www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.13
How to Cite:
Voronovska, L., Markova, O., Fatych, M., Kalimanova, O., & Stepanchuk, O. (2023). Distance education in the education system of
European Union countries. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 134-143. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.13
Distance education in the education system of European Union
Дистанційна освіта в системі навчання країн Європейського Союзу
Received: March 2, 2023 Accepted: June 25, 2023
Written by:
Larysa Voronovska1
Olena Markova2
Mariia Fatych3
Olha Kalimanova4
Olena Stepanchuk5
The article describes the experience of distance
education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union for the
introduction of a new innovative level of
education quality in the European dimension.
The main characteristics of distance education
are highlighted: learning at an individual pace, in
a convenient format, in any city, at a convenient
time; flexible pedagogical and educational
frameworks that respond sensitively to internal
and external changes; consideration by education
of students' ability levels, various learning styles,
interests, needs, and experience. Various
technological tools of modern distance education
and the main possibilities of intensive
development of distance education in the
education system of the European Union
countries are considered. The role of the
European Association of Distance Learning
Universities is shown. The requested educational
projects within the framework of the Erasmus+
program was analyzed. The regimes in which
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Advanced Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling,
O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HZM-0334-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS
Researcher ID: GYD-2984-2022
Graduate Student of the Department of Theory and Methods of the Education of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Drahomanov Ukrainian
State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ACY-8840-2022
Recipient of the Educational Degree PhD 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Drahomanov
Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HZM-0694-2023
Recipient of the Educational Degree PhD 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Drahomanov
Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ADQ-4551-2022
Voronovska, L., Markova, O., Fatych, M., Kalimanova, O., Stepanchuk, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 134-143 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
distance education can be carried out in the
education system of the countries of the
European Union are listed.
Keywords: distance education, countries of the
European Union, innovative level of education,
European Association of Distance Learning
Universities, European dimension.
Quarantine restrictions, which were caused by
the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, prompted the
educational systems of all countries of the world,
including European ones, to introduce distance
education (Shparik, 2021).
Modern education sets a universal goal for the
entire world community: to introduce a new
innovative level of education quality in the
European dimension and, as a result, to ensure
the competitiveness of future specialists in the
world market. At the same time, the educational
space must be reformed based on continuity,
openness, democratization, mobility, equal
access to education, and preserving the
authenticity of national education (Sysoeva, &
Krystopchuk, 2012).
The systematic development of Internet
communications had a significant impact on the
educational process. Innovative information
technologies are constantly used during
independent work to increase the efficiency of
the educational process of education seekers.
Distance educational technologies come to the
fore. Without their help, it is not possible to
implement a modern educational format. The
analysis of the leading countries of the world
showed an innovative trend in the organization of
distance education networks, which showed the
need to study the experience of distance
education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union.
The modern development of distance education
is due to the provision of the market in qualified
personnel, as well as the existing need for the
advantages of distance education in learning,
innovations in the educational sector, and the
active inclusion of the world's largest computer
companies in the development of educational
programs. All these points indicate the necessity
of implementing distance education for the
education and state economies of the countries of
the European Union (Belova, 2023).
The following questions are discussed in the
The main characteristics of distance
Analysis of distance education experience in
the education system of the European Union
European Association of Distance Learning
Comprehensive program of the European
The importance of the characteristics of
distance education.
The following modes of distance education
of the European Union countries.
The purpose of the article: to study the
experience of distance education in the education
system of the countries of the European Union
for the introduction of a new innovative level of
education quality in the European dimension.
Literature Review
S. Sysoeva, & T. Krystopchuk (2012) considered
the structural parameters of compulsory
education in European countries; highlighted the
main educational categories of the countries of
the European Union: non-formal, formal, and
informal; highlighted the main positions in the
structure of higher education in Europe. The
content of education, its stages of formation and
development, types of education, and structuring
of education systems in the countries of the
European Union are analyzed and features are
shown. Educational levels are considered, an
analysis of the level of education is proposed and
the specifics of academic levels, degrees,
qualifications, and typification of higher
education institutions are shown.
