Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.17
How to Cite:
Karhut, V., Semenog, O., Shumiatska, O., Palamar, N., & Rubliova, N. (2023). The need for new information technologies
during foreign language learning for the quality training of a specialist. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 175-184.
The need for new information technologies
during foreign language learning for the quality training of a specialist
Необхідність нових інформаційних технологій
при вивченні іноземної мови для якісної підготовки фахівця
Received: April 19, 2023 Accepted: May 28, 2023
Written by:
Volodymyr Karhut1
ResearcherID: IUQ-2922-2023
Olena Semenog2
ResearcherID: E-2994-2018
Oleksandra Shumiatska3
ResearcherID: IVH-7068-2023
Nataliia Palamar4
ResearcherID: IVH-7026-2023
Natalia Rubliova5
ResearcherID: IVH-6886-2023
New information technologies for learning a
foreign language, which are necessary for the
high-quality training of a specialist, have been
analyzed. The goal of informatization of
education is determined, and it is shown as a
priority and necessary direction of
informatization of society, which has a
mandatory priority of applying new information
technologies in the education system.
Information technologies, improve the study of a
foreign language, provide an opportunity for
deep and rapid assimilation of vocabulary,
learning to write, clarity of pronunciation,
dialogic and monologic speech, and
improvement of grammatical structures. The
peculiarities of distance learning when learning a
foreign language are determined. When learning
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Full-time Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Software
Engineering, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Sumy State Pedagogical
University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
Deputy Director for Educational and Pedagogical and Educational Project Activities, Volyn In-Service Teachers Training Institute,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a foreign language, a mandatory element of its
quality study is the use of telecommunication
technologies in the educational process. The
most powerful and effective elements of
information and computer technologies during
education, essential innovative technologies in
the methodology of teaching foreign languages,
which should be used by students in higher
education, are singled out. For teaching a foreign
language, in general, and for stimulating the
cognitive activity of students, in particular, it is
necessary to use digital tools. Examples of the
most important ones are given and
recommendations on methods of working with
them are offered.
Keywords: new information technologies,
foreign language learning, quality training,
education seekers, higher school.
The application of international academic
programs and projects in the world talks about
competitive specialists who speak a foreign
language fluently not only at the everyday level
but also at the professional level. Therefore, to
increase the opportunities of the educational
sector and the quality of education, we consider
it necessary to carry out a fundamental review of
the content and technologies of training
specialists, with the primary goal being the
development of an independent, active, and
creative individual (Reida et al., 2020).
Digital education in today's rapidly developing
world provides an opportunity to improve the
educational process and use the latest learning
technologies with the help of special gadgets and
Today, higher education offers new approaches
to the qualitative organization of the educational
process when learning a foreign language, which
has become possible with the development of
information technologies. The possibility of the
latest learning at a qualitatively new level is
offered by multimedia technologies in the
creation of visual aids that are widely used in the
education of the 21st century (Kuziv et al., 2022).
The article shows:
factors that will help the application of new
information technologies in the education
the components that ensure the use of
information technologies during the study of
a foreign language in a higher educational
features of distance learning when learning a
foreign language;
the principles of the application of
telecommunication technologies in
various multimedia tools productive for the
educational process;
the use of presentation in the process of
learning a foreign language;
The use of modern authentic educational
materials and Internet resources during
the effectiveness of learning English.
Purpose: to analyze new information
technologies for learning a foreign language,
which are necessary for the high-quality training
of a specialist.
Literature Review
O. Ivanova (2018), while learning English,
revealed an approach focused on the use of
problem-communicative tasks, revealed its
possibilities to activate the speech activity of
students when solving exercises, for the
execution of which it is necessary to express
one's own opinion, justify, explain, prove.
O. Oliynychenko (2019) offered the practice of
teaching a foreign language using the latest
methods, modern information and
communication technologies. The advantages
and possibilities of traditional and innovative
training are shown.
