Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.27
How to Cite:
Sagan, O.V., Blakh, V.S., Perminova, L.A., Mironenko, O.V., & Yakovleva, S.D. (2023). Formation of informational and digital
competence of the student of primary education by means of robotics. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 295-303.
Formation of informational and digital competence of the student of
primary education by means of robotics
Формування інформаційно-цифрової компетентності здобувача початкової освіти
засобами робототехніки
Received: May 23, 2023 Accepted: June 29, 2023
Written by:
Sagan O.V.1
Blakh V.S.2
Perminova L.A.3
Mironenko O.V.4
Yakovleva S.D.5
The article examines the problem of forming the
information and digital competence of
elementary school students by means of robotics.
Our research work is aimed at analyzing the
modern state of educational robotics, the
readiness of educators for its teaching and
experimental testing the possibilities of robotics
as a means of forming information and digital
competence of primary education seekers. The
organization of pedagogical experiment meant
diagnosis and correction of such components of
information and digital competence as
motivational, cognitive, active, reflexive, the
formation of which took place in the course of
pupils’ learning robotics constructors and
interactive manuals devoted to the history and
development of robots. To measure the level of
information and digital competence of primary
school pupils the system of expert assessments of
its components was used. As a result of observing
behavior, accuracy, speed and independence
during the fulfillment of special tasks connected
with the search and processing of information,
computational thinking, work on the Internet,
understanding the ethics of working with
Docent, PhD, Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: Z-1495-2019
Docent, PhD, Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAQ-1874-2020
Professor, PhD, Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAW-1668-2021
PhD, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
Doctor in Psychological Sciences, Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ГНМ-8212-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information etc. the level of information and
digital competence of every pupil is defined as
the sum of all its indexes. The generalization of
the results allowed the conclusions: the use of
robotics constructors and interactive manuals,
online resources that imitate actions with robots
help to increase the level of information and
digital competence of education seekers.
Keywords: computational thinking;
informational and digital competence; robotics;
student of primary education.
Analysis of the level of development of the
education system in Ukraine shows that the
priority is to improve the current quality, which
is the basis for the formation of an educated
creative personality. The organization of the
educational process, which is based on the
competence approach, has a significant
influence. The implementation of this approach
in education has a significant history and certain
features that are related to the specifics and
stages of educational systems development.
These stages can be distinguished as 60-70s in
the United States and 70-80s of the twentieth
century in Western Europe, when they began to
apply the competency model of learning. This
model is considered in the context of activity
education, the purpose of which is to train
professionals who are able to compete in the
labor market and have high-level professional
In the concept of the New Ukrainian School, 10
key competencies are singled out, which are end-
to-end and are formed through the content and
means of all educational components. In our
research, we focus on the formation of
information and digital competence in students
of primary education, the feature of which is
rapid transformation. Since digital technologies
are developing extremely quickly, this requires a
review and modernization of the content of
information technology education, which means
the search for innovative means and methods of
In previous studies, we considered aspects of the
functioning of the modern digital educational
environment, its structural elements, in particular
technologies: adaptive learning, big data,
neurotechnology and artificial intelligence,
components of robotics, virtual and augmented
reality, the Internet of Things, etc. (Sagan, Blakh,
Los, Liba & Kazannikova, 2022; Sagan,
Nahrybelniy, Nahrybelna, Fediaieva, Liba &
Kabelnikova, 2020).
Within the framework of this article, we update
the involvement of robotics in the educational
process, which every day attracts more and more
attention of scientists, teachers, parents, as a
valuable tool for the development of students'
cognitive and social skills, as well as as a support
for the study of natural sciences, mathematics,
language and technologies.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the
current state of educational robotics, the
readiness of teachers for its preparation, and
experimentally test the capabilities of robotics as
a means of forming the information and digital
competence of elementary school students.
Theoretical Framework
One of the psychological conditions for the
formation of digital competence is algorithmic or
computational thinking, which has been studied
by many scientists. Thus, it is noted that
computational thinking is a new digital literacy,
it is mental processes that are actualized when
formulating problems and finding their solutions
in a form convenient for the performer (Jawawi
et al., 2022; Jamal et al., 2021; Wing, 2006). The
analysis of the characteristics of this type of
mental activity allowed researchers to identify
the main principles on which solving tasks using
computational thinking is based: abstraction,
decomposition, creation of templates,
algorithmization (Vasenko & Vasenko, 2020).
