www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.34
How to Cite:
Koval-Mazyuta, M., Bakhmat, N., Sonechko, O., Fedotov, V., & Kustovska, O. (2023). Information and communication and digital
technology in education: Some aspects of SMART technology application. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 336-344.
Information and communication and digital technology in education:
Some aspects of SMART technology application
Información y comunicación y tecnología digital en la educación: Algunos aspectos de la
aplicación de la tecnología SMART
Received: February 12, 2023 Accepted: March 15, 2023
Written by:
Mariya Koval-Mazyuta1
Nataliia Bakhmat2
Olga Sonechko3
Viacheslav Fedotov4
Oksana Kustovska5
The relevance of the research work is due to the
growing interest in the implementation of
information and communication and digital
technology in the educational process. The article
pays special attention to the peculiarities of the
impact of smart-technology on the formation of the
digital component of professional competence as a
mediated indicator of the effectiveness of the
implementation of innovative teaching technology.
Modern smart technologies in education are
designed to make education modern, accessible,
and effective. The aim of the work was to identify
the impact of implementing smart-technology on
students' academic success and the dynamics of the
formation of the digital component of professional
competence, and then to investigate the features of
the proposed innovative educational method. The
article investigates and systematizes the
peculiarities of the experience of using digital and
information and communication technologies,
taking into account the need to organize the
educational process in the conditions of distance
and mixed forms of education. Methods of
Postgraduate, Head of the village council Onokivtsi village council Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod district, village Onokivtsi, str.
Ph.D. hab. (Education), Professor, Head of Department of Elementary Education Theory and Methods of Primary Education Faculty
of Pedagogics Kamianets-Podіlskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Ukraine.
Lecturer of Social Studies and Humanities The Institute of Humanities, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding,
Senior Lecturer Department of General Physics Faculty of Physics and Mathematics National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine.
Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor Department Land Use Planning Faculty of Land Management, National University of life
and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Koval-Mazyuta, M., Bakhmat, N., Sonechko, O., Fedotov, V., Kustovska, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 336-344 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mediated research of the effectiveness of the
implementation of innovative educational
technologies are actualized. Given the multifaceted
nature of the topic under consideration, future
research should focus on studying the specifics of
implementing smart-technologies for training
specialists in various educational areas. Also,
special attention of researchers is required to
analyze the effectiveness of popular tools of smart-
Keywords: digital environment, educational
technology, digital competencies, smart-education,
modern education.
The modern world is characterized by the rapid
saturation of data processing systems in almost
all spheres of social life. Information has become
a strategic resource for society, leading to the
inevitable proliferation of information and
communication technologies (hereinafter ICT).
In today's competitive market environment,
everyone must have the ability to adapt quickly
to market conditions that are constantly changing
and creating conditions of ontological
uncertainty. ICTs are now capable of radically
changing the way different institutions and the
state as a whole function (Ignatenko, 2022). That
is why special attention needs to be paid to the
issue of applying ICTs and digital technologies
in the educational and pedagogical process in
order to develop appropriate professional
competence in future professionals
(Núñez-Canal, Obesso & Pérez-Rivero, 2021).
Combining information and communication
technologies leads to the improvement of the
traditional educational sphere, the development
of new progressive and innovative teaching
methods, as well as the creation of a special
ecosystem of educational and digital
environment of EHE. Such technologies are a
tool for creating new means of managing the
educational process, which produce qualitative
results both at the level of HEIs and at the level
of efficiency of the educational institution as a
whole (Tsekhmister, Konovalova, Tsekhmister,
Agrawal & Ghosh, 2021).
The rapid development of information and
communication technologies requires increased
concentration in the processes of their
implementation and use. Ignoring the
management of information and communication
technologies leads to a set of different
technologies that are not compatible with each
other, thus leveling their effectiveness. In fact, it
has become clear that in the course of the ICT
evolution decisions are made mainly not based
on the analysis of the needs to improve the
methodology of the educational process, but
under the influence of external factors of the
rapid development of socio-economic spheres
(Palanivel, 2020).