Karhut, V., Semenog, O., Shumiatska, O., Palamar, N., Rubliova, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 65: 175-184 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
O. Ponomarenko (2020) gave examples of
foreign language classes using audio and video
materials to increase interest in language
learning. During oral practice, students are
offered lexical material for studying technical
S. Vysotchenko & Malinovska (2021) described
the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages
with the help of distance learning. The
advantages of education are shown and the
factors of successful implementation in the
information environment are highlighted, with
the help of which high-quality organization of
education is carried out with the help of face-to-
face and remote information and communication
technologies. The possibilities of high-quality
teaching of foreign languages with the help of
distance learning are shown. Progressive ideas of
distance learning in the educational process of
different countries of the world are singled out.
O. Melnyk (2021) studied the peculiarities of
students' English language learning and proposed
the use of innovative methods: the method of
project works, the method of discussion, the
method of role-playing, the method of listening,
which increase the motivation of students to learn
a foreign language.
O. Vasyukovich (2020) presented innovative
technologies for teaching English to professional
students and divided them into technologies that
are: used in the Internet and computer
technologies (the advantages of an interactive
whiteboard-type IBW are shown).
S. Bobrovnyk, S. Boyko & O. Volkova (2021)
considered and singled out the possibilities of
using the theoretical and practical foundations of
distance learning of the English language. They
showed the need for education in online learning
conditions. It was proposed to use innovative
methods for teaching English: the discussion
method, the listening method, the project work
method, and the role-playing method. Such
methods will contribute to the motivation of
education seekers to learn a foreign language.
I. Podoliaka & O. Kelyukh (2021) considered the
possibilities of using information technologies in
foreign language classes, characterized the
importance of electronic tools, showed various
forms of working with them; offered the most
effective electronic platforms for distance
learning when learning a foreign language;
created methodological recommendations for
improving vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar,
speaking, listening, reading, writing.
K. Perepelitsa (2022), while studying a foreign
language at a higher education institution,
showed: the influence of telecommunication
technologies on the independent work of
students; the impact of the integration of
computer technologies, and, as a result, the
formation of self-educational competence among
M. Kuziv, O. Nychko & I. Belinska (2022)
proposed and proved the effectiveness of using
multimedia tools in foreign language classes and
showed the advantages of teaching
To solve the set goal, a complex of interrelated
research methods was used: analysis of scientific,
scientific-methodical, regulatory, and legal
sources; analysis and synthesis to clarify the
content of the studied concepts; systematization
and generalization for the definition and
theoretical justification of the main provisions of
the application of information technologies in the
study of a foreign language, which are necessary
for the high-quality training of a specialist.
The research takes into account the levels of
scientific and pedagogical knowledge:
methodological, theoretical, and methodical.
The methodological level made it possible to
determine the principles, approaches, and main
ideas of the problem of introducing new
information technologies in the study of a foreign
language for the qualitative training of a
specialist, to characterize research methods, and
to clarify the essence of the studied concepts.
The theoretical level made it possible to develop
a strategy, the introduction of new information
technologies in the study of a foreign language
for the qualitative training of a specialist and, on
its basis, to build an experimental program of
professional training of higher education students
with the help of new information technologies in
the study of a foreign language.