V. Belova (2023) analyzed the possibilities of
distance education in institutions of higher
education in the countries of the European
Union. She showed the possibilities of
implementing the intensive development of the
distance education system and emphasized the
integration capacity. In European countries, the
systems of distance education are considered,
and universal features and ways of implementing
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
distance education of national specificity are
outlined. Emphasis is placed on the legal aspect
in European universities, and the organizational
principles of the functioning of distance
education. Collegial advisory management
bodies are analyzed, the connection between
society and institutions of higher education, the
humanitarian sphere and business are shown, the
work of methodical and technical support
departments are described, developments are
proposed for quality control of technology
management in education, and general
O. Shparik (2021) characterized distance
education, and identified its advantages:
education at an individual pace, at a convenient
time and in any place; flexible pedagogical
frameworks aimed at the sensitive response to
internal changes and all external changes; taking
into account the experience, interests, styles of
the educational process, needs, abilities of the
students of education. The differences between
the terms "distance education", "distance
learning", "distance learning", and
"extraordinary distance education" are
highlighted. The influence of distance education
technologies on high-quality, continuous
education in the conditions of quarantine
restrictions is shown.
R. Medvedev, & N. Khamska (2022) analyzed
the current state of distance education
organization in pedagogical institutions of higher
education and highlighted their own experience
in organizing distance education of education
seekers based on LMS Collaborator in a single
educational information environment.
O. Islamova (2023) shows the features of
distance learning for specialists, especially
English language, and highlights advanced ideas
in the system of distance education of future
border officers, in particular, the possibility of
acquiring a high level of foreign language
competence in the process of distance learning.
The content of the work of the European agency
Frontex, which provides an opportunity to
participate in international educational projects,
distance education courses of pan-European
importance, to use simulators, electronic
textbooks, and training complexes based on
virtual reality, is disclosed. The meaning of the
concept of "facilitation" in the educational online
environment is clarified. New forms and
innovative methods of the educational process
are offered: "Polarization of opinions", "World
Cafe", "Continuum", "Moderation cards", and
M. Gagarin (2017) presented the main trends and
carried out a comparative analysis of the
development of higher education in foreign
countries; the structure of the higher education
systems of foreign countries is shown, in
particular: Great Britain, Italy, Germany, and
France, and their differences in the educational
systems at the level of higher education are
highlighted, and the common aspects of the
educational process are shown.
V. Belan (2018) describes the educational
policies of the countries of the European Union
in the context of the implementation of the
"Education and Vocational Training" program in
the field of informatization. The main European
documents enabling the implementation of
digital competencies, informatization of
education, and the use of distance learning in
higher education have been analyzed. The
development of distance education is shown in
the example of Poland and promising ideas for
domestic education are highlighted. A
comparative analysis of the use of distance
learning in institutions of higher education in
Poland and Ukraine was made. The influence of
distance learning centers on the education of the
country, which were created in Poland at higher
education institutions, is shown.
A complex of methods was used for the
conducted research, in particular:
theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison
of philosophical and psychological-
pedagogical scientific sources,
generalization for studying scientific
literature, analysis of official and normative
documents for comparison of positions of
scientists regarding the content of research
concepts; terminological analysis to
determine the historical origins of the
emergence of distance education in the
education system; historical-pedagogical
analysis to determine the period of distance
education in the education system in the
process of informatization of the educational
space, comparative analysis of the
development of distance education in the
education system of foreign countries and
the introduction of industry innovations in
the educational process of those seeking
education in universities of foreign countries
- to identify and generalize trends in
promoting quality training specialists;
educational-methodical documentation,
scientific-pedagogical experience,
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
scientific-methodical support - to determine
the state of implementation of foreign
experience of the organization of specialist
training in higher education institutions of
one's country; design, modeling -
clarification of the main ideas of distance
education in the education system of foreign
countries, which is necessary for the high-
quality training of specialists in foreign
universities and its implementation in higher
education institutions of one's country;
empirical: pedagogical observation of
distance education in the education system;
conducting problem-based training to check
the effectiveness of the implementation of
distance education in the educational
process in the education system
The study is based on the premise that the high-
quality training of specialists in higher education
institutions requires the generalization of
promising foreign experience, the definition of
the organizational structure of distance education
in the education system, and the content of the
training of future specialists, taking into account
modern trends in the development of innovations
in education, which makes it possible to promote
the formation of professional competence of
specialists in conditions of European integration
of educational processes, modernization changes
in universities abroad, further successful
professional activity of specialists and their
adaptation to the labor market. The study
involves effective implementation and ensuring
the unity of methodological, theoretical, and
technological concepts.
