Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.16
How to Cite:
Sluta, I., Perelygina, L., Skorynina-Pohrebna, O., Balabanova, L., & Kukoba, N. (2023). The role of psychological factors in
imroving health, activity and longevity. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 165-174. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.16
The role of psychological factors in imroving health, activity and
Роль психологічних факторів у покращенні здоров’я, активності та довголіття
Received: April 1, 2023 Accepted: May 20, 2023
Written by:
Irena Sluta1
Lina Perelygina2
Researcher ID: ACD-1573-2022
Olga Skorynina-Pohrebna3
Researcher ID: FYO-2188-2022
Liubov Balabanova4
Researcher ID: EJS-0406-2022
Nataliia Kukoba5
Researcher ID: HZM-5161-2023
In recent years, many socio-economic and political
factors have caused an increased psycho-emotional
stress in society. Determining the impact of
psychological factors on health and longevity will
contribute to the improvement of a person’s
subjective well-being and the efficiency of his/her
life. The aim of the study is to identify the impact
of psychological factors on the quality of life of
young higher school teachers. The research was
conducted using standardized, reliable and valid
psychometric tools. Descriptive statistics and linear
regression analysis were used in the course of
processing the results. The study established that
the young higher school teachers have high
indicators of physical (Μ=50.84±0.97) and
psychological health (Μ=42.38±1.06). A
relationship between quality of life and self-
regulation (r=0.886, p≤0.001), assertiveness
(r=0.684, p≤0.001), stress resistance (r=0.689,
p≤0.001) was found. Regression analysis revealed
that self-regulation has the greatest impact on
Postgraduate Student, Student of Taurida National University named after V.I. Vernadsky of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor, Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions, National University of Civil
Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions, National University of
Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions, National University of
Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Student, Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine,
Kharkiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
physical (β=1.94±0.18) and psychological health
(β=2.06±0.14). The significant role of self-
regulation, assertiveness and stress resistance as
psychological factors in optimizing health and
longevity was established. Teachers with high
quality of life are self-confident, determined and
persistent, capable of self-control, emotionally
resistant to negative influences. The obtained
results can be used for the purpose of creating a
psychological training programme for the
development of self-regulation, assertiveness, and
stress resistance.
Keywords: self-regulation, assertiveness, stress
resistance, quality of life, well-being, physical
health, mental health.
In recent years, the proportion of healthy
population of Ukraine has decreased
dramatically. Current information progress
causes a state of passivity among the population,
when activity decreases, usual duties are replaced
by various gadgets, the availability of
information reduces the need for its active
search. All this leads to an imbalance of personal
qualities and deteriorated health.
The most worrying are health problems caused
by social, professional or personal factors.
Psychological factors that are a background for
an optimal health and longevity (Wimmelmann
et al., 2020), as they determine the stability of
psycho-emotional reactions (Balashov, 2022),
constructive behaviour, and the desire to
maintain a healthy lifestyle (Griffin et al., 2013).
According to some statements, quality of life is a
significant indicator of a person’s longevity, as it
reflects satisfaction with all areas of life
(Yorgason et al., 2018). It is also indicated that
negative personal qualities lead to socio-
psychological maladaptation (Lev-Ari et al.,
2021), have a significant impact on stability and
longevity (Fry & Debats, 2010). Longevity
depends on the state of health, which is strongly
influenced by subjective well-being (Ailshire &
Crimmins, 2011) and personality traits (Heblich
et al., 2023). In other words, psychological
factors determine the value of a person’s health
for himself/herself. The higher this value, the
better the health and longevity. Therefore, there
is a need to develop such psychological qualities
that would allow optimal interaction with the
modern environment, improving one’s health,
activity and longevity. These psychological
factors are self-regulation, assertiveness, and
stress resistance.
Researchers studied the importance of the
emotional sphere (Maalouf et al., 2022), self-
regulation (Balashov, 2022), assertiveness
(Paeezy et al., 2010), stress resistance (Amrit et
al., 2019) in the formation of subjective well-
being and health. In particular, it is proved that
assertiveness is the key to full healthy
functioning (Parfanovych et al., 2022), and the
ability to survive multiple stresses is the basis of
longevity (Dues et al., 2019). These studies prove
that psychological factors, in particular positive
personality traits, are predictors of a person’s
health and longevity. Taking into account the
considered approaches, it should be noted that
there are many recent studies on the impact of
psychological factors on health and longevity.
