Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.65.05.3
How to Cite:
Vakulyk, I., Voskoboinikova, H., Haharin, M., Chabaiovska, M., Dovzhuk, V., & Tomashevska, M. (2023). Globalization of the
education space in EU countries and Great Britain through radical information reform. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 29-38.
Globalization of the education space in EU countries and Great Britain
through radical information reform
Глобалізація освітнього простору в країнах ЄС та Великій Британії шляхом
радикального інформаційного реформування
Received: February 14, 2023 Accepted: April 29, 2023
Written by:
Iryna Vakulyk1
Researcher ID: AAH-1600-2020
Halyna Voskoboinikova2
Researcher ID: IAR-4762-2023
Mykola Haharin3
ResearcherID: IAR-2379-2023
Mariia Chabaiovska4
Researcher ID: IAR-2301-2023
Viktoria Dovzhuk5
Researcher ID: GNK-3476-2022
Marysya Tomashevska6
Researcher ID: IAR-1976-2023
The article reveals the main principles of
globalization of the educational space in the EU
countries and Great Britain through radical
information reformation. The action plan, which
includes the six dimensions disclosed in the
article, is of great importance from 2020 to 2025
for the formation of the European Education
Area (European Education Area), in the
conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and for
the development of innovativeness. Measures
developed by the European Commission to
achieve the specified dimensions are proposed
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Linguistic Communication, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, PhD in Pharmacy, Professor of Department of Psychology and Pedagogical, Kyiv
International University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Department Pedagogics and Education Management, Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Full-time Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Innovation,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pharm.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Organization and Economics,
Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine.
Graduate Student of the Faculty of International Relations, Precarpathian National University named after
V. Stefanyk, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(increasing and monitoring the quality of
education; paying attention to gender sensitivity
and inclusiveness in education; modernizing
digital transformations in education, increasing
the competence and motivation of specialists
involved in the educational field). The
importance and necessity for the education of
distance learning programs based on educational
models that are known all over the world (in the
example of Great Britain) is shown. In the field
of information, constant changes and
improvements are taking place, leading to the
emergence of a qualitatively new type of social
system. The information society is the main and
necessary in the educational space, therefore the
article shows the basic prerequisites of
technological, spatial, economic, cultural, and
political approaches to the improvement of the
information society.
Keywords: globalization of educational space,
EU countries, Great Britain, information
reformation, distance learning.
The 21st century exists under the name: the
century of radical information reformation of the
educational sector, which is connected with the
constant deployment and implementation of the
information revolution in the educational society,
where information, knowledge, and intelligence
actualize the educational status of the student in
the system of social life and appear as its driving
force (Zhyzhko, 2013).
The peculiarities of the development of the
modern information society and its specificity
are reflected in education, which requires
constant modernization and transformation,
which is due to the need for such needs that
correspond to social development and personal
development, taking into account the increase in
information flows, the constant acceleration of
the pace of life, and the improvement of
technologies. Informatization of education is one
of the main factors in the improvement of the
educational sector and is a guarantor of the future
intellectual potential of the nation (Yordan, &
Yordan, 2020).
The constant global development of information
technologies has increased the relevance of the
educational sector and made it possible to
modernize the system of continuous education.
Nowadays, distance education is presented as the
basis of a new educational paradigm, and its
importance and necessity are substantiated. The
essence of such modernization is reflected in the
concept of distance education, its importance is
most clearly shown and its necessity for all layers
of society is proven, which becomes the most
important factor in its development (Ozerova, &
Barvinok, 2021).
The globalization of the educational space in the
EU countries and Great Britain through radical
informational reformation in the direction of
homogenization of the economic, political, and
cultural spaces of humanity changes the
requirements for civil and professional
characteristics of the individual, actualizing the
context of education. Society directs the
countries of the world to the necessary
implementation of drastic changes in the
educational sector. We see continuous
transformational development in the context of
understanding the following dilemmas: on the
one hand, the need to develop the economy and
its labor markets by competitive specialists, and
on the other hand, the interpenetration of
cultures, the development of social harmony, and
the strengthening of national identity. The joint
search for ways to overcome problems by the
countries of the EU, Great Britain, and the United
States related to the globalization of the
educational space through comprehensive
education reform made it possible to develop
promising practical experience (Zhurylo et al.,
Vakulyk, I., Voskoboinikova, H., Haharin, M., Chabaiovska, M., Dovzhuk, V., Tomashevska, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 65:
29-38 / May, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Goal. To reveal the main principles of the
globalization of the educational space in the EU
countries and Great Britain using radical
information reformation.