The methodological level shows the integration
of practice and theory. With the help of the
selected methodology, the forms are presented,
the content is updated, the means, ways of
implementation, methods, technologies, the
system of introducing new information
technologies in the study of a foreign language
are presented for the qualitative training of a
specialist, which improves the level of the
educational sphere in the information and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational environment of higher education
The methodological basis of the research makes
it possible to analyze the research subject based
on the following approaches:
paradigmatic (analyzes the pedagogical
process based on new information
technologies when learning a foreign
language for the qualitative training of a
specialist, binary oppositions: the creation of
an information environment in education
and professional training of specialists in
this environment);
system (considers new information
technologies when learning a foreign
language for high-quality training of a
specialist, as an element of the system);
personally oriented (takes into account the
individual characteristics of higher
education applicants for the use of new
information technologies when learning a
foreign language for high-quality training of
a specialist);
contextual (reveals the connection between
the professional training of a specialist using
new information technologies and his
professional and pedagogical activity in
learning a foreign language for quality
axiological (considers the introduction of
new information technologies when learning
a foreign language for the qualitative
training of a specialist, taking into account
the universality of the individual);
competence (contributes to the formation of
the ability to solve problems in foreign
language learning based on the acquired
competencies for the qualitative training of a
humanistic (personality formation when
learning a foreign language, improvement of
the social environment for new information
technologies when learning a foreign
language for high-quality specialist
practice-oriented (manifested in the
professional-pedagogical orientation of the
system for the introduction of new
information technologies when learning a
foreign language for high-quality training of
a specialist);
complex (characterizes the functions of
introducing new information technologies
when learning a foreign language for high-
quality training of a specialist, predicts
personality development, draws a
Results and Discussion
1. Factors that will help the application of
new information technologies in the education
Informatization of education is a priority and
necessary direction of informatization of society,
which aims to apply new information
technologies to the education system, which will
to improve the management mechanisms of
the educational system;
to improve the selection of content, forms,
and methods of education that will
contribute to the development of the student
of education in the conditions of the
informatization of society;
the creation of training systems that will
provide the intellectual potential of the
student of education, provide the ability to
independently acquire knowledge, and carry
out research activities;
creation and use of computer tests for
assessment of the knowledge, diagnostic
methods, and control systems (Fadeev,
2. Components that ensure the use of
information technologies during the study of
a foreign language in a higher educational
The continuous development of informatization
of education allows to expand of the scope of
application of information technologies during
the study of a foreign language in a higher
education institution and ensures:
the independent activity of education
seekers by organizing educational activities
in different ways;
differentiation of education, through the
introduction of interactive dialogue and
independent choice of the learning process;
formation of information culture through
informatization of education, which expands
the possibilities of using information
increasing the motivation of learning
through computer visualization of
educational objects.
For the high-quality training of a specialist,
information technologies for learning a foreign
language have many advantages over traditional
teaching methods. Information technologies train
language activity, form linguistic abilities, use
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
various combinations, help to understand
language phenomena, create communicative
situations, automate language actions, enable the
implementation of an individual approach, and
increase the possibilities of independent work of
the student of education.
Information technologies, improving the study of
a foreign language, provide an opportunity for
deep and rapid assimilation of vocabulary,
learning to write, clarity of pronunciation,
dialogic and monologic speech, and
improvement of grammatical structures (Lenets
& Havrysh, 2017).
When learning a foreign language, it should be
taken into account that the content component of
foreign language learning is primarily methods
of activity and not the basics of science. This is
the specificity of the subject. Let's list the
methods of learning activity different types of
speech activity: speaking, reading, writing, and
listening. Remote learning plays an important
role in learning a foreign language, which is a
motivating factor for the learner in learning
foreign languages. In the end, distance learning
helps to achieve meta-subject, subject, personal,
and learning results. With this approach, the goal
of learning foreign languages is aimed at the
formation of competence (non-language
3. Peculiarities of distance learning when
learning a foreign language
Features of distance learning when learning a
foreign language are:
interaction of participants in the educational
process (network (remote);
not just independent work, but a large
amount of it, which is carried out in the "Just
in time" mode;
compulsory selection of material for
students of education (authentic texts), it's
the latest pedagogical technologies, etc.
(Vysotchenko & Malinovska, 2021).
When working in the conditions of distance
learning, it is worth knowing: the purpose of
training, goals, and the necessary informational,
methodological, material, and technical support.
It is necessary to take into account the students'
previous level of knowledge of the language,
their learning needs, and know what results they
are trying to achieve. Independent work of
students is of great importance in the conditions
of distance learning (Kyrychenko & Ovsyanko,
4. Principles of application of
telecommunication technologies in
When learning a foreign language, a mandatory
element of its quality study is the use of
telecommunication technologies in the
educational process that is, the use of means
and methods of collecting material, its storage,
methods of processing, analysis, and synthesis of
information. This approach, when using
telecommunication technologies, is based on the
wide application of technology for:
effective improvement of training
providing students with cognitive activities;
the possibility of providing independence;
management of the educational process of
the higher education institution (Perepelitsa,
The development of information technologies
has made it possible to update the organization of
the foreign language learning process in a higher
education institution.
