www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.14
How to Cite:
Shevtsova, O., Stratan-Artyshkova, T., Tiutiunnyk, M., Komar, O., & Syroiezhko, O. (2023). Aesthetic education of personality
development in the field of education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 146-155. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.14
Aesthetic education of personality development in the field of
Естетичне виховання розвитку особистості в освітній галузі
Received: April 3, 2023 Accepted: May 15, 2023
Written by:
Olena Shevtsova1
ResearcherID: HPD-9830-2023
Tetiana Stratan-Artyshkova2
ResearcherID: HPE-9957-2023
Mariia Tiutiunnyk3
ResearcherID: IRZ-3413-2023
Olha Komar4
ResearcherID: E-3922-2019
Olha Syroiezhko5
ResearcherID: IP3-3414-2023
The article highlights the essence of aesthetic
education, which in the modern field of
education is represented by a purposeful process
that innovatively develops a modern, creative,
socially active person who has a conscious life
position formed on the examples of human
values that exist forever and on high culture. The
purpose of the article is to single out the main
tasks of aesthetic education, analyze its content,
show ways of implementing aesthetic education
of students, reveal the meaning of self-education.
In the article, the methodological concept reveals
a complex of approaches: competence, personal-
activity, interdisciplinary, systemic,
acmeological, prognostic. The article reveals the
content and shows the ways of realizing the
aesthetic education of the students of education.
The task of aesthetic education is defined (the
formation of the ability of the individual to relate
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Departament of the Art Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Departament of the Art Education, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central
Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Lecturer, Kropyvnytskyi College of Music, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies and Professional Methodology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant of Pedagogy Department, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of
Ukraine, Ukraine.
Shevtsova, O., Stratan-Artyshkova, T., Tiutiunnyk, M., Komar, O., Syroiezhko, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 146-155 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to the world aesthetically). Four historical
periods of the development of aesthetic
education of the young generation are
distinguished. The system of innovative aesthetic
education of youth, which should exist in the
interrelationship of all its components, which are
disclosed in the article, is substantiated. The
structure of aesthetic consciousness (aesthetic
perceptions, aesthetic judgments, aesthetic
feelings, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic tastes) was
Keywords: aesthetic education, educational
sector, general development, personality, self-
The socio-cultural sphere requires radical
transformations of a person's orientation to his
aesthetic development of the surrounding
society, as the basis of successful socialization in
this modern society. This approach enables the
socio-cultural sphere to grasp the spiritual and
material world and determine its place in it. The
aesthetic principle, as the main element of
culture, inherent in any person, is a universal and
general property of the individual, as it contains
the hidden human potential for the formation and
education of a multifaceted personality.
Recently, there has been an increased interest of
scientists and practitioners in the study of the
problems of aesthetic education and ways of
improving such education in the younger
generation, and its role in the harmonious
development of the personality (Sirant, 2019).
Aesthetic education helps each person develop
their orientation in the world of aesthetic values
at the same time and directs all the abilities of the
individual to create aesthetic values in work, art,
behavior, actions, and everyday life, contributing
to the overall development of the personality
(Zyazyun & Sagach, 1997).
To reveal the essence, to single out the main tasks
of aesthetic education, to analyze its content, to
show ways of implementing aesthetic education
of education seekers, to substantiate the system
of innovative aesthetic education of youth, to
reveal the importance of self-education, to single
out historical periods of the development of
aesthetic education of the young generation.
Aesthetic education is the most important
component of a person's spiritual likeness. Their
intelligence, creative orientation, relationship to
the world and other people depend on their
presence and degree of development in a person.
The importance of the aesthetic development of
the personality as the most important lever of
social progress increases in transitional eras,
which require a person to be more creative, to
exert all his spiritual forces. The margin of safety
during the implementation of reforms is
determined by the aesthetic potential of society.
It is this circumstance that makes the problem of
formation extremely relevant
At the conceptual level, the aesthetic culture of
an individual means the unity of aesthetic
knowledge, beliefs, feelings, skills and norms of
activity and behavior. A peculiar qualitative-
quantitative amalgamation of these components
in the spiritual structure of an individual
expresses the degree of her mastering the
aesthetic culture of society, while also
determining the degree of possible creative
In the article, we reveal four periods of the
history of the development of aesthetic education
of youth; the components of the system of
aesthetic education are highlighted as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality, which should function with a
constant relationship. In the new socio-artistic
reality, important changes are highlighted, in
connection with which teachers revise the entire
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
system and specifics of the content of aesthetic
education in the modern world. The structure of
aesthetic consciousness is defined. The content
and ways of implementing aesthetic education of
students during their studies are substantiated.
