www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.8
How to Cite:
Voskoboinikov, S., Kulyk, N., Zagura, F., Gontsa, I., & Bykova, M. (2023). The role of distance education in the modern
educational space. Amazonia Investiga, 12(66), 74-84. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.8
The role of distance education in the modern educational space
Роль дистанційної освіти у сучасному освітньому просторі
Received: May 12, 2023 Accepted: June 12, 2023
Written by:
Serhiy Voskoboinikov1
Nina Kulyk2
Fedir Zagura3
Iryna Gontsa4
Maria Bykova5
The article reveals the role of distance education
in the modern educational space. The purpose of
the article is to clarify the role of distance
education in the modern educational space. The
research is based on methodological, theoretical
and practical levels. The development of distance
education is considered from the following
directions: online courses, the results of
analytical reviews are shown, the possibility of
using distance learning in institutions of higher
education as a separate approach to learning or
together with traditional forms of the educational
process; distance universities. The possibilities
of distance education, which are now offered by
institutions of higher education, are proven, the
forms of distance classes are considered, and
their diversity is shown, examples of obtaining
such education in different countries of the world
are given. Features of distance universities are
listed: simplified admission to the university; the
availability of education is limited only by
knowledge of the relevant language, technical
capabilities, and funds; exams at leading distance
universities are mostly conducted face-to-face,
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Department of Education and Innovative Pedagogy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv
National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IWU-5725-2023
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after
A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IQX-1647-2023
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Athletic Sports, Ivan
Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: CKK-9304-2022
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language and Methodology Department,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: F-1486-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IWU-4403-2023
Voskoboinikov, S., Kulyk, N., Zagura, F., Gontsa, I., Bykova, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 74-84 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which prevents fraud, although there are
additional costs for students. The most common
types of distance education, which are the most
essential in the educational space of society, are
Keywords: distance education, modern
educational space, online courses, distance
universities, forms of distance education.
In the 21st century, the information space,
modern educational technologies, distance, and
electronic learning are becoming more and more
important. Therefore, educational content that
takes into account global trends aimed at the
availability of educational space and flexibility
of education comes first. Distance education is
one of the main directions of the development of
society, which is included in the program of
reform and complete modernization of the entire
system of higher education. In modern world
conditions, there is a need for distance learning
of higher education, which provides training
without separation from production, facilitates
higher education, and makes it accessible to
people with disabilities. Distance education
technologies improve and increase the
effectiveness of education, which significantly
depends on the level of education of teachers
who implement distance education, and on the
interest of the students themselves to study in the
conditions of distance education. And it does not
matter which specialists are trained whether it
is a pedagogical profile, a technical direction,
cyber security specialists, or other specialties
(Tkachenko & Khmelnytska, 2021). The
pandemic brought significant changes to the
educational sphere of the entire planet. In the
spring of 2020, quarantine began under the
conditions of COVID-19 and all educational
institutions switched to distance education in an
emergency mode (Kuzminskyi et al., 2021).
Distance education is the newest form of
education and during the implementation of
modern educational reforms, it is necessary for
implementation in the educational sector,
because it guarantees the effective
implementation of fundamental educational
programs, and meets the needs and requests
related to innovative education. The
development of distance education is ensured by
the introduction of technological innovations,
modern multimedia equipment, and traditional
national education based on the application of
Internet technologies. Modern distance
education meets the demands of the modern
educational space and society and is aimed at
methodological best practices of world
institutions (Mala, 2022).
The article covers the following main issues:
1. Directions of distance education
development in the modern educational
2. New distance education courses at
3. Use of various payment options at
4. Possibilities of distance education offered by
institutions of higher education;
5. Educational services for acquiring
knowledge in the form of distance learning;
6. Examples of obtaining such education in
different countries of the world;
7. Features of distance universities;
8. Ensuring the process of distance education
of specialists;
9. Prospective areas of work regarding the
development of distance education.
Literature Review
T. Yaroshenko (2019) singled out the reasons
and showed the advantages of the increase in the
number of such universities in the world space,
which, due to the rapid development and
popularization of educational innovations and
information technologies, fully carry out the
education of students in a distance form. These
are MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), as
well as other electronic systems for managing the
educational process. The author presented the
main stages, the birth of distance education,
considered the current state and prospects for the
development of distance education, indicated the
main regulatory provisions of the organization
and introduction of distance education, disclosed
the principles of distance education,
substantiated the conditions for the introduction
of distance education in the educational process,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
highlighted the advantages and disadvantages,
proposed the author's project implementation of
distance (mixed) education (DistEdu platform)
and revealed ways to attract teachers and students
of education to work with this online platform.
