Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.24
How to Cite:
Karabulatova, I.S., Okolyshev, D.A., Anafinova, M.L., Kurebayeva, G.A., & Ivanova-Yakushko, M.M. (2023). Transformation of
the concept of "power" as a basic cultural value in the media discourse of modern times in metagraphic representation. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(66), 261-277. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.24
Transformation of the concept of "power" as a basic cultural value in
the media discourse of modern times in metagraphic representation
Трансформация концепта «власть» как базовой культурной ценности в
медиадискурсе новейшего времени в метаграфовом представлении
Received: May 23, 2023 Accepted: June 25, 2023
Written by:
Irina S. Karabulatova1
Daniil A. Okolyshev2
Madina Latypovna Anafinova3
Gulzhaukhar Akhmetovna Kurebayeva4
Maria M. Ivanova-Yakushko5
The relevance is due to the fact that new
geopolitical realities cause the transformation of
basic concepts, which include the concept of
"power", which has an internal conflict of
content, where there is power as self-possession
and power as the management of others. At the
same time, the concept of "power" itself is built
in various linguistic and philosophical coordinate
systems. The research is based on an ethnic-
psycholinguistic scientific paradigm, within
which the concept of "power" is analyzed from
the point of view of structure and semantics as a
separate element of linguistic consciousness,
actively represented in the speech activity of
representatives of various linguistic cultures
(Kazakh, Russian, Anglo-American, Chinese).
The appeal to this concept is predetermined by
the acuteness of the experience of the problem of
power itself as a constantly evolving socio-
political institution. The aim of the study is to
model the concept of "power" in the modern
Dr of Philological Sciences, Professor, Lomonosov MSU, Bauman MSTU, P. Lumumba RUDN-university Moscow, Russia,
Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China. WoS Researcher ID: M-2778-2013
Leading Specialist, Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow, Russia. WoS Researcher ID: U-5065-2017
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate prof of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. WoS
Researcher ID: ITV-6419-2023
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Ass.Prof., Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Semey, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID:
Deputy Director for Educational, Methodological and Scientific Work, Academy of Professional Retraining and Innovative
Technologies, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Moscow region, Russia. WoS Researcher ID: ITV-4986-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
linguistic consciousness of modern times with
the establishment of its structural and content
specificity. The complexity of the claimed topic
is predetermined by the initial ambiguity of
power as a social phenomenon, which includes a
binary of oppositions: "I" individual and "We"
collective, the ability to control oneself and the
ability to control others, legitimate power and
illegitimate power, ethical power due to respect
and authority and the power of oppression and
pressure due to fear. The metagraph of the
complex socio-political basic value "power"
perfectly illustrates the representation of this
complex concept, demonstrating qualitative
transformations in the structure of the meaning of
this concept at different levels of lexico-
semantic, neurasthenic and symbolic-
semiological hierarchy.
Keywords: the concept of power, transformation
of basic values, modern times, a new
civilizational paradigm, metagraph
Due to a significant increase in the information
activity of government representatives in the
public space, as well as the blurring of the
boundaries of the media, the concept of "power"
itself is undergoing significant changes in recent
times. The emergence of new actors and new
aspects in modern linguo-cognitive information
wars increasingly appeals to the basic human
need, proclaimed in ancient times as "Bread and
circuses!". The study of the perception of the
concept of "power" continues to be relevant for a
long time (Okolyshev et al., 2022). The initial
ambiguity and associative ambiguity of power as
an ethno-sociocultural phenomenon includes the
duality of the dichotomy of power over oneself
and power over others, as well as the dichotomy
of legitimate power and self-proclaimed or stolen
power, as well as ethical power based on respect,
authority, and oppressive, demonic, fear-based
power (Fuchs, 2018; Kussepova et al., 2023; Lin
et al., 2021; Okolyshev et al., 2022; Şimşek,
In other words, the concept of "power" is one of
the basic ones in the symbolic language thinking
of modern times, since it acquires such a variety
of proposals and judgments that it demonstrates
a vivid illustration of the communicative-
associative process of realizing human
information needs in ensuring the basic needs of
organizing order and comfortable living
conditions. The phenomenon of power itself is
realized today, first of all, as a person's
information need in a particular subject area
using data in its knowledge system. At the same
time, it should be recognized that the mythology
of power still has a large number of lacunae
(Rosenberg et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2023).
The authorities in each ethno-social culture are
aimed at establishing the dogma of their own
model of the world. However, an ordinary
person, as a rule, does not see this, perceiving this
fact as a given, an unshakable characteristic of
the life of society. Power is realized through a
specific model of the world, offers such
knowledge about the world that is ordered in a
certain way according to the developed speech
and behavioral norms according to the cognitive
Hence the relevance of this study, which is due
to factors such as: 1) insufficient knowledge of
the content of the socio-political conceptual
system of values to which the concept of "power"
belongs; 2) the urgent need to describe the socio-
Karabulatova, I.S., Okolyshev, D.A., Anafinova, M.L., Kurebayeva, G.A., Ivanova-Yakushko, M.M. /
Volume 12 - Issue 66: 261-277 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
cultural concepts that make up the background
knowledge in the linguistic picture of the world;
3) the weak elaboration of the application of the
discursive approach to the analysis of socio-
cultural concepts in the media discourse; 4) the
presence of a lacuna in the analysis of the concept
of "power" as a discursively labeled basic social
value in the media discourse.
