Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.4
How to Cite:
Drozich, I., Drobin, A., Skrypka, I., Mamchych, O., Mykhailenko, O., & Kurach, M. (2023). The role of education in the innovative
society. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 45-56. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.64.04.4
The role of education in the innovative society
Роль освіти в інноваційному суспільстві
Received: March 20, 2023 Accepted: April 30, 2023
Written by:
Iryna Drozich1
Andrii Drobin2
Iryna Skrypka3
Olena Mamchych4
Olena Mykhailenko5
Mykola Kurach6
Innovative processes in the education system were
studied from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization. For the transition of
society to an innovative educational regime, the
primary task is the specialist's readiness for
innovations, where theoretical knowledge (modern
psychological and pedagogical conceptual
approaches), methodological knowledge (general
principles of studying educational phenomena,
regularities of the process of socialization of the
individual, training, education) and technological
knowledge (traditional, innovative educational
technologies). The meaning of the concept of
"innovation" is revealed. The peculiarities of
innovative activity in the field of education are
emphasized. It is described by parameters that are
important for the innovative potential of a person.
The article shows the main components on which
the education system and the socio-economic
sphere are based. The strategic goal of higher
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Methodist of «Khmelnitsky Center of Vocational Education Service», Researcher of the
Laboratory of Vocational Training Technologies of the Institute of Vocational Education, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Safety of
the Educational Environment, Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Safety of the Educational
Environment, Municipal Institution "Kirovograd Regional IN-Service Теасher Training Institute named after Vasyl Sukhomlynsky",
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports Theory and Methodology,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Languages ang their Teaching Methodology Department, T.H. Shevchenko
National University "Chernihiv Colehium", Ukraine.
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Languages ang their Teaching Methodology Department, T.H. Shevchenko
National University "Chernihiv Colehium", Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of
Humanities and Pedagogy, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education is interpreted: graduates of higher
education institutions should be competitive
specialists in the modern labor market. The main
tasks of higher education are highlighted.
Innovative pedagogical technologies are defined as
technologies of use, creation, distribution, and
introduction of new technologies. The types of
innovative technologies are singled out.
Keywords: education, innovative society,
innovative processes, modernization, innovative
Modern progress and an innovative approach to
education imperatively require the creation of an
innovative person with the ability to proactively
develop the scientific and educational spheres.
World trends cannot allow lagging in the field of
education, which will negatively affect the level
of human potential, the development of society
in general (Kremen et al., 2020).
The development of the educational sector is
determined by global social processes that are not
possible without the development of the
information society. Post-industrialism is
impossible without the development in all
spheres of the social life of a global system of
interrelationships: social, economic, spiritual,
and political. The result of such an approach in
various spheres of social organization was
integration processes, the creation of social
relations in the conditions of a holistic context,
where educational processes and phenomena
acquire a global character thanks to the
functioning of the application of a system of
unified social interaction. Management of
innovative processes is of primary importance in
the qualitative development of the educational
system. With this thinking, we consider the
research of innovative processes in the education
system to be the main thing, from the point of
view of the need for its modernization (Motuz &
Shvydun, 2021).
The purpose of the article. To investigate
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to continue its
Literature Review
Innovative activity, as a result of which
innovations are created and materialized,
requires optimization of innovative activity, its
transfer to a high-tech level. Modern innovative
technologies are the most important element and
result of human labor. Aimed at increasing the
efficiency and quality of professional activity,
the rational use of economic and social resources,
they are an effective tool in the hands of a
qualified manager that stimulates the continuous
development of the team, its teaching staff as a
whole and each employee in particular.
Scientific problems of innovative development
of the economy, management of innovative
potential, formation of effective innovation
mechanisms, innovative and investment
development of states and regions have become
the subject of fundamental research by various
D. Homenyuk (2013) developed methodical
recommendations, which highlighted the
peculiarities of educational innovations in the
content of education, educational and
educational technologies, forms and methods of
improving the educational process; the most
promising views of scientists on the current state
of education and the directions of development
of the educational field are shown.