O. Romanovsky, et al., (2019) proved the
effectiveness of the results of the analysis of open
online courses and the review of the content of
the regulatory support for the functioning of
distance education and proposed the author's
classification of the main advantages and
disadvantages of the implementation of the
distance form of education according to the
following main types: information-
technological, organizational-pedagogical,
L. Tkachenko, & O. Khmelnytska (2021) proved
that modern digital technologies are an important
prerequisite for the success of the educational
process and distance learning, showed the
peculiarities of the implementation of distance
education in the educational process of a higher
education institution, analyzed the concepts of
"distance education", "mixed learning",
"distance learning ". Emphasis is placed on the
importance and necessity nowadays of the
process of interaction of education subjects,
which combines traditional and distance forms of
education, which is based on the widespread use
of ICT and can take place in synchronous and
asynchronous modes. The authors present a
comparative analysis of the asynchronous format
and synchronous in the context of blended
learning, clarifying the features of each format.
Distance learning platforms Zoom, Microsoft
Teams, Google Classroom, and Google Meet
were considered. The advantages and
disadvantages for distance learning education
seekers were identified and substantiated.
E. Ivanov, & V. Gosh (2022) showed the essence
and highlighted the varieties of distance
education, the problems that exist at the modern
stage, which this form of education is
experiencing; the characteristics of the main
varieties of distance education used in the
educational space in the conditions of the
pandemic are presented (video conferencing,
hybrid learning, asynchronous learning,
synchronous learning, online courses with a fixed
schedule, online courses with an open schedule,
computer-based distance learning). The Moodle
platform is characterized, and its advantages are
highlighted (transparency of learning results,
communicativeness, reliability, clear interface,
and adaptability). The contradictions that exist
between the strict requirements of reality for the
distance organization of education and the
readiness of higher education institutions to
implement education in digital form are
analyzed; the difficulties associated with the
development of an electronic educational
environment are shown.
I. Mala (2022) showed the features and revealed
the essence of distance education as a necessary
tool of management education. Methods, forms,
and modes of distance education are considered;
the main elements of distance education in
education management are analyzed. The
essence of distance education is considered, the
main periods of its evolution are distinguished,
the essential positions of distance education and
its components are substantiated, the main
advantages are clarified, the principles are
revealed, the problems of distance education are
shown, promising directions are proposed for the
development of distance education in the modern
educational space. Modern approaches are aimed
at understanding the need to introduce distance
education into the educational space (increasing
the effectiveness of student education, better
organization of the educational process, and the
use of information technologies in the
organization of the educational process). The role
and meaning of the term "tutor" in the process of
distance education are determined.
A. Kuzminskyi, O. Kuchai, O. Bida, A. Chichuk,
I. Sigetii, & T. Kuchai (2021) proposed measures
to support distance education, found out the
conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of
pedagogical support during distance education:
the availability of computer literacy, the teacher's
ability to dialogue with students using
information technologies, effective interaction of
the components of the distance education system,
individual approach to students, promotion of
self-control of students, psychological patterns of
perception, memory, attention, personal, age,
individual characteristics of students of
education, systematic teacher control over the
generalization of the knowledge of the students
of education, creation of psychological comfort,
mastery of the students of education with the
skills of independent work. The ways of
transitioning from face-to-face to distance
learning and the need to provide the educational
process with mixed learning models for more
individualized approaches to teaching and
learning during future pandemics and natural
disasters are shown. It is emphasized the need to
improve the training of educators for the ability
to manage a wide range of IT devices and the
need to direct education reform following the
standards of the European space.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Purpose of the article. To find out the role of
distance education in the modern educational
To achieve the goal, the following methods were
used during the research: theoretical (analysis of
philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical
sources), which allows for a qualitative
justification of the starting points of our research;
interpretative-analytical method, with the help of
which the sources were analyzed using analysis,
synthesis, generalization, systematization.