In recent decades, media publications about
power have undergone significant
transformations. On the one hand, there is a
compressive increase in the provision of
information and analytics, which expands the
boundaries of the content range. On the other
hand, the repertoire of the media language is
being transformed in the context of the rupture of
the former socio-historical and political-
economic ties, the emergence of new associative
frontiers in the mass media due to the emergence
of new geopolitical paradigms, the inclusion of
barbarisms, jargon, slang, etc. in media discourse
practice. The vivid restructuring of the modern
world stimulates the active interest of the
potential recipient in the analysis of socio-
political events in the structure of journalism,
which focuses on the conceptual space of the
basic value of "power" in publications, the main
theme of which is politics.
At the same time, the use of digital humanities
technologies makes it possible to use multigraph
information processing systems regarding the
transformation of the basic value of "power". The
use of digital tools not only helps to understand
the nature of the transformation of the concept of
"power" as a basic socio-political value, but also
demonstrates the evolution of the values of the
analyzed concept from the point of view of the
"Overton window" as an instrument of verbal-
nonverbal management of public consciousness.
At the same time, the simulated prognostics of
the associates of the concept of "power"
implicitly affects the speed and quality of social
effects in society.
The research is based on the hypothesis that the
concept of "power" is the basic socio-political
value of human civilization, structuring ideas
about the world in the form of a hierarchically
verified system.
The metagraphic representation model was taken
as a basis for analyzing such a complex socio-
political basic value as "power" in order to show
the transformation of the concept at different
levels of the hierarchy.
Literature review
Today, a new matrix of the concept of "power" is
being formed, and this new content,
superimposed on an individual information field
embedded in the general information space,
forms a new blend space of "power". Blend
spaces developed at the end of the twentieth
century by J. Fauconnier and M. Turner, in the
modern era of metamodern permeate all spheres
of human life, including such a rather closed and
mythologized as power (2001).
The unshakable postulate of the inviolability of
power is the preservation in fairy tales and
legends of traditional beginnings: "Once upon a
time there was a king"; "Once upon a time there
was a king with a queen; "Once upon a time there
was a knight..." etc. However, if earlier the myth
clearly normalized the everyday life of a person
in society, today fragmented mythological plots
and images in a transformed and sometimes
distorted form penetrate through the tools of
social communication into the core of a person's
personality, recoding his worldview and identity.
If the historian reconstructs the past through the
analysis of the source base (Mann, 1986), then
the myth-maker of modern times is in a much
advantageous situation, since he creates the
world "here and now" for himself (Zhang et al.,
2023: Lin et al., 2021). It is this aspect that
underlies the "color revolutions" proposed by
J.Sharpe (Sharpe, 2013).
Modern times force us to look for ways to
formalize the persistent markers of influence in
the discourse of power, and therefore there is a
need to revise the basic approaches developed by
various linguistic schools to determine the
possibility of "mathematization" of the value
constants of the ethno-cultural code expressed by
language in its various forms both on the verbal
and nonverbal, and paraverbal levels. The
mathematization of linguistics was anticipated in
the works of Baudouin de Courtenay I.A. back in
the XIX century, the founder of the Kazan
Linguistic School, who directly pointed out that
linguistics has many parallels with mathematics,
rejecting the Humboldt metaphysical folk spirit
of the conceptual picture of the world expressed
in language and with the help of language
(Baudouin de Courtenay, 1963; Maslova, 2015).
According to researchers, power in the modern
picture of the social world is realized through the
"language of lies" (Kirsanova & Gonashvili,
2021: 28). At the same time, there is a paradox of
the spread of this "language" due to the study of
the features and parameters of the same social
world, its preferences, values, forms and methods
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of implementation, etc. (Alnamruti et al., 2022;
Karabulatova, 2020; Lin et al., 2021). Political
technologists and managers orient researchers
and specialists in the field of IT-technologies to
the thoroughness and detail of the psychological
portrait of society in order to improve the process
of manipulation of public consciousness, and
also make the power more stable (Valle-Cruz et
al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021).
Materials and methods
The analysis was based on the headlines and texts
of Russian, Kazakh, American, and Chinese
news sites for the period from 2014 to 2023,
which have free access. The analysis of verbal
representations of the concept of "power" in the
media discourse of modern times was carried out
on 2886 representations.
The methodology is based on a polycode
representation of the conceptual modeling of the
socio-political basic value of "power" as a
complex metagraph.
The variety of different approaches to the
interpretation of basic values is based on the
specifics of a particular subject area, and
therefore such methods as production, logical,
semantic, frame, etc. are prioritized. The concept
of "power" as a basic socio-political value refers
to complex structured objects, therefore the use
of descriptions based on these approaches seems
cumbersome. Based on this, new approaches of
digital humanities based on the expansion of the
theory of graphs and hypergraphs (metagraphs,
ashgraphs, etc.) are seen as effective (Gaur,
Shastri & Biswas, 2008; Chernenkiy, Dunin &
Gapanyuk, 2022).