The methodological concept provides
opportunities for an integrated combination and
complex application of general scientific
methodological approaches:
humanistic - promotes the formation, with
the help of distance education in the training
system, of professional ethical, humanistic
skills in future specialists under the
professional support of specialists to ensure
the competitiveness of future specialists,
which is the basis of professional activity;
axiological - contributes to the formation of
professional readiness of specialists,
professional and personal values in the
system of training specialists using distance
education in the training system;
personally oriented - contributes to the
formation of the value bases of personally
oriented education, on the condition of
creating an environment of distance
education in the education system,
highlighting in foreign countries progressive
ideas for the development of creative
abilities of future specialists by the value
guidelines of distance education in the
education system, which provide the
participants of the educational process with
the status of the highest value;
systemic - provides an opportunity to
consider distance education in the education
system and its impact on the training of
future specialists as a step-by-step systemic
process that ensures the formation of
professional competence of future
operational - contributes to the operational
ability to give primary importance to
distance education in the education system,
to solve tasks that contribute to the
specialist's competitiveness;
competence - ensures the formation of the
professional competence of specialists in the
process of their training in distance
education in the education system and forms
the readiness of education seekers to
implement professional competencies in
future professional activities;
integrated - implements modernization
changes in the training of specialists who
meet the modern demands of the labor
market, in the direction of distance
education in the education system and
bringing their education to the level of
developed countries.
The theoretical concept provides the theoretical
basis for improving the professional training of
specialists, provides an opportunity to
theoretically substantiate the possibilities of
distance education in the education system,
offers philosophical foundations for the
educational background (general concepts of the
philosophy of education, the laws of philosophy,
the organizational structure of the training of
specialists; the structure of professional
competence, psychological and pedagogical
support of educational process, readiness for the
implementation of professional competences in
the practical activities of future specialists, the
organization of the higher education system,
quality management management in higher
education institutions, opportunities for the
practice of education in foreign countries taking
into account distance education in the education
system, scientific positions of foreign scientists
that ensure the improvement of the training
process specialists in universities of foreign
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The technological concept covers experimental
and applied aspects of improving the training of
future specialists in the process of distance
education in the education system based on the
implementation of best practices of foreign
countries and contains innovative educational
interactive technologies for the rational use of
distance education in the education system.
Results and Discussion
1. The main characteristics of distance
Distance education, which has a spectrum of
wide use and distribution of digital means of the
educational process, has long been associated
with correspondence education and is defined as
education that teaches at a distance with the help
of information and communication technologies.
The main characteristics of distance education
study at an individual pace, in a convenient
format, in any city, at a convenient time;
flexible pedagogical and educational
frameworks that respond sensitively to
internal and external changes;
education takes into account students' ability
levels, various learning styles, interests,
needs, and experience (Shparik, 2021).
Modern distance education exists in various
formats and is carried out using various
technological tools, in particular: training,
monitoring, demonstration, simulation
programs; educational automated systems,
virtual reality programs, hyper-environments,
electronic textbooks, multimedia; expert,
intellectual educational systems, etc.
The main opportunities for the intensive
development of distance education in the
education system of the European Union
countries lie in the integration capacity of
distance education itself. It is impossible to
concentrate in each institution of higher
education all the world's information resources
created by mankind in the educational and
scientific space. Therefore, the main task of
world education is to open up such opportunities
so that an educational process is organized with
the help of telecommunications from every
geographical point of the planet, providing
access to information resources that can be
grouped in any region of the world (Biletska et
al., 2021).
Distance education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union is characterized
by flexibility, which is important for the
introduction of a new innovative level of
education quality in the European dimension,
because students study in a convenient place, at
a time when they can, at a convenient pace
(Shchyrbul et al., 2022). Everyone studies as
much as is personally necessary for him to study
the course of the discipline, to obtain
professional knowledge in his specialty. Distance
programs in the field of education are based on
the principle of modularity, which consists of the
adequate content of each educational
professional course, and the subject area for a set
of independent educational courses that meet
group or individual needs (Kuchai et al., 2021).
