www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.11
How to Cite:
Petkun, S., Kalinicheva, H., Chernyak, D., Khlevytska, T., Khorvatova, O. (2023). Legal principles of ensuring social security in the
conditions of digitalization of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 106-115. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.11
Legal principles of ensuring social security in the conditions of
digitalization of Ukraine
Правові засади забезпечення соціального захисту в умовах цифровізації України
Received: April 26, 2023 Accepted: May 29, 2023
Written by:
Svetlana Petkun1
Halyna Kalinicheva2
Daryna Chernyak3
Tetiana Khlevytska4
Oksana Khorvatova5
The transformation of society is due to the
development of the information society and the
gradual transition to the knowledge society, the
impact of digitization on all spheres of life of
society and citizens. Recently, the issue of the
transformation of social security in the context of
the development of digitalization of all spheres
of the life of the state and society has been
brought up to date.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal
framework for ensuring social security in the
context of digitalization in Ukraine with a view
to developing the ways to improve the policy in
this area.
The methodology of the article is based on a
complex, interdisciplinary approach, the
principle of historicism for conducting a legal
analysis of normative legal acts in the field of
social security of Ukraine for 1990-2022 in the
conditions of digitalization.
The results demonstrate the dynamism of
technology development and digitalization of
society with slow legislative changes in the field
Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Public Management and Administration, State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of public management and administration, State University of Telecommunications, Kyiv,
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies,
Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (Economics), Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management and Administration, State University of
Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Head of Department of International Law and branch legal disciplines, Kyiv University of Law,
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Petkun, S., Kalinicheva, H., Chernyak, D., Khlevytska, T., Khorvatova, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 65: 106-115 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of social security. Since the beginning of 2007,
legislative provisions in the researched field and
conceptual principles of digitalization of the
socio-economic system have been implemented
in Ukraine. Complex digitization is aimed at
comprehensive and deep transformation of
existing analogues of economic and social
systems and spheres into new value and quality
to ensure social security of the state, society and
citizen. Therefore, the authors note the
importance of introducing key legislative acts
regarding the effective implementation of digital
technologies in the further development of social
security in accordance with the strategic goals of
the state and modern technological trends.
Keywords: social security, digitalization,
information society, legal consolidation of
digitalization in Ukraine, principles of
At the stage of Ukraine’s formation as an
independent state, considerable attention is paid
to the development of the state’s social policy,
the social sphere, in particular, social security
issues, which are reflected in the state
regulations. Modern digital technologies are
significantly changing our lives, namely the way
of production of products and services, methods
and forms of education, and affect the social
structure of society, the economy, politics, and
the development of socio-cultural institutions.
Moreover, the development of digital
technologies has not only generated various
social effects, but also contributed to the
emergence of a new humanitarian knowledge,
known as the concept of the information society.
For this purpose, the state has developed social
rules, laws, regulations, and standards that have
become the cornerstone, on which the entire
social security system of the country, society, and
citizen is built. These are state social standards,
i.e., social norms and standards established by
laws and other regulatory legal acts, on the basis
of which the basic state social guarantees are
determined. This study is devoted to the analysis
of regulatory documents, legislative acts, and
laws on the legal framework for the formation of
social security in the context of digitalization in
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal
framework for ensuring social security in the
context of digitalization in Ukraine with a view
to developing the ways to improve the policy in
this area.
Literature Review
Analysis of the recent research and publications.
The legal, organizational, economic, political,
and other dimensions of social security are
studied by scholars in the context of digital
transformations and the introduction of
technologies in the economy’s various sectors.