Literature Review
S. Sysoeva, T. Krystopchuk (2012). showed the
role and justified the main categories of
education in the conditions of globalization of the
educational space in the EU countries through
radical information reformation: non-formal,
formal, informal; proposed trends that are the
main ones in the structure of higher education in
the European Union; highlighted the features of
the structure of compulsory education in
European countries; described the types of
education, presented the content and stages of
education, revealed and analyzed the
peculiarities of the structure of the education
systems of the European Union countries,
compared the levels of education in different
countries, described the level of education,
showed the specifics of qualifications,
substantiated the types of higher education
institutions and showed their work in the
conditions of the globalization of the educational
space in the EU countries through radical
information reformation, named academic levels
and degrees in educational institutions in the
analyzed countries.
A. Zhurylo, O. Glushko, & O. Lokshina (2018)
characterized the approaches to the interpretation
of educational transformations in the educational
space; showed ways to solve the problem of
transformations in education in the aspects of
humanizing processes, decentralization-
centralization, differentiation, and
standardization of education in the conditions of
globalization of the educational space in the EU
and the USA using radical information
reformation. The authors reveal the approaches
of foreign countries, through radical information
reformation in the conditions of globalization of
the educational space, applied to the
implementation of reforms.
I. Onyshchenko (2018) analyzed the components
of the professional competence of specialists, the
impact of informatization of higher education
under the conditions of globalization of the
educational space on the formation of IT
competencies of future specialists is shown; the
characterization of skills, abilities, and
knowledge was carried out, the process of
formation of IT competences of future specialists
and the influence of skills, abilities, and
knowledge on the acquisition and further
transformation of professional information in the
professional activity of the future specialist were
S. Babijchuk (2018) highlighted the experience
of informatization of the disciplines of the natural
cycle in the conditions of globalization of the
educational space through radical information
reformation in the Small Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine using remote sensing of the Earth and
the use of geoinformation systems.
O. Kondur, & N. Fuchynska (2021) carried out
an analysis of information technologies in the
conditions of globalization of the educational
space of radical information reform and showed
the importance of the information component,
the possibility of using information technologies
in the spheres of life and the formation of a
competitive specialist. The information society
in the conditions of the globalization of the
educational space is presented as a necessary
stage of the development of the post-industrial
society, the features that distinguish the
information society from other forms of society
in the conditions of the globalization of the
educational space through radical information
reform are highlighted; features of the
information society are shown from the
standpoint of differentiation of both negative and
positive features; from the position of influence
on the development of the individual, the state
through radical information reformation of
O. Lokshina et al. (2021) showed the problem of
transformations in education in the EU countries,
the USA, and China in the conditions of
globalization of the educational space;
substantiated the meaning and found out the
essence of the trend as a scientific category of
pedagogical comparativism in the conditions of
the globalization of the educational space in
foreign countries through radical information
reformation, as well as a phenomenon that
characterizes the development of the modern
educational space; the main directions of
international organizations in the development of
education in the conditions of Europeanization
and globalization are shown; trends in the
development of the educational school industry
in foreign countries (Germany, USA, China,
Poland, Great Britain) and the context of
Ukrainian education were revealed.
I. Makarevych (2016) described the
informatization of education and showed its
importance and necessity in our time; the
theoretical foundations of informatization of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
higher education in the conditions of
globalization of the educational space through
radical information reform are revealed, the
importance of information (educational
phenomenon and social phenomenon) is shown,
ways of creating an information environment in
institutions of higher education are proposed.
L. Ozerova, & N. Barvinok (2021) emphasized
the relevance of the modernization of the
continuous education system in the conditions of
the globalization of the educational space
through radical information reformation in
connection with the rapid development of
information technologies, which is the most
fundamental in the concept of distance education,
which is a factor in the development of the
educational field.
I. Shkutnyk & O. Shestopalova (2015)
considered the concept of informatization of
society, media education; the interaction of new
forms of information technologies and the
prospects of library informatization, and the
importance of information technologies in the
modern world are shown.
S. Alekseeva (2022), in the conditions of
informatization of education through radical
information reformation, shows the importance
of developing a theoretical basis of didactics, to
ensure a modern conceptual understanding of the
role of information technologies in education.
