Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.21
How to Cite:
Andrieiev, I., Tyshko, D., Petryk, S., Kryzyna, N., & Kryzyna, O. (2023). Operation of Healthcare Institutions under conditions of
martial law. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 225-234. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.21
Operation of Healthcare Institutions under conditions of martial law
Функціонування закладів охорони здоров'я в умовах воєнного стану
Received: May 9, 2023 Accepted: June 27, 2023
Written by:
Ievgenii Andrieiev1
Dmytro Tyshko2
Serhii Petryk3
Natalia Kryzyna4
Olena Kryzyna5
The most significant value of society is the life
and health of the people. Therefore, the main
goal of the healthcare system is to ensure the
continuity of medical services for the population.
Organizing the healthcare sector within the
community during the war presents an
unprecedented challenge for government
authorities and local self-governance.
The article aims to define the peculiarities of
organizing healthcare institutions under martial
law in the country, highlighting key factors that
influence the field of medicine and directions for
optimizing the activities of medical
establishments. The research employed various
philosophical methods for analysis and
information study, including dialectical,
metaphysical, synergistic, and intuitive methods.
Besides, the authors used systemic analysis,
synthesis, and abstraction. At the same time, such
particular scientific methods as formal-logical
(dogmatic), comparative, sociological,
hermeneutical, instrumental, axiological, and a
synthesis of institutional and axiological
approaches were used. The research results
Doctoral Student, PhD in Medical Science, Department of National Security, Public Administration and Management, Faculty of
Public Administration, Law and International Relations, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
Doctoral Student, PhD in Medicine, Department of National Security, Public Administration and Management, Faculty of Public
Administration, Law and International Relations, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
Doctoral Student, PhD in Public Administration, Department of National Security, Public Administration and Management, Faculty
of Public Administration, Law and International Relations, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Educational Medical Institute of Kyiv International University, Educational
and Scientific Medical Institute, Ukraine.
Doctor Philosophy P(h)D, Department of General Medicine, Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of Kyiv International
University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
identified crucial theoretical aspects regarding
the operation of healthcare institutions during the
war. The article also examines scholars'
viewpoints on the key problems of medical
institutions during hostilities.
Keywords: Medical care continuity, healthcare
management, legal system in the medical sphere,
healthcare efficacy under martial law.
Today's essential component of the global socio-
economic sphere is the healthcare system. It
ensures the expanded reproduction of human
capital through the utilization and redistribution
of temporarily available resources of all
participants involved in the reproductive process
- the state, the population, and economic entities.
The main goal of healthcare management is to
ensure accessible medical care and improve the
efficiency of healthcare services. The scope,
type, and quality of these services should
correspond to disease indicators and the
population's needs based on the guiding
principles of medical science.
Currently, in Ukraine, medical institutions
operate under martial law conditions. It requires
applying new approaches to managing the
healthcare system and organizing the functioning
of the medical system that would effectively
assist both the army and civilians. In this regard,
the responsibility of the state and law
enforcement agencies for the functioning of the
healthcare system and ensuring its effectiveness
in times of war is particularly relevant.
The theoretical part of this study substantiates the
importance and main prerequisites for the
formation of state policy regarding the
management of healthcare institutions during
wartime. The article focuses on the specifics of
medical care for the military and provides an
overview of the current operation of healthcare
institutions under martial law. The paper outlines
the features of legal and financial support for
healthcare institutions during hostilities.
The practical part of the research includes an
assessment of the destruction of medical
institutions as a prerequisite for applying modern
management tools in the healthcare sector under
martial law conditions. It identifies critical steps
necessary for the restoration of the healthcare
sector during wartime, highlights the
components of strengthening the financial
stability of the healthcare sector, and establishes
key directions for the modern achievements of
scientists regarding the organization of work in
healthcare institutions.
Based on the research results, the conclusions
have been drawn regarding the issues that have
been addressed. In particular, it was found that
the most important aspects of optimizing the
medical institutions' system are strengthening the
components of the national healthcare system's
general policy and the quality management
system of medical services.
The paper assesses financial support as the most
essential factor in the successful functioning of
the sector. It emphasizes that solving economic
issues related to the activities of healthcare
institutions primarily requires encouraging
donors, increasing the total amount of state
healthcare funding, and introducing flexible and
result-oriented methods of healthcare financing.
