www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.26
How to Cite:
Riabovol, L., & Tytska, Y. (2023). Current issues of modern higher education: International-legal experience. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(66), 286-294. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.26
Current issues of modern higher education: International-legal
Актуальні питання сучасної вищої освіти: міжнародно-правовий досвід
Received: May 13, 2023 Accepted: June 13, 2023
Written by:
Liliia Riabovol1
Yana Tytska2
New realities pose challenges to higher education
institutions and force them to choose consumer
demand. Such a situation encourages higher
education institutions to constantly improve the
educational services provided and increase their
level of competitiveness, and therefore take into
account foreign experience. With this in mind, it is
significant to analyze the international legal
experience of reforming higher education, as well
as current issues of modern higher education. The
purpose of the work is to characterize the current
state of higher education in foreign countries and to
identify key trends and problematic issues in this
field. The research methodology includes such
methods as the induction method, the deduction
method, the comparative method, the system
method, the relativistic method, and the axiological
method. As a conclusion of the conducted research,
the tasks and main problematic aspects of the
regulation of higher education are defined. The state
and aspects of state regulation of the activities of
higher education institutions of the leading
countries of the world, in particular in the USA,
Great Britain, Finland, Denmark, Germany, and
other countries, were studied. Problematic issues of
regulation of higher education are singled out, in
particular the issue of decentralization, in
particular, attention is paid to the role of scientific
research and financial support of the own research
base of higher education institutions. As a result, the
key areas that can be used to transform the higher
education system of Ukraine and implement better
foreign experiences have been determined.
Keywords: higher education, higher educational
institution, foreign experience, reformation.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Professor of the Department of Law and Law Enforcement, Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University, Kropivnickij, Ukrainе
PhD in Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics of the International Humanitarian University (Odesa, Ukraine).
Riabovol, L., Tytska, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 286-294 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In today's conditions, Ukraine is entering the
European and world educational spaces, the
higher education system is being reformed based
on flexibility and variability, mobility, ensuring
employment and competitiveness of specialists
with higher education, improving the quality of
pedagogical, methodical and research work in
higher education institutions. Significant
competition in the market of educational services
and the desire of Ukraine to become an equal
partner in this direction prompts the search for an
effective model of higher education, taking into
account prospective trends in improving the
national educational systems of developed
countries and problematic issues in this context,
as well as understanding how progressive
countries in the field education has reached such
high quality.
For higher education to become attractive for
investment, we consider it necessary to ensure
the efficiency of higher education institutions,
transparency of funding, independent assessment
of the quality of knowledge and demand for
higher education institutions, and their ratings.
As practice shows, the economic success of
highly developed countries is achieved due to the
development of education and scientific
research. However, higher education needs
proper support, acceptance and funding. Foreign
experience in reforming and developing higher
education systems in advanced countries of the
world can be useful for Ukraine, which needs to
reform the education system and build an
innovative economy. However, for this it is
necessary to determine the actual issues of higher
education and the ways of their clarification.
The tasks of this study are:
1) Analyze the international legal experience of
the functioning of higher education systems;
2) Investigate problematic issues regarding the
management of higher education institutions
in the world;
3) Summarize the features of international
systems of higher education and understand
which tools should be introduced in Ukraine.
The object of the study is international legal
experience in the field of higher education, as
well as problematic issues faced by different
countries in this field. The subject of the study is
social relations that arise, change, and cease
during the organization, management, and
provision of educational services by institutions
of higher education in Ukraine and abroad.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Innovations in higher education abroad became
the object of research by Artyomova, Studeniak,
Golovach, and Gus (2015). The research reveals
the conceptual aspects of the formation of a
single European educational space, highlights the
features of the innovation policy of the Visegrad
Four countries, and the implementation of
educational innovations in higher educational
institutions of the countries of the world and
Further, Babichev (2017) analyzed foreign
experience in matters of change management in
the higher education system. The author
concluded that from the analysis of the state
management of education in foreign countries, it
is possible to single out some points that can be
used in the process of formation and
implementation of the state policy in the field of
education in Ukraine, namely: the desire to
provide equal opportunities for education to all
citizens; orientation of education on the
comprehensive development of personality, the
autonomy of educational institutions; quick
response to the needs of time and society;
versatile financial support for the development of
Moreover, Bataeva (2020) analyzed the
international experience in the field of higher
education institutions. The author drew attention
to the publishing activity of scientists and noted
that the publishing activity of scientists and
institutions of higher education is an integral part
of their professional growth today. Standards
have been in effect for a long time in European
countries and affect the activities of higher
education institutions. And therefore, without the
development of a proper scientific and
publishing culture in Ukraine, there will be no
rapid growth of world-scale projects and proper
research in various fields.
