www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.15
How to Cite:
Kolbina, L., Kasianenko, O., Sopivnyk, I., Karskanova, S., Chepka, O. (2023). The role of inclusive education in the personal
growth of a child with special educational needs. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 156-164. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.15
The role of inclusive education in the personal growth of a child
with special educational needs
Роль інклюзивної освіти в особистісному зростанні дитини
з особливими освітніми потребами
Received: April 1, 2023 Accepted: May 16, 2023
Written by:
Lyudmila Kolbina1
ResearcherID: IAN-6506-2023
Oksana Kasianenko2
ResearcherID: CAI-8975-2022
Iryna Sopivnyk3
ResearcherID: GYQ-9084-2022
Svitlana Karskanova4
ResearcherID: HGD-0946-2022
Olena Chepka5
ResearcherID: AER-7983-2022
The article shows the role and proves the
importance of inclusive education in the personal
growth of a child with special educational needs.
Definition of concepts: "inclusive education",
"inclusive learning", "inclusion", "integration",
"special needs". The goal of educational
inclusion is written. The conditions under which
training should be carried out in an integrated
environment are defined. The main principles of
inclusive education are highlighted. The content
of the concept of inclusive education and its main
democratic ideas are considered. The need for
education in inclusive educational institutions is
shown: for children with special educational
needs, for other children, family members, and
society. The need to introduce ICT in the
education of children with disabilities has been
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies in Primary Education, State
institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky», Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Special Education,
Mukachevo State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Department Social Work and Rehabilitation, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences (PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Philology Department,
Mykolaiv V. O. Sykhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Special and Inclusive Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical
University, Ukraine.
Kolbina, L., Kasianenko, O., Sopivnyk, I., Karskanova, S., Chepka, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 156-164 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
proven to help modernize and innovate the
learning process, which will enable the
educational process to become effective, high-
quality and interesting, and help the teacher
create equal conditions for every child in the
classroom. The main ways of using ICT in
inclusive education are outlined. The
fundamental principle of inclusive education has
been clarified. The main characteristic of an
inclusive school is singled out - the ability to
meet the educational needs of all students, that is,
to be effective.
Keywords: inclusive education, inclusive
learning, personal growth, the child with special
educational needs, teacher's pedagogical skills.
Currently, the education of children with
disabilities is one of the topical and debatable
problems of modern education. Obstacles to
children receiving a quality education are
numerous restrictions, one way or another related
to the social inequality of disabled people. The
existing system of special educational
institutions for children with disabilities is
currently undergoing major changes and in many
respects is on the verge of its reduction. Most
likely, the growing trend to eliminate the
differences between the general education and
the special school will prevail. In this regard, the
role of inclusive education is increasing, which
can significantly reduce the processes of
marginalization of children with disabilities and
contribute to the expansion of access to education
for them. Thus, such children will be created
more favorable conditions for their social
In connection with the declaration of a clear goal
of the social development of the individual - the
creation of a "society for all", the development of
modern society requires respect from humanity
for human diversity, compliance with the
principles of security and solidarity, which leads
to the protection and full inclusion in society of
all layers of the population, and in particular
persons with health disabilities (Kolupaeva,
2014). Therefore, today the problem of education
of children and youth with special needs is
gaining wide relevance. The system of inclusive
education is aimed the implementation of the
principles of an individual approach to all
participants of the educational process in a
sustainable system of education, democracy,
humanism, justice, especially the increased
interest in children.
The modern global development of education for
children with special needs is characterized by
the personal growth of a child with special
educational needs and the dynamic development
of an inclusive form of education. The problem
of increasing the role of inclusive education in
the personal growth of a child with special
educational needs is constantly at the center of
attention of the world, the state, and scientists
who take care of the educational problems of
children and youth with psychophysical
disorders (Golyuk, 2018).
The system of inclusive education is a complex
but effective process that requires patience,
awareness and common interest from society.
The result of the implementation of this system
is the realization of human rights, raising the
social level of the country.
In the article, we considered the following main
1. Professional competence of the teacher for
the development of inclusive education
2. Ideology of inclusive education
3. Conditions of inclusion for the highest
possible results for all education seekers
4. Conditions under which the personal growth
of a child with special educational needs
should be carried out, his education in an
integrated environment.
5. The main ways of using ICT in inclusive
education for the personal growth of a child
with special educational needs
6. Advantages of inclusive education
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Literature Review
O. Pashchenko, I. Hrytsenok, & N. Sofiy (2012)
proposed conceptual aspects of inclusive
education and analyzed laws related to issues of
the international legal field on ensuring inclusive
education in the educational space of all strata of
the population of this category of educators.