The purpose of the article. To study the positive
trends of innovative development of the
educational sector in the European area of higher
Literature Review
V. Tomashevsky (2020) shows the
methodological and theoretical foundations of
the formation of the aesthetic culture of future
specialists in institutions of higher education.
Aesthetic culture is revealed as social, personal,
and culturological categories, which are in close
relationship with the socio-historical experience
of mastering the world of beauty, and have
subjective and objective determination. The
structure, essence, and functions of the aesthetic
culture of specialists are described, and
conclusions are drawn that it is dynamically
developing, the basis of which is the internal
mechanism that exists when the most important
components are interconnected: aesthetic
activity, aesthetic consciousness, and aesthetic
self-organization. The program and
methodological support of the pedagogical
system of aesthetic education in the field of
education as the main condition for the general
development of the individual was developed
and substantiated, experimentally verified.
T. Kirdan, & L. Titorenko (2021) found the most
effective ways of implementing aesthetic
education in the educational field as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality, characterized the aesthetic education
of youth as one of the main tasks of education,
proposed the latest methods of solving the
existing problems of aesthetic education of
young people, which is necessary to ensure the
development of a creatively active personality
that can fully perceive the harmonious, beautiful,
perfect in the environment. Pedagogical
conditions that increase the level of aesthetic
education of young people have been described.
O. Melnyk, S. Mulenko, & I. Shelyuko (2022)
substantiated the importance of aesthetic
education and showed its importance during the
professional training of future specialists, offered
their definition of the concept of "aesthetic
education" (the process of interaction between
the learner and the teacher through which
formation is carried out: to love art, appreciate
beauty; aesthetic feelings; get pleasure from the
process of educational activity and its final result,
preserve the beautiful; bring beauty into the
world of society, the ability to appreciate the
beauty of relationships between people. The task
of aesthetic education is substantiated and their
implementation in the educational process is
I. Palasevich (2019) substantiated the content of
aesthetic education of teenagers, showed the
main ways of forming personality abilities, and
the feeling of beauty in the life of every person,
and suggested treating beauty responsibly, to be
able to create aesthetic values in various spheres
of activity. The role of extracurricular
educational work for expanding the educational
opportunities of the modern educational space
and ensuring the choice of content, methods,
forms, and means of aesthetic development of the
younger generation is shown.
O. Hudovsek (2020) showed modern approaches
to the aesthetic education of younger
schoolchildren using ethnopedagogy.
T. Batrak (2015) the content of modern aesthetic
education of students of higher education
institutions is covered by the means of foreign
artistic culture and its features are shown.
L. Serikh (2020) in the context of aesthetic
education of adolescents from the psychological
and pedagogical direction characterized the main
periods of individual mental development of the
personality; the psychological characteristics of
adolescents during aesthetic education are shown
and the possibilities of their aesthetic education
are revealed; forms of aesthetic culture of
teenagers who interact in institutions of general
secondary and out-of-school education are
G. Kutuzova (2011) showed the aesthetic
education of student youth from the side of the
creation of aesthetic culture.
S. Vitvytska (2012) commented on how the
subject environment is organized in the
institution of higher education from the aesthetic
T. Mochan (2011) substantiated the main tasks of
the teacher (systematic and consistent formation
of students of education in an emotional attitude
to the aesthetic in the environment, to works of
art, stimulation, and encouragement of students
of education with the help of creative activities,
to the ability to observe the world around them,
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to develop visual perception, to fantasize, to the
ability to analyze objects and phenomena of the
surrounding world, to observe, to convey the
mood and state of life (dynamic, calm, sad,
joyful), to expand the concept of the connection
between art and life, to give importance to
creativity in society, to activate ingenuity,
inquisitiveness, independence in the learning
During the research, we used the following
general scientific: historiographical,
retrospective analysis made it possible to
distinguish views on the problem of aesthetic
education of the young generation, and to
consider the theoretical aspect, which made it
possible to clarify the essence, principles, and
methods of aesthetic education in the field of
education and to identify the main condition of
human development; synthesis, generalization,
comparison, systematization of scientific
literature and periodicals;
historical-pedagogical: historical-structural is
applied to justify the system of aesthetic
education in the educational field and identify the
main structural components;
search and bibliography made it possible to
analyze historical and pedagogical literature, to
study library and bibliographic publications that
reveal the development of aesthetic education in
the field of education, and to single it out as the
main condition for the general development of
the personality;
the method of terminological analysis based on
the processing of primary sources contributed to
the definition of individual terms by the
phenomenon under study;
the study and generalization of educational and
methodological support contributed to the
identification of the main trends of aesthetic
education in the educational field for conclusions
and generalizations;
prognostic, which made it possible to outline
promising directions for the development of
aesthetic education in the educational field at the
current stage. These methods complement each
The study of the theoretical and methodological
foundations of aesthetic education of the young
generation requires the implementation of
scientific research by methodological,
theoretical, and prognostic-practical concepts.
