Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.11
How to Cite:
Нritchenko, T., Dobosh, O., Shynkaruk, O., Yushchyshyna, O., & Rokosovyk, N. (2023). The role of the European educational area
in ensuring the quality of higher education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 105-115. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.11
The role of the European educational area in ensuring the quality of
higher education
Роль європейського освітнього простору у забезпеченні якості вищої освіти
Received: June 1, 2023 Accepted: July 2, 2023
Written by:
Tetiana Нritchenko1
Olena Dobosh2
Oleksandra Shynkaruk3
Oksana Yushchyshyna4
Nataliia Rokosovyk5
The European educational space combines
national features with the main task of ensuring
the quality of higher education modernization
of methods for evaluating the training of an
education seeker, and monitoring his
achievements, where the main evaluator is the
customer and the labor market. The role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education is clarified. The
priority value of higher education is shown. Let's
highlight the means that ensure the
implementation of such a strategy. The main
basis for ensuring the quality of higher education
is academic integrity, compliance with the rules
of the educational process, creating an
atmosphere that is favorable for the education of
all categories of students of the educational
process, and providing equal opportunities for all
students to obtain a quality education. The
definition of academic integrity is given. The
most typical models of professional training to
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professional Methodologies and Innovative Technologies in Primary School Department,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: E-3815-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Preschool, Primary
Education and Educational Management, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IVH-2805-2023
Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and International
Communication, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Сandidate of Philological Sciences (Ph.D. in Philology), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Khmelnytskyi
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ITU-7139-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Foreign
Languages And Translation, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine", Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ensure the quality of higher education in the
countries of the European Union are shown. The
factors that ensure the quality of higher education
in the countries of the European Union and
increase the chances of employment of
specialists are singled out. The functions of the
European Higher Education Area are listed.
Keywords: European educational space, quality
assurance of higher education, academic
integrity, quality education, high education
Higher education institutions in the European
educational space are increasingly aware of the
prospects associated with new innovative
transformations in higher education, in particular
with the creation of corporate and virtual
universities. Realizing at the same time the need
of higher education institutions in ensuring the
quality of higher education, many European
universities are implementing various programs
of academic cooperation in partnership with
prestigious universities. In this context, there is
an opportunity to achieve a balance between the
academic and institutional aspirations of
European higher education institutions and the
needs for international cooperation and solutions
to the problems that arise worldwide in the face
of dynamic competitors (Biletska et al., 2018).
The further development of modern education
aims to give the educational process a creative
character and overcome the educational space's
closedness. Modern education creates
opportunities for the openness of the European
educational space to the future, which requires a
new model of education that would satisfy the
realities of post-industrial society and contribute
to global changes in all spheres of human life. For
example, changes caused by rapid integration
processes in society and information and
communication technologies of the modern
educational space.
The international experience of the European
educational space in ensuring the quality of
higher education is important and essential for
any country since an unformed national strategy
for the internationalization of education will
ensure a low volume of educational services and
become impossible for their export, which will
lead to low quality of international educational
programs and their impossibility of development,
which accordingly complicates the effective
integration of the educational sector into the
world, and in particular, the pan-European
educational space (Sysoieva & Krystopchuk,
Literature Review
O. Vlasiuk & T. Daragan (2022) considered in
the context of the European experience of
university autonomy the possibilities of
introducing the autonomy of Ukrainian
institutions of higher education, showed the ways
of establishing university autonomy in domestic
and European institutions of higher education;
analyzed the principles of university autonomy in
European education; conducted an online survey
among higher education graduates and domestic
scientific and pedagogical workers. Scientists
have researched and proposed the following
four-digit positions of types of autonomy:
academic, organizational, personnel, and
financial. In domestic institutions of higher
education, the conditions for the formation of
university autonomy are comprehensively
defined; a comparison is made with the
conditions and rules in Europe, according to
which universities work there. The main factors
were identified and the level of application of the
main types of university autonomy was assessed.