Fig. 1. The example of data metagraph (Chernenkiy, Dunin & Gapanyuk, 2022: 4)
Complex levels are a combination of simple
levels that represent the basis of the meta-tops
(Fig. 1). At the same time, individual parameters
of the concept of "power" as linguistic markers
can be interpreted as vertices and meta-tops of
the metagraph of the socio-political basic value
of "power". Such a metagraph model allows you
to create alternative variants of the organization
of complex markers by using metavertex’s based
on the same set of simple markers (Fig.1). The
metagraph model is aimed at describing complex
data structures.
The presented metagraph model has three
metavertex’s: mw1, mw2 and mw3. Each vertex
v1 not only contains vertices v1, v2, v3, but also
edges e1, e2, e3 connecting them.
Also, the meta vertex v2 includes vertices v4, v5
and the edge e6 connecting them. Edges e4, e5
are examples of edges connecting vertices v2-v4
and v3-v5, respectively, and are contained in
different metavertex’s mv1 and mv2. Edge e7 is
an example of an edge connecting metavertex’s
mv1 and mv2. Edge e8 is an example of an edge
connecting vertex v2 and meta-vertex v2. The
meta vertex mp3 contains meta vertex v2,
vertices v2, v3 and edge e2 from meta vertex
mv1, as well as edges e4, e5, e8, showing the
holonic nature of the metagraph structure. Based
on this, metavertex implements the principle of
emergence in the data structures of such complex
constructs as "power".
Each vertex is associated with a specific meaning
in the multi-valued space of the concept of
"power". Each edge detects a transition zone
from one value to another. These transition zones
are related to a specific aspect of the study.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The analysis of the concept of "power" at the
linguistic, sociological, neurocognitive,
psychological, cultural levels correlates with the
understanding of the nested metagraph as a
model of a hierarchical object with different
levels of generalization.
To date, we can identify several areas in which
the concept of "power" is being explored in the
context of satisfying the request for the
management of public consciousness:
Linguistic, neurocognitive aspect of the study
of power. Research in this direction examines
the influence of the structure of language, which
can have an analog effect on consciousness, as
well as vivid mental images.
In this regard, six basic tools that realize the
communicative power of language and are at the
disposal of the addressee are effective (the choice
of words and expressions; the creation of
neologisms and new stable expressions; the
choice of a particular grammatical form; the
choice of the sequence of providing information
as blocks of information in the text; the use of
paraverbal means in the form of emotively
colored intonation and tonality; using a common
context (Karabulatova, 2020). The formalization
of verbal markers is not quite as simple as it may
seem at first glance, since some communicative
techniques perform the role of effective
manipulators, making the message more
expressive among the rest in the information
space, while others or even the same
manipulators cannot in any way excite public
consciousness and keep it in a given focus.
Consequently, the manipulative potential is
contained not so much in the reception itself, but
rather in the general emotional load of a
particular situation. Based on this, the potential
recipient makes quite predictable conclusions
based on the information provided, or he rejects
the proposed information in every possible way,
but at the same time refusal is also one of the
predicted forms of speech-behavioral profile.
Thus, power is formed with the help of the word
over society, to which the governments of all
countries are so eager. The informational impact
is realized with the help of a variety of language
techniques, the intensity of which is strictly
dependent on the simulated result. For example,
these are the techniques of the label nomination
of an information target in the text, the
construction of non-standard compatibility with
evaluative and emotively colored words, as well
as words with an emotive connotation, the active
use of euphemization, the use of deauthorization
and generalizations, the increase in the "fan" of
associative transfer, etc.
The sociological aspect of the study of power.
Power is impossible without society, and each
level of the social structure of society
corresponds to one or another social subject. The
study of ways of arranging the living space by
social actors, including in terms of interaction
with information, allows us to more accurately
understand the characterological features of the
lifestyle, the specifics of thinking. This, in turn,
makes it clear which stages of the discourse
window may be in demand for the management
of public consciousness. To this end, it is
necessary to master more deeply the
methodology of managing social and socio-
psychological mechanisms (Rosenberg et al.,
The psychological aspect of the study power.
One of the leading components of the modern
management system is everyday consciousness,
understanding of the structure of the average
linguistic personality, as well as the carrier of
linguistic culture in the chronotope under
consideration (Chulkina & Bubnova, 2010).
Hence such an abundance of targeting strategies
of social networks, banks, information sites and
other potential beneficiaries of owning
information about a particular user and/or virtual
visitor. On the one hand, language is a kind of
prototype of social thinking. On the other hand,
language acts as an ideal tool for managing
individual and public consciousness, an ideal tool
of power. This unique feature of the language
contributed to the fact that the language began to
be designated as an instrument of social power.
The power of language suggests that it allows
you to encode information using various
communication channels. It is enough to recall
the "cube of emotions" by H. Lövheim (2012),
which clearly demonstrates the relationship
between a variety of formally alternative, but
functionally equivalent ways. The use of
information for the purpose of subordination and
restructuring of the worldview and
transformation of life goals from the point of
view of social psychology is considered as a
property of information warfare.
The cultural aspect of the study of power.
Values, forming the "framework" of an
individual's inner picture of the world, his "map"
of background knowledge, are in close
connection with his beliefs, which only seem
unshakable, but are in constant motion and
undergo transformations (Hutton, 1981). The
"map" of background knowledge itself, in which
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the reference points are concepts of values (Gou,
et al., 2021), acts as a kind of filter for
interpreting what is happening around, creating a
basis for motivating human behavior (Petzold et
al., 2020). The cultural model of the world is a
civilizational matrix about the world, in which
knowledge about the world is structured in a
certain way in accordance with the cognitive
system of perception in a particular culture
(Adler, 2019).