G. Klimova, S. Ivanov, & L. Shevchenko (2015)
carried out a consistent analysis of the developed
innovative educational society and proposed
conditions for its development in the world. A
system of legislative support for the innovative
development of society has been built. The
content of social innovations and its impact on
these innovations, which are represented by
socio-cultural conditions and affect the process
of formation and development of an innovative
society, are shown.
The works of the following scientists played an
important role in the research of the chosen topic.
O. Prygara (2018) proposed a model of
innovative development of the educational
sector, which includes in its functioning driving
forces, motivations, sources, tools, methods,
organizational, managerial and financial
Drozich, I., Drobin, A., Skrypka, I., Mamchych, O., Mykhailenko, O., Kurach, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 45-56 / April, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mechanisms for generating innovations in the
educational sector.
L. Berezhna (2018) considered the approaches to
the constant self-improvement of a specialist, the
possibilities of improving professional activity,
and proposed new effective methods of work.
Attention is paid to the relevance and necessity
of the problem of improving the qualifications of
a young specialist, his professional growth,
creating a style of professional activity and a new
type of specialist.
V. Kremen, V. Lugovyi, & P. Saukh (2020)
substantiated the entire strategy of the
educational sector, showed the directions of
education development, its importance for the
economy of any country, and developed tasks for
the long-term perspective on the formation of
human potential.
T. Motuz, & V. Shvydun (2021) analyzed the
types of pedagogical technologies, showed the
main stages of implementation of the educational
process, and analyzed their advantages - the
adaptation stage, the mobile-research stage, and
the scientific-research stage.
Despite the significant number of scientific
works, the need for a comprehensive study of the
importance of forming a single educational
space, expanding the range of professional and
research tasks, and qualitatively new
requirements for the educational process due to
the use of information and communication
technologies in the educational environment is
To achieve the stated goal of the research at its
various stages, the following methods were used:
theoretical: a comprehensive retrospective and
prospective analysis of philosophical,
sociological, psychological-pedagogical and
scientific-methodological literature on the
researched problem with the aim of identifying
the current state, comparing different views on
the researched problem, defining the theoretical -
methodological principles of research,
conceptual provisions, categories; terminological
analysis of concepts to determine the thesaurus
of scientific research, specification of definitions
and essence of concepts; systematization of
retrospective data and prospects for the
development of an innovative approach in
education and the introduction of innovative
technologies for the development of professional
competence of future specialists into national
professional education; analysis of concepts,
theories and methods, study of directive,
regulatory and program-methodical documents
in the field of higher education; structural and
systemic analysis to determine the tasks,
functions and structure of education.
The research is based on the anthropology of the
philosophical and pedagogical personality as the
main provisions of the human essence, its
synthesis of the natural-social-cultural sphere,
ensuring individualistic formation as a value-
humanistic and multifactorial process focused on
personal qualities. This research approach
to show the personal regularities of the
formation of a person on the object of his
social interaction with society, as a social
orientation; achieve the unity of tactical
goals and strategic goals and, thus, achieve a
focus on the complex components of
professional competence, in particular, on
the application of innovative processes in
education in the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
enables the implementation in the
educational process of a qualitative
approach to the educational innovation
model of education formation and training of
competitive future specialists, to
substantiate the conditions necessary for the
implementation of innovative processes in
the education system from the point of view
of the need to continue its modernization and
the development of significant personality
qualities during the implementation of
provides an opportunity to enrich the content
of the educational process with innovative
processes in the education system, to
provide an opportunity for the formation of
social values of the individual from the point
of view of the need to continue its
modernization, satisfaction of needs,
development of motives for professional
activity, which contribute to the formation of
professional competence of future
specialists, ready and able to solve
professional tasks in the conditions of social
interaction. The identified landmarks made
it possible to create the conceptual
foundations of the research, which make it
possible to justify the methodology, theory,
and technology at the level of scientific
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The methodology of scientific research
contributes to the implementation of innovative
processes in the education system, the formation
of professional competence of future specialists
in professional training from the point of view of
the need to continue modernization, it carries out
the relationship and interaction of scientific
fundamental approaches to the study of the
problem: the competence approach in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization regarding the
acquisition of professionally oriented
knowledge, abilities and skills, forms the ability
and motivational readiness of a specialist for the