The methodological concept reveals a set of
approaches: competence-based, personal-active,
interdisciplinary, systemic, acmeological, and
The competence approach characterized the
ways of harmonizing the theoretical and practical
orientation of aesthetic education in the
educational field as the main condition for the
general development of the individual since the
educational system has a positive experience.
The personal-activity approach made it possible
to single out the features of aesthetic education in
the educational field as the main condition for the
general development of the individual.
An interdisciplinary approach is proposed for a
thorough analysis of the theory and practice of
aesthetic education in the field of education.
The systematic approach made it possible to
characterize the scientific and practical
approaches, structure, content, forms and
methods of aesthetic education in the educational
field as the main condition for the general
development of the individual.
The acmeological approach to the study of the
problem of aesthetic education in the educational
field as the main condition for the general
development of the personality made it possible
to carry out a scientific and creative search for
ways to optimize the education system, trends,
and approaches to the educational process.
The prognostic approach made it possible to
single out the leading trends of aesthetic
education in the educational field, which is the
basis for forecasting ways to optimize aesthetic
education in the educational field as the main
condition for the general development of the
The theoretical concept of the research made it
possible to reveal the conceptual provisions of
optimization of aesthetic education in the field of
education, which are laid as a basis for the
general development of the personality, taking
into account world trends and leading ideas of the
educational process, taking into account the
specifics of positive domestic experience, and
also provides for the disclosure of the conceptual
and categorical research apparatus.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The prognostic-practical concept of the research
allows studying the approaches to aesthetic
education in the educational field as the main
condition of the general development of the
personality, the condition of national
This made it possible to carry out a
comprehensive and systematic analysis of
aesthetic education in the educational field as the
main condition for the general development of
the personality, which is a multi-level, structured,
interconnected whole.
Results and Discussion
Modernity contributes to the development of the
problem of aesthetic education of the personality,
and now it has received a new impetus. The
development of processes in the educational field
using innovative technologies, and the study of
pedagogical experience, served as the basis for a
comprehensive presentation of the problem of
aesthetic education of young people with the
obligatory consideration of modern trends in the
development of pedagogical science and society
as a whole (Sirant, 2019).
The philosophical discipline of aesthetics, the
subject of which is the form of any sphere of
reality, is the theoretical basis of aesthetic
education. In 1735, in his work "Philosophical
Reflections on Some Questions Regarding a
Poetical Work," the scientist described the
existence of "a science that directs the lower
cognitive ability (ability), or the science of
sensory knowledge of something." Podnizh
defined aesthetics as "the art of thinking
beautifully" (Batrak, 2015).
V. Bitaev (2004) reveals the essence of aesthetic
education as the formation of "a universal
worldview of a person, which combines both
artistic and moral, thus revealing the unity of
truth, goodness, and beauty of human existence"
and notes that "aesthetic education, which is
based on art, strives to develop a person
universally, transferring the experience of
experience to the individual, and through him -
the collective experience of human existence. In
this way, the process of creating a person
proceeds, his ability to think is activated, and a
sensual culture is formed."
L. Levchuk (1991) considers aesthetic education
to be a process that takes place continuously and
continues constantly in a person's life. Such a
process eliminates the contradiction: the
inconsistency between the possession of culture
by a person in each specific period of his life and
the level of aesthetic culture of mankind. The
most optimal form of acquiring skills, the ability
to create and perceive beauty, to convey the
aesthetic experience of the individual using the
purposeful activity of the society is aesthetic in a
According to N. Myropolska (2011), aesthetic
education is close to the reality of being, it takes
place in the process of life, its movement.
