www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.24
How to Cite:
Yakimenko, P., Horvat, M., Kurchatova, A., Mulyk, K., & Alekseeva, O. (2023). The features of independent work for future
specialists in conditions of distance learning. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 240-249. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.24
The features of independent work for future specialists in conditions of
distance learning
Особливості самостійної роботи майбутніх фахівців в умовах дистанційного
Received: January 22, 2023 Accepted: March 12, 2023
Written by:
Polina Yakimenko1
Marianna Horvat2
Angelika Kurchatova3
Kateryna Mulyk4
Olga Alekseeva5
The peculiarities are clarified and the importance
of independent work in the conditions of distance
learning is emphasized. The definition of
independent work is given, which is necessary
for the formation of those qualities in the students
of education, which are manifested in the ability
to consciously determine the purpose of the
activity at each stage of its achievement. The
possibilities of the Moodle platform in
organizing the independent work of education
seekers in the conditions of distance learning are
shown. According to the method of distribution
of educational content, educational modes are
proposed. The positive features of distance
education that reveal its essence are indicated.
Distance learning modes are analyzed:
synchronous (all participants of the educational
process are in the web environment at the same
time); asynchronous (the educational process is
carried out according to a convenient schedule
for teachers and students), and mixed. Different
types of distance learning for education seekers
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Philipp Orlyk International
Classical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Elementary and Preschool Education Department, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi
National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Associate Professor of Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching Department, South Ukrainian National
Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer of Western and Oriental Languages and Methods of their Teaching Department, South Ukrainian National
Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine.
Yakimenko, P., Horvat, M., Kurchatova, A., Mulyk, K., Alekseeva, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 240-249 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
are presented, which differ in the degree of
remoteness, individualization, and productivity.
The principles of organizing students'
independent work in the conditions of distance
learning in institutions of higher education are
Keywords: distance learning, independent work,
information technologies, educational
environment, modernization of education.
The most essential task of increasing the
efficiency of the educational process is the
formation of the skills of independent work of the
students of education. It is possible to achieve
high results in education under the condition of
using various methods, techniques, and forms of
organization of educational activities of
education seekers during the educational process,
taking into account the individual qualities of
education seekers as a necessary condition for the
success of education.
Today, the new methodology of the educational
process, which is based on the constant use of
information and communication technologies,
without which the educational process is
impossible, is confidently included in the
practical activities of all educational institutions
of the education system.
Nowadays, the educational process with the use
of distance technologies in education (from the
English "distant" means "distant, remote") is
becoming more and more relevant. There are
disputes among participants in the education
process. This is the difficulty of adapting to
distance learning for some, and for others who
gladly accepted such an approach, distance
education is an effective alternative to the
traditional format (Pavlovska, 2022).
In the article, we would like to emphasize that in
the process of distance learning, students acquire
not only self-education, but also the ability to
organize independent acquisition of knowledge
and its practical implementation. Students have
the opportunity to determine for themselves the
place, schedule, sets of learning aids and methods
of contact with teachers. An important element of
this type of education is the ability to choose a
form of education. The main advantages for
students of education are dynamic presentation
of materials, freedom of choice of equipment and
methods of its application, differentiated process
of distribution of materials, individual style of
teaching, flexible learning paths, freedom of time
and place. Along with this, there are also
advantages for people conducting classes: great
freedom in choosing the place and time for
teaching, easier tracking and storage of
information about individual progress in
learning, no restrictions on equipment and used
Distance learning is a method of conducting
didactic processes in conditions when the teacher
and students are separated from each other
(sometimes significantly) and are not in the same
place during the transfer of information,
therefore, in addition to traditional means of
communication, modern telecommunication
technologies are used, which are used to send
voice, video, computer data and printed
materials. The latest technologies largely provide
direct contact in real time between a teacher and
a student using audio or video conferences,
regardless of their distance. This emphasizes the
special role and importance of innovative
technologies and forms a new perspective on
distance education.
This article reveals the purpose of independent
work of future specialists in distance learning
conditions. Forms of distance education are
described. The main communication
mechanisms are implemented in the Moodle
system. The main modes of education are
considered according to the method of
distribution of the content of education. The
positive features of distance education, which
reveal its essence, are noted. Distance education
is considered as a factor of the global process of
informatization of education or an educational
Various types of distance learning of education
seekers, which differ in the degree of remoteness,
individualization and productivity, are
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The factors that ensure the organization of
independent work of education seekers in the
conditions of distance learning are determined.