The study aims to identify statistical and
analytical trends describing healthcare
institutions' operation and highlight the most
critical factors that enable their successful
functioning and development during the war. The
paper also highlights the most common areas of
current research by scholars on the organization
of healthcare institutions' operations during
Literature Review
In the current conditions, the responsibilities of
public administration in the healthcare system
include the following:
high-quality provision of medical services;
improvement of the management of
healthcare institutions system;
Andrieiev, I., Tyshko, D., Petryk, S., Kryzyna, N., Kryzyna, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 225-234 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ensuring an adequate regulatory system in
the healthcare sector;
adaptation of the healthcare sector to the
external environment.
Today, public administration in the healthcare
sector is based on the principles and priorities of
state policy development in the healthcare sector.
These principles are defined by national
regulations, the international legal framework for
healthcare, and the current mechanism of public
administration in the national healthcare system
(Catanzaro, Pesenti & Ronco, 2023), (Rawtani et
al., 2022), (Borger, 2022).
Under martial law, the main tasks of healthcare
facilities and state institutions involved in
providing primary and secondary medical care to
wounded service members are to ensure the
provision of special beds to accommodate
wounded soldiers and to stock up on medical
supplies. The delivery of medical equipment,
donor blood, and its components, and the
possibility of simultaneously receiving a set
number of wounded (sick) servicemen are
particularly relevant (Perdana, Vielle &
Schenckery, 2022).
The state's primary responsibility for the
healthcare system development and efficiency
during wartime lies in ensuring that the
respective ministry is ready to bring certain
medical institutions and other necessary forces
and resources to ensure the provision of medical
care to military personnel during martial law.
Additionally, regional government
administrations, in collaboration with local self-
governing bodies and based on recommendations
from the Ministry of Defense, identify municipal
healthcare institutions that can be involved in
providing medical care. Scientific institutions
specializing in medical sciences provide
consultative and scientific-methodological
support to healthcare facilities offering medical
assistance during the war (Storonyanska et al.,
2022), (Beckley, 2018), (Pastukhov et al., 2022).
The medical workers are subject to military
registration according to their specialization and
are enrolled in the mobilization reserve. With the
ongoing hostilities, the national healthcare
system is now gradually adapting to these
changes (Pereira et al., 2022).
An important issue of medical support during
martial law is the medical care of the army. The
management of the military medical support
system during wartime and in emergencies is
carried out within a unified management system
per the country's existing legislation. The state
provides guidance and involvement of the
national industry to meet the needs of military
medicine in the design and production of
Ukrainian land, marine, and aircraft transport
that can be easily adapted to evacuate the
wounded and sick. Besides, the medical training
programs for healthcare specialists of all
educational and qualification levels in Higher
Medical Education Institutions currently include
studying the relevant topics on medical care for
troops and civilians during the war (Anjum, Aziz
& Hamid, 2023), (Driedger, 2023).
Materials and Methods
A practical study of current trends in the
development of the healthcare system under
martial law was conducted by analyzing and
processing statistical data on the functioning of
the healthcare sector in Ukraine. Also, the
authors critically evaluated scientific articles and
publicistic reviews on the research topic in
forming proposals for optimizing healthcare
institutions' management during martial law.
The theoretical background of the study includes
the data from the International Organization for
Migration on the damages to the healthcare
system in Ukraine as a factor of the sector's
functioning and optimization, along with the
contributions of scholars from many countries on
the financial and administrative support of the
healthcare system during martial law.
A practical description of the healthcare system
management features during the war was made
on the example of the medical system
organization in Ukraine between 2022 and 2023.
The war started by Russia in 2022-2023
devastated the lives and health of Ukrainians and
caused significant damage to the healthcare
system. According to official data, as of mid-
June 2022 and 2023, the statistics of complete
and partial destruction of healthcare facilities are
as follows (Figure 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Annual destruction volumes dynamics of healthcare institutions as a basis for managing the
healthcare sector under martial law, number of institutions.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Darden, 2023), (International Organization for Migration, 2023).