The social changes of the late 20th and early 21st
centuries caused by the technological revolution
have led to the emergence of a new generation
for whom information technology and the digital
environment are a natural part of their life-world,
an everyday reality. These technologies make
everyday life itself more comfortable, many
actions and decisions more simple, open, and
accessible, but at the same time require
creativity, the ability to benefit from information
abundance and excess, often not based on
traditional knowledge, but through intuition
(Gokbulut, 2020 ).
Today's educational institution must orient its
student in a changing ocean of innovative digital
change. Consequently, we can say that the
modern education system should be the flagship
of the implementation of the most advanced ICT
and digital technologies in society. These are the
features of a Smart society, the norms of Smart
culture, in which new generations are born and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
socialized. The education system should also
naturally change, acquiring the characteristics of
Smart. The influence of human capital is not
enough for the development of modern education
(Hoel & Mason, 2018).
The very content of education, its forms,
methods, practices, spaces, and environments
require changes. To implement such changes, the
concept of smart-universities was developed,
which in general provides an interactive
educational environment, flexibility, and
personalization of education along with free
access to the necessary content. Theoretical
sources on smart-education began to appear
relatively recently and are not yet of a systematic,
analytical nature. There is no unambiguous
definition for the term smart-education yet. But
summarizing the existing definitions, the
following definition can be given (Rosida, Muin
& Sakka, 2021). Smart education is the
association of educational institutions and faculty
for joint educational activities on the Internet
based on common standards, agreements,
technologies, and a common repository of
educational materials (Cattaneo, Antonietti &
Rauseo, 2021). Today it can be noted that there
is a lack of comprehensive research on the topic
of implementing smart technologies in teaching
practice. At the same time, the topic of ICTs and
digital technologies in education is actively
disclosed. The concept of a digital environment
is widely consumed (Ahmed & Ganapathy,
Information and educational technologies,
among which Smart technologies stand out, are
technologies that have a particular universality
and dramatically increase the degree of
virtualization of not only educational interactions
but also other communicative relationships. With
the help of this kind of technology, it is possible
to improve the efficiency of the educational
process and the quality of education.
Thus, the topic of a smart educational
environment, education, technologies, and even
universities is relevant and in demand among
scientists and practitioners, but it has not been
studied sufficiently and requires research and
systematization (Bouchrika, Harrati, Wanick &
Wills, 2019).
The purpose of the study is to identify the impact
of the use of information and communication and
digital technology on the educational process.
The study analyzes the impact of the application
of smart-technology on academic performance
and the formation of the digital component of
professional competence.
The hypothesis of the study is the impact of the
introduction of smart technology on academic
success and the formation of the digital
component of professional competence. The task
was to investigate the peculiarities of the impact
of smart technologies on the results of the
learning process.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The intensive introduction of digital technologies
into the life of modern society, the formation of
information space, and the development of
electronic educational systems, as noted by
Achilovich (2021), leads to the formation of new
scientific and pedagogical ideas about the
organization of the educational process of EHE
students, a qualitative rethinking of approaches
to education, as well as the acceleration of its
development. The intensive introduction of
digital and information technologies into the
education system and educational process,
according to Movlonovich (2022), is a global
trend and one of the most significant processes
that have occurred in the education system over
the past decades.
Poddubnaya, Zadneprovskaya, Dhum, & Khatit
(2020) posit that the concepts of
"communication" and "information" are closely
interconnected and mutually complementary.
Specifically, "information" refers to any data that
is transmitted, whereas "communication" refers
to the transmission of this data through specific
channels. It is important to distinguish between
the concepts of "literacy" and "competence" as
well. The initial step in developing the
information and communication competence of a
higher education institution student is the
acquisition of information and communication
literacy. This encompasses the ability to navigate
the information space and effectively utilize
information and communication technology
tools to facilitate social and professional
ICT competencies in the scientific literature, in
particular, Chisango, Marongwe, Mtsi &
Matyedi (2020), are defined as receiving,
processing, and giving out information, skills of
working with multimedia and mass-media
technologies, as well as possession of skills of
working with Internet resources. All definitions
reflect the component composition of ICT
competence, but none of them shows the
specificity of a particular academic discipline,
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which would allow us to consider these
definitions as universal. Thus, according to
Vincent-Lancrin (2022), ICT competences are
among the leading key competences and can be
singled out as a separate group of competencies
requiring targeted formation in the process of
students' mastering different disciplines.