professional application of abilities, knowledge,
skills in practical situations of professional
activity, provides a person with high social
concrete productivity, empathic interaction; a
synergistic approach, in the process of
professional training, contributes to the
assimilation of a synergistic picture of the world
and allows future specialists to model external
influences with the relative instability of the
educational system; systematicity as a
methodology for the scientific search for high-
quality professional training of future specialists
determines system-forming elements, allows for
the establishment of a hierarchical structure and
suggests the sequence of implementation of all
elements, predicts levels of practical, cognitive
actions; integrative approach, provides for the
formation of professional competence based on
the mutual influence of innovative processes in
the education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization, makes it
possible to realize the interconnection,
interpenetration of the content of professional
educational disciplines for the formation of
students of education dialectically
interdependent, complex, holistic, from a
scientific point of view , systems of scientific
ideas about any phenomena of social life as an
integrated interaction of a person and an
educational society; the activity approach
provides a methodological basis for the
professional training of future specialists, makes
it possible to qualitatively organize the
educational process with the help of innovations
in the education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization, in which
all types of activities of future specialists
(educational, scientific-research, educational-
professional, extracurricular) are directed on the
formation of a person's readiness for innovative
professional activity; a personal approach, a
methodological basis that represents a set of
ideas, the purpose of which is to ensure a
complete, deep understanding of the personality
of the methods of applying innovative processes
in the education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization and to
highlight the regularities of the personal
development of a specialist, during which a
unique, unique person is formed; the axiological
approach is directed to the preservation and
moral renewal of the axiological component of
the system of innovative renewal of education
from the point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, the formation of professional
competence of future specialists, through the
study of facts and phenomena from the
standpoint of their value for professional
renewal; the sociocultural approach reflects the
qualitative state of society regarding the
provision of innovative processes in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization, which is
manifested as a person's mastery of norms, rules,
values, culture, which are included in the system
of social relations for the assimilation of social
experience, their independent reproduction; the
acmeological approach provides professional
motivation of future specialists, leads to the
stimulation of human creative potential, provides
an opportunity to identify and effectively use
personal resources for self-development and self-
Theoretical conceptuality defines the essence of
research concepts; carries out a theoretical
substantiation of the structural-functional model
of the application of innovative processes in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization, forms
competencies and conditions for determining the
effectiveness of personality education in higher
education. The structural and functional model of
the application of innovative processes in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization is based on
pedagogical principles (stimulation of student
socio-pedagogical initiatives, a humanistic
orientation, and problematic nature of the
educational field; subject-subject interaction in
the pedagogical process; modeling of
professional activity in the educational process).
The methodically oriented educational sector
contributes to the development of the system of
application of innovative technologies in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization, the formation
of phase competence of future specialists in the
process of professional training, which provides
high-quality technologies and conditions, with
the help of which the positive dynamics of the
specified process are achieved; diagnostics of the
results of the quality of education, provides an
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
opportunity to introduce innovative technologies
into the education system from the point of view
of the need to continue its modernization, is
connected with the transformation of applied
skills, acquired methodical knowledge into
professional activity (its implementation in the
process of forming social competence is
significant), is based on the mastery of
algorithms subject-subject interaction in
professional activity.
The methodological basis of the study is based on
the provisions of the theory of scientific
knowledge regarding the mutual influence and
interdependence of the phenomena of objective
reality, the unity of the general and the special,
the theory and practice of applying innovative
processes in the education system from the point
of view of the need to continue its modernization;
theories of systems; humanistic philosophy;
dialectical theory about the general connection,
interdependence and integrity of the phenomena
of objective reality; position of the philosophy of
human-centeredness in education;
interdisciplinary combination of modern
knowledge about education, regarding the
application of innovative processes in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization; use of a
complex of methodological approaches in
professional training of future specialists;
conceptual provisions regarding the systematic
formation of their professional competence when
applying innovative technologies from the point
of view of the need for continued modernization.
