Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.17
How to Cite:
Kurebayeva, G., Mussatayeva, I., Kenesbayeva, S., Kurebayeva, G., & Karabulatova, I.S. (2023). Effects of SARS-CoV-2
Pandemic on computer communication: delayed consequences and new behavioral standards. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 175-187.
Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on computer communication:
delayed consequences and new behavioral standards
Воздействие пандемии SARS-CoV-2 на компьютерную коммуникацию: отсроченные
последствия и новые стандарты поведения
Received: April 5, 2023 Accepted: June 3, 2023
Written by:
Gulzhaukhar Kurebayeva1
Iyungul Mussatayeva2
Shynar Kenesbayeva3
Gulnara Kurebayeva4
Irina S. Karabulatova5
The relevance of this study is revealed in a
selection of online communication tools with the
forced consequences of the spread of SARS-
CoV-2 in the world, revealing the effectiveness
of distance learning. Objective: to trace the
transformation of the speech and behavioral
standard depending on the internal understanding
of their own knowledge about computer-
mediated communication in comparison with
traditional methods of communication; to
evaluate the effectiveness of virtual
communication based on the analysis of the
needs of communicants in the process of online
communication. The presented analysis of the
form of communication demonstrates the
processes of transformation of the speech and
behavioral profile of communicants, which
allows for additional research for a wide range of
readers who practice online interaction on an
observable basis. The material was data from an
online questionnaire in which 261 respondents
from Kazakhstan took part. The methodology is
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Semey, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher
ID: ITT-8478-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Shakarim University, Semey, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID:
PhD student, Shakarim University, Semey, Kazakhstan. WoS Researcher ID: ITT-8337-2023
Dr of Philological Sciences, Professor, Lomonosov MSU, Bauman MSTU, P. Lumumba RUDN-university Moscow, Russia,
Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China. WoS Researcher ID: M-2778-2013
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
based on the psychological verbal-
communicative method of anonymous online
questioning using Google Forms via social
networks. Results: online communicants
identified the ZOOM platform as an important
tool for online communication as an important
factor in maintaining stable interaction in a
professional environment, training and social
communication. Effective computer
communication poses the problem of compliance
with the norms of online communication for
successful interaction. Further study of
qualitative and quantitative indicators of various
online software tools is of interest for improving
the linguistic modeling of educational online
discourse with the prediction of the result.
Key words: computer-mediated communication,
online interaction, remote technologies, various
communication tasks, SARS-CoV-2.
The speech and behavioral standard of
communication was developed during the
traditional human practice of interaction,
assuming the contact of communicants. This
study examines the forms of computer-mediated
communication for organizing effective online
interaction and their advantages over traditional
forms of communication from the point of view
of respondents. The situation of heightened
perception in isolation during the covid
pandemic actualized interest in research on
persistence (Wheatley, 2002), manipulation
(Słomski & Czarnecki, 2018), destruction
(Karabulatova & Kopnina 2022), machine
learning and artificial intelligence in a synergetic
way to find effective techniques of modern
communication and communicology
(Andrushchenko, et al., 2022; Kussepova et al.,
2023; Okolyshev et al., 2022). Accordingly, this
cannot but affect not only the processes of
communication in the natural human language,
but also the processes of interaction between
artificial intelligence and humans
(Flores Borjabad, 2023; Karabulatova et al.,
2021; Pukas et al., 2023).
As part of the study, the needs for using online
communication tools to perform various tasks
were studied. A sample of the study was
conducted in Kazakhstan with the participation
of 261 respondents. The study used an online
survey based on Google Forms to collect data.
Quantitative, qualitative and frequency analysis
were used in the analysis of the study data. This
kind of research helps to trace the dynamics of
the influence of online communication on the
educational process (Aipova et al., 2021;
Koval-Mazyuta et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023;
Temirgalinova et al., 2021).
The study was also aimed at studying the online
communication skills of representatives of
various fields of activity, since the SARS-CoV-2
virus pandemic, which began in 2019, radically
changed the lives of all mankind. The restrictions
affected all spheres of society and also affected
the sphere of communication. The outbreak of
the pandemic has become a serious challenge for
the entire world community. The COVID-19
emergency has revealed the role of digital online
Humanity for the first time faced such a global
problem when traditional forms of
communication became impossible. In these
difficult conditions, we were forced to
communicate using remote technologies (Zhang
et al., 2023; Zhylin et al., 2023).
