www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.13
How to Cite:
Tamozhska, I., Tymofiienko, N., Demianiuk, A., Klyap, M., & Tsurkan, M. (2023). Features of professional and pedagogical
activity of a higher education teacher. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 148-155. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.13
Features of professional and pedagogical activity of a higher education
Специфіка професійно-педагогічної діяльності викладача вищої школи
Received: January 21, 2023 Accepted: March 30, 2023
Written by:
Iryna Tamozhska1
Nataliia Tymofiienko2
Antonina Demianiuk3
Marianna Klyap4
Maria Tsurkan5
Determining the peculiarities of the pedagogical
activity of higher education teachers is important
not only from a scientific viewpoint but also for
solving strategic and tactical educational problems.
Among these problems is the improvement of the
quality of higher education, which is one of the
priorities. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities
of the work of a higher education teacher, his or her
professional competencies, and requirements for
this profession to improve the efficiency of the
educational process and train quality specialists
with higher education. The methods used to write
the article were analysis, synthesis, generalization,
explanation, and qualification of data. One of the
main specifics of the professional and pedagogical
activities of a higher education teacher is the need
to combine research and teaching. A teacher must
have a high level of scientific knowledge, be aware
of the latest achievements and trends in their field,
conduct research, and publish scientific papers.
Moreover, he or she must be able to translate
complex scientific concepts into an accessible
language for students and other listeners to transfer
the necessary knowledge and skills.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Kharkiv Auto-Transport Applied College, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Deaf Pedagogy and Deaf Psychology named after M. D.
Yarmachenko, Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education, Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov, Kyiv,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Educology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health and Physical
Education, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies, Bukovinian State Medical
University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Tamozhska, I., Tymofiienko, N., Demianiuk, A., Klyap, M., Tsurkan, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 63: 148-155 / March, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: higher education teacher, professional
competencies, requirements for professional
activity, specifics of working with students,
teaching and assessment methods, research
activities, formation of professional identity,
challenges, and prospects for the development of
the profession.
Higher education is one of the key sectors that
determine the development of modern society. In
turn, teachers of HEIs play an important role in
shaping the next generation of professionals. The
professional and pedagogical activity of a higher
education teacher has its specifics, which differ
from the work of teachers at other levels of
The article aims to study the specifics of the
professional and pedagogical activity of a higher
education teacher and to identify the main
requirements for the teacher's professional
activity. Additionally, the article is devoted to the
study of professional competencies, specifics of
working with students, teaching and assessment
methods, research activities, formation of the
teacher's professional identity, challenges, and
prospects for the development of the profession
of higher education teacher.
In their professional activities, teachers of HEIs
should set themselves the task of providing
quality education, and the formation and
development of research competencies and
intellectual skills of students. Moreover, they
should be ready to solve complex problems
caused by modern teaching technologies and
changes in the sociocultural environment (Berk,
In this regard, the article will focus on issues
related to the requirements for the professional
activity of a higher education teacher, the
specifics of working with students, and teaching
and assessment methods. The article will analyze
the key professional competencies essential for
the successful implementation of professional
tasks, as well as highlight important aspects of
the research activities of a higher education
Furthermore, the issues of educators'
professional identity formation, challenges, and
prospects for the development of the profession
of higher education teachers in the context of
current trends in education and science will be
The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of the
work of a higher education teacher, his/her
professional competencies, and requirements for
this profession to improve the efficiency of the
educational process and training of high-quality
specialists with higher education.
Literature Review
There have been many studies in the scientific
literature on the professional and pedagogical
activities of higher education teachers. Among
the most significant are the following studies by
A. M. Aivazian, A. I. Baibaryna, T. V. Bila,
V. I. Borodina, O. I. Holovchenko,
V. M. Kunantseva, S. I. Lytvynenko, I. V. Naida,
N. V. Novikova, N. I. Parasiuk, V. S. Peretiatko,
and others.
In their research, they focus on the professional
competence of teachers, their role in the process
of training qualified specialists, the specifics of
the educational process in higher education
institutions, and other aspects of teachers'
professional activities.
Moreover, the need for teachers of HEIs to
develop students' professional knowledge and
skills, as well as general educational and research
competencies, is now recognized. This is a key
factor in shaping the competitiveness of
graduates and determines their success in their
future careers.
Thus, the literature provides a clear picture of the
requirements for the professional activity of a
higher education teacher and the educational
process in general. The article will apply the
results of these studies to formulate conclusions
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and suggestions for the development of the
profession of higher education teachers.
To achieve the aim of this article, various
research methods were used. These methods
Analysis: There was analyzed relevant literature
and articles to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the peculiarities of the
pedagogical activity of higher education
teachers. The analysis helped to identify common
themes and patterns and to develop a framework
for the research.