Purpose: to find out the specifics and emphasize
the importance of independent work in the
conditions of distance learning.
Literature Review
S. Dotsenko (2021) shows the content and
reveals the significance of independent work,
which is considered one of the main components
of the professional training of specialists in the
higher education system. The advantages of
independent work of education seekers during
distance learning are substantiated. Approaches
to the organization of independent work when
using the possibilities of Moodle a remote
platform are revealed.
O. Osaulchyk, (2020) the main positions of
distance education of education seekers as a
modern basis for their independent work were
clarified. The advantages of distance education,
its significant opportunities, and its further
promising directions of development are
highlighted; the disadvantages of distance
education are listed (lack of live communication,
the poor activity of students, lack of emotional
contact, insufficient control in student self-
organization, reduced variability of options and
choices, etc.) and the possibilities of their
reduction during the organization of independent
work of education seekers are shown.
O. Tamarkina (2020) considers distance
education as the extra-curricular independent
work of students, substantiates the meaning, and
defines the extra-curricular independent work of
students (a form of education that solves
educational tasks under specific conditions in a
specific educational situation, produces in the
student a psychological orientation to replenish
knowledge independently, provides skills in the
process of solving set tasks, contributes to the
formation of students of education in a sufficient
amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, which is
necessary for the improvement of mental
activity, is the main basis for self-organization,
self-discipline of the student of education,
provides professional support for independent
educational and scientific activities of the student
of education in the process of learning.
N. Dyka, & O. Glazova (2021) considered the
features, prospects, and advantages of using
distance technologies in the educational process,
substantiated the research and showed ways to
eliminate problems that may arise during the
introduction of distance education into the
educational process of secondary general
Yu. Bogachkov et al., (2012) developed,
substantiated, and proposed methodological
recommendations for the use of educational
multimedia; showed the positive and negative
aspects of its use; submitted recommendations
for the development of components: graphics,
educational text, video, audio; developed
recommendations on the organization of
independent work of education seekers during
distance learning; singled out the most essential
and effective Internet resources for distance
O. Tsis (2018) collected and analyzed the best
experience of educational and methodical work
of teachers of higher education institutions to
improve the organization of independent
educational activities of education seekers, the
introduction of information and communication
technologies into the education process; the main
directions of the content, essence, and
assessment of the quality of the independent
work of students of technological and
pedagogical specialties are revealed; developed
and substantiated methods of electronic
educational content; models of blended learning
and combined learning are presented; the most
essential forms, methods, technologies,
organization of independent educational
activities of education seekers with the use of
information and communication technologies are
Following the tasks of scientific research, a
complex of interconnected and complementary
research methods was used, including:
theoretical: analysis, synthesis and
generalization of the main provisions of
scientific works and normative state
documents, reports on issues related to the
problem of independent work and distance
learning, and prospects for improvement;
reforming higher education and improving
the professional training of future
specialists; induction and deduction to
establish cause-and-effect relationships
between pedagogical, political, social and
cultural phenomena from the problem of
independent work and distance learning;
application of the system approach as a
complex phenomenon, schematization of the
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
structure of research elements, with the aim
of theoretical substantiation of the problem;
terminological analysis to determine the
main basic concepts of the study; logical and
epistemological analysis of empirical data
and individual theoretical propositions, the
method of scientific identification for the
analysis of scientific sources in order to
ensure the reliability of the obtained results;
component-structural, system-structural,
system-functional methods with the aim of
highlighting the main components of the
system of independent work in the
conditions of distance learning,
substantiating regularities and identifying
features of its development;
empirical: diagnostic (conversations,
interviews), observational (pedagogical
observation), prognostic (expert
assessments, modeling) methods to
identify the state of development of the
problem in pedagogical theory and practice
and establish the possibility of using
independent work in distance learning
The methodological basis of the research is the
historical and system-complex principles of
scientific and pedagogical research, the position
of the theory of knowledge (in particular, the
interdependence and mutual influence of the
phenomena of objective reality), the principles of
scientificity, integrity, continuity, social
conditioning, objectivity, cultural conformity,
unity of national and universal, as well as
provisions regarding the goals of the
development of the system of independent work
in the conditions of distance learning.
