www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.18
How to Cite:
Knysh, I., Sopivnyk, R., Boichuk, P., Berbets, T., & Dmytrenko, A. (2023). Implementation of teaching technology in the process of
future specialists' professional development. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 188-197. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.18
Implementation of teaching technology in the process of future
specialists' professional development
Впровадження технології наставництва у процес професійного розвитку майбутніх
Received: February 12, 2023 Accepted: April 8, 2023
Written by:
Inna Knysh1
ResearcherID: ADA-5230-2022
Ruslan Sopivnyk2
ResearcherID: AAH-2046-2020
Petro Boichuk3
ResearcherID: CGQ-7533-2022
Tetiana Berbets4
ResearcherID: ACZ-8691-2022
Alina Dmytrenko5
ResearcherID: ISB-4649-2023
The technology of mentoring and the
possibilities of its implementation in the process
of professional development of future specialists
are considered. The functions of mentors
(advisory, socio-pedagogical, spiritual) and
criteria of mentoring (democratic, social
orientation, originality, research, dialogue,
leadership, cooperation) were analyzed.
Assertiveness, fascination, attraction of the
mentor's personality, spiritual constants, and
moral and ethical maxims of behavior are
considered. The task of the mentor is written. The
factors that influence the effectiveness of
mentoring and the characteristic features of the
mentors' style are singled out. To increase the
effectiveness of pedagogical mentoring, the need
for principles is substantiated. The types of
mentoring (religious, based, industrial,
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Foreign Languages,
National Academy of Management, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Pedagogy Department, National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector, Municipal Higher Educational Institution “Lutsk Pedagogical
College” of the Volyn Regional Council, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education Department, Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Knysh, I., Sopivnyk, R., Boichuk, P., Berbets, T., Dmytrenko, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 188-197 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional) are given. The importance of a
remote form of support for young professionals -
telementoring - is shown, which is necessary
with the rapid development of Internet
Keywords: mentoring technology, professional
development, future specialists, telementoring,
The development of modern society suggests
changes in the system of professional
improvement of scientific and pedagogical
workers. At the same time, the following
conditions are taken into account: integration of
the country into the world and European
educational community, a socially oriented
economy. Nowadays, we observe a discrepancy
between the existing level of readiness of
teachers for professional activity and the
challenges of our time. And this position is
extremely acute today in all spheres of
educational society (Shapovalova et al., 2020).
One of the main tasks of the policy of most
developed countries is to improve and update the
quality of education, informatization and
intercultural dialogue, internationalization, as
well as its new socio-economic realities by global
trends. The teacher, who acts as a model of the
educational process, its improvement, and the
initiator of his continuous professional
development, plays the main role in the
implementation of such tasks. High-quality
professional training in a higher educational
institution does not always guarantee the
competitiveness of a graduate. For the adaptation
to be successful, and the professional
development to be clear and significant, the
further professional development of the young
teacher always took place, a clearly planned and
scientifically based system of methodical and
individual socio-psychological support is
necessary. Such a system of support for young
teachers is effective, the core of which is
mentoring (Zembytska, 2015).
The main indicator by which the level of
development of each country is measured is the
level of quality education, which is carried out
throughout life. Mentoring, including scientific
mentoring, is considered one of the main factors
that significantly affect the quality of continuing
education. It is a technology that allows us to
understand the role of scientists as bright
personalities, bearers of a certain subculture, and
their role in reforming the modern education
sector based on Europeanness and cultural
Changes in education, socio-economic realities,
and the development of various industries allow
to consider mentoring technology as a form of
interaction on a socio-personal basis (Semenog
& Vovk, 2016).
Literature Review
Yu. Zaporozhtseva (2020) specified the essence
of the concepts of "mentoring", and
"supervision", justified the strategies of
supervision (cycles and functions) in the
activities of educational institutions, proved the
favorable approach of reflection in the
professional activity of a teacher and showed the
standardization of the quality of the work of an
educational institution.
