Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.33
How to Cite:
Kurok, O., Hrytsenko, A., Chumachenko, O., & Kryzhanivsky, V. (2023). Applying ploughs for determining the optimal depth of
soil cultivation: the development of the scientific views. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 327-335.
Applying ploughs for determining the optimal depth of soil cultivation:
the development of the scientific views
Aplicación de arados para determinar la profundidad óptima de cultivo del suelo:
el desarrollo de los puntos de vista científicos
Received: January 26, 2023 Accepted: March 30, 2023
Written by:
Оleksandr Kurok1
Andriy Hrytsenko2
Оlena Chumachenko3
Vitaly Kryzhanivsky4
The presented article examines the historical
process of using deep and shallow ploughing of the
fertile soil. Therefore, the most optimal option for
achieving the highest possible productivity is
considered, for example, multi-depth tillage of the
soil, when deep, medium, shallow and surface
inversion and non-inversion tillages alternate in
crop rotations. In particular, when ploughing to the
depth of 30 cm, the level of available moisture
remains the highest during chiselling, and in
conditions of deep ploughing (from 30 to 75 cm),
the level of available moisture falls for any type of
tillage. As a result of the study, the authors came to
the conclusion that when choosing the depth of
tillage, it is necessary to take into account the
information on the crops to be grown and, first of
all, the condition of the root layer of the specific
field. Thus, in the course of the full-scale Russian
aggression against Ukraine and the possible food
crisis in some countries of the world caused by this
armed conflict, the conducted research cannot be
seen as comprehensive and thorough and has
further prospects.
Keywords: ploughing, furrow, applying plough,
flat tillage, inversion tillage, non-inversion tillage,
Rector, doctor of historical sciences, professor, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Sumy region,
Head of History, Law and Teaching Method Department, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National
Pedagogical University, Sumy region, Ukraine.
Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology and History Candidate of historical sciences, docent, Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National, Pedagogical University, Sumy region, Ukraine.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Department of History, Law and Teaching Methods Educational and Scientific
Institute of Philology and History, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Sumy region, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Research Problem. The problem of improving
soil fertility can now be considered one of the
main among scientific research to improve the
research methodology in the field of certain
practical models (Ravshanov et al., 2020;
Vanderhasselt et al., 2022). One aspect of saving
money in agriculture is considered as shallow
tillage as possible (Prymak et al., 2005).
However, the effectiveness of a particular depth
of tillage, depending on certain crops and
specific soil and climatic conditions, has not been
determined (Tuba et al., 2021; Bhattacharyya et
al., 2022). This issue is particularly relevant
under conditions of full-scale Russian aggression
against Ukraine, which provoked food shortages
in many countries of the world.
Research Focus. The object of research selected
the existing history of tillage in different
countries, taking into account the influence of
nutrients on plants, that is, the components of
biological, chemical and physical fertility.
Research Aim. The aim of this study was to find
the optimal model of tillage of root zone
depending on certain soil conditions for growing
agricultural crops.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The generally accepted opinion that productivity
yield depends on the depth of tillage gradually
emerged from the Middle Ages. In the second
half of the 18th century the opinion about the
usefulness of deep ploughing became dominant
in the scientific circles. These issues were
investigated by Acharya et al., (2019), Artursson
et al., (2006), Buragienė et al., (2019),
Ravshanov et al., (2020). At the turn of the 19th
20th centuries, the experimental material began
to accumulate rapidly, which proved that soil
properties, climate, and biological features of
plants should be taken into account when finding
out the depth of ploughing. In the 19th century
scientists and practitioners recommended deep
ploughing, but did not specify the maximum
depth in relation to the specific soil and crop
while in the 1920s a large amount of
experimental material had already been
accumulated regarding the depth of tillage. Most
researchers came to the conclusion that even for
the crops which are the most demanding of deep
tillage, the optimal ploughing depth of black soils
is 18-22 cm and only in some cases 27 cm. With
the further deepening, yields, as a rule, did not
increase or their increase was very insufficient.
