www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.12
How to Cite:
Erçin, C., & Abdallah, L.F. (2023). Analyzing user satisfaction and perception for the sustainable development of Mama Ngina
waterfront in Kenya. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 116-133. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.12
Analyzing user satisfaction and perception for the sustainable
development of Mama Ngina waterfront in Kenya
Kenya'daki Mama Ngina Waterfront'un Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmasına İlişkin Kullanıcı
Memnuniyeti ve Algısının Analizi
Received: May 5, 2023 Accepted: June 26, 2023
Written by:
Çilen Erçin1
Luqmaan Fihri Abdallah2
Public spaces play a crucial role in the well-being
of communities, providing accessible, and open
areas for various activities. This article focuses on
the significance of analysing user satisfaction and
perception in shaping the future of Mama Ngina
Waterfront, a newly developed public space in
Mombasa, Kenya. Mama Ngina Waterfront aims to
enhance the social and economic welfare of the
local society by offering a range of amenities and
services. Understanding user perception and
satisfaction is crucial for the waterfront's
sustainable development. The article explores the
research questions related to user perception and
satisfaction, discusses the methodology employed,
evaluates the findings, and provides
recommendations for improvement. The study
employed observation and questionnaires to collect
data from visitors, residents, and business owners in
the surrounding area. The questionnaire distributed
138 respondents. The evaluation of the findings
highlights both positive aspects and areas for
improvement, covering functionality, socio-
cultural aspects, political considerations, and user
perception. By addressing these areas for
improvement and considering user feedback, Mama
Ngina Waterfront can thrive as an attractive,
vibrant, and inclusive public space, contributing
positively to the social fabric and economic growth
of the society in Mombasa, Kenya.
Key Words: User Satisfaction, Perception,
Sustainable Development, Mama Ngina
Waterfront, Kenya.
Assist. Prof. Dr., Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Nicosia, Cyprus.
MA., Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Erçin, C., Abdallah, L.F. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 116-133 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Public space is described as an area where
individuals normally have unlimited access and
right of way. To put it another way, public
spaces, and places are open to anyone who has
the legal right to be there. A public space is a
place as is open to the public and where people
can gather for individual or group activities.
People have access to information, access to
spaces, access to resources, and access to
activities (UN-Habitat, 2018). Public spaces, as
defined by the Charter of Public Space, "all
places publicly owned or of public use,
accessible and enjoyable by all for free and
without a profit motive". Public space analysis is
the process of assessing the usefulness, quality,
and accessibility of public places in a certain
location. Public spaces can be divided into four
categories which include: streets, public open
spaces, public facilities, and markets.
Public open space can be described as
undeveloped space or property without buildings
(or other constructed structures) that is open to
the public, offers opportunities for recreation for
locals, and contributes to the neighborhood's
aesthetic appeal and environmental quality.
Public open spaces come in many different forms
and can generally be categorized as Gardens,
Public beaches, Parks, Waterfronts, and
Playgrounds. Also, these areas are open to
everyone without payment and are often
maintained by the government (UN-Habitat,
Water enhances interactions between people and
their surroundings and creates a more
comfortable and enjoyable setting. Therefore, it
has a positive impact on people's productivity in
their social, professional, and personal life
(Popović et al., 2015). The term “waterfront”
defines “the urban area in direct contact with
water” (Moretti, 2010). According to Timur,
2013, waterfront regions usually is occupied by
port activities and port infrastructures (Timur,
2013). Yassin et al., 2010, indicated that the
waterfront is defined generally as the area of
interaction between the water and urban
development (Yassin et al., 2010). Hou (2009),
identified the waterfront area as a conflux area of
land and water (Hou, 2009). In the past,
waterfronts have provided a variety of functions,
such as commerce, sustenance, industry, and
transportation (The Waterfront Center, 1999).
Mama Ngina Waterfront is a newly developed
public space located in Mombasa, Kenya, which
aims to enhance the economic and social welfare
of the local community. The waterfront provides
various amenities and services that meet the
needs of visitors and residents, such as
restaurants, recreational facilities, and spaces for
artistic and cultural events. However, the success
of Mama Ngina Waterfront depends on the
satisfaction and perception of its users.
Analyzing user satisfaction and perception is a
crucial component of the development of Mama
Ngina Waterfront. Understanding what users
think about the waterfront, how they use it, and
what aspects they appreciate or dislike can help
inform future decision-making and guide further
development. This article discusses the
importance of analyzing user satisfaction and
perception for the development of Mama Ngina
Waterfront in Kenya. It explores the various
research methods that can be used to collect user
feedback and identifies the key areas that need to
be addressed to ensure the waterfront remains a
vibrant and attractive destination for years to
Research Questions/Hypothesis
The research questions will guide the analysis of
user satisfaction and perception, providing
valuable insights for the sustainable development
and ongoing management of Mama Ngina
Waterfront. Below are some research questions:
1. How does the public perceive and
experience Mama Ngina Waterfront in terms
of its usefulness, quality, and accessibility as
a public space?
2. What are the areas of improvement or
concern identified by users of Mama Ngina
Waterfront, and how can these findings
inform future development and management
3. What are the potential challenges faced by
users of Mama Ngina Waterfront, and how
can these be addressed to ensure a more
inclusive and accessible public space for all
Hypothesis: Satisfaction and perception of users
of Mama Ngina Waterfront in Kenya
significantly impact the sustainable development
of the waterfront.
