www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.13
How to Cite:
Matviienko, O., Vytrykhovska, O., Veremijenko, V., Zabiiaka, I., & Tyulpa, T. (2023). Innovative development of the education
industry in the European higher education area. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 136-145. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.13
Innovative development of the education industry in the European
higher education area
Інноваційний розвиток освітньої галузі у європейському просторі вищої освіти
Received: February 1, 2023 Accepted: April 12, 2023
Written by:
Olena Matviienko1
Oksana Vytrykhovska2
Vadym Veremijenko3
Iryna Zabiiaka4
Tetiana Tyulpa5
The article identifies positive changes and
suggests trends in the innovative development of
the educational sector in the European area of
higher education. The goal is determined, and the
functions of the European area of higher
education are considered. It has been proven that
two trends, which are analyzed in the article,
prevail in the structure of world higher education:
unitary (single), a system manifested in higher
education and provided by universities; binary
(dual), a system with a traditional education
sector based on the Humboldt University concept
and a separate non-university sector of higher
education. The main principles regulating
aspects of educational activity are revealed.
Considered is a very important and necessary
distance form in the educational space, related to
the introduction of information and
communication technologies into the educational
process, which is being updated and developed to
improve an open and widely accessible education
system, aimed at training a qualified competitive
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, Dragomanov
Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation, National University of
Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Educator of Theory of Primary Education Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of Department of Foreign and Ukrainian Philology, Lutsk National Technical
University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Primary Education Pedagogy and Psychology, Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Matviienko, O., Vytrykhovska, O., Veremijenko, V., Zabiiaka, I., Tyulpa, T. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 136-145 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: innovative development, educational
sector, European space, higher education,
competitive qualified specialist.
The education system and its innovative
development are unique phenomena that are
more important and complex than systems such
as transport, security, and communication. This
is because the educational sector is closely
connected to various aspects of a person's life,
including material and spiritual dimensions, both
in the past and in modern times. Each country has
its own characteristics, particularly in relation to
its education system. Priorities, opportunities,
and innovative systems in education and
upbringing are the key drivers of changes in the
education system, and their impact on a global
scale depends on a country's involvement in the
progressive movement of world society. These
changes are influenced by shifts in culture,
production, individual behavior within society,
and their contributions to education.
Therefore, in higher education reform, it is
essential to consider not only the preservation of
cultural aspects in human development and
national educational systems but also the
enhancement of international mobility,
cooperation, and the employment opportunities
for young professionals within the European or
international context. It is crucial to take into
account the unique characteristics of higher
education institutions and their international
competitiveness (Dyman et al., 2017).
The advancements in high technologies provide
opportunities for the development of an
innovative education system. This enables
deeper integration between education,
production, and science, facilitating the
expansion of applied and fundamental research.
It also allows for the modernization of
educational content and pedagogical
technologies, the updating of the educational
environment, and the provision of quality and
innovative training for personnel. By adopting
this approach, it becomes possible to implement
innovative organizational changes and
improvements in the education system, as well as
innovative renewal in the management of
educational activities. However, it is crucial to
ensure sufficient, targeted, and timely funding to
support these innovative changes.
The innovative transformations in the
educational landscape are built upon the
achievements of scientific and technological
progress, as well as advancements in
psychological and pedagogical sciences. The
implementation of scientific discoveries in
educational practices and the continuous
professional development of teachers are vital in
driving these changes. Furthermore, the
successful implementation of innovative
developments in education relies on the active
participation of society members. These
innovative advancements play a significant role
in the socio-economic development of a country
(Bykov, 2012).
The purpose of the article. To study the positive
trends of innovative development of the
educational sector in the European area of higher
Literature Review
A. Sbruyeva (2019) highlighted the principles of
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European area of higher education in the
context of the internationalization of the
educational area.
T. Dyman et al. (2017) conducted an analysis of
higher education systems in European countries,
revealed the features of the innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European area of higher education, conducted an
analysis of the documents of the Bologna
process, drew conclusions from international
summits on the problems of the development of
higher education regarding the possibilities of
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European space of higher education.
