www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.32
ow to Cite:
Datsiuk, T., Kutska, O., Plazova, T., Нulyma, O., & Golyk, M. (2023). The historical policy plan as it relates to the progression of
the Russian-Ukrainian war. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 306-314. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.32
The historical policy plan as it relates to the progression of the
Russian-Ukrainian war
El plan político histórico en relación con la progresión de la guerra ruso-ucraniana
Received: March 28, 2023 Accepted: May 12, 2023
Written by:
Tetiana Datsiuk1
Olesya Kutska2
Tetyana Plazova3
Oleksandr Нulyma4
Mykola Golyk5
Russian aggression against Ukraine since 2014
and its new explosion in 2022 actualized
historical issues. The purpose of the article is to
analyze the strategy of historical politics in the
context of the development of the Russian-
Ukrainian war. The methods of system analysis,
forecasting, historical-comparative approach
were used to write the research. The results
highlighted the emergence and peculiarities of
the use of the term “historical policy”,
investigated the problems of creating and
functioning of a unified policy, and the
peculiarities of the organization of the historical
policy strategy. The article examines that in
countries without undeveloped academic
freedom, historiography depends on the direction
of the political situation. It is the ruling elites who
act as the main customers for the formation of
historical theories, the writing of relevant
narratives, and the creation of concepts that
change history in its affirmative template.
Among the problems on the way to the formation
of historical policy, the existence of significant
Candidate of Historical Sciences associate Professor at the Department of social Humanities and legal disciplines, Kryvy Rih
Educational and Scientific Institute, faculty № 1, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Wars at Тhe Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National
Army Academy, Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Historical Sciences Associate Professor of Department of History of Wars, Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army
Academy, Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Chief of the Faculty of Combat Arms for Educational and Scientific Work, Chief of the Educational
Division of the Faculty of Combat Arms, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Ukraine.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Humanities of the Institute of Moral and Psychological
support, Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
Datsiuk, T., Kutska, O., Plazova, T., Нulyma, O., Golyk, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 306-314 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
contradictions in the interpretation of events, the
use of history for political manipulation, and
insufficient attention to national minorities have
been substantiated. The conclusions emphasize
the importance of the formation of historical
policy based on scientific knowledge, rather than
a political vision.
Keywords: historical policy, strategy, Russian-
Ukrainian war, humanitarian policy, Ukraine.
Russian aggression in Ukraine, which began in
2014 with the occupation of Crimea and support
for pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine,
has taken on a new global dimension since
February 2022. The challenge to the world
security organization system has also become a
defining issue for domestic Ukrainian realities.
With the invasion and military destruction,
academic confrontation has intensified
significantly. Russian disinformation, which had
been actively used since 2014, received new
substantial infusions, but this time faced active
Ukrainian resistance. The reason for this is the
confrontation in the field of humanities, part of
which is caused by historical policy, thanks to
which it was possible to stop the spread of
Russian historical myths and fictions.
Addressing this issue is relevant because in the
future the debunking of stereotypes and outright
fakes of Russian propaganda is gradually
transformed into a kind of “information war
zone”, the existence of which has become a
distinctive feature of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The use of historical “arguments as occasions
for aggressive foreign policy in the XXI century.
has turned the official Kremlin into a pariah in
the diplomatic sense of the word (Kurapov et al.,
2022). At the same time, the gigantic domestic
market for the consumption of propaganda
information allows Moscow's information troops
to freely use “historical” rebukes. Unfortunately,
for a long time, part of Ukrainian society had free
access to such information. Its closure has
created a certain vacuum, which Ukrainian
sources of historical information must fill. A
balanced policy in the sphere of history has the
task to simplify and accelerate such a transition.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the
strategy of historical policy in the context of the
development of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Achieving this goal requires the implementation
of certain tasks:
1. To characterize general ideas about modern
historical politics.
2. Identify problems and prospects for the
formation of historical policy in Ukraine.
3. Analyze the peculiarities of forming a
historical policy strategy in modern Ukraine.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The works of contemporary historians and
political scientists who have studied the
transformation of Russian-Ukrainian relations
through the centuries and investigated the origins
of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its hybrid
mechanisms are important for this study.