The vitality of culture depends on the strength of
the connections between cognitive concepts and
the stability of their associations, which makes
the cultural matrix of the speech and behavioral
profile of the culture carrier strong. The cultural
matrix itself also acts as a semantic space. The
discovery of reference points in the form of
conceptual values serves as a transition to
semantic code, which is implicit, but
recognizable by everyone as such. Thus, the
concepts of basic values are considered as key
words (reference points, semantic milestones)
that form a specific ethno-cultural landscape of
the semantic space of culture formed in the
recipient's mind.
The image of power consists of observations of
the speech activity of persons who have power
and symbolize it in the public consciousness.
The construction of the evaluative perception of
the value of "power" and forms of ethno-
sociocultural identity is carried out using the
theory of blending. In the socio-political
conceptual space, the theory of metaphor, the
theory of "color revolutions", the theory of
analogy, conceptual combination,
grammaticalization and the theory of solving
abstract problems, the theory of the multi-spatial
structure of metaphor as a complex metagraph
have acquired a new sound.
The "fan" of ethno-sociocultural markers of the
basic value of "power" can be both constructive
and destructive in the media space,
demonstrating in a metamodern situation the
process of transformation of the concept of
"power" as one of the leading principles of
diplomacy and public administration. The
polycode representation of information about
power (video content, photographs, documents,
etc.) transforms the conceptual value matrix of
the target audience under the influence of
multimodal representation of information.
A complex network is a graph (network) with
nontrivial topological features - features that are
not found in simple networks, such as lattices or
random graphs, but are often found in graphical
modeling of real systems. The terms “complex
network" and “complex graph" are often used
The structure of a complex metagraph is
implemented by using nine steps that reveal the
specifics of less complex graphs (Fig.2).
Fig. 2. Architecture of a complex metagraph with implementation steps.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Step I in metagraph: Reading the source text
documents using several codes: verbal,
nonverbal, paraverbal. This step examines the
basic value of "power" in semiotic and symbolic
aspects, taking into account historical and
cultural experience, social practice, language
patterns (Fig.2).
At this level, it is possible to create various
ontologies that make it possible to understand the
phenomenon of power. For example, it may be
the evolution of color solutions in the clothes of
a person of power, depending on the canons in a
particular ethno-culture (nonverbal level). Or the
volume and pitch of the voice can also serve as
markers of power at the paraverbal level. Or the
ontology of an event marker for assessing the
communicative behavior of a person of power
At the same time, communication itself in the
coordinates of "power society", "power -
person" reflects a decisive role in choosing the
directions of development of the public
administration system during its transformation.
Fig. 3. Event-based marker for assessing the communicative behavior of people in power
The presented analysis of the event marker for
assessing the communicative behavior of people
in power (Fig. 3) demonstrates the sociological
aspect of the realization of the value of "power"
in the public consciousness.
Each parameter (aggressiveness, dependence,
competence) is disclosed in separate anthologies,
in which markers are grouped for each type of
The authorities are positioned as positively as
possible in the news, due to the need for rapid
response as a strategy for effective work with the
population. At the same time, the authorities find
it in the news, demonstrating a dialogue with the
population. Aggressiveness is present when
interpreting the actions of the authorities in the
news, which emphasizes implicit hostility and
inconsistency on the axis of "friend - foe" in the
aspect of "power - ordinary people".
The sociology of power considers not only
situational forms of communication,
communication in individual strata of society,
but also non-situational (universal)
communication practices (Sinitsyn et al., 2022).
This is due to the fact that communication itself
is a reproducible mechanism of ethno-
sociocultural practice, during which the
development of cultural values takes place,
ranking them into individual or social value
systems (Karabulatova et al., 2021). The analysis
and structuring of such systems are one of the
popular scientific fields of sociolinguistics.
The effectiveness of power can be based on the
use of various representative channels of
information transmission: from neurohumoral to
verbal. Parallel coding is carried out by
transmitting commands that involve all
representative systems of the human psyche in
order to convey the same idea by various means.
If the psycholinguistic effect often acts as an end
in itself, being self-sufficient, although
manipulative, then in the aspect of social
psychology, the effect is usually realized as
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Emotional experience creates an emotive tone of
public opinion, structuring in a given direction
the ideas, views, and knowledge experienced in
it. Through concentration and manifestation, the
emotional and volitional sphere of the so-called
leaders of public opinion of certain strata forms
public opinion at the supranational level,
covering all segments of the population, which
demonstrates the ability of a pervasive influence
on the course of events and processes. From the
point of view of psychology, the volitional
component reflects the aspiration of the subject
to the practical implementation of his own value
judgments that dominate public opinion, or are
recognized as approved and desirable: in other
words, to specific actions and deeds.
Regardless of our individual psychological
characteristics, our speech and behavioral profile
is structured on the basis of accumulated beliefs,
the stability and reproducibility of traditions, and
other aspects of ethno-social culture, which
creates, as a whole, that specific civilizational
model of the world that includes all culturally
significant conceptual values indicated by verbal
markers. Each nation creates its own matrix of
the world as a coordinate system of behavior in a
particular ethno-cultural community. However,
being brought up initially in this model, a person
does not see a restrictive and permissive
framework within his own culture, taking them
for granted.
