Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.6
How to Cite:
Povydysh, V., Kobko, Y., Svyrydenko, S., Nironka, I., & Dobroskok, A. (2023). Information and analytical support for the State
defense order in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 59-67. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.6
Information and analytical support for the State defense order in
Інформаційно-аналітичне забезпечення державного оборонного замовлення в
Received: March 11, 2023 Accepted: March 7, 2023
Written by:
Povydysh Vladyslav1
Kobko Yevhen2
Svyrydenko Stanislav3
Nironka Iurii4
Dobroskok Andrii5
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence
of the information and analytical support for the
State defense order in Ukraine. Research results.
Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of
the concepts of information and analytical
activity and information and analytical support
are considered, their role and purpose are
revealed. Practical meaning. The author’s
definition of the term «information and analytical
support of the state defense order in Ukraine» is
proposed as a complex of organizational and
legal systematic measures aimed at the
collection, processing, analysis and
generalization of information materials in order
to ensure effective planning, coordination,
monitoring and control of the execution of State
defense orders, which includes the use of modern
information technologies, analytical methods
and expert assessments, promoting effective
management within the defense sector of the
state. Value/originality. It is proven that the role
of the investigated institution is to protect
territorial integrity and sovereignty, ensure
informed decision-making, planning and
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine.
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration of the
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Procedure of the National Academy of Internal
Affairs, Ukraine.
PhD in Law, Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine.
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminology and Penal Enforcement Law of the National
Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
coordination, monitoring and control,
development of internal and external potentials,
ensuring information security, development of
the information base, ensuring effective
communication, supporting scientific research,
innovation and technological development.
Keywords: activity, defense procurement,
information and analytical support, State defense
order, Register.
The issue of ensuring the appropriate level of
defense capability of Ukraine in terms of its
resistance to the aggression by the Russian
Federation is very acute. In this regard, from the
standpoint of the State’s stability and sustainable
development of all its institutions (Tatarova et
al., 2022, p. 215), fulfilling the task of increasing
the level of capabilities of the country’s defense
forces and ensuring the rational spending of
budget funds, effective functioning and
development of the State defense procurement
system is an urgent problem of State importance.
In turn, the information and analytical support for
the State defense procurement system, as a basic
subsystem, plays a decisive role in the
organizational and economic mechanism of the
state defense procurement system in general
(Holota, 2020).
The active development of information and
analytical activity in domestic public and
commercial institutions has acquired the
character of one of the significant trends of recent
times. Its actualization is due to a number of
objective facts: on the one hand, it is the
democratization of social life, the development
of market relations, legitimacy, the rapid
evolution of entrepreneurial activity, and on the
other one the related increase in the importance
of the intellectual component of decision-making
in management and other spheres of social life,
as well as the constant flow of information
necessary for the adoption of administrative
decisions and the implementation of other types
of social activities.
In recent times, there has been a rather
widespread recognition of the information and
analytical activity social status, which has a
number of characteristics (public awareness of
the existence of analytics, recognition of this
phenomenon as an instrument for managing
complex processes, means of revealing the
essence of the events taking place and in
predicting their further development, forming
ideas about professional analyst as an expert with
exclusive knowledge).
Thus, the purpose of the article is to reveal the
information and analytical support for the State
defense order in Ukraine on the basis of the
theory of administrative and military law, rules
of national legislation and the latest works by the
To achieve this aim, the following tasks should
be resolved:
1) to understand the essence of information and
analytical support in information
management of public administration by
developing theoretical approaches to the
definition of this concept;
2) to define the role and purpose of information
and analytical support of the defense sphere
of Ukraine;
3) to investigate information and analytical
activity, through which this type of support
is carried out;
4) to examine the legal nature of the Register of
participants in the selection and execution of
public contract as the main instrumental
component of the information and analytical
provision of the State defense order;
5) to determine the main aspects of the
information and analytical support for the
State defense order in Ukraine.