The hypothesis suggests that user satisfaction
and perception play an essential role in the
sustainable development of Mama Ngina
Waterfront. It points out that the level of
satisfaction and perception among users will
have a significant influence on the long-term
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
success and viability of the waterfront as a public
space. By analyzing user satisfaction and
perception, the research uncovered insights into
the strengths, weaknesses, and areas for
improvement of Mama Ngina Waterfront. The
hypothesis suggests that addressing and
enhancing user satisfaction and perception can
contribute to the sustainable and ongoing
development of the waterfront, ensuring its
attractiveness and functionality for the local
community and visitors alike.
Limitations of the Study
The study was conducted within a limited time
frame, which affected the depth and
comprehensiveness of the data collected. Long-
term trends and changes in user satisfaction and
perception could not be fully captured within the
scope of the study.
Literature Review
In this section, sustainability, sustainable
development, principles of sustainable
waterfront development and finally the criteria to
analyze user perception of waterfront
development have been researched by literature
In order to satisfy present-day wants while
assuring that future generations will be able to
satisfy their own requirements, sustainability is a
broad and diverse term that includes the
responsible and balanced management of
resources, systems, and activities. In terms of the
environment, sustainability means preserving
and safeguarding ecosystems, biodiversity, and
natural resources (Brundtland, 1987). It entails
encouraging behaviors that lessen waste
production, minimize pollution, and moderate
the damaging effects of human activity on the
environment. To guarantee the resilience and
integrity of ecosystems for future generations,
sustainable environmental management practices
include implementing efficient resource usage,
embracing renewable energy sources, engaging
in sustainable agriculture, preserving natural
habitats, and more.
Promoting social fairness, justice, and inclusion
is part of social sustainability. It entails building
societies that give everyone access to equal
opportunity, basic necessities, quality healthcare,
and housing (Estupiñán & Alvarez, 2016).
Socially responsible behavior is to improve the
welfare and standard of living for both current
and future generations while also eradicating
poverty and discrimination. Fairtrade, ethical
corporate practices and a wealth distribution that
is equal are the goals of economically sustainable
activities (Brundtland, 1987).They encourage
invention, technical development, and the growth
of environmentally friendly companies that
minimize adverse environmental effects while
generating employment opportunities and
enhancing societal well-being.
Sustainable Development
Development that is sustainable is one which
satisfies existing demands without jeopardizing
the capacity of future generations to satisfy their
own needs (Brundtland, 1987). The Environment
and Development Conference of the United
Nations in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (also known as
the "Rio Conference") helped to popularize the
concept of sustainable development. The idea of
sustainable development represents a principle of
action that attempts to combine economic, social,
and ecological objectives in addition to
awareness of the current environmental risks
(Gauzin-Müller, 2002).
Residents of the city must experience improved
living conditions as a result of sustainable urban
development along the waterfront. Thus, it is
necessary to combine economic, social, and
ecological goals. A sustainable waterfront is
defined as "a place where people of all ages and
backgrounds can live, visit, play, learn, and work
in a way that celebrates and strengthens the
economic vitality, opportunities, heritage,
diversity, natural environment, beauty, and
creativity of the city" (Niemann & Werner,
Principles of Sustainable Waterfront
Determining the set of guidelines for appropriate
urban waterfront development is important.
Sustained performance is dependent on a variety
of external factors, such as changes in the local,
national, and international economy and politics.
The main topics covered in this article will be the
functional, physical, economic, cultural, and
social factors that affect waterfront development
(Üzümcüoğlu & Polay, 2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Shows sustainability aspects relationship to sustainable development (SSLA, 2013).
Physical Aspects: Urban environments can
possess a range of qualities, including mobility,
diversity, livability, connectedness, personality,
and personal freedom (Carmona, 2021). The
physical characteristics of an area can vary
widely, encompassing its density, typology,
architectural style, building height, block size,
street frontage, and street width. To enhance
physical quality, pathways, proper seating,
lighting, and in addition to cleanliness, it is also
important to landscape, provide aesthetic
comfort, and ensure ease of access (Alsumsam,
2017). As pointed out by Shah & Roy, several
critical physical aspects are necessary for a
sustainable waterfront, such as the general
condition of infrastructure facilities, safety on the
promenade, street furniture, maintenance and
hygiene, and proper signage (Shah & Roy, 2017).
Functional Aspects: Urban waterfronts offer
various recreational opportunities, such as
gathering places, fishing spots, and picnic
grounds. However, it is crucial to consider safety
aspects, lighting components, playgrounds, and
green spaces during the design phase to ensure a
safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors
(Zhao, 2020). Incorporating recreational
facilities, shoreline parks, and promenades into
waterfront development can enhance their appeal
and make them popular tourist destinations.
Coastal regions can offer a range of functions,
including accessibility to beaches, marine
biodiversity, historical and cultural legacies,
aesthetics, convenient infrastructure, and dining
options. As a result, waterfront areas can be
utilized for a variety of purposes, such as
bungalows, resorts, retail establishments, cafes,
hotels, and restaurants (Breen & Rigby, 1985).
Social Aspects: An individual's sense of safety
greatly impacts their participation in public life
and social relationships in urban settings. The
way in which individuals interact with each other
is heavily influenced by their personal
experiences, including their family background,
cultural and national identity, ethnicity, socio-
economic status, and way of life (Porteous,
1977). Therefore, it is essential that urban
waterfront development activities offer an
equitable distribution of the quality of life among
all members of society. To ensure that the urban
waterfront development process is effective, it
must take into account the frequency, intensity,
and mode of use, as well as the realistic demands
of the community.