The conceptual foundations of the research are
perspective provisions characterizing the
substantive and vector nature of educational
the democratization of society (innovative
renewal of the educational space through the
introduction of distance education as a
potential renewal of the socialization of the
personality development (focusing on the
cognitive activity of the individual,
preparation for lifelong distance education,
self-development, and self-improvement of
a person);
change of values and norms in society
(updating the principles of distance
education and personal life in general);
humanization of the educational space
(trends of modernization of the educational
field, application of distance education,
education of a dynamic flexible personality);
formation of key personal competencies in
the conditions of distance education
(practical use of distance education
technologies aimed at creativity and self-
the dependence of the process of forming the
foundations of distance education on the
understanding of elementary relationships in
education (human interaction with
information technologies, the relationship
between people, and the relationship
between people and distance education);
the dependence of an individual's success on
the implementation of distance education
(integrated approach to distance education,
identification of meaningful and operational
The research is based on methodological,
theoretical, and practical levels. The
methodological level reflects the unity and
interdependence of the fundamental scientific
approaches to the study of distance education,
which are the basis of the research, namely:
the humanistic approach involves treating
the individual as the highest value, providing
conditions for distance education for its
development and upbringing, and
introducing distance education by the needs
of the individual's internal forces, from the
standpoint of education, interests, value, and
the axiological approach leads to the
determination of the individual's orientation
to the justified choice of distance education,
taking into account humanistic, universal
qualities and values and their orientation to
the personal level of human beings;
a person-oriented approach accompanies the
priority development of the personality
during distance education in the continuous
improvement of the subject, taking into
account the individual characteristics of a
person, forecasting and designing individual
programs for his development during
distance education;
the competence approach involves
motivational, axiological, cognitive,
reflective, operational, and technological
components of distance education, which
focus the individual on the value attitude to
distance education;
the systematic approach reveals the
innovative process of distance education and
implements it in training as a complete
pedagogical system;
the activity approach offers a shift in the
emphasis of distance education to the
formation of a vitally active personality,
which, during distance education,
independently and motivates educational
actions aimed at self-development and self-
improvement throughout life;
the subject-subject approach is based on
subject-partner interaction during distance
education of students, teachers, and parents;
the environmental approach makes it
possible to effectively use distance
education for the social formation of an
individual, his social activity, and the
transformation of an individual through
distance education into a subject of social
The theoretical level is manifested in the analysis
of the initial categories, concepts, definitions of
distance education, theoretical and
methodological foundations of distance
education, development of conditions for the
quality application of distance education;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of educational software for distance
education opportunities; clarifying the
characteristics of the key concept of distance
education, substantiating the diagnostic tools of
the distance education procedure.
The practical level of research involves the
introduction of certain conditions of quality
learning in distance education into the
educational process of distance education; the
analysis of the dynamics of the structure of
distance education for the educational sector.
Results and Discussion
1. Directions of distance education development
in the modern educational space
The development of distance education in the
modern educational space is considered from the
following directions:
1) online courses that are open and massive
(Massive Open Online Course MOOS);
2) the possibility of using distance learning in
institutions of higher education as a separate
approach to learning or together with
traditional forms of the educational process;
3) distance universities (Kuchai et al., 2021).
According to the results of research in recent
years, the most popular providers of online
education in the world are Coursera (37 million
learners), edX (18 million learners), XuetangX
(14 million learners), Udacity (10 million
learners), FutureLearn (8, 7 million education
We will show the results of analytical reviews,
and modern trends in the use of MOEs.
Сooperation of the world's leading universities
with providers: Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (198 developed courses distributed
through providers), Stanford University (178
courses distributed through providers),
University of Michigan (167 courses distributed
through providers), Harvard University (153
courses that are distributed through providers),
etc., in total, more than 900 universities in the
world (Oseredchuk et al., 2022).
2. New distance education courses at
In 2018 alone, universities offered about 2,000
new distance education courses:
a gradual decrease in the number of new
education seekers, during the growth of the
number of new distance education courses
leads to a decrease in their users. In 2018, 20
million new entrants signed up for a single
course, up from 23 million in 2017;
improving the flexibility and convenience of
online courses. Recently, there is a tendency
to divide 12-, 10-week courses into several
(4 weeks each), since it is easier for students
to plan distance education for a shorter
period. An important trend in distance
education is the increase in the number of
self-paced courses that do not have clear
start and end dates, which allows students to
learn through distance education at their own
increasing the possibilities of distance
education for obtaining bachelor's and
master's degrees. So, for example, the
number of degrees in 2018 (the experiment
involved institutions of higher education in
England, Australia, the USA, and one of the
Ivy League universities the University of
Pennsylvania) that can be obtained through
online education providers increased to 47
compared to 15 in 2017;
the orientation of distance education towards
profit-making, and monetization is one of
the main trends of the Ministry of Education
and Culture. According to Forbes,
Coursera's estimated 2018 revenue is $140
million, and according to Udacity research,
their top line grew 25% in 2018 to
approximately $90 million, compared to $70
million in 2017. FutureLearn by the 2018
year (end of July) had a profit of 8.2 million
pounds. We can see the focus on earning
income: the first MOES were free, and now
there are paid courses along with free ones.