To achieve the goal, the following was used:
general scientific methods (analysis,
synthesis, systematization of scientific
works of foreign and domestic authors on
the problem of research to develop a source
base on the problem of educational
transformations, etc.);
specific scientific methods: the method of
terminological analysis to reveal the
essence of the studied phenomena, to clarify
the semantics of key concepts, to form the
terminological field of research;
system-structural method to clarify the key
directions of transformations and identify
the components of these directions and
establish connections between them;
comparative-comparative and scientific
extrapolation method to compare the
nature of educational transformations in the
analyzed EU countries and Great Britain.
The study is based on the proposition that the
globalization of the educational space in the EU
countries and Great Britain through radical
information reform is a personal and professional
characteristic of the educational field, which is
based on the development of value-meaningful
attitudes to the received profession during studies
in higher education institutions, determines to the
educational process, the individual style of the
teacher's professional activity can be formed in
the educational process of educational
institutions on a systemic and integrative basis.
This allows us to implement scientific research
according to the following concepts:
methodological, theoretical-pedagogical, and
The methodological concept represents the
interaction and relationship of fundamental
scientific approaches as a search strategy for
solving the researched problem of globalization
of the educational space in the EU countries and
Great Britain through radical information
reformation, namely the following fundamental
scientific approaches:
an axiological approach that guides the
content, forms, and methods of forming the
globalization of the educational space in the
EU countries and Great Britain through
radical information reformation in the plane
of forming value orientations, value
orientation of the individual;
a systemic approach that provides an
opportunity to explore and perceive the
process of forming the globalization
educational space in the EU countries and
Great Britain through radical information
reform as an open system that is integral,
multi-component, which is constantly not
only changing but also developing under the
influence of internal and external factors (a
system of attitudes towards the profession,
which is determined by public demand and
the requirements of the education system;
emotional internal instructions of the
individual for the performance of his
professional activity; expansion of scientific
knowledge of the structural and component
manifestation of the globalization of the
educational space in the EU countries and
Great Britain through radical information
reformation in development and dynamics),
reveals the integrative characteristics of the
given phenomenon in the researched
acmeological approach, which allows one to
theoretically understand the essence of the
individual in the conditions of the
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
globalization of the educational space in all
countries through radical informational
reformation as a subject of self-development
and self-realization;
a synergistic approach, which offers the idea
of self-organization of the researched
process, emphasizing the importance of
activating one's strengths and abilities in the
educational space through radical
information reform, ways of personal
development, initiation of individual
educational trajectories;
subject approach, which contributes to the
renewal and improvement of the appropriate
content and meaning of the globalization of
the educational space through radical
information reformation, forms, means, and
methods of subject-subject interaction of
participants in the educational process and is
the basis for the further development of the
student's activity as a sub-object of activity;
competence approach, which focuses on the
subject-cultural, intellectual, and general
professional development of the future
specialist through radical information
reformation of the educational sector, as a
condition for the formation of activity-role
characteristics (skills, abilities, knowledge,
attitude, experience), the success of the
professional position of the future a
specialist as an integrative personal
education, which reflects the globalization
of the educational space through radical
information reformation, the readiness of the
future specialist for work, professional
growth, the ability to self-realize throughout
a personal-activity approach, which directs
the prioritization of the student's interests
and needs to the professional aspect, is based
on a dialectical combination of the
globalization of the educational space in the
EU countries and Great Britain through
radical information reform and the tasks of
professional training of the future specialist
with his trajectory of self-realization and
development of personal and professional
an interdisciplinary approach that ensures
the integrity of the formation of knowledge
of the future specialist through the
interdisciplinary integration of knowledge in
the conditions of globalization of the
educational space in the EU countries and
Great Britain through radical information
reformation, reflecting the integrative nature
and complexity of the phenomenon under
The theoretical-pedagogical concept includes a
system of definitions (philosophical,
pedagogical, psychological, sociological) for a
holistic understanding of the essence and
characteristics of the phenomenon in the
conditions of globalization of the educational
space in the EU countries and Great Britain
through radical information reformation.
The technological concept ensures the
development of a system for the formation of the
professional position of the future specialist in
the conditions of the globalization of the
educational space in the EU countries and Great
Britain through radical information reformation,
which groups together technologies, pedagogical
conditions aimed at ensuring the essential
dynamics of the educational process, which is
based on a diagnostic basis.
