Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.63.03.7
How to Cite:
Koval, V., Kushnir, A., Vorona, V., Balakirieva, V., Moiseienko, N., & Golubenko, N. (2023). Formation of future specialists
research competence in the process of professional training. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 77-86.
Formation of future specialists research competence in the process of
professional training
Формування дослідницької компетентності майбутніх фахівців у процесі
професійної підготовки
Received: March 5, 2023 Accepted: April 28, 2023
Written by:
Valentyna Koval1
Antonina Kushnir2
Vita Vorona3
Viktoriia Balakirieva4
Natalia Moiseienko5
Natalya Golubenko6
The problem of forming the research competence of
future specialists is presented as a factor of
readiness for effective training in the process of
professional training. The definitions of the
concepts "competence" and "research competence"
are given, the difference between these concepts is
shown, and similar points are treated. The
possibilities for the formation of research
competence in the process of research activity are
shown. The key concepts that show the important
conditions in the educational institution for the
organization of the research activity of the students
of education are highlighted (independence, search,
initiative, experiment, practical action, a situation
of uncertainty, cooperation, the presence of
different points of view, contradictions). Tasks are
set and ways to solve them are shown in the process
of organizing research activities. Pedagogical
conditions are proposed, they are scientifically
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language with Teaching Methods,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Professional Education and Management,
Educational Institutions of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky, Ukraine.
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after
A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education, South
Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine.
Candidate of Science in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English Grammar, Odesa I. I. Mechnokov National
University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of German Philology, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National
University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
substantiated, and they are laid as a basis for the
methodology of the formation of research
competence of education seekers in the educational
process. The methodology is represented by the
introduction of experimental technology of
continuous pedagogical influence of teachers on the
development of educational and research activities
of students. Pedagogical approaches are singled
out, as possible ways for the effective formation of
the research competence of future specialists.
Keywords: research competence, future
specialists, implementation of effective training,
professional training, project technology.
The need for mobility in our time requires high-
quality professional training of competitive
specialists, with formed research competence,
capable of productive cooperation. With such an
approach, the research activity of competitive
specialists is aimed at educating a creative and
responsible specialist who is aware of the need to
acquire professionalism and is a true citizen who
understands the importance of moral aspects of
professional activity.
The scientific research activity of forming the
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness for effective training in the process of
professional training of future specialists allows
students to become an object of scientific
reflection, analyze social phenomena, integrate
knowledge when studying educational
disciplines in a complex manner, applying
different cycles in the development of individual
education strategies, approach systematically the
rethinking and creative application of the
accumulated social experience through its
practical application, improve research skills and
activate the process of acquiring the
competencies of future specialists. Here the
teacher plays a special role, he is not a translator
of scientific information, but a specialist who
ensures the self-realization of the student
professionally (Barabash et al., 2021).
By training competitive and highly qualified
specialists, a necessary task of higher education
institutions is the formation of specialist research
competence. This will provide future employees
with the opportunity and readiness for self-
development and constant self-realization of the
individual, to acquire the ability to make non-
standard decisions in given situations, to be
included in innovative processes, and to organize
creative training, taking into account scientific
and educational innovations (Levchenko, 2020).
Research competence is considered as integrated
the personal and professional quality of a
specialist, which reflects the motivation for
scientific research, the level of mastery of the
methodology of pedagogical research, personally
significant qualities of the researcher, in
particular, such as innovative thinking, the ability
to be creative and innovative.
Scientific and research work is a component of
professional and pedagogical work activity of a
teacher of a higher educational institution and
promotes integration of learning and science in
the educational process of a higher school.
Its successful implementation ensures a modern
level of the content and methods of teaching
academic disciplines, the introduction of
teachers' developments into the educational
process as a necessary condition for the training
of competitive specialists; broad involvement of
gifted youth in research work, project
development, conducting scientific experiments.