Economic Aspects: The economic advantages of
urban blue spaces are significant, contributing to
their growing popularity as both residential areas
and tourist destinations. Effective management
of waterfront areas can enhance the local image,
attract more visitors, create employment
opportunities, stimulate local business growth,
increase municipal revenue, and reduce
operating expenses and rental costs. Despite the
challenges, research by (Brückner et al., 2022)
suggests that the regeneration of urban blue
spaces can be economically beneficial and
advantageous for both social well-being and the
environment, particularly in areas with limited
Cultural Aspects: To ensure successful urban
waterfront development, it is important to
incorporate the historical references of the city to
attract visitors. Providing cultural and artistic
activities, as well as exhibition spaces, can also
be considered an effective component of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development process (Zhou, 2020). Port cities
may increase their creative potential and provide
more creative spaces by maintaining historic
harbors and reusing them for artistic uses. The
revitalization of the waterfront with cultural and
creative activities is crucial as it can generate
revenue, job opportunities, and enhance the city
and region's overall appearance (Kostopoulou,
Criteria to Analyze User Perception of
Waterfront Development
Within the research to analyze the Dubai Water
Canal by (Jung et al., 2021), the usage and
perception of waterfronts can be measured by the
use of five factors which include: safety,
accessibility, landscape management,
convenience of use, and facility management
Accessibility: Accessibility is a critical factor in
the success of any urban development project,
and it has several important criteria. One of the
key features of accessibility is the presence of
clear and informative signage to guide people to
their desired destinations. Additionally,
convenient and reliable public transportation
options are essential to ensure that people can
easily and efficiently travel to and from the area.
The accessibility of the area for pedestrians is
also a critical factor, with walkways and
sidewalks that are safe, convenient, and easy to
use. Finally, the convenience of entering and
exiting the area by car and adequate parking
spaces are also important considerations to
ensure that people can quickly and easily access
the area without experiencing delays or traffic
congestion. If the waterfront is easy to get to and
use, users will perceive the waterfront as more
attractive and desirable.
Convenience of Use: The convenience of use is
an essential criterion when it comes to analyzing
waterfronts. It includes features such as ease of
use in facilities for walking and running, cycling,
and sports activities. Additionally, it considers
the convenience of using rest areas, playgrounds,
and public toilets. These features can
significantly impact the user experience and their
perception of the waterfront. Therefore, the
convenience of use criterion plays a crucial role
in shaping the perception of the waterfront and
can contribute significantly to its overall success.
Facility Management: Proper management of
pedestrian and bicycle roads is critical to ensure
the safety and convenience of users. The
management status of sports facilities, such as
their maintenance and availability, is also a
significant consideration. In summary, a well-
managed waterfront facility can provide a
comfortable and safe environment for visitors to
enjoy various activities, and the facility
management status plays a crucial role in
achieving this goal.
Safety: By ensuring the safety of waterfronts,
users can enjoy their experience without any
worries, leading to a more positive perception of
the waterfront. For instance, the safety of traffic
and pedestrians is crucial, as it can directly affect
the users' ability to move around freely and
safely. Additionally, users should feel secure
when using any facilities provided along the
waterfront. Night lighting conditions play an
essential role in ensuring the safety of the
waterfront, as well as the safety of users when
using the waterfront during the night.
Landscape Management: Landscape
management is essential in creating a visually
pleasing environment for waterfront users. The
use of soft landscaping, such as plants and trees,
can help create an aesthetically pleasing and
relaxing atmosphere. The landscape design
should also be appropriate for the area's climate
and conditions to ensure the longevity of the
vegetation and its visual appeal.
The article opted for the qualitative approach of
research employing observation and the use of
questionnaires. As for observation, google maps
will be used to gather information about the
public space including the physical features of
the space, such as layout, design, and size. A
volunteer will be sent to take photos and observe
the activities, behavior, and social interactions of
people as well as the available amenities like
seating, lighting, and restrooms in the park.
Questionnaires were used to gather information
about how people use the space and how they
perceive the park. Respondents were visitors,
residents, and business owners in the surrounding
area. Questions can be asked about the patterns
of visits, favorite activities, and
recommendations for improvement. The
questionnaire attained a total of 138 respondents.
The questionnaire started out with basic
demographic questions like age, gender, level of
education, occupation, purpose of visit, preferred
time period of visit, frequency of visit, and
among others. In the subsequent second section,
the questionnaire analyzed the sustainability
factors of the waterfront development. Criteria
for this section were derived from the research by
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(Üzümcüoğlu & Polay, 2022) where they
analyzed the case of the Kyrenia Waterfront. The
following sustainability principles were used in
the questionnaire to collect data,
o Physical aspects
o Functional aspects
o Social aspects
o Economic aspects
o Cultural aspects
o Political aspects
Finally, the third section focused on user
satisfaction and perception of the waterfront.
This section was based on the research that
focused on the evaluation of the Dubai Canal
done by (Jung et al., 2021). Table 1 below
summarizes the measures that were used.
Table 1.
Design principles based on research by Jung et al. 2021.
