Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.25
How to Cite:
Balalaieva, O., Shynkaruk, O., Pavlyuk, B., Bidyuk, D., & Yashchuk, O. (2023). The role of education quality monitoring in
ensuring quality higher education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 265-275. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.25
The role of education quality monitoring in ensuring quality higher
Роль моніторингу якості освіти для забезпечення якісної вищої освіти
Received: April 28, 2023 Accepted: June 2, 2023
Written by:
Olena Balalaieva1
Researcher ID: H-8629-2018
Oleksandra Shynkaruk2
Researcher ID: FZS-8389-2022
Bohdan Pavlyuk3
Researcher ID: IQW-8633-2023
Dmytro Bidyuk4
Researcher ID: HWY-4848-2023
Olena Yashchuk5
Researcher ID: E-3888-2019
The article shows the necessity of monitoring the
quality of education. The main educational
criteria of the process of ensuring the higher
education (monitoring activities, academic
integrity) are highlighted. The essence of the
concepts is revealed: monitoring the quality of
education (presented in two aspects: first,
compliance with specifications or standards;
second, compliance with consumer requests).
Levels of education monitoring (regional,
institutional, international, national) are
proposed. The need for continuous monitoring of
the quality of education has been proved.
Specific stages of education quality monitoring
are highlighted. The requirements for the
diagnostic tools and main functions (analytical
and informational, prognostic, diagnostic,
corrective) for monitoring have been submitted.
To study the importance of these problem of
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Linguistic Communication, National
University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and International
Communication, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher of the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education,
Communal Higher Educational Institution “Vinnytsia Humanities Pedagogical College”, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Public Organization “Dance Studio “Imperial”, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Primary Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman
State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
future specialists professional training,
methodological approaches (personal, system,
competence, activity, benchmarking) have been
Keywords: monitoring, quality, education,
quality assurance of higher education, higher
education institutions.
The XXI century exists under the name: the era
of quality. The explanation for this name is that
the development and improvement of the
education system determine the state of the
educational space, and quality has become its
main factor. Modernization of the educational
space is carried out through significant changes,
and innovative transformations in the educational
field. There is a change in the content of
education and modernization of its results,
integration of the non-state sector about the
market of services provided to the educational
space, etc.
An important argument that brings great benefit
in the implementation of monitoring the quality
of the educational sector and affects the
achievements of students is innovative ways of
providing each student of education, by his
abilities and needs, with information about his
opportunities on the way to employment and the
state of educational training and, if necessary,
ensuring his by helping or correcting this
The information obtained during the monitoring
of the quality of the educational sector will make
it possible to: timely and quickly find negative
factors in education, prevent the emergence of
negative factors, forecast the speed of
development of the education system, update and
improve such a process and create favorable
conditions for future specialists to obtain
qualified higher education, because the future of
the nation, the future of science, and the future of
the country will depend on the level of their
competitiveness (Baydatska, 2007).
The purpose of the article. Show the need for
monitoring the quality of education to ensure the
quality of the educational process. Describe the
main functions, approaches, and principles of
Literature Review
A. Sbruyeva (2019) revealed the features of
management methods for the quality of
education, characterized the education
management system, drew attention to the
possibilities of implementing an innovative
system of educational quality control tools,
clarified the ways of implementation of
accreditation, licensing, attestation of the
teaching contingent in institutions of higher
education, showed the consistency of the
innovative system at carrying out such
M. Kisil (2008) characterized the double
determination of the quality of education, and
focused attention on its external manifestation,
with the existing globalization and European
integration processes. He proved that internal
determination is impossible without modern
scientific approaches because they provide
humanistic, democratic tendencies; values of
national culture. The proposals formulated by the
scientist regarding guaranteeing the quality of
higher education deserve attention.
O. Bilyk (2009) presented an analysis of the
development of general educational institutions,
considering the information technology of their
quality monitoring, which is based on indicators
of the quality of education, on innovative
approaches to educational statistics.
N. Zhigotska (2002) developed a system of rating
evaluation models and the concept of rating
evaluation and showed the possibilities of higher
education institutions to manage the quality of
educational services. Submitted requirements for
the quality of education with the help of
diagnostic monitoring tools. She characterized
the main functions of monitoring the quality of
education: diagnostic, prognostic, analytical and
informational, and corrective.
