www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.20
How to Cite:
Bartosh, O., Danko, D., Kanyuk, O., Hodovanets, N., & Myhalyna, Z. (2023). Research-based learning in the education process of a
higher education institution. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 208-216. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.20
Research-based learning in the education process of a higher education
Навчання на дослідницькій основі в освітньому процесі закладу вищої освіти
Received: April 3, 2023 Accepted: May 25, 2023
Written by:
Olena Bartosh1
Dana Danko2
Oleksandra Kanyuk3
Nataliia Hodovanets4
Zoryana Myhalyna5
The article examines the issue of research-based
learning in the education process of institutions
of higher education. The aspect of formation of
research skills in students is central in our
research. The following research methods have
been applied: theoretical the secondary analysis
of philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical
sources on the issue under consideration, which
has given the possibility to systematize and
generalize the available data; comparative has
allowed finding a new angle in the issue of the
role of research-based learning in the education
process of higher education institutions. Besides,
in our research we also rely on the data gathered
personally while implementing curriculum
direted on the development of research-and-
development skills in students of a higher
education institution. The results of the study
allow concluding that that the research-based
learning involves the introduction of scientific
research methods into the process of educational
cognition at all its stages (from perception to
application in practice), determines ways of
organizing educational and extracurricular
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, State University “Uzhhorod National
University”, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene, State University “Uzhhorod
National University”, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, State University “Uzhhorod National
University”, Ukraine.
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, State University “Uzhhorod National
University”, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Department of English Philology, State University “Uzhhorod National University”, Ukraine.
Bartosh, O., Danko, D., Kanyuk, O., Hodovanets, N., Myhalyna, Z. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 208-216 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
research activities of students. Its result is a set of
acquired knowledge and formed skills when
solving research tasks in various social and
professional situations.
Keywords: curriculum, institution of higher
education, research-based learning, research
activity, research skills.
Higher education, built on the principle of
international cooperation, sets the goal: to
eliminate obstacles and ensure wide access to
quality higher education on the principles of
democracy and independence of universities,
their scientific and research independence; to
activate the mobility of students and scientific-
pedagogical staff; to prepare the student youth
for the active life in a democratic society and lay
the foundations for their professional career and
individual development.
The system of research-based learning has
become widely developed in higher education
institutions all over the world. It is relevant in
connection with modern aspects of higher
education reform as it provides an opportunity to
train a future specialist in the conditions of
practical training, and not only theoretical one.
Within the framework of the European Higher
Education Area (European Commission, 2020),
all educational programs for the training of
specialists and important components of these
programs are to be based on the concept of
orientation to the learning outcome. Planned
learning outcomes are to inform on the learning
activities and assessment format, and education
is to become “student-centered”. Educational
programs for the training of future specialists are
focused not only on the development of
competencies related to a specific study profile,
but also on the development of both general skills
(communication, problem solving, ability to
integrate ideas and concepts, ability of teamwork
and groupwork) and research skills.
Reforms in the higher education system of
Ukraine provide ample opportunities for the
training of highly qualified specialists. They
clearly regulate the educational and scientific
policy of modern institutions of higher education.
The changes involve the training of specialists in
the system of higher education, first of all, using
research-based techniques, that is, research-
based learning.
Research-based learning is a concept that
encompasses a number of pedagogical
approaches in the educational process aimed at
development of research skills in students. Its
main characteristics is: a complex of student-
centered goals, implemented through scientific
research; teaching involves the interpretation of
experimental data, cases/situations/problems for
solution; management of the educational process
takes place with posing questions and practical
tasks; training is based on the search for novelty
and its relevance; an educator becomes a
facilitator. Thus, the key elements of research-
based learning are research issues and problem
situations that involve experimental verification.
Research-based learning forms the student’s
understanding of the value of research work and
the ethics of scientific research. It develops
critical and analytical thinking, ability to solve
problems of a research nature. It educates on
operating with quantitative and qualitative
research methods, which have a positive impact
on the learning outcomes.