In European countries, the content of university
autonomy, and ways of success were analyzed,
and progressive ideas were identified for their
implementation in domestic institutions of higher
education. The possibility of introducing
autonomy for domestic institutions of higher
education was assessed. The concept of
university autonomy has been analyzed, the ways
of ensuring implementation by higher education
institutions of independent regulation of the
educational process, powers to make intra-
educational independent management decisions,
and the involvement of highly qualified scientific
and pedagogical workers have been determined;
opportunities for participation in grants,
conducting research, analysis, and publicity of
Нritchenko, T., Dobosh, O., Shynkaruk, O., Yushchyshyna, O., Rokosovyk, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 105-115 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
one's activities, cooperation with international
organizations were clarified.
O. Lokshyna (2018), within the framework of the
Association Agreement between the European
Union and Ukraine, revealed the European
orientation of the Ukrainian educational space.
The European orientations of higher education
and its development are shown, the essence of
higher education in the conditions of
Europeanization is substantiated, the
peculiarities of higher education in the European
Learning Area are highlighted, the challenges
that take place in Ukraine in synchronizing the
quality assurance system of higher education
related to European standards are described,
recommendations are given to ensure the quality
of education in the European space.
T. Dyman, O. Bonkovskyi & A. Vovkogon
(2017) revealed the content of the higher
education systems in European countries,
showed the tasks, outlined the main principles
and regulatory documents adopted as part of the
Bologna process, revealed the methods and
means of their application in the higher education
system of Ukraine. In European countries,
scientists analyzed higher education systems,
showed the importance of Bologna process
documents, and emphasized the features of
international summits that reduce the problems
of higher education development; the strategies
of student-centered education are shown, the
principles and stages of the main tasks of the
formation of the European higher education zone
are highlighted. The main aspects of lifelong
education are revealed in the features of ECTS
the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
System are shown.
T. Kuchai & O. Kuchai (2019) showed the means
that will allow the implementation of the EU
strategy, revealed the main features of the
implementation of the quality of higher
education in the European educational space;
showed effective directions in innovative
approaches to the internal functioning of higher
education, characterized ways of reforming
educational programs and using ICT. Ways to
achieve a balance between academic and
institutional aspirations and necessary needs in
international cooperation of European higher
education institutions are revealed. The main
models of teaching staff training in the countries
of the European Union are considered, and the
task of education is highlighted in the European
O. Totska (2020) disclosed the theoretical
principles, performed analysis, forecasting and
showed the methodological conceptual
principles of managing the development of
higher education, determined the strategic
directions of the development of higher
education in the European space; substantive,
organizational, procedural activity of the quality
of higher education by management bodies are
highlighted; procedures and general approaches
to quality assurance are characterized; the
possibilities of national agencies for ensuring the
quality of higher education are described; the
internal systems of quality assurance in higher
education institutions operating under the
methodological support and the guidance of
national bodies are characterized.
I. Sokolova (2020), following the strategy of the
formation of the European space of higher
education, analyzed the reforms of higher
education in the countries of Southern Europe,
using a wide source base and presented the
national context of Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal;
found out that these countries demonstrate the
successful implementation of education in the
European area of higher education, although
there are differences in the field of higher
education in national features of institutional
transformations, taking into account national
priorities and historical traditions. The trends of
qualitative implementation of the concept of
quality assurance of higher education in Europe
are determined, where the emphasis is on quality
assurance procedures focused on teaching,
learning, and research; dynamic procedural and
organizational changes are shown in national
systems of higher education: institutionalization
of systems, harmonization of European
standards, internationalization of activities of
agencies for quality assurance of higher
education, modernization of indicators and
criteria for quality assurance of higher education.
In the countries of Southern Europe, specific and
general procedures for internal and external
assurance of the quality of education have been
characterized. Practices of European
modernization of innovative quality systems of
higher education are proposed.
S. Zaskalyeta (2019) showed the basis, the search
for ways of effective development of the higher
education system. The general trend in the
countries of the European area of professional
training of competitive specialists is highlighted
and the internal quality assurance of higher
education is shown, which most reflects the
current trends in the development of world and
national education and the economy. The author
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justified the problem of ensuring the quality of
higher education in connection with the
modernization of all education. Ensuring the
quality of higher education involves: control of
educational activities in the higher education
sector; organization of the educational process,
availability of necessary resources; quality at all
stages of training in the training of specialists.
