Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.5
How to Cite:
Plakhotnik, O., Zlatnikov, V., Strazhnikova, I., Bidyuk, N., Shkodyn, A., & Kuchai, O. (2023). Use of information technologies for
quality training of future specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 49-58. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.5
Use of information technologies for quality training of future
Використання інформаційних технологій для якісної підготовки майбутніх фахівців
Received: April 20, 2023 Accepted: June 5, 2023
Written by:
Oleh Plakhotnik1
Valentyn Zlatnikov2
Inna Strazhnikova3
Natalya Bidyuk4
Alona Shkodyn5
Oleksandr Kuchai6
The article considers the main ways of using
information technologies in education (creation
of information environments in each educational
institution. The factors without which the
modern implementation of educational
information technologies is impossible are
singled out. The purposes of using e-learning,
blended learning, and ways of monitoring
education using computer testing are revealed.
Emphasis is placed on the most effective means
of educational multimedia systems in classes
(automated learning systems; computer
simulators; multimedia presentations;
educational films; video demonstrations, etc.).
The stages of teacher preparation for classes
using computer technologies are singled out and
their significance during classes is substantiated,
the main functions in the system of training
students who perform modern information
technologies, the main directions of using
Associate Professor of the Department of Notary, Enforcement and Advocacy, Prosecutor's Office, Judiciary of the Educational and
Scientific Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (Pedagogical Studies), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Military Translation, Taras Shevchenko
National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of Bohdan Stuparyk Pedagogy and Educational Management Department,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Language Education and Crosscultural
Communication, Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technologies and Natural
Sciences, Cooperative Institute of Business and Law, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Pedagogy Department, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information technologies in education,
pedagogical conditions for effective introduction
into the educational process of information
technologies, the main goals of training
specialists, which are achieved in the process of
applying information technologies.
Keywords: information technologies, future
specialists, e-learning, blended learning,
educational process.
The world society carries out constant
development of the educational sector, therefore
the integration of each country into the
international educational community is possible,
and hence the expansion of the economic sector,
cultural cooperation, and science between states
is possible. All these positions determine the
need to modernize the training of future
specialists, activate ways to improve the quality
of education for all branches, and offer modern
training of future specialists (Polishchuk, 2021).
Today, higher education affects all the processes
of human life, and therefore at the global level, it
acts as the main component of society and
depends on those processes that are carried out in
it, therefore, when training specialists, it takes
into account the development of personality and
influences the formation of a person's views on
life. With such an approach, it is necessary to
take into account the current state of
development and the introduction of information
technologies into the education of any country
for high-quality training of specialists based on
European and national standards of higher
education. Information technology is a
constantly renewing, inexhaustible resource,
which is the main intellectual value of society.
They develop too quickly and are a necessary key
to learning the material (Kovalenko, 2017).
In the professional training of future specialists,
an important factor that optimizes the
educational process in modern institutions of
higher education is the creation of a favorable
environment for the optimal educational activity
of future specialists. At the same time, the
integration of traditional teaching methods and
the latest information technologies is mandatory
(Matsuk, 2018).
A high level of qualification, the quality of
acquired knowledge of the future specialist,
mobility and professional competence are the
main principles of rapid and constant
development of the economy of any country.
Information technologies make it possible to
ensure a high-quality educational process and
thus contribute to the competitiveness of a
specialist, improve the further educational
process, make education accessible and effective,
and contribute to the quality preparation for life
activities of the younger generation in the
information society. Therefore, the use of
information technologies for high-quality
training of future specialists is a priority for the
development of education, which ensures
constant improvement of the educational
process, makes professional training of future
specialists accessible and effective (Derevyanko
& Sukhovetska, 2015).
Literature Review
A. Polishchuk (2021) provided a solid
groundwork for the application of foreign
language competence in future professionals
using information technologies. He explored the
potential of the educational process and the
principles of implementing foreign language
competence. The reasons for inadequate and
Plakhotnik, O., Zlatnikov, V., Strazhnikova, I., Bidyuk, N., Shkodyn, A., Kuchai, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 65: 49-58 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
underutilization of information technologies in
higher education institutions were demonstrated.
The author also proposed progressive and
effective measures for incorporating information
technologies into the educational processes of
these institutions.