Terrorist attacks on medical facilities were a part
of the Russian invaders' strategy and tactics. The
destruction of the medical infrastructure,
shortage of personnel, and disruption of logistics
have all become obstacles to the timely and
complete provision of medical supplies to the
While studying the amount of funding for the
healthcare sector as one of the key indicators of
its development, the dynamics of funds allocated
under the medical guarantee program for 2022
and 2023 are as follows (Figure 2). As can be
seen from the foregoing data, the amount of
funding for the industry has been significantly
Figure 2. The amount of funding under the medical guarantee program for 2023, billion UAH.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (International Organization for Migration, 2023).
One of the indicators of the sector's development
is the dynamics of healthcare facilities and
healthcare workers' registration in the Electronic
Healthcare System (Figure 3).
When institutions are registered, their medical
staff is registered accordingly. It led to a
significant increase in the number of registered
medical personnel in the Electronic Healthcare
System (EHS) in 2023, which indicates a certain
development in the healthcare sector, despite the
difficulties caused by the war in Ukraine.
2022 2023
118 200
Healthcare facilities that have been completely destroyed
Healthcare facilities that have been partially destroyed
2022 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. The dynamics of medical institutions and healthcare personnel registration in the Electronic
Healthcare System, the number of persons and institutions registered.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (International Organization for Migration, 2023).
The contributions of Ukrainian and foreign
scholars allow identifying the key steps needed to optimize the healthcare sector during the war
(Figure 4):
Figure 4. The key steps needed to restore the healthcare sector during the war.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Gallo-Cajiao et al., 2023), (Pereira et al., 2022).
01/01/2022 01/01/2023
The number of registered healthcare personnel (doctors, nurses and paramedics)
The number of registered healthcare facilities ( including all forms of ownership, except pharmacies)
Strengthening national healthcare policies
and institutions for better management of
the recovery process
Ensuring financial stability of the healthcare
Enhancing medical services to meet the
special needs of people caused by the war
(including internally displaced people and
Restoration and transformation of destroyed
healthcare facilities
Strengthening and enhancing the human
resource capacity of the healthcare system
Preparing citizens for the healthcare
Improving the quality management system
of medical services
E-Health development and cybersecurity
Recovery of the pharmaceutical sector,
ensuring better access and proper use of
Ensuring the coordinated work of all sectors
of the national healthcare industry
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
As can be seen from Figure 4, the most important
aspects of healthcare system optimization are
strengthening the national healthcare system's
public policy components and enhancing the
quality management system. An important aspect
of managing the healthcare system is to
strengthen the financial stability of the healthcare
industry, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The components of strengthening the financial stability of the healthcare industry.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Darden, 2023), (Morales et al., 2022).
As seen in Figure 5, addressing the financial
aspects related to the functioning of healthcare
institutions primarily requires the following:
encouragement of donors;
increasing the overall state funding for
gradually enhancing the sector's capacity as
a unified strategic purchaser of medical
services by implementing flexible and
outcome-oriented healthcare financing
International donors and institutions are ready to
provide complex financial support to healthcare
institutions under martial law. The prospects for
restoring medical infrastructure and attracting
capital investments to the sector, transparency of
healthcare institutions' financial, economic, and
medical activities is an integral part of attracting
international financial support for individual
targeted programs and projects. It is also the basis
for effective and transparent reallocation and use
of large amounts of medical humanitarian aid.
The analysis of scientific papers on this topic has
shown that the key areas of research on issues
related to the organization of healthcare
institutions' operations during hostilities include:
"Strengthening the state's responsibility for
the healthcare system;"
"Development of an effective system of
financial and resource support for the
"Scientific support for healthcare activities
during the war" (Figure 6).
Making healthcare a priority in overall budget expenses
of donors
Introduction of
flexible and
methods in
Expanding the
Improvement of the
voluntary medical
insurance market
Increase in state
funding for
of funds
pooling for
certain medical
services at the
national level
within the
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 6. The key directions of scientists' modern achievements on issues related to the organization of
healthcare institutions' operations.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Cornwall, 2022), (Kuzio, 2022).
Due to the anticipated intensity of hostilities in
Eastern Ukraine, all the aforementioned
circumstances will have a prolonged and
indefinite nature. They will result in an
increasing trend of expenses and burdens on
healthcare facilities and allow for obvious
conclusions regarding the need to effectively
manage an integrated network of medical
services at the local level to bridge the financial
gap between the revenues and expenditures on
healthcare services of healthcare institutions.
