіті
Received: May 30, 2023 Accepted: July 1, 2023
Written by:
Anastasiia Anosova1
Lina Levitina2
Nataliya Lupak3
Oleksandr Korniichuk4
Oleksandr Deineha5
The study aimed to identify methods for
enhancing management quality in educational
institutions and the professional competencies of
education workers. Methods. The study involved
the method of expert evaluations and the
questionnaire survey. The obtained data were
processed using the methods of mathematical
statistics. Results. A total of 43% of respondents
said they were satisfied with training
programmes, while 45% replied affirmatively to
online training courses and coaching. However,
when asked whether the method helped develop
management competencies, online training
courses ranked second with 55% “yes” answers,
behind coaching with 76%. Training
programmes were the least effective method,
according to the questionnaire, with only 23%
affirmative answers. Conclusions. The study
found that education workers' management
competencies can be improved through methods
like training programs, online courses, and
coaching. The analysis of the results of the
questionnaire survey showed that in general all
1 PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Educational Management, Communal
Educational Institution of Kyiv Regional Council “Kyiv Regional Institute of Teachers’ Postgraduate Education”, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine.
2 Graduate Student, Department of the Innovative Technologies in Psychology, Pedagogy, and Social Work, Alfred Nobel University,
Dnipro, Ukraine.
3 PhD of Philological Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Pedagogics and Methodology of Elementary and Pre-school Education,
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical Univer.sity, Ternopil, Ukraine.
4 PhD of Medical Sciences, Assistant, Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Dnipro State Medical University,
Dnipro, Ukraine
5 Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
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three methods can be effective for the
development of management competencies of
education workers. Prospects. Further research
could be improved by extending a sample size
and using a variety of methods to evaluate the
effectiveness of training programmes.
Keywords: training courses, pedagogical
education, training programmes, professional
development, competence development.
Methods of developing management
competencies of education workers in
postgraduate education are an important topic for
pedagogy. In view of the current increasingly fast
pace of technology development, the
management of an educational institution
requires high qualifications and management
competences (Wegerif & Major, 2019).
Management of educational institutions is a
complex process that requires education workers
to have knowledge and skills in the field of
management and leadership. It is necessary to
take into account the latest trends in the
development of society, as well as to implement
innovative teaching & learning methods in order
to ensure quality education and achieve the set
goals (Kyrychenko et al., 2018). Effective work
with teachers who interact with students and are
a key element of the education system is
especially important. Therefore, it is important to
ensure professional development of teachers in
the field of management and leadership, using
effective methods and techniques that enable
achieving better results at work (Stathopoulou et
al., 2019).
In postgraduate education, teaching staff have the
opportunity to acquire the necessary
competencies in the field of management of
educational institutions. However, it is important
to know which means of instructional and
methodical work are the most effective. Different
methods have been developed that help teachers
manage the educational institution at a high level.
However, the study of methods of developing
management competencies can help determine
those that will be most effective in the current
context (Knox et al., 2019).
The study of academic literature found that the
modular system of professional development is
the most effective method of developing
management competencies. This system
involves teaching of theoretical materials,
demonstration of real examples, as well as
practical exercises and individual work with
teachers. Another important aspect is the
combination of theory and practice, which
enables obtaining the necessary balance between
the acquisition of new knowledge and its
practical application (Gegenfurtner et al., 2020;
Ishchenko et al., 2022).
Special attention must be paid to developing the
managerial competencies of specialists
undergoing internships. After analyzing research
on the topic, it was established that a feature of
the education of interns is an emphasis on
practicality and internships in various fields,
which allows professional, interpersonal, and
communication development. Learning methods
based on active interaction with teachers and
practitioners, such as role-playing games, cases,
and virtual simulators, are used to develop
managerial competencies. Leadership,
communication, strategic thinking, and
personnel management were recognized as the
main areas of management competence
development. In addition, various individual and
group development techniques, such as
mentoring and communication skills training,
were suggested to help develop different
management aspects.