Literature Review
The formation of information analytics as a
special field of activity took place in the shortest
possible time, in an environment of maximum
intensification of all processes and aggravation
of many problems. Despite the fact that
analytical activity has been used for a long time,
its classification and precise definition have not
yet been developed. In this regard, Sliadnieva
Povydysh, V., Kobko, Y., Svyrydenko, S., Nironka, I., Dobroskok, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 65: 59-67 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(2001) proposed the following definition
“information analytics deals with the production
of new knowledge based on the processing of
existing information in order to optimize
decision-making. Modern information analytics
is a complex activity that relies on both natural
intelligence and computer technologies for
operating information arrays, methods of
mathematical modeling of processes, etc.”
Information provision is an important function in
state management activities. In the absence of the
necessary information, it is difficult to make
objective and timely state management
decisions. In this regard, the work of state bodies
should be provided with timely information
Information and analytical support is the process
of creating optimal conditions for meeting
information needs and implementing official
duties of state authorities based on the formation
and use of information resources. The goal of
information and analytical support for the State
executive bodies is to create conditions for
making effective public management decisions
(Puhach, 2010).
The term "information and analytical support"
consists of two interrelated elements, namely:
information, which is related to the
independent activity of specially trained
specialists engaged in searching, selecting,
processing, accumulating, summarizing and
saving information units (the first stage of
the process of information and analytical
support in the management system of any
analytical, which is a derivative of the
second stage of the process of information
and analytical support in the management
system of any mechanism: production by
specially trained specialists on the basis of
available information units and complex
mental processes of new knowledge about
the phenomenon or event being studied
(Koval, 2008).
According to Teleshun et al., (2007) information
and analytical support is a set of technologies,
methods of collecting and processing
information, characterizing the object of
managerial influence, specific methods of their
diagnosis, analysis and synthesis, as well the
assessment of the consequences of making
various options for decisions.
Parkhomenko (2006) states that information and
analytical support is the system of interrelated
methods, measures and tools, implementing the
creation and functioning of the technology of the
process of collection, transfer, processing,
storage and issuance (display), as well as the use
of information for the purpose of carrying out
effective activities in one or another area.
In the opinion by Pushak (2001), information and
analytical support is an organic set of initial data,
indicators and methods of their determination
and analytical evaluation, which can be a
scientific and methodical prerequisite for making
appropriate decisions by regional management
bodies when determining effective directions for
the development of entrepreneurship.
The methodological basis for the research is
based on an organic combination of
epistemological, ontological, deontological, and
axiological approaches. The research is based on
systemic, structural-functional, sociological,
synergistic, hermeneutic, linguistic and logical-
semantic approaches.
The basic method is the systematic approach,
which made it possible to establish the
relationship of social processes and phenomena
with the implementation of information and
analytical activities and to reveal the essence of
information and analytical support of the State
defense order in Ukraine.
With the help of dialectical and historical
methods, the genesis of scientific works devoted
to certain aspects of the investigated issue was
The method of synergistic analysis made it
possible to understand the role of information
and analytical support in the Ukrainian defense
Formal-logical and sociological methods helped
to reflect the role and place of analytical and
information activity in the life of society, to
establish its place in the procurement system of
With the help of a linguistic approach and a
formal legal method, the legal meaning of the key
concepts of the study was clarified
(“information”, “information and analytical
activity”, “information and analytical support”,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The structural and functional method contributed
to identifying the most important aspects of
information and analytical support for the State
defense order in Ukraine.
Content analysis method was used to examine the
rules of laws and by-laws governing the studied
Using modeling and legal method helped to
formulate the main opinions related to the
Results and Discussion
Information and analytical activity is
undoubtedly a broad and multifaceted sphere. It
includes the selection and systematization of
facts on a certain issue, their evaluation,
selection, interpretation, clear and thoughtful
presentation in oral or written form. It is worth
noting that obtaining necessary materials,
activities related to the acquisition,
systematization, translation and distribution of
books and documents do not belong here
(Varenko, 2014, p. 15).
