www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.28
How to Cite:
Kotukov, O., Kotukova, T., Kozlov, K., Makarenko, O., & Odyntsova, O. (2023). The effectiveness of the national anti-corruption
policy of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 304-313. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.28
The effectiveness of the national anti-corruption policy of Ukraine
Ефективність державної політики України у сфері протидії корупції
Received: June 1, 2023 Accepted: July 6, 2023
Written by:
Oleksandr Kotukov1
Tetiana Kotukova2
Konstantyn Kozlov3
Oleksandr Makarenko4
Olena Odyntsova5
An effective national anti-corruption policy is
one of the means of improving the legal
mechanisms of compliance with the guarantees
of human rights and freedoms at the national
level. The corruption rate in the public sector
reflects the state of development of Ukraine as an
economic and legal state and its place in the
international arena. The aim of the study was to
analyse the state anti-corruption policy of
Ukraine and the effectiveness of its
implementation mechanisms. Empirical and
theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, as
well as the method of comparative analysis, were
used for a comprehensive study of the issue
under research. The system of measures for the
implementation of Ukraine’s anti-corruption
policy has become an effective tool for
preventing and countering corruption. Effective
anti-corruption measures in Ukraine were:
Candidate of Sciences in Sociology (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, Institute of Public
Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: GZA-8176-2022
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, Institute
of Public Administration, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: HDS-8446-
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy,
Educational and Scientific Institute “Institute of Public Administration”, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Kharkiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: JAN-8607-2023
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy,
Educational and Scientific Institute “Institute of Public Administration”, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Kharkiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: JAO-4680-2023
Candidate of Legal Sciences (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Department of Police Activities, Faculty of Specialist
Training for Police Units, Luhansk Educational and Scientific Institute named after E. O. Didorenko, Donetsk State
University of Internal Affairs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Researcher ID: JAO-3175-2023
Kotukov, O., Kotukova, T., Kozlov, K., Makarenko, O., Odyntsova, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 304-313 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
coordinated state anti-corruption strategy; the
newly created structure of anti-corruption
bodies; virtuous public service; implemented
electronic systems for public procurement and
property management; regular public reporting;
independence of the prosecutor’s office and
judiciary; monitoring and control of civil society.
Further studies may focus on determining and
justifying the impact of the anti-corruption policy
on the comprehensive development of the state
with the purpose of providing practical
recommendations for the implementation of anti-
corruption measures.
Keywords: corruption, anti-corruption policy,
anti-corruption legislation, prevention and
counteraction, measures.
Ukraine’s path of joining the European
community contributed to the launch of the
mechanism of building anti-corruption policy
institutions in Ukraine after the Revolution of
Dignity. The implementation of European anti-
corruption standards also prompted the
introduction of innovative solutions to combat
corruption, including electronic systems for the
exercise of public state power and public
procurement. The Russian aggression has
become a kind of test for all spheres of the state
machinery, including the system of anti-
corruption bodies established after the Maidan
Revolution. Despite the restrictions imposed
with the introduction of martial law on the
territory of Ukraine, the reporting of the practice
of the anti-corruption authorities in Ukraine
indicates their active work and effectiveness in
combating corruption. For example, the activities
of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HCC) in
2022 were 125% more effective than in 2021.
About what the annual report of VAKS shows.
For example, in 2022, the High Anti-Corruption
Court considered 49 cases of committing
offences of anti-corruption legislation, as a result
of which approximately UAH 1.6 million was
returned to the State Budget of Ukraine, in 2021
39 cases for UAH 940,773, in 2020 23
cases for UAH 231,891, and in 2019 23 cases
without recovery (Higher Anti-Corruption
Court, 2022). In 2022, the legislative power also
confirms the positive dynamics in the field of
prevention and counteraction of corruption and
adopted the provisions of the Anti-corruption
Strategy for 2021-2025. However, current
realities of Ukraine force it not only to win the
war with Russia, but also to go through a difficult
path to integration with the EU. This is certainly
impossible without effective anti-corruption
The aim of this study is to investigate the
effectiveness of the state policy of Ukraine
through the prism of measures to prevent and
counter corruption.
