www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.14
How to Cite:
Singh, H.P., & Alwaqaa, M.A.M. (2023). 
region of Saudi Arabia. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 144-154. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.14
The educational technology's impact on youth creativity and
innovation: A cregion of Saudi Arabia
  :   
Received: May 30, 2023 Accepted: June 30, 2023
Written by:
Harman Preet Singh1
Mujahid Ahmed Mohammed Alwaqaa2
Educational technology can play a prominent role in fostering youth creativity and innovation. However,
only limited studies have examined the impact of educational technology on youth creativity and
innovation. This assessment is especially critical in the context of Saudi Arabia, which has been investing
significant resources in higher education and digital transformation initiatives as part of the Saudi Vision
2030. Thus, this research examines the effect of educational technology on university students' creative and
innovative capabilities. We used quantitative methodology to accomplish the study's objectives and
study's findings establish critical parameters for utilizing educational technology to promote university
students' creativity and innovativeness throughout their learning process in Saudi Arabia, particularly in
developing regions such as Ha'il. The research contributes to the body of knowledge about youth innovation
and creativity, particularly in developing countries. Additionally, the study's findings contribute to the
realization of Saudi Vision 2030 by raising awareness of the value of accessibility and effective utilization
of educational technology in fostering youth creativity and innovation.
Keywords: Creativity, innovation, educational technology, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Vision 2030.
       .      
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 2030                  
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.             .      
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     ..
 :         2030
In the present age, communication, and learning mechanisms have undergone tremendous transformation
due to rapid technological advancements in the educational sector (Singh & Chand, 2012; Singh et al.,
Department of Management and Information Systems, College of Business Administration, University of Ha'il, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. WoS Researcher ID: B-7160-2012
. WoS Researcher ID: HKE-7658-2023
Singh, H.P., Alwaqaa, M.A.M. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 144-154 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the principal educational objective due to their considerable socioeconomic benefits (Vincent-Lancrin et
al., 2019). Educational technology provides novel avenues for inspiring the minds of the youth (Dori et al.,
human capital (Singh & Alhamad, 2022a; Singh & Alhamad, 2022b). Educational technology can play a
vital role in developing and enhancing youth creativity and innovation by providing novel apparatuses and
smart learning environments (Singh et al., 2013; Peffer et al., 2015; Glaveanu et al., 2019). Educators in
various countries also believe that educational technology has the potential to foster creativity and
innovation among youth (Cachia & Ferrari, 2010).
In the last decade, endeavors have been made to modernize the education sector (Almaiah et al., 2019).
& Singh, 2022). Examples include smartboards, learning management systems, multimedia projectors,
virtual reality (VR), smart learning, adaptive learning, etc. (Pence, 2019; Steele et al., 2020; Singh &
knowledge effectively and efficiently (Jones, 1991; Singh et al., 2011c; Roschelle et al., 2000). It helps
youth hone their creative thinking and innovative problem-solving capabilities (Neo & Neo, 2009).
Herseim, 2019; Singh & Alshammari, 2021). New education technology apparatuses enable youth learners
to be efficient and effectively deal with real-world situations (Courts & Tucker, 2012). So, educational
technology can be a potent tool to develop youth creativity and innovation.
Despite educational technology's benefits, only a few prior studies have investigated its use to foster youth
creativity and innovation. The limited studies that have been conducted on this aspect have focused on
schools and young children (Griffiths, 2002; Cecilia et al., 2015; Cofini et al., 2012; Di Giacomo et al.,
2016; Di Giacomo et al., 2017). The processes and applicability of educational technology to foster
creativity and innovation vary between youth and school children. So, further research is required to
investigate the impact of educational technology on youth creativity and innovation.
As university students are the youth of any country and its future, the research is conducted on university
innovation. This is particularly important for Saudi Arabia as it has invested tremendous resources in digital
technologies to modernize its education sector under its Vision 2030 government program (Saudi Gazette,
swiftly growing region in
developing countries to foster youth creativity and innovation.