When the total number of new education
seekers decreases, the number of those who
order paid services increases, and providers,
thus, expand their opportunities to receive
funds (Shunkov et al., 2022).
3. Usage of various payment options at
During this approach, providers use different
payment options:
for obtaining a certificate confirming the
study of one course by the students of
for successful completion of several courses;
for obtaining a specialization;
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for corporate training, provided that
organizations pay for the training of their
for education seekers to receive real
university credits that can be applied to the
traditional system of degrees;
for an online bachelor's degree;
for an online master's degree (Kravchenko et
al., 2022).
4. Possibilities of distance education offered by
institutions of higher education;
One of the innovative opportunities for distance
education and quite widespread is MOES.
Distance education currently offered by
institutions of higher education also includes the
following opportunities:
completion of a separate course or a set of
courses to obtain a professional certificate;
corporate training;
programs for obtaining an associate's
degree, a bachelor's degree, and a master's
additional information provided for the
traditional form of education seekers in
classrooms (listen to the lecture online, and
discuss it in practical sessions, have
available information for the proposed video
recording to repeat the material, etc.);
students receiving a certain number of
credits by studying courses remotely, the
possibility of mutual credit (the possibility
of enrolling in a university to obtain an
educational degree with credits obtained in
another educational institution) (Kuchai,
5. Educational services for acquiring
knowledge in the form of distance learning;
When acquiring knowledge, the forms of
distance learning can be diverse. The Harvard
Extension School provides the following
educational services:
online training (independent viewing of the
lecture at any time);
live broadcast of classroom lectures online
(obligatory presence at a certain time on the
Internet and according to the schedule);
web conferences (obligatory presence at a
certain time on the Internet and according to
the schedule). Using the last two forms,
students have the opportunity to participate
in the discussion, ask questions to the
lecturer during the class, etc.);
blended learning, including classroom
classes and online (obtaining a bachelor’s or
master’s degree at Harvard Extension
School necessarily involves studying one or
more courses not through online learning,
but directly in Harvard’s classrooms)
Research by the US National Center for
Statistics (NCES) indicates an increase in
the number of distance learners (in 2016, a
third of US students studied in this way, and
as of 2020, in the context of COVID-19,
almost all educational institutions have
switched to a distance teaching mode).
6. Examples of obtaining such education in
different countries of the world;
Today, the development of distance universities
is a significant opportunity to receive an
education. Let's consider examples of obtaining
such an education in different countries of the
Great Britain Open University (an
institution where more than 2 million people
from 157 countries of the world received a
university diploma).
Germany Fern University (73.59 thousand
students receive their education).
Spain Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
(7.5 thousand students study).
USA University of the People (18,500
students from 200 countries of the world
7. Features of distance universities;
Let's describe the features of distance
simplified admission to the university (you
can become a student of education without
entrance exams, sometimes they are even
accepted with professional qualifications,
but without a diploma of secondary
the availability of education is limited only
by knowledge of the relevant language,
technical capabilities, and funds (in
connection with the ability of every person
to use information technologies, this is not
an obstacle);
exams at leading distance universities are
mostly held face-to-face (at universities, in
special examination centers, and other
official institutions that are partners of the
university: the British Council, consulates,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
etc.) and this allows for prevent of fraud,
although it is an additional expense for
applicants education (Romanovsky et al.,
V. Kukharenko (2002) considers distance
education to be a type of educational space where
distance learning technologies are introduced;
one of the "forms of obtaining education,
according to which the acquisition of one or
another level of knowledge in one or another
specialty is carried out in the process of distance
learning" (Kuharenko & Bykov, 2008).
Provision of distance education is possible
during distance learning. V. Kukharenko defines
distance learning as "receiving educational
services without visiting an educational
institution with the help of modern information
technologies." Provision of distance education is
possible during distance learning.
V. Kukharenko defines distance learning as
"receiving educational services without visiting
an educational institution with the help of
modern information technologies".