The aim involved the fulfilment of the following
research objectives:
outline the corruption situation in Ukraine
by determining the place of Ukraine in the
global corruption ranking;
identify and describe the structural elements
of the state anti-corruption policy in
identify the main problems in the practice of
the anti-corruption authorities as the main
tool in combating corruption and propose
ways to solve them.
Literature review
Many researchers studied the effectiveness of the
national policy of Ukraine through the prism of
anti-corruption principles. Considering the
system of anti-corruption bodies and anti-
corruption legislation, Gulac et al., (2021:
196-198), Bashkatova (2020: 44) and Cleary
(2016: 7-23) identified a number of problems in
the functioning of anti-corruption authorities,
including lack of clear protocols for their
cooperation. Analysing the system of authorized
bodies in the field of anti-corruption,
Boholiepova & Kovtun (2022: 251) found an
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
urgent need for professional managerial
personnel of anti-corruption bodies. According
to Shylo (2022: 86-88) and Yasin (2023:
307-310), the effective anti-corruption measures
in the post-war period in Ukraine should be based
on the completed introduction of innovative
electronic government technologies. Moreover,
it should be based on the optimization of
distribution and authorization functions of anti-
corruption bodies, reduction of the size of the
state machinery and elimination of distinctions
regarding the maximum amount of wages in state
bodies of all branches of government. Besides, it
is also necessary to improve professionalism of
officials, introduce mandatory polygraph testing
of civil servants, as well as develop effective
control mechanisms by the public, and
transparent reporting by anti-corruption bodies.
Kertayeva and Meirkulova (2018: 83-85) support
this position, who studied the deontological
training of specialists in the field of anti-
corruption and came to the conclusion that the
training of these specialists is a strategic tool in
combating corruption. Their training should
include not only a complex of knowledge, skills,
experience, and competence, but also personal
qualities that provide the necessary aspect in
professional activity.
Analysing the system of national anti-corruption
authorities in Ukraine, Bondarenko et al., (2021:
219-222) considers a closed branched system of
specialized anti-corruption bodies. It complicates
the fulfilment of anti-corruption objectives
because of duplication of functions of anti-
corruption bodies. As a result, it does not
promote, but on the contrary, complicates the
effectiveness of the national anti-corruption
policy. Analysing the anti-corruption policy of
Ukraine after the Maidan Revolution, Blatt and
Schlaufer (2021: 15-28) and Harasymiw (2019:
288-290) concluded that civil society is an
effective tool for combating corruption, which
has a strategic impact on the development of the
anti-corruption strategy.
Studying the problems of combating corruption
in Uzbekistan, Yusubboevich (2021: 1036-1040)
emphasizes that corruption is an inhibitory factor
in the socio-economic and political life of any
country. Wang et al., (2023: 8083) and Xu et al.,
(2019) who studied the effectiveness of anti-
corruption policy in China, share this opinion.
They state that the ineffectiveness of the system
of anti-corruption measures is a manifestation of
the stagnation of innovative and technological
development of each state. Frimpong et al.,
(2019: 13-14) also established the causal effect
of combating corruption on the economic growth
of the state by studying the anti-corruption policy
of the Southern African Development
Examining Weber’s bureaucratic system of
government in Brazil, Cervantes and Radge
(2018: 165-168) indicates its shortcoming
because it is based on Brazilian political culture
and does not adhere to constitutional principles.
Studying the anti-corruption policy in Indonesia,
Nurhidayat and Kusumasari (2018: 141-150)
concluded that effective means of combating
corruption should be based on human and ethical
culture, policy, anti-corruption legislation, legal
protection, organizational structure, as well as
legal procedures and processes that include the
specifics of Indonesia. Lacatus and Sedelmeier
(2020: 1236-1240) analysed national anti-
corruption policy of Bulgaria and Romania. They
concluded that the effective anti-corruption
policy is not possible without constant
monitoring and transparent justice.