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
1. To analyze the impact of educational technology on youth creativity and innovation.
2. To propose mechanisms for developing the creativity and innovation of the youth.
3. To recognize the study's contribution to educational technology and youth creativity and innovation
Literature Review
Creativity is an individual or group procedure that leads to pertinent and relevant knowledge for peculiar
circumstances (Runco & Leckelt, 2012). Innovation is a novelty that leads to improving or replacing
processes, products, or services (Baregheh et al., 2009). Creativity and innovation can be enhanced in an
appropriate and enabling environment (Plucker et al., 2004). Numerous studies have demonstrated that
creativity and innovation can be fostered in children inside as well as outside school (Valgeirsdottir &
Onarheim, 2017). However, there is no universally accepted standard mechanism (Lai et al., 2018).
in the 21st-century educational system (Henriksen et al., 2018).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Historically, researchers in information and educational technology have examined educational
technology's contribution to teaching and learning processes. Several researchers focused on streamlining
communication among professors and learners through educational technology (Verenikina et al., 2003;
Bharti, 2014). Numerous publ
children's creativity and innovation (Glaveanu et al., 2019; Loveless, 2007). For instance, Loveless (2007)
contends that novel educational technologies foster creativity and inno-
expression capabilities and enhancing confidence. Some investigators assess the role of educational
technology in enhancing creativity and innovation through the lens of human-computer interaction
(Glaveanu al., 2019; Lubart, 2005). Educational technology can act as a caregiver and provide an enabling
environment to foster creativity and innovation (Glaveanu al., 2019). Educational technology can act as a
facilitator and allow sharing of information openly among learners (Glaveanu al., 2019). Educational
technology can act as a trainer and provide digital lessons and drills in a personalized and need-based
manner (Glaveanu al., 2019). Educational technology can act as a fellow and partner with learners for
producing, evaluating, and refining ideas (Glaveanu al., 2019).
Griffiths (2002) underscores that educational technology helps school children beyond entertainment
purposes, including developing their creative capabilities. According to Kerawalla & Crook (2002),
learners can get a technological advantage by accessing educational technology in their homes. This may
help them to sharpen their skills. Early access to educational technology can help foster school children's
creativity and innovation capabilities (Cecilia et al., 2015). Cofini et al. (2012) study shows that educational
technology enhances children's learning capabilities with limited comprehension abilities. Educational
technology can benefit young children's learning, which can greatly help develop their creative and
innovative capabilities (Hsin et al., 2014). Di Giacomo et al., (2016) showed increased performance in
cognitive learning of school children using educational technology. Despite the importance of educational
technology in influencing students' creativity and innovation, there is a dearth of research on how
educational technology influences creativity and innovation (Henriksen et al., 2021). Additionally, the
majority of prior research has concentrated on schoolchildren, not adult learners. The mechanics of youth
learning are distinct from those of school children, which this research will attempt to address.
In a nutshell, the literature review reveals that
Educational technology can potentially impact young learners' creative and innovative capabilities.
creativity and innovation.
Most of the prior research on the impact of educational technology on learners' creativity and
innovation capacities has taken place in developed countries. Additional research in developing
countries such as Saudi Arabia is necessary.
Accordingly, this study endeavors to generate knowledge to utilize educational technology's potential to
enhance youth creativity and innovation. Additionally, this study endeavors to address the research gaps
we have identified in the literature.
Figure 1. 
(Developed by the authors)
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
age as a control variable.
H1: There is a positive impact of educational technology on youth creativity.
H2: There is a positive impact of educational technology on youth innovation.
A quantitative research approach employing questionnaires was utilized to achieve the study's objectives.
Accordingly, this section explains the study's sample, data collection procedures, variables, regression
models, and analysis techniques.
Study Sample
This study collected primary data using questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed at the
University of Ha'il in Saudi Arabia to examine educational technology's impact on young learners' creativity
and innovation. As university students are the youth and future of any nation, they were selected as the
study's sample. Responses from 324 students' were acquired by non-probabilistic sampling. Table 1
displays the characteristics of the study sample.
Table 1.
Sample Characteristics
Data Collection Procedures
We designed a questionnaire to obtain the primary data for this investigation. The questionnaire was devised
using a 5-point Likert scale (strongly agree to strongly disagree) to capture students' opinions on the impact
of educational technology on their creativity and innovation. We included an Arabic translation of the
questionnaire to increase the understanding and participation of the students. Online distribution and
collection of questionnaires allowed us to survey a sizable number of students while simultaneously
eliminating potential sources of bias (Singh & Alhulail, 2022). Students were briefed on the study's goals
and informed that their responses would be kept anonymous and confidential before being asked to
participate in the study. The questionnaires were distributed to the students who supplied their informed
We present the variables employed in this study and their definitions in Table 2.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Variables and Definitions
Dependent Variables
Creativity (CRE)
An individual or group procedure that leads to pertinent and relevant knowledge for
peculiar circumstances (Runco & Leckelt, 2012)
Innovation (INN)
A novelty that leads to improving or replacing processes, products, or services
(Baregheh et al., 2009)
Independent Variables
Accessibility (ACC)
The accessibility of various forms of educational technology (such as learning
management systems, hardware, software, etc.) to university students (Fichten et al.,
Utilization (UTI)
Students' effective utilization of educational technology for learning purposes (such
as classworks, exercises, presentations, quizzes, examinations, etc.) (Azlim et al.,
Control Variable
learnerAge of the
(Developed by the authors)
Students' levels of creativity (CRE) and innovation (INN) are the dependent variables in this paper.