E. Borodina et al., (2019) performed a scientific
analysis, studied and highlighted the benefits of
mobile applications, and information
technologies for training future specialists in
higher education institutions. They examined the
key challenges that arise during the training of
specialists within a mobile application
environment. The study showcased the potential
of using mobile devices in the educational
process, which promotes the shift from
traditional forms of education to the application
of innovative technologies. They disclosed
potential methods for acquiring an information-
based education using Google Apps services.
The research proved that information
technologies make learning interactive, increase
educational intensity, and introduce new
educational content components required for
training competitive specialists.
S. Ghavifekr & W.A.W. Rosdy (2015) confirmed
that information technologies enhance the
teaching and learning environment by making it
more active and dynamic. They further
contributed to the consistent engagement of
teachers in the day-to-day educational process. In
their view, teachers are essential players in the
educational process, utilizing information
L. Matsuk (2018) advocated for the necessity of
using information technologies in the
professional training of future specialists. This is
essential for preparing future specialists to use
specialized computer programs at various stages
of their educational work. The study highlights
key areas of student professional training when
acquainting themselves with computer usage
rules during remedial classes. The possibilities of
harmoniously combining information
technologies with traditional speech therapy
technologies for children are shown. The study
demonstrated the advantages of using
information technologies in a specialist's future
professional activities.
T. Vasenok, A. Zinchenko, & I. Marynchenko
(2021) described the contextual content of
forming professional competence in future
sewing specialists when applying information
technologies in modern society. They
emphasized the need to use modern information
technologies, and automated clothing design
systems, which contribute to improving the
quality of work in sewing enterprises. Innovative
approaches based on the use of modern
information technologies are characterized as
essential in the professional training of future
specialists in vocational education.
M. Kademiya & I. Shahina (2011) demonstrated
the significance of integrating information
technologies in the educational processes of
higher education institutions, and in management
activities. They showed how the implementation
of information technologies in the educational
process of higher education institutions and the
management of the educational process improves
the quality of both categories and pedagogical
O. Korets (2018) pointed out the necessity for
future technological field teachers to use modern
information technologies. They proposed a
potential approach for using information
technologies for studying technical and
technological disciplines that implement
technical calculations.
V. Kovalenko (2017) substantiated the potential
of using information technologies in higher
education systems. He demonstrated ways of
using these technologies and proved their
effectiveness in increasing the efficiency of the
education and self-education process, enabling
the transition to continuous education.
O. Derevyanko, & S. Suhovetska (2015)
presented the primary aspects of utilizing
information technologies in the educational
process. They affirmed that the environment of
information technologies promotes creative
personality development, self-realization, and
provides high-quality professional training for
future specialists.
The purpose of the study is to consider the
primary methods of using information
technologies for the quality training of future
In order to accomplish the research objective, a
range of complementary methods have been
utilized to gain a comprehensive understanding
of the topic:
Theoretical methods, comprising the
analysis of philosophical, psychological,
and pedagogical studies, were employed.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
These methods served to substantiate the
conceptual underpinnings of the research.
The interpretive-analytical method
facilitated the systematization, synthesis,
analysis, and generalization of scientific
statements. Additionally, comparative-
historical analysis allowed for a comparison
between international and domestic content
in professional specialist training.
Empirical methods were used to determine
the training level of future specialists. These
methods included questionnaires,
observations, and interviews.
The prognostic method was applied to
incorporate developed educational and
methodological materials related to the use
of information technologies for quality
training of future specialists into the
educational process.
The study's methodological concept shows
varying approaches of both specific scientific
and general scientific methodology. These are
the foundations upon which professional
development and self-improvement of future
specialists are conducted. An ongoing
interrelation of approaches is observed. These
The synergistic approach: This forms a
holistic view on the professional training of
a specialist, allows the consideration of the
dynamics of information technology use for
the qualitative training of future specialists,
and leads to the development of professional
self-improvement technologies.
The metacognitive approach: This
encourages subject-subject interaction,
expands metacognitive strategies of self-
study in students, and develops the reflective
abilities of future specialists.
The competence approach: This facilitates
the formation of a competence-based
experience in the subject of self-education
activity, enables professional self-
improvement, and ensures the enhancement
of professional and pedagogical skills and
The individual-typological approach: This
guarantees the formation of a valuable
perspective among students towards
independent work, is founded upon the
principles of differentiation,
individualization, independence, and
consciousness of professional self-
improvement, considering their individual-
typological features.