Kurebayeva, G., Mussatayeva, I., Kenesbayeva, S., Kurebayeva, G., Karabulatova, I.S. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 175-187 /
June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A certain number of difficulties in using remote
technologies are associated with issues of
communication in the virtual space, and it is the
problem of non-verbal communication that
comes to the fore. It should be noted that the
methods of communication in remote
communication are of interest to many linguist
The role of verbal and nonverbal communication
in the process of remote communication and the
factors affecting the effectiveness of the
communication process have become the subject
of our next consideration. To ensure the
effectiveness of the communication process, it is
necessary to combine various forms of
interaction in order to compensate for the lack of
personal contact through virtual communication.
The study also sought to find out how
respondents used interactive strategies to
organize effective interaction via the Internet.
The survey results showed that online
communicants identified the ZOOM platform as
an important tool for online communication.
Online interaction, in particular, was pointed out
as an important factor influencing the
preservation of stable interaction for professional
activity, training and social communication, user
engagement and positively influencing their
satisfaction with the communication process in
The data collected during the survey conducted
with different categories of respondents
demonstrated that interactive online interaction is
used on a regular basis. The research is important
for a wide range of users who are interested in
finding ways to participate in a virtual society for
self-realization and the realization of other goals,
despite the restrictions and circumstances that
arise from time to time.
Literature review
The pandemic has revealed both new
opportunities and new challenges in the use of
online communication in the educational process
in all countries of the world. The growth of social
interactivity on the Internet has been accelerated
by social distancing (Seynhaeve et al., 2022;
Muir et al., 2022; Arvanitis, 2019) has adverse
consequences from- for physical and emotional
isolation. Transformational processes in online
learning and the subsequent changes in the
thought processes of online communicants
become the object of close attention of
researchers (Karabulatova et al., 2021). They
cause linguo-cognitive distortions in the speed of
information processing and presentation, which
has been designated by researchers as a pseudo-
patho-psycholinguistic phenomenon of online
communication (Karabulatova et al., 2021:
Remote communication can be carried out with
the greatest efficiency using qualitatively
different means (Divakova, 2020; Grushevskaya
et al., 2018; Barros del Río et al., 2021). One of
the types of communication tools that have a
different nature from the language is the means
of non-verbal communication (Kussepova et al.,
In studies of the mechanisms and sign
composition of non-verbal communication,
along with an understanding of the importance of
eloquence, great importance is attached to the
melodic, acoustic design of speech, gestures and
facial expressions.
A common working name that is used among
people is non-verbal or "body language".
Psychologists believe that the correct
interpretation of non-verbal signals is the most
important condition for effective
Body language plays a central role in social
interactions, and its role is clearly decreasing
when going online, but the relevance of this
change is still not clear. According to the
scientific results presented in the work
"Difference Between Face-to-Face
Communication and Online Communication"
(Diffzy, 2023) and the research of the authors
Paradisi P, Raglianti M, Sebastiani L. (2021) this
transition to online can affect the well-being of
people, especially population groups with special
vulnerabilities, such as youth and the elderly
If we take into account the fact that non-verbal
communication is the interaction between
individuals in the act of communication without
the use of words and the transfer of information
is carried out through images, intonations,
gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, etc.,
without speech and language means presented in
direct or any sign form, then the body of a person
becomes an instrument of non-verbal
communication, which has a wide range of
means and methods of transmitting information
or exchanging it, which includes all forms of
human self-expression (Polivara &
Karabulatova, 2018).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The relationship of non-verbal means of
communication, in particular, the nuances of
facial expressions, all body postures, called
kinems in linguistics, and their interpretation by
listeners plays an important role in online
Khlystova V.G. (2008) defines: "A kineme is a
unit through which real communication of people
takes place. Kinemas are combined into larger
units kinemorphs, kinemorphems and
kinesintagmas. A nonverbal message consists of
kinemas in the same way as human speech
consists of a sequence of words." Other
researchers also emphasize the importance of
kinesic language for the verification of
communicative types, which is crucial for
understanding information in online
communication (Kussepova et al., 2023: 139).