          
students' 
as a control variable.
Regression Models
The following regression models are evaluated to investigate the impact of educational technology on
CREt = 0 + 1 ACCt + 2 UTIt + 3 LAt + t (1)
INNt = 0 + 1 ACCt + 2 UTIt + 3 LAt + t (2)
CRE Creativity
INN Innovation
ACC Accessibility
UTI Utilization
LA 
Error term
Analysis Techniques
This study employed ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis to examine how educational
technology impacts students' creativity and innovation. The objective of OLS regression analysis is to
estimate linear regression coefficients in an effort to close the gap between estimated and actual values
(Bravo & Godfrey, 2012; Kim, 2020; Singh et al., 2022b). Since OLS regression methodology effectively
meets this investigation's objectives, it was utilized in this study.
Analyses and Results
Statistics for Data Description and Pearson Correlations
The descriptive statistics of the study's variables are shown in Table 3. The mean values for creativity
(4.04), innovation (3.92), the accessibility of technology in education (4.09), the effective utilization of
technology in education (3.95), and the age of the learner (22.35) are all displayed. The coefficient of
variation (CV) measures data dispersion relative to a reference population (Singh & Alhulail, 2023). The
CV of all the study's variables is low (Table 3).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Statistics for Data Description
Std. Dev.
Coeff. of Variation
Creativity (CRE)
Innovation (INN)
Accessibility (ACC)
Utilization (UTI)
(Developed by the authors)
Table 4 shows the Pearson correlation matrix for all the study's variables. In the event that the explanatory
variables exhibit substantial bilateral correlation, multicollinearity concerns may be present (Kim, 2019).
Coefficients will have less precision, and p-values will not correctly predict the relevance of independent
variables if multicollinearity exists between the variables (Thompson et al., 2017). Table 4 shows that there
are no significant correlations between the explanatory variables (Schober et al., 2018).
Table 4.
Pearson Correlations
Creativity (CRE)
Innovation (INN)
Accessibility (ACC)
Utilization (UTI)
(Developed by the authors)
Multicollinearity and Heteroscedasticity Tests
The researchers in this study took extra measures to check for multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity in
the data (Table 5). Multicollinearity was evaluated using variance inflation factor (VIF) values. All VIF
values were under 5; hence there were no worries about multicollinearity (Table 5) (Hair et al., 2011;
Jiehong et al., 2022). Second, heteroscedasticity was assessed using Breusch-Pagan & Koenker (B-P.K)
test. The B-P.K test p-values were all less than 0.05; hence we could conclude there were no
heteroscedasticity issues (Halunga et al., 2017; Buallay, 2019).
Table 5.
Multicollinearity and Heteroscedasticity Tests
Value-P.K P-B
Creativity (CRE)
Innovation (INN)
Accessibility (ACC)
Utilization (UTI)
(Developed by the authors)
Multivariate Regression Analysis
The outcomes of the multivariate regression analysis are shown in Table 6.
Table 6's model I (CRE) shows an adjusted R2 of 0.604, which indicates that accessibility and utilization
of educational technology account for 60.4% of the variance (McCausland et al., 2021). The model's p-
value is 0.015, which is statistically significant at the 5% level. This suggests that the use of educational
             
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
utilization and accessibility to educational technology and their creative capabilities. This indicates that
Access to and use of educational technology account for 61.1% of the variation, as shown by the adjusted
R2 of 0.611 in model II (INN) in Table 6. The model has a significant p-value of 0.013 at the 5% confidence
level. This suggests that students' innovative thinking improves as a result of using educational technology.
As a result, we can accept hypothesis H2. Additionally, there is a positive and strong relationship between
youth innovation and the accessibility and utilization of educational technology. This indicates that both
access to and utilization of educational technology are necessary to foster innovation among young learners.
Table 6.
