www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.1
How to Cite:
Kara, S. (2023). The role of epistemic curiosity in developing EFL learners’ grammar and pronunciation skills. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(66), 8-20. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.66.06.1
The role of epistemic curiosity in developing EFL learners’ grammar
and pronunciation skills
EFL Öğrencilerinin Dil Bilgisi ve Telaffuz Becerilerini Geliştirmede Epistemik Merakın
Received: April 3, 2023 Accepted: May 15, 2023
Written by:
Saban Kara1
The study examines the impact of epistemic
curiosity on students' grammar and
pronunciation skills in an EFL context in Iraq.
Conducted over 12 weeks in 2021-2022
Academic Year, the research involved fifty
students from TISHK International University,
chosen using cluster sampling. The students were
divided into control and experimental groups,
with the latter encouraged to explore their
interests online as part of their learning process.
Data collection utilized a mixed-methods
approach, including two exams, a questionnaire,
and an interview. SPSS 26 and NVivo were used
for quantitative and qualitative data analysis,
respectively. The results, determined through
independent samples t-test, indicated a
significant improvement in grammar and
pronunciation marks for students in the
experimental group. Additionally, they exhibited
more positive attitudes towards inquiry-based
learning compared to their control group
counterparts. These findings contribute to the
understanding of the role of epistemic curiosity
in enhancing language learning outcomes and
offer valuable insights for implementing inquiry-
based strategies in EFL classrooms. The study
uncovers a crucial gap in the literature, shedding
light on the benefits of fostering curiosity-driven
learning approaches in English language
education in Iraq.
Keywords: Epistemic curiosity, grammar,
pronunciation, EFL.
Ma, Instructor, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil/Iraq.
Kara, S. / Volume 12 - Issue 66: 8-20 / June, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Grammar has been regarded as a fundamental
skill to master English, and gaining academic
success can be measured in both the short and
long terms, depending on how far along the
learning path the student is because it is
connected to other macro or micro-skills directly
(Yildiz, 2020). For example, learners who
command grammar rules precisely can master
reading, listening, speaking and writing,
pronunciation and vocabulary faster than other
learners. In the same vein, learners whose
grammar levels are satisfactory enough can
increase their chance to get a high score from
internationally recognized exams such as
TOEFL, IELTS or SAT because the knowledge
of grammar can facilitate test-takers’
understanding dramatically. Halliday (2014)
asserts that learning rules of the grammar may
have positive effects to meet people’s social,
emotional and physical needs because they can
express their ideas more confidently. On the
other hand, insufficient grammatical competence
can hinder learners from learning well, so they
may lose their motivation and quit learning
process instantly. According to Azar (2007), a
language's grammar is essential to understanding
the language itself. She elaborates that, without
grammar in language, learners would be limited
to using single words, sounds, images, and
gestures to communicate. She observes that
pupils who receive grammar training tend to
excel beyond their peers who do not receive such
instruction in a planned way. Three well-known
grammar teaching methods are inductive,
deductive and eclectic ones with their advantages
and disadvantages (Ho, 2014). Additionally,
teaching grammar with the integration of mobile
technologies such as smartboards, computers,
mobile phones and tablets has been on the rise
thanks to the availability of online quizzes,
applications, games and other software
applications to teach English in an entertaining
way (Bahari & Gholami, 2022; Kara & Yildiz,
2022). The aforementioned perspectives show
that teaching grammar has also transformed with
the advent of technology in classes in various
Pronunciation is a defining factor to show
learners’ proficiency in English to a large extent
because having mastery in other skills cannot be
conveyed appropriately without commanding the
regulations of pronunciation. Yucedal, (2023)
argues that pronunciation encompasses more
dimensions than only verbalizing the words
loudly. He reiterates that a good pronunciation
should include stress, rhythm, pace, intonation
and pitch, so sentences and words can be linked
in a comprehensible manner. Otherwise, the
problems regarding unintelligible utterances
cannot be inevitable which disrupts the
communication between the parties.
Pronunciation training starts with phonics and
continues throughout the life for its undeniable
importance in language learning and teaching
process. There are three primary approaches to
teach pronunciation professionally at educational
settings which are intuitive, analytic and
integrative (Hashemian & Fadaei, 2011).