Ilchuk (2016) provides general proposals for
public policy measures in forming
countermeasures to threats to the social security
system. Lyndiuk (2022) pays attention to
theoretical interpretations of the “social security”
concept in Ukrainian scientific discourse,
approaches to understanding its unity, and
analyzes the genesis of its formation. Davidyuk
(2002) reveals significant theoretical,
methodological and practical issues of ensuring
social security, drawing attention to the fact that
“Ukraine continues to be on the dangerous edge
in almost all the most crucial social indicators of
world civilization development”. Separately, it is
necessary to identify scientists who analyze
modern trends, such as digitalization, digital
technologies, and the information society
(Karpenko et al., 2020). In particular, Karpenko
et al., (2020) analyzed the history of
digitalization in Ukraine. The scholars presented
the major modern approaches to the definition of
the concept, and showed ways and forecasts of
further use of digital technologies in various
spheres of community life. Lopushynskyi (2010)
analyzed the latest scientific approaches to the
“digitalization” of public administration and
regulatory legal acts of the Ukrainian state,
international treaties and program acts of the
Ukrainian state, and international treaties and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
program documents on implementation in the
field of public governance. Yevsyukova (2021)
studied the digital capacity of territorial
communities in the current conditions of
Ukraine’s development, drawing attention to the
positive aspects of the digital capacity of
territorial communities in Ukraine. In addition,
the author explored the key aspects of the
digitalization of territorial communities based on
the seven principles of the “Good Governance”
concept and identified the challenges of
implementing digital information and
communication technologies in the territorial
communities’ activities. Yevsyukova (2021)
characterized the prospects and proposed several
measures aimed at overcoming the identified
problems. The scholar drew attention to the need
to form a progressive “digital” community as a
result of strengthening the digital capacity of
territorial communities in Ukraine, which in turn
will reduce public distrust of the modern digital
state. In the scientific work of Tarakanov,
Inshakova & Dolinskaya (2019), the authors
provide a detailed, comprehensive analysis of the
issues related to transforming modern legislation
in the context of developing the information
society. Kuziemski & Misuraca (2020) discuss
the impact of automated decision support
systems on public services in public governance
and the crucial role of government in the digital
society, considering the need to protect citizens
from the potential negative consequences of
technology (e.g., data security, cybercrime). The
study by Fatima, Desouza & Dawson (2020)
examines the transformative impact of
technology on various aspects of society, in
particular, the national strategic plans of
governments of different countries on the
possibilities of modernizing the public sector
through technology.
In the existing literature, the issue of ensuring
social security in the conditions of digitalization
is considered in the context of legal problems
related to the need for legislative changes due to
the emergence of new forms of employment. On
the one hand, technologies contribute to
expanding the potential of remote employment;
while on the other hand, problems arise related to
social security and employee protection.
In the conditions of automation and
digitalization, new forms of employment are
emerging in various professions and sectors, such
as the digital platform economy (Behrendt,
Nguyen & Rani, 2019).
Atypical forms of labor relations used by
numerous online platforms (multilateral, hyper-
temporary, autonomous, off-site) are emerging
and developing, often defined in the agreement
as independent contracts. Such forms of
employment cause problems with the application
of labor and occupational safety and health
legislation and employee protection in many
countries. The latter automatically affects the
social welfare of the population. The application
of legal norms and principles generally depends
on the existence of an “employment
relationship”. Specific legal measures have been
introduced in some European Union (EU)
member states (e.g., France), to respond to these
challenges (Garben, 2019). New forms of
employment and work also pose social risks and
negative consequences for the middle class in the
age of digital technologies (Palier, 2019). In
general, the emergence of new forms of
employment requires the adaptation of existing
social protection systems to the specific situation
and workers’ needs to implement the human right
to social security for everyone (Behrendt,
Nguyen & Rani, 2019). For instance, platform
workers face problems with access to effective
social protection schemes. Consequently, they
are not always able to obtain reliable social
protection rights, even if they are able to
participate in the schemes (Schoukens, 2020). In
light of these problems, legal norms in the field
of social security in the context of digitalization
should be inclusive and adapted to all (new)
types of labor (Schoukens, 2020).
At the same time, while paying tribute to the
above-mentioned specialists and the results of
their scientific research, the issues of legal
regulation of digitalization as a factor of social
security in Ukraine remain insufficiently studied
in public administration science.
The academic paper uses the method of legal
analysis and interdisciplinary, comprehensive
approaches to identify the system of legal
principles for ensuring social security in the
conditions of digitalization. The principle of
historicism is used as a basis for considering the
dynamics of legislative changes at the
international and national levels in the field of
social security. The comprehensive approach
contributed to the perception of the place and role
of social security in the national security of
Ukraine and in the context of digital changes.