Knowing the world of artistic reality, a person
goes beyond it in works of art and life, and can
aesthetically evaluate the sublime, beautiful,
ugly, low, etc.
S. Honcharenko (1997) describes aesthetic
education as a component of the entire
educational process, which is aimed directly at
the education of aesthetic tastes, feelings,
judgments, and abilities of the individual, at the
development and formation of his ability to
transform, perceive reality as it is in its beauty.
The goal of aesthetic education is the education
of humanistic interests, qualities, and love of life
in a person.
S. Myropolsky gave aesthetic education one of
the important, main values for the system of
human education. He believes that aesthetic
education gives a person the opportunity to:
appreciate works of art, get involved in the world
of beauty, and helps to understand and feel
everything beautiful in the life around him.
Therefore, the goal of aesthetic education is to
serve goodness, beauty, and truth (Rzaev, 1997).
V. Ortynsky & Ryashko (2010) defines aesthetic
education as the main condition for the general
development of the personality, as the process of
forming an understanding of the beautiful in art,
a holistic perception of the surrounding world
and reality, as the ability for creative self-
expression inherent in a person.
Four periods can be distinguished in the history
of the development of aesthetic education of
the first period (XVIII century - end of the
XIX century) - in this period we do not
observe research on the problem of aesthetic
education of the personality;
the second period (the first half of the 20th
century) - we observe the theoretical study
of individual elements of the aesthetic
education of a person;
the third period (second half of the 20th
century) - restoration, improvement, and
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
expansion of research on the theory of
aesthetic education of a person;
the fourth period (the beginning of the 21st
century - to the present) - a comprehensive
study of the possibilities of aesthetic
education as the main condition for the
general development of the personality.
A holistic theory of aesthetic education as the
main condition of general personality
development, based on the achievements of
modern pedagogical science, provides
qualitatively new opportunities for the creation
and implementation of a system of aesthetic
education as the main condition of general
personality development in broad educational
practice, is of primary importance (Sirant, 2019).
Emphasizing the need for aesthetic education,
Vytkovskaya N. S., Shcherbo A. B., Zhola
(1985) consider the formation of the ability to
relate to the world aesthetically in a person as the
main task of aesthetic education: to be able to
evaluate and see the great, beautiful, tragic,
comic, to multiply the beauty of the environment
through one's activity. Aesthetic education
concerns everything that an individual does in
material society, moral relations in a team,
political relations in society, and scientific
knowledge, that is, there is no limitation to any
one sphere of reality.
The system of aesthetic education as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality must function with the constant
interrelationship of the components:
firstly, aesthetic education as the main
condition of the general development of the
personality, as part of the general process of
human formation, is inextricably linked with
any direction of the education of a young
person. Aesthetic education will be effective
and efficient only with a comprehensive
secondly, aesthetic education as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality should be aimed at the formation
of the worldview of this personality. This
function is carried out in the individual
through the constant development of the
emotional and sensory spheres;
thirdly, aesthetic education as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality covers all areas of human
activity, such as behavior, everyday life,
technical and artistic creativity, work,
communication with works of art, sports,
fourthly, aesthetic education contributes to
the individual's desire for self-education: the
development of spiritual needs, and moral
self-improvement (Mochan, 2011).
The involvement of a person in creative activity
is one of the most important components of his
aesthetic education and contributes to the overall
development of the personality. With this
approach, the individual has the opportunity for
self-development, self-expression, and
spirituality; a person shows inclinations to
creativity, manifests talents and feels a desire for
self-improvement during life, observes the
development of creative thinking, manifests a
creative attitude to reality, and creative
imagination. Only with the help of such an
approach is possible the general development of
the personality and the upbringing of an
extraordinary personality who will think
creatively, and create a world around him that
will correspond to personal aesthetic ideals
(Batrak, 2015).
The organization of aesthetic education for
overall personality development in a higher
education institution considers the creation of an
aesthetic atmosphere in the educational
environment a mandatory stage when studying
professional subjects from all disciplines of
professional direction when conducting
extracurricular work with student youth.
Relationships between the members of the
teaching staff of the entire educational institution
and the collectives of student groups and
departments are important in aesthetic education
for the general development of the personality; as
well as relations between the students themselves
and the teaching staff (Vitvytska, 2012).