Intuitive pronunciation teaching method refers to
listening and imitating the sounds without having
an explicit instruction, whereas analytic one
means listening, imitating and producing novel
words and sentences. On the other hand,
integrative approach requires the learners to be
involved in communicative tasks, so they can
learn in a practical way rather than doing some
drills monotonously. It can be observed that
pronunciation training has evolved from drills to
meaningful tasks in communicative sessions, so
learners’ general knowledge and inclination to
learn out of curiosity have been receiving
increasing attention in such activities.
Being curious and satisfying curiosity have been
regarded as fundamental to ensure continuous
improvement in people’s lives. In order to
succeed in the real world, today's students need
to be inquisitive, patient, entrepreneurial,
competitive, decision-makers, communicators,
critical thinkers, and doers (Yildiz, 2016).
Correspondingly, it is human nature to seek,
discover and expand knowledge in their domains
(Casey, 2014). In this regard, being curious has a
pivotal role in people`s lives because the degree
of earning respect is expected to increase once
people are more knowledgeable after learning
some novel information. To illustrate, cooks can
be promoted to serve as master chefs if they seek
novel information throughout their lives.
Subsequently, designers can earn more respect if
they follow the latest trends and apply them in
their works. In addition, librarians can increase
reading rate of the neighborhood once they read
the books and narrate them to prospective readers
by some workshops. Moreover, authors can
increase their readers when they use the language
more creatively which can be possible by reading
regularly. Furthermore, students can be more
active in classes if they keep researching in their
free time. They can also convert a traditional
teaching atmosphere into a stimulating one.
Besides other occupations, being curious also
plays an essential role in educators’ careers. This
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
prompts us to consider the function of the
educator. It is vital to excel as a teacher, as the
best teachers will be remembered fondly by their
students for the rest of their lives (Sadiq, 2023;
Shareef, 2023). Educators ought to be problem-
solvers who contribute to their students'
achievements. Educators who inquire novel
information incessantly for the betterment of the
education differ greatly from the educators who
are satisfied with the given curriculum. It can be
argued that being curious helps people to develop
their skills gradually.
Epistemic curiosity (EC hereafter) has many
common features with modern teaching
methodologies. To illustrate, constructivist
learning theory, advocated by Jean Piaget, John
Dewey and Lev Vygotsky, highlights that
students can take part in the learning process
actively, so they can construct their knowledge
through interaction, exploration and systematic
practice. Exchanging information in a
welcoming atmosphere which fosters learning
has been regarded as the key component of
constructivism. Likewise, inquiry-based learning
strategy urges the learners to ask, seek,
investigate, conceptualize and synthesize the
elements to construct their learning (Tjabaka,
2022). Collaboration, creativity and learning
independently are essential components of
inquiry-based learning. Similarly, Project Based
Learning (PBL) drives the students to learn
actively in projects with real life connections
(Kavlu, 2015). In the same vein, Task Based
Language Teaching (TBLT) approach has been
put into practice by assigning some meaningful
tasks for students and motivating them to learn
and complete the tasks within the given time
(Van Den Branden, 2016). In addition,
Communicative Language Learning (CLL)
approach requires the learners to be involved in
meaningful activities through which they can
communicate with their peers and teachers, so
they are inclined to research more in advance and
express their ideas in classes (Foley, 2022). It is
evident that EC has direct connections to support
modern teaching methodologies.
Purpose of the Study and Research Questions
Discovery, exploration, switching the focus from
the teacher to the students via curiosity driven
learning are important considerations in modern
language learning and teaching process, so this
study was carried out the measure the effects of
curiosity on linguistic gains in certain domains.
In this regard, it was investigated the effects of
EC based instruction on students’ grammatical
and pronunciation competence in this study. In
addition, students’ motivation and overall
attitudes were compared after the treatment
period. Research questions were formed in line
with these goals:
To what extent does EC affect learners’
grammar and pronunciation skills?
Does EC-based instruction increase
learners’ motivation and overall attitudes
towards learning English?