According to Järvis, Tambovceva & Virovere
(2021), information and communication
competence refers to a set of knowledge, skills,
and abilities that are acquired through learning
and self-education in computer science and
information technology. This competence
encompasses the ability to effectively use
information technology in performing
professional tasks, including tasks related to
information management, analysis, and transfer.
Additionally, this competence includes the
ability to model and design one's own
professional activities, as well as the activities of
a team, using modern ICT tools. This proficiency
in modern ICT enables individuals to navigate
the organizational environment effectively and
enhances labor productivity. These definitions
underscore the importance of developing ICT
and digital competencies among students to
prepare them for their future professional
pursuits, as noted by Abdurahimovna (2020). In
general, ICT competence, as noted in Wojciech,
Sobczyk, Waldemar & Pochopień, (2022)
understand the ability to collect, assess, transfer,
search, analyze information, model processes,
objects through the use of the capabilities of
communication and information technology.
Recently, the term smart education has become
popular. According to Kopotun, Durdynets,
Teremtsova, Markina & Prisnyakova (2020), it
explains the new development strategy, the main
feature of which is the maximum availability of
knowledge. The new motivation to acquire
knowledge is created through the active use of
materials placed in open educational resources.
Accordingly, this knowledge, in turn, becomes
available to more and more people.
As Schomakers, Lidynia & Ziefle (2022) point
out, smart education is flexible learning in an
interactive educational environment through
freely available content from around the world.
Numerous systems exist for evaluating the
impact of digital technology on the learning
process. However, many of these systems solely
focus on assessing the knowledge and activities
that comprise professional competence.
Therefore, relying solely on exam scores and
ratings does not provide a comprehensive
evaluation of the level of digital competence
achieved - the primary goal of integrating
information and communication technology
(ICT) into education.
To address this issue, monitoring the formation
of digital competence can be achieved through
various components of a methodological
complex. These components may include a
cyclogram for monitoring a discipline or
professional module, a summary sheet for
monitoring a discipline or professional module,
and a set of measuring and control materials.
Assessing the level of digital competence
formation is based on levels of expression, which
are determined by activity criteria. The criterion
for the basic level is the ability to perform
reproductive activities based on a given
algorithm, which involves understanding and
reproducing professional actions.
The study of information-communicative and
digital technologies was carried out in several
1. The first stage (2021): development of
indicators of digital and information-
communication competence of students as
indicators of the effectiveness of digital
technology application during training;
development of generalized characteristics
of levels of formation of each competence
component; selection and development of
diagnostic tools to assess the degree and
dynamics of development of levels of
formation of digital competence.
2. In 2022, the second stage of the study was
carried out, which involved examining the
initial level of students' digital
competencies. The experiment was designed
to determine the effectiveness of the
educational interventions on digital
competency formation. To assess the
formation of the digital component, a test
was administered at the end of the
experiment containing 16 closed-type
questions, with four questions for each of the
four competencies of the block. Each correct
answer was given one point, and the
maximum score for the test was 16 points,
four for each competence. Additionally, the
activity component was assessed by a panel
of 25 experts, all of whom were teachers at
the Department of Cultural Studies at Taras
Shevchenko National University.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The study involved 180 students studying
cultural studies and art criticism at Taras
Shevchenko National University. A stratified
cross-section sample was used to allow for more
objective research and analysis of the impact of
augmented reality technologies on educational
performance. The participants were divided into
two groups: experimental and control, with 90
students in each group. The experimental group
received instruction using smart technologies
during the academic year 2021/2022, while the
control group followed the standard curriculum.
Formal statistical analyses, including Wilcoxon's
criterion and Student's t-criterion, were used to
check the conformity of the data to the normal
law of distribution.