However, the issue of identifying the importance
of personal psychological traits in optimizing
health and longevity, which characterize the
quality of life of a person, remains poorly
The aim involved for the fulfilment of the
following research objectives:
1) study the level of physical and psychological
components of the quality of life of young
2) diagnose the severity of psychological
factors in the studied teachers: self-
regulation, assertiveness and stress
3) identify the relationship between the quality
of life and personal psychological factors;
4) establish the psychological factors which
determine the quality of life of the studied
teachers most of all.
The following working hypothesis was advanced
in order to achieve the aim and objectives of the
research: psychological factors of the personality
Sluta, I., Perelygina, L., Skorynina-Pohrebna, O., Balabanova, L., Kukoba, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 165-174 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
influence the optimization of the health, activity
and longevity of young teachers: the higher the
self-regulation, assertiveness, stress resistance,
the better the physical and psychological health
of the respondents.
Literature Review
In 1982, R.M. Kaplan proposed the term “health-
related quality of life" (HRQOL). In 1984, the
WHO formulated the concept of health based on
this interpretation: “Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
(World Health Organization, 2023). Since then,
the term “quality of life” has been increasingly
used to describe the concept of complete health.
Quality of life is an individual’s ability to fully
function in society and enjoy it. In modern
conditions, the quality of life describes the state
of physical and mental health, subjective well-
being, longevity, adaptive life activity.
It is appropriate to pay attention to the concept of
longevity, which also reflects the quality of a
person’s life. Researchers distinguish two factors
of longevity: internal (genetic, individual-
typological) and external (ecology, social status,
lifestyle). Fernández-Ballesteros and Sánchez-
Izquierdo (2019) draw attention to the
importance of psychological factors in longevity
processes. The authors include such factors as
cognitive functioning, self-control and self-
regulation, lifestyle, resistance to stress. Quality
of life and life satisfaction are components of
general well-being and longevity, which are
influenced by personality traits and emotional
states (Wimmelmann et al., 2020).
Lev-Ari et al., (2021) note that positive personal
traits are predictors of health and longevity, and
destructive negative states deteriorate health. It is
also noted that despite the fact that the
personality type is innate, personality traits can
be developed throughout life, which can improve
the quality of life, health and longevity (Maalouf
et al., 2022). Long-term exposure to acute crisis
or stressful situations adversely affects a person’s
physical health and can increase susceptibility to
psychological diseases such as anxiety and
depression (Zhang et al., 2023). And
psychological factors combined with social
factors provoke symptoms of depression, which
adversely affects physical health (Park & Seo,
2023). Therefore, the ability to control one’s
emotions and behaviour, to be decisive and
confident, resistant to the negative effects of
stress is the key to high-level well-being and
Internal factors self-regulation, assertiveness,
and stress resistance are distinguished among
the many psychological factors capable of
influencing personal health, longevity, and
effective activity. We believe that these
characteristics reflect an individual’s ability to
control his/her psycho-emotional state in
stressful situations, the ability to find a way out
of a crisis situation, and ensure the body’s
stability and resource balance. In turn, this affects
health and longevity.
Self-regulation is a way of managing one’s own
states and activities, which ensures optimal
functioning of the body, adaptation to external
circumstances (Sharbafshaaer, 2019). Mental
self-regulation enables one to manage one’s
behaviour, control one’s emotional state in tense
or stressful situations (Singh & Sharma, 2018),
engage in physical and mental activities
effectively, and improve various skills (Peleg &
Peleg, 2023). Hofer et al., (2011) considers self-
regulation as a factor in the development of an
achieved social identity, which is a condition for
personal well-being. It is noted that self-
regulation is the core of the full functioning of
the body, it is becoming increasingly important
for social stability and longevity (Billore et al.,
Assertiveness is considered the next factor of
health and longevity. Assertiveness is a
significant indicator of personality maturity
(Speed et al., 2017). Skolota (2020) notes that the
developed assertiveness of an individual has a
positive effect on his/her socio-psychological
adaptation and normal functioning, while
underdevelopment or lack of assertiveness leads
to social incompetence, disharmony and
maladaptation. Assertiveness provides personal
potential and is a prerequisite for successful self-
actualization, helps to reduce anxiety and fear,
encourages to defend one’s rights and express
feelings (Parfanovych et al., 2022). Assertive
behaviour affects the optimal learning of
cognitive patterns of interaction that accumulate
and contribute to social integration (Vagos &
Pereira, 2016).