The methodological basis of the study is based on
the dialectical principles of interdependence and
interconnection of phenomena and laws of
objective reality, fundamental provisions of
continuity of personality development, theory of
knowledge, unity of practice and theory, special
and general in the conditions of globalization of
the educational space in the EU countries and
Great Britain through a radical information
reformation; socio-pedagogical, psychological
and general philosophical positions of the theory
of activity and personality; humanistic
philosophy of human-centeredness in the
educational space of intercultural interaction; the
use of a complex of methodological approaches
in the conditions of globalization of the
educational space in the EU countries and Great
Britain through radical information reformation;
conceptual provisions of the professional
development of the individual in the conditions
of continuous globalization of the space of
professional education in the EU countries and
Great Britain through radical information
Results and Discussion
The implementation of information technologies
in education in the conditions of globalization of
the educational space and modern methods of
organizing the educational process through
radical information reformation in institutions of
higher education allows updating the content,
methods, and forms of education to the needs of
society in modern innovative development, to
carry out the individualization of the educational
process taking into account the needs of students
of higher education to obtain a competitive
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialist, to optimize the entire training process
(Ozerova, & Barvinok, 2021).
Informatization of education is an
interconnected, educational-methodical, socio-
economic, managerial, organizational-legal,
scientific-technical, production process aimed at
solving computing, information and
telecommunication needs in the conditions of
globalization of the educational space through
radical information reformation (other needs,
related to the introduction of means and methods
of information and communication technologies)
participants of the educational space, as well as
managers of this process, who carry out scientific
and methodological support and personal
development (Bykov, 2010).
In the conditions of globalization of the
educational space in the countries of the EU and
the USA, through radical information reform,
new sources of information are being attracted,
new means of management of the educational
sector are being used, teaching methods are being
changed through the comprehensive use of the
computer, multimedia, and communication
technology (Shvets, 2004).
Education is the basis not only for the
comprehensive growth of the individual, his
competitive employment, responsible and active
citizenship. The right to quality education and
lifelong learning is proclaimed (as the first
principle) in the European Foundation of Social
Rights (European Parliament, 2017). Education
is considered the basis of the European way of
life, the main condition for strengthening
democracy and the social market economy,
social justice, and human rights, as the highest
category of being (European Parliament, 2017).
Therefore, in 2020, in the conditions of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Action Plan for the
formation of the European Education Area until
2025, which includes six dimensions in the
conditions of the globalization of the educational
space, became an important factor for the
development of EU innovation: the geopolitical
dimension, the quality of education, higher
education, inclusion and gender equality of the
individual, teachers and pedagogues, green and
digital transformations. To achieve the specified
dimensions, the European Commission, in the
context of the globalization of the educational
space through radical information reform,
proposes such measures as:
improving the quality of education;
strengthening measures for inclusive and
gender education and modernization of such
support green and digital transformations
within the educational space and through
increasing the motivation for education and
competence in the educational profession
(European Commission, 2020).
The announcement in 2020 of the initiative to
build a New research space for research and
innovation, radical information reformation, was
no less ambitious in the conditions of the
globalization of the educational space. The
European Research Area (European Research
Area) was launched in 2000 in the context of the
Lisbon Strategy in the context of the
globalization of the educational space through
radical information reform. The main goal of the
Strategy for the Formation of the European
Research Space is to focus on the construction of
a common scientific and technical space for the
EU, the creation of a single market for research
and innovation through radical information
reform, which promotes the movement of
scientific knowledge and innovation of
researchers, encouraging a more competitive
European industry (Lokshina et al., 2021).
The basis of the new educational paradigm in the
conditions of the globalization of the educational
space is distance education (distance education)
a progressive type of education, the basis of
which is the high-quality active use of modern
information technologies in the educational
process through radical information reformation
and means of communication, which allows the
teacher and student to be constantly in space,
interact interactively in different parts of the
planet during all stages of the educational
In the early 1970s, we observed intensive
development of distance education in Europe and
Great Britain. This contributed to the creation of
several open universities in different countries of
the world, which implemented distance learning.
Today, in every country of the world there is a
group of educational institutions that implement
distance programs. The methods of such training
are quite well developed. Educational programs
of radical information reformation with the use
of new information technologies in the
conditions of globalization of the educational
space are of great interest. The following are
especially relevant: satellite television, computer
networks, multimedia, etc. (Sysoeva, &
Krystopchuk, 2012).
