www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.29
How to Cite:
Marushko, L., Hura, A., Bryk, R., Baboval, N., & Karabin, O. (2023). Models of formation of professional competence of future
teachers. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 314-325. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.29
Models of formation of professional competence of future teachers
Моделі Формування Професійної Компетентності Майбутніх Учителів
Received: June 3, 2023 Accepted: July 4, 2023
Written by:
Larysa Marushko1
Antonina Hura2
Roman Bryk3
Nadiia Baboval4
Oksana Karabin5
The aim of the work was to develop and
determine the effectiveness of the model for
building future teachers’ professional
competence. The aim was achieved through the
use of calculations of the efficiency coefficient,
the coefficient of practical effectiveness, the
Cohen’s kappa coefficient. It was established
that the interactive approach, which was used
before the beginning of studies among 15% of
students, enabled obtaining a higher level of their
knowledge. The traditional education system
made it possible to achieve a high level of
knowledge among 31% of students. The
development of a model for building professional
competence of future secondary school teachers
provided for the use of non-standard approaches
and digital technologies (Coursera, Prometheus).
It was found that students showed a high quality
of material presentation (3.41) and a lower level
of organization of the educational process (0.91)
during teaching practice. The results contributed
to highly effective knowledge of ecology,
informatics, pedagogy/educational methodology
PhD of Chemical Sciences, Dean, Faculty of Chemistry, Ecology and Pharmacy, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: I-4607-2018
Doctor of Philosophy, Lecturer, Department of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching, Taras Shevchenko Regional
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets, Kremenets, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: CWN-8883-2022
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Education and Pedagogy Department, Faculty of Social and Humanities, West
Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JAD-3371-2023
PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Educational Methodology, Ternopil Regional
Communal Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JAD-2311-2023
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Methods of its Teaching, Faculty of
Physics and Mathematics, Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil, Ternopil, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: C-7283-2018
Marushko, L., Hura, A., Bryk, R., Baboval, N., Karabin, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 314-325 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
acquired by high school students. It was
determined that 62% of students developed high
professional competence skills. The practical
significance of the work is the developed system
of future teachers’ professional competence
through the introduction of non-standard
approaches. The prospects of the research may be
related to the provision of options for increasing
the level of professional competence for future
teachers of secondary and higher educational
Keywords: professional skills, organization of
the educational process, digital competence,
educational material, innovative solutions
Transformational changes in society and the
economy, which are also reflected in the
development of the education system, require the
training of specialists with a high level of
competence. The future teacher must have a non-
standard approach to the organization of the
lesson, must dynamically adapt to all changes. A
high level of teacher competence in secondary
school enables students to form professional
areas of training and desire to study
(Torres-Hernández et al., 2019). The advantages
of the need to build future teachers’ professional
competence determine the relevance of this
The professional competence of secondary
school teachers represents a high level of
knowledge for fulfilling tasks during the
educational process. The appropriate level of
professional knowledge and skills can be
achieved during classes training and during
teaching practice (Berikkhanova et al., 2022). A
high level of teacher competence helps students
achieve high results, influences the development
of creative skills. It is possible to build the
professional competence through the
development of organizational abilities, which
affects the organization of education as a whole,
the study of a particular topic. The activities of
the future teacher should be aimed at
comprehensive development, which affects the
depth of the acquired knowledge (Sydorenko et
al., 2022). A creative approach to teaching
students will ensure active interaction with them
during the study of the subject. The level of
professional competence of a teacher depends on
the constant improvement of knowledge, self-
realization, development of creative potential,
which is reflected in new methods of presenting
information (Meyer et al., 2021). The
organization of the educational process is
connected not only with the development of
lectures and practical classes, but also with the
students’ independent work. This is reflected in
better learning of the material. The correctness of
the selection of methodical and didactic tasks
affects the level of coverage of a particular topic.