For grain crops, shallow tillage is sufficient
(Prymak et al., 2005). Scientists Tomchuk (2021)
and Nouri et al., (2019), who received the support
of the power structures of the former USSR,
spoke against shallow ploughing.
Researches conducted in 2022 by
Azimi-Nejadian et al. (2022) proved the
advantage of cultivation to the depth of the
humus layer with the most complete overturning
the soil layer. From that time, the theory and
practice of the soil cultivation began a sharp turn
towards deep ploughing, and till almost the
1950s, this opinion was dominant. However,
there is still no unanimous opinion regarding the
optimal depth of tillage, as well as scientific
grounding the need for a certain depth of tillage.
Byrne et al., (2022) also spoke against deep
tillage in the USA, who called ploughing a
mistake and named the inverse plough a thief in
the world agricultural drama and suggested
shallow soil cultivation with disk tools with
leaving the organic matter on the soil surface. His
ideas became the beginning of the critical review
of the basics of the scientific agriculture in the
USA, which received the greatest development
after 1950. In the USSR also, after the
publication of the works of Umurzakov et al.,
(2020), the issues of deep soil cultivation began
to be completely reviewed again.
Onasanya et al., (2021), summarizing the work of
the Academy of Sciences of Nigeria team on the
no-tillage system, expressed doubts about the
conservation and accumulation of soil humus
with this approach. They noted that with
systematic no-tillage, 70-75% of the roots are
concentrated in the surface layer up to 10 cm
deep, and since this layer is repeatedly loosened,
this part of the roots along with post-harvest
residues is heavily mineralized and is unlikely to
be a source for humus layer formation.
According to the results of the research of the
agricultural experimental stations of Ukraine, the
following optimal tillage depth was determined:
Kharkiv experimental station 9-13 cm for
grains and 18-22 cm for root crops; Sumy 18-
22 cm for sugar beets; Nosivska 13 cm for
winter and spring grain; Mariupol 11 cm for
winter and spring wheat; Adzhams’ka 11 cm
for May and black fallows (Prymak et al., 2005).
The issue of turning over the soil layer is
important in the theory of tillage. The theoretical
grounds of inverse ploughing were developed by
the Ukrainian scientists and summarized in the
Kurok, O., Hrytsenko, A., Chumachenko, O., Kryzhanivsky, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 327-335 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
works of Tomchuk (2021). According to them, in
the upper part of the arable layer, as a result of
the aerobic conditions and other circumstances,
the structure of the soil, which was considered
the basis of the fertility, is destroyed, while in the
lower layers, where the conditions are anaerobic,
it is restored. Hence, the task of ploughing
included the mutual movement of the upper
sprayed and lower structured parts of the plough
layer. The researches of Battisti et al., (2022),
Gulyarenko and Bembenek (2022) found out that
the upper part of the arable layer of the soil of
various genesis, as a result of the large
accumulation of roots in it, alternating moistering
and drying, increases its fertility at the end of the
summer season. After cultivation, in the soil
there is a kind of differentiation of the arable
layer in terms of fertility, and after 5-6 months,
sometimes even earlier, its upper part turns out to
be more fertile than the lower one. In practice, it
was proven that not after all crops at the end of
the growing season the lower part of the arable
layer is better structured than the upper one
(Prymak et al., 2005).
Оvsinskiy (1899) was the first researcher to
widely promote non-inverse tillage, and he
recommended loosening the soil no deeper than
2 to 3 inches with multi-body peelers or specially
designed knife cultivators, believing that the top
layer of the soil, as more fertile, should be left on
top. He attached great importance to dew and
fog, which supposedly enrich the soil with
moisture and nitrogen. According to the scientist,
manure wrapped in a two-inch plough layer,
gives better results. However, the experimental
verification of his recommendations by the
Poltava and Odesa research stations did not
confirm the results that the author promised.
Researchers Nouri et al., (2019) criticized
Ovsinskiy’s theory for its advertising nature and
weak theoretical base. In general, the ideas and
recommendations of Ovsinskiy and his followers
did not have much success.