O. Shapovalova, V. Butenko, M. Boychenko
(2020), the justification was made and the need
to introduce mentoring technology into the
process of professional development of future
teachers of preschool education institutions was
O. Semenog (2017), the micro-pedagogy of
scientific mentoring and its open environment is
considered, the renewal of the education system
is shown by the world trends of globalization of
the quality of education.
Zh. Savych (2021) developed a workshop for all
educational institutions, where the task of
developing a system of working with personnel
is urgent.
O. Bida, N. Mukan, V. Honcharuk (2020)
considered mentoring as one of the forms of
adaptation, one of the main and progressive types
of training, as an effective type of professional
training of a specialist, an important link of
training in the organization of educational space.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The purpose of the article. To consider the
technology of mentoring and the possibilities of
its implementation in the process of professional
development of future specialists.
To check the goal and solve the tasks, we used
theoretical methods of scientific research:
analysis of psychological and pedagogical
literature; analysis and generalization of
collected information; classification, induction,
deduction, construction of analogies, modeling,
and comparison of research results.
The leading idea of the study is the provision that
mentoring technology and the possibilities of its
implementation in the process of professional
development of future specialists are provided:
implementation of the developed interactive
synergistic complex aimed at intensifying
the content of professional development of
teachers due to the integration of innovative
educational technologies, in-depth study of
disciplines, and the use of ICT in the process
of professional development of teachers;
modernization of the research component
during practices;
improving the educational environment of
higher education institutions;
subject-subject interaction, creative
pedagogical interaction of teachers and
using methods of self-control and
management of self-learning;
using interactive learning technologies;
a personally oriented approach to education
and upbringing of students in educational
institutions, taking into account the
individual characteristics of students;
professional health care competence of
a complex interdisciplinary approach, which
involves the integration of competencies,
skills, knowledge, and abilities during
educational activities in educational
During the determination of modern trends in
mentoring technology and the possibility of its
implementation in the process of professional
development of future specialists, the focus was
on the position of the concept of continuous
human education:
about the continuous development of a
person as an individual, a subject of goal
realization and goal setting throughout life;
continuity of the educational process using
the categories of continuity and gradualness,
integrity and purposefulness, flexibility and
continuous education as an organizational
and pedagogical principle;
continuous education as a single complex of
non-state and state educational institutions
of various purposes and levels.
The set of trends in mentoring technology and the
possibilities of its implementation in the process
of professional development of future specialists
can be imagined at the state, institutional and
personal levels.
The following methodological approaches are
defined as the methodological basis for
substantiating the technology of mentoring and
the possibility of its implementation in the
process of professional development of future
specialists: structural-systemic, integrative,
polysubject, competence-based, andragogical,
procedural-active, individual-personal,
structural-system provides an opportunity to
determine and substantiate the importance of
mentoring technology and the possibility of
its implementation in the process of
professional development of future
specialists, which is carried out with the help
of involvement in the general culture and the
formation of readiness to perform
professional activities;
integrative approach ensures the creation of
tolerant conditions for effective interaction
of specialists in the conditions of the
information society, development of
cooperation abilities, disclosure of the
intellectual and spiritual potential of the
communication personality;
the polysubject approach involves the
polysubject interaction of the subjects of the
educational environment in the context of
integrative unity and ensures the process of
acmeological self-development;
the competency-based approach promotes
the acquisition of professional, social-
personal, and academic competencies,
correlation of individual characteristics,
ensuring personal uniqueness during
the andragogic approach carries out: the
development of socially significant qualities
of an adult with the help of mentoring
technology and the possibility of its
implementation in the process of
professional development of future
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists; mastering the competencies,
skills, knowledge, skills, value orientations,
and qualities necessary to perform the role of
a teacher during classes; organization of the
educational process taking into account the
emotional and volitional sphere and
peculiarities of thinking;
the procedural and activity approach
provides: mastering the structure of activity,
mentoring, and the process of professional
development of future specialists, starting
from the awareness of the purpose, and
motives of activity, to obtaining results and
an individual and personal approach makes
the pedagogical process more effective,
implies respect for the subject, recognition
of intellectual and moral freedom, and the
uniqueness of the individual;
axiological-cultural creates conditions for
the formation of a creative personality, new
integration qualities, stimulates learning,
and reflects the specificity of the subject, his
needs, and values.