Table 1.
The relationship between the communicative type of a person of power and its manifestation in the media
An open type of person of power
A closed type of person of power
My residents/ population/ my questions of
Me and my team
not to dominate, not to rise
I command - they obey
Management, cooperation
Dominance, hierarchy
To delve into the problems, to solve issues of
local importance
Show yourself, PR
The recipient has the opportunity to look into the
worlds of "power" shown in this or that
information story:
1) external, realized in the actions and actions
of people of "power";
2) internal, presented in the reflections and
comments of the author of the publication
from the position of his own knowledge
about power (Tabl.1)
Depending on the type of person in power, the
selection of linguistic and non-linguistic means
will take place, emphasizing the status / or vice
versa, the non-status of a particular
representative of power.
Step II in our metagraph includes the
development of a text parsing module (Fig. 2).
This step is closely related to the linguistic level,
since it contains the analysis of the document, the
extraction of the concept and the relationship.
Based on this, a metagraph structure is created.
The linguistic level of transformation of the basic
value "power" reflects the technology of
blending as an implementation of the theory of
conceptual integration and/or conceptual mixing.
In the modern reality of the metamodern,
elements from various fields are mixed, which
eventually results in the mixing of mental spaces
in a person's background knowledge, leading to a
mutation of the conceptual picture of the world.
The media discourse is a publicly demonstrated
conceptual map of meanings that are conveyed
through the concepts of basic values, which
include the concept of "power". Although the
value matrix of each person is purely individual,
it is structured in accordance with the
fundamental "conceptual pillars" of values
developed in the course of collective practice
adopted in a particular ethno-cultural society.
Today, when there is a search for new coordinate
systems that ensure the vitality of the state,
society and culture, the media discourse offers
dynamic models of the representation of
resilience, passionarity of the individual and
society. For example, more and more often we
see references to archaic, post-interpretations of
the achievements of archeology and history:
Kazakh Tutankhamun is a find in the steppe and
an incredible archaeological sensation
(Zorkinadventure, 2022); Americans, Germans
and Czechs examined our genes: what scientists
learned after the rarest discovery in Kazakhstan
(Vologodsky, 2018); Urjar Princess and other
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
archaeological sensations of the history of
Kazakhstan (Shishanova, 2020); The mystery of
the origin of the Russian people has been
revealed (Alyokhina, 2019) etc.
Markers of this level form meta-vertices in a
complex metagraph, since they include simple
vertices that correspond to the psycho-emotional
level of analysis. These levels, verbal and
psychological, correlate with edges between
The basic feeling of pride in one's country,
satisfaction with power is conveyed using
emotively colored words with an emotive
connotation, such as:
1. Verbal ways of expressing emoticons
1.1. verbs: rejoice, laugh, rejoice, etc.
1.2. phraseological units: smile in full mouth,
laugh in beard, etc.
1.3. hospitals: who would have thought! Oh, my
God [what happiness]! and others.
1.4. interjective words, particles: Hooray!
Bravo! and others.
2. Nonverbal ways of expressing emoticems
joy / happiness (kinesic emoticems of
2.1. facial expressions: the shine of the eyes, a
look in the face, lips in a smile, etc.
2.2. gestures: spontaneously raised hands with
clenched or unclenched fists, rubbing palms
in front of you, clapping palms in front of
you, etc.
2.3. poses: opening your arms (as if you are
ready to embrace the whole world).
For example: "Even as a student, during the
summer holidays, I came to stay (...) in Nur-
Sultan. It was 2010. Then the city was actively
being built. I liked everything to the point of
insanity: the city, the people, the hospitality. The
city literally inspired me, and sunk into my
soul," Albina Moldynova said" (Borisova, 2021,
electronic source); "There is a large expat
community here, but my close friends are local
residents of Kazakhstan. I find them more loyal
and we have a trusting relationship with them. I
love Kazakh hospitality when you are enveloped
in care and attention. The French have a lot in
common with the Kazakhs: for example, we also
eat horse meat and we have the same long family
feasts (laughs). I always feel in my place, I got
used to it here and joined in communication
with the locals faster than in 20 years of my life
in England, Kazakhstan is a very large and
beautiful country that conquered me. France is
my homeland, but I wouldn't go back there."
(Taimagambetov, 2023, electronic source).
Unfortunately, the Russian media discourse
positions shock content that negatively illustrates
local authorities as success stories. The positive
shock content of migrants arriving in Russia is
mainly represented by publications of 2018, with
an increase in the destructive component from
the second half of 2018 to the present, which
increases negative moods in society, forcing
destruction. For example: "My employer
deceived me, and I couldn't leave for my
homeland on time. Because of this, the Russian
court found me, a citizen of Tajikistan, guilty of
violating the migration regime. Deportation and
a social shelter for four children were waiting
ahead. I didn't know how to take the children
with me, I was afraid to leave them alone in
Russia. My relatives selflessly helped me: they
turned to the Commissioner for Children's
Rights, issued documents at the consulate,
bought tickets. The family was reunited at the
airport, where I was taken under escort. You
should have seen our happy eyes at this
moment! All together we flew safely to
Dushanbe." (Chernyshova-Melnik, 2018,
electronic source).