However, at this time, in particular,
Vanderhasselt et al., (2022) suggested a kind of
compromise option: alternating years and fields
of deep (40-50 cm) tillage (once every 4-6 years)
with special, narrowly streamlined risers,
ploughs and surface tillage with disc peelers to
the depth of 10-12 cm in the fallow-grain and
fallow-grain-crop rotations. The scientist
believed that both annual plants and perennial
grasses are capable of enriching the soil with
humus and improving its structure under certain
Thus, a large number of experiments were
conducted on the issues of depth, measures and
methods of soil cultivation and their results were
covered in numerous publications. Experimental
data on these issues were analyzed in detail in the
articles of de Lima et al. (2021), Tuba et al.,
(2021), Cavalcanti et al. (2019), Cheboi et al.,
(2021), Kurok (2009), Celik et al., (2020),
Kurylo and Pryshlyak (2020), textbooks and
manuals on agriculture, Scientific bases of
agricultural management” by country zones and
in the other works. The scientists came to the
conclusion that on the soils, even with the
deepest humus horizon, the depth of the plough
layer should be 28-32 cm. The further increase of
the ploughing depth, as a rule, does not increase
the yield and is not economically justified.
Our research used the complex of the historical
methods for the study and interpretation of
primary source texts and bibliographic material,
as well as presenting the scientific historical
events. In addition, due to the general scientific
and source science methods, the evolution of the
views of scientists and practitioners regarding
increasing soil fertility depending on the depth of
their plowing was analysed.
Results and Discussion
The further numerous studies proved that in the
process of the obligatory differentiation of the
root layer, the upper soil layer (0-10 cm) acquires
higher fertility, but not the lower one, as it was
predicted by Tomchuk (2021). However, the
requirement to turn over the cultivated soil layer
remained strict. New arguments were found that
confirmed its necessity. In particular, Al-Dosary
et al., (2022) stated that after moving the upper
part of the arable layer to the place of the lower
one, the cultivated plants most intensively use the
elements of fertility accumulated in the layer that
became in the process of cultivating the bottom
layer of the furrow. The lower part of the arable
layer, which was moved upwards by tillage, must
restore fertility during the growing season. At the
same time, it was noted that in the absence of
overturning of the cultivated soil layer due to the
differentiation of the root-containing layer and
the increase in fertility in its upper part,
cultivated plants form the bulk of the root system
in the upper layers. Under the conditions of
moisture deficit, this leads to a decrease in the
yield level and stability, as well as a decrease in
the sustainability of agriculture in general.
Therefore, it is necessary to turn over the treated
soil layer. This conclusion was made by
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Abbaspour-Gilandeh et al., (2020), Kim et al.,
(2020), as well as Acharya et al., (2019). On the
basis of the presented research results, the idea
was formed that the main and the most important
condition for obtaining high and stable yield is
creating the deep, relatively homogeneous,
cultured root-containing soil layer.
In Europe and Asia, Mamatov et al., (2021),
Моrgun et al., (1988), Nadeem et al., (2019) and
others advocated the complete rejection of
ploughing the soil. They believed that tillage in
combination with fertilizers contributes more
than ploughing to the increase of humus reserves
and would be able to ensure its deficit-free
balance with applying a smaller amount of
manure. According to Nadeem et al., (2019), the
localization of plants remnants, roots and
fertilizers in the surface layer of the soil is
necessary to ensure the soil protective effect,
improve forming soil, increase amount of humus
in the soil; while cultivation without turning over
the soil layer and mulching the soil with post-
harvest residues simulates the sod (black soil)
process of forming soil in the conditions of
The majority of scientists support the idea that
the differentiation of the arable layer in surface
and flat cut cultivation with the localization of
nutrients in its upper (up to 10 cm) part of the
layer has its negative effect on the development
and yield of crops (Prymak et al., 2005). The
researchers stress that the systematic use of flat
cut and surface (10-12 cm) tillage is
accompanied by the increased acidification of the
upper part of the tilled soil layer, which is
obviously caused by the shallow application of
mineral fertilizers (Prymak et al., 2005).