In the conditions of globalization, integration
into the world educational environment, it is
expedient to study and understand the issue of
forming research-and-development skills of
students in higher education institutions
(Kennedy et al., 2006).
Thus, the aspect of formation of research-and-
development skills, that students can master in
the educational process of the institution of
higher education, is central in our research.
Theoretical Framework
The issue of developing of research-and-
development skills and organizing scientific-
research activities of students of higher education
institutions is multifaceted. Its importance in the
education process is reflected in both domestic
and foreign scientific researches. In particular,
scholars devote their research to the study of:
foundations of the organization of research
activities of future specialists in various
professional fields; peculiarities of the formation
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of students’ research skills; training of students
for research activity as a holistic process. Most
researchers note the need to improve curriculum
for the training of future specialists in various
professional fields, taking into account the
educational and scientific-research needs of
Currently, one of the leading global trends in
university education is the integration of the
research component into the process of training
of future specialists, or the so-called teaching-
research nexus (Gros et al., 2020; Tretko, 2015).
Fanghanel et al. (2016) in their research mention
that this concept in higher education constantly
changes, yet is considered to be as an academic
ideal. Wuetherick (2009) refers the teaching-
research nexus to “any aspect of the interplay
between the teaching and research roles of
universities, whether at the level of the
institution, faculty, department, or individual
academic.” The introduction of a research
component to a university curriculum and
programs has differences in different institutions
of higher education. This component can be
integrated into existing educational courses or
provided by special courses on the methodology
of scientific research (Kozlov, 2015).
However, scholars Clark and Hordosy (2019),
Paul and Tansy (2020), Perron et al., (2020)
prefer a consistent holistic approach to the
formation of research-and-development skills of
undergraduate and graduate students. It is worth
emphasizing that in institutions of higher
education with the status of research institution,
such an approach is imperative.
Rossum and Schenk (1984) claim, that
perception of the educational process by the
students affects the learning outcomes. Balloo et
al., (2018), Vermunt and Vermetten (2004)
consider that knowledge that students acquire
about research, the impact of the research
environment and involvement in research
activities affect the results of their education,
future career and life in a society. Therefore, in
order for students to develop their research-and-
development skills and abilities, educators are to
ensure the implementation of effective methods
of learning fundamental research knowledge
(Salmento & Murtonen, 2019; Salmento et al.,
Balloo et al., (2016), researching the factors that
contribute to the development of knowledge
related to research methods, the development of
research abilities and skills in undergraduate
students, proved that self-regulation and
motivation are associated with higher degree of
structural knowledge. This indicates that the
factors of self-regulation and motivation
influence the development of research skills.
Research self-efficacy and research interest also
demonstrated significant positive correlation
with knowledge, but purposeful application of
research methods was the largest predictor of
research abilities and skills. McKinley et al.
(2021) consider important implications of a
teaching-research nexus. Higher education
institutions, refocusing priority, are to respond to
the challenges innovation, in particular,
innovation linked with student employability.
Scholars come to the conclusion that the practice
of applying research methods is a component that
educators are to include in the educational
training programs for improving the level of
knowledge and skills of students.
The following research methods have been
Theoretical the secondary analysis of
philosophical, psychological, and
pedagogical sources on the issue under
consideration, which has given the
possibility to systematize and generalize the
available data. We rely on international
academic literature, as the study is relevant
to global contexts where teaching and
research are competing;
Comparative has allowed finding a new
angle in the issue of the role of research-
based teaching in the education process of
higher education institutions.
Besides, in our research we also rely on the data
gathered personally while implementing
curriculum direted on the development of
research-and-development skills in students of a
higher education institution.
Results and Discussion
Morozov (2014) and Meniailo (2015)
characterize research activity as the human
attitude to life, displayed in motivational
readiness and intellectual ability: to cognize the
reality, to independently set various research
goals, to obtain unforeseeable results and analyze
them to acquire the further knowledge.
Thus, we understand research activity as a
specific human activity, regulated by the
individual’s consciousness, aimed at satisfying
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
cognitive and intellectual needs. Its product is
new knowledge, acquired in accordance with
objective laws and circumstances that determine
the reality and possibility of achieving the goal.