In the process of remote communication,
amplifying and pointing kinemas showed
particular effectiveness.
Reinforcing kinemas are rhythmic hand
movements, index kinemas are palm movements.
Illustrative cinemas are those that constantly
accompany certain syntactic configurations of
speech; they are effectively used as methods of
semantization of vocabulary and grammar.
S. Jolly following R. Birdswistell (Jolly, 2000)
developed a whole catalog of elementary
gestures that make up non-verbal communication
and demonstrated the statistics actively used in
subsequent scientific research about the ratio of
30% of verbal communication to 70% of non-
verbal signals in the process of communication,
which is quite applicable to online interaction.
When people communicate over the Internet, the
geometric distance separating the screen image
and the real interlocutor is several tens of
centimeters, which is less than the distance
between people participating in a social / public
conversation face to face. For example, such
physical proximity suggests closeness between
people and a mutual predisposition to the
potential use of a tactile channel (handshake,
hug, pat on the shoulder). However, despite this
virtual closeness, we cannot touch.
The most typical gestures in online
communication are: 1) gestural stresses
synchronous with speech; 2) accompanying
speech; 3) spatial markers; 4) temporary
markers; 5) ideographic markers by which a
person's condition can be determined.
Movements that establish, maintain and regulate
dialogue can be both verbal and non-verbal and
are classified into three types.
The first include: points - movements of the head,
neck, eyes, hands, postures. To the second
positions - gestural configurations and
complexes - denote various relationships that
have arisen in the dialogue. The third are
representations that form complex complexes of
movements, including positions, distances
between interlocutors, postures that indicate the
social status and orientation of bodies that
determine the nature and type of communicative
Especially it should be noted the importance of
communicants' possession of acoustic signals
(phonation, intonation). At the same time, the
communicative role of the gaze changes. The eye
contact of the interacting participants and the
meaning it conveys cannot be conveyed by the
Thus, the questions discussed above suggest that
the transition from face-to-face to online
communication is complex, since the direct
proportion between apparent geometric distance
and interpersonal familiarity changes profoundly
both quantitatively and qualitatively.
With the help of non-verbal communication in
the process of remote communication, we can:
replace or supplement your speech;
to express one's emotional state or to read the
emotional state of participants in a remote
act of communication;
correct understanding of the content of
verbal communication;
maintain an optimal level of emotional
strengthen the impact of verbal means of
online communication.
In remote communication, communication
building strategies play an important role. Non-
verbal signals (intonation, looks, postures,
distance, facial expressions, gestures) allow the
recipient to receive 70% of the information,
while verbal conveys only 30%. Effective
communication in a remote format begins with
building an interaction strategy.
In online communication, we interact in a limited
format, and given that a person perceives a large
amount of information by exchanging emotions,
it is possible that the recipient's emotionality can
have both positive and negative consequences.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
That is, remote interaction can bring discomfort
into communication, a sense of loss of contact
(Lin et al., 2017; Boatwright & Freberg, 2023).
The analysis of the necessary competencies and
skills showed that with direct interaction,
communication participants have the opportunity
to influence the perception of information by
receiving feedback through various channels,
perceiving all the variety of signals and changing
the conversation strategy (Kurebaeva et al, 2014;
Yerahmetkyzy et al., 2022; Zhibek et al., 2022).
Usually, in the communication space, the
participants in communication first touch with
emotions, and only after that they move on to
specific, factual information, discussion of plans,
goals, tasks, teamwork.
Practice shows that some forms of online
communication do not provide immediate
feedback. Therefore, in order to achieve a
communicative goal, it is important to use, along
with verbal, non-verbal means of communication
to enhance the effect of interaction.