N. Avshenyuk et al. (2014) analyzed the trends
of innovative development of the educational
sector in the European area of higher education,
suggested the possibility of implementing a
competency-based approach to education in
foreign countries; presented his vision of the
concept regarding the formation of professional
standards of pedagogical education based on
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
competences, as well as the development of civic
competence of future teachers in the conditions
of innovative development of the educational
field in the European area of higher education;
effective methods of forming professional
standards based on the competence approach are
proposed, which involves the development of
modular programs based on the technologies of
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European area of higher education, as well
as the assessment of professional competence
according to modular programs.
O. Chubukova, & I. Ponomarenko (2018) carried
out a comprehensive analysis of the features of
the innovative development of the educational
sector in the European area of higher education
and described the possibilities and advantages of
augmented reality technology in the innovative
development of the educational sector. Attention
was paid to the study of the peculiarities of the
technology of innovative development of the
educational sector in the European area of higher
education in the teaching of disciplines for
To implement the research goal and set tasks, a
system of interconnected and complementary
methods was used: theoretical, in particular,
general scientific (analysis, synthesis,
comparison, comparison, generalization,
systematization), which made it possible to find
out the peculiarities of the development of
theoretical approaches laid as a basis
development of the studied phenomenon, and
analyze legislative and regulatory documents,
works of domestic and foreign scientists;
specifically scientific the method of content
analysis, which made it possible to characterize
the state of development of the investigated
problem in the domestic scientific opinion, the
method of terminological analysis, which was
used to characterize the basic concepts of the
study; methods of chronological, genetic and
diachronic-comparative analysis, which made it
possible to distinguish the stages of development
of European cooperation in the field of
development of the educational sector in the
European space of higher education and
contributed to the identification of trends in the
development of the studied phenomenon in
today's conditions; methods of structural-logical
and synchronous-comparative analysis of the
activity of collective subjects, which made it
possible to outline the theoretical, normative,
organizational, and content-procedural
foundations of the phenomenon under study;
methods of system-structural and structural-
functional analysis, which made it possible to
determine trends regarding the further
development of the internationalization of
quality assurance of higher education; empirical
analysis of documents of international projects
on a specific problem.
The leading idea of the study is the provisions on
education, its positive trends of innovative
development in the European area of higher
education as a complete pedagogical system,
structural elements (tasks, goals, content of
education, methods, means and organizational
forms of the educational process, theoretical
foundations and organizational and pedagogical
conditions for the implementation of innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European area of higher education).
The development of innovative development of
the educational field in the European space of
higher education is determined by external social
factors of the pedagogical process (economic,
cultural, political, scientific, and pedagogical)
and internal factors (changes in the pedagogical
discourse and scientific paradigm). Constructive
analysis of determining factors, contradictions,
and the genesis of innovative development of the
educational sector in the European space of
higher education provides an opportunity to
update the ways of ensuring the effectiveness of
the educational process and, as a result,
contribute to the improvement of the quality of
the educational sector and highlight the prospects
for constructive changes in the education of the
21st century.
The research concept contains three
interconnected concepts and contributes to the
realization of the research goal at the
methodological, theoretical, and technological
The methodological concept encompasses the
utilization of fundamental philosophical ideas,
principles such as objectivity, historicism, and
multifacetedness, as well as scientific principles
derived from the philosophy of education. It also
incorporates leading ideas from psychology and
pedagogy, highlighting the interplay and
interrelationships between specific scientific and
general scientific methodologies in addressing
the research problem. In particular, the following
methodological approaches are employed:
Acmeological: Provides an opportunity to
investigate pathways towards achieving
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Systemic: Contributes to establishing
connections between the content of
education, its developmental directions, and
changes in educational objectives across
different periods and stages of development.
It outlines promising directions for
enhancing educational activities in
contemporary conditions.
Synergistic: Considers positive trends in the
innovative development of the educational
sector in the European space of higher
education, aligning with the overall trends in
the formation and development of education
and its internal laws.