What is more, Vasylyuk and Day (2019)
investigated the issue of the quality of higher
education from a theoretical and practical aspect.
The authors revealed the essence of the concept,
factors, criteria, indicators, indicators, and
components of the quality of higher education, as
well as highlighted the issue of the quality of
higher education in the international context and
its regulatory and legal regulation in Ukraine.
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The work of Vorobyova, Debych, Lugovoi,
Orzhel, Slyusarenko, Talanova, and Tryma
(2019) is devoted to the analysis of leading
domestic and foreign experiences in assessing
the quality of higher education in the context of
European integration. Additionally, Gagarin
(2017) analyzed the foreign system of higher
education in his work.
Besides, Gerasimov (2021) analyzed the legal
problems and prospects of the modernization of
higher education in Ukraine in his article. The
scientist analyzed the legal problems and
determined the prospects for the modernization
of higher education in Ukraine in the context of
global transformations of the modern educational
space. The conditions that will contribute to the
effectiveness of the functioning of higher
education in Ukraine are outlined and the
defining directions of the modernization of
higher education are singled out, namely:
systematic improvement of the national
educational space, in particular, the legal
framework for the development of higher
education; using the experience accumulated by
the previous system of higher education and
harmonizing it with international standards in
this area, introducing the best practices of the
countries of the world; development of an
effective educational system of higher education
institutions that meets modern globalization
challenges and demands of society.
The issue of adaptation of foreign experience of
state financing of higher education was
investigated in the work of Degtyar (2010). In
conclusion, based on the experience of foreign
countries, in the opinion of the author, to improve
the financial support of higher education in
Ukraine, it is necessary to pay attention to the use
of direct financing methods, such as: financing
"by results", because it is fair when the state will
finance to a greater extent universities that
produce a competitive and highly educated
specialist who will feel at ease in the labor
The study by Zastrozhnikova (2019) examines
the foreign experience of state regulation of
higher education. Karpenko, and Demida (2014)
analyzed Finland's experience in reforming the
system of providing educational services. Also,
Kormych L., and Kormych A. (2020) considered
the variable possibilities of reforming higher
education in Ukraine in the European context. In
the study of Krakhmalov and Mys (2022), the
foreign experience of quality management of
higher education institutions was considered as a
factor of competitiveness. The author concluded
that the quality control systems of higher
education existing abroad are aimed at: ensuring
and/or improving the quality of educational
activities in the economic, social, and cultural
context of the country; providing support to
higher educational institutions to improve the
quality of teaching and learning; dissemination
of existing experience and exchange of
information on quality issues, which are at the
same time their main functions.
Strategies for the development of educational
systems in the countries of the world are
analyzed in the work of Kucherenko and
Martyniuk (2011). The international experience
of the development of the system of improving
the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical
workers of higher education institutions is
studied in the article by Lytvyn (2021). Attention
is drawn to the fact that in higher education
institutions of foreign countries, special attention
is paid to the possibility of constant access of
teachers to the new and relevant background
regarding the latest developments, remote PC
courses, etc. In this regard, different countries are
creating their own digital educational spaces,
which provide new opportunities for: transition
from classroom learning to virtual learning in
different places and at diverse times, thereby
developing digital competence through the
implementation of digital technologies;
designing an individual educational route,
meeting everyone's educational needs.
Features of management in the field of higher
education in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
were studied by Logvinenko (2014). Pavlova and
Nikolaev (2018) drew attention to the current
trends in the development of the higher education
system of Great Britain and the United States.