Digital literacy skills should also be developed
during the training of future teachers, which
affects the interactivity of learning and improves
the quality of the educational process (Kleimola
& Leppisaari, 2022). Digital technologies
improve the methods of presenting information,
which affects the process of memorization and
automation in assessment. For example, the
Quizlet system provides a game approach in
learning, thereby enhancing students’ motivation
in studying the subject (Chornyi et al., 2022). It
will also be reflected in obtaining a higher level
of knowledge as a result of the desire to become
a winner in the educational game. The training of
future teachers should include a set of
interrelated elements that affect the achievement
of the final result, the accuracy of the
organization of teacher practical actions.
Modelling makes it possible to provide detailed
assessment of educational processes, ways of
presenting information. It also enables
determining performance parameters that must
be achieved by students at each level of learning
(Miotto et al., 2022).
The issues of studying future teachers’
professional competence are mostly aimed at
studying the advantages of its development. But
the issue of developing a unique model for
training future secondary school teachers, which
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
enables students to improve their level of
knowledge, is insufficiently studied. Regardless
of the direction of training of future teachers, it is
possible to promote professional skills
development due to the use of innovative
solutions in education. The choice of disparate
digital technologies that are not interconnected
with the curriculum can have a negative impact
on the assimilation of information. It can also
affect the lack of accuracy in applying the
acquired skills practically. The use of digital
technologies must be coordinated with the
curriculum, which will allow the development of
theoretical and practical skills. It will also
contribute to the organization of the educational
process, which will allow to adjust the
implementation of various lesson plans (lectures,
seminars, etc.). With the help of modern
technologies, it is possible to develop digital
competence skills, allowing them to apply a
creative approach to learning. But the problem of
the issue, which is not sufficiently studied, is
related to the selection of the correct digital
technologies, which will allow the development
of not only basic skills but also contribute to the
development of creative potential. The aim of the
work is to determine the effectiveness of the level
of future teachers’ professional competence as a
result of the development of a training model.
The aim involved the fulfilment of the following
research objectives:
Determine the relationship between the
approach to learning, which was used before
the research, and the level of acquired
knowledge (organization of the educational
process) by students;
Develop a model for improving the future
teachers’ professional competence;
Measure the effectiveness of the level of
pedagogical skills of future teachers and the
level of acquired knowledge of secondary
school students as a result of experimental
Identify the general level of future teachers’
professional competence by calculating the
efficiency coefficient.
Literature Review
The improvement of professional training of
students majoring in Specialized Education
should take into account a comprehensive
approach aimed at ensuring effective training. It
is necessary to create a training model that will
ensure the development of diagnostic
competence. It is necessary to determine the
approaches that will be used during lessons, in
preparation of presentations, material for
visualization (Hladush et al., 2022). The model
of building future teachers’ digital competence is
related to the possibility of using the advantages
of the Internet. Information technologies
contribute to the change of approaches to the
transfer of knowledge, the development of
methodical skills, and an emphasis on certain
topics. Internet capabilities facilitate both
blended and e-learning (Tomczyk, 2022). The
use of mind mapping technology contributes to
building professional competence of future
foreign language teachers. Mind mapping
technologies contribute to easier memorization
of lexical material, affect the development of
speaking skills. The presented system makes it
possible for the students to overcome the
language barrier. This approach will also enable
expanding the vocabulary of specialized words
(Ishchenko et al., 2022).
Building future teachers’ professional
competence should be based on revealing the
essence of professional activity. It is important to
take into account motivational, procedural,
evaluative and reflective criteria during training.
Building professional competence should be
based on the ability to organize theoretical and
practical assignments and extracurricular work.
It is also necessary to ensure the search for
opportunities for self-development, to ensure the
ability to use various digital opportunities,
thereby developing mobility (Ismailova et al.,
2021). The development of emotional
intelligence should be ensured during the training
of future teachers, which affects the organization
of professional activities. The development of
emotional intelligence enables reducing stress
and burnout, develop interpersonal relationships.