Design Principles
Informational Signs
Public transportation convenience
Walking convenience
Sufficient parking spaces
Use of parking lots convenience
Entering/exiting convenience by car
Convenience of Use
The convenience of running and walking
The convenience of bicycle use
Sports facilities' convenience
The convenience using of the resting area
Using the public toilets convenience
The convenient use of the playground
Facility Management
Pedestrian roads' management status
The status of management of bicycle roads
Sports facilities' status of management
Management of the rest areas
Management of the public toilets
Safety of pedestrian/traffic
Safety of facility
Conditions of night lighting
Safety of children’s playgrounds
Safety of public toilet
Landscape Management
Facilities of landscape and marina
Harmony of the facility
Management of the green area
Sufficiency of green area
Case Study Area of Mama Ngina Waterfront,
in Kenya
Mama Ngina Waterfront is a newly developed
public space located in Mombasa, Kenya, which
aims to enhance the economic and social welfare
of the local community. The waterfront provides
various services and amenities that meet the
needs of residents and visitors, such as
restaurants, recreational facilities, and spaces for
artistic and cultural events. However, the success
of Mama Ngina Waterfront depends on the
satisfaction and perception of its users.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 2. Shows satellite image of Mama Ngina Waterfront (Google Earth, 2023)
Above is a gateway, which is a physical
structure, such as an arch or a monument, that
marks the entrance to a particular area or
signifies a transition between two places. The
gateway is used at the entrance and exit to mark
the exact extent of the waterfront. It is also used
to control the number of vehicles accessing the
waterfront during special events like music
concerts. Public vehicles are barred from
accessing the site, the gateway is used to enforce
this law in this regard.
Figure 3. (a) (b): The image above shows the amphitheater during a music concert. It has the capacity to
hold more than twenty thousand people (3 (a); Kenyan Yungin, 2020. 3 (b); Robert Menza, 2023)
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 4. Shows empty waterfront part (Author, 2023)
The image above shows a part of the waterfront
that has been neglected. There are no paths or
sidewalks for people to walk on. There is poor
landscaping. The grass is not well-kept and is
withering away. The people in the image are
forced to rest on the ground, this is due to the fact
that there is a lack of benches in this part of the
The following results were obtained from a
questionnaire that attained 138 respondents. The
data is combined and subdivided into subtopics
for a better analysis. The waterfront was assessed
by the respondents on a Likert scale of 1 to 5,
with 1 representing strongly disagree and 5
representing strongly agree.
Functional Aspects
The data in the figure below reveals that users
generally perceive the waterfront as having
various functional opportunities. A significant
majority of respondents (75) rated the
availability of functional opportunities at the
waterfront as a 5, indicating a strong agreement.
Additionally, 36 respondents rated it as a 4,
further emphasizing the positive perception of
functional opportunities. The findings suggest
that the waterfront provides an array of
possibilities for users to engage in different
Users' perceptions regarding designated areas for
specific activities, such as eating or enjoying
music, were slightly more mixed. While 50
respondents indicated a strong agreement (rating
of 5) with the presence of designated areas, a
considerable number of participants (41) rated it
as a 4, indicating a relatively positive perception.
However, it is worth noting that a portion of the
respondents (25) rated it as a 3, suggesting room
for improvement in providing more designated
areas for specific activities.
Water-based activities play an important role in
the overall experience of a waterfront. The data
reveals interesting insights regarding the types of
water-based activities available. Surprisingly, the
majority of respondents (86) rated the presence
of different water-based activities as a 1,
indicating a strong disagreement. This finding
suggests that users perceive limited options for
engaging in water-based activities at the
waterfront. However, a closer look at the data
reveals that a smaller but still notable number of
respondents rated it positively (18, 17, 5, and 8
for ratings 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively), implying
that there is still interest in having diverse water-
based activities (Figure 5).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 5. Graph showing Functional aspects (Authors, 2023)
Physical Aspects
The data reveals varying user perceptions
regarding the maintenance of the waterfront.
While a substantial number of respondents (60)
rated the maintenance as a 3, indicating a neutral
stance, a significant portion (28) rated it as a 4,
indicating a relatively positive perception.
Furthermore, 18 respondents rated it as a 5,
implying that they strongly agree with the
waterfront being well maintained. However, a
minority of participants (6) rated it as a 1,
indicating a strong disagreement.
User ratings on the condition of urban furniture
at the waterfront were relatively positive. A
majority of respondents (48) rated it as a 3,
indicating a neutral perception. Additionally, 29
participants rated it as a 4, suggesting a positive
perception of the furniture's condition.
Furthermore, 24 respondents rated it as a 5,
indicating a strong agreement that in good
condition is urban furniture. However, a smaller
portion of respondents (14) rated it as a 1,
indicating a strong disagreement. These findings
highlight the importance of maintaining and
upgrading urban furniture to ensure a positive
user experience.
Accessibility is a critical factor in ensuring the
inclusivity and convenience of a waterfront. The
figure below shows data that demonstrates
varying user perceptions regarding the
accessibility of the waterfront through multiple
means. A significant portion of respondents (45)
rated the accessibility as a 5, indicating a strong
agreement. Furthermore, 38 participants rated it
as a 4, emphasizing a positive perception.
However, a notable number of respondents (25)
rated it as a 3, suggesting room for improvement
in terms of accessibility. Moreover, a minority of
participants (12) rated it as a 1, indicating a
strong disagreement. These findings highlight
the need to ensure easy and diverse means of
accessing the waterfront to accommodate
different user preferences and needs.