Literature Review
The inception of EC concept was emphasized in
the 1950s when Berlyne (1954) defined and
exemplified it clearly. He defined it as a desire
enriched by intrinsic motivation to seek novel
information, so individuals’ enthusiasm
increases as they reduce knowledge gaps
gradually. He asserted that observation, asking
relevant questions and exploration foster EC.
Subsequently, Litman and Silvia (2006) divided
EC into two categories which are deprivation (D-
type) and interest curiosity (I-type). The former
can be triggered once individuals do not have
adequate information about some topics, whereas
the latter means seeking novel knowledge
continuously. In other words, deprivation
curiosity can be finalized once knowledge gaps
have been reduced, however, interest curiosity
lasts as the channels expand while seeking novel
information. Since these pioneering initiatives,
EC has been emphasized in many fields
particularly education on a global scale.
A number of scholars with their pioneering
studies asserted that EC affects learning and
teaching atmosphere positively in terms of
enhanced performance (Eren & Coskun, 2016;
Kara, 2023), acquiring knowledge (Rotgans &
Schmidt, 2014), retrieving information swiftly
(Kang et al., 2009) and increasing self-
confidence (Hong et al., 2019). In the same vein,
some scholars (Fitzgerald, 1999; Spielberger &
Starr, 2012; Silvia, 2017; Abdulrahman & Kara,
2022) argue that being curious is an irreplaceable
need for all people like being hungry and getting
thirsty. To name a few, a pioneering study was
conducted by Bull and Dizney (1973) on
university students in the USA which unearthed
that EC-based instruction increased the retention
rate of students in reading classes, so their
comprehension rates improved tremendously.
Subsequently, Lowry and Johnson (1981)
investigated the effects of EC on secondary
school students in the USA which revealed that
arousing curiosity ensures higher achievement
and positive attitude. Moreover, Eren and
Coskun (2016) examined high school students in
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a case study which indicated that there was a
causal relationship between the level of boredom
and type of the instruction. The study unleashed
that students’ boredom reduced once EC-based
instruction was implemented. The study also
showed that students’ marks were better after
EC-based instruction. In addition, Hardy et al.
(2017) found that EC stimulated students’
problem solving and critical thinking skills, so
students participated in debates more actively in
a US university. Furthermore, Ruiz Alfonso and
Leon (2019) conducted a study about the effects
of EC on high school students in Spain. The
study showed that the passion of students
increased as lecturers integrated more EC-based
activities into the curriculum. Additionally, it
was observed that students and lecturers were
more harmonious compared to previous years.
Similarly, Huck et al. (2020) carried out a study
in the USA on undergraduate students which
indicated that arousing curiosity with various
activities yielded better marks once combined
with game-based activities. In addition, students’
adaptation problems to the course were reduced
substantially. Subsequently, Al-Nabi and Fahady
(2022) examined EFL learners’ attitudes in Iraq
on curiosity-based instruction which showed that
there was a direct relationship between curiosity-
based instruction and enhanced language
proficiency. In the same vein, Sarac et al. (2022)
investigated the perceptions of students on EC at
a tertiary level in Turkey which indicated that e-
learning experiences increased EC of the
students, so students had positive views on EC
considering their achievement and motivation
Some scholars (Litman & Spielberger, 2003;
Lauriola et al., 2015; Peterson & Cohen, 2019;
Celik & Kara, 2022) hinted that EC period cannot
produce expected results if some criteria are not
met. To illustrate, Nakamura et al. (2022)
conducted a study in an oral communication
course at a tertiary level in Thailand which
revealed that organizing the whole program
meticulously is the pre-requisite of reaching
success in classes where EC-based instruction is
prevalent. Otherwise, the lessons cannot be
inspiring enough to appeal to students in classes.
Likewise, Palmer (2018) analyzed university
students in Australia which showed that choosing
appealing topics, balancing the degree of
difficulty, building a strong relationship with
students increase the positive effects of curiosity-
based instruction. If mentioned prerequisites are
ignored, the possibility of achieving success may
reduce sharply. In addition, Takkaç-Tulgar
(2018) examined the effectiveness of EC in
language learning domains which revealed that
the efforts can be fruitless if learners are not
exposed to target language. In other words, some
elements should be combined harmoniously to
increase the success rate of EC-based instruction.
