Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.27
How to Cite:
Shevchenko, S., Bondarenko, O., Utkina, M., Ilchyshyn, N., & Bolhov, H. (2023). Suicide among minors in Ukraine:
Manifestations and ways to prevent. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 269-275. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.27
Suicide among minors in Ukraine: Manifestations and ways to prevent
Суїцид серед неповнолітніх в Україні: прояви та шляхи попередження
Received: April 25, 2023 Accepted: May 30, 2023
Written by:
Serhii Shevchenko1
Researcher ID Web of Science: FKE-3545-2022
Olha Bondarenko2
Researcher ID Web of Science: AAP-4640-2020
Maryna Utkina3
Researcher ID Web of Science: ABF-9368-2020
Nadiya Ilchyshyn4
Researcher ID Web of Science: IRY-9233-2023
Hlib Bolhov5
Researcher ID Web of Science: IRY-9436-2023
The article aims to find out the essentiality of
such a concept as “juvenile suicide” and the
search for ways to prevent it. The object of the
study is social relations in the field of combating
suicide among minors. During the research, the
authors used a particular set of general scientific
and unique scientific methods, which ensured the
objectivity of the display of the research subject:
the comparative legal method, the method of
formal logic, the comparison method, and the
hypothetical-deductive method. There is much
work to improve suicide prevention methods
among minors in Ukraine but using foreign
experience and the help of other countries, our
state can create a reliable and effective program,
which the authors are sure, will reduce the risk of
suicide among people under the age of 18. It
should also be noted that preventing suicides
among minors needs attention from both: the
state and society because it is possible to
overcome manifestations of suicidal behaviour
Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Scientific Institute of Correspondence Training and Qualification
Development of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State
University, Ukraine.
PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer, Associate professor, Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University,
University of Warwick, Coventry, England.
Ph.D. in Law, Judge of the Eights Administrative Court of Appeal, Ukraine.
Student, Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and, in the future, to save many young lives only.
The main areas of improvement of legislation
aimed at combating suicide of minors have been
formed. In addition, developing a criminological
program to combat suicides of minors is socially
Keywords: minors, suicide, racism, child abuse,
Suicide is a global public health problem,
accounting for more than 700,000 deaths
annually (Favril, Yu, Uyar, Sharpe, Fazel, 2022).
The topic of suicide has always been complex
and urgent for the world community, and the
suicide of minors is generally considered almost
a tragedy for the population of any country.
Unfortunately, the number of juvenile suicides
and attempts on them is constantly increasing
every day. Various tragic cases are discussed in
different parts of the world, and it is not easy to
understand the root causes of such a
phenomenon. Every day, more and more minors
die of suicide due to various reasons: bullying,
cyberbullying, racism, domestic violence, or
dangerous online games that make them commit
The authors decided that minors are more likely
to think about suicide during the statistical
analysis. Almost 85% think about suicide at least
once, but almost none realise the outcome.
Juveniles generally feel they can express their
position and show others what they deserve
because of suicide or at least an attempt.
In addition, in the conditions of war, the issue of
violence against children by the occupiers is
particularly acute. In the future, such violence
becomes a determinant of suicidal behaviour.
Unfortunately, the preventive actions of teachers
or parents often do not affect them at all.
However, many parents and teachers do not try
to explain to their children or students that
suicide is a tragedy, first, for family and friends,
as well as sad statistics of the impairment of the
demographic situation of any country.
Between 2001 and 2021, suicide statistics among
juveniles in Ukraine can be considered relatively
high 3,569 people. At the same time, from 2001
to 2004, the number of juvenile suicides
constantly exceeded 200 people. At the same
time, the authors can find that such suicides are
committed mainly in Odesa, Donetsk, and
Dnipropetrovsk regions. Moreover, the tendency
to suicide among juveniles is still growing. That
is why the choice of this topic is relevant.
The article aims to find out the essentiality of
such a concept as “juvenile suicide” and the
search for ways to prevent it. The object of the
study is social relations in the field of combating
suicide among minors.
Theoretical framework
Suicide and self-harm tend to be under-reported,
and underappreciated, and affect every country
and society worldwide (Oyesanya,
Lopez-Morinigo, & Dutta, 2015). Suicide is the
leading cause of death worldwide (Clyde &
Corpuz, 2021)
Suicide is an extraordinarily complex and
multifaceted phenomenon involving many
contributing and contributing variables.
Interaction between various factors such as
neurobiology, personal and family history,
stressful events, and sociocultural environment
may determine this (Turecki, 2016).