Researchers also draw attention to the fact that
educational systems must change and develop
depending on the needs of society and the labour
market. In this context, the development of
management competencies of teachers is
particularly important, as they work directly with
Anosova, A., Levitina, L., Lupak, N., Korniichuk, O., Deineha, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 335-346 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students and are a key element of the education
system (Cebrián et al., 2019).
In several countries, including Ukraine,
postgraduate education in management has been
introduced for interns of dental faculties at
universities. However, studies show that it is not
always effective, as it does not take into account
the individual needs and capabilities of everyone,
and does not use innovative training methods that
enhance motivation and increase efficiency.
Below are three methods for developing
managerial competencies of dental intern
1. Training programmes. Trainings are
intensive educational programmes that help
education workers to develop various
aspects of management competencies, such
as leadership, communication, decision-
making, and conflict management
(Shevchenko, 2023).
2. Educational online courses. One of the most
common methods of developing
management competencies of education
workers is education through specially
developed courses and trainings. They can
cover various aspects of management, such
as strategic planning, financial management
and personnel development (Katsero, 2022).
3. Coaching. This method provides for the
development of management competencies
through an individual approach to each
education intern. It helps a person
understand and develop their potential by
focusing on their needs and personal goals.
This method provides an opportunity to
receive personalized assistance in planning
and development of management
competencies, which are specific for each
person (Shvydun, 2022).
Therefore, it is important to provide access to
modular management training programs for
anyone who wishes to enhance their managerial
skills. Such programmes should be flexible and
individualized to focus on those aspects that are
most beneficial to the work (Susanto et al., 2019).
Besides, it is important to constantly update and
improve the quality of such programmes, taking
into account the needs of modern society and the
labour market. This will increase the
effectiveness of teachers in their work, improve
the quality of education, and provide students
with better conditions for development and
success in the future (Luzan, 2022).
Unexplored issues
Despite significant progress in the study of
management competencies of teachers, there are
still unexplored issues that require the attention
of researchers. One of these issues is the
development and implementation of innovative
teaching methods that ensure the effective
assimilation of knowledge and the development
of management skills of teachers in postgraduate
education. It is also important to study the
influence of cultural, social and individual
factors on the development of management
competencies of teachers and the implementation
of innovative teaching methods in educational
It is necessary to study the effectiveness of
different professional development programmes
and their impact on the development of
management competencies of teachers. It is also
important to determine the most effective forms
and methods of training for the development of
management competencies of teachers, in
particular, with due regard to the specifics of
work in the educational environment.
Besides, it is appropriate to study the impact of
the management style approach on the
development of teachers’ management
competencies, and determine the most effective
management strategies that will help achieve
success in education. The study of these issues
can help to improve approaches to the
development of management competencies of
teachers, and improve the quality of education in
The aim of the article was to identify effective
methods of developing management
competencies of education workers in
postgraduate education. The research was
focused on the study of the experience of
implementing various methods of developing
management competencies in postgraduate
education, as well as on the assessment of their
effectiveness and advantages for the professional
growth of education workers.
The main objective of the study was to study the
peculiarities of the implementation of the most
effective methods of developing managerial
competencies, which will help to improve the
quality of management in educational
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The aim involved the following research
1) Study different methods of developing
management competences used in
postgraduate education of education
workers, as well as determine their
effectiveness and advantages;
2) conduct an analysis of the experience of
implementing various methods of
development of management competencies
in postgraduate education of education
workers and determine the most effective
3) outline the prospects of implementing
innovative methods of developing
management competencies in postgraduate
education of education workers, and analyse
how they can help improve the quality of
management in educational institutions.
Literature review
Recent studies in the field of development of
teachers’ management competencies show the
relevance of the chosen topic and the need for
further studies in this direction. In the article by
Kovach et al., (2020) studied the results of using
interactive learning methods in teacher advanced
training classes. The study showed that the
application of these methods contributes to the
increase of teachers’ motivation to study, and the
development of their management competencies.
Interactive methods enhance motivation and help
to retain attention.
Lavic et al., (2021) assessed the level of
management competencies of primary school
teachers. They found that the majority of teachers
do not have a sufficient level of management
competences, but their level increases in the
course of their professional development and the
use of interactive methods.