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A significant part of educators feels the need to
apply innovative approaches to the educational
field, and limiting the number of classroom
classes remains a problematic issue here. The
following requirements for higher education
remain relevant:
availability of higher education
inclusive education;
flexibility of the educational space for
certain categories of higher education
seekers: they have children, work, etc.;
innovative changes in the individual
learning trajectory of the recipient;
application of dual education.
To solve the issues raised, regarding the
improvement of education, it is necessary to
carry out large-scale implementation of online
technologies, to carry out thorough changes
using innovative approaches to the organization
of the educational sector in general, and in
educational institutions and each educational
discipline, in particular. Classroom classes that
are built on an interactive basis play a special role
(Ozerova, & Barvinok, 2021).
The first such type of education is observed in
Great Britain. The Open University of the United
Kingdom was founded in 1969. The Open
University is a unique innovation in the
development of global education. The creation of
such educational institutions of a new type is
characterized by the possibility of functioning
according to the principles of flexibility,
openness, and accessibility.
In Great Britain today there is an extensive
network of such institutions that develop and
apply distance education programs. Their work is
based on models that the whole world knows.
Model 1. Autonomous educational institutions.
These are institutions whose work is organized
exclusively for conducting the entire educational
process remotely. Distance programs using
multimedia learning tools are developed and
applied. An example of this model is the British
Open University (OU UK). Today, this powerful
institution provides more than 200,000 students
with the opportunity to receive higher education
remotely (including foreign students). Active
implementation of the online learning model
(online learning) is used here. Such a model of
online learning (online learning) provides for the
permanent use of global and local computer
networks in the structure of the educational
process of the Open University. There are three
types of courses, the basis of which is the
constant use of information and communication
technologies (ICT):
Web-intensive the educational process is
carried out online;
Web-focused ICT is used as a mandatory
element of the educational program;
Web-enhanced students have free access to
electronic services, but the student does not
necessarily have to be online.
Model 2. The consortium of several educational
institutions. There is cooperation between
several educational institutions in the
development of distance learning educational
programs. A consortium of several educational
institutions allows for reducing the cost of
educational programs, raising the quality of
programs, and expanding the number of students.
According to this model, the Commonwealth of
Learning consortium has been working in Great
Britain since 1987. The consortium includes
higher education institutions of all
Commonwealth countries, which are connected
to the distance education network based on
Model 3. University education (based on one
university). These are only separate, special
departments of higher education institutions.
Such departments direct their work on programs
of independent, distance, correspondence, and
open education, but a small part of classroom
classes is used in their work. Such a scheme in
the educational sector of Great Britain has
developed during historical development and
today remains the most popular form of
education for students.
Model 4. Informal distance learning based on
multimedia programs. In Great Britain, these
programs are aimed at teaching adults who
experience gaps in basic knowledge, focused on
eliminating illiteracy problems.
In the field of distance learning in European
countries, a system of open universities has been
developed, in which: integrative educational
processes are clearly expressed, mutual
accreditation of higher education institutions
took place, and high-quality standards of the
educational sector were developed. It should be
noted that at the moment, the technical level of
European institutions of higher education does
not reach the American level.
We will analyze the most effective and
significant open universities.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The Hellenic Open University in Greece operates
on the model of the Open University of Great
Britain and has shaped its work according to its
requirements, while under special agreement
with the University of Manchester.
The Open University of the Netherlands works
with students of the master's level only and
provides training in the following academic
disciplines: business and public administration,
psychology, law, culture, economics, ecology,
and computer science. For high-quality training,
more than 350 courses are offered, almost all of
which are autonomous printed packages of
educational materials and are designed for 100
hours of training. They are called second-
generation materials.
The Open University of Catalonia in Spain
started its work in 1995. Its first students were
200 people from business administration and
psychology. For 6 years in a row, 16,000 students
from eleven specialties that were officially
accredited (computer sciences, business and
economics, humanities, law, philology,
information sciences, multimedia sciences) and
4,000 students studied in programs studied at the
open university continuing education (more than
250 courses).
In Latvia, the first courses on psychology in
education and law have been launched in
institutions of higher education. These are 27
international distance courses developed under
the PHARE ODL project, 6 of which were
developed under the guidance and with the
participation of specialists from Latvia: business
planning, English language, agricultural ecology,
agribusiness marketing and management,
training of future high school leaders, European
legislation (Sysoeva, & Krystopchuk, 2012).