Balalaieva, O., Shynkaruk, O., Pavlyuk, B., Bidyuk, D., Yashchuk, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 65: 265-275 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
L. Dovgan et al., (2017) presented in a
systematized form the essence of the concepts:
quality of education, and monitoring of the
quality of education. The quality of education is
shown in the following aspects: compliance with
consumer requests, and compliance with
specifications or standards. A system
management model was developed. They
considered the management of organizations,
described the tools, methods, and principles
needed for anti-crisis management.
V. Muradova (2021) developed tools used by
students during distance learning and a model for
training specialists to increase the effectiveness
of monitoring the quality of knowledge through
subject-oriented technologies. A diagnostic
toolkit for monitoring the quality of education
has been developed and requirements for it have
been submitted. The main functions of
monitoring the quality of education are
I. Annenkova (2016) developed and tested the
effectiveness of the model of professional
activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of
a higher education institution. The theoretical
and methodological principles for monitoring the
quality of their professional activities have been
developed for scientific and pedagogical workers
in higher education institutions.
S. Sadrytska (2011) conducted research that
serves as a basis for improving the quality of
educational services; devoted research to
innovative ways of evaluating the quality of
education. Using the examples of individual
educational institutions and at the regional and
state levels, she showed the possibilities of
evaluating the quality of education.
L. Savchenko (2014) theoretically and
experimentally approached the study of the
problem of training future teachers of technology
and drawing; the author shows ways of
innovative pedagogical diagnosis of the quality
of education. The concept of training future
teachers of technology and drawing for
pedagogical diagnosis of the quality of education
has been developed.
I. Dobroskok (2008) analyzed the problem of the
quality of education and showed the importance
of assessing the quality of the educational
process. The stages of monitoring the quality of
education are distinguished: forecasting the
development of the monitoring system of the
quality of education, assessment of the state of
the education system, forecasting the quality of
education, and opportunities for regulation for
making successful management decisions.
V. Bilokopytov (2013) analyzed the activities of
the European Association of Universities. Proved
the effectiveness of the formation of the
European space of higher education; showed
innovative ways of providing education to every
student, outlined the activities of the European
Association of Universities, and showed the
levels of quality assurance in the context of the
Bologna process. According to the needs of
learners, developing innovative ways to provide
each learner, according to his abilities.
V. Zinchenko (2012) outlined the object, subject,
goals, functions, tasks, and principles of
monitoring; described the possibilities of
monitoring the quality management of the
educational process of higher education
institutions; singled out negative factors for
education; proposed measures to prevent the
occurrence of negative factors; analyzed the
varieties of educational and managerial
To solve the set tasks and achieve the goal, a set
of research methods was used: theoretical:
analysis of philosophical, pedagogical,
psychological, methodological literature,
normative documents and dissertations on the
topic of research in order to identify the state of
development of the problem of monitoring the
quality of education in higher education
institutions in the modern scientific discourse
and taking into account the positive experience
that was implemented in the monitoring process;
structural and systemic method in order to
substantiate the author's approach to the research
problem; method of generalization for the
purpose of formulating conclusions and
recommendations regarding the solution of the
problem of monitoring organization; empirical:
obtaining knowledge from experience;
questionnaires, testing; interpretative and
analytical method, study of scientific sources
using analysis, synthesis, systematization and
generalization; concrete scientific methods:
semantic and terminological method for
substantiating the conceptual and terminological
apparatus of research; scientific method for
identifying progressive ideas in scientific works.
The named methods complement each other and
can provide the possibility of comprehensive
knowledge of the subject of research.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The leading idea of the study is to substantiate
and develop such a system of monitoring the
quality of education to ensure the quality of the
educational process, the basis of which is the
creation and functioning of a culturally oriented
environment, which will be necessary for high-
quality professional training of specialists at a
strategic level, using modernization,
rationalization, and modification of all
components of the educational content to ensure
the quality of the educational process, will allow
to single out the main functions, approaches,
principles of monitoring and will contribute to
increasing the level of cultural competence of
future specialists, will ensure their successful
entry into the social and multicultural
professional space.
Based on a comparison of own experience,
approaches of scientists, theoretical research, and
the necessity of monitoring the quality of
education to ensure the quality of the educational
process is shown, the main functions,
approaches, and principles of monitoring are
characterized, the ability of an individual to
reproduce, perceive, realize, and independently
enrich experience in the professional field at a
productive level is highlighted. relevant
knowledge about the world and national culture
based on universal, humanistic spiritual values.