The main components of the internal system of
quality assurance of higher education are singled
out (assessment of the quality of knowledge of
teaching staff; monitoring of quality assurance of
higher education; periodic review and approval
of programs; support of students with
information systems and monitoring of
educational resources.
The purpose of the article: to find out the role
of the European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education.
The basis of research methods is a systematic
approach. Within its limits, the following
methods are applied: comparison and
systematization, induction and deduction, in
order to investigate the main characteristics and
concepts of research; analysis and synthesis for
the purpose of studying the main internal and
external foundations of clarifying the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education; statistical non-
parametric in order to characterize the current
activity of higher education institutions and show
the role of the European educational space in
ensuring the quality of higher education;
comparisons and systematic analysis during the
formation of the hierarchical influence of internal
and external threats; expert analysis to
determine the role of the European educational
space in ensuring the quality of higher education;
morphological analysis to clarify the
conceptual and categorical apparatus for the
problem of the role of the European educational
space in ensuring the quality of higher education;
abstract and logical for drawing conclusions
and theoretical generalizations of the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education.
The study is based on the provisions of
pedagogical literature as the emergence of a
synthesis of the role of the European educational
space in ensuring the quality of higher education,
its formation as a value-humanistically oriented
multifactorial process, to reflect the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education, to achieve the
strategic goals of the European educational space
in ensuring quality higher education. The
specified orientations led to the development of
essential principles of the study, which require
substantiation of the role of the European
educational space in ensuring the quality of
higher education at the methodological,
theoretical, and technological levels of our
The methodological concept of clarifying the
role of the European educational space in
ensuring the quality of higher education reflects
the relationship and interaction of the main
approaches to the study of the investigated
problem: synergistic; competence; activity;
integrative; axiological; personal; acmeological;
The theoretical concept enables a qualitative
definition of the essence of the leading research
The methodological concept provides for the
justification of the system of the European
educational space in ensuring the quality of
higher education.
Results and Discussion
According to the requirements of the European
Union's "Education and Training 2020"
initiative, the European vector of education and
economic development determines the reform of
higher education and the need to modernize the
management of its development. Studying the
characteristic features of the European
educational space in ensuring the quality of
higher education and the main directions of
European integration at all levels of education
management is important for the integration of
higher education into the European educational
space and the formation of its national strategy
(Totska, 2020).
The European area of higher education is an
international troublesome cooperation on issues
of higher education and the result of the will of
countries with different cultural, political, and
academic traditions, which, during the last
twenty years, built the European educational area
in ensuring the quality of higher education, a
sphere that implements a common set of
obligations by making structural reforms and
using joint instruments. As part of this process,
stakeholders of the European space, countries,
institutions are constantly improving their higher
education systems and strengthening their
mechanisms for ensuring the quality of higher
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education. The goal of these countries is to
ensure the quality of higher education in the
European educational space, increase the
mobility of personnel and students of education,
and promote the employment of competitive
specialists (Yerevan communiqué, 2015).
Education and professional training are
necessary factors for the development of the
modern economy and society in general and are
a priority area of development for the
governments of all EU member states. From the
standpoint of research by modern scientists, the
EU development strategy in this direction speaks
of the need for cooperation between all countries,
the exchange of research and discoveries
between them. The modern world requires more
skills and new knowledge, experience in
intercultural communication, and mastery of
foreign languages from teachers and students of
education future competitive specialists. All
this speaks of the priority importance of higher
education and emphasizes the importance of
activities both with neighboring and more distant
countries within the framework of cooperation.
The work of the European Commission is aimed
at the development and implementation of new
and improvement of developed educational
programs, with the help of which scientists and
students of education can receive scholarships
and participate in grants for conducting research
in European countries and further professional
training. Thanks to this, thousands of teachers,
students, and scientists in different countries of
the world work, study, and teach within
international academic programs.