The introduction of information and
communication technologies into the wide
circulation of educational practice promotes the
development of logical thinking, algorithmic
thinking, and the ability to approach information
critically; process information, use the
information for educational purposes, reproduce
information, exchange information, isolate the
essence of messages, use the information for
adequate solutions to today's problems.
Let's consider what are the factors on which the
effectiveness of the process of informatization of
education depends. These are the use of the
information resource of the Internet for
educational purposes, the filling of databases and
data banks of scientific and pedagogical
information for the implementation of
information interaction between educators, the
development of new methods, the creation of
educational and methodological complexes, the
development of organizational forms of
education, the accumulation of a fund of
electronic educational resources with an
orientation to quality training of education
seekers, etc. The effectiveness of the process of
informatization of education primarily depends
on the ability of an individual to build his life
trajectory, which will be successful, the ability to
ensure the formation of a "person of the third
millennium" creative imagination, harmonious
development, holistic mind, innovative
technologies, objective assessment of innovative
technologies in reality.
Therefore, the use of ICT in education provides
the following opportunities:
to involve all possible ways of information
perception by the student of education to
visualize the studied objects, and processes
in the form of geometric interpretations
(graphs, diagrams, tables, etc.) and the form
of models;
due to the presentation of objects in a
dynamic way, to visualize abstract
to focus the attention of students during the
study on individual details of objects,
processes thanks to image adjustment
(zooming in or zooming out, zooming in on
individual details, etc.), using animation
(repeat, stop viewing, etc.);
to build one's own "educational trajectory"
of education seekers;
to diversify the set of educational tasks of a
practical nature;
to make independent work in the
construction of objects, diagrams, and
graphs, which include the dynamics of the
investigated patterns, an innovation;
students of education to organize research of
various objects to change their individual
during the organization of independent
work, ensure quick feedback of education
seekers with the software;
to automate the processes of assimilation
and control results.
Thus, computer information technologies
contribute to objective conditions for using the
potential of the latest technologies in the practical
component of education, for the development of
innovative teaching methods based on them
(Andrievska, 2019).
Volume 12 - Issue 65
/ May 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
When analyzing different concepts of
informatization of education (Zhuk, 2004;
Makarenko, 2013) the following areas are
1) updating the educational base based on
information technologies and creating
service centers for maintenance;
2) updating the content of education and its
goals caused by the introduction of a general
education course in informatics at all stages
of education in the conditions of the
information society;
3) achievement of a new level of education due
to the integration of information
technologies in the educational sector;
4) improvement of informational and
pedagogical activity during retraining of
management personnel in the educational
5) intensification of models, methods,
scientific-methodological and scientific-
research activities;
6) application of information technologies in
the management of educational institutions;
7) creation of a unified general educational
8) improvement of the legal framework in
education based on information
9) constant updating of the content of
educational programs;
10) integration of the national education system
into the information infrastructure of the
11) monitoring the quality of information and
educational technologies;
12) information security in the educational
information space.
Informatization of the educational space
contributes to its intensification when
introducing new developments into the learning
process (Yordan & Yordan, 2020).
Innovative changes in the field of information
ensure the emergence of a new innovative type of
social organization. With this approach, the
Information Society is understood as:
a new type that appears as a result of global
social change caused by the development of
communication and information
knowledge, where innovative knowledge
that has no political boundaries becomes the
main condition for the good life of the state
and man;
a networked global society where
information has no spatial boundaries (Loik,
The global basis of the educational process in the
EU countries and Great Britain was revealed by
way of radical information reformation. Since
2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has become an
impetus for building the EU's innovativeness.
This is stated in the Action Plan for the formation
of the European Education Area (European
Education Area) adopted until 2025, which
includes six dimensions (green and digital
transformations, inclusion and gender equality,
quality, teachers and pedagogues, higher
education, and geopolitical dimension). The
measures proposed by the European Commission
to achieve the specified dimensions (supporting
digital and green transformations within and
through education and training, increasing
attention to inclusiveness, improving the quality
of education, supporting gender education, and
increasing motivation and competence in the
teaching profession) were considered.
The importance and necessity of using distance
education (distance education), the basis of a new
educational paradigm, progressive and high-
quality education based on the use of modern
means of communication and information
technologies in the educational process, is
revealed. During the study of the information
society, the main prerequisite of the approaches
(political, spatial, technological, economic,
cultural) was singled out. The increase in the
amount of information in all areas of a person,
and changes in the field of information, lead to
the emergence of a new type of social system. In
this approach, the information society is shown
to be necessary and important.
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