One of the most relevant areas of research is the
study of the effectiveness of various teaching
methods and their impact on the development of
teachers’ management competencies. Miranda et
al., (2021) published a study indicating that the
use of interactive learning methods, such as
group work, discussions and projects, contributes
to the improvement of teaching effectiveness and
the development of teachers’ management
Articles concerning the use of information
technologies in improving the teachers’
qualifications in managerial activities are also of
great interest. McFarlane (2019) found that the
use of online courses and webinars increases the
accessibility of educational programmes and
promotes effective learning of the material.
Susanto et al., (2020) also showed that the use of
interactive online courses with the involvement
of graphic materials and videos helps to enhance
the teachers’ motivation. It can also contribute to
increasing their efficiency in management
Gess-Newsome et al., (2019) studied the impact
of technology on education and educational
management. They noted the importance of using
artificial intelligence and other technologies to
improve the management of educational
processes and increase the effectiveness of
education. The study states that the use of
information and communication technologies
(ICT) in training teachers improves their
professional level.
Luo et al., (2020) emphasize the need to
understand the ethical and social implications of
using innovative technologies in education. The
results showed that the use of technology can
violate the students’ privacy and contribute to the
spread of discrimination. So, it is necessary to
ensure effective data protection and take into
account the social consequences of the use of
Terry et al., (2019) focus on the study of various
aspects of the management of educational
institutions, including the effectiveness of
various management methods and decision-
making mechanisms. The results of the study
showed that the training quality management
system was effective, but it can be even more
successful if it is improved and aligned with the
requirements of the labour market and society.
Widyasari et al., (2019) dealt with the
development and implementation of new
management methods. The study found that the
implementation of this method enabled reducing
costs, improving the quality of education, and
increasing the satisfaction of teachers and
Bolshanina et al., (2020) focus on the study of
web platforms for continuous education of
teaching staff. In their article, they mention the
high efficiency of the MIX platform for the
organization of blended learning in general
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Research in the field of education and
management is expanding and developing.
Recent years have been characterized by
increased interest in the development of distance
education and the use of information
technologies in the educational process. Many
studies are also focused on ensuring the quality
of education and effective management of
educational institutions.
Research design
The research procedure consisted of three stages:
preparatory stage, experimental stage, and
analytical stage:
1. The preparatory stage (2021) involved an
analysis of the academic literature on
management competencies and their
development among teaching staff. The aim,
main objectives and methods of research
were also determined.
2. The experimental stage (2022) provided for
determining a group of respondents. A
survey was conducted on building
management competencies in postgraduate
education. The most productive methods of
building management competences were
determined with the help of a questionnaire
survey and an expert group. Three methods
were studied: training programmes, online
training courses, and coaching.
3. The analytical stage (2023) involved the
analysis of the collected data and preparation
of research results. The most effective
methods of developing managerial
competencies were determined, and their
impact on the development of competencies
of education workers was assessed.
The sample for the study was selected through a
blind method through social networks. For this
purpose, 120 participants from the courses of the
Institute of Postgraduate Education of Kyiv Boris
Grinchenko University and 40 dental interns
from the State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk
Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of
Ukraine" were selected. All participants were
invited to participate in the study, but their
personal data was protected and not available to
the researchers. To ensure objectivity, the sample
was selected randomly, which made it possible to
avoid any influence of researchers on the process
of selecting participants. A group of experts from
among the teachers of the Institute of
Postgraduate Education in the field of
management was involved. Besides, ensuring
privacy was one of the main priorities during
sampling. The data were obtained from
participants on a voluntary basis, subject to
consent to the rules of the survey. All information
received was protected and kept confidential.
1. The method of expert evaluations was used
to conduct the research with the involvement
of qualified specialists. Experts’ evaluations
were collected and processed using the
methods of mathematical statistics.
2. The questionnaire survey (Appendix A) was
also used, with the help of which data were
collected about the opinions and views of
course participants of the Institute of
Postgraduate Education of Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University regarding the
choice of the Institute of Postgraduate
Education in the field of management.