At present, among the agricultural practitioners
and scientists (Artursson et al., 2006; Buragienė
et al., 2019; Kurylo and Pryshlyak, 2020;
Palamarchuk et al., 2020), the prevailing opinion
is that tillage of the soil in crop rotations should
be of various depths, in which deep, medium,
shallow and surface inverse and non-inverse
tillage alternate.
Correct modern soil cultivation in accordance
with the biological requirements of agricultural
plants significantly affects the yield. When
analysing the factors that ensured the growth of
corn grain yield in the state of Minnesota (USA)
from 0.20 to 0.65 t/ha in the period from 1930 to
1980, it was found that a 5% increase in the yield
was due to the improvement of soil cultivation
(Cardwell, 1982).
However, recently, for some crops in a number
of countries around the world, soil cultivation
systems were developed, including “no-till” one.
It is believed that this is due to the increase in the
use of herbicides and pesticides, which
significantly narrows the functions of the
mechanical soil cultivation, with the increase in
the price of fuel, the appearance of high-
performance advanced equipment for the
minimum soil cultivation and special seed drills
(Chekrizov, 2004).
That is, the minimisation of soil cultivation is not
effective in all the soil and climatic conditions
and not for all crops, and sometimes it is even
inferior to the traditional methods of cultivation
in terms of impact on the harvest. It was found
that for the transition to minimum tillage, the
necessary conditions include the presence of a
powerful highly fertile root soil layer, applying
phosphoric and often potash fertilizers to the soil,
the cultivation of varieties of agricultural crops
adapted to the conditions of minimum tillage and
stubble crops, the availability of the necessary
amount of appropriate herbicides (Chekrizov,
When tillage is minimized, after-harvesting
remnants are located on the surface of the soil or
partially wrapped in the soil. At the same time, in
addition to the positive effect on soil properties
(increasing moisture supply, lowering soil
temperature, reducing erosion, etc.), their
phytotoxicity can be seen, immobilization of soil
nitrogen can be observed. The negative effect of
post-harvest residues can be largely overcome by
applying mineral fertilizers, primarily nitrogen-
phosphorus ones.
Fallowing makes a great influence on the
conditions of the mineral nutrition of plants. It
was found that long term use of fallow and grain
crop rotations leads to rapid depletion of humus,
nitrogen and phosphorus reserves. Therefore,
nitrogen fertilizers are often applied even for
crops that are sown in pairs taking into account
the amount of mineral nitrogen in the soil in the
root layer. The use of fallowing is justified
mainly in the areas of insufficient moisture,
where the soils are provided with phosphorus or
a sufficient amount of phosphorus fertilizers is
applied (Stanford, 1981).
The use of mechanical equipment with the high
specific pressure causes compaction of the arable
and even subsoil layer, especially in the case of
overmoistering soils with a heavy mechanical
composition, acidic ones, with unsatisfactory
physical properties, which leads, especially in
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ruts, to a decrease in the yield due to the
deterioration of the water-air condition,
mechanical conditions for the growth and
activity of the root system. Increasing
phosphorus and potassium nutrition while
applying fertilizers does not completely
compensate for the decrease in yield caused by
the excessive soil compaction. Liming the acidic
soils reduces the negative impact of soil
compaction, providing improvement of the
physical properties, creating the soil reaction
favourable for the root system, increasing access
to phosphorus and the other elements to plants,
increasing soil biological activity.
According to the views of Hallsworth (1981), the
ability of the soil to form a yield of agricultural
crops consists of three main components:
chemical fertility the ability to provide the plant
with the elements of mineral nutrition; physical
fertility the ability to provide the plant with
water, creating the environment favourable for
root growth; biological fertility the result of the
interaction of various constituent parts of the soil
biota, which affects the condition of mineral
nutrition and the sanitary condition of the soil.
These components of soil fertility are closely
interrelated, so a managing them human is able
to influence plant nutrition in the targeted
manner, overcoming some of the negative effects
of climate and other factors on plant fertility in
production conditions.