Murtonen et al., (2008) studied the influence of
research abilities and skills on future career
development. The scholars revealed that about
half of the students who participated in the study
were not convinced that research skills would be
useful for their future activity. These students
experienced problems with motivation while
performing research tasks. Students who valued
research skills for their future career were more
task-oriented, applied an in-depth approach to
learning, and experienced less difficulty when
learning educational components using research
Shaw et al., (2013) proved that research-related
self-efficacy, motivation, familiarity with the
research environment and a positive orientation
to research are the key predictors that contribute
to students readiness for the future research
Jenkins and Healey (2005) distinguish four
approaches to the inclusion of a research
component in the education process of students:
Research-led teaching involves
familiarizing students with the results of
scientific research by the educators of a
higher education institution by introducing
them to the content of courses;
Research-oriented teaching focuses on
understanding the process of knowledge
production, on the formation of a research
ethos, and not on the assimilation of the
acquired knowledge;
Research-based teaching most of the
curriculum consists of research activity, but
little attention is paid to the content of
education; in this case, students carry out
research together with educators, their role
as participants in the educational process is
almost the same;
Research-informed teaching scientific
research is an integral component of
teaching and learning.
Anderson (2002), Shostak et al., (2010) and
Vieno et al., (2022) summarize and define three
categories of research skills provided by bachelor
and master programs:
Targeted research skills that educators or
experts directly indicate as the goal of study
within the components of the educational
Perceived research skills, which,
according to students or educators are
considered to have been developed within
the components of the educational program;
Assessed research skills defined using
objective measurement criteria as having
been developed within the components of
the educational program.
Laidlaw et al., (2012) define research skills as
teachable activities that are to be practiced to
establish facts, postulate new ideas, test ideas to
collect data, and analyze data to provide
conclusions. Researchers point to seven research
skills that are most often mentioned in bachelor
and master programs:
1. Critical assessment assessment of
methods, data and conclusions of open
studies to determine their credibility and
2. Information synthesis combining of
information from different sources in a
logical way to provide conclusions;
3. Decision-making selection and
implementation of a specific course of
4. Problem solving ‒ identifying the sources of
difficulties and finding effective solutions
for them;
5. Data collection collection of information
by structured methods to support the
objectives of research;
6. Data analysis processing and modeling of
data to identify tendencies and correlations
to draw conclusions that relate to a set of
research objectives;
7. Communication exchanging of
information using written or oral means.
Aspects of the development of research skills can
be considered through the prism of Bloom’s
taxonomy (1954), demonstrating that students
move along a continuum in which they:
Start research and thus determine the need
for knowledge and understanding;
Find and generate the necessary information
and data using the appropriate methodology;
Critically evaluate information and data and
the process used to find, generate this
information and data;
Organize collected and generated
Synthesize and analyze, apply new
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Transmit knowledge, understanding and
processes used to create it with an awareness
of ethical, social and cultural aspects.
Jenkins (2008) supports the idea that research-
based experience of students actively:
Contributes to changing the understanding
of student-centered or inquiry-based or
problem-based learning;
Adjusts the philosophy and values of
educational programs;
Encourages and enables students to study in
a way, which is parallel and reflects the way
the educators research and develop in their
course or professional field;
Creates opportunities to for the course
evaluation processes;
Illustrates how educators develop and
disseminate their research results on the
course provided or in the professional field
(for example, through student research
journals, student scientific conferences,
In this context interesting is the structure of
formation of research skills developed by
Willison and O'Regan (2006), which students
can master in the process of study at a higher
education institution. The specified structure
covers five levels of student autonomy in
conducting research, in particular:
1) Student research within the framework of
issues defined by educators under strict
control of educators;
2) Student research within the framework of
issues defined by educators under the
guidance of educators;
3) Independent student research activity within
the framework of issues defined by
4) Student research within self-defined issues
under the guidance of educators;
5) Independent student research within self-
defined issues.