Holistic: Emphasizes the synergy at various
levels and guides research towards forming
a comprehensive understanding of the
Operational: Optimizes activities to address
important priority research problems related
to the innovative development of the
educational sector in the European higher
education area. It considers the practical
aspects of educational activities and
contributes to the development of a
competency framework.
Competence-based: Analyzes the
components of competence, enabling the
identification of specific and general
Paradigmatic: Contributes to defining the
theoretical and methodological foundations
of the innovative development of the
educational field in the European higher
education area across different periods,
considering changes in scientific paradigms.
Dialectical: Facilitates the resolution of
identified pedagogical contradictions and
examines pedagogical phenomena from the
perspective of innovative development in
the European higher education space. It
substantiates the ways in which they emerge,
evolve, and develop, ensuring the objectivity
of the obtained results.
Axiological: Aims to delineate the
professional, educational, universal, and
worldview values associated with the
innovative development of the educational
sector in the European higher education
The theoretical concept defines the main
concepts, pedagogical ideas and concepts, and
the essence of the initial categories of innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European area of higher education, according to
which the research is conducted on the problem
of clarifying positive trends in the innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European area of higher education.
The technological concept involves the creative
use of the acquired experience of innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European space of higher education in today's
Results and Discussion
The development of the European educational
space and, above all, such a component of it as
the innovative development of the educational
sector in the European space of higher education
has become one of the most important
educational projects for the entire period of the
existence of the European Union. In the
European Higher Education Area, educational
policies and goals are agreed at the European
level and, as a result, are improved and
implemented in higher education institutions and
national education systems. In the educational
space, the landscape of higher education is being
formed together with the government,
institutions of higher education and stakeholders,
and there is a presentation of the possibilities of
achieving innovative development of the
educational sector in the European space of
higher education and with the help of a constant
dialogue between the sphere of higher education
and governments. In the European space of
higher education, student mobility is necessary
for the possibility of comparing educational
systems, highlighting progressive ideas,
presenting the transparency of higher education
systems, and improving their quality. The
European area of higher education promotes
mutual understanding and trust in the innovative
development of the educational sector and
strengthens the cooperation of different countries
between higher education systems (Paris
Communiqué, 2018).
The long period of formation and innovative
development of the educational field caused
significant changes in the activities of European
higher schools. Such changes are related to
ensuring the quality of education. Universities
include the following components in the concept
of "higher education quality":
input parameters of activity and innovative
development of the educational sector
(finances, material base, resources, quality
of training of future specialists, teachers,
managers, etc.);
characteristics of innovative development of
the educational sector (teaching activities,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational programs, development of
participants in the educational process, etc.);
initial parameters (results and monitoring of
students' educational activities for
innovative development of the educational
Students associate the quality of higher education
with the image of the higher education institution
in which they study, the educational program of
the innovative development of the educational
field in the European area of higher education,
which they entered, with the final result of the
educational process and employment prospects.
Employers evaluate the quality of higher
education of the institution based on the
competencies of its specialists (Sbruyeva, 2019).
At the Conference of Ministers of the Bologna
Process Countries in Budapest and Vienna in
March 2010, the intergovernmental cooperation
structure of the European Higher Education Area
was founded, the purpose of which is the
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European Higher Education Area, which:
is based on institutional autonomy, academic
freedom, and participation in the
management of higher education of students
and teachers;
ensures the quality of education, economic
development of countries and promotes
social cohesion of its members;
promotes the professional mobility of
students and teachers;
is based on the application of innovations in
the field of education in the European area
of higher education, taking into account its
social dimension;
promotes lifelong learning of specialists and
provides employment opportunities for
graduates in any country;
unites members of the academic community,
where students and employees are active
is an open environment for cooperation with
higher education in all parts of the world
(Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
Let us consider the functions of the European
area of higher education, which consist in the
coordination of structural reforms between the
governments of different countries, in particular:
introduction of the system of degrees (three-
cycle system of bachelor's, master's, and
doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.);
ensuring the transparency of the innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European space of higher education using
the accumulation of credits of the European
transfer system and the supplement to the
recognition of study periods, and degree
creation of general European monitoring of
education quality assurance;
introduction of the Qualifications
Framework in higher education, which has
eight advisory members: The European
Association for Quality Assurance in Higher
Education (ENQA); Council of Europe
(CoE); Business Europe (Business Europe);
Education International (EI); European
University Association (EUA); European
Students Union (ESU), European
Association of Institutions of Higher
Let's consider two trends in the innovative
development of the educational industry that
dominate the structure of world higher education:
1. Unitary, or single, system, when the
innovative development of the educational
field in the European area of higher
education is provided by institutions of
higher education that offer: professional,
oriented educational programs of different
levels and different duration, provide
general academic degrees. This single
system of higher education practically
includes only universities. Such is the
education in Austria, Italy, Spain, Sweden,
and Finland. Integrated universities create a
separate group, which is an association of
countries that included specialized
secondary and higher education institutions
(Sweden and Spain) and countries that
belonged to the socialist camp.