The direct and indirect effect of tillage helps to
regulate the availability of nutrients and makes it
possible to influence the individual components
of soil fertility (Chekrizov, 2004). Undesirable
formation of the soil compaction was observed
during the long-term cultivation of the soil to the
same depth with the inverse tools. According to
the researches (Soil Fertility Manual, 1979)
conducted in the USA, with the long term use of
the inverse plough the soil compaction is formed
at the depth of ploughing with the volumetric
mass of up to 1.75-2.00 t/cm2, with a small
number of macrogaps, which sharply limits the
depth of root penetration and the total size of the
root system (Sommers and Biederbeck, 1978).
During a relatively short drought in such areas,
plants experience a lack of moisture, because the
moisture available deeper than 25 cm (under the
soil compaction) cannot be used by them due to
the lack of a significant number of roots there.
Therefore, the nutrients of the soil and fertilizers
cannot be effectively used from the parched
arable layer.
An interesting investigation was conducted by
Kamprath et al., (1979). On the loamy soil
(Arenic Paleudult) with the presence of the soil
compaction after inverse ploughing to a depth of
25 cm, they grew soybeans after the conventional
cultivation (inverse ploughing to the depth of 25
cm +3 cm disking before sowing), chiselling to
the depth of 27 cm, loosening between rows to
the depth of 45 cm (Table 1).
Тable 1.
The influence of the tillage method on the distribution of the soybean root system in loamy soil
Depth, сm
Soil tillage method
Inverse tillage
Loosening undersoil
mсWeight of dry root matter (mg/1000
Source: Kamprath et al., (1979)
The expediency of removing the the soil
compaction in depth as a result of ploughing
process is obvious: 4% of the roots penetrated
deeper than 30 cm with the conventional
(inverse) tillage, 14% with chiselling, and 27%
with deep loosening between rows. While in the
first case the soybean yield was 2755 kg/ha, the
destruction of the soil compaction contributed to
its increase by 29%. At the same time, the
removal of nutrients from the soil increased
almost proportionally. This can be explained by
the direct connection with the size of the root
system, which increased (in terms of dry mass)
by 30-50% when the plough compaction was
According to the agronomic research station of
the Department of Ain (France), deep loosening
prevents forming the soil compaction in depth as
a result of ploughing process. At the same time,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ripening the soil for cultivation in spring is
somewhat delayed, but the infiltration of
moisture into the deep layers of the soil is
enhanced and its profile is more evenly
moistened. The root system of agricultural plants
becomes more powerful. As a result, absorbing
nutrients from the soil by plants increases
significantly, the yield of sugar beets and other
crops increases. But during soil cultivating the
total surface of soil particles and aggregates
increases, which contributes to the growth of
potential opportunities for evaporation and losing
In general, soil cultivation leads to increasing
moisture loss, which is undesirable, especially
when there is a lack of it. This is confirmed by
numerous studies of moisture accumulation with
various methods of soil cultivation and in its
In the state of Texas (USA), the amount of
available moisture before sowing in the 0-180
layer in the variants without tillage, with the flat
cut (subsoiling) cultivation and disking is 217,
170 and 152 mm, respectively (Table 2), during
the fallow period of the previous summer, it was
preserved, respectively, 32.5%, 22.7% and
15.2% of the amount of moisture that arrived
with precipitation (Sommers & Biederbeck,
When the soil is characterized by
overmoistening, accompanied, as a rule, by
weakening aeration, the availability of
phosphorus and potassium to plants decreases.
This is primarily due to weakening root growth
and their weak activity in absorbing nutrients. In
addition, one of the reasons for the weak supply
of phosphorus to plants is slowing down the
mineralization of soil organic matter and organic
fertilizers as the most important sources of
phosphorus, especially if overmoistening occurs
at the low temperature (Soil Fertility Manual,
Таble 2.
The influence of soil cultivation methods on accumulating moisture
The method of soil cultivation
flat cut tillage
soil by disks
Moisture saved during the fallow period (% of
cm soil -Amount of available moisture in180
layer before sowing, mm
Source: Soil Fertility Manual (1979)
In Germany, the most important conditions for
creating the high level of soils fertility and their
effective use include involving subsoil layers
into the intensively used root zone, periodic deep
ploughing, increasing the size and improving the
configuration of the fields (Kundler et al., 1977),
which contribute to the higher quality, uniform
tillage of the soil.