The inclusivity of waterfront areas is crucial, and
user ratings shed light on the accessibility for
able and disabled people. A significant portion of
respondents (41) rated the accessibility as a 5,
indicating a strong agreement. Moreover, 34
participants rated it as a 4, further emphasizing a
positive perception. However, a smaller but
notable number of respondents (37) rated it as a
3, indicating room for improvement in terms of
accessibility for able and disabled individuals. It
is essential to address the concerns of these users
to ensure equal access and enjoyment of the
User ratings regarding the availability of car
parks at the waterfront were relatively positive.
A majority of respondents (44) rated the car
parks as a 5, indicating a strong agreement.
Additionally, 30 participants rated it as a 4,
suggesting a positive perception of car park
adequacy. However, a notable number of
respondents (31) rated it as a 3, indicating a
relatively neutral stance. These findings suggest
that while the car parks are generally perceived
as adequate, further improvements could be
made to cater to the parking needs of waterfront
visitors (Figure 6).
511 18
25 17
36 41
The waterfront has various functional
opportunities There are designated areas for eating,
music etc. There are different types of water -
based activities
Number of Responces
Functional Aspects
1 2 3 4 5
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 6. Graph showing Physical aspects (Authors, 2023)
Socio-Cultural Aspects
User ratings indicate varying perceptions of the
attractiveness of the waterfront environment. A
majority of respondents (53) rated the
attractiveness as a 4, indicating a positive
perception. Additionally, 45 participants rated it
as a 5, emphasizing a strong agreement.
However, it is worth noting that a smaller portion
of respondents (2) rated it as a 1, indicating a
strong disagreement. These findings indicates
that while the majority of users find the
waterfront environment attractive, efforts can be
made to further enhance its visual appeal.
The data reveals mixed perceptions regarding the
inclusivity of the waterfront across different
social classes. While a considerable number of
respondents (75) rated it as a 5, indicating a
strong agreement, indicating openness to people
from different social classes, a minority of
participants (7) rated it as a 1, indicating a strong
disagreement. These findings highlight the
importance of fostering an inclusive environment
that welcomes individuals from diverse social
The data indicate that the waterfront generally
possesses a sense of place. A significant portion
of respondents (49) rated it as a 4, indicating a
positive perception, and 54 participants rated it as
a 5, suggesting a strong agreement. However, it
is worth noting that a smaller but notable number
of respondents (6) rated it as a 1, indicating a
strong disagreement. These findings suggest that
the majority of users perceive a distinct sense of
place at the waterfront, but efforts can be made
to further enhance this aspect.
Responses regarding the protection of the
waterfront's historical integrity were somewhat
mixed. While a substantial number of
respondents (45) rated it as a 4, indicating a
positive perception, a notable portion of
participants (30) rated it as a 3, suggesting a
relatively neutral stance. Additionally, a smaller
but still notable number of respondents (18) rated
it as a 2, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings highlight the need to
prioritize the protection and preservation of the
waterfront's historical integrity to maintain its
cultural significance.
The data reveals varying perceptions regarding
the availability of cultural activities and public
art at the waterfront. While a significant number
of respondents (41) rated it as a 4, indicating a
positive perception, a smaller portion of
participants (35) rated it as a 3, suggesting a
relatively neutral stance. Moreover, a
considerable number of respondents (22) rated it
as a 2, indicating a relatively negative perception.
These findings emphasize the importance of
providing a diverse range of cultural activities
and public art installations to enrich the
waterfront experience for visitors (Figure 7).
14 12 11 9
23 20 15 12
37 31
28 29
38 34 30
18 24
45 41 44
The waterfront is well
maintained The urban furniture is
in good condition Easily accessible
through multiple
It is accessible to able
and disabled people Car parks are adequate
Number of responces
Physical Aspects
1 2 3 4 5
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 7. Graph showing socio-cultural aspects (Authors, 2023)
Political Aspects
User ratings indicate mixed perceptions
regarding the municipality's adaptation of proper
regulations for continuous maintenance. A
significant number of respondents (60) which is
45% of total respondses, rated the municipality's
regulations as a 3, indicating a relatively positive
perception. However, it is worth noting that a
portion of participants (36) which is 27%, rated
it as a 4, suggesting room for improvement in
adapting more robust regulations. Moreover, a
smaller but notable number of respondents (14)
rated it as a 2, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings suggest that while
some users perceive the presence of regulations,
there is a need for further improvement in terms
of their effectiveness and implementation
(Figure 8).
Figure 8. Graph showing political aspects (Authors, 2023)
Availability of Amenities at the Waterfront
User responses indicate that a considerable
number of respondents (45) affirm the presence
of sports facilities at the waterfront, while a
larger portion of participants (90) indicate their
absence. These findings suggest that there may
be a need to further develop or improve sports
facilities to cater to the interests and recreational
needs of waterfront visitors.
Data reveal a significant majority (112)
confirming the presence of public toilets at the
waterfront, while a smaller number of
276 6
18 22
30 35
49 45 41
The environment is
attractive It is open to people of
different social classes The waterfront has a
sense of place The historical integrity
of the waterfront is
There are cultural
activities and public
Number of Responces
Socio-cultural aspects
The municipality has adapted proper regulations to provide
continuous maintenance
1 2 3 4 5
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
participants (21) indicate their absence. This
indicates a positive aspect of amenities, as the
availability of public toilets contributes to the
convenience and comfort of visitors.