The methodological concept reflects the
conceptual connections between the subject,
goal, and tasks of scientific research, determines
the set of problems, the sequence of their
solution, and the theoretical focus on explaining
the obtained results of monitoring the quality of
education to ensure the quality of the educational
At the philosophical level, this concept is based
on the doctrine of personality development,
determined by a set of social, cultural, and
pedagogical influences, taking into account
scientific provisions, ideas regarding the
foundations of the professional training system;
fundamental general methodological provisions
of values, dialectical theory of cognition,
activity; interdependence and integrity of nature
and man; psychological and pedagogical
regularities about the external and internal
factors of monitoring the quality of education to
ensure the quality of the educational process for
the professional formation of an individual in the
innovative cultural dimension. This level of
research covers philosophy, psychology, cultural
studies, sociology, and pedagogy, and contains a
set of general principles of knowledge, with the
help of which it is possible to interpret the basic
concepts and categories of research, the
justification for monitoring the quality of
education to ensure the quality of the educational
process; definition of the main functions,
approaches, principles of monitoring,
psychological and pedagogical conditions,
analysis, generalization and synthesis of the
studied phenomena.
The general scientific level of the
methodological concept of the research is based
on a system of approaches that made it possible
to specify the content and essence of the
researched problem of monitoring the quality of
education to ensure the quality of the educational
process and to substantiate specific regularities,
general didactic and special principles of its
formation, namely:
the competence approach makes it possible
to formulate the goal of monitoring the
quality of education to ensure the quality of
the educational process in the context of the
formation of professional competence of
future specialists, to optimize the
assimilation of the system of abilities, skills,
and experience of the effective
implementation of key knowledge about the
monitoring of the quality of education to
ensure the quality of the educational process,
one's socio-cultural self-sufficiency in terms
of professional activity;
the cultural approach contributes to the
formation of the emotional, thinking,
activity, and behavioral culture of the
individual; moral-ethical and spiritual
development, strengthening the importance
of cultural content in the context of
monitoring the quality of education to ensure
the quality of the educational process;
a synergistic approach allows considering
the monitoring of the quality of education to
ensure the quality of the educational process
as an open pedagogical system, which is
characterized by the presence of structural
interrelationships and functional interaction
of components in the context of self-
development and self-improvement,
nonlinearity and multivariate development;
the axiological approach reveals the role of
value orientations in monitoring the quality
of education to ensure the quality of the
educational process, determines the
awareness and perception of the individual
through the hierarchy of personal and
professional values of monitoring the quality
of education to ensure the quality of the
educational process, activity, readiness, self-
sufficiency, awareness;
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the subject-activity approach is aimed at
organizing the monitoring of the quality of
education to ensure the quality of the
educational process by creating an
atmosphere of cooperation and trust to
strengthen the personal motivation of
students to master professional competence,
deploy high-quality professional potential in
the field of independent, scientific and
research activities, educational, outside of
educational activities and during practical
the professional approach guides the process
of monitoring the quality of education to
ensure the quality of the educational process
by the requirements of the professional
sphere of the future pedagogical activity,
integrates the components of professional
competence into the professional profile of
future specialists;
the ethnic-regional approach determines
ways of solving the monitoring the quality of
education of specialists to ensure the quality
of the educational process as representatives
of regional, national, and world culture,
which ensures the improvement of the
system of professional training of such
trained specialists.
The methodological and technological concept
reflects the specific scientific level of monitoring
the quality of education to ensure the quality of
the educational process. The level is based on the
development and application of scientific and
methodological support for the introduction of
monitoring the quality of education to ensure the
quality of the educational process, and the
formation of such a pedagogical phenomenon in
the professional training of future specialists.
Results and Discussion
Today, quality education is the main factor
determining the development of education, and
the improvement of the educational sector is a
necessary process for the development of society.
That is why the 21st century exists under the
name: the era of quality. Modernization of
national education is based on:
significant changes in education itself;
observance of academic integrity;
formation of innovative views on education;
monitoring the results of the educational
integration of the non-state sector into the
market of educational services, etc.
In society, a priority task appears: to assist each
person in adjusting his educational status
throughout his life by human abilities and needs;
to provide each individual with high-quality
training for professional activity. The main
educational criteria of this process are
1) monitoring activity, 2) academic integrity.