Within the scope of elucidating the essence of the
development methodology of the innovative
processes studied by the authors, the article
shows that innovative education builds the
educational process as a movement from social
and general cultural knowledge and skills of
one's profession (from profession to culture) to
technological ones, which gives it an
understanding of ways and methods of solving
professional tasks, and from them to
methodological ones, which allows you to
monitor the dynamics of changes in the quality
of your professional activity (from technology to
innovative thinking).
Determination of the general methodological
principles of innovative education, since the
methodology in the process of scientific research
makes it possible to systematize the entire
amount of scientific knowledge and create
conditions for further effective directions of
Results and Discussion
Higher education is important for the
modernization of the entire universe and is
connected with the need to improve the quality of
professional training of specialists, and from this
follows the need to change the status and role of
the teacher in the information society. Innovative
ways and methods of acquiring a profession
depend on the development of the educational
sector, and therefore society has determined the
necessary significant substantive and structural
transformations of the educational sector system.
The primary result is the formation of a renewed
innovative image of a modern specialist - who
includes mobility, professional versatility,
readiness to implement quality training,
independently acquire knowledge, improve
methods of action, offer innovative subject areas,
effectively mobilize all forces for mobility and
interaction with various participants of the
educational process.
The education sector nowadays requires an
active position from the teacher, constant
improvement, and involvement of innovative
approaches to the education sector.
Consider the role of a teacher working in the
traditional system. The main directions of such
educational activity are methodical and special
knowledge. With such an approach, it is enough
to possess pedagogical skills, to use pedagogical
techniques, this will allow the teacher to
implement the educational process at a
professional level and provide it with high
efficiency (Shunkov et al., 2022).
Let's consider the role of a teacher who is moving
into an innovative mode of work. With this
approach, readiness for innovation is decisive in
his work. Here, priority is given to knowledge:
theoretical (knowledge of innovative
psychological and pedagogical concepts);
methodological (knowledge of the basic
principles of studying the patterns of
socialization of the educational space, and
pedagogical phenomena);
technological (knowledge of traditional and
innovative educational technologies).
Let's reveal the main meanings in which the term
"innovation" is used:
the form in which the organization of
innovative activity takes place;
the application of a set of new professional
actions of a mobile teacher, aimed at solving
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
modern important problems of education
from the standpoint of a personally oriented
innovative changes in the practice of
a complex process aimed at the application
of expansion, use, and creation of new for
practical application of means of innovation
in the field of engineering, pedagogy,
technology, and scientific research;the final
result of the innovation process (Kotiash et
al., 2022).
According to I. Dychkivska (2012), the
phenomenon of innovative activity is the main,
multifaceted, complex content, which includes:
"the process of interaction of individuals, aimed
at the development, transformation of the object,
its transfer to a qualitatively new state;
systematic activity regarding the creation,
mastery, and application of new tools; a special
type of creative activity that combines various
operations and actions aimed at acquiring new
knowledge, technologies, systems". This creates
a characteristic feature of innovative activity in
the field of education.
"Innovation", in the educational interpretation,
should be referred to as a special form of
thinking, pedagogical activity, which is oriented
not only on innovation, but also on the
organization in the educational space, or as a
process of innovative development, creation,
dissemination, the introduction of new methods
in education.
We consider the innovative educational process
as a relationship of purposeful new actions,
consistent teaching methods that lead to the
renewal of the educational system, improve the
goal, update the content, organizational forms
and methods of the educational field, lead the
adaptation of the educational process, give
impetus to new socio-historical conditions
(Plakhotnik et al., 2022).
Innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to continue its
modernization and personal potential are
associated with the following main parameters:
the ability to creatively produce and generate
new knowledge, ideas, ideas and skillfully
model and project them in practical forms;
the openness of the individual when
applying innovative technological processes
in the education system from the point of
view of the need to continue its
modernization in a new way, different from
one's capabilities and ideas, which is based
on flexibility, panoramic thinking, human
cultural and aesthetic education of a person
and its development;
readiness of the specialist to improve his
activity; the presence of methods, and
internal means of a person that ensure such
developed innovative consciousness of the
individual when implementing innovative
processes in the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
modernization (motivation of innovative
behavior, the value of innovative activity
compared to traditional, innovative needs)
(Sherudylo, 2019).