Willison and O'Regan (2007) also define the
stages of research activity of students:
1) Preparatory awareness of the need for
2) Collection of information;
3) Critical assessment of collected information;
4) Processing of collected information;
5) Synthesis and analysis of new knowledge;
6) Communication of research results as well
as defining of research skills students are
still to develop at each individual level of
Auchincloss et al., (2014), Seymour et al., (2004)
provide the following positive consequences for
the students activity when research skills have
been developed students indicate a clearer
understanding of the purpose of learning tasks
and the assessment system, a deeper
understanding of the educational component, and
an increased ability to think as a scientist.
Crebert et al., (2004) provided the results of their
research, where the majority of undergraduate
students agreed that it was more important for
their future careers to develop their research
skills and abilities than to study individual
educational components within the cycle of
professionally-directed courses. This finding
indicates that students understand the value of
developing research skills for their future careers
and life in a society. Therefore, the inclusion of
opportunity to develop research skills in
undergraduate and graduate curricula is to be
Willison (2012) proves that the development of
research skills in students during studies at
bachelor and master programs offers a number of
advantages for both students and educators.
Positive consequences for educators include
narrowing the gap between their teaching
activities and research, clarification of teaching
methods, and understanding of the educational
The research approach involves the introduction
of scientific research methods into the process of
educational cognition at all its stages, determines
ways of organizing educational and
extracurricular research activities of students.
Povidaichyk (2019) notes, that the position of
completion of each degree of training with a
specific result of scientific and research training.
Such a result is a set of acquired knowledge,
formed skills and a level of independent,
confident mastery of them when solving research
tasks in various socio-professional situations.
Thus, the bachelor degree (the basic level of
higher education) involves the formation of a
certain set of scientific and research activities,
the development of which takes place in the
process of studying certain academic courses and
extracurricular activities and ends with the
writing of a qualifying paper, which testifies to
the bachelor’s level of readiness to perform
research tasks.
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The master degree involves expanding,
deepening of experience acquired at the bachelor
level. It takes place due to the assimilation of the
theoretical and methodological foundations of
scientific activity; applying new methods,
methods of research, technologies for processing
of results. Deepening is carried out during the
assimilation of the content of the main
components of the research work. Master degree
students are characterized by greater
independence, initiative, and research activity.
Students develop the research-and-development
skills during both theoretical studies and practice
passing. The following is the example of
developing the research-and-development skills
at practice of social work program students at
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.
At the bachelor level the research practice takes
place at the final year of studies. In particular,
research practice involves the independent
development of a social project aimed to improve
the skills of projecting and prognostication
activities. Based on the results of practice,
students perform research-description of a case
resolved in a social service. This work reflects
the understanding and application by a student of
knowledge, skills, and values of social work,
methods and technologies of social work.
The research task is drawn up in the form of an
essay, which consists of:
1. The first part is a presentation of a client a
student worked with (the nature of the client’
needs is determined, the range of specialists
and institutions involved in solving the
problem is outlined).
2. In the second part includes the goal and tasks
that are set to solve or mitigate the problem
formulated. Personal reflections and
practical acquisitions are demonstrated
regarding the possible options offered by a
3. The third part presents the methods and
technologies applied. To confirm the work
done, scenario development, descriptions of
these methods and technologies are attached
to the case study. Various types of
interviews, conversations, consultations,
surveys, testing, etc. are prepared and used.
4. The results of the work, evaluation of its
effectiveness, conclusions and
recommendations are presented in the
conclusion part.
Thus, practice is aimed at the formation of skills
in the application of social work methods and
technologies, as well as the development of
research-and-development skills, in particular,
diagnostic, information-analytical,
organizational, communicative, etc.
Research practice at the bachelor level is carried
out on the basis of social institutions and
institutions of various directions and
departmental affiliation. Students act as
assistants to specialists of the respective
institutions. They apply knowledge and skills
acquired during theoretical studies in various
courses and the experience of previous practices.
They are given the opportunity to demonstrate
initiative, abilities, and to independently conduct
work in the field chosen. This contributes to the
deepening and consolidation of professional
knowledge and skills, research skills in
particular. In the course of practice, knowledge
in the field of theory, methodology and
technology of social work, social prognostication
and projecting, management of the social sphere
is integrated. The study of issues related to social
management, the creation of various models of
social services and forms of customer service is
planned. On this basis, students prepare a social
project as a part of the bachelor thesis.