A set of complementary methodological
approaches provides an opportunity to learn
about the researched phenomenon of mentoring
technology and the possibility of its
implementation in the process of professional
development of future specialists.
Results and Discussion
In our time, there are different opinions about the
forms, methods, and content of youth education,
sometimes education and education lose their
humanistic spirit, and therefore the importance of
supporting a mentor who has a high level of
national self-awareness, who fills individuals
with respect for other people, tolerance, and
spirituality, is actualized, teaches a person to be
a Man.
Researchers single out in an open environment
the micro-pedagogy of a teacher-mentor in which
a specialist with acquired experience broadcasts
examples of the assimilation of cultural values
and norms, helps to form examples of models of
behavior, personal position, conveys the value
attitudes of science in the formation of a
scientific style of thinking in a student. Personal
and professional development, self-realization,
and self-development of the personality of a
graduate student, student, student depends on the
personal qualities of the teacher-mentor, who
guides, accompanies, and leads the process of
adaptation to professional requirements, to the
self-development and self-knowledge of
individuals as successful specialists in the
national and global space.
The multifaceted activity of a mentor in the
educational field is characterized by:
the intellectual and ethical system of values,
academic culture,
the culture of high spirituality and morality,
behavior, and communication of people;
pedagogically adapted experience of
cognitive scientific activity;
high-quality labor indicators;
responsibility for performance (Semenog, &
Vovk, 2016).
We agree with O. Samsonova (2016) about the
fact that taking on the responsibilities of a
mentor, a teacher has several advantages:
satisfaction from communicating with
students and colleagues;
expanding the arsenal of skills and abilities;
development of one's professional career;
professional development;
mastering modern learning technologies;
the opportunity to share one's own
experience with younger colleagues and
learn from them;
a sense of the need to find prospects in the
field of professional activity;
striving for self-improvement.
The mentor provides pedagogical support for
young specialists within the educational space of
the educational institution. He can be motivated
by an experienced authoritative worker,
coordinator, or consultant for the personal and
professional growth of young workers. Its
activities are aimed at mutual professional
development based on partnership.
In the conditions of the educational institution,
we will classify the forms of mentoring of future
specialists according to the following
vector of developmental action: mutual,
collegial, reciprocal;
number of process participants: group,
individual, team;
mentoring tools: informative, electronic,
duration and intensity of the mentoring
program: situational, planned, corrective;
by content: subject-thematic, complex;
by the method of influence: indirect, direct;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by the person providing guidance: an
experienced employee of the institution.
Individual mentoring is the most common form
of pedagogical mentoring. Individual mentoring
is manifested in the cooperation of a mentor with
a young teacher, with joint work and agreed
development of an individual mentoring plan.
Joint work is based on the results and monitoring
of the performed diagnostics.
In modern educational society, the role of
electronic mentoring is increasing (Osypova,
The three most important characteristics are
singled out based on the analysis of the essence
of the concept of "mentor":
1) the mentor is considered a wise person with
extensive experience who has the desire to
help a young specialist;
2) the mentor manages the young specialist,
provides assistance, advises, directs training
and development;
3) there is respect, trust, and an emotional
connection between the mentor and the
young specialist, which contributes to the
process of professional development of
future specialists (Zembytska, 2011).
The competitiveness of a young specialist in the
modern labor market largely depends on the
quality of continuing education. The quality of
education, self-development, self-realization,
and personal and professional development of
the personality of a graduate student, student,
student depends on the personality of the teacher-
mentor, who skillfully directs the educational
process to self-development, self-knowledge of
individuals as self-sufficient and successful
(Giles et al., 2020).