Canadian political scientist Kordan (2022) in his
work “Russia's war against Ukraine: historical
narratives, geopolitics, and peace” explored the
development of Russian-Ukrainian relations
through the prism of historical, political, and
economic aspects. The researcher notes that
relations between these states have always been
formed based on contrasting historical narratives,
which can be defined as “the story of empire and
colonial rule against sovereignty and self-
determination”. The author further notes that by
emphasizing identity, the Russian imperial
historical narrative turns to the past and the state's
control over it. At the same time, Ukraine's
history, based on autochthonous and European
origins, shapes a future based on the principles of
freedom, unity, and autonomy. Canadian
historian of Ukrainian origin Himka (2015),
exploring the historical origins of the mentality
of the Ukrainian people, noted that different
historical experiences in the regional plane of
Ukraine led to the emergence of different
cultures and identities. Bulgarian researcher
Michailova (2022) explored the historical origins
of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. The
Russian-Ukrainian conflict of 2014, which
resulted in Russia's seizure of Crimea, is
historically closely related to the collapse of the
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USSR in 1991. At the same time, British and
Canadian political scientist of Ukrainian origin
Kuzio (2022) analyzed key events, the course of
the Russian-Ukrainian war, and investigated its
preconditions and causes of escalation.
Ukrainian researcher Vushko (2017) described
the importance of historians in the Russian-
Ukrainian struggle. She notes that the military
events entailed an intensification of historical
debates, influencing history to become more
relevant than ever before. Canadian historian
Marples (2022) explored the specifics of the
development of Ukrainian-Russian relations,
outlined key aspects of the war's origins, and
discussed its continuation and possible
outcomes. Hurska (2021) characterized Russia's
hybrid strategy in the context of Black Sea
politics. Bertelsen (2017) experienced the
Revolution of Dignity (2013-2014) in Ukraine
and outlined the relationship of these events to
Russian aggression. Martz (2022) described the
course and development of the Russian-
Ukrainian confrontation, focusing on the analysis
of Russian army crimes against Ukraine.
Sidorova et al. (2022) identified key features of
humanitarian policy formation in the context of
military conditions. At the same time, works of
Ukrainian historians such as Gromenko (2022),
Parshyn (2020), Spys (2022), Ryvchin (2022)
provide insight into the vectors of Ukrainian
policy through the centuries and the development
of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. The
work of researchers who have studied the
development of Ukrainian military law is also
important for this study. Zakharchuk (2022)
investigated the peculiarities of legal regulation
of military law through the prism of foresight.
Therefore, the researchers focused on several
important aspects of the formation of historical
memory policy in Ukraine: the importance of the
"Russian factor" and its influence on historical
perceptions in Ukraine, the need to get rid of this
influence through the prism of the events of the
occupation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent
deployment of full-scale aggression; the
relevance of attempts to formulate the basic
principles of the concept of historical memory.
At the same time, the challenges associated with
responding to Russian propaganda, which uses
historical narratives as a justification for
aggression, will require further analysis.
This work uses general scientific and special
historical methods of knowledge. The study is
based on the system analysis, through which the
importance of the strategy of historical policy in
the context of the development of the Russian-
Ukrainian war is defined. Through the prism of
system analysis, the decomposition of the system
of the strategy of historical policy into separate
elements is conducted and the holistic
characteristic of how they interact for the purpose
of the main goal - the effective organization of
humanitarian policy of Ukraine is made. Possible
strategic directions of historical policy are
defined and described with the help of the
prognostic method. Special historical methods of
reality study are of particular importance in the
study. In particular, through the prism of using a
historical-corporative method, it was possible to
characterize some established myths of the past
events in Russian historiography (See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Sequence of research methods used.
Source: author's development.
Stage 1
Content analysis of the scientific literature, highlighting the main provisions for the
formation of historical policy.
Stage 2
The use of systematic analysis made it possible to work out the main points obtained from
the study of scientific texts.