Using the analysis of scientific research, we can
conclude that computational thinking is a system
of mental methods of actions, techniques,
methods and corresponding mental tactics, the
Sagan, O.V., Blakh, V.S., Perminova, L.A., Mironenko, O.V., & Yakovleva, S.D. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 295-303 /
June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
result of which is an algorithm. There are more
and more publications devoted to the
development of computational thinking in
children of preschool and primary school age
with an emphasis on the fact that the formation
of computational thinking is the basis of such
important skills as coding and programming
(Bers, Flannery, Kazakoff, & Sullivan, 2014;
Maya, Pearson, Tapia, Wherfel, & Reese, 2015;
González-González, 2019; Moreno, Robles,
Román, & Rodríguez, 2019).
For students of primary education in Ukraine,
these skills are regulated as the results of learning
computer science in primary grades. Thus,
starting from the third grade, students in
computer science classes master a program such
as Scratch, with a gradual transition to more
complex coding topics. The results of research
related to the use of visual block programming
tools in elementary school testify to the
improvement in students of education not only in
coding skills, but also in linguistic, interpersonal,
visual, and mathematical competencies
(Sáez-López, Román-González &
Vázquez-Cano, 2016; Bers, González-González
& Armas-Torres, 2019; Sáez-López, Sevillano-
García & Vazquez-Cano, 2019).
The "hour of code" is gaining popularity in the
world. This is the name of online educational
materials, which are offered in 45 languages. The
goal of this global program is to attract people of
different ages, starting from preschool, to the
coding of information, to the basics of
programming, as a necessary modern skill (Fig.
Figure 1. Screenshot of the "Hour of Code" site.
Source: Hour of Code, 2023.
But the best way to visually see the results of
coding is with the help of designers from
robotics. Robotics, satisfying the conditions of
the concept of STEM education, can be applied
at any level. The use of robotics in the
educational process is the subject of research by
many scientists, who note that such activities,
starting with the assembly, programming and
testing of robots, contribute to the development
of skills needed in the 21st century
(Smyrnova-Trybulska & Zuziak, 2020; Kim,
Kim, Yuan, Hill, Doshi &Thai, 2015; Kanbul &
Uzunboylu, 2017; Valsamidis, Florou,
Anastasiadou & Mandilas, 2021; Alamo et al.,
2021; Sáez López et al., 2021;
Caballero-González & García-Valcarcel, 2020;
Turan & Aydogdu, 2020).
A general review of the literature to assess the
current state of robotics as an educational
technology attests to the preponderance of
positive feedback and teacher testimonies in
favor of the fact that robotics has powerful
opportunities for motivation, increased attention
and teamwork of students (López-Belmonte,
Segura-Robles, Moreno-Guerrero &
Parra-González, 2021).
At the same time, surveys of teachers who teach
computer science in elementary grades testify to
an insufficient level of their familiarity with the
basics of robotics. This is due to the fact that
75.5% of respondents have only an idea of
robotics at the household level; 71.7% are
familiar with the topic, but have never worked
with robotics designers; 83% indicate an
extremely insufficient number of relevant
methodical materials.
In our opinion, the development of educational
materials, manuals, methodical
recommendations on robotics; appropriate
training of teachers; material and technical
support of the educational process allows
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
robotics to be considered not only as a separate
topic of the program, but also as a powerful tool
for forming all aspects of information and digital
competence of students of primary education.
Materials and Methods
On the basis of the educational complex, an
empirical study of indicators of the formation of
information and digital competence of children
of primary school age was conducted. Two
groups of children took part in the study, that is,
62 pupils aged 8 to 10, including 32 girls and 30
boys. Group A became experimental (n=30),
group B - control (n=32).
At the first stage, empirical and theoretical
material on the research problem was analyzed.
The subjects were determined, diagnostic tools
were analyzed and prepared. In the second stage,
a declaratory diagnosis was conducted in order to
determine the level of formation of the
components of the students’ information and
digital competence. In the third stage, the
robotics classes for group A had been
implemented, after which a control diagnosis was
conducted to determine the effectiveness of the
implemented program.
The determination of the levels of formation of
information and digital competence was carried
out according to the criteria of T. Khilenko
(2014) (Table1).