To understand the essence of information and
analytical support in information management of
public administration, it is necessary, first of all,
to develop well-known theoretical approaches to
the definition of this important concept,
generalize them and propose a definition that
more adequately corresponds to its essence, as
well as justify its role and place in general public
The term “informational and analytical support”
is quite often used in various spheres of state
activity, in particular, in matters of public
administration. Overall analysis indicates that
information and analysis support in the complex
process of information support of the state
administration system occupies one of the key
places. However, today there is no unified
understanding of this important concept; it has a
semantic contradiction in scientific and
journalistic articles. As a result, there is a
problem that prevents both the development of
methodological foundations of information
support in the state administration system and its
practical implementation.
Sarychev (2017, p. 127) proves that information
and analytical support is a set of measures to
implement documented information products
(analytical documents) based on the use of static
information resources (documented data and
information), conducting calculations, modeling
situations, their analysis and synthesis in order to
support the adoption of appropriate decisions at
all levels of public administration.
Lytovchenko (2021, pp. 123-124) understands
information provision as the presentation and
organization of information, which will meet the
needs of information system users and the
requirements of automated data processing. The
management of information provision means
clear information flow processes from the
moment of its creation to the use, application of
classification and coding systems, creation of
information and logical models of information
arrays, management of changes in existing
information systems, solving routine problems
on the quality of information systems, etc.
Information and analytical support of the defense
sphere of Ukraine is considered by Sokurenko
(2016, pp. 29-30) as functionally and structurally
dedicated specially organized activity of public
administration actors in the sphere of defense,
which involves collection, accumulation and
processing of data; search, analysis and
generalization of information; obtaining special
knowledge aimed at quality assurance of their
managerial activities. This support system needs
immediate improvement by creating a special
structural unit in the system of public
administration bodies in the relevant field, which
would accumulate all information of a defense
nature and maintain a communication system
with all interested subjects and scientific
The scientists Snitsarenko and Sarychev (2017,
p. 87) proposed a new definition of information
and analytical support (in the military sphere) as
the set of measures to implement the processes of
creating information products (analytical
materials) based on the use of static information
resources (documented data and information),
obtained as a result of monitoring, as well as by
conducting calculations, modeling situations,
analyzing and synthesizing data and information,
in order to support decision-making by military
management bodies at all levels.
Accordingly, in our opinion, information and
analytical support for the State defense order in
Ukraine is a complex of organizational and legal
systematic measures aimed at the collection,
processing, analysis and generalization of
information in order to ensure effective planning,
coordination, monitoring and control of
execution of state defense orders, which includes
the use of modern information technologies,
analytical methods and expert assessments,
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
contributing to effective management within the
defense sector of the state.
Regarding the role and purpose of information
and analytical support of the defense sphere of
Ukraine, Sokurenko (2016, p. 22) indicates that
its main goal of is comprehensive scientific,
theoretical and informational assistance of the
activities of public administration bodies and
public organizations of the defense sector based
on a complex of organizational, research, legal,
technical and other measures.
Its role lies in the production of analytically
substantiated and documented information
products, which are provided for management
decisions that do not require real action in real
time, and its place is determined by the sequence
of information processes in the general
cybernetic circuit of state administration, in
particular, the military sphere. The obtained
results, subject to their implementation in
practice, allow for the best possible division of
responsibility and duties of executors in the
single contour of government in the military
The improvement of the defense resource
management system and the rapid development
of the latest information technologies require the
use of new approaches both to the construction of
information systems for management of defense
resources, and to the administration of their
information support. Control of compliance of
the provided information with user needs is the
key function of information provision managing.
Another principal function is to present
technologies, on the basis of which the interests
of all parties involved in information activities
are coordinated. The complexity of information
control in the field of defense resource
management is determined by constant changes
in the functional environment, the emergence of
new goals and the search for new solutions.
Changes in the functional environment require
relevant shifts in management processes to
ensure compliance with the new requirements of
the number of participants involved in the
creation and use of information resources
(Lytovchenko, 2021, p. 123-124).
Information and analytical provision of the
defense sphere is performed through information
and analytical activity a specific area of
information work related to the detection,
processing, preservation and dissemination of
information mainly in the field of management,
political and economic activities. However, for
the defense sector, it is not so much the timely
provision of primary information as early
detection of problem situations and prediction of
development of events. It is the need to predict,
identify and forecast trends in the evolution of
the situation that determines the use of various
analytical techniques for processing source
information. Identifying possible ways of
developing the situation requires not only the
consolidation of the revealed information, but
also its assessment (Sokurenko, 2016, p. 22).