The interdisciplinary approach provided a way to
explore legal principles in the conditions of
changing legislation in the field of social security
and digital transformation. The authors analyze
the legal acts of Ukraine for the period 1990 -
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
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2022 posted on the website of the Verkhovna
Rada and formulate a system of legal principles
of social security in the conditions of
As a scientific concept, «social security» began
to emerge in the late 1990s. At that time, this
concept was associated with a number of factors
that had an impact on the main spheres of human
existence (biological, physical, psychological,
material), thus identifying it with the concept of
quality of life. In 1994, the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) identified seven
components of human security: economic
security (guaranteed minimum income); food
security (physical and economic availability of
food, health security (prevention of diseases);
environmental security (access to clean drinking
water, unpolluted air, land use system that
preserves soil fertility); personal security
(freedom from physical violence and threats);
minority security (preservation of cultural
identity); political security (protection of
fundamental human rights and freedoms).
The World Social Declaration, 1995, ratified at
the World Conference on Social Development
(Austria), first declared the concept of World
Conference on Social Development (Austria), for
the first time declared the concept of «social
security» was first declared, although it was not
separated from the national security of the
country (United Nations, 2023).
The Declaration formulates the basic principles
of social aspects of sustainable development,
which address the problem of social security in
the world, in particular (Bilorus & Lukyanenko,
2001, p. 541):
broad participation of civil society in the
development and implementation of
decisions that determine the functioning and
well-being of society;
large-scale models of stable economic
growth and sustainable development and
integration of the demographic aspect into
economic development strategies that will
accelerate the pace of sustainable
development and poverty eradication,
contribute to the achievement of
demographic goals and improve the quality
of life;
fair and non-discriminatory distribution of
the national product;
interaction of market forces that promote
social efficiency and social development;
political and social processes characterized
by the prevention of isolation and respect for
the principle of pluralism and diversity,
including religious and cultural diversity;
strengthening the role of the family, as well
as the role of the community and civil
society and civil society;
public policy that creates opportunities for
people to lead healthy and productive life
Domestic science and practice have not
developed one generally defined concept of
social security. The concept is interpreted
from «the state of protection against threats
to social interests, as well as a result of the
implementation of social policy» (Libanova
& Palii, 2004) to the definition of social
security as «the social ideal of a stable
society, its vital social interests and values,
as well as social norms, as a set of conditions
for stable development, which include:
ensuring a high level of employment,
formation of a resource base for
development for future generations;
ensuring an adequate standard of living and
income of the population; providing social
guarantees to employees» (Varnaliy, 2008).
The main domestic legal documents that have
become the basis for the formation and
implementation of an appropriate level of social
security of the state, society and citizens are:
Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine
(Declaration No. 55-XII, 1990),
Constitution of Ukraine (Law No. 254к/96-ВР,
Concept (basis of state policy) of national
security of Ukraine (Resolution No. 3/97-ВР,
On the Fundamentals of National Security of
Ukraine (Law No. 964-IV, 2003),
On the National Security Strategy of Ukraine
(Decree of the President of Ukraine
No. 105/2007, 2012),
Sustainable Development Strategy «Ukraine
2020» (Decree of the President of Ukraine
No. 5/2015. 2015),
On the National Security of Ukraine (Law
No. 2469-VII, 2018),
National Security Strategy of Ukraine (Decree of
the President of Ukraine No. 393/2020, 2020).
According to these documents, the state has
ensured the formation of favorable conditions for
the realization of the interests of citizens, society
and the state, further development of Ukraine as
a democratic country with a stable and growing
market economy, a state guided by European
political and economic values, where respect and
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protection of the rights and legitimate interests of
all citizens, territorial communities, social strata,
ethnic groups is a guarantee of independent, free,
sovereign and democratic development of a
united Ukraine.
At the same time, it should be recognized that
despite the importance and relevance of the
adopted laws, the concept of «social security»
was not separately defined in legislative acts, or
it was mentioned only in the sense of social
protection or social policy in general. Only in
2007, the government approved the
«Methodology for Calculating the Level of
Economic Security of Ukraine», which for the
first time at the legislative level defined the
concept of «social security» as «a state of
development of the state in which the state is able
to ensure a decent and high-quality standard of
living of the population regardless of the impact
of internal and external threats» (Order No. 60,
2007). In 2015, the «Methodological
Recommendations for Calculating the Level of
Economic Security of Ukraine» were approved,
which clarified the concept of «social security»
(Order No. 1277, 2013). It was defined as «the
state of development of the state, in which the
state is able to ensure a decent and high-quality
standard of living for the population, regardless
of age, gender, or income level, promote the
development of human capital as the most
important component of the country's economic
potential» (Order No. 1277, 2013).