Results and Discussion
Any educational activity cannot be without the
work of education seekers, which is carried out
independently, but the organizer of this work is
the teacher. The educational process will not be
perfect if the cognitive activity of the student is
not ensured, his education is not made creative,
and active work is not offered at all stages of the
educational process. With such an approach, the
desire of the student to learn the essence of the
phenomena presented and substantiated by the
teacher during teaching is of great importance.
Independent educational work is an active
position of education seekers organized by the
teacher, which is aimed at the realization of the
set goal: the search for meaningful knowledge,
its consolidation, the formation and constant
improvement of skills and abilities, the constant
systematization of knowledge and their
improvement in the education process. If we
approach independent work as a didactic unit,
then: on the one hand, it is an educational task
(what the student of education must accomplish),
on the other hand, it is a form that manifests itself
by the activity of thinking, memory, creative
expression when performing the learner of the
educational task (the result is the acquisition of
new, previously unknown knowledge, expansion
of the acquired knowledge).
Concerning the educational activities of students,
the term "independent work" has a conditional
character. We propose such reasoning because
the cognitive activity of education seekers is
organized with the help of special tasks and is
based on their skills, acquired knowledge, and
acquired experience.
To increase the efficiency of the educational
process of education seekers, one of the most
important levers is the permanent organization of
independent work of education seekers, which is
used to form education seekers such qualities that
would be expressed in their ability to determine
the purpose of educational activity during a
specific stage of education and skillful
application of a set of measures regarding the
achievement of the programmed goal, a
responsible attitude to activities, the ability to be
proactive by the conditions that have developed
in the educational process.
When students are provided with innovative
methods and methods of independent work, the
share of the teacher's direct influence on the
process of learning in the educational field is
reduced. But at the same time, the amount of
influence of the teacher on the independent work
of the students of education increases (Biletska et
al., 2021).
Let's write the purpose of independent work:
acquisition of new knowledge, abilities, and
skills by education seekers;
updating the knowledge of education
monitoring and assessment of knowledge
and skills of education seekers;
repetition, and thus consolidation of
knowledge and skills of education seekers
(Pavlovska, 2022).
When conducting independent work, distance
learning is one of the main areas of
modernization of higher education. By distance
learning we mean an innovative form of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
organization of the education process, during
which all classes or part of them are carried out
with the condition of using modern
telecommunication technologies, information
technologies and with the remoteness of the
teacher and the student of education (territorial
remoteness), which is important in independent
work (Yakubov, 2015). That is, the student learns
information, understands, remembers,
We will write out forms of distance education:
online webinars and their recordings;
use of an interactive platform for classes;
correspondence by e-mail;
video conferences;
audio conferences;
social networks.
In the conditions of distance education, the
organization of independent work of students is
of great importance. It acts as an essential type of
educational activity, in which the teacher is the
guiding principal and all this work is carried out
under his supervision. Today's realities provide
an opportunity to organize the educational
process in a higher education institution in a
digital environment. With such an approach in
the educational field, the main issue is the quality
of the organization of independent work using
digital technologies. In the conditions of distance
learning, the capabilities of the Moodle platform
are important when organizing the independent
work of students (Kuchai et al., 2021).
Independent work can be offered using the
"Task" element. The teacher offers students tasks
for independent work, which can be found on the
educational portal in the form of the "File"
resource. On the site, the teacher can post not
only the main tasks, but also methodological
recommendations for completing independent
work tasks, dictionaries, additional material in
the form of regulatory documents, study guides,
and textbooks for each topic of discipline. These
suggested additional materials for education
seekers are also placed on the platform as a
"Folder" or "Book" resource.
We will reveal the advantages of the "Book"
resource, which allows us to place minimal
methodological developments on the site,
materials that are large in volume (it is possible
to flip through the developments as a book), a list
of mandatory and additional literature, which is
appropriate to use when performing independent
tasks. The advantage of this portal is that it
enables interaction between the learner and the
teacher in offline mode.