This approach will have a positive effect on
classroom management, and will ensure the
expansion of the teacher’s abilities, as emotional
intelligence will provide the ability to perceive,
express, and manage different approaches to
learning (Valente et al., 2020).
The development of approaches to building
professional competence of future chemistry
teachers should be based on the analysis of
psychological, pedagogical, chemical, and
methodological literature. The use of different
literature will enable determining the theoretical
and methodological methodical foundations of
organization of the lesson. It will also enable
creating a set of methodical materials that will be
directed to the completion of ordinary and
creative assignments. The training of future
physics teachers should reveal the components of
the future teacher’s competence; identify
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
problems that may arise. It is necessary to ensure
the development of a methodological system of
future teachers’ competence; identify criteria that
affect the development of professional skills.
Achieving a high level of knowledge is possible
as a result of informatization and
computerization of the educational process
(Isyanov et al., 2020).
Perception and assimilation of information by
schoolchildren also depends on the level of
teacher training. It is necessary to ensure
coverage of theoretical and procedural features
of the educational process during the training of
future teachers. The use of information
technologies and modelling will ensure not only
the development of professional knowledge, but
also the development of information competence
of future teachers. The approach can be reflected
in ensuring the students’ readiness to solve
experimental problems (Shyian et al., 2020).
Future teachers’ professional skills can be
developed using the potential of Scratch. The
benefits of Scratch’s potential were determined
using the Kirkpatrick Model. The use of this
technology will improve the learning process at
various levels. The application of programming
processes and elements of mathematical subjects
contributes to the improvement of academic
skills, which enhances students’ motivation
(Almeida et al., 2019).
The results of the analysis made it possible to
determine that in most cases building
professional competence is associated with an
emphasis on one academic subject. This involves
the analysis of different educational literature on
building the correct professional skills. The
development of emotional intelligence, computer
competence, which includes different
approaches to learning, should also be taken into
Research design
The first level of the research involved
determining the approach to the training of future
teachers applied before the start of the research.
The approach was determined on the basis of the
authors’ study of previous training programmes
for each subject. The results were aimed at
determining the level of acquired knowledge and
the level of organization of the educational
process in experimental groups during teaching
practice. As the study of each subject is
characterized by a different approach, the study
of the most widespread one consisted in its use
for more than among 50% of subjects. The first
level of research provided for studying the
relationship with the method of teaching the
subject and determining the level of acquired
knowledge and the organization of the
educational process.
The second level of research was aimed at
developing a model to improve the future
teachers’ professional competence. The
development of the model consisted in providing
a unified approach to learning for all course
subjects for students of different specializations.
The advantages and disadvantages of each
approach to learning (traditional, digital, mixed,
interactive) were taken into account during the
development of the model. This contributed to
the creation of a model that will improve future
teachers’ professional qualifications. The
possibilities of using digital technologies to
increase the effectiveness of training were also
taken into account during the development of the
model. The training took place from 2021, which
made it possible to deliver lectures and conduct
practical classes, as well as teaching practice.
The third level of research consisted in
determining the quality of teaching practice
among students of grades 9-11, who were
included in the experimental group. The practice
took place for 1 month, which enabled
determining the level of acquired knowledge.
The elements of the practice were intended to
ensure the organization of the educational
process and presentation of educational material.
The organization of the educational process by
students involved a combination of the accuracy
of practical and theoretical materials, the
allocation of hours for the study of a separate
plan. The process of organizing the education of
secondary school students as part of teaching
practice was adjusted by teachers to ensure a
more accurate organization of education. The
presentation of educational material included the
form of presentation of educational information,
the use or absence of digital technologies, the
selection of examples to confirm the topic, etc.
The second level of the research provided for
determining the level of knowledge obtained by
senior school students during teaching practice.
The knowledge on ecology, chemistry,
informatics, biology, pedagogy/education
methodology (optional) was obtained.