1) Information obtained through monitoring
the quality of the education system as a
whole and the education of the individual, in
particular, makes it possible to timely
identify negative factors of personality
formation and prevent their occurrence, to
build and improve the educational space and
forecast the development of the education
system, making it innovative, to create
conditions for citizens to receive Ukraine's
qualified higher education, the level of
intellectualization of which will shape the
future of science, the country, and the nation
(Baydatska, 2007).
2) The issue of academic integrity has begun to
receive worldwide attention in recent years.
Academic integrity and attention to its
significance became urgent in connection
with the emergence of the need to adhere to
moral and ethical principles when writing
scientific papers.
At the conference on higher education (city of
Bucharest, September 2004) with the assistance
of the UNESCO European Center, the
Declaration on Ethical Principles of Personal
Values in the European Region was adopted. The
main components of academic integrity are
grouped in the Declaration:
The goal of academic integrity is not only to
follow the correct citation, and constant reference
to literary sources but also to provide the correct
information when writing scientific papers about
the results of research, to respect the work of
scientists who previously dealt with the same
problem and have already expressed their
attitude to this problem, conducted research and
substantiated their point of view. Sanctions are
imposed for violations of norms of academic
integrity. These are: deprivation of the awarded
scientific degree, expulsion from the university,
repeated passing of the discipline and retaking of
the final module control, exam. Academic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
integrity includes many moral and ethical
qualities of a person, which focus attention on the
behavior of all participants in the educational
space, and cause a direct influence on the quality
of higher education (Sopova, 2018).
The American Council for International
Education in Ukraine, in partnership with the
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
with the support of the US Embassy, currently
implements the Strengthening Academic
Integrity in Ukraine Project (SAIUP).
The project is designed for 4 years and embodies
the proactive direction of the entire educational
community for systemic changes in Ukrainian
higher education. First of all, these are: ensuring
favorable conditions for the realization of gifted
students, ensuring the innovative image of
Ukrainian universities, and improving the quality
of the entire educational sector.
The project to promote academic integrity in
Ukraine embodies four main areas of activity:
educational campaign;
practical training at universities;
implementation of international practices in
Ukrainian universities;
purposeful work on regulatory mechanisms
and regulatory framework.
The goal of the Project to promote academic
integrity in Ukraine is to eliminate
manifestations of academic dishonesty
(plagiarism, plagiarism, corruption), as they
destroy the educational industry, making the
educational process only an imitation. To change
this situation, systematic and long-term work is
necessary, first of all, to form the academic
integrity of higher education seekers and ensure
its work at the level of higher education
institutions (American Councils, 2022).
We see that academic integrity is a necessary unit
for ensuring quality higher education. Another
main educational criterion for the quality of the
education process is monitoring activity. We will
dwell on it in more detail.
We consider the system (that operates
continuously and systematically) of processing,
distribution, permanent collection, and storage of
information about the quality of students'
education as monitoring the quality of students'
educational achievements. Such a system makes
it possible to forecast the development of the
educational process and can record judgments
about the state of the educational process at any
moment in time. We consider monitoring to be a
holistic management tool. Let's define its
components: control and evaluation, research,
and diagnostics, which manifest themselves
depending on the monitoring tasks, are in a
constant relationship (Baydatska, 2007).
The concept of monitoring the quality of
education is broader than such concepts as
assessment, control, and observation. Monitoring
the quality of education can be considered both
as a system and as a process.
To ensure high-quality higher education,
monitoring of the quality of education is carried
out at the following levels:
Monitoring of the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education is ongoing and
includes the following stages:
forecasting the development and state of the
educational system;
assessment of the most important factors and
the current state of the education system
with the constant influence of innovations on
the state of monitoring;
assessment of the projected state of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality
higher education;
regulation of the quality of education for
management decision-making to ensure
high-quality higher education (Kozubovska,
We will analyze in detail the types of monitoring:
internal and external.
Internal monitoring is characterized by the fact
that it is carried out by specialists of the
educational management body, the educational
institution, i.e. the institution itself, to identify
deficiencies in the knowledge and skills of the
students of education, improve and rationalize
pedagogical methods, improving the
administration of the educational institution and
increasing its efficiency, activating activities
educational process, conducting research work.
Monitoring takes place and is implemented
practically by the team itself, whose
representatives do not always receive proper
professional training. Internal monitoring is
carried out simultaneously or before external
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
External monitoring of the quality of education
to ensure high-quality higher education is carried
out by special institutions that are independent.