Today, mentoring is constantly changing,
improving, and computerized.
Important among the functions of mentors are
spiritual, socio-pedagogical, and consultative.
Mentoring criteria are defined as cooperation,
social orientation, democracy, originality,
leadership, dialogue, and research. The
attraction, assertiveness, and fascination of the
mentor's personality are important.
Characteristic features of the individual style of
mentors are scientific integrity, selflessness,
intelligence, truthfulness, a high level of
empathy, an honest attitude to scientific results,
and selfless activity for society (Semenog, 2017).
Mentoring for human development is an
important and successful method, the process of
transferring skills from management to
subordinates; it is a system of tolerant relations,
a system of innovative processes, the purpose of
which is to help management at the workplace,
provide qualified advice to young professionals,
and promote the formation of relationships in a
new team.
Let's define the mentor's task:
encouragement and support of a new
transfer of knowledge, determination of
norms of behavior, and rules adopted in the
revealing the potential of a new employee.
The mentor's motivation to fulfill the duties
assigned to him to train new employees is
increased by the very experience of mentoring, as
a result, the mentor's authority in the team is
strengthened, and the mentor's professional and
personal achievements are recognized by the
management team. And the mentoring process
itself contributes to the mentor's self-
development and also contributes to personal
satisfaction due to the successful performance of
new functions. As a result of his mentoring
mission, the mentor acquires new skills, abilities,
and knowledge while performing his functions,
and this approach systematizes professional
experience (Pamuk, & Thompson, 2009).
Mentoring is a form in which individual work is
carried out with an employee regarding his
introduction to the profession, or consulting a
mentor when changing an employee's position,
providing him with support, assistance in socio-
cultural adaptation in a new team, in professional
From the mentor's work, the organization
develops and improves its work. Thanks to
mentoring, a team of specialists is formed, who
influence the creation of a positive image of the
educational institution, perform their duties well,
transfer their knowledge and professional skills,
are carriers of corporate culture, and spread team
spirit and corporate values in the team.
Let's list the factors on which the effectiveness of
mentoring depends:
development of professional instructions,
algorithms, and provisions, with the help of
which the introduction of a new employee
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
into the organization's position is organized
and implemented;
positive motivation of the worker, his
voluntary cooperation with the mentor,
understanding of the need for mentoring;
flexibility, voluntariness, and
innovativeness of the system of introduction
of a new employee, taking into account the
capabilities and individual characteristics of
the employee;
the mentor's professionalism, based on his
competence in the profession.
The mentoring system is an effective modern
method of training employees and adapting them
to clearly defined tasks and goals (Edouard,
The constant and purposeful work of the mentor's
activities for the final result consists in the
adaptation of a new employee who has started
working at the workplace, the indicators of which
are productive activity, the clear performance of
assigned tasks, development of professional
qualities, building effective professional
relationships with team members.
Adaptation of novice workers in educational
institutions is the main direction of the work of
units responsible for quality work, which leads to
the professionalism of the worker and authorized
persons (Savych, 2021).
Based on mentoring, in the conditions of an
educational institution, the process of successful
implementation of professional development
technology by future teachers takes place, which
can be divided into four stages: operational-
technological, analytical-prognostic, reflective-
corrective, and problem-searching. Such stages
adjust the levels of professional development of
young teachers: from stabilization, critical, to
perfect and normative (Shapovalova et al., 2020).
Let's list the principles, provided they are
followed, the effectiveness of pedagogical
mentoring increases:
an individual and differentiated approach,
which allows raising the scientific level of a
young teacher, aspirations, professional
training, hopes, character, and temperament;
systematicity and systematicity of
pedagogical mentoring, which makes it
possible to provide professional assistance
to young specialists, to systematically
conduct consultations;
stimulation of self-education and self-
education, which provides an opportunity to
learn throughout life;
a comprehensive approach includes the
following areas of work: various methods
and forms of work, psychological-
pedagogical, general scientific, and
methodical areas of work;
a combination of such forms of work with
young teachers as group, individual, frontal
work: participation in methodical work at
school, method combination, consultations,
school of pedagogical skills, individual
conversations, school of young teachers,
mutual attendance of lessons.