During martial law, due to the significant
weakening of entrepreneurial and economic
activities, municipal budgets experienced a
decrease in revenues from taxes and fees. This
decrease, combined with the change in priorities
in the expenditure part of municipal budgets
during the state of martial law, leads to a
reduction in local budget programs for healthcare
financing. Often, it affects the reimbursement of
energy supplies to healthcare facilities.
An essential condition for the functioning of the
healthcare system at the current stage of its
development is creating an appropriate and
effective legal framework that will ensure the
realization of the existing citizens' interests
within the administrative and territorial units
regarding healthcare in case of martial law.
According to scholars, overall modern trends in
the Ukrainian healthcare system development,
which are caused by the hostilities, include as
an increase in the number and volume of
medical services and changes in their
an increase in the costs of medical
institutions and municipal budgets not only
for medicines and medical devices but also
for labor costs when engaging specialists
from among internally displaced persons
and for their additional medical equipment;
the support of infrastructure for healthcare
institutions, etc. (O’Grady & Khudov,
2022), (Kottasova & Sarbu, 2022).
Even the current quick assessment of healthcare
facilities shows the need for additional analysis
and further optimization of their reserve
capabilities, considering the martial law factors.
The evaluation of the healthcare facilities
operations in small communities under martial
law confirms the tendency towards the need to
introduce new integrated models of healthcare
Defining the purpose, principles, and organizational bases
of the healthcare system during the war
Development of an effective system of authorities and
responsibilities for their implementation, financial and
resource support of the industry
Scientific support for healthcare activities during the war
Strengthening the state's responsibility for the development
of the healthcare system and ensuring its effectiveness
during the war
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
facilities operations with flexible management of
a limited capacity and a range of medical services
focused on additional patients' needs
(Papageorgiou et al., 2020), (Bratko, 2022),
(Lkhaajav, 2022).
Healthcare management performs one of the
most essential functions in implementing a
country's domestic policy. It is based on making
public administration decisions regarding
implementing the concept of accessible medical
care for all citizens of the country. Managing
healthcare institutions is based on the principles
of systematicity, legal responsibility, and
continuous qualification improvement and
considers a range of external and internal factors.
Only the state develops the implementation of the
legal framework for healthcare activities, the
structures of the national security sector, and the
civil healthcare system. Also, the state provides
material and financial support for the needs of the
civilian population during the war (Lukin, 2019).
The current and prospective analysis of
healthcare institution activities, as well as the
implementation of a unified management system
and decision-making, will provide answers to
many questions, such as:
the need for the quantity and profiles of
hospital beds;
an assessment of the required number of
specialists and their medical expertise;
the need for medications and surgical
materials, considering changes in the
hospitalization structure;
the proper handling of applications for
humanitarian aid or procurement using
budgetary funds and donor finances
(Semenenko et al., 2022), (Aqeel et al.,
2022), (Papageorgiou et al., 2020), (Badotra
& Sundas, 2020).
A comprehensive analysis of available
information obtained from medical information
systems regarding the quantity and structure of
hospitalizations, surgeries, and patient visits in
full detail allows for planning the demand for
medical and human resources (Pastukhov et al.,
2022), (Shulzhenko & Gaydulin, 2022). The
provision of medical services by civilian
healthcare institutions, planning their capabilities
in martial law conditions at the community level,
and even distributing humanitarian medical
goods within regional centers or communities
should align with the commands of respective
services and military hospitals. Such
coordination is only possible by implementing a
medical and economical information
management system directly in healthcare
institutions and at the municipal level. An
effective interaction among healthcare service
providers will contribute to the adaptation of
municipal healthcare institutions to the changes
caused by war. In addition, it will make them
ready for the post-war recovery and development
stage, enabling these institutions to become a part
of an integrated network for deploying medical
services at all levels throughout the country
(Semenenko et al., 2021), (Mishra et al., 2022).
The analysis of scientific literature on the
research topic has revealed that employing a
range of specialized tools and unique approaches
to its administrative and resource support is
necessary. These tools will facilitate the smooth
operation of healthcare facilities and ensure
affordable and high-quality medical services to
the public under martial law. Healthcare statistics
and records can help better understand the
healthcare system's needs and improve medical
care. There is a need to continue the reform of the
healthcare sector, including expanding
investments in healthcare infrastructure and
adapting approaches to the delivery of medical
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