Stage 3
Use of the historical-corporate method to identify the main threats to the strategy of
Ukrainian historical policy (primarily Russian myths)
Stage 4
The prognostic method made it possible to formulate the basic principles of Ukrainian
historical memory policy for the future
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
This methodological model made it possible to
fully reveal the purpose and objectives of the
study. Its use in practice has not met with serious
Results and Discussion
Historical Politics: An Explanation
The term historical politics refers to the set of
practices through which certain political forces
or states attempt to assert certain interpretations
and explanations of past events as dominant
(Gromenko, 2022). For this reason,
contemporary researchers believe that historical
politics has three functions, in particular:
symbolic, interpersonal, and identification
(Kellner et al., 1993). At the same time, the
problem of the dependence (or independence) of
historiography on political discourse dates back
to the emergence of history as science itself. For
example, in countries where academic freedom is
underdeveloped, historiography depends on a
certain political conjuncture, as diverse systems
of political elites act as customers of historical
theories, narratives, or concepts, modifying
history into its affirmative template (Vushko,
2017). Consequently, history and politics have
always been closely linked throughout the
centuries, with authorities trying to apply
individual historical manifestations in order to
enhance their importance and influence on
society. Such a fact is logical and justified,
because when the authorities disregard historical
experience, then in order to justify their policy,
they try to turn history into instruments of
politics, distorting historical processes
themselves, falsifying historical phenomena and
facts, giving them anti-scientific judgments.
Historical politics as an instrumental
implementation of past events for political
purposes is an old phenomenon. However, it
appeared and “successfully implemented” before
the emergence of this concept. The term
“historical politics” itself emerged in scholarship
when its use reached a critical point: in the
context of a variety of manipulations of past
events in the interests of modernity (Higashi et
al., 1993). It is clear that in the 1930s the concept
of “historical politics” (Geschichtspolitik) began
to be actively used in the works of German
historians, in the 1970s - in the United States
(Higashi et al., 1993). Obviously, in the USSR
history became an element of ideological
propaganda, so historians involved in the
development and implementation of the
historical policy were called “soldiers of the
ideological front”. Nowadays, the historical
policy is implemented on behalf of cultural,
political, ethnic, or other social groups through
the prism of the struggle for power, its content,
or division. In a sense, the term is an element of
the global phenomenon of the politicization of
history and one of the manifestations of the
increased attention of political practitioners,
historians, and other researchers to the politics of
memory (Kellner et al., 1993). We believe that
the phenomenon of historical politics includes
the transmission of various memories and
experiences as well as forgotten historical facts.
History policy is implemented by its subjects: the
president, the government, the parliament, the
National Academy of Sciences, and other
government institutions. At the same time, it can
also be implemented by the civil society, through
various special associations or organizations, and
by independent media outlets.
An integral part of historical politics is the
phenomenon of historical memory (Sydorova et
al., 2022). If we summarize the various
interpretations of the nature of the relationship
between history and memory, we can reduce
them to the following positions (See Figure 2).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 2. The relationship between historical politics and memory.
Developed by the authors of the article
Thus, in some concepts, history, and memory are
opposing elements, even treated as incompatible.
At the same time, history and memory are
sometimes identified. The most common
approach is that history and memory should be
explained as specific forms of interpretation,
interpretation, and representation of the past
reality that are in manifestations of constant
interaction and mutual complementarity (Higashi
et al., 1993). Consequently, when considering the
peculiarities of the formation of historical policy,
special attention should be paid to the
development of historical memory.
Problems of forming a unified historical
policy in Ukraine
In general, the introduction of a unified historical
policy in Ukraine may face a whole set of
challenges. This set can be increased or
decreased, but the main challenges will remain
1. The existence of significant contradictions
in the interpretation of events in Ukrainian
history. One and the same historical fact may
have different interpretations depending on
the political, social, and cultural attitudes of
different population groups (Sydorova et al.,
2022). This can lead to clashes regarding the
content of the historical policy and cause
distrust of it among certain groups of the
population. The free exchange of opinions
among Ukrainian specialists has led to the
normal democratic development of history
as a science (Himka, 2015). However, the
installation of clear markers and assessments
can be perceived negatively. In this context,
an important detail is the lack of sources to
describe many events. Even relatively
modern documents are partially preserved in
Russian archives, access to which has
always been difficult for Ukrainian
historians (Parshyn, 2020). Many archives
have been destroyed or have been moved to
Russian collections. For example, all Old
Ukrainian chronicles of the Kyiv and Volyn
traditions are preserved outside of Ukraine
(Parshyn, 2018). For this reason, it is
impossible to reproduce individual events in
their entirety, they will always leave room
for interpretations.