Stress resistance as a factor of personal health
and longevity expresses the degree of resistance
to stress and is an important element of the
personality structure. It involves a combination
of personality traits and the ability to resist
stressful situations (Yang et al., 2021). Stress
resistance ensures longevity, as it enables a
person to successfully overcome crisis situations,
effectively express negative emotions, and
resolve conflicts effectively (Amrit et al., 2019).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It affects the individual’s ability to maintain
optimal performance under tension and in
extreme conditions (Halian et al., 2021). In turn,
others claim that stress resistance is a necessary
element of successful adaptation of an individual
to the influence of environmental factors
(Teptiuk, 2018). There is an opinion that stress
resistance provides the ability not only for socio-
psychological adaptation, but also contributes to
self-realization, achievement of life goals,
preservation of work capacity and health (Dues
et al., 2019).
Research design
The study was conducted during 4 months from
November 2022 to February 2023, and was
divided into several stages. The first stage
involved the theoretical and methodological
substantiation of the issue under research, the
identification of the main scientific approaches
and provisions that consider health and longevity
of the individual. The second stage provided for
a selection of valid and reliable psychodiagnostic
tools, which corresponds to the aim of the study,
followed by sampling. The third stage involved
quantitative and statistical data processing, as
well as the presentation of the obtained results in
graphic and tabular forms. The fourth stage
provided for a data analysis, interpreting of the
obtained results, and correlating them with
previously conducted research. The fifth stage
provided for the justification of the obtained
results, limitations and shortcomings of the
research were outlined, and prospects were
The research design was implemented in an
individual form in natural conditions for the
respondents, without creating special research
influences. Respondents were given test forms to
complete within a certain time. The duration of
the diagnosis is optimal for achieving the aim and
testing the advanced hypothesis.
A representative sample population of 258
respondents (116 female and 142 male) aged 25
to 44 was selected for the diagnostic purposes.
All respondents are employees of higher
education institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine. In
particular: 74 teachers of the Department of
Psychology of Activity under Special Conditions
of the National University of Civil Defence of
Ukraine; 59 teachers of the Department of
Aviation Psychology, Faculty of Linguistics and
Social Communications of the National Aviation
University; 63 teachers of the Department of
Psychology of the Academy of Labour, Social
Relations and Tourism; 62 teachers of the
Department of Psychology of the Humanities and
Pedagogical Faculty of the National University
of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Age restrictions, as well as teaching practice
were the inclusion criteria. As age can have a
significant impact on a person’s health and well-
being, the age range was chosen to cover young
respondents. According to WHO periodization,
young age is 25-44 years. This age category is
characterized by a conscious attitude to health,
striving for its maintenance and stabilization.
Therefore, respondents with such age restrictions
were chosen. It is also appropriate to note that
labour is also a factor of personal health,
therefore, employees of the same pedagogical
field of activity higher school teachers were
The 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36)
was used in order to diagnose the well-being of
the subjects. This questionnaire was developed in
1992 to evaluate the components of the quality of
life, including health-related. The structure of the
questionnaire includes 11 sections (a total of 36
questions), the results are evaluated in points, a
higher score on each scale indicates a better
quality of life. The technique evaluates the
quality of life on 8 scales: Physical Functioning
(PF), Role-Physical (RP), Bodily Pain (BP),
General Health (GH), Vitality (VT), Social
Functioning (SF), Role-Emotional (RE) and
Mental Health (MH). Two components of the
quality of life physical health and mental
health express the index on 8 scales.