Information and analytical support closely
interacts with condition monitoring as a separate
type of information support in the state
administration system. Its role is to develop
analytically substantiated proposals for making
effective state management decisions (on the
basis of available information resources obtained
with the help of information infrastructure), and
its place is determined by the nature of the task
of assessing and forecasting the state
(development) of the object (process) of public
In addition, information technology innovations
in public administration in general and public
administration in the field of defense in particular
should be of a complex nature, be associated with
the simultaneous and agreed use of
informational, organizational, legal, socio-
psychological, personnel, technical and many
other factors. All this requires a comprehensive
approach, a qualitative change in the system of
working with information, as well as in the
functional and organizational structure of
management, the composition of all management
activities in the defense sphere. Formation of
modern information and analytical and software
support systems for management decisions will
provide an opportunity for public administration
actors of the defense sector to quickly analyze
and assess the situation in all areas of the State’s
defense activities. To this end, existing
information systems should be integrated in the
defense sphere of Ukraine, that is, it is necessary
to create a unified information and
telecommunications system for collecting,
processing and transmitting data necessary for
making strategically important decisions in the
administrative and political sphere of public
management (Sokurenko, 2016, p. 22).
The main instrumental component of the
information and analytical provision of the State
defense order in Ukraine is the Register of
participants in the selection and execution of
public contracts.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
According to the Law of Ukraine No. 808-IX
(2020), the Register is created as an automated
system. It is maintained for the purpose of
monitoring information on executed state
contracts (agreements), keeping the information
on the participants of the selection up to date and
ensuring transparency of information about
participants of selection and performers of state
contracts (contracts), objectivity of evaluation,
selection and re-evaluation of executors of state
contracts, taking into account on their ability to
produce and supply goods, perform works and
provide services in accordance with the needs of
government customers.
The Register ensures systematization and
retrospective analysis of the data on economic
entities in defense procurement according to the
following classification features:
1) range of goods, works, and services for
defense purposes produced by the economic
entity, works and services performed by
such an actor;
2) the price of goods, works, services for
defense purposes, including, but not limited
to, the fixed price of such products, based on
the results of pre- procurement in
compliance with the legislation on
information protection;
3) financial and economic condition of the
4) presence of certain types of production
activity of the enterprise;
5) availability of the necessary production and
technical capacity of the enterprise;
6) presence of necessary objects of intellectual
property right;
7) performing or participating in research and
other work;
8) potential statutory grounds for refusal of
contract based on the results of trades.
The processing of information with limited
access and information constituting a State secret
in the Register is carried out in accordance with
the laws of Ukraine “On Protection of
Information in Automated Systems” (Law of
Ukraine No. 80/94-VR, 1994) and “On State
Secrets” (Law of Ukraine No. 3855-XII, 1994).
The procedure for creating and maintaining the
Register of participants in selection and
executors of state contracts (agreements) is
approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Responsibility for the administration and
ensuring the functioning of the Register rests
with the main body in the field of defense
procurement planning. Officials of this agency
are responsible for improper administration and
operation of the Register in accordance with the
Ukrainian legislation.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine No. 233 (2021), the
Register is a system of accumulation, processing,
accounting, protection and provision of
information on the participants of selection and
performers of state contracts. The Register is a
state information resource. State customers
receive information from the register free of
charge. The holder and administrator of the
Register is the Ministry of Strategy and Industry,
which ensures its creation, operation,
maintenance and administration. The Ministry
within its powers:
takes measures to create, implement, support the
software of the Registry using information and
telecommunication technologies;
is responsible for technical and technological
support, preservation and protection of registry
carries out technical and technological measures
for granting, blocking and canceling access to the
Registry, keeps records of users;
ensures verification of the accuracy of data
submitted to the register, compliance by users
with technological discipline and information
security, training on data entry and use of the
carries out systematization and retrospective
analysis of data on business entities involved in
defense procurement;
forms analytical reporting on certain indicators;
ensures publication of the list of business entities
included in the register;
supports the website hosting the Register;
maintains the publication of information on the
specified website.