They revealed the importance of the role of the
leader in the organization and implementation of
inclusive education in an educational institution.
Developed practical recommendations for all
participants of the educational process to
facilitate the creation and development of an
inclusive educational environment in an
educational institution.
V. Babii (2018) proved that the basis of inclusive
education is the principle of ensuring the right of
all children to education and the right to receive
educational services at their place of residence.
Therefore, the goal of an inclusive school is to
provide inclusive education as a system of
educational services, while adapting the physical
environment, involving parents, using the
resources available in education, creating
educational programs and plans, improving
methods and forms of education, attracting
specialists according to the needs of each child to
provide special services, to ensure tolerant
relations in the educational environment.
A. Kolupaeva (2009) made a theoretical and
methodological justification of inclusive
education and developed its conceptual
foundations. Proved that the education of
children with special needs is based on
pedagogical principles, aimed at meeting the
needs of children, clarified the role of inclusive
education, which is a necessity for society and
ensures a high level of learning in education.
N. Hlavatska (2018) proved that the use of
information and communication technologies
plays a large and necessary role in the
introduction of inclusive education can become a
positive factor in significant changes in the
education of children with special needs.
The purpose of the article: to show the role of
inclusive education in the personal growth of a
child with special educational needs.
The following research methods were used to
achieve the goal:
general scientific (analysis, synthesis,
generalization, comparison) - to characterize
the source base of the researched problem, to
clarify the terminological field of research;
theoretical - for conceptualization of
philosophical and psychological-
pedagogical scientific literature; study of
documents in the field of education, Internet
resources, work experience of leading
systematization, interpretation of
philosophical-pedagogical, psychological,
methodological sources - to clarify the
essence of key concepts;
comparison and generalization to highlight
the conditions under which inclusive
education should be implemented in an
integrated environment.
During the implementation of the specified
research methods, we were guided by the
following methodological principles and
the principle of the unity of external
influences and internal conditions, based on
which the directions of development of a
child with special educational needs are
determined by transferring the methods of
cognitive activity from the plan of social
consciousness to the plan of individual one;
the principles of the development of creative
thinking, which is necessary for the
development of inclusive education in the
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs, for improving the quality
of education and the development of a
general psychological and pedagogical
principles of the functioning of the inclusive
education system: the unity of the universal
and national, democracy, humanism,
humanitarianization, and creativity to ensure
the creative freedom of the individual in
social activities;
the principle of determinism, according to
which the psyche of a person in an inclusive
provisions and principles of development of
critical thinking;
theories of social groups for the study of the
problem of functioning in society, the
community, social groups of inclusive
education, and the environment, taking into
account the following criteria: personal
qualities, nationality, gender, age, culture
and language, economic level, lifestyle,
place of residence, social relations, interests,
needs, etc.;
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
provisions regarding the activity and
development of inclusive education;
the concept of cultural and historical
development, the central position of which is
the formation of the psyche in the process of
the theory of internalization is responsible
for the individual's assimilation of the social
experience of social methods of
development of inclusive education, the
activity of an individual in the process of
ontogenetic development of a person, where
the psychological characteristics of an
individual are formed;
conceptual approaches to the development
of the personality of a child with special
educational needs in the process of
socialization and the inclusive space of
education, as a subject of his life activity;
theories of the development of personal
conceptual principles of the system of
continuous modern inclusive education;
theories of professional training of
specialists that contribute to the
development of inclusive education in the
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs;
the provision of the competence approach in
the system of training specialists, which
contributes to the development of inclusive
education in the personal growth of a child
with special educational needs;
provisions on the content and structure of
competence of a child with special
educational needs;
theories of media education for the
development of inclusive education;
theories of the development of the
professional competence of teachers in the
system of methodical work at the level of an
educational institution;
the project of human activity, pedagogical
and psychological structure of a teacher's
activity, model of socio-pedagogical
activity, and system-role model of the
development of inclusive education in the
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs.