User responses indicate that a substantial
majority (106) acknowledge the presence of a
playground at the waterfront, whereas a smaller
portion of respondents (28) state its absence. This
suggests that the waterfront is equipped with a
playground, providing an additional recreational
option for families and children.
Responses reveal that a significant number of
participants (37) perceive the presence of bicycle
tracks at the waterfront, while a larger portion
(98) report their absence. These findings suggest
that there may be a need to consider
implementing or improving bicycle tracks to
encourage cycling and promote a more active and
environmentally friendly means of transportation
at the waterfront.
The data indicate that a majority of participants
(92) acknowledge the presence of adequate street
lights in the area, while a smaller number (39)
perceive their absence. This highlights the
importance of ensuring well-lit spaces for safety
and visibility, contributing to a sense of security
during evening hours (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Graph showing availability of amenities (Authors, 2023)
User Perception
User ratings reveal mixed perceptions regarding
the visibility of traffic signage in the area. A
significant number of respondents (42) rated the
visibility as a 3, indicating a relatively neutral
perception. However, it is worth noting that a
smaller but notable portion of participants (36)
rated it as a 4, suggesting a positive perception.
Moreover, 18 respondents rated it as a 5,
indicating a strong agreement with the visibility
of traffic signage. Conversely, 19 participants
rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings highlight the need for
improvements in enhancing the visibility and
effectiveness of traffic signage at the waterfront.
The ratings indicate varying perceptions
regarding the accessibility of the waterfront by
public transport. While a notable number of
respondents (36) rated it as a 4, indicating a
positive perception, a similar portion of
participants (34) rated it as a 3, suggesting a
relatively neutral stance. Additionally, 29
respondents rated it as a 5, implying a strong
agreement with the accessibility by public
transport. However, a smaller but still notable
number of participants (18) rated it as a 1,
indicating a relatively negative perception. These
findings highlight the importance of ensuring
convenient and efficient public transport options
to enhance accessibility to the waterfront.
Data suggest mixed perceptions regarding the
availability of parking spaces at the waterfront.
While a notable number of respondents (41) rated
the availability as a 4, indicating a positive
perception, a similar portion of participants (30)
rated it as a 3, suggesting a relatively neutral
stance. Moreover, 35 respondents rated it as a 5,
implying a strong agreement with the availability
of parking spaces. However, a smaller but still
notable number of participants (10) rated it as a
1, indicating a relatively negative perception.
These findings emphasize the importance of
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
There are sports facilities in the area
Presence public toilets
There is a playground in the area
Does the waterfront have bicycle tracks?
Are there adequate street lights in the area
Number of responses
Availability of amenities
No Yes
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
providing adequate parking spaces to
accommodate the needs of waterfront visitors.
User ratings indicate positive perceptions
regarding the ease of accessing the waterfront
area by car. A significant number of respondents
(45) rated the ease of access as a 4, indicating a
positive perception. Moreover, 67 participants
rated it as a 5, suggesting a strong agreement.
Conversely, a smaller but notable number of
respondents (5) rated it as a 1, indicating a
relatively negative perception. These findings
highlight the relatively smooth and convenient
access by car to the waterfront area (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Graph showing accessibility (Authors, 2023)
Convenience of Use
User ratings indicate varying perceptions
regarding the convenience of sidewalks for
walking or jogging at the waterfront. While a
significant number of respondents (49) rated the
convenience as a 4, indicating a positive
perception, 54 participants rated it as a 5,
suggesting a strong agreement. Conversely, a
smaller but still notable number of participants
(3) rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings highlight the
importance of well-maintained and convenient
sidewalks to facilitate walking and jogging
activities at the waterfront.
The responses suggest mixed perceptions
regarding the convenience of using bicycles at
the waterfront. While a considerable number of
respondents (48) rated the suitability as a 4,
indicating a positive perception, 46 participants
rated it as a 5, suggesting a strong agreement.
However, a smaller but still notable number of
respondents (4) rated it as a 1, indicating a
relatively negative perception. These findings
emphasize the need to improve infrastructure and
amenities to enhance the convenience of bicycle
use at the waterfront.
The ratings reveal mixed perceptions regarding
satisfaction with public toilets at the waterfront.
A significant number of respondents (60) rated
the satisfaction as a 3, indicating a relatively
positive perception. However, it is worth noting
that a smaller but notable portion of participants
(15) rated it as a 4, suggesting a relatively higher
level of satisfaction. Conversely, 20 respondents
rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings highlight the need for
attention and improvements in the maintenance
of public toilets at the waterfront to enhance user
Users indicate mixed perceptions regarding
satisfaction with the playground at the
waterfront. While a notable number of
respondents (52) rated the satisfaction as a 3,
indicating a relatively positive perception, a
smaller but still notable portion of participants
(23) rated it as a 4, suggesting a higher level of
satisfaction. Moreover, 10 respondents rated it as
a 5, implying a strong agreement with the
satisfaction. However, a smaller but still notable
number of participants (11) rated it as a 1,
indicating a relatively negative perception. These
findings emphasize the importance of
maintaining and enhancing the playground
facilities to meet the diverse needs and
expectations of waterfront visitors (Figure 11).