Research Design
This study utilized a mixed-methods approach to
combine qualitative and quantitative research
techniques. Fetters et al. (2013) attest that a
mixed methods design provides researchers with
numerous advantages, including in-depth
perspectives and statistical analysis. Two exams,
including items about grammar and
pronunciation, were used to collect quantitative
data, whereas a questionnaire and an interview
were used to collect qualitative data in this study.
Setting, Participants and Sampling Procedure
This study was conducted at TISHK
International University (hereafter TIU) in Erbil,
Iraq, where, according to records in the 2021-
2022 Academic Year, over 5,000 students were
pursuing degrees in 29 departments. The
selection of this university was based on the fact
that many students of various nationalities
completed their courses entirely in English which
was the medium of instruction. Additionally, the
majority of students communicated with their
peers in English which stimulated their EC as
they attempted to learn more about their
backgrounds, culture and interests through
various endeavors. In this regard, the population
of this research consisted of 250 Foundation
English students who participated in a yearlong
intensive English learning program. In addition,
the students attended all of their classes in their
respective departments. The cluster sampling
method was used to select participants. Initially,
250 students were divided into ten sections.
Using a software application called Random
Name Picker, the researcher then selected
participants from each group in the subsequent
phase. Once 50 students were selected, they were
divided into two groups to represent the
population in the control or experimental group.
Participants were enrolled in 10 distinct
departments; their ages ranged from 18 to 23; and
the proportion of female students was greater
than that of male students.
Quantitative data were collected through two
exams which were pre-test and post-test. The
exam included two sections which were about
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
grammar and pronunciation. They could get up
to 50 points in each section according to the pre-
defined rubric. Students took the grammar exam
including 25 multiple choice questions as paper-
based format. On the other hand, they took the
pronunciation exam in the instructor’s office.
Once the exam was completed, their grammar
and pronunciation marks were merged in one
point and saved out of 100. When exam results
were available, the results were inserted into
SPSS 26 to receive independent samples t test
analysis. However, qualitative data were
collected through a questionnaire and an
interview. The questionnaire was created by
Google Form including items based on 5-point
Likert scale. The interview was also recorded and
transcribed with the help of NVivo software
Data Collection Procedure
The study lasted 12 weeks to initialize and
finalize the data. All participants received both
types of instruction regardless of being in control
or experimental group in a week. The underlying
reason to introduce both types of instructions was
that they could compare one instruction with
another after joining the study in one group. Once
common lessons were completed, the
participants were placed in two groups to receive
different treatments.
Control Group
The participants in control group completed 5
units in Scope 1 published by Oxford. They
learned basics of present simple, modal verbs,
present continuous, comparative, superlative and
past simple. Additionally, countries,
nationalities, types of family, holiday activities,
health and diet, expressions about feelings were
introduced with different reading, vocabulary,
listening, writing and listening activities. The
instructor covered the lessons in a traditional
way. S/he only highlighted the points given in the
book. Apart from regular activities, they
completed official worksheets of the same series
if time was sufficient.
Experimental Group
The participants in experimental group
completed 5 units in Scope 1 published by
Oxford. They learned basics of present simple,
modal verbs, present continuous, comparative,
superlative and past simple. Additionally,
countries, nationalities, types of family, holiday
activities, health and diet, expressions about
feelings were introduced with different reading,
vocabulary, listening, writing and listening
activities. In the same vein, students were
encouraged to listen to the audio tracks and
watch the videos of the lessons to improve their
pronunciation. When they learned certain
pronunciation rules, they were directed to watch
relevant videos on YouTube to expand their
learning and retain information in their memories
in the long run. They also took some
pronunciation quizzes to distinguish the
differences between sounds. As observed
clearly, instructor covered the lessons in an
unorthodox way. In other words, EC was
emphasized in each stage of the lesson. To
illustrate, the students surf the internet about real
life examples of present simple, tips to use modal
verbs accurately. Additionally, they prepared
some presentations on present continuous; they
investigated the highest grossing movies, the
largest continents, the least populated countries
and the life in the 1950s. After searching
thoroughly on the internet, they shared their ideas
in the class. Thus, they could exchange their
information as they wanted to uncover the novel
information they learned by EC. The type of
instruction switched from teacher centered to
student centered in these points. The instructor
served as a guide to channel students into
different activities to discover more. In the final
phase, the instructor formed a common Google
Drive file to save noteworthy materials such as
videos, news, images, links, so both the instructor
and participants could upload files to enrich their
learning. As seen clearly, discovery, exploration,
knowledge sharing were primary motivation
sources in experimental group rather than
sticking to all activities in the book traditionally.