In the process of remote communication, it is
recommended to observe certain rules of
communication. There are a number of useful
online communication skills that will allow
communicators to avoid situations of
misunderstanding, for example:
observe the framework of generally
accepted communication norms, in
particular, such as the culture of speech,
respect for the individuality of the
interlocutor, privacy, appealing with verified
information and prompt response to
messages from the addressee;
pay attention to lexical-stylistic,
grammatical, prosodic and spelling aspects
when writing content;
be able to use non-verbal cues, such as facial
expressions, gestures and tone of voice,
when necessary, given that some forms of
online communication differ from face-to-
face meetings;
be ready to quickly and effectively answer
the questions presented to you and predict
subsequent questions in the course of online
try to maintain a high level of
professionalism in the online environment in
order to establish mutual understanding in
order to maintain structured communication
and induce goodwill among communicants
(Aipova et al., 2021; Divakova, 2020;
Grushevskaya et al., 2018; Pukas et al.,
2023; Rotondi et al., 2017; Zhang et al.,
Materials and methods
The study was created and implemented in the
second or third quarter of 2022. In order to find
out the effectiveness of communication based on
the use of online platforms for social interaction,
data was collected through a cross-sectional
study based on an online questionnaire between
23.05.2022. until 06/16/2022, which was
attended by 261 respondents who are specialists
in various fields of activity and students of
various educational organizations. Questioning
is one of the modern informative research
methods and provides ample opportunities for
obtaining reliable results. The questionnaire was
created using the online tool Google Forms and
was conducted as a voluntary anonymous survey,
which was sent via a link through social
The purpose of the survey of the presented study
was to identify the current situation in the
successful use of online interaction tools in the
framework of solving various communication
tasks; studying the opinions of different
categories of respondents on the use of online
Based on the objectives of our study, the
following types of surveys were organized:
according to the number of respondents
mass questioning;
in terms of completeness of coverage -
according to the type of contacts with the
respondent absentee mailing of
questionnaires in chats of social networks.
During the survey, data were collected to
evaluate the effectiveness of using the ZOOM
platform as one of the opportunities for online
The data collection tool used in the study was
delivered and collected by an online method. A
spontaneous sample was used for the study.
When interpreting the study data, quantitative,
qualitative and frequency analyzes were used.
The method of quantitative analysis is presented
in the study in figures in the survey results. The
survey consisted of a list of questions with
multivariate answers. Qualitative data are
presented in the article in the form of graphs and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The results of the study demonstrated the
effectiveness and popularity of the ZOOM
platform among our survey respondents. The
online communication skills of the respondents
were average, the knowledge of their
functionality was at a high level, and the quality
of access and communication in the virtual
environment was at a low level.
A total of 261 respondents aged 16 to 58 took part
in the survey. Respondents aged 16 to 58 years
took part in the survey. The survey revealed that
the average age of the respondents is 27.9 years
(Figure 1). Of these, the majority, namely 74%,
are female (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Average age of respondents
The dynamic curve of the respondents surveyed
(Fig. 1) demonstrates fluctuations in cohort
groups by age. Although the scope of
respondents seems to be quite wide, covering
several generations, it can be seen that young
people showed maximum interest in participating
in the survey.
The participation of representatives of the older
generation (up to 58 years old) shows that older
respondents are also involved in indirect online
The diagram shown in Fig. 2 illustrates the
gender identity of the respondents.
Figure 2. What’s your gender? (Gender identity of the respondents)
What is your age?
What's your gender?
261 respondents
Male Female
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The skills of using online resources do not differ
depending on the gender, field of activity and age
of the respondents.
The diagram in Fig.3 shows the distribution of
respondents by social status. Among the
respondents there were 54% of students, 43.7%
of employed and 2.3% of self-employed people
(Figure 3).
Almost half, namely 43% of employed
respondents are active users of the ZOOM
platform for virtual communication.
Figure 3. Distribution of respondents by social status
Thanks to virtual technologies, communication
participants can be in any part of the world and
communicate with another person, even if he is
on the other side of the globe. There are many
software tools such as Google Meet, Zoom
Cloud, and Webex Meetings that offer online
communication where a large number of people
can be connected at the same time. Some
applications, in particular WhatsApp, Viber,
Facebook Messenger, FaceTime, communicate
The frequency of respondents' responses to the
question about the purpose of using the Zoom
platform is shown in Figure 4.
Analysis of the results showed that only 20% of
users use the ZOOM platform for
communication, 94% for study (Figure 4).