The system of dual education in Germany was
examined by Rindfleisch and Mennig-Fortmann
(2020). The authors summarized Germany's
achievements in reforming higher education and
concluded that the Federal Republic of Germany
over the past decades has accumulated extremely
positive experience in the application of the dual
education model when the state, educational
institutions, and the open economy jointly and
mutually beneficially take responsibility for the
education of the younger generation. Thanks to
the dual education model, Germany provides
permanent training of qualified young
professionals who study with an orientation to
the existing needs of enterprises, that is, after
receiving a dual education, young people have
good employment prospects. Therefore, dual
education plays an essential role in effectively
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
overcoming youth unemployment. At the same
time, the combination of efforts of the state,
educational institutions, and the economy
corresponds to the basic principles of the social
market economy, where the state creates the
necessary framework conditions for the free
development of the economy.
The educational systems of the countries of the
European Union are characterized in the work of
Sysoeva and Krystopchuk (2012), in particular,
problematic issues and significant achievements
in the field of higher education reform and
training of qualified personnel in various
countries are noted. Tatarinov V.V., and
Tatarinov V.C. (2020) investigated the
problematic issues of reforming higher education
and concluded that education and science are
becoming the most important sectors of the world
economy and the main factors that ensure the
accumulation of human capital. Weak financing
of education and science in Ukraine threatens the
country's economic security, and does not ensure
the accumulation of human capital to the level
necessary for the transition to a knowledge
Canada's experience with the internationalization
of higher education at the national level is
examined in Chirva (2013). It is remarked that
the development of the national policy of
internationalization of higher education in
Canada takes place within the framework of
ideas of skilled migration, development of
mutual understanding, and profit making. The
analysis of federal and provincial initiatives
allows us to assert that the normative and legal
foundations of the internationalization of the
content of education are determined by the
provisions of the federal policy of
internationalization, programs of the provinces
following the strategies of obtaining profit, the
development of mutual understanding and skilled
migration and are implemented by the subjects of
internationalization within the framework of
political, programmatic, and marketing
approaches. The main areas of activity of the
subjects of the internationalization of higher
education in Canada are the modernization of the
content of higher education within the limits of
filling it with an international dimension,
increasing the competitiveness of higher
education utilizing internationalization efforts,
marketing and popularization of higher education
in the international arena.
Finally, Camilleri (2017) analyzed the standards
of providing higher education in European
countries. The researcher analyzed in detail the
standards in the higher education system and
concluded that until now there has always been a
high degree of tension between ISO quality
management system standards and standards
developed by stakeholders such as ESG, as the
former was considered to be better suited to help
organizations meet commercial requirements
rather than educational purposes. Both standards
share a commitment to a culture of organizational
improvement and increased stakeholder
During the research, the method of induction was
utilized to make formal and logical
generalizations, which makes it possible to
formulate a general conclusion based on the
analysis of individual facts and phenomena. In
particular this method helped to analyze the
international legal experience of the functioning
of higher education systems and make general
conclusions. One of the main conclusions is that
increasing the differentiation of types of financial
support of higher education with all its features
is able to significantly improve the quality of the
educational services and as a result to increase
the educational level of the population in the
The deduction method was employed to obtain
intermediate (partial) conclusions based on the
analysis of the peculiarities of the regulation of
higher education in different countries. The use
of the abstraction method made it possible to
reveal and identify the latest trends in the field of
education by ignoring random phenomena.
The method of comparative analysis was used
when comparing the characteristics of the
development of higher education systems in
Ukraine and other countries and current issues in
this context. Given that the method of
comparison consists in identifying and searching,
determining properties and characteristics based
on collected statistical data or empirical studies
of individual objects or phenomena, the
application of this method in this study made it
possible to comprehensively investigate
international legal experience, to single out
problematic issues, common and distinctive
characteristics of higher education and formulate
conclusions. In particular, this method helped the
authors formulate one of the main conclusions of
this study for Ukraine is the need for strict
correlation of educational services with the
objective needs of the economy and society as a
whole. Education should not be separated from
socio-economic processes, because otherwise its
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
main meaning is lost. Educational institutions
should provide quality services, and the result of
education should be knowledge and skills that
will be in demand in practice.
A systematic method was used in this study.
Thus, focusing on a systematic approach in
research (structure, interrelationships of
elements and phenomena, their subordination,
hierarchy, functioning, integrity of development,
system dynamics, essence, features, factors, and
conditions) made it possible to investigate the
essence of higher education and how reforming
affects change its qualitative characteristics.