It is appropriate to use the "Lecture" resource for
organizing independent work. The teacher can
organize an interactive lecture precisely with the
help of this resource. The learner is allowed to
study the lecture in separate fragments, and this
is the main advantage of this form of organizing
independent work. Answers to the proposed
questions are possible when the theoretical
foundations of a separate question of the lecture
have already been considered. What is valuable
and significant in this position is that until the
learner gives the correct answers to all the
proposed questions and achieves a positive
result, he will not proceed to the next part of the
lecture. This approach to education allows not
only to control the process of completing the task
but also to monitor the level of assimilation of the
material by the student. This form can be
considered a system of self-control.
Let's consider another effective form of
organizing independent work on the educational
portal. This is the "Forum" element. Applying
this element, it is possible to organize a class-
discussion, a class-discussion. Such work should
be carried out in an offline or online system. The
teacher is given the right to organize a forum on
a selected topic of current issues, which is
programmed. Education seekers need to
independently master selected aspects of the
given problem and at a certain time "go" to the
forum and take part in the discussion. This form
makes it possible to organize contact
independent work with students.
Let's note the importance of the "Test" element,
which is used in the organization of checking the
independent work of education seekers. Using
the "Test" element, the teacher offers tests and a
bank of questions. The Moodle system provides
an opportunity to create questions of various
types. A significant positive unit of this element
is quick monitoring, evaluation, and issuing of
results to students of education. The Moodle
system implements the main communication
perceptive (responsibility for each other's
interactive (responsibility for organizing
communicative (responsibility for
information exchange) (Dotsenko, 2021).
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Let's consider the main educational modes by the
method of distribution of educational content
(Skabelko, 2021; Order No. 1115, 2020):
synchronous (ensure synchronous
participation in the training of the teacher
and students);
asynchronous (in real-time mode, they do
not provide simultaneous training of all
participants in the educational process);
mixed (an educational path that provides for
the use of both systems of synchronous
elements and systems of asynchronous
Synchronous mode enables educational
cooperation for students in real time. The
advantage of this regime is the involvement of
any participant in the educational process at any
The asynchronous mode is used more when using
forms and methods of online learning. An
example of such a mode is the recording of video
lessons (fragments of lessons: instructions for the
comprehensibility of self-explanatory work) or
tasks for self-fulfillment by students of
education. The advantages of this mode are the
possibility of viewing such material at a time
convenient for the students of education, if
necessary, repeatedly, processing the application
at a pace convenient for the student of education
(educational videos, slide shows). The proposed
materials can be sent to the student by e-mail,
posted on social networks, and Viber can be
used. Synchronous mode is suitable for
educational consultations. Synchronous and
asynchronous modes of education, depending on
the material offered, and the use of types and
forms when performing independent work, may
coincide in time and take place in a certain
When combining modes: synchronous and
asynchronous, a hybrid, mixed mode is formed.
This regime, depending on the level of
preparation and the pace of work of the students,
is easily changed by increasing or decreasing the
offline or online components.
The main advantage of distance education is
clear monitoring of the success of all students. In
the future, distance education will provide an
opportunity for the development of an individual
trajectory for the acquisition of knowledge for
each student of education. And such an approach
to education will make it possible to create a
basis for creating a personal program for the
student of education, which will depend on what
classes are desirable and interesting for him. This
approach is mainstream in world education
systems. It is distance learning that has such
significant technical capabilities for the process
of applying this approach to the educational
process (Shunkov et al., 2022).
Online tests with automatic feedback are
promising and effective tools for monitoring
education and assessing the knowledge of
education seekers, which are adapted for self-
monitoring of education seekers and are
indispensable for individual classes (Dyka &
Glazova, 2021).
Let us note the positive features of distance
education that reveal its essence:
flexibility: working in the distance education
system, students do not attend regular
classes, which are presented in the form of
lectures, and seminars, but study at a time
that is convenient for them, in a place that
suits them, which has a significant
advantage for those who work and studies.