As for the formation of an innovative person,
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, innovative human potential and
capital, in all countries this happens due to:
improving the quality of the educational process,
improving scientific research in education,
improving the level of qualifications of
specialists. Thus, under the auspices of
UNESCO, a study was conducted that showed
the great influence of education on the level of a
person's income and quality of life (60%).
Like every socio-economic sphere, the education
system is based on the following components:
1) first of all, this regulatory and legal support
is an institutional component that plans
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization;
2) management bodies in the field of education,
a network of educational institutions, and
other participants in educational activities
that ensure the functioning of the system by
introducing innovative processes into the
education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization;
3) tools and mechanisms for regulating
relations between all interested parties in the
implementation of innovative processes in
the education system from the point of view
of the need to continue its modernization
(Kravchenko et al., 2022).
Modern global science and education in the
context of innovative processes in the education
system, from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization, constant human
development, must respond to the following key
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
improving the quality of human capital
during innovative processes in the education
system from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization, increasing the
competence and professional potential in the
conditions of ultra-fast technological
creation of an educational and scientific
basis for the introduction of innovative
processes in the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, for large-scale technological
modernization of education, digital
transformation in the world, and increase of
labor productivity throughout the planet.
ensuring the social sustainability of
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization in the conditions
of accelerated changes in the economy and
social life and high uncertainty of the future
(Kuzminskyi et al., 2018).
The strategic goal of higher education when
applying innovative processes in the education
system from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization: graduates of higher
education institutions should be competitive
specialists in the modern labor market.
The main tasks of higher education:
provision of innovation mechanisms in the
education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization, ways
of increasing the competitiveness of higher
education institutions;
creation of consolidated regional
universities for the possibility of qualitative
implementation of innovative processes in
the education system from the point of view
of the need to continue its modernization,
and optimization of the network of higher
education institutions;
conducting annual monitoring of the
possibilities of implementing innovative
processes in the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, clarifying the needs for
specialists who work in areas that require
higher education;
ensuring a scientifically based difference in
decent pay for people with higher education
and people without higher education;
providing motivation and opportunities for
the professional personal development of
introduction of an innovative model of state
funding of higher education institutions into
the educational process as a necessary
component of their economic activity
(Kremen et al., 2020).
Since the traditional focus on classical classes
does not fully meet modern educational
requirements, the introduction of innovations
into the education system from the point of view
of the need to continue its modernization, in our
opinion, is impossible without the use of new
methods, forms of organization of the
educational process. The tendency to ignore the
application of an individual approach in the
educational process, the predominance of the
informative and instructive nature of the use of
innovative technologies in the education system
from the point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, led to the emergence of
contradictions in educational activity between
the practice and theory of extensive development
of education, and the demands of society for the
education system, which, in our opinion, proves
the need for the introduction and constant use of
educational and pedagogical innovations
(Biletska et al., 2021).
Another problem in the implementation of
innovations in the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
modernization is the presence of contradictions
that arise among teachers during their practical
activities. These are such contradictions as the
inconsistency of traditional forms, techniques,
and methods of the educational process of
education seekers with advanced technologies,
state requirements for a competitive graduate, for
example, the presence of a system of formed
professional competencies; reducing the duration
of the educational process, the pace of updating
information, the application of innovative
processes in the education system from the point
of view of the need to continue its modernization,
which leads to the problem of choosing the
optimal level of knowledge that is important and
sufficient for a modern person; unpreparedness
of the teacher for the introduction of innovations
in the education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization at the
appropriate level; the contradiction between the
need to update the educational process and the
inability of conservative colleagues, etc.
(Shvydun, 2020).
Scientists consider innovative technologies in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization mainly as
technologies of distribution, creation, use, and
introduction of new technologies. In particular,
the following types are distinguished:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
radical (in which the educational process or
most of it is completely restructured);
combined (the elements of a certain
technology are separated and combined into
a new innovative technology);
modifying (a technological modernization
that does not lead to any significant change)
(Hrynyova, 2016).