The third level of research involved determining
the effectiveness of the developed model for
improving future teachers’ professional
competence. The effectiveness was determined
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by understanding the studied subjects, the
possibility of variation with different
information. It also provided for the possibility of
fulfilling professional tasks, applying creative
They survey involved 183 students who were
studying to become future teachers. The students
studied at the Faculty of Chemistry, Ecology and
Pharmacy; future informatics teachers;
Departments of Biology, Ecology and their
Teaching Methods; Departments of Education
and Pedagogy; Department of Management and
Educational Methodology. The study involved
students of the 3rd year of study from Volyn
National University, Kremenets Taras
Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities
and Pedagogy, West Ukrainian National
University, and Ternopil Regional Municipal
Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.
Restrictions in the choice of students are related
to one year of study, which helps to ensure level
conditions. Secondary school students (120
people) also participated in the study as an
experimental group for the purposes of teaching
The efficiency coefficient was calculated to
determine the effectiveness of the approach to
learning, which was used in the educational
process. The level of knowledge of the subjects,
as well as the level of organization of the
educational process, were taken into account
during the study of future teachers’ professional
 
, (1)
 an indicator of the level of theoretical
knowledge during the study of subjects/during
the organization of the educational process;
 an indicator of the level of practical
knowledge during the study of subjects / during
the organization of the educational process;
the maximum number of points that can be
obtained during training;
 an indicator of the possibility of
applying theoretical knowledge to complete
assignments of different levels of complexity
(the maximum value is equal to 0.3).
The development of the model for improving
future teachers’ professional competence
involved the use of a general theoretical method
of analysis. The method of analysis provided for
determining the possibility of implementing the
model for the existing university subjects. The
development of the model also provided for the
analysis of digital technologies that can
contribute to improving future teachers’
professional competence. This made it possible
to choose the use of the most correct Coursera
and Prometheus applications within the training
The coefficient of practical effectiveness
developed by the authors was calculated in order
to determine the level of knowledge acquired by
students. The calculations made to determine the
level of practical knowledge of students and the
possibility of their variation when building future
teachers’ professional competence.
 , (2)
 evaluation of the quality of the
educational process;
 an indicator of the accuracy of the delivery
of educational material by future teachers /
organization of the educational process
(maximum value 5).
The effectiveness of the material learned was
measured to determine the effectiveness of
teaching practice among senior school students.
The averaged results for the subjects were
presented as a result of calculating efficiency
coefficients in accordance with formula 1. The
presented coefficient was also used to determine
the effectiveness of the developed model of
improving future teachers’ pedagogical
competence. The results were reflected in the
possibility of practical use of the model for
studying different subjects.
Data analysis
Data analysis consisted in the application of
statistical calculations to confirm previously
obtained results. According to Cohen’s
coefficient calculations, an analysis of the level
of acquired knowledge and the organization of
the educational process by students was
conducted before the study (Hung & Wang,
2021). Calculations were also carried out to
determine the similarity of students results
according to the element of teaching practice.
The calculation of the overall efficiency of the
students for increasing the professional
competence was also supported by the relevant
statistical calculations.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
. (3)
M1, M2 average indicators between the values
that are compared;
S1, S2 mean square deviation of the compared
The interpretation of Cohen’s coefficient is
characterized by a strong correlation, if the value
is equal to 0; weak correlation 1; lack of
correlation 1.
Ethical criteria
Ethical norms were achieved in the direction of
ensuring equal conditions for all respondents of
the study. It was also envisaged to achieve the
novelty of the work, which excluded the use of
materials from previously published articles. The
authors exclude possible conflicts of interest and
confirm the uniqueness of this work (National
Research Ethics Committeess, 2016).
The level of future teachers’ professional
competence affects the level of their transfer of
knowledge to students for learning a particular
subject. The impact on the formation of
professional competence has a directly chosen
approach to the training of future teachers.
Therefore, the learning process was determined
at the beginning of the research among the
students (Table 1).
Table 1.