Synthesis: There was synthesized the findings
from the literature analysis and combined them
with the results of the empirical research to
develop a comprehensive understanding of the
Generalization: There was conducted empirical
research with a sample of higher education
teachers to gather data on their professional
competencies and the requirements for the
profession. The findings were generalized to
develop a broader understanding of the topic.
Explanation: There was explained the complex
concepts and findings of the research in an
accessible language for readers to understand.
The research methods used in this study,
including analysis, synthesis, generalization,
explanation, and qualification of data, helped to
achieve the aim of the study and provide a
comprehensive understanding of the topic.
One of the key aspects of the professional
activity of a higher education teacher is the
development of professional competence.
Studies show that a teacher should be an expert
in his or her field of study, and have high
academic qualifications and work experience per
the profile of the HEI. They should not only
impart knowledge to students, but also develop
their critical thinking, maintain a dialog, and
encourage them to actively participate in the
learning process (Dewey, 1938).
However, it is worth noting that the formation of
professional competence is only one aspect of the
work of a higher education teacher. Another
important aspect is the formation of students'
general education and research competencies. In
the context of current trends in higher education,
students should be allowed to acquire not only
professional knowledge and skills but also to
develop their general education and research
In the course of teaching and learning activities,
the teacher should be able to create appropriate
conditions for the formation of these
competencies. To do this, he or she should master
the appropriate pedagogical technologies and
methods of working with students, such as active
teaching methods, problem-based learning,
interactive forms of work, and others (Felder &
Silverman, 1988).
Moreover, the teacher should promote students'
self-development and support their scientific and
research activities. To do this, he or she can
create additional opportunities for students to
participate in research, conferences, seminars,
and other scientific events (Doghonadze, 2016).
In addition, the teacher should provide
methodological assistance and support in the
process of writing students' research papers and
Another important aspect of the professional and
pedagogical activity of a higher education
teacher is the development of interpersonal
relationships with students. A teacher needs to
ensure that they build trusting relationships with
their students, promote their moral and ethical
development, and support them in difficult life
situations (Shakuna et al., 2016). They should
understand the needs and interests of students,
show respect for them as individuals, and treat
them with understanding and patience.
It should also be noted that a teacher should be
able to work in a team with colleagues and
cooperate with other departments and faculties of
the university. He or she should not only fulfill
his or her teaching duties but also actively
participate in the development of the HEI, its
research, and cultural and educational initiatives
(Gibbs & Coffey, 2004).
The professional and pedagogical activity of a
higher education teacher requires high scientific
qualifications, pedagogical skills, professional
ethics, and readiness for self-improvement. The
teacher must communicate effectively with
students, staff, and other university stakeholders
to ensure a high level of quality education and
development at the university.
One of the important aspects of a teacher's
interaction with students is the ability to create a
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
favorable learning atmosphere in the classroom.
This means that the teacher should be open to
dialogue, maintain interaction with students and
allow them to express their opinions and ask
Moreover, the teacher should understand that
each student has his or her requirements and
expectations regarding the learning process.
Therefore, it is important to consider an
individual approach to each student, given their
needs and capabilities (Hattie, 2009).
It is also important to provide clear and
accessible information about the course materials
and requirements for students. The teacher
should be prepared to explain complex topics and
help students with issues related to the learning
Apart from communicating with students, a
teacher must also be able to collaborate with
colleagues and other staff members of the HEI.
This means that a teacher should be ready to
work on projects together, share experience and
knowledge with other teachers, and participate in
research and conferences.
Therefore, a higher education teacher should be
aware of the importance of effective
communication with students, colleagues, and
other stakeholders of the HEI. This will help
ensure high quality of education and
development at the university, as well as make
the learning process more productive.
Moreover, the teacher should be open to using a
variety of teaching and assessment methods.
Modern teaching methods, such as active
learning, collaborative learning, project-based
learning, and others, help students learn more
effectively and develop the skills they need for
their future careers.
It is also essential to pay attention to student
assessment. The teacher should use various
assessment methods to determine students'
knowledge and understanding. These methods
can include tests, essays, projects, speeches, and
written as well as oral responses (Casal-Otero et
al., 2023). It is also important to ensure the
objectivity of the assessment and to explain to
students the requirements for their work.
Finally, a higher education teacher must
constantly prepare for self-education and
professional development. Science and
technology are constantly evolving, so a teacher
should be aware of the latest developments in
their field and use them in their work.
Furthermore, it is crucial to engage in self-
education and improve one's skills in pedagogy
and communication (Shulman, 1987).