The modern period of Ukraine is associated with
the formation and development of a digital state
and society. Today, Ukraine faces the need to
conceptualize the introduction of an information-
based way of organizing society. This means,
according to Politanskyi (2017, p.143), that «the
strategy of forming the foundations of the
information society should be considered in the
context of the overall strategic priorities of
social, economic and institutional development
of the country as an organic component of large-
scale transformations in society and government
The digital society makes it possible to increase
national competitiveness in the most efficient
and timely manner (Politanskyi, 2017):
to increase national competitiveness
throughdevelopment of high-tech sectors of
the economy and human potential,primarily
in highly intellectual areas of labor;
to improve the quality of life of citizens
through economic growth, providing easy
and universal access to information,
knowledge, education, serviceshealth care
facilities and administrative services of state
and local governments, and enhancing social
protection of vulnerable groups through the
widespread use of information and
communication technologies;
to promote the establishment of an open
democratic society that will guarantee the
observance of the constitutional rights of
citizens to participate in public life
(Politanskyi, 2017, p.145).
Among the first regulatory documents on the
development of the digital society in Ukraine
were the Law of Ukraine «On the Basic
Principles of the Development of the Information
Society in Ukraine for 2007-2015» (Decree
No. 653-p, 2007) and the corresponding action
plan approved by the Order of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine (Decree No. 653-p, 2007),
the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
«On Recommendations of Parliamentary
Hearings on the Development of the Information
Society in Ukraine» (Resolution No. 3175-IV,
2005). At the same time, it should be emphasized
that these legal acts failed to fully implement
their provisions and fully meet the expectations
of Ukrainian society, since technological
transformations in real life were already at a
different, next stage of development.
Currently, Ukraine, along with other countries, is
actively implementing digitalization policy in
various aspects.
In particular, the Law of Ukraine «On Electronic
Trust Services» came into force in 2017 (Law
No. 45, 2017). The purpose of state regulation
and management in the areas of electronic trust
services and electronic identification is to:
conduct a unified and effective state policy in
these areas; ensure interoperability and
technological neutrality of national technical
solutions, as well as prevent their discrimination;
ensure equal opportunities for access to
electronic trust services and protection of the
rights of their subjects; prevent monopolization
and create conditions for the development of fair
competition in the field of electronic trust
services; ensuring the protection of personal data
in accordance with the relevant legislation;
taking measures to popularize electronic trust
services and electronic identification among the
public and legal entities; monitoring
transparency and openness in the areas of
electronic trust services and electronic
identification; promoting Ukraine’s integration
into the global electronic information space (Law
No. 45, 2017).
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
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The national cybersecurity system has been
established and is functioning in Ukraine. The
national cybersecurity system is a set of
cybersecurity entities and interrelated political,
scientific, technical, informational, educational,
organizational, legal, operational, investigative,
intelligence, counterintelligence, defense,
engineering and technical measures, as well as
measures for cryptographic and technical
protection of national information resources,
cyber protection of critical information
infrastructure (Law No. 2163-VIII, 2017).
In order to meet the interests and needs of
individuals and legal entities, improve the public
administration system, increase competitiveness
and stimulate the country’s socio-economic
development, the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine approved the Concept for the
Development of Electronic Democracy in
Ukraine (Order No. 797-p, 2017).
One of the first breakthroughs in the legislative
consolidation of digitalization in Ukraine was
«Concept for the Development of the Digital
Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020»
(Decree No. 67-р, 2018). The Concept regulates
the concept of digitalization as the concept of
digitalization as «saturation of the physical world
with electronic and digital devices, means,
systems and establishment of electronic
communication exchange between them, which
actually makes possible the integrated interaction
of the virtual and physical, in other words,
creates a «cyber-physical space» and defines the
concept of digital infrastructure as «a set of
technologies, products and processes that
provide computing, telecommunications and
networking capabilities on a digital basis».