19 18
10 5
21 18 18
34 30
36 36 41 45
29 35
How visible are the traffic
signage in the area Accessible by public
transport There are enough parking
spaces in the area It is easy to access the area
by car
Number of responses
1 2 3 4 5
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 11. Graph showing convenience of use (Authors, 2023)
Facility Management Status
The data indicate varying perceptions regarding
the maintenance of sidewalks and paths at the
waterfront. While a notable number of
respondents (51) rated the maintenance as a 3,
indicating a relatively positive perception, a
smaller but still notable portion of participants
(40) rated it as a 4, suggesting a higher level of
satisfaction. Moreover, 30 respondents rated it as
a 5, implying a strong agreement with the well-
maintained condition of sidewalks and paths.
Conversely, a smaller portion of participants (5)
rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings suggest that while
many users perceive the sidewalks and paths as
well maintained, there is room for improvement
in ensuring their upkeep to enhance the overall
user experience.
The questionnaire reveals mixed perceptions
regarding the cleanliness and hygiene of public
toilets at the waterfront. While a significant
number of respondents (55) rated the cleanliness
as a 3, indicating a relatively positive perception,
a smaller but notable portion of participants (19)
rated it as a 4, suggesting a higher level of
satisfaction. Moreover, 7 respondents rated it as
a 5, implying a strong agreement with the clean
and hygienic condition of public toilets.
Conversely, a notable number of participants
(21) rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively
negative perception. These findings highlight the
need for continuous efforts to maintain and
improve the cleanliness and hygiene standards of
public toilets to ensure a satisfactory user
experience (Figure 12).
Figure 12. Graph showing facility management (Authors, 2023)
19 24
22 26
49 48
The sidewalks are
convenient for walking or
It is convenient to use a
bicycle in the area Rate the public toilets How satisfied are you with
the playground
Number of responses
Convenience of use
1 2 3 4 5
51 55
The sidewalks and paths are well maintained The public toilets are kept clean and hygienic
Number of responses
Facility management status
1 2 3 4 5
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The users indicate varying perceptions regarding
traffic and pedestrian safety at the waterfront.
While a notable number of respondents (51) rated
the safety as a 3, indicating a relatively positive
perception, a smaller but still notable portion of
participants (31) rated it as a 4, suggesting a
higher level of satisfaction. Moreover, 23
respondents rated it as a 5, implying a strong
agreement with the safety measures in place.
Conversely, a notable number of participants (9)
rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings emphasize the
importance of ensuring continuous efforts to
enhance traffic and pedestrian safety measures at
the waterfront.
The data shows mixed perceptions regarding the
security of facilities at the waterfront. While a
significant number of respondents (60) rated the
security as a 3, indicating a relatively positive
perception, a smaller but notable portion of
participants (30) rated it as a 4, suggesting a
higher level of satisfaction. Moreover, 15
respondents rated it as a 5, implying a strong
agreement with the security of facilities.
Conversely, a notable number of participants (9)
rated it as a 1, indicating a relatively negative
perception. These findings emphasize the need
for robust security measures to ensure the safety
and well-being of visitors and protect the
facilities at the waterfront.
User ratings suggest varying perceptions
regarding the security of the playground at the
waterfront. While a notable number of
respondents (56) rated the security as a 3,
indicating a relatively positive perception, a
smaller but still notable portion of participants
(23) rated it as a 4, suggesting a higher level of
satisfaction. Moreover, 9 respondents rated it as
a 5, implying a strong agreement with the good
security of the playground. However, a notable
number of participants (14) rated it as a 1,
indicating a relatively negative perception. These
findings highlight the need for continuous efforts
to ensure the safety and security of the
playground, creating a secure environment for
children and families (Figure 13).
Figure 13. Graph showing safety (Authors, 2023)
Landscape Management
The responses indicate varying perceptions
regarding the maintenance of vegetation and
marina facilities at the waterfront. While a
significant number of respondents (52) rated the
maintenance as a 3, indicating a relatively
positive perception, a smaller but still notable
portion of participants (30) rated it as a 4,
suggesting a higher level of satisfaction.
Moreover, 19 respondents rated it as a 5,
implying a strong agreement with the well-
maintained condition of vegetation and marina
facilities. Conversely, a notable number of
participants (11) rated it as a 1, indicating a
relatively negative perception. These findings
suggest the need for continuous efforts to ensure
the proper maintenance and upkeep of vegetation
and marina facilities, contributing to an
appealing waterfront environment.
The data shows mixed perceptions regarding the
availability of green spaces at the waterfront.
While a significant number of respondents (52)
rated the availability as a 3, indicating a relatively
positive perception, a smaller but notable portion
of participants (27) rated it as a 4, suggesting a
higher level of satisfaction. Moreover, 21
9 9 14
21 20 26
60 56
31 30
15 9
Rate traffic and pedestrian safety in
the area Rate the level security of the facilities
in the area The playground has good security
Number of responses
1 2 3 4 5
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
respondents rated it as a 5, implying a strong
agreement with the presence of abundant green
spaces. However, a notable number of
participants (8) rated it as a 1, indicating a
relatively negative perception. These findings
emphasize the importance of ensuring the
provision and maintenance of sufficient green
spaces at the waterfront, allowing visitors to
enjoy nature and outdoor activities.