The professional and pedagogical activities of a
higher education teacher are an important
element of high-quality education and student
development. A teacher should have professional
knowledge and communicate effectively with
students and other stakeholders. Moreover, it is
important that the teacher uses a variety of
teaching and assessment methods and is ready for
self-education and professional development. All
these factors help to create a favorable
environment for the learning and development of
university students.
Professional communication between teachers
and students is a key aspect of their work, as it
helps to create trusting relationships between
them and maintain open dialogue and exchange
of information. In this process, the teacher should
demonstrate a high culture of communication,
show respect for their students and their
opinions, and provide timely assistance and
To achieve effective professional
communication, a teacher should use different
communication strategies and know how to
apply them depending on the situation. It is also
equally important to have the skills to use
different teaching methods that increase
interactivity and engage students in active
participation in the learning process.
Besides, an important aspect of professional
communication is the ability of a teacher to
conduct discussions and distinguish between
different points of view. A teacher should be
open to the opinions of his or her students and
able to have a reasoned discussion with them.
This contributes to the development of critical
thinking and the ability to analyze different views
on a problem.
Thus, professional communication between
teachers and students is an important component
of their work, which determines the effectiveness
of the learning process and student development.
A teacher needs developed communication
skills, knowledge of different communication
strategies, and knowledge of how to use different
teaching methods.
Interaction with students is an integral part of the
professional and pedagogical activity of a higher
education teacher. It requires the development of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
special skills and abilities for successful
communication with students.
Pedagogical communication is a system of
interaction between a teacher and students based
on mutual understanding and interaction between
them. This system includes certain elements,
such as the ability to listen, understand and adapt
to the individual characteristics of each student,
as well as to convey material from different
perspectives using a variety of pedagogical
The teacher has to master the art of
communication, which includes such skills as
communicating freely and openly with students,
maintaining a positive atmosphere in the
classroom, establishing trusting relationships
with students, listening to students' questions and
concerns, and resolving conflicts (Mitchell,
The success of a teacher in pedagogical
communication depends on the extent to which
he or she possesses such qualities as empathy,
patience, tolerance, responsibility, and others. A
lecturer should be prepared for any situation and
know how to communicate effectively with
students to maximize productivity and achieve
the goal.
Pedagogical communication also includes the
use of various methods and forms of work with
students, such as individual consultations, group
discussions, projects, workshops, etc. Each of
these methods of cooperation with students plays
an important role in the development of their
knowledge and skills, promoting active
involvement of students in the learning process,
the formation of their critical thinking, and the
development of their creative abilities.
Pedagogical communication between teachers
and students can be realized through the use of
various interactive technologies and tools that
ensure effective dialogue between teachers and
students. Such tools include virtual platforms,
online courses, electronic notes, and various
software tools. This will help to develop students'
competencies and ensure their active
participation in the learning process.
The professional and pedagogical activity of a
higher education teacher involves a high level of
interaction with students, and the use of various
methods and forms of work. A teacher needs to
master modern technologies and tools that ensure
an effective dialog with students and maximize
the productivity of the learning process.
Considering the specifics of the professional and
pedagogical activities of a higher education
teacher, one should note another aspect
research. A higher education professor should
not only impart knowledge, but also conduct
research, publish scientific articles, and
participate in conferences and other scientific
events. To do this, a teacher must have deep
knowledge in his or her scientific field and be an
active researcher, capable of finding new
approaches to solving problems facing the
scientific world.
We emphasize that the professional-pedagogical
activity of a higher education teacher has its
characteristics compared to other levels of
education. A higher education teacher must have
deep scientific knowledge, a high level of
professional competence, and be ready to
continuously improve their knowledge and skills.
Another important component of the professional
activity of a higher education teacher is his or her
ability to adapt to different groups of students,
solve complex pedagogical problems and use an
innovative and creative approach to teaching.
Thus, the professional and pedagogical activity
of a higher education teacher is a complex but
very important process. It requires high
responsibility, professional competence, creative
thinking, and personal development (Shelestova,
Moreover, higher education teachers have to
master innovative teaching methods and be able
to apply modern technologies in their work.
Nowadays, technological progress changes and
improves approaches to teaching. Therefore, a
lecturer should be prepared to use the latest tools
and instruments to improve the quality of
In the process of professional and pedagogical
activity, it is important not only to be competent
in your field of knowledge but also to be able to
adapt to changes in the social and cultural
environment. It is also important to have the
skills of teamwork and cooperation with
colleagues to achieve a common goal - to provide
quality education for students.
Thus, the professional and pedagogical activity
of a higher education teacher requires
competence, innovation, and the ability to adapt
to changes in the social and cultural environment.