The theoretical concept of the research justifies
the definitions of the main research concepts
concerning the use of information technologies
for the qualitative training of future specialists. It
also defines the structure of information
technologies for quality training of future
specialists and ensures the training outcome the
readiness for competitiveness.
The process of using information technologies
for quality training of future specialists is
anchored in the philosophies and methodologies
of scientific knowledge, and the principles of
metacognitive, synergistic, individual-
typological, and competence-based approaches.
It also includes principles of systematicity, self-
development, individualization, and specific
principles like scientificity, structuring,
accessibility, fundamentalization, integration,
professionalization, optimality, problem-solving,
relaxation, and mobilization.
The methodical concept introduces the method of
using information technologies for quality
training of future specialists, which involves a
step-by-step process of mastering training
methods, content, and forms. This concept also
covers the application of innovative training
technologies and methods, the development of
self-study skills, and the creation of a complex of
educational and methodological support.
The practical concept takes into account the
experience of using information technologies for
the quality training of future specialists.
Results and Discussion
Various scientists define the concept of
"educational information technologies"
T. Vasenok, A. Zinchenko, & I. Marynchenko
(2021) describe information technologies as "the
management and processing of data utilizing
computer technology."
I. Bulah (1995) contends that "information
technology is a system of tools and
methodologies that guarantee the optimization of
work with information based on computer
M. Zhaldak (1991) asserts that "information
technology comprises methods and technical
means for collecting, organizing, storing,
processing, transmitting, and presenting
information that enhances people's knowledge
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and hones their ability to manage technical and
social processes."
I. Sokolova (2004) identifies the use of
information technologies for the high-quality
training of future specialists as "a system of
general didactic, psychological, and
technological procedures of interaction among
the participants of the educational process in
higher education. This system takes into account
technical and human resources, and aims at
developing the information competence of future
Broadly speaking, information technologies for
quality training of future specialists encompass:
A comprehensive aspect related to socio-
pedagogical transformations, infused with
information products, educational processes,
technologies, and tools.
The implementation of information
products, tools, and the most recent
pedagogical technologies based on
information tools in institutions of higher
Educational information technologies for high-
quality training of future specialists constitute an
educational, methodological, and technological
process. The principal element of this process, as
a newly evolving educational tool, is the
computer with its innovative capabilities, leading
to significant modifications in the system of
teaching methods and forms. In the context of
high-quality training of future specialists, we
interpret information technologies as a system
that scientifically underpins quality professional
training in higher education institutions. This
system aims to boost efficiency and optimize the
educational process, and it is predicated on the
utilization of the higher educational institution's
educational portal, the incorporation of cutting-
edge technological and scientific advancements,
and the upgrade of the institution's material and
technical foundation (Kuchai et al., 2021).
Key to high-quality training of future specialists
is the expansion of new information technologies
in education, which are underpinned by new
interactive methods and a modern computer base.
This includes tools for distance learning,
technical learning tools, computer educational
programs, audio-video equipment,
teleconferences, and more. Information
technology tools for high-quality training of
future specialists encompass artificial
intelligence systems, information input devices,
terminal equipment, information archiving tools,
local computer networks, information
manipulation devices, contemporary
communication systems, software suites, and
The following have gained widespread use for
implementing information technologies and
ensuring high-quality training of future
Computer training programs
Diagnostic and testing systems
Consulting and information systems
Computer textbooks
Expert systems
Laboratory complexes
Application programs for managing
information processing.
The utilization of information technologies
substantially transforms the roles and functions
of the teacher and students with the objective of
enhancing the quality of training for future
specialists, thus significantly improving all
components of the educational process
(Shchyrbul et al., 2022). This change catalyzes
the development of a need for self-learning, self-
determination, self-improvement, and an
increase in the motivation for cognitive activity
among students. The teacher, adopting principles
of cooperative pedagogy and new thinking,
assists students in designing and redesigning
their activities. They help students consider their
individual characteristics through the use of
information technologies, thus ensuring the
personalization of education, taking into account
the cognitive capabilities of each student
(Derevyanko & Sukhovetska, 2015).