Studying the anti-corruption situation in
Hungary, Pirro and Porta (2020: 435-440) and
Snegovaya (2020: 1163-1170) emphasize a
number of unfavourable factors in its
development. This is especially a phenomenon of
anti-corruption activism. Since closed political
opportunities help anti-corruption activists to
implement contradictory outsider anti-corruption
Studying the foreign experience of the national
anti-corruption policy, Astakhov (2021)
analysed the international index Transparency
International and determined that the anti-
corruption mechanism should cover all spheres
of life in which it is possible to commit corrupt
acts and include the interdependence of people’s
psychological behaviour, which is embedded at
the instinctive level. Melnyk (2021: 32-33)
believes that it is effective to choose one’s own
national way of combating corruption, taking
into account international experience. This way
must necessarily take into account the
peculiarities of the state system, the system of
anti-corruption bodies, national legislation,
mentality, traditions, culture, etc.
Despite a fairly wide range of studies on this
issue, the issues of the effectiveness of the
national anti-corruption policy of Ukraine and
the means of countering it remain fragmentarily
studied, which determines the relevance of the
research topic.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Methods and materials
This research was carried out in three stages. The
first stage involved a search and study of
academic literature on combating corruption,
studies on the prevention and counteraction to
corruption in the public sector, the provisions of
international anti-corruption standards, the
practice of applying legal means of combating
corruption, and an analysis of the practice of anti-
corruption bodies and judicial bodies of Ukraine
on the prevention and counteraction to
corruption. The analysis of the mentioned
sources gave grounds to determine the topic, aim
and objectives of the research.
The second stage provided for a theoretical and
experimental study of the issue under research by
comparing their results and analysing
discrepancies. The theoretical study gave
grounds to determine the significance of the
phenomenon of corruption at the national level.
The content of the concept of anti-corruption
policy and anti-corruption strategy was also
determined from the perspective of economic
and technological development of the state. The
analysis of theoretical studies revealed the
system of anti-corruption measures in terms of
preventing and countering corruption. The
elements of the system of anti-corruption
measures and the mechanisms for the
implementation of these measures were
determined. An experimental study based on
international standards, norms of national anti-
corruption legislation, the legal framework for
the implementation of the system of anti-
corruption measures, and generalization of their
practical application revealed the objectives and
the role of the effectiveness of national policy in
the field of preventing and countering corruption
from the perspective of the development of
Ukraine as a law-based and economical state.
The doctrinal analysis of studies on problematic
issues of the implementation of anti-corruption
measures determined the imperfection of the
existing legal mechanisms in the field of
combating corruption. The practice of anti-
corruption bodies in Ukraine made it possible to
analyse the state of the anti-corruption strategy
and its legal implementation mechanisms.
The third stage involved a final analysis for
achieving the aim and computer-based presentation
of the results of the conducted research.
The issue under research was studied through the
use of empirical and theoretical methods of
scientific knowledge. From the perspective of
international legal protection against corruption and
the importance of the role of the state anti-
corruption programme in the development of
Ukraine as a law-based and economic state,
empirical knowledge reflects the content of the
research object the effectiveness of national
policy in the field of preventing and combating
corruption. Academic, legal, statistical and practical
information about the components of the anti-
corruption system was analysed using the method
of comparative analysis. Theoretical knowledge of
the legal system of anti-corruption measures reveals
the subject of research from the perspective of
universal internal, essential connections and
regularities, which are covered by the rational
empirical data processing. The combination of
empirical and theoretical methods was used for an
empirical interpretation of the theory and
theoretical interpretation of empirical data, as well
as determining the legal framework for the
implementation of anti-corruption measures.
The sample of the study included such objects of
research as:
the general characteristics of the anti-
corruption policy and its system of legal
implementation mechanisms;
the system of anti-corruption measures and its
analysis of the effectiveness of the legal
framework of the anti-corruption strategy in
analysis of the effectiveness of anti-corruption
measures at the national level in Hungary,
China, Brazil, Bulgaria and Romania;
practical recommendations for the
interpretation of international anti-corruption
The practice of anti-corruption bodies, judicial
bodies and public organizations in monitoring the
state of corruption in Ukraine was studied to
determine the level of corruption and the
effectiveness of the system of legal mechanisms to
combat corruption. The study of these objects
revealed the problems of combating corruption in
the public sector. The research was carried out on
the basis of information search and scientometric
The main materials on which the research was
based are the norms of national anti-corruption
legislation, international legal acts (Council of
Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption,
Council of Europe Civil Convention on Combating
Corruption, UN Convention against Corruption),
case law of the High Anti-Corruption Court, case
law of the National Agency on Corruption
Prevention, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption
Prosecutor’s Office, the National Asset Recovery
and Management Agency. The studies on the
problems of preventing and countering corruption
and reporting by the Ukrainian Centre for European
Policy, as well as data from the Corruption
Perceptions Index were also used.