O. Samoilenko (2011) considers distance
education to be a universal form of education,
"which is based on the use of traditional and new
information technologies of education, as well as
on technical means that create conditions for the
student of higher education to freely choose
educational disciplines and dialogue exchange
with the teacher; at the same time, the learning
process does not depend on the location of its
participants in space and time". Blended
learning, which combines traditional and
distance learning, is important and a priority
today (Tkachenko & Khmelnytska, 2021).
Let's consider the most common types of distance
education, which is the most important in the
educational space of society.
Video conferencing is a convenient way of direct
real-time communication between teachers and
learners (sessions, face-to-face classroom
training with video communication between
several learners and a teacher) (Kotiash et al.,
During synchronous e-learning, all learners study
together in one room, and the teacher is in
another place. With such training, it is advisable
to use video or teleconferencing, so that students
and teachers can interact in a digital format. Such
synchronous e-learning can manifest itself in
various forms: multicast mailing, real-time
interactive conferences using MOO (Multi
Object-Oriented) systems designed for many
users in an object-oriented world) or IRC
(Internet Relay Chat) a tool, which is applied in
real-time mode for negotiations over the Internet)
(Kuchai, 2014).
Asynchronous learning is a format in which real-
time communication is less often used and there
are fewer restrictions. Instead of online learning,
students are offered tasks with fixed deadlines. In
further work, students of education
independently perform tasks when studying
Online courses, which are flexible because they
exist with an open schedule, and differ in that
they do not have set deadlines, are of great
importance. This format takes place in free time
and is ideal for students with special needs.
Computer distance education is characterized by
synchronous classes held in computer classrooms
on computers, the time of which is fixed. This
process exists in universities where access to all
necessary devices is possible (Kuchai et al.,
Hybrid learning is a type of mixed learning that
is special and is used when students study the
same topic in real-time (similar to synchronous
distance learning). During such training, some
students are physically present in the class, while
others study remotely (Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
The introduction of distance learning not only in
institutions of higher education but also in all
educational organizations made it possible to
determine the means that contribute to its
implementation with the help of an experimental
way. These means include:
programs Zoom, Skype, TrueConf, etc.,
necessary for video conferencing;
platforms for modern education, Google
Classroom, Moodle, Edmodo, Whatsapp
messengers, Viber, etc.
In all categories of educational institutions, the
Moodle platform is required for application
(Kuchai, 2017).
The Moodle electronic educational environment
is reliable, free, has a simple and clear interface,
is translated into more than 100 languages, is
adapted to innovative devices with various
operating systems, it is used by the most
prestigious universities in the world (Ivanov &
Gosh, 2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The effectiveness of pedagogical support in the
process of distance learning is achieved by the
following conditions: the availability of memory,
attention, age characteristics of the students of
education, their computer literacy, personal and
individual characteristics of the students,
accounting for psychological patterns of
perception, the implementation of organized self-
control of students and systematic the teacher's
control over the generalization of knowledge, the
creation of psychological comfort, the ability to
dialogue using information technologies,
ensuring the interaction of all components of the
distance learning system, an individual approach
to students of education provided for in the
development of relevant educational programs,
students' possession of independent work skills
(Kuzminskyi et al., 2021).
Modern education requires the active
development of distance learning, which depends
on constant improvement, the progress of
computer technology, quality of education,
increasing the level of public education,
competitiveness; implementation of educational
services at the request of humanity; satisfaction
of society's need for competitive specialists,
quality training of mobile, professional, active
specialists (Kuzminskyi et al., 2018).
8. Ensuring the process of distance education
of specialists.
The process of distance education of specialists
(pedagogical profile, technical direction, cyber
security specialists, other specialties) is provided
1) flexibility (students of distance education
are mostly absent from scheduled classroom
classes and choose the time and place of
study themselves);
2) modularity (the module principle is the
programmed basis of the distance education
3) the importance of the quantitative audience
(simultaneous work, telecommunication
communication of a large number of
education seekers with teachers using
educational information sources);
4) cost-effectiveness (work with the use of
equipment on the territory of the educational
institution, modeling with the help of
information technologies, optimization of
the costs of training students, effective use
of information material);
5) technology (application of innovative
information technologies);
6) social equality (ensuring the possibility of
obtaining an education without interfering
with the social status of the individual, the
state of health of the person obtaining the
education, and the place of geographical
7) renewal of the teaching position (distance
education actualizes, increases the influence
of the teacher of the institution of higher
education, changes the status of the teacher,
the teacher is both a consultant and a mentor,
has the opportunity to improve the cognitive
process and, at the same time, increasing the
creative component of the personality,
professionalism by innovations on distances,
improve information presentation
8) a positive impact on the audience (the
student of distance education increases his
creative and intellectual resources by self-
organization, develops the ability and
responsibility for personal decision-making,
the student's desire for knowledge, constant
use of modern information technologies;
9) quality level of education (recruitment of
experienced teachers in the field of
education, use of modern teaching and
methodical materials to ensure a high level
of personal development and quality
education at a distance, if not worse, but
better than face-to-face education);
10) efficiency (distance education ensures the
effectiveness of the educational process at
the level of classroom training under the
condition of student interaction, compliance
with technologies and teaching methods, and
constant feedback "teacher-learner") (Mala,
The main principles of the distance education
system for all specialties are openness,
flexibility, dynamism, modularity, adaptability,
continuity, and creativity.