2. The binary or dual system of innovative
development of the educational sector in the
European space of higher education with the
traditional university sector is based on the
concept of Humboldt University and the
non-university sector of higher education.
This system of innovative development of
the educational field in the European space
of higher education is used in developed
countries of the world (Belgium, Great
Britain, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Norway,
the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland,
France, etc.). Here, along with the university
sector, specialized institutions have been
created, in which many children and young
people study (Dyman et al., 2017).
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Lifelong education is the main trend of
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European space of modern higher
education of the planet (Kuzminskyi et al., 2018).
The principle of "lifelong education" is
widespread and necessary in all developed
countries of the world. Today, humanity, in
connection with the innovative progress of
society, feels a lack of professional knowledge
and needs constant regular updating. With the
innovative development of the educational sector
in the European space of higher education, the
renewal of society, a new educational paradigm
is formed, which has the following
flexibility, continuity, and adaptability of all
stages of innovative development of the
educational sector in the European space of
higher education and the unity of all its
arming all students of education with a set of
competencies that will ensure their
innovative development in the European
space of higher education, contribute to
readiness for comprehensive functioning in
the modern world, which is constantly
changing, provide the opportunity to quickly
respond to the demands of the times,
contribute to the expansion of the
opportunity for citizens to participate in the
country's activities in the cultural, social and
political perspective;
the humanization of education consists in the
innovative development of the educational
field, the establishment of a person as the
highest valuable individual, the creation of
the best possible conditions for the
development of intellectual and cultural
development of a person, the satisfaction
and disclosure of educational needs, the self-
improvement of a person, the transformation
of the learning process into a continuous
the creative and active nature of innovative
development in the European space of
higher education, the formation of
cooperative relations between all
participants of the educational space, the
development of a new innovative system of
assistance and pedagogical support in the
organization of individualization of
educational activities (Ayzikova, 2012).
Let's consider the principles of regulation of
aspects of innovative development in the
European area of higher education:
interest of employers in competitive
specialists and society in high-quality
innovative higher education;
autonomy of educational institutions;
system of external assurance of the quality
of education is aimed at ensuring the goal of
the educational space and innovative
development in the European space of
higher education, improving the work of
educational institutions to fulfill the tasks.
The modern development of world society
ensures the growth of the influence of ICT on the
efficiency of the world economy and education.
Thus, according to Eurostat, the impact of ICT on
labor productivity and population employment in
Europe is constantly growing: the ICT sector
accounts for 5% of European GDP, which causes
a 50% increase in labor productivity. Many
unemployed and economically inactive people
do not know how to work with a computer. We
note that the application of ICT in various
spheres of human activity is highly effective, but
the further increase in productive work is slow
due to the insufficient ICT education of
employees: for members of society, the
possibility of obtaining jobs is related to the level
of their computer literacy. The digital inequality
of countries and their economies, the lagging of
the education system from the possibilities of
using ICT and innovative development in the
European area of higher education, and the use of
the information society are observed. Such an
unfavorable trend will deepen and complicate the
processes of socialization and innovative
development of the younger generation if the
necessary measures are not taken (Bykov, 2012).