This study's findings were categorized under
three headings: the questionnaire, the interview,
and the precise analysis of exam results;
therefore, each instrument was elaborated to
obtain a detailed analysis and corresponding
Students’ opinions towards EC based instruction
were visualized in Table 1.
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Participants’ responses in experimental group
1. This study increased
my motivation as I
learned by satisfying my
2. This study helped me to
stimulate my critical
thinking skills.
36 %
16 %
0 %
3. This study fostered my
learning in terms of
92 %
8 %
0 %
0 %
4. I regained my self-
confidence in
pronunciation after
joining this study.
100 %
0 %
0 %
5. I realized that I learned
better when I researched
thoroughly at home and
shared my ideas in the
88 %
12 %
0 %
6. My instructor guided us
to learn with different
online resources rather
than keeping us passive.
92 %
8 %
7. I wish I had received an
instruction based on EC in
the past.
84 %
16 %
0 %
0 %
When item 1, which was designed to pinpoint the
relationship between motivation and curiosity,
was examined, it was noticed that the majority of
the participants had positive opinions on EC
based instruction with a 4.8 mean score. To
illustrate, 20 (80 %) participants chose strongly
agree, while 5 (20 %) of them chose agree
options. No participant chose other options. It
can be stated that EC based instruction earned the
appreciation of the participants, so their
motivation increased accordingly.
Item 2 analysis indicated that participants had
varied views about the relationship between
fostering critical thinking skills and EC with a
4.32 mean score. To illustrate, 12 (48 %) of the
participants chose strongly agree; 9 (36 %)
participants chose agree; 4 (16 %) participants
chose neutral. On the other hand, no student
opted in neither disagree nor strongly disagree.
These figures hinted that participants did not
observe a positive correlation between EC and
critical thinking skills.
Responses to item 3, which was about the link
between grammatical competence and being
curious, revealed that most of the participants
acknowledged a positive relationship with a 4.92
mean score. To illustrate, 23 (92 %) participants
chose strongly agree, while 2 (8 %) participants
opted in agree one. However, the participants did
not choose any other options. Based on the
gathered data, it can be postulated that EC based
instruction yielded better results in terms of
improving grammar skills of learners.
When given responses to item 4 were analyzed
meticulously, it was noticed that all participants
had no hesitation about the positive effects of EC
in boosting their pronunciation performance with
a 5 mean score. It can be attested that EC-based
instruction increased students’ self-confidence,
so pronunciation accuracy increased
Item 5 was designed to investigate the correlation
between the value of prior research and active
participation. The responses indicated that
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
participants had mostly positive views about the
positive effects of research with a 4.88 mean
score. To illustrate, 22 (88 %) participants chose
strongly agree, while 3 (12%) of them chose
agree option. However, no student chose neutral,
disagree or strongly disagree options which
revealed that doing thorough research increased
participants’ willingness to contribute to lessons
more actively.
Item 6 analysis, which was related to rating the
performance of the instructor, showed that the
instructor earned the respect and appreciation of
the participants by offering further materials with
a 4.92 mean score. To illustrate, 23 (92 %)
participants chose strongly agree, while 2 (8 %)
participants chose agree option. On the other
hand, no participant chose other options. These
figures display that the instructor cemented a
good relationship with participants and guided
them with engaging materials.
Item 7 was designed to receive participants’
genuine ideas on the whole study. The responses
were mostly positive with a 4.84 mean score. To
illustrate, 21 (84 %) participants chose strongly
agree option, whereas 4 (16 %) participants
chose agree option. On the other hand, no student
chose other options. These figures revealed that
participants were satisfied with the overall gains
of the study and would rather have joined a study
Students’ opinions towards traditional teaching
methods were visualized in Table 2.
Table 2.
Participants’ preferences in control group
1. This study increased my
motivation as I learned by
satisfying my curiosity.