Modern scientific criminological literature
defines suicide as a deliberate forcible
deprivation of one’s life, committed on its own
accord and not caused by irresistible external
factors (for example, hunger) or mental
disorders. And although suicide, unlike other
forms of violent death, is not recognised as an
unlawful act and, according to current
legislation, does not entail any negative criminal
consequences for the person who committed it
(Ostropilska, 2015).
Shevchenko, S., Bondarenko, O., Utkina, M., Ilchyshyn, N., Bolhov, H. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 269-275 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In the genesis of such behaviour, the leading role
is played by value deformations of the individual,
immortality of socially adapted behaviour,
defects of volitional self-regulation, and moral
consciousness of the individual. Suicidal
behaviour may be conditioned by the level of
moral culture of society and the significance of
the consequences of social processes
(urbanisation, decrease of living standards in
transitional periods, weakening of state power,
expansion of opportunities for criminal
activity) (Tohobytska, 2013).
So how did juvenile suicide develop? Maybe,
they started to imitate the actions of adults. Or, in
the era of modern technology and the prevalence
of suicide topics, is it the only way out of any
It is impossible to determine precisely when
children and teens started committing suicide
attempts. In some countries, such cases could
quickly have been silenced because they were not
massive and could have caused a great
resonance. In other countries, due to the high
mortality of minors, nobody paid attention to
Consequently, the authors want to define juvenile
suicide as a deliberate deprivation of his life by a
person under the age of 18 against the
background of one or several factors that
provoked a negative attitude to life and were able
to put the person’s psychological health in a
hopeless state for solving specific situations.
Suicides of minors have several characteristics
that are usual for the behaviour of a child or
adolescent during the period of exacerbation of
suicidal behaviour and may be manifested in
various forms and methods.
Suicide is one of the most common causes of
death among minors in Ukraine, the prerequisites
of which are negative psychosocial
factors (Bilsen, 2018).
During the research, the authors used a particular
set of general scientific and unique scientific
methods, which ensured the objectivity of the
display of the research subject. Thus, the
comparative legal method allowed for studying
foreign experience on the researched issue. The
method of formal logic made it possible to study
the peculiarities of the determinants of suicidal
behaviour among minors. Moreover, the
hypothetical-deductive method is to study the
essence and consequences of suicide and outline
countermeasures (part Types of Juvenile Suicide
Also, we used media Analysis (in part Racial
Issue as a Motivating Factor for Suicide and
Suicide as Part of the Game). The analysis
method was used during the analysis of the
concept of "suicide" and "suicide of minors (part
of the Theoretical framework). The article
contains references to 23 sources, including
articles indexed on the scientometric databases
Scopus and Web of Science, 1 normative source.
Results and discussion
Suicide as Part of the Game
Teenagers who deliberately harm themselves are
less likely to resort to lethal methods. We must
consider factors that may be associated with
suicidal behaviour, which has increased in recent
years (McClure, 2001).
Unfortunately, Ukraine has a relatively high
percentage of suicides among minors. According
to official statistics of 2012 in Ukraine, there
were 34.5 suicides per 100,000 people per year.
At the same time, the World Health Organization
(WHO) estimates the figure of more than 20
people as critical (Tocka.net, 2012). If the
authors refer to the statistics of 2021, then 123
suicides were committed by minors. One child
committed suicide every third day (Blyskavka
Media, 2018).
Nevertheless, why is everything going on like
this? Why do children commit suicide more and
more? Many parents accuse Internet space, and
there are appropriate grounds for this. During
2015-2021, so-called coordinated suicidal games
began to spread in social networks, the finale of
which was to commit suicide by a player. The
most popular games are “Blue Whale” and “Red
Owl”. A game for a participant begins with the
fact that he or she published hashtags on the page
that define the subtext of interest in the topic of
suicide and help to find new players (#явигре,
#тихийдом, #синий, #f57, #синийкит,
#морекитов, #ждуинстуркцию blue whale).
After these actions, the moderator contacted the
participant, who initially interviewed the fresher
about the problems and attitude to suicide in the
course of the dialogue, and later gave a link to a
site that helps to track the geolocation of the
person who went through this link and defined
the rules of the game: during 50 days (12 days in
red owl) the player must do different tasks and
film it on a video or make a photo.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Furthermore, at the end of the game, after 50
days, the player must commit suicide. In case of
refusal of the participant from the game, the
moderators began to blackmail him or her by
knowing about the location and the physical
abuse with the child or its family and friends.
Quite often, participants were forced to take
intimate photos and send them and were later
threatened to make them public. Blackmail often
demoralises teenagers, and after all these things,
they often commit suicide.