Recently, the issues of social security
development in the context of digitalization of all
spheres of state and society have become
relevant. High-quality and effective social
security in the current conditions of
informatization should be one of the main
development priorities. This requires not only
political and socio-economic conditions, but also
proper legal support.
The mentioned Concept (Order of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine «On the approval of the
Concept of Development of the Digital Economy
and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the
approval of the plan of measures for its
implementation», Decree No. 67-р, 2018)
formulates the basic principles of digitalization.
Adherence to these principles is crucial for
creating a new legislative framework,
implementing and taking advantage of the
benefits provided by digital technologies in the
formation and implementation of social security
of the state, society and citizen. Let us focus on
those principles that are directly related to
improving social security.
These principles have already been partially
implemented in practice. A great success in the
introduction of digital technologies was the
creation of the Ministry of Digital
Transformation of Ukraine in 2019, one of the
main goals of which is to transform all public
services into convenient online services and
transfer 100% of public services to the «Diia»
portal by 2024 (Resolution No. 856, 2019).
Almost half of Ukrainians are actively using the
«Diia» state application, which has significantly
improved the security of citizens and changed
attitudes toward the state and the public
administration system.
In 2020, President of Ukraine V. Zelensky
launched the concept of the «State in a
Smartphone», which significantly expanded and
simplified online public services. The single
online public service portal «Diia» provides
administrative services for citizens and
businesses in many areas, including: benefits and
assistance; employment; health, including
COVID certificate; certificates and extracts;
licenses and permits; security and law
enforcement; transport; land, construction, real
estate; environment; documents and citizenship;
entrepreneurship. Services related to the birth of
a child have been optimized (e-Maliatko is a
comprehensive service based on only one
application, which includes up to 10 state
services related to the birth of a child (registering
the birth of a child, his or her place of residence,
applying for financial assistance, etc.); pensions
(e-Pension is a project of electronic interaction
with state registers for the appointment,
recalculation of pensions, surcharges,
compensations); adoption of a child (the ability
to submit an online application for consultation
and an application for adoption, learn about
further steps, required documents, frequently
asked questions etc. (Diia, 2023).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Principles of digitalization as a basis for social security of the state, society and citizen
Impact on social security
1. Digitalization should
ensure that every citizen
has equal access to
services, information and
provided knowledge
through information,
communication and
digital technologies.
This principle determines the creation of digital infrastructures as a key
factor in expanding citizens’ access to the global information environment
ss to the Internet has been and knowledge. Since 2011, free acce a digital right that -recognized by the UN as a fundamental human right
significantly increases the social security of citizens.
2. Digitalization should
be aimed at creating
benefits in various areas
of everyday life.
principle means increasing the level of social security of citizens, This
society and the state through the quality of healthcare and education
services, creating new jobs, developing entrepreneurship, agriculture,
l resource management, transport, environmental protection and natura
improving culture, helping to overcome poverty, preventing disasters,
ensuring public safety, etc.
3. Digitalization is
carried out through the
mechanism of economic
growth by increasing
efficiency, productivity
and competitiveness
through the use of digital
This principle implies comprehensive digitalization, which aims to
comprehensively and deeply transform existing analog economic and
social systems and spheres into new value and quality to acquire new
ualities and properties, their efficiency, development, competitive q
usability, etc. Economic growth through digitalization directly or
indirectly leads to an increase in the level of social security of citizens,
society and the state.
4. Digitalization should
bute to the contri
development of the
information society and
the media.
Information transparency, pluralism of information sources, efficiency and
quality of information provision contribute to the development of social
e.security of citizens, society and the stat
5. Digitalization must be
accompanied by an
increase in trust and
This principle states that social security of citizens, society and the state is
impossible without an adequate level of information security,
protection of personal data, privacy and rights of digital cybersecurity,
technology users, and without strengthening and protecting trust in
6. Digitalization as an
object of focused and
comprehensive public
the way to digitalization of the country are The main tasks of the state on
to correct the shortcomings of market mechanisms, overcome institutional
level digital transformation -and legislative barriers, launch national t of projects and attract relevant investments, stimulate the developmen
digital infrastructures, create the need for citizens to use digital
technologies and develop relevant digital competencies, create appropriate
incentives and motivations to support digital entrepreneurship and the
ositive impact on the social security digital economy, which will have a p
of individuals, society, and the state.