2. This study helped me to
stimulate my critical thinking
0 %
44 %
20 %
3. This study fostered my
learning in terms of grammar.
12 %
16 %
28 %
20 %
4. I regained my self-
confidence in pronunciation
after joining this study.
0 %
0 %
0 %
44 %
5. I realized that I learned
better when I researched
thoroughly at home and
shared my ideas in the class.
0 %
0 %
0 %
56 %
6. My instructor guided us to
learn with different online
resources rather than keeping
us passive.
0 %
0 %
0 %
52 %
7. I wish I had received an
instruction based on EC in the
0 %
0 %
52 %
28 %
20 %
Once item 1 was analyzed in detail, it was
observed that the mean score was only 2.56
which hinted that the participants did not find the
learning and teaching process engaging in a
traditional classroom atmosphere. To illustrate, 3
(12 %) participants chose strongly agree; 4 (16
%) participants chose agree; 4 (16 %)
participants chose neutral. However, 7 (28 %)
participants chose disagree or strongly disagree
respectively. It can be stated that traditional
learning and teaching atmosphere was not
appealing to capture students’ attention.
The responses to item 2, which was related to the
relationship between traditional instruction and
fostering critical thinking skills, varied. To
illustrate, no participant chose strongly agree or
agree options. On the other hand, 11 (44 %)
participants chose neutral; 5 (20 %) participants
chose disagree; 9 (36 %) participants chose
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
strongly disagree. These figures show that the
participants did not find a correlation between
traditional teaching and improving critical
thinking skills.
The responses to item 3 which was about the
connection between grammatical competence
and traditional teaching ranged from strongly
agree to strongly disagree with varying
percentages. The mean score was only 2.72
which unearthed that the participants did not
regard traditional instruction as a means of
developing grammatical competence. To
illustrate, 3 (12 %) participants chose strongly
agree; 4 (16 %) participants chose agree; 7 (28
%) participants chose neutral; 5 (20 %)
participants chose disagree; 6 (24 %) participants
chose strongly disagree.
Item 4 was designed to get students’ opinions on
pronunciation enhancement through following a
traditional teaching methods. The collected data
revealed that the mean score was the lowest with
1.44. To illustrate, no student chose strongly
agree, agree or neutral. However, 11 (44 %)
participants chose disagree, and 14 (56 %)
participants chose strongly disagree which can be
contemplated as a sign of dissatisfaction among
participants. These figures showed that
traditional teaching methods did not yield
satisfactory results on the way of mastering
The responses to item 5, which was about rating
the instructor`s performance, were compressed in
disagree and strongly disagree options with a
1.56 mean score. To illustrate, no student chose
strongly agree, agree or neutral. However, 14 (56
%) participants chose disagree, and 11 (44 %)
participants chose strongly disagree. These
figures unearthed that traditional teaching
methods did not receive any compliments from
the participants.
Once item 6 was analyzed in detail, it was
observed that participants were in favor of
researching online to have further information
rather than learning passively in a traditional
classroom atmosphere. In other words, 13 (52 %)
participants chose disagree, and 12 (48 %)
participants chose strongly disagree which hinted
that doing thorough research was praised by the
The last item in this questionnaire was related to
overall satisfaction about the study which
indicated that it was rather low with a 2.32 mean
score. To illustrate, no student chose strongly
agree or agree options. On the other hand, 13 (52
%) participants chose neutral; 7 (28 %)
participants chose disagree; 5 (20 %) participants
chose strongly disagree options. Considering the
gathered data, it can be argued that students
would rather have taken part in other activities.
Descriptive Data Analysis
Independent samples t test was used to collect
and analyze descriptive data, so mean scores of
each group were compared to make
Independent samples t test analysis was given in
Table 3.
Table 3.
Independent samples t test
Note. P<0.05
P-value, .876, for the pre-test data in Table 3 was
greater than 0.05, so there was no statistically
significant difference between the groups. In
addition, there was no statistically significant
difference between the two groups' mean scores,
which were 53.80 for the control group and 53.20
for the experimental group. No statistically
significant change was observed in the initial
phase. However, when the p-value was examined
in relation to post-test results, it was determined
to be .001, which was statistically significant.