Let's consider the formal and informal aspects of
pedagogical mentoring.
The formal side of mentoring is carried out in an
educational institution within the framework of
general methodical work, is legally regulated by
various instructions, proposed by official
documents, and supported by methodical
materials. Professionally, a mentor's work plan
for the competent training of a young specialist
is drawn up, and various activities are held, such
as conversations on individual sections of
pedagogy, mutual attendance of classes,
discussion of the scientific content of the subject,
updating of interactive teaching methods;
consultations are held on individual issues of the
methodology of conducting classes, the mentor
makes a report on his work regarding the
readiness of the young specialist for work,
prepares a conclusion on the achievements and
compliance of the young specialist with the
performance of professional duties, on the
changes that have taken place in his professional
development (Gunuc, 2015).
The informal side is manifested in trusting
relations, and friendly professional relations,
between a young specialist and a mentor. Such a
relationship of friendly, professional relations
creates a positive emotional background, with the
help of which positive motivational aspects of the
professional activity of a novice specialist are
formed, and a constant desire to improve arises.
With such an approach based on the formal side,
all instructions and guidelines are not imposed
authoritarian and take on the character of
consultations, advice, and recommendations.
The most common methods of work when
working with young specialists are directives,
analysis of wrong, erroneous actions, approval,
observation of their work, showing,
demonstration, recommendations, advice,
encouragement, awards, and thanks. All of them
awaken a critical attitude towards themselves in
a young specialist, allowing them to
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professionally involve beginners in innovative
methods and methods of work. So, we prove that
mentoring provides interaction between a young
specialist and an experienced one, ensures
partnership, and cooperation. Together, they
achieve the set goal of improving the quality of
education while forming the skills of a young
specialist (Lyakh, 2016).
Let's distinguish the main types of mentoring,
depending on the field of application: religious;
based; industrial, and professional.
Recently, corporate mentoring has been gaining
tremendous development, turning into a familiar
tool that promotes the development of leaders in
the company.
Let's highlight the signs that clearly emphasize
the specifics of mentoring tasks:
1. Strategic: contribute to the formation of a
culturally integrated personality, its
competence and stem from the general goal
of mentoring.
2. Tactical: during the adaptation of future
specialists to the organization of work
methods of a certain unit, conditions,
content, and current tasks are provided.
3. Operative: appear in practical activity before
the mentor. That is why, in institutions of
higher education, the training of future
specialists should be based on competence-
oriented training (Denysenko, & Smirnov,
The modern mission of mentoring is ensured by:
the main goal - which is represented by
socio-pedagogical assistance while ensuring
high-quality innovative professional training
of future specialists for a certain profession;
the main task - in which the necessary
indicator is the formation of socially
significant qualities and professional
competencies in the student within the
framework of the educational and
professional program of training a specialist
in higher education, based on the main
requirements of the educational and
qualification characteristics, as well as the
transfer and transformation of key corporate
competencies of a certain profession.
The rapid development of Internet
communication and scientific progress in the
field of education contributed to the emergence
of telementoring, a remote form of support for
young professionals. Telementoring (also
"online mentoring" - ementoring, "electronic
mentoring") is possible over a long period - from
one to several years with the help of
communication and innovative activities
between mentors and wards, with the help of e-
mail, professional blogs, forums, using video
Telementoring does not involve regular meetings
of its participants, so it is difficult to achieve a
sufficiently high level of closeness in the
relationship between the mentor and the mentee.