5. Various productive multimedia tools for the
educational process
The use of multimedia tools in the process of
learning a foreign language is necessary and
effective. Multimedia (from the English multi
many and media medium) includes computer
technologies in which there are several
information media, such as text, video, elements
of computer graphics (schemes, animation,
photos, 3D graphics, etc.), sound. The following
multimedia tools are the most productive for the
educational process:
interactive (Kuziv et al., 2022).
Studying a foreign language in a higher
education institution is impossible without the
use of information and computer technologies.
They allow students to take an active part in the
lesson, expand educational opportunities and
contribute to the development of their interest in
the subject.
The most powerful and effective during
education are the following elements of
information and computer technologies:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
interactive whiteboards, electronic textbooks,
electronic reference books; test simulators, the
Internet, media files, audio, video, interactive
conferences, interactive atlases, interactive
contests, interactive maps, remote support of the
educational process, platforms for remote
support of the educational space for learning a
foreign language.
A foreign language is a leader among disciplines
and occupies a special place because it allows
you to study another culture, immerse yourself in
history, familiarize yourself with the traditions of
the people whose language you are studying, find
out the speech characteristics of people who
speak exactly the language that is native to them
and which one you are studying (Ternova, 2020).
Information technologies of education make it
possible to model the educational process,
improve the conditions of educational activity,
apply various training exercises of a situational
nature, and as a result achieve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the educational process using its
Thus, having mastered the lexical and
grammatical material on a certain topic, students
must independently develop oral messages,
illustrate the collected material and present their
findings to the group. The most professional
presentation is when the presentation itself
complements the speaker's words, illustrates his
speech, creating a bright, interesting, and creative
picture of the performance.
6. Usage of presentation in the process of
learning a foreign language.
Presentations, which are an active method of
learning, are appropriate for use in the process of
learning a foreign language because they
improve all components of communicative
competence (Polikarpova, 2012):
1) linguistic competence, which contributes to
the study of language forms, and the
development of phonetic, grammatical, and
lexical speech skills;
2) sociolinguistic competence, which provides
an opportunity to use and change language
skills depending on the situation, to study the
semantic meanings of words and
expressions, to consider and apply
denotative and connotative meanings, to
study the reaction they can cause in the
3) sociocultural competence, which ensures
readiness, ability, and tolerance for high-
quality dialogue between cultures;
4) strategic competence, which provides all the
ways to the ability of skillful and effective
communication, choosing an author's
5) discursive competence, which has all the
possibilities to combine separate sentences
into a coherent message, using knowledge,
syntactic and semantic means; techniques,
information transfer, compensatory skills,
paralinguistic means;
6) social competence, which confirms the
desire to cooperate with other students of
education, readiness, gives confidence in
one's knowledge, teaches to listen to the
interlocutor, understand other students of
education, value their opinion, empathy,
ability to overcome language conflicts, reach
a compromise, use partnership and
Therefore, in pedagogical activities, foreign
language teachers should use information
technologies for the development of intercultural
competence for students of higher education
institutions (Kuziv et al., 2022).
Let's highlight the most significant innovative
technologies in the methodology of teaching
foreign languages, which should be used by
students in higher education.
The virtual classroom is an online environment
used in the educational process of an educational
institution whose database is located on the
Access to the educational environment is carried
out through the portal or the software. A student,
located in a virtual classroom (in particular, all
students enter the virtual environment at the same
time and at the same time can be both in the same
building and at a distance of several thousand
kilometers from each other), synchronously
discusses questions in the conference mode that
the teacher offers by showing the screen of any -
which monitor to all students and sees several
images of students at the same time, observes
them and provides assistance, organizes a
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are
multi-faceted, extensive, open, universally
developed interactive courses by specialists of
world-renowned universities, available to
anyone via the Internet. Students watch
educational videos (1015 minutes) and
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
participate in an online discussion on the forum
together with the teacher. Students need to
perform control tasks, control tasks, and tests.
Synchronous learning simultaneous
participation of students and teachers in
synchronous online classes.