In general, the role of information and analytical
support for the State defense order in Ukraine is
extremely important and includes the following
1. Protection of the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of the State: information and
analytical support of the State defense order
in Ukraine is aimed at increasing the
efficiency and reliability of the national
defense system, ensuring security and
sovereignty of the country.
2. Ensuring informed decision-making:
information and analytical support provides
the necessary information, analysis and
assessment, which help military
management bodies to make informed, legal
and optimal decisions regarding the State
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
defense order in compliance with priorities,
requirements and strategic directions in the
development of defense forces and
production military equipment.
3. Planning and coordination: information and
analytical support helps to ensure effective
planning and coordination of the state
defense order (identification of needs,
allocation of resources, establishment of
deadlines and interaction between various
subjects involved in the implementation of
the order).
4. Monitoring and control: information and
analytical support ensures systematic
monitoring and control of the execution of
the State defense order.
5. Development of internal and external
potentials: information and analytical
support contributes to the development of
internal and external potentials of the State
defense order, which includes the search and
analysis of new technologies, scientific
research, market trends and potential
partners to increase the efficiency and
competitiveness of defense programs.
6. Ensuring information security: development
and application of measures to protect
confidential State information, cyber
security and counter data leakage.
7. Development of the information base:
information and analytical support
contributes to the promotion of the
information base, which includes the data on
the State defense order (creation and
management of databases, information
collection and analysis systems, as well as
the development of methods of information
modeling and forecasting).
8. Ensuring effective communication:
information and analytical support promotes
effective communication between various
actors involved in the implementation of the
State defense order (exchange of
information, common understanding and
coordination of actions, which facilitates
effective performance of tasks and
achievement of set goals.
9. Support for scientific research, innovation
and technological development: information
and analytical support provides assistance to
scientific research and innovation in the field
of State defense procurement, promotes
technological development in this sphere
(implementation of advanced technologies
and research to increase the efficiency and
competitiveness of defense programs).
The successful operation of the institution is
impossible without provision of the necessary
information, which contributes to the
improvement of the quality of the decisions
made. Information provision is one of the types
of provision of management processes, which
includes a set of information resources, means,
methods and technologies for collecting,
processing and issuing information used in
interests of the organization.
Information and analytical activity is work,
which, using the capabilities of the relevant
services, is aimed at fulfilling the task of
qualitative and meaningful transformation of
information, functionally intersecting in this
regard with scientific (production of new
knowledge) and managerial (development of
options solutions, scenarios) operation
(Parkhomenko, 2006).
Information and analytical services
(subdivisions) began to be established in the
structure of government bodies, in ministries and
agencies, in the business sphere, and in political
parties and organizations. A common
distinguishing feature of these services is their
organic integration into the relevant spheres of
activity, functional and organizational symbiosis
with their social institutions and specific
organizations. In the activities of data analytical
services, which are called to provide
management information support in the relevant
spheres, the information-supporting nature of
information analysis is most clearly visible,
which makes the latter akin to other types of
information and infrastructure, information and
support services that traditionally organize the
information space, optimizing and directing
traffic information flows that ensure the
preservation of accumulated information
resources, etc. They include both the oldest
inventions of mankind (libraries, archives,
bibliographic services), as well as more modern
reference services, NTI bodies, and the latest
companies that develop electronic (including
network) information resources (Zakharova &
Filipova, 2013, p. 6).
Information and analytical support for the State
defense order in Ukraine plays a crucial role as
well. Its role is to protect territorial integrity and
sovereignty, ensure informed decision-making,
planning and coordination, monitoring and
control, development of internal and external
potentials, ensuring information security,
development of the information base, ensuring
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
effective communication, supporting scientific
research, innovation and technological
development. In our opinion, this institution in
the investigated area is a complex of
organizational and legal systematic measures
aimed at the collection, processing, analysis and
generalization of information in order to ensure
effective planning, coordination, monitoring and
control of execution of state defense orders,
which includes the use of modern information
technologies, analytical methods and expert
assessments, contributing to effective
management within the defense sector of the
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