The test-questionnaire “The study of volitional
self-regulation” proposed by Zverekov and
Eidman (2019) was used in order to identify the
level of self-regulation of the subjects. The test is
aimed at determining the general level of self-
regulation, which consists of two scales:
persistence and self-control. The structure of the
test includes 30 questions to which the subject
must answer “yes” or “no”. There are 6 masking
statements in the questionnaire, so the total score
ranges from 0 to 24, the “persistence” subscale
from 0 to 16 points, and the “self-control”
subscale from 0 to 13 points.
The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) developed
by Cohen et al., (1983) was chosen for
diagnosing stress resistance. The questionnaire
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
consists of 10 questions with offered answer
options “never”, “almost never”, “sometimes”,
“quite often”, “very often”. The obtained results
were processed by calculating points for the
selected answers. The obtained indicator
determine the level of stress resistance, which
can be low, medium or high.
Assertiveness test by Capponi and Novak (1995)
was used to diagnose assertiveness. The purpose
of the questionnaire is to determine the level of
assertiveness of the individual in general and
such criteria as confidence, self-reliance;
independence, autonomy; social desirability in
particular. The technique consists of 24
statements; 3 scales are distinguished in its
structure: persistence, determination, and social
desirability (sincerity, truthfulness). Depending
on the obtained results, the subjects were
attributed to one of the groups according to the
levels: 0-3 points (low level), 4-6 points (medium
level), 7-8 (high level of assertiveness).
All calculations for the techniques were carried
out in Microsoft Excel 2016 and SPSS 22.0. The
analysis of the average values of the respondents
for the techniques was carried out on the basis of
descriptive statistics. The role of psychological
factors in optimizing the quality of life of the
respondents was determined through regression
analysis, which established the significance of
the factors, as well as the correlation between the
Ethical criteria of the research
In order to comply with the ethics of the study,
all respondents received informed consent for the
diagnosis. They were introduced into the purpose
of the research, informed about the
confidentiality of the obtained results.
Processing the results of the SF-36 survey gave
grounds to assess the respondents’ quality of life,
their general well-being, and the degree of
satisfaction with those aspects of life that affect
their health (Table 1).
Table 1.
Indicators of the quality of life of the surveyed teachers
Physical Functioning (PF)
Role-Physical (RP)
Bodily Pain (BP)
General Health (GH)
Vitality (VT)
Social Functioning (SF)
Role-Emotional (RE)
Mental Health (MH)
Physical component of
Psychological component of
(Developed by the author)
The data in the table indicate that the respondents
have a pronounced average Physical Functioning
(Μ=21.87±0.36), which reflects the ability to
perform physical exercises. These indicators
show that the physical activity of the respondents
in general is not limited by their state of health.
Role-Physical functioning is expressed at a
sufficient level (Μ=6.14±0.10), which indicates
a completely normal life activity of the
respondents, which is determined by the physical
condition. Slightly increased indicators are
observed (Μ=6.96±0.18) for the Bodily Pain
scale, which reflects the lack of influence of pain
sensations on the ability to engage in daily
activities. The General Health scale is
represented by indicators above the medium
(Μ=15.87±0.39), which indicates the satisfaction
of the subjects with their state of health. The
Vitality of the surveyed teachers is also
represented by the medium-level indicators
(Μ=14.63±0.39), which indicates a sufficient
level of vitality and a sense of energy. The Social
Functioning of the respondents (Μ=6.10±0.16)
shows that their physical and emotional state
does not limit social activity and interpersonal
interaction. The Role-Emotional functioning
(Μ=4.47±0.07) reflects the absence of
restrictions in the performance of daily work
caused by the deteriorating emotional state. Such
respondents have a completely stable emotional
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
state, positive emotional well-being. According
to the Mental Health scale (Μ=17.19±0.49), the
subjects have positive emotions, a good mood,
and they do not have anxious and depressive
Integral indicators indicate a high level of
physical health (Μ=50.84±0.97) and mental
health (Μ=42.38±1.06). Such data reflect the
positive state of health of the subjects. They have
a high quality of life indicator.