Asynchronous learning asynchronous classes
contain online material lectures, tests, and
tasks, which can be accessed at any convenient
time for students (the time for students to study
online must be prescribed at a certain time, but
they are free to choose this time (Redko, 2011).
"Reversed classroom" (reversed learning)
education in which lectures and learning a
foreign language take place online, and
homework is performed in a real classroom.
Blended Learning "inverted audience" training
is used to master the content of the material in a
foreign language during the independent work of
students (Alyoshina, 2012).
With such training, the components of full-time
and remote (carried out outside the institution of
higher education) training alternate.
In the "inverted audience" learning mode, the
student's responsibility is observed, his
responsibility, activity, and initiative increase,
his skills of self-organization, and managing
temporary resources increase, and the
opportunities to not just read about traditions in a
textbook about how English holidays take place,
but to see such actions in real-time, increase. This
non-traditional format of tasks motivates
students to study a foreign language qualitatively
and interestingly.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is a
software product or site used to plan, implement,
and evaluate an educational process. This
approach provides an opportunity to create,
present developed materials, and participate in
interactive processes: discussions on discussion
forums, blogs, and video conferences, to be a
participant in such an educational process, and to
evaluate the process.
Mobile learning electronic learning that does
not depend on time and place, is carried out using
special software and is based on interdisciplinary
and modular approaches. It takes place with the
help of mobile devices: mobile phones, tablets,
laptops, digital devices, and such stationary and
publicly available equipment for video
conferences, electronic boards, and language
equipment (Alyoshina, 2012).
Innovative technologies in the methodology of
teaching foreign languages, which should be
used by students in higher education, are carried
out using a smartphone, or a personal computer
outside the classroom (Reida et al., 2020).
The most effective way to learn a foreign
language is through the context of its application.
At the same time, it is necessary to use authentic
texts. Authentic texts meet the language needs of
students and provide concrete forms to the
functions, structures, and signs of speech
(Council of Europe, 2001).
The formation of foreign language
communicative competence in a higher
education institution is of great importance when
learning a foreign language for the high-quality
training of a specialist because a specialist in any
field needs the skills to work with foreign
language sources (Biletska et al., 2021).
For the formation of foreign language
communicative competence in a higher
education institution, speaking practice is of
great importance, which is closely related to
students of education during foreign language
communication, which can be either in a real or
simulated environment, that is, practice takes
place in close communication. It is this practice
that ensures the result the formation of foreign
language communicative competence and
promotes the development of foreign language
speaking skills, without which there cannot be
the improvement of the components of foreign
language communicative competence of students
of education: speaking, reading, listening and
writing (Tarnopolsky & Kabanova, 2019).
The formation of foreign language
communicative competence in an institution of
higher education is impossible without the
systematic use of authentic texts, the advantages
of which are the activation of motivation to
study, the professional development of the
student of education, the improvement of the
professional and general level of knowledge, the
promotion of the competitiveness of the
specialist, helps in improving speaking skills,
which is facilitated by the use of original
vocabulary native speakers The use of such texts
provides an opportunity to acquire prognostic
abilities, analytical abilities, critical abilities, and
therefore contributes to the development of the
specialist's professional competence
(Oliynychenko, 2019).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
7. Usage of modern authentic educational
materials and Internet resources during
It is important and effective to use modern
authentic educational materials and online
resources during classes:
1) podcasts in English
(Ruby5.codeschool.com, Se-radio.net,
Herdingcode.com, Fivejs.codeschool.com);
2) online magazines, online blogs
(Technologyreview.com, Sdtimes.com,
3) distance courses, electronic textbooks on the
Moodle platform;
4) online dictionaries of the English language
(Oxford English Dictionary, Cambridge
English Dictionary,
Computerlanguage.com, Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English,
Collings English Dictionary,
5) communication with students in the online
learning mode requires communication via
e-mail, telephone, and Viber and Telegram
8. Effectiveness of learning English
The effectiveness of learning English contributes
1) electronic educational and educational-
methodical complexes, consultations,
individual classes on Zoom, Skype, Google
Meet, Viber, Telegram, and other services
for remote work; use of online resources,
and online exercises;
2) online blogs of BBC Learning English,
British Council Learn English, Cambridge
English Dictionary, Cambridge Assessment
English; Youtube channels, video lessons,
podcasts ("https://www.engvid.com/");
online tutorials (Bobrovnyk et al., 2021).