Results and Discussion
1. Professional competence of the teacher for
the development of inclusive education
The main link in the organization of inclusive
education, in the development of inclusive
education, is the teacher. To work with such a
category of children with special educational
needs, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis of
the child's needs and capabilities, to competently
evaluate and write individual training programs
aimed at the development of inclusive education,
and to abandon collective methods. To carry out
such work, a teacher must know teaching
methods in inclusive education aimed at a child
with special educational needs, possess deep
knowledge of all disciplines and also know
methods of working with children with special
psychophysical development. The professional
competence of a teacher for the development of
inclusive education involves the formation of an
active life position of this category of persons,
their adaptation, readiness for continuous
education, etc. The inclusive approach includes
opportunities to change the educational situation,
to promote the development of inclusive
education, and to create new ways and forms of
organizing the educational process, taking into
account the individual differences of children. In
particular, the teacher must acquire a set of
professional qualities that will allow him to
contribute to the development of inclusive
education, to implement inclusive practice
(Kuchai et al., 2019).
To be a highly competent teacher, one must have
a high level of competence, which means
possessing professional skills, abilities, and
knowledge, as well as navigating difficult
situations and making optimal decisions
regarding the improvement of the development
of inclusive education, where primary
importance should be given to professional and
civil responsibility. Therefore, the personal
growth of a child with special educational needs
depends on the teacher and his professional
readiness to work in an inclusive environment.
The pedagogical skill of the teacher is also of
inestimable importance, which depends not only
on the quality of the learned material of a child
with special educational needs but also on the
comfort of the individual's stay in an inclusive
environment (Kuchai et al., 2019a).
For the success of inclusive education,
conceptual, that is, the most important conditions
for admission to it are taken into account. The
competence of a teacher in the field of inclusive
education, the development of inclusive
education, knowledge, and abilities that are
important for effective innovative activities as an
organizer and executor of inclusive education
programs for children with special educational
needs, as well as ways of thinking, civic qualities,
moral and ethical values, worldview and
professional values, which determine the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
teacher's ability to carry out professional
activities at a certain level of the child's
education. The process of inclusive education
contributes to the development of inclusive
education and gives relevance and necessity to
the formation of the competence of a teacher of
an inclusive class (Golyuk, 2018).
In the educational sphere, an important quality of
educational equality is the introduction of
inclusion. This is a necessary issue for creating
inclusive societies and ensuring high-quality
education (Kuchai & Kuchai, 2019).
Inclusion in education by scientists on an
international scale is often considered as the
content of the educational process of children
with special educational needs, which takes place
in the general education system; as a reform that
encourages and supports the work of student
The goal of educational inclusion is to eliminate
the child's social isolation and support a child
with special educational needs in personal
2. Ideology of inclusive education
The ideology of inclusive education is based on:
elimination of discrimination against
education seekers with special educational
creation of appropriate conditions for
obtaining quality education for such
Inclusive education:
provides opportunities for all children to
learn fully, especially taking into account
their characteristics, which are perceived by
peers with respect. Ordinary peers who are
participants in the educational process gain
educational experience for themselves and
are assistants in the educational space for
children with special needs;
provides a flexible response to the needs of
provides equal opportunities for obtaining
quality education in all educational
is a process of the continuous search for
better ways of educational activity;
called to coexist tolerantly and learn
qualitatively together in a group with
children with special needs and learn
endurance and mutual help from them;
aimed at collecting, evaluating, and
summarizing information to plan positive
changes for improving practical skills and
updating the policy of their application
(Budnykv et al., 2022).
3. Conditions of inclusion for the highest
possible results for all education seekers
Inclusion creates conditions for the highest
possible results for all students of education:
conditions of participation (participation
means the quality of the transfer of
experience in the educational institution,
which requires listening and taking into
account the opinions of the students of
conditions of a presence (presence means the
place of educational space for education
seekers, regularity of visiting the educational
achievement conditions (achievement refers
to the results of monitoring activities, in
particular: tests, exams, and carrying out an
effective educational process based on
educational plans, and programs) (Boychuk
et al., 2021).
Inclusion pays special attention to those students
who are at risk of exclusion from educational
activities or low success. Therefore, with such an
approach, it is necessary to conduct monitoring
observations of groups of children who,
according to the results of monitoring studies,
most belong to the "risk groups". For such
categories of education seekers, there is a need to
apply measures to ensure their presence in the
educational environment, participation in the
educational process, achievements in the
education system, and personal growth of a child
with special educational needs (Pashchenko et
al., 2012).
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs;
development of the child's abilities;
normal development, which is not a
generally accepted "norm";
a functional approach to training and
participation of parents in the education and
treatment of children;
creation of a support system;
meeting special needs (Kolupaeva, 2012).
Therefore, inclusive education creates an
educational society that meets the capabilities
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and needs of each individual, regardless of
psychophysical development; provides a
flexible, individualized system of education for
children with special psychophysical
development. If necessary, training to ensure of a
child with special educational needs is provided
with medical-social and psychological-
pedagogical support" and takes place according
to an individual curriculum (Kolupaeva, 2012).