Creative activity forms an aesthetic attitude to
art, reality, nature, and work, activates the
development of the student's inner world, which
contributes to the general development of the
personality, his aesthetic education, develops
creative imagination, the culture of feelings, the
ability to perceive and create beauty in all
spheres of life. Through aesthetic education, the
teacher with the aim of general personality
development, involves students in the world of
beauty, the main indicators of which are: art,
fiction, nature, social activities, and
communication (Zyazyun & Sagach, 1997).
Rapid changes in society lead to changes in
priorities in aesthetic education, art, and the value
system. In the new socio-artistic reality, we will
single out important changes, in connection with
which teachers are revising the entire system and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specific content of aesthetic education in the
modern world:
replacement of monostylistic artistic culture
(socialist realism) by pluralistic,
polystylistic artistic culture;
updating and improving the system of
criteria for evaluating artistic creativity;
constant modernization of the subject of
creativity, which leads to the mandatory
transformation of the subject of art;
expansion, renewal, and innovative
approach to the structure of genres of artistic
contradictory influence of Westernized
culture on the needs and tastes of the modern
the spread of low-quality artistic products,
increasing the gap between elite, mass, and
artistic culture, which leads to a decrease in
the educational influence of art;
development of various directions of artistic
direction, and creation of innovative creative
definition of the artistic originality of
subcultures, which are constantly growing;
change in the hierarchy of the functions of
art, the transformation of its functioning,
strengthening of the entertainment and
relaxation character.
In this connection, the character of aesthetic
socialization of youth is changing, new artistic
needs are appearing in different groups of people
(Semashko, 2008). Therefore, the preparation of
the individual to enter social life is carried out
within the radius of the culture that has
constantly surrounded the child since birth
(Zyazyun, 2008). Therefore, a necessary
condition for aesthetic education, as the main
condition for the general development of the
personality, which meets the requirements of
today and the development of society, is
education with the help of vivid examples of the
lives of contemporary artists and the analysis of
their creativity. Studying modern research on the
content of aesthetic education and considering
aesthetic education as the main condition for the
general development of personality, T. Batrak
(2015) claims that aesthetic education in higher
education at the current stage is "a purposeful
process designed to develop a modern socially
and creatively active person with a conscious life
position formed on the examples of eternal
human values and high culture, capable of
critically perceiving reality and bringing beauty
to the process and result of life in all its
In the conditions of the psychological formation
of the personality, adolescence itself is
transitional (younger school age - younger
adolescence), that is, it is considered the
beginning of the transition from childhood to
youth. In adolescence, we observe: the flow of
emotions is turbulent; changes in emotional
states, moods, and experiences are sudden, the
mood changes from elation to intemperance;
noise, changes in behavior from excessive
mobility to calmness and even indifference to
everything. Such spontaneous changes in the
mood of teenagers, which depend on various
factors (disappointment in a friend, a bad
evaluation, disregard for the interests and
feelings of the individual, a defiant attitude of
adults, a rude way of interfering with the
emotional life of a child), require aesthetic
activity, constant tolerant communication where
teenagers are allowed to reassess one's values and
to treat oneself in a new way, strive to reveal the
best qualities of behavior in oneself.
The most difficult period in a child's
development is early adolescence. It is in him
that qualitative sharp changes are observed in all
spheres of personality functioning: the child
grows up: social and ethical, rapid mental and
physical development, increased impulsivity,
and excitability in the child are observed. In this
period of the child's life, hobbies come to the
fore, which take up all the child's time, harming
school activities. At this age, children's interests
become conscious and purposeful. Therefore,
with successful interaction in aesthetic
education, the development of perceptual skills
and aesthetic preferences is possible, which is
important for overall personality development
(Sierykh, 2020).
It is important that in the process of aesthetic
activity and the interaction of educational
institutions, adolescents develop individual
characteristics associated with the development
of the activity, independent thinking, and a
creative approach to solving problems, which is
an important condition for the overall
development of the personality. During
communication, using literature, dictionaries, the
Internet, and the computer, teenagers
independently acquire knowledge, learn to see
the world aesthetically, interact with each other,
the world, and art, actively act creatively and get
pleasure from creative aesthetic activity.
Adolescents achieve success and acquire
aesthetic tastes, interests, and preferences
(Sierykh, 2020).