Thus, in a systematic study, the object under
analysis is considered a certain set of elements,
the interrelationship of which determines the
integral properties of this set. The main emphasis
is placed on identifying the variety of
connections and relationships that take place
both inside the object under study and in its
interaction with the external environment. The
properties of the object as a complete system are
determined not only and not so much by the total
properties of its elements or subsystems, but by
the specificity of its structure, special system-
forming, integrative connections of the object
under study. The systematic method made it
possible to determine the strategy of scientific
research on topical issues of higher education
from the point of view of its characteristics and
changes in different countries. This method
helped to investigate problematic issues
regarding the financing and management of
higher education institutions in the world. In
particular a topical issue in many countries is the
purpose of higher education, namely its focus on
ensuring the prospective and current educational
needs of people and society. The main task of
state regulation of the market space of
educational services is to create the necessary
conditions for the activity of higher educational
institutions, because not all countries have
implemented effective systems of higher
education that would satisfy the needs of society
and the state.
The method of relativism, or problematism, also
made it possible to thoroughly study the subject
of research. In its essence, relativism is a
methodological principle of scientific, cultural,
and philosophical thinking, a worldview and
philosophical position that denies any absolutes
in the field of social phenomena and cultural
values, emphasizes the variability, fluidity,
historicity, plurality of the spiritual world of man,
his knowledge and ideas, forms and social
existence. Therefore, the method of relativism
made it possible to understand the problems of
reforming higher education, both in Ukraine and
Based on the axiological method, the important
role of education as a socio-cultural phenomenon
in the formation of one's statehood, the
construction of civil society, and the
development of the individual, as well as the
study of political and legal views, the legislative
framework and legal practice, which are directly
related to the field of education, are reflected.
Results and Discussion
In highly developed countries human capital is
the primary productive factor. Moreover, most of
the country's investments are invested in human
From the UN reports on human development, it
can be seen that the specific weight of human
capital in the USA, Finland, Germany,
Switzerland, Japan, and several other countries is
up to 80% of their national wealth. A significant
role in this context is played by a higher
education institution, which provides
professional knowledge and develops common
cultural capital, which lays a universal
foundation for further professional activity.
Therefore, it can be claimed that the state of the
modern education system ultimately determines
the country's development shortly. (British
Council, 2019).
The experience of the USA, Great Britain, and
some other countries gives reason to assert that a
high standard of living is ensured, not only by a
good investment and business climate but also by
a high level of education and science.
Let's consider the international experience of the
functioning of higher education in more detail
(Table 1).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Comparative analysis of international regulation of higher education.
education, or In Switzerland, there is no single national education system, no national ministry of
any other single central authority governing education. Therefore, in Switzerland, instead of a
single national system, there are 26 educational systems, often significantly different and, until
recently, practically isolated from each other. At the federal level, two different departments deal
with education issues: the Federal Administration of Education and Science of the Department of
the Interior and the Federal Administration of Industry, Crafts, and Labor of the Federal
Department of State Resources Management.
France has an education system that includes elite, prestigious schools and universities. rch, Universities have become centers of transmission of cultural heritage and scientific resea s with class specialists. Elite school-while Higher Schools play a leading role in the training of top
their high competitions peacefully coexist with completely free enrollment in most university
university sector of higher education is developing in France: -faculties. At the same time, the non
essional Schools, whose popularity is sufficiently large and year Higher Prof-or four -three
competes with universities. This is facilitated by a shorter period of study than at a university and
a clear professional orientation of training, as a result of which the demand for graduates of these
educational institutions from industrial and commercial firms increases. In the system of higher
education in France, a certain hierarchy of educational institutions has historically developed,
where the lowest level is universities and their branches, which provide higher education in the
field of humanities, arts, and natural sciences; technological institutes and engineering schools are
more prestigious; higher than them are specialized educational institutions that provide special
training in the field of management, foreign languages, politics, communication, and physical
education. At the same time, the leading place in the structure of higher education in France is
term -term. Short-term and long-occupied by universities, in which education is divided into short
programs are chosen by 30% of holders of bachelor's degrees, which after two years of study
allow graduates to start professional activities. A state diploma is issued at the end of each cycle
based -term programs built on cycles of sequential, level-to students who studied in long
In Great Britain, education is built on the principle of competition, which is the main incentive for
improving the education system itself. The government's policy in this matter boils down to the
fact that educational institutions must: to be financed by the state under contracts for educational activities and educational services; - depend less on state funding and rely more on various sources of income; - teachers' work more carefully, introduce differentiated payment for this work (teachers' evaluate -
work is paid depending on the number of students and level of education); to allow the establishment of differentiated payment for education depending not only on the -
status of the educational institution but also on the subjects studied. However, many representatives of educational circles in Great Britain consider it a mistake to be
overly interested in market relations in the field of education and to underestimate traditional
pedagogical values. At the local level, processes of decentralization took place, mainly due to the narrowing of the
functions of local educational administrations by transferring a significant part of their powers;
creation of a system of urban technological colleges with the additional right to independently
resolve issues of the content of education, planning, and structure of the educational process, etc.;
introduction of financial management.