The mean score increased substantially from
53.20 to 70.20 as well in experimental group.
However, control group students increased their
marks by only 2 points which was far from being
significant. On the basis of post-test results, it can
be concluded that the experimental group
students' grades increased significantly more
than those of the control group. In other words,
the experimental group significantly
outperformed the control group in terms of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
NVivo software was utilized to transcribe and
categorize the participants' genuine opinions.
Common themes emphasized by each group
were described in detail below.
Selected Interviews in Experimental Group
Contributing to the Learning Process Actively
I enjoyed being a member of experimental group
in this study. The overall process was a mind-
blowing one for me. We researched continuously
and learned more and more. Additionally, we
learned how to double check the accuracy of the
information with different websites.
Subsequently, we enriched our grammar and
pronunciation knowledge substantially Another
point to be considered was that we contributed to
the learning process actively, so we were
encouraged to read further in the previous days.
Once the focus shifted from teacher to student, I
noticed that my introvert friends started speaking
gradually. In the final phase, we took the quiz to
pinpoint whether we learned well or not which
was another plus for me. I researched,
contributed, checked my learning during this
study. I wish I had joined such a great study
previously, so I could be inspired to do research
for the sake of accessing to novel information.
(Student 7)
Taking Advantage of Online Learning
Taking grammar lessons used to be so boring for
me. We used to learn by following grammar
drills which were not engaging for me. In
addition, our only source was the teacher and the
textbook. However, we were exposed to different
learning and teaching materials to improve our
grammatical competence in this study. We
watched some videos, joined some free grammar
lessons from different teachers, took online
quizzes and downloaded various presentations on
certain grammar topics. These extra learning
materials enhanced our learning dramatically and
increased our motivation to develop grammatical
competence. Now our updated opinion on
grammar is that it can be developed easily by
having fun if enriched with various sources rather
than relying on only the teacher and the textbook
in a traditional format. (Student 12)
Positive Effects of Epistemic Curiosity to
Develop Pronunciation
I had no idea about EC previously. However, I
had some information about learning by
discovery. This study helped me to express my
ideas confidently because we did thorough
research about the topics to be covered in the
following day. When we researched in advance,
we took notes and revised our sentences earlier.
Thus, this preparation period was a fruitful
period for us. In addition, we expanded our
vocabulary knowledge substantially while
examining various sources. In the past, our
teacher asked us questions to tell our ideas
immediately during which we suffered a lot.
However, our instructor guided us professionally
in this study. We took the initiative to master
pronunciation and speak more confidently.
Making prior research and increasing the
duration of pronunciation activities gradually
increased the quality of education and boosted
our performance tremendously. (Student 16)
Strengthening Relationship with Friends
through Collaboration
I had cemented good relationships with my
friends in this study. My instructor assigned
some assignments to be completed as a team, so
we exchanged our ideas while researching and
composing our ideas together. Additionally, we
had video talks with our group members to
finalize our works. Each member had some
strengths and weaknesses in English. We helped
each other fill the gap and eliminate their
weaknesses in English. Subsequently, we
improved our computer literacy skills while
creating presentations. Additionally, our public
speaking skills developed dramatically. All in all,
this study increased our productivity to a large
extent. (Student 16)
Stimulating Critical Thinking Skills via
Thorough Research
This study stimulated my critical thinking skills
substantially. For example, we went one step
further while doing exercises on grammar topics.
When we researched on the internet, we noticed
some exceptions for each grammar rule. We
asked the reason of these exceptions to our
teacher, and s/he clarified all points. Apart from
grammar topics, speaking activities also
developed our critical thinking skills. While our
friends were making a presentation on
superlative, we checked the accuracy of the
information and offered corrections from time to
time. We learned to investigate more about the
Volume 12 - Issue 66
/ June 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
correct information rather than relying on the
given information in a single textbook. I suggest
all my friends to join such a great study
throughout their education. (Student 18)
Selected Interviews in Control Group
Losing Enthusiasm via Traditional
I joined the study in control group where I
received a traditional instruction. We followed
the book’s activities according to the syllabus.