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Aesthetic consciousness, which is the main
component of aesthetic education in the field of
education, which leads to the general
development of the personality, is considered a
form of social consciousness, which, through
aesthetic feelings, judgments, perceptions,
ideals, tastes, provides an artistic and emotional
mastering of reality and is manifested in artistic
creativity and aesthetic looks.
Let's analyze the structure of aesthetic
consciousness. Its components are:
The aesthetic ideal, which reflects the idea
of beauty, is a kind of model for the ability
to evaluate the objects of reality and the
phenomena of the surrounding world as a
Aesthetic feelings are experienced by a
person when perceiving everything beautiful
in the surrounding reality, works of art,
primarily the feeling of pleasure.
Aesthetic perceptions that reflect the inner
and outer beauty of a phenomenon, object,
or process, allow feeling joy from what has
been discovered or seen and are manifested
in the ability to notice the most essential,
observational personality.
Aesthetic tastes, related to individual
perception and vision, have a subjective,
selective character and appear as an
emotional and evaluative attitude towards a
beautiful personality (Levchuk et al., 1997).
Through aesthetic education, aesthetic
consciousness is formed (Andrushchenko,
We will substantiate the content and ways of
implementing the aesthetic education of students
during their studies, which consist of:
involvement of education seekers as creators
in various types of art; study of curriculum
subjects: singing and music, literature,
visual arts;
the impact of aesthetic education on the
desire to study the artistic values of society,
the formation of aesthetic needs in the field
of art, which leads to the development of the
personality of the student of education;
development in the process of aesthetic
education in students: the ability to see
beauty everywhere: in music, in art, in
nature, in life; artistic perception;
the formation of high artistic tastes in
students, which affect the general
development of the personality and are
connected with the perception of beauty and
the possibility of feeling for others and
sympathizing with them; teaching students
to feel the harmony of a work of art, the
beauty of nature and show aesthetic
demands towards others, their culture of
behavior in society and their behavior in
involvement of students in the development
of talent, and abilities in music, visual arts,
literature, and artistic creativity;
the direction of aesthetic education to reveal
the ideological side of art for the general
development of the personality, the
formation of ideological conviction, and
morality in a person (Ostroverkhova, 2015).
The main criteria for the aesthetic and general
development of young people are practical
activity (during which new spiritual and material
values are created) and creative activity of the
individual (the creation of a new means of action,
a new aesthetic element, a new means of an
application takes place) (Mochan, 2011).
When it comes to aesthetic education in the field
of education, which affects the overall
development of the personality, it always
assumes a desired goal to which we strive, a
certain ideal. This, at the level of interpersonal
relations in the collective, contributes to
professional activity, and the formation of a
culture of human feelings. Aesthetic education is
manifested in the creative approach of an
individual to his position in life, in the light of
culture, nature, and professional abilities. Then,
when a person is interested in his aesthetic
development, he reaches the appropriate level of
development. Aesthetic education is a
component of the aesthetic formation of the
individual, which is both a consciously organized
process of changes in the content and structure of
the aesthetic culture of the individual and
spontaneous, carried out under the influence of
subjective factors and objective conditions.
Consciously organized changes include not only
the process of aesthetic education but also the
process of aesthetic self-education. These
processes are interconnected. Self-education
expresses a certain stage of self-awareness and
personality maturity. Aesthetic self-education is
a purposeful human activity aimed at improving
one's aesthetic culture (Kutuzova, 2011).
Society changes and with it the system of values,
art, and priorities in aesthetic education.
Therefore, changes in the social and artistic
reality have been determined, with the help of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which teachers update the content and the entire
system of aesthetic education at the current stage
of the development of society. The content of
aesthetic education of education seekers is
revealed and the ways of its implementation are
The task of aesthetic education is defined as the
formation of a person's ability to relate
aesthetically to modern society.
The periods of the history of the development of
aesthetic education of the personality are singled
The system of aesthetic education in the
educational field is shown, which affects the
overall development of the personality and
should function in the interrelationship of the
components presented in the article.
The organization of the aesthetic environment in
the institution of higher education is revealed,
and the structure of aesthetic consciousness is
shown (aesthetic ideals, aesthetic tastes, aesthetic
judgments, aesthetic perceptions, aesthetic
feelings). Creative activity and practical activity
are the main criteria of aesthetic education in the
field of education that affects the general
development of the personality. The process of
aesthetic education and the process of aesthetic
self-education are classified as consciously
organized changes.
We can see the ways of further research in the
study of the process of aesthetic self-education.
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