2. The use of history for the purposes of
political manipulation. Historical politics
can be used to support a particular political
or national ideology. This can entail ulterior
motives in historical politics and disrupt the
objectivity of the reflection of history. A
prime example of this risk is the
contemporary historical politics supported
by the Kremlin regime (Kordan, 2022). Its
direction demonstrates significant
distortions of the real course of events,
which is done intentionally to justify certain
political needs (Ivanov, Ivanov & Okipnyuk,
2021). In particular, it refers to the ethnic
situation in the South and East of Ukraine,
where the overwhelming majority, it would
seem, has always been Russians (Hurska,
2021). The exaltation of such theses does not
Historical Politics
Historical Memory
History and memory
are opposed
History and memory
are identified
Memory Policy
History and memory
are explained as forms
of interpretation of the
Public History
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
do credit to Russian historians. At the same
time, it does not exclude the possibility of a
repetition of the “Russian” scenario, in
which political interests will dominate over
the scientific requirements of objectivity.
3. Insufficient attention to national minorities
and other groups whose pasts are linked to
the territories in which they live
(Krasnozhon, 2021). Historical policies may
not take into account the history of
minorities and other groups, which can lead
to a distortion of history and complicate the
formation of national identity. Such a
development is quite possible when the
previous point is realized - neighboring
peoples and ethnic minorities begin to be
forgotten when political interests begin to
prevail. The use of historical politics as a
weapon against national minorities may
contribute to the emergence of inferiority
complexes, xenophobia manifestations, etc.
(Michailova, 2022).
4. When creating a historical policy, the
Ukrainian side should take into account the
fact that the Russian government
systematically turns to manipulations on
historical topics, which allegedly explain
and prove the prerogative of Russia on its
territory and resources. It is known that the
rhetoric of the Russians applies the concept
of the Russian world, which justifies the
seizure of Ukrainian territories (Kuzio,
2022). In particular, for this concept, the
seizure of the peninsula of Crimea has a
notable meaning, since it was here that
Prince Vladimir the Great was baptized.
That is, this territory is supposedly symbolic
for Russia (Ryvchin, 2022). However, first
of all, one should take into account the fact
that Vladimir Sviatoslavovich was the
prince of Kyiv. At the same time, in the
international legal plane, the justification of
modern political actions and reactions by
what happened to significant historical
figures is not a legal basis.
Peculiarities of the formation of the strategy
of historical policy of modern Ukraine
According to contemporary Ukrainian historian
Gromenko (2022), when Ukraine lacks a clear
Ukrainocentric Strategy of historical policy, the
Ukrainian population will be doomed to
constantly compete with Russian myths in the
historical arena, without the ability to
counterattack. Therefore, the main directions of
the Strategy can be defined in advance (See
Table 1).
Table 1.
The main directions of historical policy
The main directions of the strategy of historical policy
1. Debunking historical myths constructed by russia
2. Decommunization and decolonization
3. The popularization of a Ukrainian-centric humanitarian policy
4. Formation of the historical memory of contemporary dead heroes
5. Lustration of collaborators in all spheres of activity (special emphasis on education and
6. The domination of scientific interests over political ones in the research,
popularization, and understanding of history
Authors’ development
The main direction of modern historical policy
should be the debunking of all Russian myths and
their manifestation in Ukraine. Consequently,
decommunization is important, which is now
embodied through the prism of street renaming.
After that, the main emphasis should be placed
on revising and changing the basic Soviet legal
and institutional norms, concepts, and principles.
This will have the effect of eradicating Soviet
methods of organization at the official level. At
the same time, the key focus should be on
incorporating European standards of doing
business and taking into account Ukrainian
realities and national traditions. Another
important stage is the formalization of the
decolonization process. For this reason, it will be
important to form the key foundations of
deprivation of the public plane of monuments,
names of institutions associated with the process
of incorporation into the empires (Hurska, 2021).