Such institutions include monitoring centers and
sociological research centers. External
monitoring of the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education is carried out using
appropriate technology and qualified specialists
(the standardized methodology is applied). Most
often, external monitoring of the quality of
education to ensure high-quality higher
education is carried out to obtain statistically
significant and reliable information, which is the
basis of the state's educational statistics. Such
monitoring of the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education is a system of
information support of the management
structure. External monitoring of the quality of
education ensures:
high reliability and reliability of
development of variable recommendations;
the possibility of generalization and
comparison at any level of education
professionalism of evaluators;
use of special proven methods;
standardization of information;
an information basis for the analysis and
development of educational policy at all
The main forms of external evaluation of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality higher
professional education are accreditation and
licensing of educational institutions, conducted
for verification, based on defined criteria. The
main question of verification is whether
educational institutions can provide the quality
services needed today (Hyrylovska, 2020).
Educators, students, administration, parents, and
employers, that is, every subject of the
educational process, have an interest in providing
quality education.
The quality of education can have conflicting
for society, the quality of higher education is
related to those values of education seekers
and value orientations that will find their
expression in professional activity, in civic
position, in technical or humanistic
for business and industry, the quality of
education to ensure high-quality higher
education correlates with the life position,
professional skills, practical skills, and
innovative knowledge of graduates;
for teachers, the quality of education to
ensure high-quality higher education can
mean the presence of a high-quality
educational plan, provided with educational
for parents, the quality of education can be
compared with the development of the
individuality of their children;
for education seekers, the quality of
education is related to the climate of the
educational institution;
The concept of quality is defined by two aspects:
the first is compliance with the specification
or standards;
the second is compliance with the
employer's requests.
We will show the stages of pedagogical
1. regulatory and guidance monitoring of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality
higher education;
2. analytical and diagnostic monitoring of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality
higher education;
3. prognostic monitoring of the quality of
education to ensure quality higher
4. activity-technological monitoring of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality
higher education;
5. intermediate diagnostic monitoring of the
quality of education to ensure high-quality
higher education;
6. final diagnostic monitoring of the quality of
education to ensure quality higher education.
When analyzing the data of the results of the
conducted research, it is worth taking into
account the factors that have a direct impact on
the results of monitoring the quality of education
to ensure high-quality higher education and can
lead to a negative or positive consequence:
factors (preparedness, professionalism,
quality of tools, equivalence of groups,
constant change of personnel in the process
of experimental work, distortion of results,
external environment, social situation) that
distort true assessments;
the perfection of diagnostic tools
(psychological and pedagogical, medical
research methods, social and psychological).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
By analyzing various aspects of the factors that
have an impact on the results of monitoring the
quality of education to ensure high-quality higher
education, it is possible to improve the
effectiveness of the educational process
(Bodnenko et al., 2014).
We will analyze the main functions of
monitoring, namely: analytical and
informational, diagnostic, prognostic, and
The analytical and informational function
contributes to the assessment of the effectiveness
of the educational process, talks about the
analysis and obtaining information, general
training, clarifies the basis of studying the
peculiarities of education, the course of the
educational process, and factors that have a
certain influence on it; helps provide feedback,
etc. The data obtained during the monitoring of
the quality of education are analyzed and
interpreted to ensure high-quality higher
education (Lukina, 2005).
The diagnostic function of monitoring the quality
of education to ensure high-quality higher
education is manifested in the form of checking
the level of potential opportunities of the future
specialist, his skills, and knowledge in
comparison with previous achievements with the
help of the achieved state of the education
system, various means of research, identifying
factors, problems, deviations from certain norms
and standards (Lukina, 2000).
Predictive function. Monitoring shows the
current state of the educational process and
contributes to the forecasting of modern trends in
the development of the quality of education to
ensure high-quality higher education and the
introduction of appropriate corrections
(Kasyanova, 2000).
The corrective function involves the
identification of causes that have an impact on
the level and quality of assimilation of the
content of education, tracking during monitoring
studies of the quality of education to ensure high-
quality higher education and specific gaps in the
knowledge of student acquirers. Fixation of
unexpected results of monitoring the quality of
education to ensure high-quality higher
education in educational and educational work in
the future involves the organization of corrective
activities (Baydatska, 2007).
Monitoring the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education is carried out to
obtain clear final results, which serve as a basis
for making management decisions by the heads
of educational institutions, where the student of
education is perceived as the recipient of the
necessary information.