A distinctive feature of the higher education system operating in the United States is the great
diversity of higher education institutions. US public policy aims to ensure that elite US colleges
and universities are the most prestigious in the world, making them particularly attractive to
international students, professors, and researchers in search of academic excellence. On the part of
the state, one of the forms of monitoring the activities of higher education institutions in the USA
n of these institutions, which involves checking the compliance of the quality of is the accreditatio
education with established standards and recognizing the importance of an accredited educational
institution. In the USA, such an accreditation organization is the Council on Higher Education.
For example, in the USA, each state has an organization, whose task is to promote coordination
and cooperation between universities. At the same time, the Department of Education in the USA
(United States Department of Education) does not have such importance and powers as the
Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine. In addition, it is one of the smallest ministries in
the United States, which emphasizes the departure of the United States from a centralized system
of state regulation of educational activity. States and local school boards play the central function
in regulating educational activities, and the role of the Ministry of Education is small compared to
Soviet countries. -post
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
university (after the -Higher education in Finland consists of two equally meaningful sectors university, -completion of which mainly "academic" diplomas of type "A" are recognized, and non
focused on the formation of industrial competencies and diplomas).
There are 39 public higher education institutions in Sweden, of which: 14 universities, and 22
university colleges. Of the other higher educational institutions, 22 are private, partially financed
by the state. Education in Sweden is based on science, proven experience, research, and creative
development. It is stated that institutions of higher education must interact with the community,
the surrounding environment and provide information about their activities. The leading role in
en is given to universities and university colleges, the main difference higher education in Swed
between them is that colleges do not provide the opportunity to obtain a doctorate. But such a
right can be granted after submitting a relevant application to government institutions. Swedish
universities are highly competitive, which is explained by the achieved level of education quality.
They are marked by compliance with the requirements of time, dynamism, and flexibility in
making the necessary educational decisions. In the higher education of the country, there are open,
democratic relations between students and teachers, in which personal initiative and creative
thinking are valued. The state also establishes the structure of the higher education system,
regulates the types of degrees awarded to students, and monitors the quality of education. State
funds for research are allocated to each university. Research resources also come from other
sources. Many foundations and organizations contribute to their financing. In recent years, higher
educational institutions in Sweden have sought to attract more foreign students. The educational
process in the higher education system is built in the country following the requirements of the
Bologna process because Sweden was among the first countries that signed the Bologna
The national program of internationalization of higher education is implemented with marketing,
political, and programmatic approaches. Canada also has bilateral educational exchange programs,
international scholarship programs, initiatives to study Canadians abroad, and international youth
programs supported by the Federal Department of International Affairs and International Trade;
international academic mobility programs within North America and Europe, which are invested
rces and Social Development of Canada; university by the Department of Human Resou
partnership programs, international student internships, supported by the Canadian International
Development Agency. A specific feature of Canada's national policy on higher education is its
compliance with the idea of skilled migration. Implementation of such an idea takes place within
the framework of software and marketing approaches. Popularization of the national system of
higher education and increasing its prestige in the international arena is carried out through the
publication of reference and informational materials; holding of international conferences and
seminars; creation of electronic reference resources and databases that contain information about
international agreements, exchanges of students, graduate students, scientists; international
development projects of Canadian universities. Migration changes promote Canada's educational
services on the international stage and help strengthen its competitiveness in the future.
In Germany, a model of financing by individuals is used, based on a combination of savings
programs and preferential financing. The algorithm of its action includes the attraction of public
funds by specialized financial institutions and universal banks for the long term and their
subsequent provision to the depositor of an education loan in the amount of the accumulated
amount at interest rates significantly lower than in the investment resources market.