The study was conducted using digital survey
tools. All respondents were informed about the
goals, objectives, and subject matter of the study
and gave consent to process personal data and
use the results in a scientific publication.
The main limitations of the study are the lack of
a clear and transparent methodological
framework for analyzing the impact of a
particular educational technology on the learning
process. Consequently, conclusions about the
impact of information and communication and
digital technology can be obtained indirectly.
Results and Discussion
The general results of diagnostics of the
formation of the block of digital competencies
are reflected in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Comparative diagram of the levels of digital competence of future culturologists
Source: Compiled by the authors of the study based on the results of the experiment
The illustration depicts a notable contrast in the
level of digital competence development
between EG and CG students. To determine the
significance of the variance in proficiency levels,
we will employ the nonparametric statistical
Mann-Whitney test, which enables the
identification of differences in the measured
attribute between two independent samples of
small size (less than 100 values). The
experimental data fulfills the criteria for using
this test, with each sample consisting of values
ranging from 3 to 100, represented by scores that
reflect the overall outcomes of the digital
competence block formation.
To evaluate the significance of differences in the
levels of personal elements and psychological
attitudes formation from the competencies
composition in the EG before and after the
formative experiment, we will utilize the
Wilcoxon criterion. This criterion enables the
comparison of changes in indicators between two
different conditions on the same sample of
subjects. It can help determine whether the shift
of an indicator in one direction is more
significant than in the other and establish the
direction and severity of change.
To satisfy the condition for the sample size,
which is 5≤n≤50, we have 24 sample elements.
The Wilcoxon criterion's empirical value is
determined by summing up the ranks
corresponding to atypical shifts. In this case,
there is only one such shift, which corresponds to
Intuitive Reproductive Adaptive Creative
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a rank of 5, resulting in an empirical value of
Assuming a significance level of α=0.01, the
critical value is Tcr(0.01)=61. If the critical value
is not greater than the empirical value, then at this
level of significance, there is no reason to reject
the null hypothesis of the significance of
differences. On the other hand, if the critical
value exceeds the empirical value, then the null
hypothesis is rejected.
In this instance, Temp=3<10, so the null
hypothesis should be rejected. Therefore, there is
evidence to suggest that there is a significant
difference between the levels of personal
elements and psychological attitudes formation
from the competencies composition in the EG
before and after the formative experiment.
Fig. 2 displays the changes in learning outcomes
for both the experimental group (EG) and control
group (CG). Petal diagrams were used to
illustrate the percentage of students who
achieved basic and advanced levels of
competency, indicating a "productive" level of
learning, at the beginning and end of the study.
The largest variations in learning outcomes were
observed in the cognitive, praxiological, and
reflexive criteria. The improvement in the
cognitive component can be attributed to the
implementation of strategies to adapt the
educational content and monitor students' self-
learning progress. The significant increase in the
praxiological component was a result of the
heightened participation of students in the
educational process, which correspondingly
developed their activity component. The
improvement in the reflexive component was
attributed to the regular use of self-assessment
methods and the inclusion of mechanisms for
ongoing monitoring of their educational
progress. The growth of the axiological
component was facilitated by the incorporation
of a control action block into the educational
process management submodel, which enhanced
students' motivation and engagement in the
learning process.
Figure 2. Dynamics of the formation of digital competence in the CG and EG
Source: Compiled by the authors of the study based on the results of the experiment
Assessment of the authenticity of the results of
the experimental work was carried out using
methods of statistical analysis of data. To check
the applicability of the parametric one-factor
analysis of variance, we checked the data for
normality and homogeneity.
Since the results of the applicability of classical
analysis of variance, we obtained the fulfillment
of the normality and homogeneity conditions,
therefore, to assess the effectiveness of the
pedagogical study, we can use the criteria of
parametric analysis of variance, such as Student's
t-criterion for comparison of independent
samples of experimental and control groups
(Table 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Тable 1.