Especially the game “Blue Whale” has received
great resonance not only in the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) countries but also all
around the world (Poland, Moldova, Bulgaria,
Turkey, Israel, and others). Media workers have
noticed the rapid popularity of the English
hashtag #bluewhale and the Italian one. This
game began to spread even in the countries of
Africa, Asia, Europe, and America. For example,
in the United Kingdom in April 2017, the police
sent special warnings to schools about the game
“Blue Whale”. Both games (Blue Whale and Red
Owl) were designed mainly for minors (1317
years old) (News. Infomercial, 2017).
During all these things that happened to juveniles
in Ukraine on February 8, 2018, the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine adopted a law that introduced
amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on
Article 120 “Bringing to suicide”. Now, the first
part of this article says: “Bringing a person to
suicide or attempt of suicide, resulting from cruel
treatment, blackmail, systematic humiliation of
human dignity or systematic unlawful coercion
against actions that contradict her will, self-
inclination, as well as other acts contributing to
suicide shall be punishable by restraint of
liberty for a term up to three years or
imprisonment for the same term”
(Law № 2341-III, 2001).
Racial Issue as a Motivating Factor for Suicide
Another global cause that can lead to the suicide
of minors is the racial issue. Now the topic of
racism is very relevant and is constantly
attracting attention. Perhaps no one has heard of
suicide cases due to racism, but this does not
mean they do not exist. The number of such
situations is gradually increasing, but
unfortunately, not all of them are made public.
The authors can bring an example that has
happened in the UK. Dagmar Przybic, a 16-year-
old girl of Polish origin, committed suicide by
hanging herself in a school closet on May 17,
2016. As it turned out, the girl was often insulted
by her Polish roots and was repeatedly called "a
dumb Polish", sayings that Dagmar should return
to her country. Furthermore, the girl often told
her parents and boyfriend that she was abused,
but in what way she did not specify (Independent,
Ukraine also hosts many different minorities
with their cultures, religions, and views on life.
Moreover, it is imperative to defend absolutely
everyone who can be exposed to racist images.
Because of their unformed psyche and point of
view, children can go for radical actions to end
Thus, in 2017 in Cherkasy, there was a situation
in the children’s playground when children
insulted a 4-year-old boy because of the dark
colour of his skin. Older children and some
coevals who offended Danny McGuowan said
they would not play with him because he was
black, dirty, and not like them. The boy’s mother
timely noticed what was happening because who
knows how it could end. Even children resort to
racism and are ready to offend others (The Jason
Foundation, 2018).
As the authors see, suicide based on a racist
image is possible. It is impossible to predict how
this topic will evolve accurately, but, in our
opinion, this problem should be solved before it
is too late.
Thus, minors have and even can find many
reasons to commit suicide. It can be family and
domestic problems or conflicts with peers which
make the minor question their significance in the
lives of loved ones. An important reason for this
is bullying in all its manifestations, which
strongly affects children. The issue of racism and
Internet influence can also be seen in the
mortality statistics of minors because of suicide
in recent years.
Having analysed the situation, the authors can
say that America and Europe are very concerned
about juvenile suicides. Given the ever-
increasing number of children and adolescents as
suicide victims, psychologists and educators are
paying more and more attention.
If the authors analyse the statistics of child
suicides worldwide, one of the highest
percentages is in highly developed countries
(Japan, USA, and others).
For example, the government of Japan 2017
published data indicating that the percentage of
deaths from suicide has increased significantly
over the past three decades. Although the trend
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of suicidal deaths is gradually falling, it remains
one of Japan’s significant problems.
From April 2016 to March 2017, 250 children in
primary, secondary and senior schools
committed suicide, the most significant number
since 1986, according to data published by the
Ministry of Education. Moreover, almost none of
the children left any explanation of why they
decided to do this. Nevertheless, those who still
could explain to him remembered the reason for
caring about who they will be after graduation
and what they will achieve in life. Other reasons
include family problems and bullying at school
(New York Times, 2018).
The USA, having conducted a series of
experiments, also concluded that suicidal
ideation among minors is growing and continue
to gain popularity. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention reported that between
1999 and 2015, at the age of 5 to 12 years, 1,309
children committed suicide. Thus, during these
17 years, one child under 13 died of suicide
almost every five days. Nevertheless, from 2013
to 2015, the frequency of child suicide and the
ages of 11 and 12 increased significantly (one
child every 3.4 days) (Hanna, 2017).
As for the European countries, Great Britain
recognised the significant increase in juvenile
suicide. As was noted, between 2010 and 2017,
the number of such suicides increased by 67%.