It is impossible not to agree with P. Bourdieu's
opinion that today each of us is witnessing that
the state is losing power over the world of
morality and human values, essentially
withdrawing itself (Bourdieu, 1998). As a result,
a person loses his bearings and realizes himself
"on the other side of good and evil."
Each ethno-culture tries to promote its ethno-
socio-cultural experience and its historical
heritage as something super-unique and
exclusive. However, all these representations fit
into the same figurative models (Kotlyarova,
2019). Globally, the value of "power" in all
countries, even if we take ideological opponents,
is positioned almost the same: each country is
proud of its past, glorifies the achievements and
successes of its ancestors.
If we look at the era of antiquity or the modern
metamodern world, we will see that the power of
the state was constantly realized when drawing
the boundaries of the world of its own values and
the world of other people's values, to which
immorality, destructive ideas, universal anti-
values were written. The basic concept of
"power" is central to both the world of values and
the world of anti-values. At the same time, for the
world of anti-values, the cornerstone concept is
anti-humanity, as well as its combination with
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
some neutral qualities or human needs. Based on
this, we can say that the world of anti-values
represents the same diversity as its antipode - the
world of values.
Consideration of associative ties at the level of
municipal government, as the closest link to the
common people, makes it possible to consider
the specifics of the concept of "power" as a value
and as an "anti-value" in modern society. At the
same time, it should be noted that most of the
negative associates to the concept of "power"
characterize this concept as an anti-value of a
person, since it is turned outward and
demonstrates close ties with the field of power
and political relations.
Connections at smaller levels are much more
subtle and sophisticated. Here, the phenomenon
of associative connection of the conceptual
meaning of "power" is not only aimed at
combining iconic images into a single ethno-
cultural whole, but also appeals to the sensory
experience of a person. At Step III, the generated
metagraph structure is recorded in the so-called
Metagraph Concept Repository in Step IV
This approach allows using the associative map
as a means of identifying and stratifying the
cultural model of the world using verbal
Fig. 4. Correlation of thematic groups of the concept "power" (developed by us, the author's material is
I. K. et al.)
The use of the tactics of actualization of
associative connections between words
(associative transfer) actively works when
manipulating public consciousness to form social
The structure and presentation of information
about power in the media discourse for the broad
masses of the population in different countries, as
a rule, uses the topic of anxiety and maintaining
anxiety, focusing on the problem of "we - they"
as "friend - foe" (Fig.4). In this situation,
schemes that use beliefs formed around the topics
of personal and/or social danger, the presence of
harmful effects on a person or individual strata of
society, the detection of vulnerabilities and the
lack of opportunities to cope with a particular
problem receive activity. In this case, the appeal
to the topic of the authorities and representatives
of the authorities becomes associated with the
above-mentioned problems.
The selection of thematic groups was carried out
on the basis of an expert analysis of over 10,000
news reports about the government and the
compilation of a thematic rubricator. As a result,
5% 2%
social issues
Religious concepts
management problems
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2.5 thousand frequency comparisons were
allocated using the continuous sampling method.
The frequency of a particular topic is as follows:
1) the topic of "events" (33% of comparison);
2) the topic of "social issues" (26%); 3) the topic
of "events" (22.5%); 4) the topic of "actions,
actions of the authorities" (8.5%); 5) topic "law"
(4.5%); 6) topic "national and religious concepts"
(2%); 7) topic "management problems" (2%);
8) topic "corruption" (1.5%). (Fig. 4).
At the same time, criticism of the authorities is
unacceptable in the Russian and Chinese
communities, which forces a more careful
approach to the selection of language tools. The
situation is somewhat different in the American
and Kazakh communities. However, it cannot be
said that in these countries there are no concepts
of permissible-unacceptable in the presentation
of the media sphere, since political scandals with
violations of power structures on the ground are
due to the struggle between different parties,
clans and groupings (Chaw et al., 2014).
The "friend - stranger" dichotomy in publications
about power actively uses evaluative associations
to create a sense of the presence of "another
world", which differs from the one in which the
recipient of such a text is located, but which
meets all his wishes. For example, such a role is
played by foreign-language borrowings, which
are designed to create in the minds of recipients
an attractive image of a "shining world", a
"dream world", which, as a rule, is attributed to
Western European civilization. At the same time,
the achievements of their own countries, as a
rule, are humiliated and devalued.
The compilation of ontologies and thematic
rubricator is necessary to compile the structure of
modeling metagraph concepts about power in
Step IV based on data from the Metagraph
Concepts Repository, allowing Step V to be
implemented in order to implement conceptual
modeling and compare keywords in different
social groups. The detail in Step V allows you to
annotate concepts with additional values, which
is seen as important for understanding the
problems and the nature of the transformation of
values in a particular concept (Fig.2).
When considering the associates associated with
the word "power", we find a clear emotive
gradation, which allows us to make the following
distribution according to the evaluation of
associates (tabl.2).
Table 2.