Multivariate Regression Analysis
Model I (CRE)
Model II (INN)
Coeff. (B)
Coeff. (B)
Accessibility (ACC)
Utilization (UTI)
Adjusted R
Note: * and ** indicate a statistically significant result at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively.
(Developed by the authors)
The study results confirmed the initial hypothesis of the investigation. This indicates that educational
technology stimulates the creativity of young learners. This finding is consistent with the claims made by
researchers such as Glaveanu et al., (2019), Cecilia et al., (2015), Hsin et al., (2014), Loveless (2007),
Lubart (2005), and Kerawalla & Crook (2002), who found that students' creative abilities improved after
using educational technology tools. This finding lends credence to Glaveanu et al., (2019) and Loveless
(2007) claim that educational technology helps students gain greater facility with and assurance in using
their unique forms of self-expression. The findings support those of Kerawalla and Crook (2002), who
found that using educational technology helped children learn more and better. Cofini et al., (2012)'s claim
that the use of technology in the classroom helps students who struggle with comprehension is borne out
by the study's findings. The vast majority of studies in this area have focused on elementary and secondary
school students, but the current research demonstrates the importance of educational technology in fostering
the creative potential of university students. The present research also adds to the body of knowledge by
illustrating how important it is for learners to access and effectively utilize educational technology to foster
their creativity and innovation.
The findings supported the study's second hypothesis. This demonstrates that educational technology has a
favorable influence on students' capacity for inventiveness. This result supports the assertions stated by
Glaveanu et al., (2019), Cecilia et al., (2015), Hsin et al., (2014), Loveless (2007), Lubart (2005), and
Kerawalla & Crook (2002) who discovered that students' inventive skills improved after utilizing
educational technology tools. This result supports Loveless's (2007) statements that educational technology
helps students develop their ability to express themselves and builds their confidence. The study's findings
are consistent with those made by Glaveanu et al., (2019), who claimed that educational technology helps
students create, assess, and refine ideas. The study's findings concur with those made by Kerawalla & Crook
(2002) and Cecilia et al., (2015), who discovered the beneficial effects of educational technology in
             
children. However, the results of this study demonstrate the critical role that educational technology plays
in helping university students develop their innovation skills. The current study further adds to the body of
knowledge by showing that the development of students' innovative skills depends on the accessibility and
efficient utilization of educational technology.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
This research took an empirical approach to how educational technology impacts youth creativity and
innovation capacities. In contrast to previous studies, which mostly involved elementary and secondary
school children, the current research involved university students at a Saudi institution. This study surveyed
324 Saudi university students using a quantitative research methodology. The survey's findings
corroborated those in the previous research, which has long argued that educational technology
advancements are crucial to nurturing youth creativity and innovation capacities. The new study adds to
the body of knowledge on educational technology and skill building by illustrating how vital it is for youth
to have access to and effectively utilize educational technology tools to foster innovation and creativity.
This research has important implications for Saudi Arabia, which is investing heavily in its higher education
developing region in Saudi Arabia. The study's results will help other developing regions in Saudi Arabia
and other developing nations to encourage creativity and innovation among young people. It is crucial that
Saudi youth cultivate their creative and innovative skills to achieve the ideals of Saudi Vision 2030. The
findings of this study indicate that technological advances in education may play a significant influence in
fostering creativity and innovation among today's youth. Therefore, Saudi universities should work toward
expanding student access to and utilization of educational technology to foster creative and innovative
thinking among the country's youth. This research provides important insights into how to maximize the
potential of technological advances in education for the benefit of young people's creative and innovative
Limitations and Future Research
There are some limitations to this study that can be worked out in follow-up studies. The current
investigation included 324 students from a single Saudi Arabian public university. A larger sample size can
be achieved in future studies by collecting data from a greater number of universities. In the future,
researchers can gather information from both public and private universities to compare how they approach
helping youth cultivate their creative and innovative skills. Data from higher education institutions (such
as polytechnic colleges, teacher training colleges etc.) can be gathered in future research as well so that the
effects of instructional technology on students' ability to think creatively and innovatively can be compared
across settings. Graduates can be surveyed in future studies to further ascertain their orientation to hone
their creativity and innovation abilities. Since the cultures of the other countries in the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) are similar to Saudi Arabia's, future researchers can also benefit from collecting data from
these nations.
This research has been funded by Dr. Nasser Al-Rasheed Chair for Future Pioneers, the Scientific Research
Chair at the University of Hail, Saudi Arabia through project number SCR-22 072 titled "The Educational
Technology's Impact on Youth Creativity and In
for funding this study.
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