Given the fact that 54% of respondents are
students, this figure is not surprising, since the
learning process both online and offline implies
communication between the teacher and
Figure 4. The frequency of respondents' responses about the purpose of using the Zoom platform.
0 50 100 150 200 250
for study
for communication
for work
not using
for meetings and conferences
Please indicate most often for what purposes do you use
the ZOOM platform?
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The results of the analysis of the representation
of employment areas in online communication
are reflected in the diagram in Fig. 5. The
diagram shows an imbalance in the use of digital
platforms in communication, where a large
degree of manifestation belongs only to the field
of education.
An analysis of the sphere of employment of
employees showed that the main part of the
respondents is employed in the field of education
- 80.8%, 7.7% - in medicine, 3.8% - in the
economic sphere, about 7% - in the service sector
and other areas of activity (Figure 5).
Insignificant correlations were found between
the frequency of use of the platform and the field
of activity.
Figure 5. Analysis of the employment sphere of respondents who actively use online communication
The new form of communication has greatly
improved communication capabilities,
overcoming the limitations of time and space.
However, mediatized communication has also
been modified by communication rules, such as
those associated with proxemics. Proxemics
implies a direct proportionality between the
geometric peripersonal/extrapersonal space and
various types of interpersonal acquaintance:
intimate, personal, social and public. (Paradisi et
al., 2021; Temirgalinova et al., 2021)
Many people still ignore communication in the
online world, but digital skills are necessary to
ensure the timely exchange of information, as
much of our daily life involves the use of
computer-mediated interaction.
The dynamics of respondents' responses about
using the Zoom platform before the COVID-19
pandemic is shown in Fig.6, illustrating the
degree of ownership of the digital platform tool
for communication. An interesting fact was
revealed that 60% of the participants in the
experiment were familiar with the ZOOM
platform before the pandemic, 13.1% knew about
the platform, but did not use it before the
pandemic, and only 26.9% did not have
information about the services of this platform
(Figure 6).
3,1% 3,1%
1,1% 0,4%
Field of activity
Education Medicine Economy Services sector IT Architecture Library
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 6. Dynamics of respondents' responses about using the Zoom platform before the COVID-19
The following chart shows that the platform is in
demand by respondents, despite the transition to
normal operation and traditional forms of
education. So, 5.7% use daily, 17.2% - several
times a week, 10.3% - several times a month,
48.3% - if necessary, participate in online events,
16.5% of respondents use very rarely. And only
1.5% do not use the services at all. (Figure 7)
Figure 7. Active use of the digital platform for communication and work in the post-covid time
Consequently, the ZOOM platform does not lose
its relevance even after the pandemic, and the platform's online services are in demand by more
than 90% of respondents.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 8. Assessment of the quality of service of the platform
According to the survey participants, the average
platform service quality score is 8.07 points, which
is a good indicator in the presence of other
competing platforms (Figure 8). Let's analyze the
tools thanks to which the platform was able to
establish itself so highly.
Considering that online communication is oral or
written visualized interaction between people that
takes place over the Internet, it can sometimes be
difficult to choose the most appropriate
communication media. Although there are plenty of
tools for online communication.
During the survey, respondents identified a number
of obvious advantages of online communication
that should be considered when planning an online
interaction strategy.
According to the respondents, the ease of use of the
ZOOM platform (clear interface, navigation, etc.)
attracts them first of all (Figure 9).
The second criterion was the ability to log in from
different devices, which is very important in the era
of smartphone addiction. Compared to installing
and downloading other applications, users can
quickly access the platform with a minimum of
registration requirements, which is a very attractive
Respondents also highlighted the possibility of
recording online events, which allows archiving
important information and sharing it in a convenient
Less attractive, but nevertheless important,
respondents noted such advantages of the program
as the quality of communication and sound,
mobility, the possibility of scheduling meetings and
sharing the screens of all participants.