Distribution of evaluation associations to the word "power"
Negative associates
Neutral associates with a hidden
emoticon, with the possibility of
text manipulation
Positive associates
Potantate/ vlastelin
(original: властелин)
Main/ glavny (original: главный)
Throne/ tron (original: трон)
War/ voyna (original:
Director/ director (original:
Abundance/ izobiliye (original:
Fear/ strakh, original:
World/ mir (original: мир)
Love / Lyubov (original: любовь)
Corruption/ korruptsiya
(original: коррупция)
People/ lyudi (original: люди)
Might/ mogushtsestvo (original:
Dictator/ (original:
elections (vybory/выборы)
Evil (zlo/зло)
civil servant
protection (zaschita/защита)
junta (khunta/хунта)
Administration administratstiya/администрация
freedom (Svoboda/ свобода)
(Developed by us, the author's material is I. K. et al.)
As can be seen from this table, the process of
establishing associative links using secondary
and weak peripheral features underlies most
manipulative techniques in modern media
discourse, regardless of preferences and politics.
Step VI is implemented in the structure of a
complex metagraph by recording the results of
conceptual modeling in the Repository of
concepts of the metagraph "power" for
subsequent training of artificial intelligence and
neural networks using the binary code of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
value "power" and the associated anti-value
"anarchy" (Fig.2).
As you can see, the semantic space of the basic
meaning of "power" clearly represents
dichotomous pairs that are actively exploited in
media discourse:
1) "power is a symbol of holiness and faith" vs.
"power is a source of distrust";
2) "power is power and strength" vs. "power is
3) "power is order and discipline" vs. "power is
the personification of chaos.";
4) "power is mercy" versus "power is
indifference and emotional coldness."
The use of a synonymous scale in the dichotomy
"power" - "anarchy, chaos" activates the work of
Step VII, which performs the task of the text
generation module, extracting target concepts
from the metagraph's Repository of concepts of
the basic socio-political value "power". At the
same time, the text generation module itself,
presented in Step VIII, converts the assignment
concepts into a text form (Fig.2).
The media discourse directionally uses the
method of directed association by analogy with
the directed associative experiment in
psycholinguistics and psychometry in order to
model a purposeful (usually negative) image of
the information target referred to in the text.
In this regard, the generation of a text document
at the output is at Step IX, while both the text
parsing module and the text generation module
use both deep learning methods and basic
models, as well as subject expertise (Fig.2). This
tactic reflects the main feature of language units
located close or side by side in the text, which
allows them to establish stable associative links
with the subsequent formation of associative
fields in the text or a complex textual whole
New attempts to create classifications for
manipulating public consciousness on the
perception of the concept of "power" are difficult
in modern conditions of digital mass media due
to the variety of structural types of digital
information of a verbal-nonverbal type, as well
as due to the growth of associations.
The complexity and ambiguity of the associative
response of a person as an object of scientific
research, the difference in the principles of
approach to it, the multitude of sciences
connected with it in one way or another all this
gave rise to a special synthesis of scientific, near-
scientific and mystical reasoning around the
basic values.
The depressive effect of the binary construction
"power anarchy" occurs in the system of
contrasting value and anti-value through the
accentuation of the negativization of the value of
"power" with the transfer of the anti-value
"anarchy" into the space. At the same time, the
topic of insensitivity, the artificiality of "power"
as a soulless system, in contrast to emotional
empathy in society, is actualized. At the same
time, it is impossible not to draw a parallel
between the emergence of a new meaning in the
concept of "power - machine - artificial
intelligence" and the actualization of fears. The
very understanding of humanity is taken out, and
everything human becomes an object of
stigmatization, since only an emotionless
individual can make mixed decisions.
Metamodernism forms new meanings in the
basic concepts by expanding metaphorical
perception during the blending of properties and
characteristics of nuclear and peripheral concepts
in the modern linguistic picture of the world.
Basic values are closely related to the so-called
theory of consciousness (ToM), which originated
in the humanities in 1978 when analyzing the
cognitive abilities of a person to attribute certain
psychological states and reactions to himself and
others (Premack & Woodruff, 1978). At the same
time, Western researchers note that the predictive
emotive assessment of associations as some kind
of conscious verbal constructs does not imply
taking into account cognitive abilities and
anxiety-suspicious accentuations (Adler, 2019;
Chaw et al., 2014), which are actualized when
basic cultural values change.
Some researchers believe that the Russian
tradition is characterized by a rather acute
sensitivity of the academic community's
perception of "ideological signals" produced by
representatives of the political establishment
(Kirsanova & Gonashvili, 2021). At the same
time, it is noted that Russian political scientists
and sociologists show a vivid interest in the
interpretation of the conceptual values of
"strength" and "soft power" in the linguistic
consciousness in the post-Soviet space under the
influence of the active use of the concept of "soft
power" in the speeches of political leaders of
their countries (Rusakova & Kovba, 2019).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
As researchers point out, in the post-Soviet
space, there is an idea of power as the equivalent
of strength, power, control, wealth, luxury, gold,
weapons, land, food supplies, camps, livestock,
etc. (Azizova, 2018). The binary nature of power
is due to the fact that people perceive power as a
blend concept, since achieving heights in power,
as a rule, involves some kind of overcoming,
anger, punishment, dictate, prison, etc.
Reasoning about the binary nature of power is
based on the philosophy of the development of
thinking, since human thoughts, thanks to
language, acquire a real existence that can be
broadcast to other people.