Over the years, corruption turns into a mass
phenomenon, which is observed in all spheres of
human activity. This is evidenced by the statistics
of the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy
(Table 1). Based on the above data, almost 95%
of government bodies, top officials, local self-
government bodies, mass media and
organizations that provide public services in
Ukraine have committed corrupt actions of a
certain scope. Romania has approximately the
same corruption rate (90%) in the public and
private sectors as Ukraine. The anti-corruption
situation is slightly better in Germany (90-75%),
and worse in Greece (99%).
Table 1.
Correlation of the manifestation of corruption in Ukraine and some EU countries in 2020
Not involved
Partially involved
Government agencies
Local governments
Institutions providing public services (civil servants, military, police, doctors, teachers, etc.)
Top officials and top managers
Mass media
Source: author’s own development based on Ukrainian Centre for European Policy (2020).
Regardless of the fact that corruption acts in
Ukraine are committed at almost all levels and in
all organizations of various forms of government,
the world community observes a trend of
decreasing corruption rate in Ukraine over the
last decade (Figure 1). Over the past ten years,
the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) of
Ukraine has increased by 8 points. A total of 33
points out of a possible 100 that Ukraine received
in 2022 raked Ukraine 116th out of 180 countries
in terms of CPI. Ukraine is perceived in such
countries as Algeria, Angola, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Gambia, Dominican Republic,
Zambia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mongolia,
Nepal, Nigeria, El Salvador, Sierra Leone,
Philippines. Denmark (90 points), New Zealand
(87 points) and Finland (87 points) remained
world leaders in this ranking. CPI outsiders
remained unchanged: Somalia (12 points), South
Sudan (13 points) and Syria (13 points).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. CPI trend of Ukraine
Source: author’s own development based on Transperency International Ukraine (2022).
The positive trends of the last decade in Ukraine
in the field of prevention and counteraction of
corruption are the results of the introduction of
the state anti-corruption policy. It is based on the
introduced legal mechanism for preventing and
combating corruption, the introduced updated
system of government agencies for combating
corruption, the established legal protection in the
anti-corruption field, and the implementation of
international anti-corruption standards.
A three-level structure of anti-corruption bodies
was built in order to ensure coordinated activities
in the fight against corruption in Ukraine
(Figure 2).
Figure 2. System of anti-corruption authorities
Source: author’s own development.
The system of anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine
is the newest and most extensive. The practice of
anti-corruption bodies testifies to the duplication
of their functions and the absence of agreed
cooperation protocols. The NABU, SAPO and
ARMA investigate corruption offences and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Corruption Perceptions Index of Ukraine
Level І. Performing preventive tasks
National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) - the body that verifies the electronic
declarations of officials, develops draft anti-corruption programmes and strategies, and also
prepares administrative protocols for high-ranking officials who have committed corrupt acts.
Level ІІ. Performing operational tasks
National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) -a law enforcement agency that
investigates corruption crimes committed by high-ranking officials.
Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) - the body of the Prosecutor's Office,
which provides procedural guidance and supports the state prosecution at the State Prosecutor's
Office in cases falling within the competence of the NABU.
Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) - the body that carries out pre-trial
investigation of corruption crimes.