Test results according to Student's test
Start of the experiment
End of the experiment
t = 0.82634
t = -5.7036
Level of
p value
No statistically significant differences
were found between the groups
Statistically significant differences
were found between the groups
Source: Compiled by the authors of the study based on the results of the experiment
The analysis showed the absence of statistically
significant differences before the beginning of
the experiment between CG and EG students.
Since the t-test statistic is less than the critical
value and is in the zone of insignificance, we
accept the null hypothesis and reject the
alternative hypothesis.
Difficulties arising in the implementation of ICT
and digital technologies are associated with
difficulties in attracting and retaining students in
the educational process, reduction of motivation
to learn in the conditions of increasing the
volume of independent work. The transition to a
hybrid model of learning requires a radical
transformation of traditional technologies and the
development of models for the organization of
learning activities in an electronic environment,
ensuring the achievement of learning outcomes.
But despite the existing problems and risks, this
direction is actively developing and today is a
phenomenal cardinal shift in the paradigm of
modern learning. Organization of learning with
the help of smart-technology comes down to the
development of new educational methods,
disciplines, and navigation mechanisms, the
formation of a system of control and monitoring
of knowledge, competencies and learning
outcomes, feedback mechanisms. The body of
research methods for this is very broad, which is
due to the fact that smart-technologies are at the
intersection of digital and pedagogical
technologies. The approaches used are based on
the methodology of systems analysis, the
technology of operational and intelligent data
analysis, machine learning, methods of
sociological research, analysis and processing of
empirical data. The scope of smart-technology
application in the educational process is
constantly growing.
Relying on the data of modern pedagogy on the
development of the digital component of
professional competence, as well as on the results
obtained by summarizing and analyzing the
existing experience of applying smart-
technology, the following advantages can be
noted: increased accessibility of education by
erasing territorial and temporal borders, the
possibility of implementing individual
educational trajectories, economic benefits, the
reduced labor intensity of teachers by freeing
them from routine processes, nurturing with.
Analyzing the psychological and pedagogical
aspects of building the educational process in
HEI in an electronic environment, we can
conclude that the active use of smart-technology
in learning will contribute to the integration of
online learning methods with offline best
practices and approaches, which have proven
their ability in learning and development of
students. Using the possibility of combining
effective pedagogical and modern digital
educational technologies will provide mass
availability of education; personalization of
learning; the possibility of online analysis of
educational results and the learning process;
technological capabilities of providing
educational content and active management of
the educational process.
Thus, we can infer that education today faces
new challenges that will seriously change the
education system. The retrospective analysis of
studies devoted to the development of the
problem of building the educational process in
the electronic environment allowed to highlight
the features of its construction taking into
account the psychological and pedagogical
features of the modern generation, to specify the
concept of using smart technologies in the
educational process in the electronic
environment, to determine the model of blended
learning as the most promising model in terms of
mass training of HEI students. The scientific
significance of modernization and the
development of the use of smart technologies is
manifested in the form of innovative pedagogical
approaches and teaching methods that can be
used as a basis for creating a methodological
system of learning in the conditions of
digitalization of higher education. The scientific
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
significance of modernization and development
of the use of smart technology is manifested in
the form of innovative pedagogical approaches
and teaching methods that can be applied in the
basis of creating a methodological system of
learning in the conditions of digitalization of
higher education.
Thus, we can conclude that education today faces
new challenges that will seriously change the
education system. Retrospective analysis of
studies devoted to the development of the
problem of building an educational process in the
electronic environment, allowed to highlight the
features of its construction, taking into account
the psychological and pedagogical features of the
modern generation, to specify the concept of
using smart-technology in the educational
process in an electronic environment, to
determine the model of blended learning as the
most promising model in terms of mass training
of HEI students. Today, digital and information
and communication technologies in education
are becoming increasingly popular. This is due,
first of all, to the rapid development of
technology. Modern man today cannot imagine
his life without gadgets, the Internet, social
networks, and streaming platforms. Education
today becomes the flagship of the introduction
and assimilation of modern information
technologies. Among all ICTs and digital
technologies in particular need smart-technology
in learning. The study of the formation of the
digital component of professional competence
during the training in HEI showed high
efficiency of the use of smart-technology.
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