We believe that the management of innovative
processes in education should be carried out
according to the following positions:
determination of primary skills, knowledge,
and values with the help of a teacher to
spread innovative processes in the education
formation of teacher competence in the field
of information technologies, which
manifests itself both as a tool during the
learning process and as a component of
teaching in the educational process;
modernization of educational institutions by
introducing innovative processes into the
education system from the point of view of
the need to continue its modernization,
providing opportunities for professional
autonomy of teachers when making
decisions regarding the content of
innovative technologies and teaching
methods, organization of innovative
educational programs, etc.;
elimination of the problem of using outdated
technologies in the education system from
the point of view of the need for its
modernization, establishment of innovative
types of relations between teachers and their
partners in education;
improvement of material and moral
stimulation of teachers (Shchyrbul et al.,
Let's consider the peculiarities of foreign
experience in the introduction of innovative
processes into the education system from the
point of view of the need to continue its
modernization, the organization of the
professional activity of teachers, which carries
out the innovative activity of the teacher, in
particular, and the innovative development of the
education system, in general.
We will single out the main innovative tasks
formulated for teachers and the main innovative
processes in the education system from the point
of view of the need to continue its modernization
in the countries of Western Europe:
ensuring the continuous development of the
individual, including the innovativeness of
acquiring knowledge and skills;
awareness of a valuable individual and
identification of worldview positions that
will lead to the creation of a healthy human
building an active position of applying
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization, its growth to
participate in the affairs of not only the local
community but also the entire society;
ensuring effective innovative management
of the innovative environment and its
the ability to connect the educational
programs of the educational institution with
the needs of society;
the ability to give advice and train students
in the field of educational innovation from
the point of view of the need for its
modernization and to manage groups of
students, choosing and using different
pedagogical methods;
understand innovative scientific and
research educational methods (Pukhovska,
We emphasize the importance and necessity of
granting autonomy to educational institutions
(management, financial, pedagogical), which is
the main trend aimed at the development of
innovative processes in the education system
(Motuz & Shvydun, 2021).
Nowadays, the theory of "open" innovations is
relevant. Its content is necessary to stimulate
innovative activity in the educational sector.
Organizations with this approach should focus on
the external environment. In this sense, the issues
of application of innovative processes in the
education system, inclusion of education and
science in the system of "open" innovations, and
modernization of education in terms of
professional training of specialists
(entrepreneurship, business) from the point of
view of the need to continue modernization of the
open innovation search system are relevant
(Kuchai et al., 2021).
Open innovations in the field of education
provide an opportunity for the formation of a
mechanism for the organization and
implementation of scientific cooperation
between educational institutions and scientific
institutions, provide opportunities for the
implementation of joint research projects and
scientific programs, and support state support for
Volume 12 - Issue 64
/ April 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
innovative projects, consulting scientists on the
implementation of innovations, creating online
platforms support of innovative projects and
create working conditions for scientists in the
international space to implement joint projects
(Kuchai et al., 2022).
Innovative methods are used in the training
system of qualified specialists:
interactive forms of learning (business
games, discussions, role-playing games,
case methods, problem situations);
situational and problem-oriented approaches
to the field of education;
scientific research projects according to
needs, according to the order of the
employer, and active forms of cooperation
with employers;
creative work, stimulation of independent
and individual work;
effective dialogue in "student-teacher"
mobility of personnel training and retraining
depending on the development of the
working environment and the educational
services market;
information and communication
technologies (webinars, web conferences,
Internet forums, virtual teams);
a system of the educational process that
forms the ability to analyze information;
self-organization, self-learning, self-
academic mobility.
The implementation of such measures will bring
the educational and scientific system closer to
market principles, and overcome the
shortcomings that exist between education,
science, practical activities, and entrepreneurship
(Prygara, 2018).