Level ІІІ. Judicial protection
High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) examines cases of corruption that were investigated by
the NABU.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
crimes committed by high-ranking officials, or in
cases of large material damage, with the
involvement of law enforcement agencies, the
competence of which also includes the functions
of investigating corruption offences, excluding
another special subject of the offense (mostly,
these are law enforcement officers or organized
groups). Therefore, NABU, SAPO and ARMA
are law enforcement agencies that fight against
the criminal activities of only one separate group
of offenders officials. In the rest of cases, the
National Police of Ukraine, the Security Service
of Ukraine and the State Bureau of Investigation
are engaged in the investigation of violations of
anti-corruption legislation. The National Police
of Ukraine investigates corruption crimes that do
not fall under the competence of NABU and the
State Bureau of Investigation, and also draws up
administrative protocols on the commission of
offences under anti-corruption legislation). The
State Bureau of Investigation performs the
functions of investigating individual corruption
offences committed mainly by law enforcement
officers or organized groups. The Security
Service of Ukraine carries out operational and
investigative activities in corruption offences, in
particular, related to violations of the national
interests of the state. The Prosecutor’s Office
provides procedural guidance and maintenance
of prosecution in general courts in cases of the
National Police of Ukraine, the State Bureau of
Investigation, and the Security Service of
The anti-corruption legislation has also
undergone significant changes in recent years.
Since 1999, Ukraine joined the Council of
Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
and the Council of Europe Civil Law Convention
on Corruption, and later in 2010, it joined the UN
Convention against Corruption. So, Ukraine
undertook to develop and implement an effective
coordinated state anti-corruption policy. This
policy should be based on the principles of
transparency and responsibility, honesty and
incorruptibility, law and order, as well as due
management of state affairs and property.
Society should take a leading place in the system
of means of combating and preventing corruption
through its participation in combating corruption
and monitoring the compliance with the anti-
corruption legislation.
The current system of measures to prevent and
counter corruption in Ukraine includes such
elements as:
Coordinated national anti-corruption policy
based on the practice of preventing and
countering corruption and the Anti-
Corruption Strategy for 2021-2025 (Law of
Ukraine No. 2322-IX, 2022);
the latest system of anti-corruption bodies
which implements anti-corruption policy;
transparent public service, which is
implemented by conducting open and
transparent competitions for positions;
regular public reporting, which promotes
openness in the exercise of public authority
by informing the public about corruption
risks in the public sector;
independence of prosecutor’s offices and
judicial authorities;
direct participation of society in anti-
corruption policy through constant
monitoring and control of the corruption
situation in the public sector;
public procurement and property
management, which is implemented through
electronic systems with clear conditions of
participation and effective control
Such electronic systems include: Spending a
single web portal for the use of public funds
(2015), an electronic system of e-declaration
(2016), Prozorro an electronic public
procurement system (2016), an electronic system
of online sales auctions and property leasing
Prozorro-sales (2016), E-Health an electronic
health care system (2017). The implemented
innovative solutions in the field of preventing
and countering corruption have become an
effective tool for combating corruption by
eliminating the possibility of influencing certain
processes during public procurement through
corruption. These anti-corruption innovations
have become not only an effective tool for
combating corruption, but also a positive
example for other countries.
Therefore, the establishment of an effective
system of anti-corruption measures is an
indicator of an effective national anti-corruption
The effectiveness of the national anti-corruption
policy of Ukraine depends significantly on the
coordinated activity of anti-corruption bodies
and the implemented effective system of anti-
corruption measures. It also depends on the legal
mechanisms of national anti-corruption
legislation and the state of implementation of
international anti-corruption standards. Public
control over combating corruption is not only an
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
effective tool for combating corruption, but also
a manifestation of democracy and the
establishment of Ukraine as a law-based state.
According to Gulac et al., (2021: 196-198),
effective factors of anti-corruption policy in
Ukraine are an effective system of anti-
corruption bodies and their cooperation among
themselves; political will to overcome corruption
and observe the principle of inevitability of legal
responsibility; elimination of gaps in anti-
corruption legislation. As Astakhov (2021)
stated, there is an interdependence between
countries in which corruption is quite entrenched,
including Ukraine, and countries that are
perceived as the least corrupt. Bashkatova (2020:
44) claims that the inconsistency of the activities
of anti-corruption bodies in combating
corruption is currently observed in Ukraine.