2. Analysis of distance education experience in
the education system of the European Union
We will analyze the study of the experience of
distance education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union for the
introduction of a new innovative level of
education quality in the European dimension.
In 1939, in France, for children who did not have
the opportunity to attend school, the State
Distance Learning Center CNED was created for
learning by mail. Today, this center has become
the largest educational institution of distance
education in Europe. It included eight institutes
that specialize in a certain field of activity (more
than 3,000 training courses are offered for a
different range of activities for those seeking an
education). The total number of employees
exceeds 8,000, who contribute to the education
of more than 350,000 learners in 120 countries
around the world. Such categories of students
acquire education with the help of the Internet,
satellite television, e-mail, educational programs,
modern information, and pedagogical
technologies (Dall’Acqua, 2009).
In the European educational environment, the
implementation of educational tasks and
programs related to distance education is
becoming more widespread every day. An
example is the cooperation between institutions
of higher education in Ireland.
Dublin City University and Dublin University of
Technology work in the distance learning sector.
For several years, they have been conducting
joint research that improves the quality and level
of education of those seeking education.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
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The National University of Distance Education
in Spain (UNED) has been working with distance
learning technology for more than 50 years. It
was founded in 1972. Its structure includes 58
educational centers in the country and nine
abroad (Picciano, 2019).
At the Baltic University of Sweden, more than 50
universities from the Baltic region jointly
implement distance education.
In Sweden, foreign software "Mentor", "Luvit",
"Maestro", "Librix", "FirstClass", "Telia Instant
Education", "Comenious online", "Lecando", "
WebCat", "Marratech". But institutions of higher
education use "PingPong" - domestic software.
State universities use student management
systems "Ladok Novau", and "Ladok" which
they are equipped with and which are owned by
a consortium of 37 higher education institutions
in Sweden. The software for the Ladok system is
maintained by the Umeå group established in
each university, while the institutes are
responsible for local systems that pay for the
operation of equipment, networks, servers, and
local support.
The leading universities of Italy, Germany, and
Holland, which work in the field of distance
education, have, along with general development
trends, unique features characteristic of
institutions, educational networks, and individual
states. The peculiarities of the organization of the
management of institutions and the management
of the quality of learning technologies of the
students of the educational process, which are
observed in the educational systems of different
countries, are important (Belova, 2023).
The Open University of the Netherlands educates
students only at the master's level and only in
seven academic disciplines: psychology, culture,
informatics, law, economics, business, public
administration, and ecology.
The University of Ljubljana in Slovenia has been
operating since 1995 and has been offering
distance learning programs in the following
disciplines: international business, tourism,
management, and entrepreneurship since its
3. European Association of Distance Learning
In the European educational environment,
educational institutions in their work use their
developments in the educational virtual
environment: platforms, support systems, and
teaching of e-learning.
In 1987, the European Association of Distance
Learning Universities was founded and still
exists, the purpose of which is to:
development of distance education in
Europe at the highest level;
promotion of cooperation in the field of
scientific research;
support and accelerate the creation of a
European distance education network
(Kuzminskyi et al., 2018);
the creation of conditions for multilateral
contacts between university teachers;
development of courses, creating the
possibility of exchange of courses and
recognition of diplomas;
introduction of new technologies and
methods of distance education;
implementation of projects in the field of
education together with enterprises and
European governments;
facilitating access to higher education
opportunities in Europe (Cort, 2014).
Based on such cooperation, it became possible to
create the European Open University based on
the Network of European Open Universities. The
organization includes 17 open universities from
15 countries. The governing structure of the
Network of European Open Universities is an
organized network of European Learning
Centers, the purpose of which is to:
show the possibilities of distance education;
provide access to courses from any
institution in any European country;
to contribute to the support of students of
open distance education (Kuchai et al.,
Therefore, the field of distance education in
European countries is dominated by open
universities, where there are integration
processes that include high-quality education
standards and mutual accreditation of higher
education institutions (Sysoeva, & Krystopchuk,
Institutions of distance education in the countries
of the European Union are divided according to
the legal form of the organization into private
organizations and state ones, the established
national and international associations of
universities that work in the system of distance
education are successfully functioning. In such
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
organizations, advisory collegial management
bodies have been created, which have the
mandatory goal of ensuring the connection of
educational institutions with the needs of
business, the humanitarian sphere, and society. In
European universities, the mandatory elements
of the distance education system are the
departments of methodical and technical support,
teaching and development of courses, general
marketing, quality control of pedagogical
technology management and monitoring of the
educational process in general, finance,
accounting, etc. The content of educational
disciplines is developed by the teaching staff and
with the help of external experts (Belova, 2023).