Data provided by Babichev (2017), Gagarin (2017), British Council (2019), Pavlova, & Nikolaev (2018),
Vorobyova, Debych, Lugovy, Orzhel, Slyusarenko, Talanova, & Tryma (2019), Logvinenko (2014), Chirva
(2013) and Rindfleisch, & Mennig-Fortman (2020).
Analyzing the above data on educational systems
that exist in different countries of the world, it
can be noted that all of them can be divided into
two large groups, which include public higher
educational institutions and private higher
educational institutions. Of course, specific
models of financing and management of higher
education institutions may differ from country to
country. However, despite the peculiarities of the
functioning of various higher educational
institutions in different countries of the world, all
successful institutions are united by a clear
orientation to the needs of practice and constant
improvement of educational programs.
Education always lags behind practice, but
success is achieved by those who have the
shortest lag.
As for the tools in the field of higher education
that could be useful for Ukraine, they include all
those that involve attracting as many foreign
students as possible to study in Ukraine.
Currently, the population of Ukraine is
decreasing catastrophically. First of all, this is
connected with migration processes caused by
Russia's aggression against Ukraine. After the
end of the war, it would take years, if not
decades, for the population to reach pre-war
levels. At the same time, the development of the
country is impossible without the possibility of
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
developing the economy, which will require
workers. Therefore, our state should already
develop programs for inviting foreign students to
domestic educational institutions, as well as
programs aimed at improving the conditions of
labor migration to Ukraine.
The question of quality is the most significant
plank in the strategy of higher education
institutions and should be achieved following the
long-term planning process, which takes into
account the weaknesses and strengths of the
educational institution, the presence of
exceptional advantages, as well as the
opportunities and threats that the external
environment brings to it.
The issue of financing education is no less
meaningful. Thus, in almost all the leading
countries of the world, school is a priority object
of funding. The experience of leading foreign
countries proves once again that further
economic development is impossible without a
significant increase in spending on education and
Thus, although there are many directions for
reforming university education, it is necessary to
develop scientific and technical activities in
universities and other higher educational
institutions and to obtain the results of scientific
research in universities that meet modern
As a result of the conducted study of
international legal experience in the field of
higher education:
1) An essential issue among foreign countries
regarding higher education is the financing
of such education. Thus, there are various
models of financial support for higher
education institutions, but attention is drawn
to the fact that increasing the differentiation
of types of financial support of higher
education with all its features will be able to
significantly increase the educational level
of the population in the country.
2) A topical issue in many countries is the
purpose of higher education, namely, its
focus on providing prospective and current
educational needs of people and society. The
main task of state regulation in the market
space of education services is to create the
necessary conditions for the activities of
higher education institutions.
3) One of the main conclusions of this study for
Ukraine is the need for strict correlation of
educational services with the objective
needs of the economy and society as a
whole. Education should not be separated
from socio-economic processes, because
otherwise its main meaning is lost.
Educational institutions should provide
quality services, and the result of education
should be knowledge and skills that will be
in demand in practice.
4) As the experience of developed countries
with advanced systems of higher education
shows, in particular the USA, Great Britain,
Finland, Germany, success in the
educational field can be achieved thanks to
well-thought-out state regulation, which is
not manifested in bureaucratic control and
meticulous regulation of the activities of
higher education institutions, but in the
development of the concept and the strategic
plan of higher education activities, as well as
in creating favorable conditions for the
growth of the prestige of the country's higher
education institutions.
5) To improve the financial provision of higher
education, in our opinion, it is necessary to
pay attention to the use of direct financing
methods, such as: financing "by results",
because it is fair when the state will finance
higher education institutions that produce a
competitive and highly educated specialist
who freely will feel on the labor market. It
would also be worthwhile to improve the
method of financing "by expenses", namely
the program budget and drawing up
estimates by types of activities, as Canada,
Great Britain, and France have done. Also,
in the field of higher education, as an
incentive for the most talented students and
providing them with a hundred percent
guarantee of obtaining a high-quality higher
Given the above, it can be stated, that the
research objective has been fully achieved.
Regarding further scientific research, we
consider it necessary to consider the trends in the
management of higher educational institutions in
foreign countries.
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