If we consider mentoring in a virtual
environment, then the implementation of its main
function here is unlikely. It requires purposeful
copying of work skills and observation of the
mentor's behavior and work. Let's highlight the
potential risks of telementoring:
the possibility of some misunderstanding
and the inconvenience of teamwork between
the process participants,
the inconvenience of forming close
interpersonal relationships,
less sense of attachment and mutual
Let's list the advantages of telementoring
compared to traditional forms: spontaneity,
flexibility, availability, insignificant time costs,
low cost, and absence of psychological, ethnic,
gender, and age barriers (Zembytska, 2014).
The final result of a specific organization is
achieved with the effective cooperation of its
members. Training is successful when the intern
solves competitive tasks under the guidance of a
highly qualified mentor. With this approach,
attention is emphasized on the practical
component (Bida et al., 2020).
M. Zembytska (2015) the mentoring programs of
young teachers in the USA were analyzed, the
peculiarities of their implementation were
highlighted, and the positive impact of mentoring
on the psycho-emotional state of the mentor was
proven. This approach is strengthened by the fact
that in the process of mentoring, the teacher
regenerates professionally and psychologically,
is allowed to feel his need, fulfill the functions of
transferring experience to the future generation,
gains recognition and authority, and be involved
in the professional development of a young
competitive specialist.
When the mentor is completely or partially
released from educational activities, the type of
activity changes and the focus of subject-object
relations with students of education changes to
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
partnership creative cooperation with the mentee,
i.e. subject-subject interaction. During the
mentoring professional activity, pedagogical
reflection is stimulated, which provides an
opportunity for a higher level of professional
competitive development and prevention of
professional stagnation of the teacher.
Individuals who have had the opportunity to
work under the guidance of mentors during their
careers are inclined to be mentors to young
professionals. Therefore, mentoring is
considered a self-reproducing system. Foreign
scientists consider mentoring to be a process of
learning adults, giving special importance to the
andragogic approach (development of support
programs for young professionals, mentoring
British researcher R. Rice (2007), considers
mentoring as an interaction between two adults.
Training even experienced teachers (if they do
not have experience teaching adults) to perform
the functions of a mentor causes difficulties.
Here, an adult is considered a psychologically,
physiologically, morally, and socially mature
person with a level of self-awareness and life
experience. Educators differ from novice
specialists in that they have professional views,
beliefs, knowledge, professional interests,
abilities, and skills and act as initiators of
professional development and their own learning
throughout life.
Research by the American scientist R. Stanulis
(2009) justifies the importance of building a
relationship between a mentor and a pupil. At the
same time, the principles of adult education and
the most important tasks facing the mentor are
taken into account:
monitoring the work of a young specialist
and methodically helping him in working
with the class;
ensuring a suitable working atmosphere and
feedback during work;
monitoring the work of education seekers,
joint development of lessons and their
selection, production, and analysis of the use
of teaching and methodical materials for the
promotion of professional growth,
determination of ways to improve
joint justification of ways to solve problems;
professional assistance to achieve the
success of education seekers.
Such tasks provide an opportunity to fully
implement the ways of high-quality professional
intervention of the mentor, who must be
andragogically competent, friendly, tolerant,
empathetic, communicative, and correct. At the
same time, it is worth carrying out andragogic
diagnostics to identify the cognitive style, level
of competence of novice specialists,
psychological individual characteristics, and
professional needs. The results of andragogic
diagnostics are used for forecasting and
monitoring the professional development of
specialists. Carrying out methodical work with
young specialists should be oriented towards
diagnostics, compliance with the principles of
joint activity, the actualization of results,
development of educational needs and
pedagogical reflection, systematicity, and
development. When organizing mentoring work,
the andragogic approach involves:
work in a favorable atmosphere of
cooperation: the rejection of criticism of
young specialists, their democracy,
encouragement of specialists to develop
creativity, and free expression of opinions;
application of the principles of motivated
learning (invitational learning) (Purkey,
1996). The principles of motivated learning
assist students who have untapped potential
and are responsible, valuable individuals.