From a technological point of view, innovative
development in the European area of higher
education is due to the emergence of new ICT-
oriented educational and pedagogical
technologies, the informatization of education,
the latest teaching aids, the creation of a modern
computer-oriented educational space, electronic
informational educational resources, and
network services. To carry out such work, the
most modern is the use of promising forms and
technologies of educational organization (Kuchai
et al., 2022). These are primarily open education,
electronic distance learning technologies (e-DL),
and systems of electronic distance education (e-
DO), which are built based on the principles of
open education (Bykov, 2008). in the global
educational space for achieving the set goals.
This was facilitated in 2020, the year of the total
coronavirus infection of COVID-19 and the
threatening epidemiological situation in the
world. All educational institutions have been
transferred to the distance learning format. The
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
importance of distance learning has received a
great update in connection with the state of war
in the country due to the war unleashed by the
Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.
Distance learning has become the only possible
and accessible form of education for all
education seekers (Babushko, 2022).
Distance education is inseparable from the use of
information and communication technologies, is
constantly updated to create a widely accessible
and open system of educational space, and aims
to prepare a competitive specialist
(Vasylchishen, 2022).
Relevant for innovative development in the
European space of higher education is the
definition of D. Keegan, who interprets distance
education as one that "frees the student from the
need to travel to a permanent place, at a certain
time, to meet with a fixed person for learning as
a result of the technological division of the
teacher and student" (Marchuk & Mushenyk,
Modern society offers a transition of the
educational process from traditional education to
education based on computer technologies. This
became possible with the development of the
Internet. And now teachers have the opportunity
to freely conduct discussions with other network
users online, send the required amount of melons
from one end of the world to another, and post
information on Internet sites, making it available
to everyone. With the help of modern
information technologies, it becomes possible to
increase and improve the educational process,
and innovative development in the European
space of higher education. During the
reformation of the educational space, various
technologies are being developed, in particular
mixed learning technologies (Kuchai et al.,
In institutions of higher education, the goal of
using distance learning is the organization of a
high-quality educational process "at a distance"
with the use of the latest information and
communication tools and open access to
educational resources. This educational form
quickly adapts to the requirements of the
information society and promotes innovative
development in the European space of higher
education. In combination with traditional forms,
distance education provides a wide range of
educational services for all categories of
educational space (Vasylchishen, 2022).
The modern educational space creates new
opportunities for innovative learning. In the era
of computerization, the concept of netiquette
appeared on the Internet. Netiquette is one of the
main components of Internet communication, a
self-regulator, and the law of any web
community. These are the rules for
communicating with each other over the Internet.
Network etiquette creates the necessary
conditions for comfortable communication for
both experienced users and beginners. Most of
the rules are a repetition of the rules of good
manners that were proposed in real society
(Biletska et al., 2021).
The main rule of network etiquette is the
statement: "Be polite and stick to the boundaries
of decency. You should try to write an electronic
message in such a way that you are not ashamed
of your words. It is necessary to remember that
you are in a virtual space, which has its
conditions. If you choose to intervene in a
discussion, you may harm others. Having found
yourself in a new area of virtual space, you need
to study the situation, determine priorities, and
only then join the conversation" (Skotynyanska,
Technologies of virtual and augmented reality
provide for the creation of visualized content
written by topic, which is adapted for systematic
use by the target audience for innovative
development of the educational field in the
European space of higher education with the help
of modern electronic devices. The use of
augmented reality technology during innovative
development in modern institutions of higher
education has a positive effect on the learning
process. The implementation of augmented
reality in education will make it possible to:
to interest modern students in the field of
education through the use of interactive
content and to promote the innovative
development of the field of education in the
European space of higher education;
to acquire competencies with the help of
augmented reality technology;
to diversify the innovative development of
the educational sector in the European space
of higher education with innovative forms of
work with the audience;
to increase the level of students' motivation
for independent cognitive activity (game
tools, competitive and cognitive stimuli) in
the education process;
the application of innovative types of
educational search and cognitive tasks that
ensure active educational activity of students
and contribute to the innovative
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of the educational field in the
space of higher education;
to provide the educational process with such
a new innovative organizational form that is
attractive to students;
to create conditions for the innovative
development of the educational field in the
European space of higher education, which
are not inherent in the educational process,
which will lead to an increase in the self-
esteem of students (Chubukova &
Ponomarenko, 2018).