Diagnostics of self-regulation showed a
predominance of subjects with a high level of
self-regulation (Table 2).
Table 2.
Indicators of self-regulation of the surveyed teachers
(Developed by the author)
The research found a medium level of
respondents’ persistence (Μ=8.75±0.22), which
indicates their ability to achieve a goal, be
confident in their actions, and work hard for a
result. A high level of self-control
(Μ=10.36±0.24) is found. This speaks of high
self-management of the studied teachers, their
ability to maintain balance under any
circumstances. The general level of teachers’
self-regulation was high among the subjects
(Μ=18.12±0.45). Subjects with a high level of
self-regulation are able to effectively engage in
professional activities, are inclined to self-
development and self-improvement, and have a
pronounced social positive orientation.
The level of stress resistance of the studied
teachers was identified in the course of the
research (Table 3).
Table 3.
Indicators of stress resistance of the surveyed teachers
Stress resistance
(Developed by the author)
According to the table, the surveyed teachers
have a high level of stress resistance
(Μ=2.86±0.60). The respondents have high
emotional stability, self-control, and self-
regulation. In extreme and stressful situations,
they show high self-control and determination in
their actions.
The conducted research established the level of
assertiveness of the surveyed teachers (Table 4).
Table 4.
Indicators of assertiveness of the surveyed teachers
Social desirability
General level of
(Developed by the author)
It was found that the respondents have a high
level of independence (Μ=6.14±0.15), a high
level of decisiveness (Μ=7.26±0.14) and a
medium level of social desirability. The obtained
results indicate that the surveyed teachers are
active, decisive in making important decisions.
The general level of assertiveness of the subjects
is high (Μ=18.77±1.13), so they are confident,
independent and decisive.
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A correlation analysis was used to identify the
relationship between psychological factors (self-
regulation, assertiveness and stress resistance)
with indicators of the quality of life of the studied
teachers. It established the dependence between
the variables. A correlation between indicators of
quality of life and self-regulation was established
(Table 5).
Table 5.
Correlation analysis of the relationship between quality of life and self-regulation, assertiveness, and stress
resistance (N=258)
Components of emotional intelligence
Stress resistance
Physical health
Mental health
Note: **- correlation coefficients for р≤0.001
(Developed by the author)
High direct correlation coefficients were found
between physical health and self-regulation
(r=0.886, p≤0.001), assertiveness (r=0.684,
p≤0.001), stress resistance (r=0.689, p≤0.001).
Such connections indicate that the higher the
psychological factors, the better the mental
health. The ability to manage one’s condition,
behaviour and actions contributes to full physical
functioning. At the same time, confidence in
one’s actions ensures their purposefulness, and
high stress resistance contributes to the optimal
use of the body’s resources.
A direct high correlation was found between
mental health and self-regulation (r=0.719,
p≤0.001), assertiveness (r=0.722, p≤0.001),
stress resistance (r=0.718, p≤0.001). This
indicates that the respondents with high self-
control, persistence and confidence, high stress
resistance have high indicators of mental health.
A linear regression analysis was conducted to
determine the importance of psychological
factors in optimizing health and longevity (Table
Table 6.
Regression analysis of the relationship between quality of life and personal psychological factors of
Symptoms of PTSD
Physical health
stress resistance
Mental health
stress resistance
(Developed by the author)
Regression analysis showed that personal
psychological factors influence the respondents’
health. It was established that 75% of physical
health is explained by psychological factors
(R²=0.746), in particular, self-regulation is of the
greatest importance (β=1.94±0.18), assertiveness
has a slightly less effect on physical health
(β=1.58 ±0.12), and stress resistance has the least
effect on physical health (β=0.86±0.03). Such
data indicate that physical health and longevity
depend on psychological factors, on the ability of
an individual to control his/her behaviour, on the
ability to be decisive and confident, on the ability
to maintain balance in stressful situations.