The teacher has the task of promoting the
professional and personal development of
students, and mentoring helps in this, which
requires an experienced specialist not only to
encourage and teach a beginner but also to
promote active participation in the life of the
American educator M. Knowles, 1970 first
proposed the term "andragogy" and proved the
need for a clear motivation for learning,
empiricism, and a problem-based approach for
high-quality professional mentor intervention.
He proposes six principles of adult learning,
according to which adult learners:
are self-directed when working in an
atmosphere of respect, cooperation, trust,
and openness;
take into account the best experience in the
educational space;
realize the need for quality education and
study throughout their life;
prone to problematic learning;
see the possibility of applying the acquired
knowledge during life in work and skills;
apply sufficient self-motivation when
learning knowledge (Early & Weindling,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The following factors affect the effectiveness of
a young specialist's training with the high-quality
professional intervention of a mentor:
motivation of a young specialist under the
guidance of a mentor;
level of availability of material, competence
approach, and perception of learning tasks
and goals;
learning conditions that contribute to an
effective educational process that takes
place in an informal and non-authoritarian
the level of preparation of a specialist under
the guidance of a mentor;
the choice of educational methods for the
effectiveness of the educational process of
taking into account the mentor's life
experience and applying his knowledge and
skills in practical activities.
In the USA, mentoring programs are focused on
the pedagogical interaction of a young specialist
with a mentor, the discussion of practical
situations of professional orientation, and the use
of modern pedagogical technologies. Conditions
are created for independent search for knowledge
throughout life, and the development of personal
reflection. At the same time, the principles of
andragogy are taken as a basis.
The andragogical model of organizing the
educational process of a young specialist
assumes that the main driving force of learning is
the young specialist, while the mentor plays the
role of coordinator of the educational process,
and applies effective methods and forms of
information delivery to the young specialist. In
particular, for a mentor, these are seminars,
discussions, presentations, master classes,
webinars, trainings, and online conferences. The
teacher demonstrates:
competence-based approach to
understanding the specifics of training
young professionals;
taking into account the characteristics of a
young specialist as a subject of educational
possession of learning technologies that take
into account the peculiarities of the position
of a young specialist;
interaction based on the partnership of a
mentor and a young specialist.
Traditional education has a didactic orientation.
When a mentor interacts with a young specialist,
the following is inherent: a clear practical
orientation, the applicability of practical
situations in the specialist's professional activity,
a focus on self-realization and self-knowledge in
professional activity (Zembytska, 2015).
The technology of mentoring was considered to
find out the possibility of its implementation in
the process of professional development of future
The forms of mentoring of future specialists in
the conditions of an educational institution were
analyzed according to the following
vector of developmental action: mutual,
collegial, reciprocal;
number of process participants: group,
individual, team;
mentoring tools: informative, electronic,
duration and intensity of the mentoring
program: situational, planned, corrective;
by content: subject-thematic, complex;
by the method of influence: indirect, direct;
by the person providing guidance: an
experienced employee of the institution.
Individual and electronic mentoring are defined
as the most common forms of pedagogical
Important among the functions of mentors are
socio-pedagogical, consultative, and spiritual.
Research, leadership, originality, orientation,
cooperation, democratic, dialogical, and social
are defined as mentoring criteria. Attraction,
assertiveness and fascination of the mentor's
personality, spiritual constants, and moral and
ethical maxims of behavior are important. The
task of the mentor is written. Characteristic
features of the individual style of mentors are
singled out. The factors on which the
effectiveness of mentoring depends are singled
out. The principles under which compliance
increases the effectiveness of pedagogical
mentoring are analyzed.
Types of mentoring are distinguished: religious,
based, industrial, and professional. The
development of Internet communication has led
to the emergence of the now necessary remote
form of support for young professionals -
telementoring, which is disclosed in the article.
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
We see the prospects for further research in the
disclosure of the factors on which the
effectiveness of mentoring depends.
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