In European countries, the unification of the
distance education system contributed both to the
need of individual member states to define
innovative principles and moral rules of
coexistence, and to unification in general and the
mandatory creation of a multilingual
environment (Kotiash et al., 2022). There was a
need to manage the process of multilingualism,
in the distance format of the educational process,
to create an appropriate language regime of the
EU "EU language regime", to implement
technical and organizational measures, which
received the general name multilingualism
management. Today, language issues are a
separate area of activity of the EU, which is a
priority, and has the official name: "EU
Language Policy" (Sysoeva, & Krystopchuk,
Pedagogical innovation systems in the European
space make it possible today to combine the open
distance mode of education and create conditions
for asynchronous, flexible, mixed, interactive
learning that takes place throughout life (Shparik,
4. Comprehensive program of the European
The European Union has developed a program
that is comprehensive and includes:
1) development of educational open courses,
and information repositories;
2) unification of created educational open
3) development of education quality standards
for open distance learning (European
Commission, 2014).
This program for the implementation of the
strategy of informatization of education in the
European format involves bringing educational
electronic local resources to the global and
European level. In the future, the main direction
of the European comprehensive program is the
development of quality standards for open
education and their implementation (Open
Quality Standards). The European Commission
plans to achieve these intended positions with the
help of the Erasmus + program (Belan, 2018).
Popular educational projects within the
Erasmus+ program is:
European online platform for education
School Education Gateway
n/pub/index.htm). It facilitates online
courses; exchange and familiarization with
advanced experience with specialists from
different countries of the European Union,
improving the skills and abilities of
educational space applicants; makes it
possible to hold webinars on various topics;
helps to find the necessary educational
online resources;
the eTwinning platform
nity.htm) facilitates the implementation of
educational projects, the interaction of
teachers, enables the exchange of teaching
experience, and educational resources,
promotes the development of professional
SALTO-YOUTH (https://www.salto-
youth.net/about/) a network that provides
non-formal educational resources for
learners, and leaders and includes seven
resource centers, organizes educational
innovation activities to support national
agencies and organizations within Erasmus
+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps
The European Learning Corner platform
provides access to online games of
educational content, interactive books, and
educational materials for education seekers
of all age groups to familiarize themselves
with EU activities;
EU Code Week (https://codeweek.eu/)
created and supported by the European
Commission for the formation of
programming skills of education seekers and
their improvement, initiative, and
computational thinking, raising the level of
distance education of both the teacher and
the education student.
5. The importance of the characteristics of
distance education.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
European scientists emphasize the importance of
the following characteristics of distance
the creation of an educational environment
at a place convenient for the learner
(Learning at Own Place/Location): distance
education can be carried out in any place
convenient for the learner (at the
international level, regional level, local
level) and even thanks to the availability of
mobile devices while the student is on the
learning at own pace (Learning at Own
Pace): distance learning of students often
takes place in a part-time mode and students
can study at a slow pace or intensively
according to special programs;
learning at a time convenient for the student
(Learning at Own Time): learning is offered
according to a specific schedule during
academic sessions. Educators can study,
taking into account other obligations, at a
time convenient for them in the conditions of
remote mode (family, work, etc.) and
limitations (illness or disability);
flexible educational framework (Flexible
Teaching Framework): the concept of
education, which supports flexible learning
(Flexible Learning), can respond to internal
and external changes and adequately
respond to them; perceives the acquirers of
the educational space as reflective and active
subjects of learning, enables their
experience, student interests, needs, learning
styles and ability levels (Georgiadou, &
Siakas, 2006). Such frameworks provide an
opportunity for teachers and students to
approach innovative, creative, contextually
oriented solutions that will meet modern
requirements for the quality of education.
6. The following modes of distance education
of the European Union countries.