Data analysis
1. The obtained results were analysed using χ2
criterion, which was determined by the
χ2 = (f1 f2)2 /(f1 + f2 ), (1)
where f1 and f2 - frequencies of compared
2. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
characterizes the internal consistency of the
test items. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
is calculated using the formula:
 󰇛
󰇜; (2)
entire test score variance;
variance of element і.
Data collection
Data collection in the study was carried out using
a questionnaire survey, which was developed on
the basis of a literature review and expert
evaluation. The questionnaire contained
questions about educational and professional
experience, learning motivation, knowledge and
use of effective management tools in educational
activities, and other questions related to the
research topic. The data were collected
electronically using a special survey tool, which
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
made it possible to collect and process a large
number of responses quickly and conveniently.
Before the start of data collection, a pilot survey
was conducted on a small group of participants,
which made it possible to identify and correct
possible errors and inaccuracies in the
questionnaire. The data were collected for two
weeks, followed by processing and analysis
using statistical software.
Ethical criteria
The research required compliance with a number
of ethical criteria. The confidentiality and
anonymity of the information obtained from the
research participants was ensured in the process
of data collection. The consent to participate in
the research depended on the will and proper
understanding of the content of the research. The
data safety and storage in compliance with the
legislation on the personal data protection was
ensured. The no harm principle was also
observed, ensuring the safety, physical and
psychological comfort of the participants.
Moreover, the ethical aspects of the research
findings and their further use were taken into
account. The results were used for research
purposes only. It is emphasized that the research
is not intended to discredit or disparage any
social or ethnic group in any way.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to verify
the validity of the questionnaire. The overall
verification result indicates how accurately the
questionnaire measures the selected variables. In
this study, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for
the questionnaire was 0.82, indicating high
reliability and validity of our questionnaire. The
coefficient data showed that the questions in the
questionnaire measure a single concept, and are
consistent and homogeneous. So, it is safe to say
that the questionnaire is a reliable and valid tool
for collecting data in the research.
The preferences of teachers who are undergoing
postgraduate training regarding the effectiveness
of the considered methods should be noted. Table
1 presents the preferences of the respondents who
were undergoing training using all three
Table 1.
The preferences of teachers undergoing postgraduate training regarding the effectiveness of the considered
Share in the
Personal contact with the trainer, the
possibility of communication with
colleagues, interactivity
High spending of time and high
cost, lack of flexibility in the
Online training
Flexible schedule, opportunity to
study at a convenient time and place,
availability for a large audience
Lack of personal contact with the
trainer and other course participants,
difficulty in enhancing motivation
for independent study
Personal attention of the trainer to
the needs and personal goals of the
participant, individual approach
High spending of time and high
cost, lack of opportunity to
communicate with colleagues, the
need for great self-discipline and
internal motivation
Source: created by the authors of the research
The results of the research gave grounds to
establish that the majority of respondents prefer
online courses for the development of
management competencies. This may be
explained by the fact that online educational
courses provide a flexible study schedule, access
to information, and the ability to independently
control the learning process. It is, however, worth
noting that some respondents prefer training
programmes because they enable interaction with
the trainer and other participants, receive
feedback, and learn from real-life examples.
Coaching can also be an effective method of
developing management competencies, as it
provides an individual approach to training, and
enables to reveal the potential of each participant.
A study of the peculiarities of each of the three
methods for the respondents was conducted as
part of the expert evaluation of the effectiveness
of the methods of developing management
competences. Table 2 presents the obtained data.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
The matrix of respondents’ answers to the questions regarding the choice of the method of developing
management competences
programmes, %
Online training
Are you satisfied with the method?
Did the method help you develop
management competencies?
Would you choose this method for further
development of competencies?
Would you recommend this method to
Have you experienced positive changes in
your professional activity?