For teaching a foreign language, in general, and
for stimulating the cognitive activity of students,
in particular, it is necessary to use digital tools.
We will give examples of the most important
ones and offer recommendations on methods of
working with them.
Multimedia lesson a lesson for effective
learning using digital technologies and technical
means (trainers, various software systems, test
programs, multimedia presentations, graphic
editors, and schemes for editing on the Internet).
Students' adaptive abilities to education increase,
non-stereotypical thinking, and objective self-
assessment are formed.
Electronic textbooks (training simulators) are the
most accessible multimedia tools for students of
education. Electronic applications are used for
textbooks, which include programs for grammar
training, word memorization, listening, and
writing, which help students to better remember
the material with the help of graphic images.
Educational games aim to help students
interestingly improve their English language
The most promising direction of assistance in
interest in learning a foreign language is business
games (talk shows, quizzes, debates, simulation
games, etc.), which bring education closer to real
conditions, develop students' abilities, form
practical skills, update the educational
environment, facilitate testing acquired
knowledge of the specialty in practice, ensure the
formation of a culture of professional
communication of a specialist, self-realize a
person as a future specialist. In the conditions of
a pandemic, this method of learning can be
implemented using platforms for distance
education (Microsoft Teams, Moodle, Microsoft
Classroom, Kahoot, Google Meet, and others).
Electronic testing is a tool that makes it possible
for the teacher to qualitatively conduct not only
an assessment of the knowledge of students but
also to conduct monitoring and is a self-control
tool along with visual control of results.
The basic resource should be the resource of the
Joint European Commission for the Acquisition
of Foreign Languages (CEFR), which determines
the level of language acquisition based on the
scale used within the framework of the Bologna
Convention (Podoliaka & Kelyukh, 2021).
New information technologies for learning a
foreign language, which are necessary for the
high-quality training of a specialist, have been
analyzed. The purpose of informatization of
education is determined, and it is shown as a
priority and necessary direction of
informatization of society, which has as a
mandatory priority the application of new
information technologies in the education
system, which will help: improve the
mechanisms of management of the educational
system; to improve the selection of content,
forms, and teaching methods that will contribute
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to the development of the student of education in
the conditions of the informatization of society;
the creation of training systems that will provide
the intellectual potential of the student of
education, provide the ability to independently
acquire knowledge, carry out research activities;
creation and use of computer tests for assessing
knowledge, diagnostic methods, control systems.
Information technologies, improving the study of
a foreign language, provide an opportunity for
deep and rapid assimilation of vocabulary,
learning to write, clarity of pronunciation,
dialogic and monologic speech, and
improvement of grammatical structures.
The peculiarities of distance learning when
learning a foreign language are determined.
When learning a foreign language, a mandatory
element of its quality study is the use of
telecommunication technologies in the
educational process.
The most powerful and effective elements of
information and computer technologies during
education, essential innovative technologies in
the methodology of teaching foreign languages,
which should be used by students in higher
education, are singled out.
For teaching a foreign language, in general, and
for stimulating the cognitive activity of students,
in particular, it is necessary to use digital tools.
Examples of the most important ones are given
and recommendations on methods of working
with them are offered.
We see the further search for research in the
creation of training systems that will provide the
intellectual potential of the student of education,
provide the ability to independently acquire
knowledge, and carry out research activities.
Bibliographic references
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technologies of teaching foreign languages in
universities. Problems and prospects of the
formation of the national humanitarian and
technical elite, 30, 125159. (In Ukranian)
Biletska, O., Kuchai, T., Kravtsova, T.,
Bidyuk, N., Tretko, V., & Kuchai, O. (2021).
The Use of the Activity Approach in
Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher
Education Institutions. The Romanian
Journal for Multidimensional Education,
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