Source: based on (Decree No. 67-р, 2018).
A number of other digital tools in the area of
social security have been introduced in the last
few years. These include platforms such as
«Electronic Petitions», «Electronic
Consultations», «e-DEM», «SVOI», «Electronic
Sick Leave», etc. A catalog of educational
programs for university entrants has been
developed with information on training
specialists in artificial intelligence (data analysis,
machine learning, computer vision, pattern
recognition, natural language processing).
One of the most recent important laws that
directly affects the development of social
security of the state, society and citizens is the
Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain
Laws of Ukraine on the Functioning of Integrated
Information Systems in the Field of Education»
(Law No. 2457-IX, 2020). According to the
adopted Law, Ukraine is launching digital
interaction between educational authorities of all
levels, institutions, institutions and participants
in the educational process, which will be
implemented on the basis of the software and
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
hardware complex «Automated Information
Complex of Educational Management» (Law
No. 2457-IX, 2020). The Law is aimed to
accelerate the digital transformation of
education, which will significantly increase the
level of social security.
Today, Ukraine is already being put on a par with
Estonia and South Korea, the world’s most
effective digital democracies, where technocrats
are working to make political activity more
transparent and improve public services with the
help of technology.
Despite these positive developments, there are
still a number of strategic priorities in the field of
digitalization, the achievement of which, in our
opinion, should be a priority for the Ukrainian
state in the medium term. In the context of
improving social security in a digital state, it is
important to:
to overcome the imperfection (obsolescence) of
both the relevant legislative framework and the
institutional model of management/regulation of
a particular industry;
to avoid attempts to make point-by-point changes
to bylaws that do not solve the problem, as they
mostly correct legislative acts that are
fundamentally outdated and refer to
technological platforms, strategic objectives and
public management practices (both managerial
and regulatory) that have long since lost their
relevance in developed societies;
to create mechanisms for the accessibility of e-
platforms of digital services for different
categories of citizens and socio-demographic
groups, i.e., so that all citizens of Ukraine,
without restrictions and difficulties of a
technical, organizational, mental and financial
nature, can use digital opportunities regardless of
their location and other circumstances.
Therefore, the issue of bringing key legislative
acts in line with the strategic goals of the state
and current technological trends becomes
relevant. That is why Ukraine still needs to do a
significant amount of work to understand and
adapt the concept of digital society,
comprehensive informatization in the Ukrainian
context, and develop and implement the National
Strategy for Modern Information and
Communication Development.
Special attention should be paid by lawmakers
and other actors to aligning the digitalization of
the state and society with an appropriate level of
social security for citizens, protecting their
digital rights, minimizing digital inequality,
which is closely interrelated to digital
accessibility and digital competence, ensuring
the inclusiveness of public digital services, etc.
The analysis of the national regulatory and legal
framework has led to the conclusion that it is
expedient to enshrine the concept of social
security at the legislative level, and it is important
to give the concept of social security a digital
dimension which significantly expands the
boundaries of the interpretation of social security
of an individual, society and the State.
The study conducted in the field of legal
regulation of social security in the context of
digitalization allows us to assert that Ukraine
needs to correlate existing legislation with
modern digital requirements, to develop a
concept of information (digital) legislation that
will regulate all spheres of the country’s life,
taking into account the peculiarities of ensuring
the social security of the State, society, and the
individual in modern conditions and taking into
account existing challenges and threats.
We believe that it is time to create a Digital Code
of Ukraine, which would include all regulatory
documents, standards and amendments to civil,
administrative and criminal legislation to ensure
the social security of the state and civil society in
the field of digital technologies.
It is important to bring key legislative acts on the
effective implementation of information (digital)
technologies for the further development of
social security in line with the strategic goals of
the state and current technological trends, which
are the main criteria for Ukraine’s approximation
to democratic European values and are a
demanded reality of society.
Thus, the ongoing social and digital
transformations require a prompt response from
the state’s legal system to ensure effective legal
regulation of social relations in all areas of life
without exception.
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