Boholiepova and Kovtun (2022: 251) and Shylo
(2022: 86-88) noted the lack of professional
managerial personnel in the authorized anti-
corruption bodies. According to Kertayeva and
Meirkulova (2018: 83-85), the lack of
professional personnel in the field of anti-
corruption is a strategic inhibitory factor in the
anti-corruption strategy. Bondarenko et al.,
(2021: 219-222) indicates that an extensive
system of specialized anti-corruption bodies
complicates the functioning of the system of
means to combat corruption. Inconsistency in the
actions of anti-corruption bodies leads to
conflict. Cochrane (2018: 508-512) suggests
establishing anti-corruption boundaries on
behaviour, response and clear communication
protocols of anti-corruption bodies in order to
eliminate conflicts.
Melnyk (2021: 32-33) and Yasin (2023:
307-310) noted that a constant monitoring by the
public and various international, public and non-
governmental organizations have a significant
impact on the effectiveness of the national anti-
corruption policy. Gans-Morse et al., (2018:
171174) shares this opinion who claims that an
effective anti-corruption policy should be based
on monitoring, including anti-corruption audit
and electronic governance. Rama and Lester
(2018: 571-580) states that the public trust is the
basis for building an effective mechanism of
national anti-corruption policy. However,
according to Pirro and Porta (2020: 435-440) and
Snegovaya (2020: 1163-1170), public control
over combating corruption has a negative
manifestation. Studying the anti-corruption
situation in Hungary, they emphasize a number
of unfavourable factors in its development. This
is anti-corruption activism, which is
characterized by collective incoherence of
actions to combat corruption.
The national anti-corruption policy, as Cervantes
and Radge (2018) and Zakharova (2021:
91-110), noted, should be based on the rule of
law and compliance with constitutional
principles. Huang et al., (2018: 60-63) states that
the effectiveness of anti-corruption policy
depends on effective instruments of punishment.
According to Nurhidayat and Kusumasari (2018:
141-150) and Shostko (2020: 230-232), a
transparent mechanism of legal protection and
the practice of judicial proceedings in cases of
violation of anti-corruption legislation should
occupy a key place in the system of anti-
corruption means. Wang et al. (2023: 8083), Xu
et al., (2019) and Yusubboevich (2021:
1036-1040) indicate innovative and
technological development of the state is
inhibited as a result of the ineffective anti-
corruption policy.
Topchii et al. (2021: 277-280) claim that the
international anti-corruption standards
implemented in Ukraine strengthen anti-
corruption legislation and anti-corruption
measures. In their opinion, public awareness of
international anti-corruption standards is an
effective tool in the fight against corruption.
Public control over corruption is an effective tool
for law enforcement agencies in the field of
preventing and countering corruption. Analysing
the impact of the EU norm on the case of anti-
corruption reform in Ukraine, Králiková (2021:
245-250) records the formal nature of the
introduction of European anti-corruption
standards in Ukraine. In her opinion, the
construction of a system of European means of
combating corruption was limited because of its
consequences for the interests of Ukrainian top
officials and the power position of internal
subjects. As a result, the implemented anti-
corruption norms of the EU in Ukraine did not
reflect the specifics of the EU, which led to
imitation of the reform and reflected in
institutional layering and partial institutional
The doctrinal analysis of the specified problems
of combating corruption at the national level
revealed that the researchers consider it
appropriate to further study the effectiveness of
anti-corruption policy and the system of
countermeasures, which generally adjusts the
content and directions of development of the
anti-corruption strategy in Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The effective system of measures to prevent and
counter corruption in Ukraine is an indicator of
an effective national anti-corruption policy. The
following was adopted for its implementation in
Ukraine: a coordinated national anti-corruption
programme; updated system of anti-corruption
bodies; transparent public service; electronic
public procurement and property management
systems; regular public reporting, independent
bodies of the prosecutor's office and the
judiciary; public monitoring and control. The
implemented anti-corruption policy and its
system of measures became an effective tool for
preventing and combating corruption.
The prospect for further research is the
development of practical recommendations for
improving the effectiveness of the national anti-
corruption policy by introducing a system of
effective measures for its implementation.
Therefore, a further prospect is the empirical
research and theoretico-methodological
substantiation of effective mechanisms for the
implementation of international anti-corruption
standards at the national level, including a system
of legal means of the activity of anti-corruption
bodies aimed at preventing and countering
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