We will define the methodological approaches
used for monitoring the quality of professional
training of future specialists: system, activity,
personal, competence, and benchmarking.
The system approach made it possible to apply
the elements that form the structure of
monitoring the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education, and to distinguish
the following subsystems: the managing
"pedagogical workers" and the managed
"education seekers".
The application of the activity approach to the
study of monitoring the quality of professional
training of future specialists made it possible to
distinguish the following types of activities:
"pedagogical activity of teachers", "managerial
activity of managers", "educational activity of
education seekers", which are constantly in
coordination, interconnection, and interaction.
The activity approach determines the purpose,
result, and content of monitoring activities for
each category of participants. With this
approach, the work of each category of
monitoring participants is motivated,
characterized by purposefulness, and objective,
carried out in a certain way, and leads to an
overall positive result.
A personal approach provides opportunities for
creating conditions for self-actualization, self-
development, and self-realization of education
seekers and the formation and continuous
development of professionally important general
qualities in them, which ensure the formation of
the personality of a future professional;
determines the application of active forms of
monitoring the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education, the introduction of
innovative pedagogical technologies, the
observance of the humanistic orientation of the
interaction of teachers and students of education,
and the determination of optimal means of
A competent approach in the professional
training of future specialists helps to distinguish
invariant components, provides an opportunity
for monitoring assessment to determine the
content of test tasks, and organizes an
educational and preparatory stage of monitoring
for those seeking education (Hyrylovska, 2020).
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Monitoring the quality of education to ensure
high-quality higher education is based on the
requirements of international standards ISO
9000; on the concept of implementing the
principles of the European Foundation for
Quality Management (EFQM) business model.
The international standards of ISO include the
basic principles of total quality management
(TQM), with the help of which it is possible to
successfully implement them using educational
quality management systems:
1. Application to the consumer. The task of the
principal is the analysis of students and
future needs of students, the satisfaction of
consumer requirements in full; study of
perspectives, which increases the
expectations of employers as well as the
quality of the training of fax workers.
2. The field of entrepreneurship in total quality
management. Creation of an internal
atmosphere by the enterprise to attract and
interest the staff in quality training of
3. Involvement of teaching staff. The use of
evidence of personnel of the educational
institution, their qualifications, and skills;
Analyzing customer needs and creating
innovative conditions that constantly
encourage innovation.
4. Initial access. Business management in the
form of a process that can be used to achieve
the desired result; determination of
innovative processes that contribute to the
creation of innovative types of activity
within the educational system.
5. System approach. Management, to achieve a
certain result, through interconnected
6. Subsequent execution. Improvement of the
indicators of scientific, educational, and
economic work with the help, provision,
approval, and analysis of warning measures
7. Making decisions based on facts. Ensuring
confidence in writing, and its availability.
8. Mutually beneficial relationships with
customers. Proof of work at a lyceum,
technical school, college, or school with a
higher education institution allows you to
improve the quality of education and
monitor the quality of services.
Therefore, implementing the ISO standard in
education will help improve the management
system and identify shortcomings in the field of
quality assurance of education to ensure high-
quality higher education.
The main problem during the approval of quality
management procedures in education is
personnel. Therefore, it is quite important to train
and motivate employees of public institutions,
managers and auditors, etc. (Petrychenko, 2014).
The essence of the concepts is revealed:
monitoring the quality of education, the quality
of education is outlined in two aspects
(compliance with specifications or standards;
compliance with consumer requests).
Levels of monitoring the quality of education to
ensure high-quality higher education are
distinguished: institutional, regional, national,
and international. The stages of monitoring the
quality of education to ensure high-quality higher
education are proposed: forecasting the
development and state of the educational system;
assessment of the actual state of the education
system and the most important factors;
assessment of the predicted state and, as a result,
regulation of the quality of education for
management decision-making. The requirements
for diagnostic tools are outlined. The main
functions of monitoring (analytical and
informational, diagnostic, prognostic, and
corrective) are characterized.
Methodological approaches for monitoring the
quality of professional training of future
specialists (system, activity, personal,
competence, and benchmarking) have been
Presented are the modern principles of total
quality management (TQM), which are
developed using the system of quality
management of education (the field of trade in
the system of quality management; customer
feedback; etc. critical approach; decision-making
based on facts; involvement of teaching staff;
systematic approach; continuous improvement;
mutually beneficial equations with prepositions).
We see further research in the analysis of
methodological approaches for research
monitoring the quality of professional training of
future specialists
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