The task of educational policy in the European
context is to use the positive dynamics of
cooperation in the educational sphere, to promote
the development of civic consciousness, the basis
of which are such values as democracy,
solidarity, mutual respect, equality, and the
prospects for the introduction of the Bologna
process. Important elements of education that
created a fundamentally new situation on the
European continent are respect for ethnic and
cultural identity and the fight against various
forms of xenophobia and chauvinism. That is
why the main elements of educational policy are
the possibilities and prospects of realizing the
European integration aspirations of any country
at the current stage, learning foreign languages,
and gaining knowledge about the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education. A major focus of this
approach is to focus on transnational cooperation
between separate education systems (Kraievska,
The European educational space combines
national features with the main task of ensuring
the quality of higher education modernization
of student training evaluation methods, and
monitoring of achievements, where the main
evaluator is the customer and the labor market.
Let's highlight the means that ensure the
implementation of such a strategy:
use of information and communication
systems and analysis of the influence of the
EU on their use;
application of open educational resources in
all educational contexts and analysis of EU
influence on their use;
systematicity in increasing the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education, pedagogical
qualification of teaching staff;
strengthening ties between education and
employers to ensure the quality of higher
application of theoretical and practical
training at the workplace;
the introduction of new standards of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education about the
management of the development of
entrepreneurship in education.
The use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in the European educational
space in ensuring the quality of higher education
contributes to the acquisition of civic and
entrepreneurial skills in a person, which is the
main thing for training young people and is of
fundamental importance when working in a
modern professional environment (Myskiv,
One of the main problems of the countries of the
European Union, which is on the agenda, is
ensuring the quality of higher education. In the
educational and scientific activities of every
institution of higher education today, it is
necessary to systematically introduce high
standards of quality education, which are the
basis for the positive development of the
consciousness of humanity. With this approach,
during the educational process in the institution
of higher education, the fight against academic
dishonesty acquires the main importance. The
experience of the developed countries of the
world in the systematic application of approaches
to the academic integrity of students of higher
education indicates the need for its public
definition and the mandatory adoption of the
principles of academic integrity for quality
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education (National Agency for Quality
Assurance of Higher Education, 2019).
The main basis for ensuring the quality of higher
education is academic integrity, compliance with
the rules of the educational process, creating an
atmosphere that is favorable for the education of
all categories of students of the educational
process, and providing equal opportunities for all
students to obtain a quality education.
In every institution of higher education, with the
help of creating appropriate conditions, there is a
struggle for academic integrity. Academic
integrity is defined as a set of ethical principles
and rules that should be followed by participants
in the educational process during learning,
teaching, and carrying out scientific and creative
activities to ensure trust in the results of studies
and scientific achievements (Kravchenko et al.,
Adherence to the principles of academic integrity
in higher education institutions of Ukraine will
contribute to: the competitiveness of classical
domestic education; development and
implementation in the educational and scientific
space of university-wide standards in the
conditions of growing demand for practical
orientation of educational programs;
development of information and communication
technologies, globalization processes in the
modern educational space. When observing the
principles of academic integrity, each person
must start with himself. The measure of a
person's internal culture is a virtue.
We will highlight the possibilities of
implementing academic integrity in the
universities of the European Union, which we
will present according to the following
legislative level universities of the
European Union consider academic integrity
as the main component of the quality of the
educational process, which is written in the
Bucharest Declaration of Ethical Values and
Principles of Higher Education in Europe
and declared in all international projects;
the content of the training of future
competitive specialists in the professional
training of education seekers, the need for
worldview disciplines, and updating of
statistical data is emphasized. In the content
of the training of future specialists, the fight
against academic fraud has been going on
for many years, and the universities of the
European Union consider dishonest
education as the main threat to public
university level regulations are prescribed
in every university of the European Union
and a system of sanctions and punishments
has been created. The general trends in the
development of academic integrity as the
main component of the quality of the
educational process of future specialists,
which is characteristic of the universities of
the European Union, include globalization,
the introduction of professional ethics,
deontology, and informatization into the
educational process.
In the countries of the European Union, the
creation of commissions headed by the
management of higher education institutions for
the settlement of violations of the academic
integrity of education seekers has been approved
at the national level.