The article shows the possibilities provided by
research competence, revealing research activity
and the level of development of thinking
processes. The elements of research competence,
including the student's ability to act, are
Koval, V., Kushnir, A., Vorona, V., Balakirieva, V., Moiseienko, N., & Golubenko, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 63: 77-86 /
March, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
When organizing research activities, the article
proposes the main tasks that must be solved. The
components of research activity that affect the
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness for effective
training in the process of professional training are
revealed. Approaches that will contribute to the
effective formation of research competence of
future specialists as a factor of readiness for
effective training are substantiated.
Project activity is successfully used during
students' application of scientific research
methods. Modeling scientific research, the article
shows the effectiveness of acquired knowledge
during project work. The main components of
students' research activities are highlighted.
Literature Review
K. Vasylenko (2019) analyzed the main
structural components of the research
competence of the future teacher.
V. Matsyuk (2022) wrote out the means of
formation of research competence of gymnasium
V. Barabash, L. Hlebova, & A. Meheda (2021)
devoted their research to the justification and
disclosure of the meaning of the concept of
"research activity" and proved the need for the
formation of professional competence among
students of higher education.
L. Sushchenko (2022) substantiated the necessity
and demonstrated the effectiveness of the
implementation of didactic principles of the
formation of research competence of education
seekers in education.
A. Proskurin, & V. Stadnichenko (2023) showed
the significance and revealed the content of
scientific-research competence as the basis of
readiness to carry out a clear selection of future
coaches in sports.
O. Grechanyk, & O. Hryhorash (2021) proved
the significance, and necessity and showed the
possibility of involving managers-practitioners
in the disclosure and justification of the content
of scientific research work, which is necessary
today, meets the modern needs of education,
leads to creativity.
D. Zavhorodniy (2021) developed a model for
the formation of research competence of future
specialists and substantiated its effectiveness,
showed the features of the model, which is based
on competence, system, activity, synergistic,
project, personal development approaches,
analyzed and showed the importance of general
didactic and specific principles on which the
model is based.
V. Fedorchuk (2022) identified the main
indicators of the formation of research
competence of future specialists in professional
N. Solodyuk (2018) giving his definition of
"research competence", developed and analyzed
the content of the concept, highlighted and
showed the effectiveness of the features of the
approach to the disclosure of the definitions of
"competence" and "competence".
S. Belkina (2016) analyzed the model of the
formation of the research competence of
students, developed indicators of the readiness of
specialists during the educational process for
quality professional training.
O. Martynenko (2014) the content is revealed,
the essence of research competence is shown,
criteria, indicators, levels are developed, and
various approaches are indicated, which are
necessary for the formation of the professional
competence of a future specialist.
I. Levchenko (2020) attributed research
competence to universal, main, general, systemic
competencies, substantiated research
competence as one of the most essential
components (can contribute to the formation of
important abilities for a person and are not
significantly tied to any specific subject area) of
professional and pedagogical competence.
The purpose of the study: formation of research
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness for effective training in the process of
professional training.
To implement the research goal, a set of
interrelated methods was used, in particular,
theoretical: analysis of scientific literature,
synthesis, systematization of philosophical,
psychological-pedagogical, educational-
methodical literature to substantiate the
theoretical foundations of training future
specialists, comparison, generalization of
practical experience of research competence
formation; terminological analysis to determine
the essence and content of the key definitions of
the study; structural-logical analysis to outline
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the content-procedural foundations of the
formation of research competence of future
specialists in the process of professional training,
induction, deduction to determine and justify the
organizational and pedagogical conditions for the
training of future specialists; empirical:
observational (self-observation, observation,
reflection) to find out motives, values, needs,
level of knowledge, identify and eliminate
The leading idea of the research is carried out by
increasing the level of readiness of future
specialists and forming their research
competence as a factor of readiness to carry out
effective training in the process of professional
training and professional activity based on the
development and implementation of
organizational and pedagogical system
innovations in the educational process of higher
education institutions, taking into account the
developed educational and methodological
support, key scientific approaches, specific and
general didactic principles of education.
The formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness for effective
training in the process of professional training is
based on methodological, theoretical, and
practical concepts.
The methodological concept reflects the
relationship of fundamental scientific
a systematic approach allows for the
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness to carry
out effective training in the process of
professional training from the standpoint of
mutual influence, integrity, the
interdependence of structural components
(content-organizational, whole-
methodological, result-criterial), which
make it possible to ensure the dynamics of
positive preparation for professional
the axiological approach subordinates the
content of the formation of the research
competence of future specialists as a factor
of readiness to carry out effective training in
the process of professional training to the
formation of their professional and value
orientations, which in turn create the
necessary conditions for professional
development and comprehensive fulfillment
of the tasks of the educational sector;
a person-oriented approach directs the
orientation and organization of the
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness to carry
out effective training in the process of
professional training for the development
and disclosure of the individual
characteristics of the applicants, their
important professional qualities, cognitive
the competence approach directs the
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness to carry
out effective training in the process of
professional training, directs professional
competence to the improvement of
professional knowledge and skills, develops
professional and personal qualities taking
into account integration processes;
an integrative approach directs the formation
of research competence of future specialists
as a factor of readiness to carry out effective
training in the process of professional
training to ensure holistic training of future
specialists (mastery of tools, types of joint
activities, integration of the content of
disciplines in the profession, which will
collectively ensure the formation of research
competence of future specialists);
a synergistic approach contributes to the
improvement of the professional training of
future specialists and the formation of their
research competence, taking into account the
main factors (self-development, self-
organization, self-realization, openness,
self-governance, management, non-linearity
of thinking);
the activity approach directs the formation of
the research competence of future specialists
as a factor of readiness to carry out effective
training in the process of professional
training for differentiation and contributes to
the separation of the educational and
cognitive functions of the students of
education, ensures the use of innovations in
professional training.
The theoretical concept provides a system of
conceptual provisions for the formation of the
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness for effective training in the
process of professional training, making it
possible to identify the leading legislative and
normative principles, ideas, theories, definitions
laid down as the basis of key concepts, provides
a generalization and synthesis, a description of
the researched phenomena, their analysis,
substantiation and development of a system for
the formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness for effective
training in the process of professional training,
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which is based on specific and general
pedagogical principles of the educational
The practical concept makes it possible to
integrate theory with practice. Based on the
selected methodology for the formation of
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness to carry out effective training
in the process of professional training and the
proposed provisions, the practical concept made
it possible to update and integrate technologies,
content, methods, forms of the educational
process. This component shows the verification
of the effectiveness of the formation of research
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness to carry out effective training in the
process of professional training, shows the
results of theoretically grounded scientific
provisions, isolated progressive conditions, and
educational and methodological support.
Results and Discussion
First of all, we will consider the meaning of the
definition of some concepts of research:
"competence" and "research competence", which
have different interpretations. In UNESCO
publications, the concept of "competence" is
presented as a systematic combination of values,
attitudes, knowledge, and skills that we
encounter every day. In the Sectoral Standards of
Higher Education, the competency approach
"includes knowledge and understanding,
knowing how to act, knowing how to be. A
subject area in which an individual is well-versed
and in which he shows readiness to perform
activities" (Gulo et al., 2013).
I. Bech (2012) suggests that knowledge and skills
are inappropriate for equating educational abilities
with corresponding competencies. All educational
achievements should be transformed into life
skills. He interprets the essence of the concept of
"competence" as the subject's experience in a
certain sphere of life. He notes that "it is the
substantive emphasis that is placed on experience,
and not on awareness, awareness of the subject in
a certain field and should be taken on conceptual
Research competence assumes easy
compatibility, provides an opportunity to enter
into contacts, cooperate, forms readiness for self-
determination, for changes. This is an integrative
characteristic for an individual, which aims to
master knowledge from the point of view of
methodology, master the technology of research
activities, as well as master values and readiness
for use in professional activities. O. Bida (2017)
considers research competence "key, the basis
for the development of other competencies, as it
helps a person to learn throughout his life, to
become competitive, successful in later life".