The level of professional competence of students before the beginning of the study
to learning
Level of obtained knowledge
The level of organization of
the educational process (in
experimental groups)
between high
Source: developed by the authors
The results revealed that the traditional approach
to learning was the most widespread during the
training of future teachers. However, in
accordance with the traditional approach to
learning, a sufficient level of acquired knowledge
prevailed (62%), 31% of students obtained high
results. The acquired knowledge is related to the
assimilation of theoretical material and
completion of practical assignments. It was
established that professional skills,
understanding, and the ability to transfer
knowledge to students were insufficiently
developed among this group of students. The
results were found during classes in experimental
groups. Most students reached a sufficient level
during the organization of the educational
process in experimental groups.
It was found that blended learning, which
involved the partial use of digital technologies,
ranked second. Blended learning contributed to
the fact that 55% of students acquired a sufficient
level of knowledge, while 42% acquired a high
level. The use of this approach was reflected in
the involvement of multimedia boards,
specialized programmes, which facilitated the
assimilation of a greater amount of professional
information and terminology. Blended learning
also contributed to a more accurate organization
of the students’ educational process, which
contributed to an accurate ratio of practical and
theoretical material for study.
The digital approach among students made it
possible to obtain a high level of knowledge
among 54% of students. The results contributed
to the solving of problems of higher complexity,
the use of a creative approach to solving
problems. It also helped to increase the accuracy
of the organization of the educational process for
the students of the experimental group.
The least widespread was the interactive
approach to learning (15%), which was
associated with the use of various interactive
games and the use of specialized technologies.
Interactive learning in connection with its non-
standard approach contributed to the
development of a high level of professional
competence among 71% of students. A total of
65% of students were able to achieve a high level
in the organization of the educational process.
This contributed to the development of
educational games for students, which improved
learning of the material.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Further, a training model, which is aimed at
optimizing the educational process, was
developed to improve future teachers’
professional competence. The development of
recommendations is aimed at ensuring
understanding of the educational information,
which builds basic and professional skills
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Model of building professional competence of future secondary school teachers.
Source: developed by the authors
According to the model of improving
professional competence, the study of theoretical
information should be a priority. This element of
the model should include the thorough study of
subjects from the university curriculum that
contribute to the training of future teachers. They
also affect the possibility of the study of
professional subjects. The implementation of the
study of theoretical information provided for the
use of the Coursera digital application, which
simplified presentation of information in the
form of schemes and structural charts. The
advantages of the application are related to the
possibility of using information from 275
different universities, which enables students to
deepen their knowledge. It also promotes the use
of various opportunities for flexible perception of
The developed model is also aimed at building
the digital competence of future teachers. This
process is of great importance because it helps to
ensure non-formal learning. This will later be
reflected in the possibility of implementing
practical skills for preparing classes for students.
The development of digital competence ensures
correctness in information management. It also
enables achieving a higher quality level of
understanding of new knowledge. Digitization of
education consists in the study of various
technologies that support the learning process. It
is also related to the study of the possibility of
self-improvement of the educational process
using the selected interactive technology.
The development of a creative approach is also
an important element of the digital competence
development model. Because it is aimed at
solving non-standard problems and developing
approaches to the presentation of a separate
aspect of the educational topic. Creative skills
contribute to the improvement of the quality of
education as a result of adopting non-standard
approaches to studying and presenting the
material. It also promotes communication,
diverse implementation of educational projects.
The Prometheus online platform was used at this
stage, which facilitates the distribution of the
created lectures.
An important aspect of training is the verification
of learned information, which promotes building
future teachers’ professional competence. For
better assimilation of the studied material, it was
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
suggested to ensure that the assignments are
checked by other students, as well as to
emphasize independent analysis of the
information learned. The purpose was to identify
mistakes and provide their detailed explanation,
indicating the correct approaches to solve it.
The development of skills in the organization of
the educational process is an integral element of
the professional competence building model, as
it will ensure a high level of education of
secondary school students in the future. During
training, emphasis is placed on developing skills
in structuring the topic of lessons and ensuring
teamwork with other students.