The main applications of information
technologies in education are as follows:
Development of information environments
in each educational institution
Creation of software tools in the pedagogical
Utilization of information technologies in
conducting research and project-based
Use of multimedia tools in education
Introduction of distance courses in the
educational landscape
Application of information technologies in
managing an educational institution
Use of internet tools for software and
methodological support development in
educational institutions, information
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
searches, psychological counseling, and
professional development
Creation of websites for educational
Enhancement of career guidance work in
educational institutions
Development and use of software products
for controlling and monitoring educational
activities (Kademiya & Shahina, 2011)
Modern application of educational information
technologies for educational sector planning is
impossible without the following factors:
Individual's professional development
Supportive policy
Training of skilled teachers to instruct
Student-centered teaching
Technical support for all staff and educators
Update of training program resources
Educational content standards
Monitoring of educational policy.
E-learning and blended learning are potent tools
for aiding the growth of education. To ensure the
effectiveness of e-learning and blended learning
in self-education and continuous human
education, the rules of integrated programs,
usage of information technologies, and
application of multimedia technologies in
education are taken into account.
E-learning and blended learning blend traditional
and distance learning methods with the
capabilities of information technologies, which
can significantly reduce training costs and
enhance the efficiency of the educational
process. However, e-learning and blended
learning are not the only methods for obtaining
continuous educationthey are just one
component of the educational process.
The objectives of utilizing e-learning and
blended learning are:
Conducting conferences and meetings
Implementing remote monitoring by
education experts
Remote interaction among education
participants Independent work with
electronic materials using a computer,
mobile phone, etc.
Creation of a distributed community of
education seekers
Timely delivery of electronic educational
materials, which happens continuously
Popularization, assimilation, and transfer of
information technologies
Increasing the effectiveness of teachers'
Development of educational web resources
Offering consultations, regardless of time
Implementation of joint virtual educational
Standardization of electronic materials for
Certification of distance learning tools
Cultivation of an informational culture of the
educational process among students
Opportunity to obtain modern knowledge
from any place and at any time
Provision of quality education for
individuals with physical disabilities
(Gurevich et al., 2012)
Modern education allows for the creation of an
educational environment using e-learning
technology, where both teachers and students can
access education from any location, independent
of a stationary computer, and study at a time that
suits them. This has been made possible by
modern technology like tablets and iPads.
An analysis of training plans for future specialists
in higher education institutions indicates a lack
of educational disciplines that form the
information and communication competence of
future competitive specialists. In most higher
education institutions, the development of
information and communication competence in
students only occurs in the final course of study.
This doesn't always facilitate the effective use of
information technologies when writing course
projects and qualification papers, in
extracurricular work, or during pedagogical
practice. The formation of information and
communication competence should be a
consistent and systematic process (Shunkov et
al., 2022).
In the professional training of future specialists,
the use of information technologies ensures
students are prepared to implement computer
programs specific to their professional activities
(Matsuk, 2018).
The importance of combining pedagogical
technologies with information technologies in
higher education is becoming increasingly
recognized. This approach helps to develop
skills, creative thinking, and the ability to
creatively approach emerging problems,
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
navigate information, utilize communication,
and expand students' self-education (Kovalenko,
The use of information technologies in the higher
education system allows teachers to alter their
methods, educational content, and organizational
forms. The digitalization of the educational
process in higher education aids future specialists
in adapting to competitive professional activity,
thereby enhancing the quality of their
professional training. As a result, students are
better able to navigate modern society and their
specific professional activities. A higher
education institution acts both as a consumer and
an active producer of information technologies.
The digitalization of the educational process
demands computer literacy from students and
teachers, as information technologies are
increasingly becoming vital tools in education.
They foster innovation in the educational and
creative activities of students and promote
competitiveness in their future professional
endeavors (Kotiash et al., 2022).
Video materials and other multimedia tools are
used in higher education institutions to bridge
gaps in education. Multimedia teaching tools are
versatile as they can be utilized at different stages
of the lesson: during problem setting, before
learning new material as motivation, during the
explanation of new material as illustration, and
throughout the process of consolidating material
and generalizing students' knowledge. The most
effective means of educational multimedia
systems in classes include automated educational
systems, computer simulators, multimedia
presentations, educational films, and demo
The preparation of teachers for classes using
computer technologies can be delineated into
several stages, each with its significance
(Savchenko, 2013):
Organizational Stage: This involves creating
a conducive psychological atmosphere in the
class to enhance the success of educational
Checking Independent Work: This entails
assessing students' basic knowledge.