When implementing an inclusive approach it is
worth considering that the individual should not
adapt to social, public, and economic relations,
and to meet the special needs of each individual,
society should create appropriate conditions.
Let's consider the concept of inclusive education,
which is the main one in the modern model of
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs, and education of children with
special psychophysical development. Inclusive
education promotes recognition that normal
development is not a generally accepted "norm";
participation of parents in the treatment and
education of their children; development of the
child's abilities; meeting special needs;
functional approach to treatment and training;
creation of a support system. Inclusion is a policy
and process that enables, and participation in all
educational programs. We improve society to
consider people's individual needs, and their
adaptation to society, and not the other way
around. The concepts of "inclusion" and
"integration" are considered as antonyms to
"segregation" and mark the corresponding
progress in the development of the system of
education for persons with disabilities
(Lemeshchuk et al., 2022).
4. Conditions under which the personal growth
of a child with special educational needs
should be carried out, his education in an
integrated environment.
Let's highlight the conditions under which the
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs should be carried out, his
education in an integrated environment. This is,
first of all:
the responsibility, the education of the
disabled in integrated structures should be
entrusted to the bodies of general education;
education in ordinary schools for the child
with special educational needs involves the
provision of appropriate support services,
additional staff;
it is necessary to involve organizations of the
disabled, and parents' communities in the
process of learning at all levels (Kolupaeva,
The concept of inclusive education is based on
the main democratic idea: all children are active
and valuable members of society. Learning in
inclusive educational institutions is beneficial
both for children with special educational needs
and for other children, family members, and
society as a whole. Here, the main attention is
paid to the interaction of a child with special
educational needs with healthy children, which
contributes to the social, physical, cognitive,
speech, and emotional development of children
with special educational needs. At the same time,
children with a typical level of development
demonstrate appropriate models of behavior for
children with special educational needs. This
approach aims to promote the personal growth of
children with special educational needs, and
relationships in the team motivate them to
purposefully use new knowledge and skills.
Interaction between students with special
educational needs and other children in inclusive
classes contributes to the realization of tolerant,
moral, and friendly relations between them
(Babii, 2018).
Today is impossible without the use of
information and communication technologies,
which open wide opportunities for improving the
quality of education, its accessibility, and
therefore, without them, there cannot be positive
changes in the education of children with special
needs. The introduction of ICT in the education
of children with disabilities helps to realize the
child with special educational needs, helps to
make ordinary education high-quality and
interesting, more effective, and helps the teacher
to create equal conditions for every child in the
class (Nikolaesku et al., 2021).
5. The main ways of using ICT in inclusive
education for the personal growth of a child
with special educational needs
Let's outline the main ways of using ICT in
inclusive education for the personal growth of a
child with special educational needs, in
to realize the personal growth of a child with
special educational needs, to create
compensatory opportunities for children
with disabilities (ICT is used for support,
technical assistance, replacement of missing
natural functions, and partial compensation,
which allows students with special needs to
fully communicate and interact);
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to create communication projects (software,
auxiliary devices, alternative forms of
communication that facilitate
communication of each type of functional
to implement the didactic goal (contribute to
inclusion in the educational and social
environment, the satisfaction of individual
needs, differentiation, personal development
of children with special needs, full inclusion
(Zaporozhchenko, 2013).
Working with each category of children with
special educational needs using ICT can be
presented as follows (Khanzeruk et al., 2010).
in the learning process for children with
hearing impairment, it is necessary to speak
while controlling facial expressions and
gestures, duplicate information on the
multimedia board, when explaining the
material, additionally accompany it with a
display on the screen or computer monitor;
when analyzing the educational process of
children with speech disorders, it should be
taken into account that many students have
impaired balance and coordination of
movements, such children complain of
dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Children
are prone to emotionally unstable reactions
to others, and excessive irritability, and
therefore, when using ICT tools, it is
necessary to take into account the individual
development indicators of each child when
choosing exercises, so as not to provoke an
unpredictable reaction;
when working with children with
intellectual disabilities, it is necessary to
take into account the importance of learning
about the surrounding world through
perception and feeling, therefore, it is
necessary to take into account the
insufficient differentiation of visual
perception, that is, the images, the exercises
that are demonstrated should be carefully
selected. Such students remember individual
fragments, bright, saturated, unusual
the educational activities of children with
musculoskeletal disorders deserve to take
into account the pronounced
disproportionality and unevenly disturbed
pace of development, when using ICT, it is
necessary to select appropriate exercises for
use and accompaniment of the lesson, etc.