In a number of countries, the practice of very
deep tillage of the soil for field crops has
traditionally developed. Thus, in Italy, ploughing
for winter wheat is done to a depth of about 50
cm, and for potatoes and sugar beets or can be
even up to 75 cm, without the sufficient
experimental grounding, taking into account the
level of chemicalization of agriculture, appearing
new varieties and hybrids. Researches in this
direction have already been started, in particular
by the University of Bologna (Chekrizov, 2004).
On the soils with the heavy mechanical
composition, deep ploughing (for example, in the
sub-humid area of the Ethiopian highlands) when
creating highly productive crop rotations,
cultural meadows and pastures in combination
with liming (if necessary) to the depth of
ploughing and applying high doses of fertilizers,
ensures the improvement of the water and air
conditions and obtaining high yields of
agricultural crops, especially having deep root
system, like sugar beets and alfalfa, according
Hussein et al., (2019).
Loosening the subsoil is effective, as a rule, only
when fertilizers are simultaneously applied to a
great depth. If high doses of fertilizers are not
applied to the loosening horizon, then a positive
result will not be obtained or it will be negative,
as it was evidenced by studies in many countries
of the world.
In addition, while deepening the arable layer, as
a rule, it is undesirable to bring infertile subsoil
with the poor physical and chemical properties to
the surface. Research conducted in Sweden using
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
isotopes showed that grain crops in areas with
systematically high doses of fertilizers and
calcareous materials are able to absorb a
significant amount of nutrients from the soil:
after the tillering phase 0-25% of phosphorus,
0-25% of potassium and 10- 40% of calcium, in
the earing phase 10-50% of phosphorus and
potassium and 40-80% of calcium (Chekrizov,
2004). Therefore, applying the system approach
allows defining the influence of interaction
between the components of the agricultural
system, creating the logic and mathematical
models of the researched processes that are close
to reality. However, with a small root-rich layer,
applying high amounts of fertilizers is
ineffective, since the part of the nutrients may be
outside of the layer and become positionally
inaccessible to the roots; in addition, there may
be large losses of nutrients because of leaching.
Thus, one of the main problems of the scientific
research into the aspects of increasing soil
fertility is the need to improve the research
methodology in the direction of creating models
of processes that more closely correspond to the
reality. Researches of the agrarian scientists and
practitioners in different countries of the world
found that the minimization of tillage is not
effective in all soil types and climatic conditions
and not for all crops. Under certain conditions, it
is inferior to the traditional methods of
cultivation in terms of impact on the yield.
Obligatory conditions for the transition to
shallow soil cultivation are the presence of a
powerful, highly fertile root layer, applying
sufficient amount of phosphorous and often
potassium fertilizers, the cultivation of varieties
of agricultural crops adapted to the conditions of
minimal cultivation and stubble crops, the
presence of the necessary amount of the
appropriate herbicides.
The existing history of tillage is based on the
need to regulate the impact of nutrients on plants.
Thus, the ability of the soil to form a crop
requires the presence of three main components:
biological fertility the result of the interaction
of various constituent parts of the soil biota
which affects the regime of mineral nutrition and
the sanitary condition of the soil; chemical
fertility the ability to provide plants with the
elements of mineral nutrition; physical fertility
the ability to provide the plant with water, to
create an environment favourable for root
At the same time, the basis for the choice of the
technological operation and a means for
implementing the depth of soil cultivation is
operational information about the state of its root
layer in the specific field with the determination
of the correspondence of the data indicators of
the quantitative model of the optimal state of the
soil layer for growing crops. Therefore, in the
course of creating the effective means for the
mechanization of cultivation and the depth of soil
ploughing, the problem that always bothered and
is bothering the whole humanity right now,
concerns the conditions of the full-scale Russian
aggression in Ukraine: if there is a sufficient
amount of food and its affordable cost for the
population. Therefore, the research conducted by
us is not comprehensive and has further prospects
for the study, especially in the conditions of the
food crisis and the need to further increase the
yield of agricultural plants.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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