Mental health is 85% explained by psychological
factors (R²=0.851). Self-regulation has the
greatest impact on mental health (β=2.06±0.14),
assertiveness has a little less influence
(β=1.25±0.08), stress resistance has the least
impact on mental health (β=0, 56±0.03). The
obtained indicators prove that mental health and
well-being depend on self-regulation,
confidence, and stress resistance.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The conducted research showed that
psychological factors such as self-regulation,
assertiveness and stress resistance play a
significant role in optimizing physical and
mental health. The more developed these factors
are, the better a person’s health, activity potential
and longevity prospects.
It was established that the surveyed young higher
school teachers have a high level of quality of
life, physical and mental health. High quality of
life indicators are a prerequisite not only for a
healthy personality, but also a longevity factor
(Ailshire & Crimmins, 2011). Batsylyeva et al.,
(2018) obtained similar results in their study,
who found that the subjects with a high level of
psycho-emotional stress showed low quality of
life. In other words, an increased level of psycho-
emotional stress contributes to a decreased
quality of life of the respondents in terms of
physical and psychological components.
Yorgason et al., (2018) also indicate the impact
of satisfaction with the quality and life on
physical health and longevity.
Young teachers have a high level of self-
regulation, a high level of stress resistance, and a
high level of assertiveness. The obtained results
reflect their ability to control their actions,
behaviour, ability to manage their emotions,
thoughts and mood, as well as adjust their
behaviour to achieve long-term goals. They are
self-confident, determined, persistent, able to
effectively interact with others to achieve their
goals. Billore et al., (2022) studied the impact of
self-regulation on well-being and proved that
self-regulation provides functional stability and
longevity. The stress resistance of such persons
provides emotional stability in stressful and crisis
situations, the ability to quickly make decisions
with the least loss of resources (Tasneem &
Panwar, 2022). Amrit et al., (2019) confirmed the
obtained results in their study and found that the
ability to consciously manage one’s actions,
states and motivations affects physical health and
Correlation analysis found a relationship
between self-regulation, assertiveness, stress
resistance and health of the surveyed teachers.
This proves that psychological factors affect the
health and longevity of the surveyed teachers.
The higher the listed factors, the better the
respondents’ health. The same results were
obtained in other studies on the impact of self-
regulation on mental health (Rodríguez et al.,
2022), the relationship between stress resistance
and physical health of adults (Zhang et al., 2023),
the importance of emotional regulation in sub-
objective well-being (Maalouf et al., 2022), the
correlation between self-regulation and well-
being (Sharbafshaaer, 2019), the impact of
effective self-regulation on psychological well-
being (Heblich et al., 2023). Paeezy et al., (2010)
also found that assertiveness provides a
subjective feeling of well-being, a high quality of
Regression analysis showed that there is a
significant role of psychological factors in
physical and mental health. Such indicators
prove that health and longevity depend on
personal psychological factors. Fry and Debats
(2010) obtained similar results, who established
through a regression analysis that psychosocial
resources and psychological personality traits
affect health and longevity.
The conducted research proved the role of
psychological factors in improving health,
activity and longevity. It was established that
such personality qualities as assertiveness, self-
regulation and stress resistance have a positive
effect on the quality of life and well-being. Self-
regulation has the greatest impact, which
indicates its important role in improving health
and longevity.
The conducted research gives grounds to state
that teachers with a high level of quality of life
are characterized by the stability of the emotional
sphere, a sense of subjective well-being,
satisfaction with their position, and the ability to
satisfy their needs and interests. A positive
quality of life is a guarantee of longevity, a
prerequisite for a healthy personality. Subjects
with high self-regulation, assertiveness and stress
resistance have high indicators of quality of life
in terms of physical and psychological
components of health. The ability to regulate
one’s actions and behaviour, to be decisive and
confident, to be emotionally resistant to stressful
situations, to maintain self-control ensure
stability of health and longevity.
The limitations of the conducted research include
the influence of situational, genetic and external
factors on the health and well-being of the
respondents. Quality of life indicators can change
under the influence of temporary health
restrictions, or as a result of hereditary diseases,
or due to socio-economic changes. All these
factors cannot be controlled by a person, so they
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
can be used as additional criteria in further
Research prospects include the creation of a
programme for the development of psychological
factors affecting the improvement of health and
longevity, as well as the study of additional
psychological determinants of attitudes toward
health among young people.
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