The following applications are most often used to
create, transfer and save educational and
methodological materials, organize and support
the process of distance and mixed learning using
telecommunications: Learning Management
System (LMS), Student Information Systems
(SIS), Learning Content Management Systems
(LCMS ), Virtual Classrooms (VC), Virtual
Learning Environments (VLE), Assessment
Management Systems (AMS), Training
Management Systems (TMS), Social Learning
Systems, eBooks Management Systems,
Learning Analytics, Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs), etc. The most common are
learning management systems (LMS Learning
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Management System) a computer software
complex used for the development, management,
and distribution of online educational materials
with the provision of shared access to them. Such
complexes are easy to use, even if teachers do not
have deep knowledge of programming. Such
materials are created in a visual learning
environment with an indication of the sequence
of their study. The materials include individual
tasks, projects for work in small groups, and
other educational elements for all students, based
on the content and communicative component
(Yaroshenko, 2019).
As noted by scientists Semenikhina O.V.,
Yurchenko A.O., Sbruyeva A.A.,
Kuzminskyi A.I., Kuchai O.V., Bida O.A. (2020)
the number and quality of open educational
resources, which innovatively support university
repositories and project sites, have grown too
9. Prospective areas of work regarding the
development of distance education.
Let's outline and justify promising areas of work
for the development of distance education:
by ensuring the high-quality functioning of
distance education, the content component
of institutional norms is updated and
improved due to the implementation and
formation of a state order for the training of
specialists with higher education in the
distance education system; mandatory
establishment of specific volumes for all
institutions of higher education that train
specialists using a modern form of education
distance form;
the creation of favorable conditions in
educational institutions to ensure the
individual's state of readiness for the use of
distance learning information technologies,
as a result of which, due to the use of
distance learning technologies in the
secondary education system, quality
acquisition of knowledge in the higher
education system takes place;
popularization of the experience and
professionalism of individuals who received
higher education using distance education
information technologies
introduction by the state of temporary or
long-term benefits for such employers,
which will provide jobs for specialists whose
training took place in a distance form of
education, and with the help of this form of
education, the professional knowledge and
skills of specialists were formed
(Romanovsky et al., 2019).
Pedagogical interaction and human live
communication cannot be replaced by
technological possibilities, but the Internet,
distance education in the modern educational
space, platforms, and services provide great
opportunities for organizing communication
between students of education (pedagogical
profile, technical direction, cyber security
specialists, other specialties) and the teacher,
promote feedback and communication in
education, provide automation of the knowledge
monitoring process, and promote practical
testing of new online teaching methods.
The role of distance education in the modern
educational space is clarified. The development
of distance education is considered from the
following directions: online courses that are open
and massive (Massive Open Online Course -
MOOS), the results of analytical reviews,
modern trends in the use of MOOS are shown;
the possibility of using distance learning in
institutions of higher education as a separate
approach to learning or together with traditional
forms of the educational process; distance
universities. The possibilities of distance
education, which are now offered by institutions
of higher education, are proven, the forms of
distance classes are considered, and their
diversity is shown, examples of obtaining such
education in different countries of the world are
given. Features of distance universities are listed:
simplified admission to the university; the
availability of education is limited only by
knowledge of the relevant language, technical
capabilities, and funds; exams at leading distance
universities are mostly conducted face-to-face,
which prevents fraud, although there are
additional costs for students. The most common
types of distance education, which are the most
essential in the educational space of society, are
considered. The conditions under which the
effectiveness of pedagogical support in the
distance learning process is achieved have been
clarified. The main principles of the distance
education system are openness, flexibility,
dynamism, modularity, adaptability, continuity,
and creativity. Prospective areas of work
regarding the development of distance education
are outlined and substantiated.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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