Conducting training in accordance with the
developed model made it possible to determine
how the approach to training was reflected in the
level of students’ practical skills. The results
were verified through experimental practice of
students during classes among secondary school
students (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Determining the efficiency of teaching practice by future teachers
Source: developed by the authors
Conducting teaching practice of students made it
possible to determine that the presentation of
educational material was implemented better
than the organization of the educational process.
The differences are determined by the fact that
the future teachers studied the topic of the lesson
in detail and ensured that it was presented in a
non-standard and understandable form. The
Prometheus online platform was used during the
development of the topic of the lesson. The
organization of the educational process lacked
correctness in the distribution of lectures,
practical classes, checking homework and
obtaining intermediate knowledge. Mistakes in
the organization of training were also associated
with the selection of information that was
characterized by a high complexity or did not
sufficiently correspond to the topic of the lesson.
The level of knowledge the students acquired
was determined After the practice. The
distribution of the effectiveness of knowledge is
provided in accordance with the professional
specialization of future teachers (Figure 3).
Organization of the educational
process Presentation of educational material
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. Determining the effectiveness of the knowledge acquired by secondary school students as a
result of the students’ teaching practice
Source: developed by the authors
The results of the practice showed that the
secondary school students had the highest level
of efficiency when studying Ecology. This is
explained by the fact that the students explained
in detail the topics of environmental protection,
identified existing environmental problems in
Ukraine (world). Students better understood the
presented material with the help of its
visualization (drawings, photos of ecosystems,
pollution). Knowledge of informatics was also
developed at a high level. As the development of
students’ digital competence allowed them to
develop skills for working with various
programmes. The results were also reflected in
the creation of interesting approaches to the
presentation of information, which enhanced
students’ interest. The study of optional subjects
(educational studies/educational methodology)
provided an understanding of the peculiarities of
Knowledge of chemistry, biology was obtained
at almost the same level (sufficient level), which
is explained by the lack of accurate organization
of education. Because the students chose topics
that did not correspond to the students' level of
The last level of the research provided for
determining the overall effectiveness of
professional competence acquired by future
teachers. The results were obtained through the
calculation of efficiency coefficient (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Determining the overall efficiency of professional competence acquired by future teachers \
Source: developed by the authors
Ecology Chemistry Informatics Biology Education /
High Sufficient Low
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It was established that 62% of students obtained
a high level of professional competence, which is
related to the understanding of specialized
subjects. These students can vary their
knowledge, use it in different situations and
complete assignments of different complexity. A
part of the students (38%) acquired a sufficient
level of knowledge, which helps to improve their
professional competence. A sufficient level is
associated with the availability of relevant
knowledge, but the lack of the ability to use it
when completing complex assignments.
Innovative educational solutions contribute to the
development of future teachers’ competence,
which contributes to the formation of high-
quality content analysis. Future competence
should be related to subject development, self-
awareness, and self-control, which develops
literacy, self-awareness, purposefulness. The
development of analytical abilities should be
ensured during training, which allows for the
wide use of digital tools, to ensure the
visualization of social interaction (Kleimola &
Leppisaari, 2022). Mind maps can be advanced
learning methods for developing professional
skills. Group training should be provided, which
will enable joint study and discussion of a
particular topic. Learning a foreign language
should be combined with improving writing
skills, providing analysis of theoretical and
practical aspects. The development of mind maps
can be a powerful tool for creating an effective
learning environment that enables co-writing
texts. The information is better memorized
during the discussion and analysis of the topic
with other students in the group (Ishchenko et al.,
2022). The development of students’ digital
competence improves the level of professional
knowledge, especially during initial training,
which includes the possibility of variation in
theoretical knowledge. The lack of digital
competence can result in improper exchange of
information, the identification of the most
necessary information. Digital competence also
contributes to self-improvement through the
study of additional information (Gallego-Arrufat
et al., 2019). In this work, the development of
digital competence of future secondary school
teachers is only one of the elements of the
professional competence development model.