modularity: the modular principle is used in
distance education programs. At the same
time, distance courses create a complete
picture of the subject field. This approach
makes it possible to form an educational
program from a set of individual courses
(modules) that will satisfy individual or
group needs;
parallelism: the educational process can be
carried out simultaneously in several
specialties in addition to the main one;
long-distance: the distance from the location
of the student to the educational institution,
which does not interfere with the effective
educational process, provided there is a
quality connection;
synchronicity: in the process of education,
the teacher and the student use educational
technology and the learning process
regardless of time according to such a
schedule and pace for each person involved
that it is convenient for everyone;
coverage: this property is called
"massiveness". The number of students has
access to many sources of information in the
distance education system and this is not a
critical parameter. For example, the
following sources of information in the
distance education system are offered:
electronic libraries, databases, etc. Students
can communicate with the teacher or each
other without any restrictions through
communication networks, information
technology means;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
profitability: economic efficiency of
distance education. It has been proven that
foreign and domestic educational systems
are approximately 10-50% cheaper than
traditional ones (Zastelo, 2012).
With the help of distance education, young
people can get an education while working and
studying at the same time, combining study with
work. This type of training is suitable for students
who live in remote areas of cities; managers;
military personnel; students; businessmen who
want to get an education in parallel with work.
Distance education is suitable for everyone,
makes it possible to combine education and
everyday life, and makes it possible to get an
education abroad with minimal financial costs
(Yasulaitis, 2005).
Distance education increases the efficiency of
independent work, provides an opportunity for
students of higher education to easily use non-
traditional sources of information, provides
opportunities for acquiring and consolidating
various professional skills, creative self-
expression, and allows teachers to implement
innovative forms and methods of the educational
process, using mathematical, conceptual
modeling of processes and phenomenon
(Tamarkina, 2020).
Distance learning involves the delivery of
educational material via the Internet, in which all
participants in the educational process are in
interaction, which is ensured by the use of
software, administrative, and technical means of
the Internet network (Kuchai et al., 2022).
Distance education, as a factor of the global
process of informatization of education or an
educational subject, can be considered as:
system unit;
educational environment;
technology that ensures the creation of
specific methodical methods of teaching
disciplines, which includes the rethinking of
traditional methods;
the communicative field, in which the
effectiveness of pedagogical interaction is
carried out, in particular, operational and
regular interaction between a network
teacher and a student of education, as well as
between students of education; ensures an
active position of all participants (students of
education, teachers, parents of students of
education) in the educational environment;
a means of educational self-realization of the
learner: distance education creates all the
conditions for building an individual
trajectory of the educational space (on the
one hand), provides conditions during which
the learner takes responsibility for progress
in education (on the other hand);
a means of forming ICT competence, the
ability to work independently, and the
development of cognitive activity in
means of professional improvement of the
teacher: development of ICT competences,
and methodical competences.
At each level of education, distance learning
should be carried out taking into account the
characteristics of qualitative and personal
formations that are formed at any age stages of
personality development. The distance education
system cannot replace face-to-face education. Its
best use is to use it as an additional position.
Distance learning technologies are used in
external and correspondence education (Kotiash
et al. 2022).
Let's consider different types of distance learning
for education seekers, which differ in the degree
of remoteness, individualization, and
1. Students of education, together with the
teacher, use remote Internet resources during
full-time studies at the educational
institution. There is interaction with students
of other educational institutions and
specialists in fields related to the educational
programs. Here there are parameters of the
communicative space: communicative
distance, and indirectness, which are
variable in nature. This type of distance
learning technology is the most popular. The
problem when using it can only be the
limitation of the capabilities of the
educational server and the lack of
appropriate technical means in educational
2. Training takes place in the form of distance
educational projects. Representatives are
students and teachers of various educational
institutions in the same country and different
countries. Any educational institution can be
the organizer of such a project. Participation
in such a project is a means of additional
education in which communication between
teachers and students of education is not
systematic, but there is a dense information
exchange, an information resource is
involved, but the goals of the event are not
necessarily the goals of the educational
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
3. The educational process is carried out with
participation in web seminars and
counseling, with the help of distance
courses. Distance learning is used as a
supplement to face-to-face learning. the
teacher works with the student remotely,
episodically, or permanently. Such
pedagogical interaction is carried out with
the help of dense communication using
communicative distance. In this case,
distance learning can partially replace face-
to-face learning and provides corrections to
face-to-face learning. Training can perform
the function of a tutor if it is built according
to the scheme: the student of education the
Internet the teacher and reduces the
problem of the shortage of qualified
educational personnel.