At the same time, we observe an increase in the
expression of media discourse in the context of
achieving a fundamental goal the struggle for
power, which is a key moment in modern
linguistic information wars, finding vivid
confirmation in the selection of verbal and non-
verbal means of persistence, the intensity of the
impact of which is dominant (Barabash et al.,
2019; Horska et al., 2023; Plekhanova et al.,
The newest era of the digital society has
practically begun to implement the close
interaction of information and a person from the
targeting positions of the neurocognitive
mechanism of consciousness management
(Dietrich, 2004), which actualized the problem of
modeling human thinking by neural networks
and artificial intelligence (Shanmuganathan,
2016) with predictive anticipation of the result of
invasive information (Fournier et al., 2019),
correlations of internal mental strategies of
natural intelligence and its hidden driving forces
(Strikwerda-Brown et al., 2019; Rosenberg et al.,
2020; Zhao et al., 2023).
The presented studies not only consider the
process of understanding the work of the human
brain in encoding and decoding information, but
also help to advance in aspects of artificial
intelligence training. Both directions are
important in detecting the parameters of the basic
socio-political value of "power" in the modern
human consciousness in modern times.
If earlier the USA, Great Britain and the EU
countries actively used media resources for
psychometry of the basic value of "power", today
there is an increase in "soft" and "hard"
technologies in the modern media space and
other actors to improve the methods of
transformation of conceptual values that make up
background knowledge, which has a dominant
influence on changing the configuration of the
world order.
In this regard, the change in the basic matrix of
the speech and behavioral profile of any native
speaker causes naturally conditioned feelings of
anxiety, fear and concern for their future.
However, some researchers believe that
manipulative influence in the media discourse is
characterized by massive aggression and
purposefulness, actively exploiting the psycho-
emotional sphere of the recipient, while having
an unproductive character (Dvoinina, 2017;
Overchuk et al., 2023). In this regard, scientists
express concern about the need for additional
rehabilitation measures for the population of
their countries, one way or another affected by
wars, information wars and the breakdown of the
ideological paradigm.
The concept of "power" refers to both
philosophical and moral, legal and legal, socio-
cultural, political and economic spheres.
Currently, various classifications for information
processing are used in experimental studies of
digital humanities. The transformation of
conceptual values is closely connected with
various systems of verbal-nonverbal
manipulation. At the same time, the predicted
associative reactions of recipients have a direct
impact on social effects in society.
The metagraphic representation of the basic
socio-political value of "power" is due to the
complexity of parameterization of the
phenomenon itself, its high significance for
society. In this regard, step-by-step modeling of
the concept of "power" allowed us to consider the
details of the processes of transformation of
values within the conceptual space of "power" in
the media discourse of modern times, taking into
account different levels. Linguistic markers
based on the definition of the emotional state of
the subject of speech are defined as a function of
the lexical tonalities of its constituent units, rules,
combinations. At the same time, it was found out
that the negativization of the value of "power" is
due to a shift in emphasis towards the parameters
of the anti-value "anarchy, chaos".
Emotive perception of the concept of "power" is
due to the hierarchical structure of the human
community and awareness of the influence of this
hierarchy on the way of life of any representative
of society. The binary structure of the value
"power" predetermined the variety of thematic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
rubricator, which includes the binary
representation of power as a force of spirit (such
as: learn to rule yourself) and power over other
people. All this together stigmatizes the concept
of "power", contributing to the mythologization
of power in the context of the manifestation of
the struggle of the forces of Good and Evil. In
this regard, the considered event rubricator of the
assessment of power reflects this eternal
dichotomy of Light and Darkness. The presence
of "edges" of cross-meanings in the concept of
"power" creates a variety of associative
connections of both positive and negative
spectrum. In turn, this causes discrepancies in the
interpretation of the concept of "power" as a
basic value that regulates the vitality of society.
The metagraphic representation of the basic
socio-political value "power" not only describes
this socio-cultural phenomenon of the regulative
of public life, but also embeds in the Repository
of metagraph concepts signs of related socio-
cultural concepts in background knowledge. The
application of a discursive approach to the
analysis of the concept of "power" in media
discourse allowed us to identify gaps in the
conceptual space and launch a full-scale scaling
in the analysis of this discursively labeled basic
value in demand in recent times.
Of course, the very concept of "power" is
included in the "core" of basic socio-political and
cultural values in the modern mythologized
linguistic consciousness, illustrating the blending
of the conceptual space of the value of "power"
in the era of metamodern as a communicative-
associative process of realizing human
information needs in ensuring a normalized
socio-political, economic order in society,
establishing the regulation of rules the lives of
both an individual and all citizens.
The expert markup of the modern media
discourse on power demonstrates the information
needs of each member of the community about
the rules and norms of human community.
In the course of evolution, human civilization
creates and multiplies a system of ideas about the
world, gaining new knowledge, forming new
meanings in the basic concepts of the conceptual
picture of the world. Emotivity is expressed at the
level of a lexeme or a communicative fragment.
The government regulates the specifics of the
management of public consciousness in each
ethno-social culture with the establishment of the
priority of its own model of the world. The
detailed parameterization of the basic value of
"power" made it possible to classify models of
the world depending on the background
knowledge about the world accepted by a
particular society. The socio-communicative
contour of power is conditioned by speech-
behavioral norms in a particular ethno-linguistic
The media discourse of modern times
demonstrates the rapid transformation of the
concept of "power" in the public consciousness.
The work was carried out under the project
within the framework of the Priority 2030
program (Bauman Moscow State Technical
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