The Office of National Statistics of the United
Kingdom notes that only in 2017, 187 juveniles
under the age of 19 committed suicide, up 15%
from 2016 (162 people). In July 2018, it was
announced that the number of suicides among
adolescents in London, the state's capital, also
significantly increased, even more than 4 times
the average. The growth rate was 107% over 3
years (2013-2016) from 14 to 29 people (Khan,
& Bulman, 2018).
Everyone knows that suicidal children or teens
are often subjected to physical violence by
parents or others around them. Therefore, for
example, Lithuania, 2014, passed a law
prohibiting any physical punishment of minors in
any situation. Now, in Ukraine, such a ban
mainly concerns exclusively parents, guardians,
or relatives (UN news, 2018).
Types of Juvenile Suicide Prevention
Behind each suicide and attempt is the long
struggle of these people, as well as the experience
of trauma and suffering of their relatives and
friends. Together, suicide prevention is a global
priority (Levi-Belz, Gvion, & Apter, 2019).
When studying the issue of suicide prevention
among minors, it is important to analyse a person
through the prism of relationships, where a
suicidal act can be a response to internal and
external stresses (McClure, 1984). For this
reason, prevention strategies must be a
comprehensive approach that addresses the
population's diverse needs rather than an
intervention aimed solely at those perceived to be
in crisis (Chiang, Paynter, Edlin, & Exeter,
2021). However, each age group needs an
individual suicide intervention program (Kim,
Kim, Oh, & Cha, 2020).
Of course, one of the most popular types of
juvenile suicide prevention is the creation of a
Such assistance for people with suicidal thoughts
has been introduced in the US, Canada, the UK,
France, and many other countries. Ukraine is not
an exception. The authors also have a hotline that
is not massive and widespread among children
and teens. The essence of such a hotline is that a
child or a teenager can call the number and get
psychological help or tell the unknown
interlocutor their problems, why he wants to
commit suicide, and whether it is possible to help
it somehow (Vycherpno, 2017).
The method of meeting with the victim of a
suicide attempt is also quite popular. In such
cases, the invited person shares his experience,
and often such guests publicly admit that
committing suicide was a mistake. Everyone tells
his story, which can have particular importance
for an individual child or teenager and help to
solve problems of their own.
As to ways to improve preventive measures to
avert juvenile suicide in our country, then, in our
opinion, the primary right in this area should
belong to the state because its internal state
policy should be oriented towards the
development and introduction of effective
measures against as a phenomenon of suicide in
general, as its manifestations. This main
direction of preventive action can be the most
complicated because an effective system of
suicide prevention has not been created yet.
Thus, the problems of the manifestation of
suicidal behaviour of minors are institutions of
health care, rehabilitation centres, and social
protection institutions. Also, public organisations
play a vital role in this sphere. Today there is an
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
International Association for the Prevention of
Suicide, and, according to its recommendation,
suicide prevention services have been opened in
many Ukrainian cities. However, considering the
socio-economic situation in the state, the low
level of social protection, the psycho-emotional
level of citizens, and other problems of our
society require more effective measures for the
prevention of minors, and, in our opinion, it is
necessary to start precisely from educational
Our second proposal is to introduce a systematic
survey monitored by specially appointed
individual civil servants who will cooperate with
psychologists and maintain statistics that will
help the state coordinate its activities in minors'
Also, it would be advisable for the Ministry of
Healthcare of Ukraine to take control of the issue
of popularising the hotline for suicidal minors
and may even expand this resource, which could
save many juveniles' lives. Sometimes it is
enough for a minor to be heard with his problems,
so such a proposal can be the key to reducing the
number of suicides of minors.
Juvenile suicide refers to the act of a person
under the age of 18 taking their own life. It is a
tragic and complex phenomenon that can be
influenced by a range of biological,
psychological, and environmental factors. The
reasons for juvenile suicide can vary, but often
include mental health issues, family or
relationship problems, school-related stressors,
substance abuse, and social isolation or bullying.
It should be noted that the legislator should more
accurately determine the circumstances of
suicide incrimination in social networks and the
Internet in general. Thus, crimes involving
suicide and are committed on the Internet can be
completed in the form of punishing the
perpetrator for his wrongful acts.
Nowadays, juveniles get more and more pressure
directly through their pages on social networks,
so such changes would be as actual and effective
as possible for investigating crimes. After all,
officers only sometimes focus on pressure over
the Internet and its detrimental effect.
Thus, there is much work to improve suicide
prevention methods among minors in Ukraine
but using foreign experience and the help of other
countries, our state can create a reliable and
effective program, which the authors are sure,
will reduce the risk of suicide among people
under the age of 18. It should also be noted that
preventing suicides among minors needs
attention from both: the state and society because
it is possible to overcome manifestations of
suicidal behaviour and, in the future, to save
many young lives only by uniting both sides.
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