Topic Announcement: Teachers announce
the topic and objectives of the lesson, often
through a multimedia presentation.
Assimilation of New Knowledge: Students
are introduced to new information, often
supported by multimedia presentations and
practical examples.
Informing Students About Independent
Work: Teachers instruct students about the
upcoming independent work and provide
necessary didactic materials.
Familiarization with Equipment: Teachers
introduce students to the necessary technical
and material equipment.
Summary: The class concludes with a
summary of the key points.
The development of classes using information
technologies necessitates the availability of
software, electronic resources, presentations, and
Internet materials (Kovalenko, 2017).
Modern information technologies serve several
functions in the education system: modifying,
modernizing, and rationalizing the traditional
educational process; radically transforming the
educational process; and offering a combination
of elements from the traditional and innovative
educational process.
Computer technology plays a crucial role in the
educational process, both for teaching and for
assessing knowledge. The advantages of
computer-based testing include objectivity,
convenience in recording and storing test results,
rapid implementation of individualized testing,
and automatic processing of results (Kuchai et
al., 2022).
The most significant information technology
device in contemporary education is a computer
equipped with telecommunications and
innovative programs. Key uses of information
technology in education include visual
representation of socio-cultural phenomena and
processes, training in the use of educational
material, collection and processing of statistical
information, modeling, monitoring skill
formation levels, and facilitating dialogue and
communication through computer networks
(Zayarna, 2015).
To integrate information technologies effectively
into the educational process, it's necessary to
meet certain pedagogical conditions. These
include providing higher education institutions
with Internet services, multimedia tools, and
telecommunications programs, training teachers
to work in computerized educational
environments, and preparing future professionals
to work with electronic database platforms
(Burovytska & Polishchuk, 2021).
The primary goals of training specialists,
achieved through the application of information
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
technologies (Litvinchuk, 2015), include the
1. Enhancing the efficiency of the educational
process through individualization and
2. Improving training by using available
3. Achieving a productive level of professional
training by applying information
technologies during the study of
professional disciplines.
4. Focusing on anticipatory, developmental
education, and implementing promising
forms of education and methods.
5. Integrating types of educational activities
within a single methodology during the
study of professional disciplines, based on
the application of information technologies.
6. Preparing students for future professional
activities in the conditions of the information
7. Implementing innovative teaching methods
and forms with an orientation towards
anticipatory, developing education.
8. Increasing the effectiveness of the
educational process based on its
intensification and individualization.
Absolutely, information technologies offer a
wealth of tools and methodologies that can
enhance education, such as creative technologies
(e.g., electronic textbooks, hypertext, computer
graphics, and geoinformation systems), virtual
reality, and computer networks. All these tools
play a crucial role in modernizing and enhancing
the educational process.
However, as you rightly pointed out, the effective
integration of these tools is not without
challenges. These challenges can include:
1. Level of Difficulty: Choosing the
appropriate level of difficulty for tasks can
be a challenge. Not every student learns at
the same pace or in the same way, so it can
be difficult to ensure that educational
materials are adequately challenging but not
2. Monitoring: While technology can make it
easier to track student progress, it may not
be as effective in understanding the nuances
of student engagement and performance as
traditional, in-person monitoring methods.
3. Pace Control: Technology can allow
students to learn at their own pace, which
can be both a benefit and a challenge. It can
be difficult to ensure that all students are
keeping up and not falling behind.
4. Visualization: While technology can provide
visually appealing and engaging content, the
quality and effectiveness of these materials
can vary greatly. In some cases, poorly
designed materials could even hinder
learning rather than help it.
5. Personal Activity and Motivation: It can be
challenging to cater to the individual needs,
motives, and requirements of students in a
computerized environment.
6. Depth of Knowledge: Assessing the depth of
knowledge and understanding that a student
has gained from computerized learning can
be difficult.
While information technologies can greatly
enhance the educational process, it's crucial to
find a balance between traditional and
technological methods. Educators and
researchers need to consider how to best
incorporate these technologies into existing
pedagogical approaches to enhance, rather than
hinder, learning. Further research into how to
optimize this balance is indeed a vital area for
exploration. The goal is to create an educational
environment that leverages the best of both
traditional and digital tools to deliver engaging,
effective, and personalized education for every
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