The essence of research competence can be seen
in the manifestation of personal traits by students
of education, which are in the ability and
readiness to systematically acquire new
knowledge independently, while the basis is a
previously acquired set of skills, knowledge, and
skills in ways of working.
Let's list the opportunities provided by research
competence, revealing research activity and the
level of development of thought processes:
to recognize and highlight the problems of
the formation of research competence of
future specialists as a factor of readiness to
carry out effective training in the process of
professional training and to make
assumptions about ways to solve problems,
the ability to correctly set a problem, to
identify its necessary conditions in it;
be able to make assumptions about the
possible causes and consequences of the
phenomena of the material and ideal world,
put forward hypotheses for the formation of
research competence of future specialists,
and substantiate them;
simultaneously hold several meanings of
complex phenomena of formation of
research competence, texts, events,
statements, etc.
Due to the fact that research competence is
manifested in the ability to act, its elements
include the ability of the student to:
clearly set a goal and set goals (personal
activity goals);
allocate means of activity, allocate the role
of the subject, implement the goal (intended
analyze performance results, conduct
constant quality monitoring, and compare
set goals with achieved results (reflection)
(Verbytsky, 2012).
In the process of research activity, research
competence can be formed. Therefore, we will
highlight the key concepts that will make it
possible to find out and propose the main
conditions for those seeking education in an
educational institution when organizing this kind
of activity: independence, search, initiative,
experiment, practical action, joint work,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
contradictions, a situation of uncertainty,
different points of view.
When organizing research activities, the main
tasks that should be solved are proposed:
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness for
effective training in the process of
professional training of education seekers on
the example of real problems and
phenomena that occur in life;
training students to find answers to
questions, identify and explain various
situations and problems, evaluate activities,
express their point of view and defend it, and
make and implement decisions promptly;
the use of comparison, analysis, various
sources of information, and methods of
systematization for the formation of research
competence of future specialists;
reinforcement of knowledge in the
formation of research competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness to carry
out effective training in the process of
professional training through practical
actions, applying in this process specific
methods of collecting, summarizing
information, and analysis (Matsyuk, 2022).
During the process of professional training in the
field of higher education, the formation of
research competence of future specialists does
not occur constantly. The main reason for this
situation is the lack of a clear system of
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness for effective training in the
process of professional training throughout the
entire educational process (Levchenko, 2020).
The formation of the research skills of education
seekers in the formation of the research
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness to carry out effective training in the
process of professional training should be helped
by external circumstances that realize the essence
of the nature of this process and make it possible
to reveal the peculiarities of the educational
formative influence on it. We offer the following
pedagogical conditions.
1. Providing the educational process with a
research focus on the formation of
professional competence of future
specialists as a factor of readiness for
effective training in the process of
professional training by creating an
environment in an educational institution of
an active and research-oriented nature;
2. Realization of potential resources and
opportunities of education seekers during
the performance of search and research tasks
for the formation of research competence of
future specialists by applying a
differentiated approach;
3. Acquisition of research experience by
students of education through the
actualization of the developing subject-
subject interaction of students of education
and the teacher;
We propose to take such pedagogical conditions
as the basis of the methodology for the formation
of research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness to carry out effective training
in the process of professional training, which
involves the application of experimental
technology of continuous influence of education
on the development of educational and research
activities of education seekers (Sushchenko,
We will reveal the components of research
activity that influence the formation of research
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness to carry out effective training in the
process of professional training:
motivational-valued (a system of emotional-
volitional and motivational-valued attitudes
of education seekers to activities, the world,
people, their abilities, to themselves is
cognitive (a system of knowledge about
society, nature, means of activity, thinking is
provided for assimilation, ensuring the
formation of a scientific picture of the world
in the minds of students of education;
mastering a dialectical approach to practical
and cognitive activity);
activity-practical (creative experience is
provided, which has a system-building
property, is based on mental operations of
productive, reproductive, and heuristic
types) (Kovalenko, 2017).