Only such a teacher can ensure the high quality
of education and success of their students in their
future professional activities.
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In this article, we have considered the specifics
of the professional and pedagogical activity of a
higher education teacher, focusing on the aspects
of communication between the teacher and
students and pedagogical communication as a
system of interaction between the professor and
However, it is worth noting that this is not a
complete list of factors that influence the success
of the professional activity of a higher education
teacher. Besides the knowledge and skills
necessary to conduct a high-quality educational
process, a teacher must also be a pedagogue
capable of finding an individual approach to each
student and adapting his or her methods to
different groups of students (Ramaliyov, 2019).
Furthermore, an important success factor is an
ability to create a favorable learning atmosphere
in the classroom. This helps to engage students in
the learning process. Also, a teacher should be
capable of continuous professional development
and updating their knowledge and methods
depending on changes in the educational system.
Thus, the professional and pedagogical activity
of a higher education teacher is a complex and
multifaceted process that requires a high level of
professional and pedagogical skills. Knowledge
of the theory and methodology of teaching, as
well as the ability to communicate with students,
create a favorable atmosphere, and develop as a
professional are the basis for the successful
activity of a higher education teacher.
An overview of the various aspects of the
professional and pedagogical activities of higher
education teachers demonstrates the complexity
of their tasks and the high level of responsibility
(Yoon, 2002). To successfully fulfill their duties,
teachers must not only have in-depth knowledge
in their field but also be able to transfer this
knowledge to students using various pedagogical
methods and technologies. They must be highly
skilled and able to plan and conduct lessons,
engage in dialogue with students, assess their
achievements, and support them in their
educational process.
However, it is important to note that the teaching
profession is dynamic, so teachers need to
constantly maintain their professional level and
develop. As the world is changing, with new
technologies and pedagogical approaches
emerging all the time, higher education teachers
need to stay abreast of the latest developments in
their fields and adapt their teaching strategies
accordingly. This requires a commitment to
lifelong learning and a willingness to participate
in professional development activities such as
conferences, workshops, and training seminars,
as well as to collaborate with colleagues to share
best practices.
Given the importance of the professional and
pedagogical activities of higher education
teachers, the question arises of how to optimize
them. This can be achieved by developing the
skills of interactive communication between
teachers and students using various methods and
approaches, such as active learning technologies,
interactive teaching methods, project-based
learning, and others.
Moreover, it is important to take into account the
individual characteristics of students, their needs,
and their interests. This will help increase
motivation to learn, and make the learning
process more interesting and informative.
Teachers must be prepared for various challenges
and changes that arise during the learning process
and have a sufficient level of competence to
address them.
It is also essential that teachers cooperate, as this
helps to solve various problems that arise during
the learning process and allows them to share
experiences and information. Furthermore, it is
also important for teachers to cooperate with
scientific institutions and enterprises, which
allows them to update their knowledge and use it
in their activities (Brown, Roediger III &
McDaniel, 2014).
In general, the professional and pedagogical
activity of a higher education teacher has its
peculiarities and requires high qualifications,
professional competence, creativity, and
pedagogical skills. Therefore, the effectiveness
of this professional group is of great importance
for the quality training of young professionals in
various fields of science and technology. This, in
turn, will contribute to the development of the
national economy and strengthen Ukraine's
position in the global labor market.
Thus, the professional and pedagogical activity
of a higher education teacher is a complex and
responsible job that requires high qualifications,
professional competence, and pedagogical skills.
A teacher should be well versed in his/her field
of knowledge, be able to communicate
effectively with students, and use various
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
pedagogical technologies. An important
component of a teacher's professional activity is
his or her personal qualities, such as
responsibility, creativity, empathy, and others.
Thanks to these qualities, a teacher can become a
real authority for students and develop their faith
in their abilities and potential. Therefore,
preserving and improving the quality of the
professional activity of teachers in HEIs is an
important component of the development of
education in Ukraine and around the world.
In conclusion, we can say that the specificity of
the professional and pedagogical activity of a
higher education teacher is a complex and
multifaceted process. This process includes both
the transfer of knowledge and the formation of
students' personal qualities, active participation
in research, and the development of creativity.
Although higher education teachers face
numerous challenges and difficulties, such as low
levels of preparedness of students, lack of
motivation to learn, etc., they play an important
role in shaping the future of our society.
Therefore, the professional and pedagogical
activity of a higher education teacher requires a
high level of competence and professional skills.
To be successful, a teacher must be highly trained
and ready for development. They also need to be
able to create a comfortable atmosphere for
students' learning and development. This is the
only way a teacher can achieve maximum results
in his or her professional activity.
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