Since the innovative development of the
educational field in the European space of higher
education is not reduced to the performance of
the proposed role, the teacher must be able to
organize this activity and effectively direct it. In
addition, teachers create a learning environment
that helps students acquire the necessary
competence. Thus, during the implementation of
the innovative development of the educational
field in the European space of higher education,
based on the competence approach, teachers are
assigned a leading role in the formation of
professional individuality and the promotion of
the professional development of the individual
(Shunkov et al., 2022).
Fruitful educational activities with this approach
will be as informal as possible. This is achieved
under the condition that teachers use different
teaching methods and skillfully adjust the
content and teaching methods, taking into
account the wishes and capabilities of the
students. With this approach, the educational
space maximizes lifelong learning and practical
assimilation of knowledge, and acquisition of the
necessary competence (Kotiash et al., 2022).
In the process of planning the educational space
for the innovative development of the
educational industry, you can use the following
diversity (what is the diversity of the
environment related to?);
stimulation of activity (under what
conditions does stimulation of student
activity in the educational environment take
resource provision (are the resources
sufficient to ensure the stimulation and
variety of activities of those who are
the possibility for students to provide
support (what opportunities does the
environment have for assisting those seeking
the development of independent learning (is
there stimulation of the environment during
independent learning?);
the possibility of education seekers
monitoring the achievement of set tasks
(how does the feedback mechanism work?).
Let's note the characteristics of the human
potential development index. According to
the human potential development index, the
UN compares the level of social and
economic development of countries;
determines the indicator of educational
activity, which is one of the three main
indicators in the integrated assessment of
human development (Avshenyuk et al.,
Since the innovative development of the
educational field in the European space of higher
education is not reduced to the performance of
the proposed role, the teacher must be able to
organize this activity and effectively direct it. In
addition, teachers create a learning environment
that helps students acquire the necessary
competence. Thus, during the implementation of
the innovative development of the educational
field in the European space of higher education,
based on the competence approach, teachers are
assigned a leading role in the formation of
professional individuality and the promotion of
professional development of the individual.
The educational environment plays an important
role in the innovative development of the
educational sector in the European space of
higher education, in the education of all
categories of students. In particular, the physical
environment (auditoriums, materials,
equipment), emotional environment, and
psychological environment are important.
Therefore, the teacher responsible for the
educational process and innovative development
of the educational field must provide appropriate
positive conditions so that students feel
comfortable, freely ask about unclear educational
positions, and express their ideas and opinions
without being ashamed of their incompetence or
the environment.
Fruitful educational activities with this approach
will be as informal as possible. This is achieved
under the condition that teachers use different
teaching methods and skillfully adjust the
content and teaching methods, taking into
account the wishes and capabilities of the
students. With this approach, the educational
space maximizes lifelong learning and practical
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
assimilation of knowledge, and acquisition of the
necessary competence.
In the process of planning the educational space
for the innovative development of the
educational industry, you can use the following
diversity (what is the diversity of the
environment related to?);
stimulation of activity (under what
conditions does stimulation of student
activity in the educational environment take
resource provision (are the resources
sufficient to ensure the stimulation and
variety of activities of those who are
the possibility for students to provide
support (what opportunities does the
environment have for assisting those seeking
the development of independent learning (is
there stimulation of the environment during
independent learning?);
the possibility of education seekers
monitoring the achievement of set tasks
(how does the feedback mechanism work?).
Let's note the characteristics of the human
potential development index. According to the
human potential development index, the UN
compares the level of social and economic
development of countries; determines the
indicator of educational activity, which is one of
the three main indicators in the integrated
assessment of human development.
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