Academic integrity is important for all countries
of the European Union. This important process is
facilitated by the ENRIO association, whose
work contributes to the solution of all issues in
the field of academic integrity. ENRIO became
an officially registered association in 2020. This
allowed her to develop an effective strategy for
solving all issues in the field of academic
integrity, which is long-term for the future of all
countries of the European Union to promote the
integrity of research in Europe, which is the main
task in ensuring the quality of higher education.
The activities of the European Network of
Academic Integrity (ENAI) are of great
importance for the development of world
education and for ensuring the quality of higher
The main direction in the innovative approach to
ensuring the quality of higher education and to
the internal high-quality functioning of higher
education is the reform of the use of ICT and
educational programs. To ensure the quality of
higher education, today many educational
programs aim to become student-oriented. Such
a student-oriented approach requires the active
participation of education seekers in the
educational process, radical reform of
educational programs, and the use of ICT. To
ensure the quality of higher education,
individual, flexible, interdisciplinary educational
programs are introduced in the learning process.
To ensure the quality of higher education, the use
of platforms is of great importance, which allows
a student to change a university or country, or
discipline, and this approach is increasingly
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
recognized by EU countries (Biletska et al,
Scientists determine the trends in the
development of the quality of higher education in
European countries in the following areas: the
creation of a European innovation space, a
comparative aspect, the formulation of new
educational goals to ensure the quality of higher
education, monitoring the quality of education,
changes in the financing of the education sector,
new management models, multilingualism, a
combination of traditional structures and new
media, development of standards, the opening of
innovative educational institutions. Education
systems at the beginning of the 21st century in
the countries of the European Union, despite the
ideological and political differences in the
activities of various governments, underwent a
general movement towards further deregulation
and decentralization of state control.
According to T. Krystopchuk (2012), T. Kuchai
& O. Kuchai (2019), the most typical models of
professional training to ensure the quality of
education in the countries of the European Union
a parallel model that exists throughout the
entire period of specialist training based on
the principle of parallelism and creates
conditions for mastering all components of
the educational program;
an integrated model, with the help of which
the components of the educational program
are offered to students for study not only
simultaneously, but also in a relationship
due to the integration of practice with
the sequential model offers priority study of
special and general disciplines and study of
professional disciplines and educational
practice at the final stage.
The standards for ensuring the quality of higher
education in the countries of the European Union
are divided into three parts:
internal quality assurance of higher
education in the countries of the European
external quality assurance of higher
education in the countries of the European
quality assurance agencies of higher
education in the countries of the European
Standards and recommendations for ensuring the
quality of higher education in the countries of the
European Union have become a supranational
tool that strengthens the Europeanization of
higher education to ensure the quality of higher
education. The European Commission's
European Higher Education Area 2018 Report on
the Implementation of the Bologna Process
highlights the importance of ensuring the quality
of higher education in a sector that is constantly
developing dynamically. The standards of higher
education are being dynamically improved and
an institution is being created to ensure the
quality of higher education, the introduction of
systems of internal quality assurance of higher
education, and external quality assurance of
higher education (European
Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2018). The
report shows the problems that exist in ensuring
the quality of higher education in the countries of
the European Union:
insufficient involvement of the countries of
the European Union as equal partners of
education seekers in the procedure for
ensuring the quality of higher education;
the dominance of control of external quality
assurance of higher education in the
countries of the European Union over the
improvement-oriented model;
restriction of higher education institutions to
control the quality of higher education in the
countries of the European Union only by
choosing a national quality assurance
agency (European
Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2018);
quality assurance of higher education
institutions does not depend on state funding
of institutions and their attractiveness in the
eyes of applicants, there is no motivation to
introduce internal quality assurance systems
(Dluhopolskyi, 2017).
In 2017, the European Commission published the
"EU Program on Higher Education Inquiries",
which focuses on ensuring the quality of higher
education in the countries of the European
synchronization of skills formed by the
system of higher education while ensuring
the quality of higher education in the
countries of the European Union, to meet the
needs of the labor market;
transformation of higher education into a
more comprehensive, accessible one to
increase its social contribution;
improving the quality of higher education
through innovative capacity;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency
of higher education (Lokshyna, 2018).