4. The distance learning resource center
assumes the role of organizer and
coordinator of learning. This type of
distance learning technology provides
complete distance learning (without face-to-
face) for learners with psychophysical
disabilities who spend long periods in
hospitals or correctional facilities. This type
of education is valuable for gifted children.
5. Distributed distance learning is learning
when a curriculum is developed for an
individual student and is created in such a
way that different subjects are studied by the
student in different educational institutions,
the education process is provided by
different teachers, taking into account the
individual characteristics of the goal of the
student. The coordinator is the educational
institution (full-time or distance learning),
the parents of the student (Bogachkov et al.,
We will describe the principles of organizing the
independent work of education seekers in the
conditions of distance learning in institutions of
higher education, which affect the quality of
training of a competitive specialist:
1. The principle of close interaction of
independent work with the course of study.
To increase the perceived motivation of
education seekers, independent work of
students in the conditions of distance
learning should be included in the process of
assimilation of professional material
consistently and promptly.
2. With different degrees of preparedness of
students, the individual abilities of a person
are taken into account, and in the conditions
of the formation of such different level
educational groups, the principle of
differentiation becomes extremely relevant.
Differentiation provides an opportunity to
acquire knowledge for each student in a
meaningful and effective way according to
the level of complexity of tasks and
exercises, the speed and means of
completing tasks, according to the degree
and level of support provided, according to
the nature of the cognitive activity. As noted
by V. Zhukovsky and K. Simak, "the
principle of differentiation and personal
approach allows taking into account the
motivational sphere of students and their
psychological features when working with
educational materials" (Zhukovsky &
Simak, 2016).
3. Choosing optimal methods to achieve the
goal, which do not contribute to machine
learning of the material, but stimulate the
conscious perception of the material. In the
framework of distance education, the role of
stimulating cognitive processes is assigned
to the independent work of the students of
education, in the application of which a
necessary approach is an inductive approach
to mastering the material, which ensures a
sequence from partial to general. Induction,
which is based on analysis, increases the
quality of the cognitive process, like analogy
and deduction. Such an approach provides
the efficiency of independent work of
education seekers who, upon mastering the
fundamental disciplines in the higher
education system, aim for independent
research activities in the future.
4. Carrying out of the classroom work
reproductive exercises for successful
learning of the material, tests, written
exercises, exercises for the development of
receptive types of activities, etc.
5. Provision for all students of education to
study the course material as successfully as
possible. The distance course provides
students with a system of self-control. Tasks
are formed according to a scheme that
provides an opportunity to receive a hint for
activation, analogy, and independent
analysis. Attempts in training exercises and
tasks are unlimited for the possibility of
choosing an individual amount of training by
the learner.
Let's list the factors that, in conditions of distance
learning, ensure the organization of independent
work of education seekers:
modernization of the content of educational
application of modern educational
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
creation of conditions for the formation of
self-education abilities and skills
(Kuzminskyi et al., 2018).
Individualization of the independent work of
education seekers makes scientific and research
activities successful and creates conditions for
self-realization, and self-determination.
With the help of distance educational
technologies, pedagogical support for the
independent work of education seekers is
created, electronic educational resources of a
game nature are developed, Internet testing is
implemented, and independent work with
Internet resources is offered.
Therefore, in the conditions of distance learning,
the effective organization of independent work of
students of education is designed to stimulate the
cognitive processes of students of education, to
motivate them to study the material
(Tsvyd-Grom et al., 2021).
The peculiarities of independent work in the
conditions of distance learning are considered.
The definition of independent work is given, and
the purpose of independent work is written out.
One of the priority areas of modernization of
higher education is distance learning. Distance
learning is defined as a form of organization of
the educational process. Distance education
forms have been written out. The possibilities of
the Moodle platform in organizing the
independent work of education seekers in the
conditions of distance learning are shown.
According to the method of distribution of
educational content, educational modes are
proposed. The positive features of distance
education that reveal its essence are indicated.
Distance learning modes have been analyzed.
The types of distance learning of education
seekers are presented, which differ in the degree
of remoteness, individualization, and
productivity. The principles of organizing
students' independent work in the conditions of
distance learning in institutions of higher
education are formulated.
The issue of consideration of electronic
educational resources, and the need to create and
provide resources for the information and
educational space of higher education institutions
require further research.
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