The components of the student's research
competence perform value-oriented,
motivational, cognitive, regulatory, and effective
We substantiate the approaches that will
contribute to the effective formation of the
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness to carry out effective training
in the process of professional training:
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a personal approach (implementation takes
place through the implementation of an
active educational and research position of
the student);
problem-based (based on the program
material of professional disciplines, a way of
selecting or developing educational and
research tasks is proposed);
operational (implementation is carried out
by the logic of scientific research and by
organizing the educational and research
activities of students). Such approaches will
contribute to the effective formation of the
research competence of future specialists as
a factor of readiness to carry out effective
training in the process of teaching
professional disciplines (Belkina, 2016).
From our own teaching experience, we would
like to emphasize that students who constantly,
systematically, and purposefully engage in
research work differ from others in
professionally formed skills that form the basis
of their research competence and present
competitive skills. During the formation of the
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness to carry out effective training
in the process of teaching professional
disciplines, inherent cognitive activity, the desire
to explore the educational process, and not just to
acquire professionally significant knowledge and
skills. Teachers need to pay attention to the
individual characteristics of students, age,
psychological capabilities, specifics of
relationships with teachers, with each other,
ways of applying innovative forms, teaching
methods, etc. In such a process of forming the
research competence of future specialists as a
factor of readiness to carry out effective training
in the process of teaching professional
disciplines, we see the need to bring the structure,
content of education, and methodical support in
accordance to form the research competence of
One of the most effective educational
technologies is project technology, which best
contributes to the formation of research
Let's name the victories of project technology:
allows students to acquire knowledge
independently, to use the acquired
information to apply new cognitive tasks in
their practical activities;
promotes the acquisition of communication
skills and abilities of future specialists, the
application of promising principles of
various educational cultures, and the
expression of one's point of view;
allows skillful use of research methods: put
forward hypotheses, collect the necessary
information, analyze it, and propose
The goal of educational design is aimed at study
the experience of practical activity, which not
only encourages the motivated activity of
students, taking into account age and educational
interests but also transforms the role of the
teacher in leading it. The teacher is no longer a
carrier of ready-made knowledge but becomes an
organizer of the cognitive activity of future
competitive specialists, an adviser, coordinator,
and consultant, who proves the correctness of his
actions by his example from experience, uses
weighty arguments with his wisdom, but not in
an imperative form. Since the teacher has to
change the work of students and his educational
work by applying various types of independent
activity, giving priority to activities of a search,
research, and creative nature during the
educational process, we observe a change in the
psychological climate in the classroom.
Project activity is successfully used during the
application of scientific research methods by
students. Modeling scientific research, we
observe the effectiveness of the acquired
knowledge during project work. A group of
students or each student chooses an arbitrary
topic of research that he likes and in his opinion
is relevant for research and society and in stages:
1) formulates relevance;
2) defines the categorical apparatus;
3) selects and compiles literary sources on the
chosen topic;
4) models and describes the stages of
experimental research;
5) presents the developed research.
All stages of scientific research take place by the
order of mastering topics, which are studied
during practical classes, and this process is
gradual. As a result, students better reveal the
essence and logic of research and combine the
theory of studying the material with its practical
application, which successfully forms research
competence in specialists (Fedorchuk, 2022).
The research component, which is the basis of the
formation of the research competence of the
future specialist, is the main one in the structure
of the training of the future specialist. The
organization of students' research work must be
carried out under the guidance of the teacher and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
using the principles of continuity and
perspective. With this approach, there will be a
successful formation of the research competence
of students, who should be involved in scientific
research activities from the first years, which will
allow them to develop harmoniously, deepen
their knowledge, and improve their abilities and
skills of a research nature.