In the field of higher education, we will present
the hierarchy of the structure of the innovation
activity structure (sequence of components:
motives, purpose, tasks, content, forms,
methods, results of innovative activities of
the higher education institution);
subject structure (coordinated work of
innovation development subjects: the
administration of a higher education
institution, scientists, a team of teachers and
students, employees of educational
authorities, etc.);
level structure (innovative educational
activity of subjects at the level of higher
education institutions, regional level, city
level, district level, international level);
content structure (genesis, assimilation,
development of innovations in the
educational process;
the structure of the life cycle of a
pedagogical innovation (stages of
emergence, maturity, growth, diffusion,
mastering, routinization, saturation,
modernization, crises);
management structure (organization,
planning, control, management).
organizational structure (prognostic,
diagnostic, organizational, generalizing,
practical, implementing components.
The mentioned structures are interrelated,
therefore we claim that in the field of higher
education, the innovation process is a complete
During the transition of a higher education
institution to the mode of innovative
development, the realization of certain
intermediate goals is foreseen:
1) the need to implement a single space of a
higher education institution (scientific,
cultural, educational);
2) in the preparation for bachelor's and
master's degrees, it is mandatory to create
an innovative competence-contextual
3) involving the staff of the higher education
institution in the innovation process;
4) modernization of educational activities;
5) application of business relations with
educational institutions, state authorities,
scientists, public organizations, and
6) implementation of coordination programs
for innovative development with partners of
higher education institutions;
7) expansion of educational programs within
the framework of international cooperation.
The innovative development of higher education
is based on a theoretical and methodological
basis, while the components are:
competence approach;
culture-centric paradigm;
contextual learning (psychological-
pedagogical theory).
Therefore, innovative development of higher
education institutions, and innovative processes
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
in the education system from the point of view of
the need for modernization do not occur
spontaneously. Favorable factors are necessary
for their implementation (for example the
formation of an innovative climate in higher
education institutions) (Klimova et al., 2015).
In the modern world, the system and content of
innovative education are developing in the
context of innovative processes in the education
system from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization, among which the
most notable are:
continuity and mass education;
the importance of the educational
environment for society and the individual;
orientation to methods of cognitive activity
of the individual;
adaptation to the needs of the individual, and
his requests;
focus on the democratization of education,
innovation, personality, self-disclosure, and
Therefore, human development is the main
function of education, particularly its culture.
Education provides ample opportunities for
obtaining innovative conditions for human
development and preparing him for an active life:
knowledge about society, nature, man, and
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need to
continue its modernization;
formation of a scientific picture of the world
as an orientation in the choice of future
professional activity;
mental, emotional, communicative,
physical, labor activities for the formation of
basic labor, intellectual, organizational
abilities, and skills necessary in social
experience in creative activity for the
development of individual abilities of a
Methods of innovative activity - special
procedures and operations of empirical
knowledge of the results of pedagogical practice
(method of scientific understanding, methods of
research, method of formalization, method of
modeling, method of approval, method of
analysis, method of diagnosis, method of
forecasting, etc.) (Homenyuk, 2013).
In the 21st century, the professional activity of a
teacher requires a special approach to innovative
pedagogical activity, the application of
innovative processes in the education system
from the point of view of the need for its
modernization. This activity is aimed at creating
values necessary for the formation of a
personality. A modern specialist must be ready
for the opportunity to go beyond ordinary
situations, for changes, and to improve
pedagogical skills. These positions contribute to
the development of professional growth of the
individual, direct innovative processes in the
education system from the point of view of the
need to continue its modernization (Berezhna,
Innovative processes in the education system
were studied from the point of view of the need
to continue its modernization.
The meaning of the concept of "innovation" is
revealed. A characteristic feature of innovative
activity in the pedagogical sphere is singled out.
The main parameters affecting the innovative
potential of the individual are highlighted. The
main components on which the education system
is based, as well as every socio-economic sphere,
are shown.
The strategic goal of higher education is
interpreted. The positions to which the
management of innovative processes in
education should be directed in the future have
been declared. The main tasks formulated for
teachers of Western European countries are
prescribed. The key characteristics of learning
technologies are listed. Interactive learning
technology and the theory of open innovation are
We see the prospects for further research in the
identification of the components of innovative
development of higher education, which is based
on a theoretical and methodological foundation.
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