Table 1.
Indicators and levels of formation of pupilsinformational and digital competences
Selfish: the
presence of
personal interest in information.
Factual: knowledge -
recognition, naming,
information for yourself.
actions in educational
activities: information is not
transferred to
other areas of
Actions of acontrol,
(reflection) of an information
under the
guidance of the
information as a
means of self-
realization in
descriptions (analysis,
information is
necessary for its approval in
actions in research
activity: to solve new
educational tasks, acts depending on the situation.
There are actions
of a control,
reflection of
information with
the help of the
information for the benefit of
Evidential and
creative: knowledge-beliefs
significant and
insignificant features, establishing
attitude to
information: for the benefit of others.
Information activities in
project activities: constant participation in
solving new
educational tasks
Usage of the
actions of a
reflection of
Source: received by the authors
To measure the level of information and digital
competence of students, a system of expert
evaluations of its components was used. For this,
each of the components was assigned a numerical
indicator (1 point the component is not
expressed; 2 points absent rather than formed;
3 points formed at an average level; 4 points
more likely to be formed than not formed; 5
points formed).
As a result of observing the behavior, accuracy,
speed and independence during special tasks
related to the search and processing of
information, computational thinking, work on the
Internet, understanding the ethics of working
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
with information, etc., the level of information
and digital competence of each pupil was
determined as the sum of all indicators.
Thus, if the obtained indicator is in the range
from 1 to 2, then a level of the formation of
informational and digital competences is
considered to be low; if more than 2, but less than
or equal to 4 - middle; if more than 4, but less
than or equal to 5 - high.
Design of investigations The Results and
The purpose of the ascertainment diagnosis was
to find out the level of formation of the
components of information and digital
competence of primary education students, the
results of which are shown in Tables 2, 3.
Table 2.
Levels of formation of students’ information and digital competence of the experimental group (%)
of IDC
Source: received by the authors
Table 3.
Levels of formation of students’ informational and digital competences of the control group(%)
of IDC
Source: received by the authors
Quantitative analysis of the obtained results
showed that in both the control and experimental
groups the studied indicators of all components
have slight fluctuations (EG: 32; 50.4 and 17.6;
CG: 32; 49.6 and 18.4).
To test the hypothesis of the coincidence of the
characteristics of the two groups, it is advisable
to use the Kramer-Welch test. The empirical
value of this criterion is calculated based on
information about the volumes of N and M
samples x and y, sample means x and y and
sample variances Dx and Dy by the formula:
Temp= = 0,04 ≤ 1,96 (1)
Thus, the hypothesis about the coincidence of the
characteristics of the experimental and control
groups before the experiment was accepted at the
significance level of 0.05, which indicates the
possibility of using two groups in the experiment.
In order to test the research hypothesis, we
conducted the robotics classes in the
experimental group during the first semester of
the 2021-2022 academic year. At the first stage,
in the form of an educational project, a search,
systematization and presentation of materials on
the history of robots, their purpose, current
status, short-term prospects, etc. was organized.
In order to popularize the outlined problem, an
interactive guide about robots and their purpose
was created.
Learning with the help of robotics is, as a rule,
the activity of designing, creating and executing
programming. Students make robots using small
parts and then develop a way to create a
wireframe model. The robots will be functional
after students can write their own code using the
Robotics classes create a pleasant environment,
because in addition to educational activities, the
pupils have a fun. The process itself helps to use
the game scenarios by jointly designing and
creating robots. The use of robotic tools allowed
us to observe the changes demonstrated by the
students of the experimental group: improving
thinking skills, including computing, which is the
basis of activities on abstract problems and
finding solutions that can be automated;
formation of students' linguistic skills through
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
programming; teamwork skills that are closely
related to communication skills. And the
emergence of quality communication in groups
affects the improvement of learning outcomes.
Thus, gradually communication in the group
focused on finding a strategy, choosing details,
analyzing code, editing the program, and so on.
At the same time, there was a change in priorities
in motivational and evaluative activities: from
self-pragmatic to altruistic-non-pragmatic, as the
success of a collective project depends on the
ability to share information, personal
achievements for the benefit of the team, etc.
We will give an example of the practical activity
on topic "Insects", which helps to check out the
level of a formation of the components of
pupils’ informational and digital competences
(Table 4).
Table 4.