Let's highlight the main components of students'
research activity:
the ability to formulate the purpose and
hypothesis of the research (design
the ability to process sources (informational
component) to collect the necessary data;
the ability to choose research methods: basic
and auxiliary (analytical component);
the ability to determine its practical
orientation in research (practical
component) (Bondarenko, 2021).
Research competence includes:
an idea of the most relevant areas of research
in science;
professional knowledge of a foreign
language (several languages) in the field of
professional activity;
application of philosophical concepts in the
field of science;
highlighting the methodology of the
scientific field, regularities for the
possibility of use in practical activities;
formulation of the goal, object, subject,
working hypothesis, research tasks, the
essence of the researched problem, planning
the stages of the experiment;
practical application of methodological
research principles;
knowledge of scientific research methods;
the ability of theoretical substantiation and
experimental verification of the investigated
analysis of the results of research activities;
personal participation in the organization of
the experiment;
the ability to engage in scientific discussion,
to prove a point of view;
analysis of experimental data using the
methods of computer technologies and
mathematical statistics;
publishing a publication or speech based on
one's research work results. This approach
leads to the readiness and ability to carry out
research activities and speaks of the
formation of research competence (Golovan,
Functional elements of research activity are at the
same time components of the psychological
structure of the teacher's activity, determining the
possibility of analyzing the process of delivery of
research tasks at the stage of their formation and
interaction with students. Functional elements of
research activity in the formation of research
competence of future specialists as a factor of
readiness for effective training in the process of
professional training include: gnostic (or
reflexive), projective, constructive,
communicative, and organizational. Let us
describe them:
the gnostic (reflexive) element allows for the
analysis of the research situation, contributes
to the acquisition of new knowledge for the
productive solution of the research situation
and its analysis, and allows to compare of the
obtained result with the real one;
the design element provides an opportunity
for modeling the teacher-researcher’s
activity, implementing actions related to the
prediction of educational strategy: research
problems, application of goals, means, and
consequences of solving the system of
scientific research tasks;
the constructive element provides actions
related to the selection and construction of
the content of scientific information, the
creation of means, forms, and methods of
scientific-pedagogical interaction with
students in the scientific-research process;
the communicative element directs actions
to establish optimal relationships with
students, interaction with scientists of
scientific research institutions, and teaching
colleagues during the solution of research
the organizational element organizes actions
aimed at obtaining scientific research
activities of students, scientific information
in the process of its presentation, related to
the assimilation of this information.
The selected functional elements are built
according to the principle of enabling the
functioning of each subsequent element,
provided that all previous components are
included, which can also be considered
separately (Sydorchuk, 2020).
The article examines the problem of the
formation of research competence of future
Volume 12 - Issue 63
/ March 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists as a factor of readiness for effective
training in the process of professional training.
The definitions of the concepts "competence"
and "research competence", which have different
positions, are given. The essence of research
competence is proven, which consists in
highlighting significant personal traits of future
specialists, which are manifested in the ability
and willingness to independently acquire and
systematize the acquired knowledge, taking into
account and relying on previously acquired
skills, knowledge, methods of activity, and skills.
The role of the research competence of students,
the research activity of future specialists, and the
level of development of thought processes in the
process of professional research activity have
been proven. The key concepts that determine the
necessary conditions for the organization of this
kind of activity of education seekers in an
educational institution are independence, search,
initiative, experiment, practical action, joint
work, contradiction, a situation of ambiguity, and
the presence of different points of view.
The components that perform motivational,
value-oriented, cognitive, effective and
regulatory functions are highlighted in the
structure of the student's research competence.
The conducted research does not cover all
aspects of the problem under consideration.
Prospects for further research consist in the
expansion and improvement of tasks, and forms
of scientific research work of students.
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