Source: created by the authors of the research
The table above presents the results of a
questionnaire survey regarding the preference
and effectiveness of three methods of developing
management competencies: training
programmes, online training courses, and
coaching. Summary of the obtained results gives
grounds to state that training programmes and
coaching are more popular among respondents
than online training courses. When asked about
the choice of method for further development of
competencies, 61% of respondents chose training
programmes, while 39% chose online training
courses. According to these results, only 23% of
respondents chose coaching. The question about
recommending the method to colleagues
revealed that 67% of respondents recommend
training programmes, 90% recommend online
training courses, while only 43% recommend
Such results may be determined by several
factors. First of all, the difference in the answers
to the questions may be caused by the personal
preferences and experience of each respondent.
Some people may prefer training programmes
because they have the opportunity to interact
with other participants and gain indirect
experience from them. Others may prefer online
learning courses more because they can study at
any time and place that is convenient for them.
The second factor that can affect the research
results is the quality of the methods used. For
example, online training courses can be more
effective if they involve interactive learning
methods and have an effective curriculum.
The third factor is related to the respondents
themselves. For example, it is often the case that
respondents may not answer questions
objectively because of a desire to answer
“correctly” or to satisfy the researcher’s
Finally, the results of the study are related to
complex and multidimensional factors that
influence approaches to the development of
management competencies of education
workers. It is possible that the best approach
would be to combine several methods in order to
obtain the best results.
Based on the results of the questionnaire survey,
the number of “yes” and “no” answers to
questions about satisfaction with the method,
help in developing competencies, willingness to
use this method in the future, and
recommendations to colleagues was compared.
Expected values were calculated using a formula
that took into account the total number of
responses and the percentage of responses for
each question.
Next, a chi-squared test was calculated for each
question in order to assess the level of
significance of the results. Based on the results of
the analysis, the value for chi-squared test and the
level of significance for each question were
obtained, which are presented in Table 3.
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Table 3.
Chi-squared test value and level of significance for each question of the questionnaire for postgraduate
Chi-squared test
Significance level
Are you satisfied with the method?
Did the method help you develop management competencies?
Would you choose this method for further development of
Would you recommend this method to colleagues?
Have you experienced positive changes in your professional
Source: created by the authors of the research
The analysis of the table indicates that the chi-
squared test and significance level have different
values for each question. For the first question,
“Are you satisfied with the method?” the
obtained value for the chi-squared test is 1.18,
which is less than the critical value at the
significance level of 0.05. This indicates the
absence of statistically significant differences
between the three methods of developing
management competencies of education
For the second question, “Did the method help
you develop managerial competencies?”, the
value of the chi-square test is 14.85, which
exceeds the critical value at the significance level
of 0.05. This means statistically significant
differences between different methods of
developing management competencies.
For the third question, “Would you choose this
method for further development of
competencies?”, the value of the chi-squared test
is 17.07, which exceeds the critical value at the
significance level of 0.05. This indicates
statistically significant differences between the
three methods of developing management
For the fourth question, “Would you recommend
this method to colleagues?” the value of the chi-
squared test is 44.62, which exceeds the critical
value at the significance level of 0.05. This
indicates statistically significant differences
between the three methods of developing
management competencies.
This study analysed the effectiveness of training
programmes, online training courses, and
coaching for the development of managerial
competencies in postgraduate education of
education workers. The results showed that the
methods of developing management
competences, which were presented in the study,
have a positive effect on the professional
development of education workers. The majority
of respondents positively evaluated the training
methods, which indicates their high efficiency.
Androsch and Redl (2019) and Badcock et al.,
(2010) also noted the effectiveness of these
methods in their studies. The fact that both
studies confirm each other’s conclusions with a
difference of almost 10 years is important.
Instead, Cebrián et al., (2020) and Viktorova et
al., (2021) expressed sceptical concerns about the
effectiveness of intensive short-term coaching
As shown in the studies of Deineha (2023) and
Lytvynyuk (2023), there will always be a group
of respondents who were not satisfied with the
teaching method. This may be explained by the
fact that they did not receive sufficient support
during their studies or did not have the
opportunity to practically apply the knowledge
gained during their studies. It was also found that
the number of respondents who recommended
the training method to colleagues was low. This
may be determined by the fact that some
respondents did not have enough information
about the teaching method, as Yong et al., (2019)
and Naidoo (2019) stated in their studies.