The term employability is becoming popular,
which characterizes a set of skills, abilities, and
knowledge while ensuring the quality of higher
education for possessing approaches to solving
the production situation, as well as the desire and
ability for improvement and professional
development during life (Plakhotnik et al., 2022).
Suitability for employment with high-quality
provision of higher education in the countries of
the European Union covers the following
competencies: literacy, mastery of information
technologies, ability to work in a group, level of
self-organization, ability to perform assigned
tasks, and mastery of communication skills. etc.
These general competencies are present to all
specialists and do not depend on the profile of the
chosen profession. A survey was conducted
among European employers. The research
conducted mainly among representatives of
business and industry showed that the
possibilities of obtaining a suitable place in the
labor market depend on:
acquired skills while providing high-quality
higher education in the countries of the
European Union, which characterize the
suitability for employment of a specialist
conscientious attitude to the specialist's
work 72%;
gained practical experience as a specialist
and industrial practice during training
the direction of qualification or education
the level of success of the student in ensuring
the quality of higher education in the
countries of the European Union 28%;
the prestige of the institution of higher
education 8%.
The same surveys were carried out within the
framework of the HEGESCO European project.
The survey covered more than 20,000 graduates
of higher education institutions. Among the
factors that ensure the quality of higher education
in the countries of the European Union and
increase the chances of employment of
specialists, the following were named:
level of cultural development 13%;
availability of higher education 11%;
intellectual capital 16%;
presence of contacts with stakeholders and
experience 25%;
grade level (average over 4.0) 13%;
having a driver's license 11%;
experience of professional work in ensuring
the quality of higher education 9%.
So, as conclusion, we see the existence of an
absolute necessity for cooperation between the
main stakeholders to increase the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education: employers, the
academic community of higher education
institutions, graduates, and students of education.
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is
an intergovernmental structure created to
strengthen the role of the European educational
area in ensuring the quality of higher education
and cooperation. Such a structure was officially
founded at the Conference held in Budapest and
Vienna in March 2010 and gathered all the
ministers of the countries participating in the
Bologna process. The purpose of the European
Higher Education Institution is the development
of high-quality higher education, a role in the
European educational space that:
is based on the academic freedom of the
European educational space, the
participation of students and teachers in the
management of higher education, the
institutional autonomy of the institution;
promotes economic attractiveness, the role
of the European educational space in
ensuring the quality of higher education, and
social cohesion;
encourages students and teachers to be
improves the social dimension of higher
promotes the employment of education
seekers and lifelong learning;
students and employees are active members
of the academic community;
cooperates with quality higher education and
is open to the whole world.
The functions of the EPPO consist of the
coordination between governments of structural
mandatory system of comparable and
understandable degrees (bachelor (three-
cycle system), master, doctor of philosophy
ensuring transparency of the role of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education through the
accumulation of credits (ECTS), credits of
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the European transfer system, and
supplement to the diploma;
recognition of degrees and periods of study
creating a common European understanding
of the role of the European educational space
in ensuring the quality of higher education;
introduction of the Higher Education
Qualifications Framework of the EPVO.
In light of the agreements reached within the
framework of the EPPO, the governments are
introducing changes in the legislation (Dyman et
al., 2017).
In the European educational space, the European
Association for Quality Assurance in Higher
Education (ENQA) was created. ENQA
promotes European cooperation and plays a
significant role in ensuring the quality of higher
education and dissemination of information and
knowledge acquisition among education seekers,
interested parties (stakeholders) to develop, use
best practices, and joint assistance in ensuring the
quality of higher education. The mission of the
European Association for Quality Assurance in
Higher Education is to represent the agency at the
international level, stimulate the development of
the education quality assurance system, support
education at the national level, and provide
networking opportunities and educational
services. ENQA contributes to the development
of a culture of quality in higher education,
provides an opportunity to obtain qualifications,
contributes to the improvement of the quality of
education, and ensures the access of education
seekers to high-quality education.