At the same time, the implementation of the
historical policy of Ukraine should include the
creation of new names of streets, monuments
honoring the fallen in the Russian-Ukrainian war,
and other modern heroes (Gyidel, 2021). This
will unite the national idea and will be a kind of
permanent memorial to the deeds and honor of
contemporary Ukrainian heroes. A significant
part of this direction is the creation of the
National Military Cemetery, the formation of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
so-called National Pantheon of Ukraine
(Martz, 2022).
At the same time, the popularization of
Ukrainian-centered humanitarian policy should
become an important direction of the modern
Strategy (Spys, 2022). It means that the
Ukrainian authorities should motivate specialists
to form special courses, open seminars, lectures,
webinars, programs on YouTube channels, TV
channels, etc., which told the public about the
real history of Ukraine and debunked all the
myths on popular scientific plane. Related to this
is also the popularization of Ukraine's historical
past through the development of documentary
and historical films (Marples, 2022).
Lustration of collaborators should be introduced
in all fields of human activity, followed by a
taboo for the realization of the profession.
(Gromenko, 2022). This should be implemented
in order to ensure that collaborative collaborators
with the enemy and do not harm the
implementation of Ukrainian-centric policies.
The historical policy should respond to all the
above-mentioned problematic challenges. In
particular, it should be based on the principles of
consensus among scholars, which puts exactly
the scientific element at the center. At the same
time, it must be recognized that there are things
that are blatantly horrible and criminal. For
example, the Stalinist famine of 1932-1933 in
Ukraine. It cannot be rehabilitated, substantiated,
or justified in any other way (Zakharchuk, 2022).
Similarly, Ukrainian historians are likely to
condemn the actions of the Putin regime
(Kaplina, 2022). It is important to note the
probable involvement of legal decisions - if the
relevant sessions of the tribunal are held, it will
allow to recognize the criminal actions as
criminal from a legal point of view (Kaplina,
2022). Accordingly, attempts to justify them will
be punished, and even if there are researchers
who do not agree with the conclusion of the
court, this will be a sufficient argument to erase
the respect of the criminals from the national
Cooperation among historians would be
facilitated by organizing and holding regular
conferences where certain problematic issues
could be discussed and recommendations for
future controversies could be made (Bertelsen,
2017). A positive example was the congresses of
Ukrainian historians held under the auspices of
the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Perhaps similar measures should be reinstated so
that they rekindle interest in historical
Consequently, a particularly important step is the
formation of the so-called “humanitarian front,”
the main task of which is to counter Russian and
historical fakes (Russian aggression in the
media). The subjects of the implementation of
the humanitarian front should be scientists
(historians, political scientists, cultural scientists,
art historians, etc.), economists, educators, and
journalists (Gushchyn et al., 2022). Such events
will contribute not only to the implementation of
effective humanitarian policy but also to the
consolidation of the Ukrainian nation through the
organization of various popular science projects
and events.
Thus, the new stage of the Russo-Ukrainian war,
which began in 2022, demonstrated the presence
of not only a military clash but also a clash of
ideologies. Russian historical policy has become
the cornerstone of preparation for justifying
aggressive actions in Ukraine. The Ukrainian
side faced a lack of appropriate policy tools. The
development of a separate policy in the historical
sphere has become an urgent problem.
The article confirms that the components of the
historical policy are public history, historical
memory, and the politics of memory. Paying
attention to these elements will be an extremely
important task in the future, as the work of
researchers continues, and relevant updates on
the interpretation of certain events must be
presented appropriately. The main challenges to
the development of historical politics will be
research and communication problems. First of
all, we are talking about the existence of
significant contradictions in the interpretation of
certain events in Ukrainian history. One and the
same historical fact may have different
interpretations depending on the political, social,
and cultural attitudes of different population
groups. It is also possible for history to be used
for political manipulation. Another challenge is
the lack of attention to national minorities and
other population groups, whose past is linked to
the territories in which they live. These
challenges can be overcome through a thoughtful
historical policy strategy. The main directions of
historical strategy should be: debunking the
historical myths compiled by the Kremlin
regime, de-communization, and decolonization,
popularization of Ukrainian-centric
humanitarian policy, formation of historical
memory about contemporary dead heroes,
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
lustration of collaborators in all spheres of
activity ( scientific interests over political ones in
research, popularization, and understanding of
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