The questionnaire suggests varying perceptions
regarding the upkeep of trees and grass at the
waterfront. While a notable number of
respondents (45) rated the upkeep as a 3,
indicating a relatively positive perception, a
smaller but still notable portion of participants
(32) rated it as a 4, suggesting a higher level of
satisfaction. Moreover, 19 respondents rated it as
a 5, implying a strong agreement with the well-
kept condition of trees and grass. However, a
notable number of participants (9) rated it as a 1,
indicating a relatively negative perception. These
findings highlight the need for consistent
maintenance and care of trees and grass to
enhance the overall aesthetics and appeal of the
waterfront landscape (Figure 14).
Figure 14. Graph showing convenience of use (Authors, 2023)
Evaluation of the Findings
The evaluation of the waterfront experience
reveals a mix of positive aspects and areas for
improvement. In terms of functionality, users
generally perceive the waterfront as offering a
range of opportunities for different activities.
However, there is a need for more designated
areas to cater to specific activities. Water-based
activities received mixed perceptions, with some
expressing a lack of options and others
expressing interest in diverse activities.
Accessibility emerges as a critical factor, with
the majority rating it positively, but there is room
for improvement to accommodate different user
needs. The availability of car parks received
generally positive ratings, but further
improvements could be made.
Regarding the socio-cultural aspects, the
attractiveness of the waterfront environment was
generally perceived positively, although some
expressed a need for enhancements. The
inclusivity of waterfront areas received positive
ratings, but efforts should be made to foster an
inclusive environment for individuals from
diverse backgrounds. The sense of place at the
waterfront was generally positive, but there is a
need for further enhancements. Historical
preservation received mixed ratings,
emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the
waterfront's cultural significance. The
availability of cultural activities and public art
installations also received mixed perceptions,
highlighting the need for diverse offerings. From
a political perspective, the municipality's
regulations received mixed ratings, suggesting
the need for more effective and implemented
regulations. Amenities at the waterfront were
perceived positively overall, but there is a need
for further development in areas such as sports
facilities, bicycle tracks, and certain water-based
In terms of user perception, accessibility
emerged as an important aspect. Perceptions
regarding the visibility of traffic signage were
mixed, highlighting the need for improvements
in enhancing visibility. Accessibility by public
transport received varying ratings, emphasizing
the importance of convenient and efficient public
transport options. Satisfaction with parking
spaces and ease of accessing the waterfront by
car generally received positive ratings, indicating
11 89
23 26 27
52 52
30 27 32
19 21 19
Vegetation and marina facilities are
well maintained There are plenty of green spaces in
the area The trees and grass are well kept
Number of responses
Landscape management
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
that parking facilities are currently meeting user
needs. However, there is still room for
improvement to ensure a seamless and
convenient experience.
Regarding the convenience of sidewalks and
bicycle use, user ratings were generally positive,
suggesting a satisfactory experience in these
areas. However, public toilets and the
playground received mixed perceptions,
indicating potential areas for improvement in
terms of cleanliness, maintenance, and user
satisfaction. Facility management status received
positive ratings for the maintenance of sidewalks
and paths but showed mixed perceptions
regarding the cleanliness of public toilets. This
highlights the importance of consistent
maintenance and cleanliness efforts to meet user
expectations. Finally, safety and security
received mixed ratings, indicating the need for
continuous efforts to enhance measures at the
waterfront. Ensuring a safe and secure
environment for users is crucial for fostering a
positive and enjoyable experience.
In conclusion, the findings from the results
indicate several key insights about the waterfront
area. Functionally, users perceive the waterfront
as offering various opportunities for engagement,
with a strong agreement on the availability of
functional opportunities. However, there is a
mixed perception regarding the presence of
designated areas for specific activities,
suggesting room for improvement. Water-based
activities were perceived as limited by the
majority, although there is still interest in having
diverse options. Although accessibility is usually
seen favorably, there is still a need for
development in terms of guaranteeing inclusivity
for both able-bodied and disabled individuals.
The availability of car parks was rated positively,
but further improvements could be made. Socio-
culturally, the waterfront is generally considered
attractive and possesses a sense of place,
although efforts can be made to enhance its
visual appeal and protect its historical integrity.
The availability of cultural activities and public
art received mixed perceptions, emphasizing the
importance of diversifying offerings. Politically,
there is a need for further improvement in
adapting more robust regulations. As for
amenities, sports facilities, public toilets, and
playgrounds were acknowledged, but there is a
need to further develop or improve them.
Convenience of use was generally positively
perceived, although attention is required in areas
such as traffic signage visibility and bicycle
tracks. Facility management, cleanliness of
public toilets, and maintenance of sidewalks and
paths received mixed perceptions, highlighting
the need for continuous efforts. Safety and
security were rated positively, but measures
should be enhanced for traffic, pedestrian safety,
and the security of facilities and playgrounds.
Overall, the findings provide valuable insights
for improving the waterfront's functional,
physical, socio-cultural, and political aspects, as
well as the availability of amenities, user
perception, convenience of use, facility
management, and safety.
Below are recommendations that aim to address
the areas for improvement identified in the
findings and enhance the overall functional,
physical, socio-cultural, and political aspects of
the waterfront, as well as the availability of
amenities and user perception. These
recommendations were outlined by majority of
the respondents,
o Creating more green areas with grass and
o Providing more trash cans and recycle bins
o Encouraging the use of bicycles and public
o Providing ramps for people with disabilities
o Creating more walkways for people to move
around more easily
o Creating designated areas for picnics and
o Creating spaces for families (private)
o Encouraging sports activities for children.
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