Stages of the diagnostic activity on topic "Insects"
The method of a checking of the formation
Search, processing and verification
of information
Information and media literacy
Internet Safety Skills
In front of the children is a basket of sheets. Each
sheet has different facts. Children must check each
fact using a mobile phone, find out whether this fact
is about insects and whether it is true. Before
searching, we remember the safety rules on the
Internet and check how children follow them. For each correct fact, children receive a part of the
instruction-algorithm for assembling a set is called
The more correct answers, the easier it will be to
complete the second (practical) part of the lesson.
Algorithmic thinking and Basics of programming
One part is not enough for a such work. Children need
to make up the algorithm for this part of the work. Then the children are shown a sample program for the
manufactured model. And they have to program their
Understanding the ethics of
working with information
The last task is the presentation of the product. To do
this, you need to prepare a structure, program it and
find a poem about a bee on the Internet. At the same
time, children's knowledge of copyright is tested.
Source: received by the authors
We must note that robotics, being
interdisciplinary, requires the experience in a
wide range of the fields from mathematics to
aesthetics, and allow to make an interest and
involvement of the pupils into a work.
In February 2022, we conducted a control
diagnosis of the studied competencies of
participants from both groups.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Using the same diagnostic techniques used at the
ascertaining stage, we investigated the dynamics
of the formation of information and digital
competence of primary school students. The
results are shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Comparative analysis of the levels of pupils’ informational and digital competences
Determine the authorship of each of the figures
in the article
As can be seen from the diagram, in the
experimental group we observe a positive change
in the formation of information and digital
competence at the medium and high levels (by
12.6% and 5.4%, respectively). Significant
dynamics (18%) are noted in the reduction of the
share of students who have a low level of
formation of the studied competence. In the
control group, we also have positive changes
(5.4% at medium and 1.6% at high levels) and a
7% decrease in students with a low level of
digital competence. But in a comparative aspect,
the students of the experimental group have
qualitatively better results.
We apply the static method to compare the
characteristics of the experimental and control
groups after the experiment and calculate the
value of the Cramer-Welch test:
mp = 2,42 > 1,96 (2)
Thus, the probability of differences in the
characteristics of the experimental and control
groups after the experiment is 95%.
Since the states of the experimental and control
groups coincide before the beginning of the
experiment, and differ after the end of the
experiment, we conclude that the positive
changes in the experimental group are due to the
use of experimental teaching methods.
Information and digital competence is a dynamic
personal formation, the formation of which is in
the plane of transformations of motivation,
cognition, activity, value-reflective skills. The
rapid development of the digital industry
regulates constant requirements regarding the
levels of formation of this phenomenon. In view
of the increased attention to artificial intelligence
tools, the need for the formation of
computational thinking, as the basis of such
important skills as coding and programming, is
actualized. These skills are organically formed in
the process of educational robotics.
Analysis of the source base, questionnaires of
practicing teachers allowed us to take a deeper
look at this modern technology as a
comprehensive tool for forming the information
and digital competence of students of primary
education. The work offers indicators and levels
of formation of the studied phenomenon, as well
as a system of expert evaluations of its
The results of the conducted research prove that
the use of robotic tools contributes to the
improvement of thinking skills, in particular
computational, which is the basis of activities on
abstract problems and finding solutions that can
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
be automated; formation of students' linguistic
skills with the help of programming; teamwork
skills, which, in turn, allows for the
comprehensive formation of information and
digital competence of education seekers.
In the conditions of distance learning, caused by
the state of war, the direct construction of robots
is impossible. Therefore, as tools that allow you
to get an idea of the world of robots and basic
coding skills, we recommend a suitable
interactive guide, online games from the " Hour
of Code " Website, Scratch program, etc. In
addition to the mentioned tools, such a direction
as virtual robotics is actively developing today,
which allows you to code without a designer,
only if you have a computer and access to the
network. Such programs are being improved,
expanding their capabilities and becoming an
alternative to traditional robotics.
Thus, the organization of classes on robotics
requires not only the availability of appropriate
kits and constructors in educational institutions,
but also the high qualification of informatics
teachers and their readiness for self-education.
We see prospects for further exploration in the
development of an educational and
methodological complex on robotics, which will
be useful to teachers who teach computer science
in elementary grades or organize appropriate
group work.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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