The practice of future social work masters is a
mandatory component of the educational
program and involves the improvement of
professional skills and abilities acquired in the
process of theoretical training by students. The
practice involves the performing of practical
tasks for the provision of social services,
including the performing of managerial functions
in social service institutions (Povidaichyk &
Borshch, 2013).
During practice, the research component of
students’ activity is one of the leading ones. The
purpose of research practice is to ensure students’
understanding of the role and importance of
scientific research in the process of future
professional activity; formation of skills in the
organization and conducting of scientific
research; development of creative thinking.
The main tasks of research practice are as
Deepening and consolidation of theoretical
knowledge from the cycle of professionally-
directed courses;
Involving students in direct practical
Accumulating experience in practical
mastering of techniques of research-and-
development activities;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Formation and improvement of professional
abilities and skills in the implementation of
research-and-development activities in
various areas of social work;
Conducting research;
Processing of research results using
Accumulation and processing of specific
material for the completion of the master
During research practice, each student performs
an individual task that is directly related to the
topic of the master thesis. The main content of
this task is to conduct an empirical study to be
included as a part of a thesis. The conditions that
ensure the necessary quality of empirical
research are: preliminary development of the
research program, its coordination with an
educator and the head of practice and the
resolution of organizational issues regarding
empirical research implementation. The results
of the individual task are drawn up in the form of
a report on the conducted empirical research.
Students both bachelors and masters develop the
research skills during self-performed
independent work too. We classify the research
tasks within self-performed independent work by
the skills developed as following:
Methodological skills: mastering theoretical
and empirical methods of knowledge;
application of methodological principles of
research-and-development; application of
mathematical research methods,
substantiation of the hypothesis.
Information and analytical skills: selection
of necessary and reliable sources of
information from the analyzed subject area
of research; analysis and systematization of
information, identification of understudied
aspects of research, opportunities for
problem solving; analysis of certain social
phenomena and processes using statistical
Diagnostic skills: mastering methods of
interviews, monitoring, questionnaires,
expert evaluation, biographical, case
method, testing, projective methods,
Projective skills: development of a project to
solve the problem set taking into account the
pre-project study of the situation; analysis,
evaluation and selection of the optimal
project; qualitative and quantitative analysis
of the project results, formulation of
conclusions; development of a plan for
implementation at practice.
Prognostic skills: mastering the methods of
expert survey, anticipatory information,
brainstorming, statistical modeling,
scenarios, and heuristic methods.
Technical skills: templating of scientific
work; graphical and tabular presentation of
research material; description of
bibliographic references, preparation of a
Organizational skills: determining the
sequence of actions and compiling the
research algorithm; planning of the research
as a whole and its stages; distribution of
responsibilities; selection of tools for the
research implementation.
Communication skills: dialogical type of
relationship, contact with the research
participants; application of communicative
methods of obtaining information from
experts in the field researched; mastering
verbal and non-verbal means of
communication; implementation of virtual
scientific communication.
System and information skills: mastering the
skills of working with a text editor,
electronic spreadsheets, databases,
searching on the Internet; developing the
skills of working with specialized research
information packages; forming skills to use
ICT; developing skills on using electronic
didactic tools.
Therefore, according to the considered positions,
research activity is primarily aimed at improving
the professional activity of a future specialist
through the use of certain methods, forms and
methods of work.
In recent decades, the process of ensuring the
unity of educational and research training has
become increasingly active in institutions of
higher education due to the wide involvement of
students in research work.
The issue of orientation of students future
specialists to the research activity is considered
as the most important precondition of their
individual and professional self-determination,
professional culture, and readiness to the
research-and-development as a way to ensure
competitiveness in the labor market.
The research-based teaching involves the
introduction of scientific research methods into
the process of educational cognition at all its
stages (from perception to application at
practice), determines the ways of organizing
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational and extracurricular research
activities of students.
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