Moreover, the study helped to identify the needs
of education workers in improving management
competencies, but a more detailed analysis and
evaluation of different teaching methods can
provide additional conclusions about effective
strategies for improving competencies.
McKenney and Visscher (2019) and McFarlane
(2019) also discussed this issue in their studies.
So, the needs for improving management
competences and the methods of achieving this
goal require clarification.
Therefore, the study of methods of developing
management competencies of education workers
in postgraduate education is an important step
towards the improvement of the quality of
management in educational institutions. The
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
results showed that certain methods, such as
coaching courses and training programmes, can
be effective for the development of management
competencies. However, more detailed research
is needed to evaluate different methods and their
effectiveness, as well as to study the factors that
may influence the effectiveness of training.
The theoretical significance of this research is the
consideration of different approaches to the
development of managerial competencies of
education workers, and identification of their
effectiveness in the context of the modern
educational system. The study showed that the
system of professional development with the
help of coaching and short-term trainings are the
most effective methods of developing
management competencies.
The practical significance of the research is that
the results can be used by teaching staff,
methodologists and heads of educational
institutions to develop the management
competencies of education workers. The research
can become the basis for elaboration of
professional development programs for
education workers, which would be aimed at
building their management competencies.
Moreover, the results of the study can be used to
improve the system of teacher training in
However, the results of the study also indicate
certain limitations that require further research.
First, the limited number of respondents may
limit the universality of the results, and more
studies with larger numbers of participants are
needed. Second, the study was conducted among
education workers only, so the results may not be
applicable to other sectors.
The covered topic of the research into the
methods of developing management
competencies of education workers in
postgraduate education is relevant in view of the
following. Growing demands for the quality of
education require continuous professional
development from education workers,
particularly in the ability to effectively manage
the educational process and ensure its quality. At
the same time, postgraduate education is one of
the most effective ways to develop management
competencies of education workers. Therefore,
the study of this topic is very important for the
further improvement of the quality of education
and the development of pedagogical science.
Research findings
As a result of the research, it was found that
training programmes and coaching, which were
chosen by the majority of respondents as
effective methods of competence development,
gained the highest popularity among respondents
among the three methods of developing
management competences (training
programmes, online training courses, and
coaching). The study also showed that there were
different opinions about the effectiveness of the
methods among the respondents. In particular,
more than half of respondents were not satisfied
with online training courses and did not
recommend them to colleagues, although
training programmes and coaching received the
majority of votes as effective methods of
competence development.
The results of the study can be applied in the field
of postgraduate education, especially in the
context of the development of management
competencies of education workers. They can be
useful for improving curricula, course
development and management training in
educational institutions. The study may also be
useful for managers of educational institutions
who seek to improve the management skills of
their employees.
Prospects for future research
It is possible to expand the scope of included
methods and increase the size of the sample of
respondents for further development of the study
of management competencies of education
workers. Moreover, additional surveys can be
conducted for a more accurate assessment of
satisfaction and effectiveness of the applied
methods. It is also possible to consider the issue
of the relationship between management
competencies and the quality of the educational
process as a whole. These studies can help
improve training programmes for education
workers and provide higher quality education.
Declaration of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
This research did not receive any financial
Bibliographic references
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Appendix А
Survey participant questionnaire
Male / Female
18-24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65+
Junior secondary education/ Complete secondary
education/ Incomplete higher education / Complete
higher education / Candidate for a degree
Level of management knowledge
Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Experience in management
Less than 1 year / 1-5 years / 6-10 years / 11-15 years /
16 years and more
How often do you use new
management methods?
Never / Rarely / Occasionally / Often / Always
What management method do you
consider to be the most effective?
Strategic management / Project management / Risk
management / Others (specify)
Which management tool do you
think is the most effective?
SWOT analysis / Balance method / Strategy map /
Others (specify)
Do you think your education is
sufficient for effective management?
Yes / No
Are you satisfied with the level of
your management knowledge?
Yes / No
Have you participated in
management training?
Yes / No
Do you use the skills acquired in
management courses in your
Yes / No