Emphasis was also placed on studying theoretical
information, developing creative skills, checking
the level of learned information, and developing
skills for organizing the educational process.
Building future teachers’ professional
competence requires taking into account life
experience, intellectual and psychological
potential, developing the ability to present
material. This contributes to the development of
a new pedagogical idea, the development of the
principles of providing information and
supporting students. It is reflected in the level of
individual knowledge, the development of
approaches to the perception and assimilation of
information (Rustamova, 2020). The quality of
acquired professional knowledge can be
improved as a result of studying the necessary
subjects during the educational process. Accurate
organization of training and study of the
necessary subjects contribute to the relationship
between teachers and students, which improves
memorization of information. The development
of emotional intelligence of future teachers
enhances students’ interest in the perception of
information (Valente et al., 2019). This work
does not establish the relationship between
teachers and students. However, emphasis was
placed on determining the relationship between
the level of professional competence acquired by
students and the level of knowledge of secondary
school students. The results were obtained after
the teaching practice.
The level of future teachers’ professional
competence depends on the availability of
appropriate working conditions and the quality of
information delivery. During training, it is
necessary to ensure the development of mobility
of future teachers, which helps to find the
necessary information, to solve problems of
varying complexity. Conscious perception of
educational information ensures its long-term
memorization, which is manifested in the variety
and accuracy of use (Ismailova et al., 2020).
Review of previously published works showed
that great attention is paid to the development of
future teachers’ professional competence. But
most of the studies are related to determining the
relationship between the level of professional
knowledge and focus on digital competence. This
research primarily establishes the relationship
between the approach to learning and the level of
professional competence. This contributed to the
creation of a model for the development of
professional competence of future secondary
school teachers. The developed model was
intended for the entire educational process,
excluding the focus on a separate subject. The
obtained data were aimed at determining the
effectiveness of students’ knowledge in the
learning process. The level of assimilation of
information by high school students who
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
participated in training during teaching practice
was also taken into account.
The proven effectiveness of training future
teachers by using the model developed by the
authors contributed to the achievement of the
determined aim of the research.
Determining the approach to learning, which was
used among students before the research, made it
possible to reveal its impact on the level of
students’ knowledge. Namely, the level of
acquired professional competence and the level
of organization of the educational process in
experimental groups. It was established that a
high level of knowledge among students was
achieved through the use of interactive (71%),
digital (54%), and blended (42%) learning. This
is determined by the possibility of non-standard
information presentation, enhancing students’
interest. These approaches contribute to the
visual perception of information, which affects
better memorization.
The development of the training model was
aimed at building future teachers’ professional
competence. The model involved the study of
categories that contribute to learning theoretical
information and building digital competence.
The development of creative skills was also
provided, which is related to the solution of non-
standard problems, the development of
approaches to the presentation of a separate
aspect of the educational topic. In accordance
with the developed model, the emphasis was also
placed on checking the learned information,
developing the skills of organizing the
educational process.
It was established that the students developed the
skills of correct presentation of educational
material at a higher level (3.41) during the
teaching practice. They were achieved due to the
use of various charts, educational schemes, the
selection of interesting examples that attracted
students’ attention. The level of organization of
the educational process was also established
(0.91), which was characterized by mistakes in
the ratio of theoretical and practical information.
It was found that secondary school students
obtained the highest scores for Ecology (0.54)
and Computer Science (0.53) during teaching
practice. The results are related to the quality of
the selected information and its presentation. The
level of future teachers’ professional competence
was high among 62% of students, which
confirms the effectiveness of the used model.
The practical significance of the work implies the
possibility of improving future teachers’
professional competence as a result of orientation
towards the developed model of education. The
prospects of the research will be related to
conducting a comparative analysis of the level of
professional competence according to the
developed model among students majoring in the
humanities and mathematics.
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