Distance education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union can be carried
out in the following modes (Shunkov et al.,
synchronous (all participants of distance
education are simultaneously in the web
environment of the educational system of the
countries of the European Union of the
educational process, using audio, video
conference, chat, social networks, etc.).
Synchronous mode facilitates real-time
collaboration. Its advantage is that it is
possible to attract participants at a certain
time and instantly;
asynchronous (the educational process is
carried out remotely in the education system
of the countries of the European Union
according to a schedule convenient for
students using a forum, e-mail, blog, social
networks, questionnaires, etc.). The
asynchronous mode involves various means
of information, video classes, and audio
classes. With the help of this mode of
education, students work at a time
convenient for them, at their own pace, from
different geographical locations.
The countries of the European Union, to
introduce a new innovative level of education
quality in the European dimension, are
introducing precisely distance education
technologies, which exist as one of the most
effective in the system of the education sector
during the pandemic and enable the support of
continuous, accessible, high-quality education
(Shparik, 2021).
The review of distance education in the countries
of the European Union confirms that it reflects
the "Digital Agenda for Europe" (Eufordigital,
2010) approved by the EU in 2010, covering the
entire educational spectrum of learning areas -
from the creation of electronic services for
humanity to the creation of a secure, fast
broadband network for the population. This
approach is reflected in the high ranking of
European countries by the level of development
of ICT technologies (the ICT Development
Index), where European countries occupy first
places (Belan, 2018).
Having studied the ways of distance education
development in the education system of the
countries of the European Union, we will name
the main principles of the distance education
system: flexibility, creativity, openness,
modularity, dynamism, continuity, adaptability.
With the help of telecommunications, for the
purpose of saving and creating educational
materials, supporting and organizing the distance
learning process, the following applications are
relevant: Student Information Systems (SIS),
Learning Management System (LMS), Virtual
Classrooms (VC), Learning Content
Management Systems (LCMS), Assessment
Management Systems (AMS), Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE), Training Management
Systems (TMS), eBooks Management Systems,
Social Learning Systems, Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs), Learning Analytics, etc.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Let's name the main LMS - Learning
Management System - a software computer
complex that is easy to use and designed to
manage, develop, distribute online educational
materials and provide access to them. In the
visual learning environment, the following
materials are created with an indication of the
sequence of their study. The materials include
projects for work in small groups based on the
content and communicative component,
individual tasks and other educational elements
for students of education
Having studied the features of the application of
distance education in the education system of the
countries of the European Union, we substantiate
the promising directions of the educational field
in the development of distance education:
creation of favorable conditions in
institutions of higher education in order to
ensure that students are ready to use distance
for all institutions of higher education, it is
mandatory to establish specific volumes of
learning material for the purpose of high-
quality training of specialists using modern
distance education;
improvement and updating of the content
component of institutional norms through
the use of distance education and ensuring
its quality functioning;
formation and implementation of the state
order in the distance education system for
the training of specialists with higher
popularization of the professionalism of
education seekers and their experience, for
obtaining higher education using
information technologies of distance
the use of distance learning technologies in
the secondary education system in order to
ensure the quality of knowledge acquisition
of students in the higher education system;
for employers who will provide jobs for
future specialists who will study by distance
education, the introduction of long-term or
temporary benefits by the state (Cort, 2014).
The main characteristics of distance education
are highlighted: learning at an individual pace, in
a convenient format, in any city, at a convenient
time; flexible pedagogical and educational
frameworks that respond sensitively to internal
and external changes; consideration by education
of students' ability levels, various learning styles,
interests, needs, and experience. Various
technological tools of modern distance education
and the main possibilities of intensive
development of distance education in the
education system of the European Union
countries are considered. The role of the
European Association of Distance Learning
Universities is shown. The requested educational
projects within the framework of the Erasmus+
program were analyzed. The regimes in which
distance education can be carried out in the
education system of the countries of the
European Union are listed. The review of
distance education in the countries of the
European Union confirmed that it reflects the
"Digital Agenda for Europe" approved by the EU
in 2010. This approach is reflected in the high
ranking of European countries by the level of
ICT development (ICT Development Index),
where European countries occupy the first
Further research will be aimed at the analysis of
educational projects within the framework of the
Erasmus+ program.
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