Figure 9. Dynamics of respondents' responses about the gradation of the advantages of the Zoom platform
1; 4% 2; 2% 3; 0% 4; 4%
5; 15% 6; 20%
7; 42%
8; 52% 9; 44%
10; 78%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Evaluate the quality of platform services
2106 170
82 119
79 95
45 52
47 76
30 64
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Did not think
Minimum requirements for registration
Ease of use
Video and audio quality
Ability to sign in from different devices
Meeting recording
Ability to plan events
Demonstration of various formats
A electronic board
Time message
Waiting hall
Session rooms
User Screen Sharing
Holding joint webinars
Working with Google Drive and Dropbox
Group chats for messaging, photos and audio
Which of the following advantages of the ZOOM platform could you
point out?
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
When asked what platform you would
recommend for effective online communication,
11% of respondents indicated MS’Teams,
Discord, Google Meet. Based on the above, we
can conclude that today the ZOOM platform is
popular among respondents.
ZOOM provides a wide range of functionalities
that meet the needs of users at a high level.
Advances in digital technology are having a
profound impact on interpersonal
communication. The natural face-to-face
modality is now often replaced by interaction
through video-mediated online communication
platforms (Zhang et al., 2023). In addition, the
duration of the restrictions associated with the
COVID-19 emergency determines the
acceleration of the spread and intensification of
the use of media communication in a very short
time (Karabulatova et al., 2021).
In fact, mediated communication is now
ubiquitous for meetings and courses in various
contexts such as work environments, education
and, in general, for any activity involving social
interaction, thereby defining rapid changes in
people's daily lives (Andrushchenko, 2022;
Kussepova et al., 2023; Okolyshev et al., 2022;
Paradisi et al., 2021).
To implement effective communication and
achieve your goals, it is important to choose the
right tool. Using a tool that matches your
communicative intention will help improve the
quality of virtual communication (Yu, 2022). To
build effective online communication, you need
to make sure you choose the right type of tool
(Yucedal, 2023; Zubanova et al., 2021).
Despite its popularity in recent years, online
communication is considered an innovation in
both educational and social contexts. Obviously,
online communication cannot replace the face-
to-face interaction process. However, online
communication offers many benefits, making it a
very powerful medium for communication
among members of society.
They are the following:
Flexible access to participation at any time
and in any convenient place (Zubanova et
al., 2021);
In the online environment, communicants
enjoy equal and varied opportunities to share
thoughts and ideas, such as commenting on
posts, videos or participating in discussion
forums (Zhylin et al., 2023);
The ability to save video recordings of
online discussions for reuse and deeper
understanding (Zhang et al., 2023);
Advantage of transparency due to posting,
archiving and accessibility of comments to
discussions (Temirgalinova et al., 2021);
Online communication provides a place for
the exchange of experience, as it allows you
to demonstrate examples that are not far
from the reality of everyday life
(Grushevskaya et al., 2018; Yu, 2022);
Online communication allows each
participant to make a choice regarding the
quality and quantity of their participation,
equally possible a quick question or
comment, as well as a long report for
reflection (Karabulatova et al., 2021);
Internet communication, based on a well-
thought-out and proven strategy, can meet
the expectations of communicators and
move into the status of a traditional form of
communication with permanent and
temporary participants (Aipova et al., 2021);
Online communication can smoothly move
to learning and solving the pressing
problems of society (Kussepova et al.,
The psycholinguistic impact of online
educational communication is based on the latent
emotive evaluation of verbal, nonverbal and
paraverbal means used by communicants. The
combination of these components allows you to
"juggle" meanings, directing the perception
vector in a given direction towards ensuring the
effectiveness of the educational process in the
situation of online education.
The possibility of organizing computer-mediated
communication confirms the fact that we now
live in a unique time that allows us to modify the
forms and means of communicative interaction
with society and the surrounding reality, as a
result of which the language is also undergoing
significant changes.
Effective computer communication requires
adherence to online communication norms that
guarantee the success of the interaction. Such
norms make virtual communication certain and
predictable. Also, norms can be set at the
individual level and take into account, say, the
preferred response time, style and tone of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In this context, in the period of globalization and
integration, it is important to consider various
strategies for influencing communication
Therefore, further study of the qualitative and
quantitative indicators of various online software
tools is of interest.
Bibliographic references
Aipova, A., Apaeva, A., Temirgalinova, A.,
Shabambaeva, A., & Karabulatova, I. (2021).
The features of the formation of ethno-value
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