Our instructor was the primary source to pass on
knowledge. Similarly, s/he did not create
opportunities to foster communication. We were
passive in the lesson except answering his/her
questions. Although we did not mind it in the
initial phase, we lost our enthusiasm towards
learning and teaching day by day. This issue
affected our willingness to learn and contribute
to the lesson. I wish our instructor had enriched
the lessons with supplementary activities. I have
the notion that traditional methods should be
combined with modern ones to increase students’
learning outcomes. (Student 20)
Proceeding in a Monotonous Way
Being a member of the control group was not
appealing for me. Doing exercises in an order
was so monotonous for me. Additionally, I did
not feel excited about the lessons to be covered
in the following weeks because I memorized
which pages would be studied on these days. I
learn better when I am exposed to novel
information and experiences during the lessons.
However, it was missing in this study. I used to
learn grammar from different sources. I also took
some e-exams about grammar. I absolutely know
that my learning increases when I learn from
online and traditional resources in a well-
established way. I wish we could have taken an
instruction which embraced both traditional and
modern teaching methods. (Student 22)
This study examined the effects of EC-based
instruction on the pronunciation and grammatical
competence of students. Based on the findings
gathered through various instruments, the
following important points have been uncovered:
Pre-test and post test results revealed that EC
based instruction paved the way for grammar
expansion and pronunciation enhancement. This
finding is in line with Nakamura et al.’s (2022)
assertions which emphasize that EC based
instruction encourages learners to improve
grammar and pronunciation skills. In addition,
learners reiterated that they regained their self-
confidence while speaking during the study. It is
consistent with Piotrowski et al.’s (2014) study
which reveals that EC based education urges the
learners to research more and share their ideas
within society. Another point to deserve a special
attention was about students’ overall attitudes
towards EC based instruction. They postulated
that their motivation and involvement increased
when they learned by curiosity. On the contrary,
they asserted that the lessons were monotonous
in a traditional classroom where they mostly
listened to the teacher passively. Similarly, Eren
(2009) and Kucuk (2023) highlight that students
are alert to be more motivated and get more
pleasure while learning if the lessons are
designed to satisfy curiosity. Additionally,
students highlighted that they commenced
thinking more critically, so their knowledge
expanded accordingly as they researched more to
reach in-depth knowledge. Likewise, Dyer and
Hall (2019) attest that EC goes hand in hand with
critical thinking. Furthermore, students
appreciated the shift from theoretical knowledge
to practical one which was achieved through an
EC based instruction. This finding is in line with
Schmitt and Lahroodi’s (2008) study which
states that embedding theoretical knowledge into
practice can be succeeded through an EC based
instruction because learners can see many
practical solutions and reflections while
researching. Moreover, students held the opinion
that they learned in cooperation during the study
as they were assigned to work together and
submit some of their projects as a team rather
than individually. Ruiz-Alfonso and Leon (2019)
underline the importance of EC based instruction
to foster collaboration in classes. They also assert
that collaborative initiatives can reduce anxiety
of the learners and increase peer-learning
opportunities if they research as a team.
Considering the given positive gains of EC based
instruction, it can be stated that learners can
improve their skills in many aspects including
academic and inter-personal as expected from
individuals in the 21st century.
The present study revealed that EC based
instruction had pivotal roles in changing the
quality of education and improving learners’
skills substantially. To name a few, EC based
instruction increased students’ grammar and
pronunciation scores significantly. Additionally,
students’ motivation, enthusiasm, self-
confidence levels were enhanced dramatically.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Subsequently, students’ overall attitudes towards
learning were affected positively. They were
hopeful about overcoming any challenges by
researching thoroughly from multiple sources.
The findings of this study are consistent with
each other which indicate that EC based
instruction promises a lot to students, teachers,
and administrators.
Some recommendations can be made for further
studies. This study investigated the effects of EC-
based instruction on grammar and pronunciation
skills in 12 weeks. Subsequent studies can focus
on other primary skills in English by assigning
longer periods to get more reliable results.
Additionally, this study examined the students’
marks without investigating the effects of gender
and age. Further studies can be conducted to test
whether gender and age differ substantially in
terms of findings. Moreover, this study extracted
the data from only freshman students, which can
be extended to other stages to represent the
population more reliably in future studies.
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