(Hlavatska, 2018).
We will group the main principles of inclusive
education that contribute to the personal growth
of a child with special educational needs: all
children, regardless of differences in capabilities,
or communication difficulties that exist between
them, should study together in all cases; schools
should recognize and take into account the
possibilities of their students, applying different
paces of learning and types of their activities;
ensuring quality education thanks to appropriate
educational and methodological provision for all
categories of children, use of resources and
partnership relations with their communities,
development of a teaching strategy, application
of organizational measures; children with special
educational needs, which is necessary to ensure
the success of the educational process
(Kolupaeva et al., 2010).
The fundamental principle of inclusive education
is the need to appreciate the diversity of the
human community. When inclusive education
fully enters our lives and we do not think that to
contribute to social life, every child must become
normal. We aim to educate all children to feel
that they are the main and necessary part of the
whole (Canadian Center for Disability Research,
The main characteristic of an inclusive school is
to promote the personal growth of a child with
special educational needs, and the ability to meet
the educational needs of all participants in the
educational process, that is, to be effective. To
implement inclusion in educational practice,
teachers must improve and change, understand
new ways of organizing the educational process,
a new educational paradigm, update the
development of educational and methodological
support for the educational process, apply
modern methods of personally oriented teaching,
differentiated adapting education to the
individual needs of each student with special
educational needs. Cooperation and collegiality
are effective and implement inclusive practices.
At the same time, teachers are determined to
improve, experiment, and take responsibility for
the results of their work (Kolupaeva &
Taranchenko, 2016).
6. Advantages of inclusive education
Let's emphasize the advantages of inclusive
Students with special educational needs achieve
better academic results compared to their peers in
a segregated environment, grow personally, and
fully realize their potential in education
(Stepanova et al., 2020).
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
If the presence of children with special
educational needs does not affect the
improvement of the knowledge of other students,
then their academic performance improves. At
the same time, the use of various innovative
technologies, teaching methods, additional
resources for the teacher and assistant teacher,
etc., is of great importance. In an inclusive
environment, students with special educational
needs have the opportunity for personal growth,
the development of social, communicative skills,
and other forms of adaptive behavior, which
gives students with special educational needs
more chances for employment and receiving
higher wages. Inclusion is more cost-effective
than a segregated model of education and helps
to reduce the costs of providing support in the
Therefore, inclusion is:
provision of the right to education, provision
of education in a non-discriminatory
the way of personal growth of a child with
special educational needs;
providing educational institutions and all
places of education with the status of
innovation in providing education by the
basic principles of human rights for all
children and adults;
a continuous process of education based on
the belief that all people can learn: those
with special educational needs, disabilities,
ethnicity, geographic location, HIV / AIDS
disease, etc.).
Inclusion involves:
a wide range of actions to ensure the child
with special educational and learning needs
in formal and other educational
identification and removal of barriers to
ensure participation and learning;
changes in the innovative educational
environment, its modifications in the content
and teaching methods, in strategies and
seeing differences not as problems in
education, but as a resource (Pashchenko et
al., 2012).
The process of introducing inclusive education
into the educational spectrum of the environment
contributes and actualizes the problem of the
formation of a teacher's competence in an
inclusive classroom because the quality of the
learned material and the comfort of students in an
inclusive environment depend on his pedagogical
skill and professional readiness.
Definition of concepts: "inclusive education",
"inclusive learning", "inclusion", "integration",
and "special needs". The goal of educational
inclusion is written.
The main positions in inclusive approaches
regarding society's ability to create conditions for
meeting the special needs of each individual, and
promoting individual adjustment to social,
public, and economic relations are highlighted.
The conditions and learning in an integrated
environment should be carried out have been
determined. The main principles of personal
growth of a child with special educational needs
are highlighted. The role of the concept of
inclusive education, which reflects the main
democratic idea of the entire society, is revealed:
all children are valuable and active members of
The necessity of introducing ICT in the education
of children with disabilities, which helps the
teacher and his assistant to create equal
conditions for each child in the classroom. The
main ways of using ICT in inclusive education
are outlined.
The fundamental principle of inclusive education
has been clarified. The ability and the necessity
of a teacher to satisfy the educational needs of all
students, i.e. to make an effective educational
system, which is the main characteristic of an
inclusive school, are highlighted. The advantages
of inclusive education are shown.
Further research is needed to consider the
implementation of ICT in the education of
children with disabilities and their impact on the
personal growth of a child with special
educational needs.
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