Involvement in the processes of ensuring the
quality of higher education, the role of the
European educational space, allows the system of
higher education to increase transparency,
demonstrate quality, which contributes to better
recognition of qualifications, building mutual
trust, improving programs and other services
(European Association for Quality Assurance in
Higher Education et al. (2015). The
recommendations of the European educational
space in ensuring the quality of higher education
explain the importance of certain standards and
outline possible ways of their implementation.
They provide practical guidance in the relevant
areas involved in the processes of ensuring the
quality of education (Zaskalyeta, 2019).
Among the most significant changes that have
taken place in the European educational space, in
ensuring the quality of higher education in the
last decade, we include the following: the
development of the private sector in higher
education; the gradual introduction of degrees of
a shorter cycle; paying attention to the effective
activities of universities in ensuring the quality of
higher education; knowledge transfer, research;
internationalization of higher education;
introduction of all ECTS components into the
educational space as an effective way to ensure
the quality of higher education (Shchyrbul et al.,
Common for national agencies of the European
educational space are values in the
implementation of the main areas of activity, fair
financing of higher education, social dimension,
in ensuring the quality of academic staff;
integrity, professionalism, evidence, trust,
transparency, impartiality, and partnership.
Mechanisms of quality assessment and
accreditation are perceived by the agencies of the
European educational space as providing
specialists with information about the higher
education market, means of consumer protection,
and the quality of educational services.
Therefore, the activity of national agencies of the
European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education contributes to the
achievement of the goal of forming a positive
image of countries in the European and world
spaces of higher education; introduction of a dual
system of high quality; continuous improvement
of training; development of international
cooperation of higher education. higher
education institutions (Quality assurance, QA)
bear the main responsibility for the quality of
education. Consequently, national QA systems
respond to procedural and organizational
changes in university quality assurance policies;
on society's expectations; support the
development of a culture of quality education at
all levels of education; take into account the
needs and expectations of education seekers of
the European educational space in ensuring the
quality of higher education and all stakeholders
(Sokolova, 2020).
Despite the importance of expanding the
institutional autonomy of the European
educational space in ensuring the quality of
higher education, the success of its
implementation differs significantly in European
countries. According to the results of the
analysis, the highest level of development of
organizational autonomy is observed in Great
Britain, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, and North
Rhine-Westphalia (100%, 94%, 93%, 87%, and
84%, respectively) (Pruvot & Estermann, 2017).
The development of higher education in Europe
is open, based on academic freedom, and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
institutional autonomy, promotes the quality of
training of highly qualified personnel, social
cohesion, and economic attractiveness, and
cooperates with higher education in other
countries of the world. University autonomy in
Europe is considered clear and transparent;
considered as decentralization and optimization
of higher education management; identified as
"responsible independence"; one that contributes
to responsibility and strengthening control over
the quality of educational services is accountable
to higher education seekers, management bodies,
and society.
The analysis of the European educational space
in ensuring the quality of higher education shows
that the administration and management of a
higher education institution should be based on
the principles of responsibility to society,
transparency, academic freedom, respect for
university autonomy, openness (Vlasiuk &
Daragan, 2022).
The role of the European educational space in
ensuring the quality of higher education is
clarified. The priority value of higher education
is shown.
The main basis for ensuring the quality of higher
education is academic integrity, compliance with
the rules of the educational process, creating an
atmosphere that is favorable for the education of
all categories of students of the educational
process, and providing equal opportunities for all
students to obtain a quality education.
Academic integrity is defined as a set of ethical
principles and rules that should be followed by
participants in the educational process during
learning, teaching, and carrying out scientific and
creative activities to ensure trust in the results of
studies and scientific achievements.
The most typical models of professional training
to ensure quality education in the countries of the
European Union are listed. The standards for
ensuring the quality of higher education in the
countries of the European Union are divided into
three parts: internal quality assurance of higher
education in the countries of the European
Union; external quality assurance of higher
education in the countries of the European
Union; quality assurance agencies of higher
education in the countries of the European
Union. The most significant changes that have
taken place in the European educational space are
listed and the problems that exist in ensuring the
quality of higher education in the countries of the
European Union are pointed out.
Prospects for further research consist in the study
of a set of ethical principles and rules that should
be guided by participants in the educational
process during training.
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