www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.23
How to Cite:
Knysh, I., Tiahur, L., Ivanova, V., Vasiutynska, Y., & Shovsh, K. (2023). Features of training specialists using innovative
approaches. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 230-239. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.23
Features of training specialists using innovative approaches
Особливості підготовки фахівців за допомогою інноваційних підходів
Received: January 9, 2023 Accepted: February 28, 2023
Written by:
Inna Knysh1
Liubomyra Tiahur2
Victoria Ivanova3
Yelena Vasiutynska4
Kateryna Shovsh5
The article examines the peculiarities of training
specialists through the use of innovative
approaches. The article shows the
methodological concept of purposeful formation
of competitive specialists in the process of
professional training, which represents the main
innovative approaches to the study of the
problem of training specialists. The purpose of
the research is revealed, in which the
peculiarities of the training of specialists using
innovative approaches are revealed. Two types
of these approaches to high-quality training of
specialists are identified. The innovative
approach in education is considered through the
use of the proposed model and through the ability
to design and model the programmed educational
process in a higher education institution with the
mandatory application of various innovative
approaches. The authors highlight the main
components of educational innovation in the
article. Prospective directions of educational
innovation are highlighted. The necessity of
applying innovative approaches in the system of
education of future specialists is proven and the
need for active assimilation of educational
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Foreign Languages,
National Academy of Management, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education, Faculty
of Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Preschool and Special Education, Mukachevo
State University, Ukraine.
Teacher, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Teacher, Kindergarten
Pedagogy, Educational and Institutional Management, Headmistress of the Vocational School of Ferenc Rákóczi II, Transcarpathian
Hungarian College of Higher Education. Ferenc Rákóczi II, Ukraine.
Knysh, I., Tiahur, L., Ivanova, V., Vasiutynska, Y., Shovsh, K. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 230-239 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information is shown, the development of key
competencies, professional growth and ensuring
the competitiveness of future specialists on the
labor market in the modern world are proven.
The main innovative technologies in education,
which have recently been introduced into the
practice of higher education, are considered.
Keywords: innovations, training of specialists,
innovative approaches, pedagogical
technologies, pedagogical process of a higher
In the 21st century, when the rapid development
of society is observed, humanity is at the stage of
globalization and integration. There is a change
in all methods of information dissemination, the
volume of which is constantly increasing, the
virtual E-environment is rapidly being
modernized, and this process significantly affects
the reformatting of the education space. In
connection with the application of innovative
approaches to the development of critical
thinking, the content of education, the emotional
intelligence of education seekers and, as a result,
reducing their overload, facilitating socialization
- conceptualizing the education of the entire
global space (Nezhiva & Palamar, 2020).
Innovation in education is a process that, with the
help of creative approaches to learning,
implements the application and improvement of
creative ideas, teaching aids, and the latest
technologies, both pedagogical and managerial,
in educational practice. As a result of such
application of innovations in education, there is
an increase in the level of all components of
multi-structural education, and the transition of
the education system to its qualitative state is
observed. Since the definition of "innovation" is
used in two forms: the actual idea and the process
of practical implementation, it has many
meanings (Kremen, 2008).
The innovative pedagogical activity involves
professional self-determination of the person
who teaches, including awareness of pedagogical
norms, professional model, and the ability to
qualitatively assess one's capabilities, which
"constitutes the cognitive component of the
teacher's readiness for such activity
(Dubasenyuk, 2009).
Through the technology of innovative education,
we understand a balanced model of activity
(organization and conduct of the educational
process), which is carried out together with
mandatory design in the most comfortable
conditions for both the teacher and the students.
The main condition for the continuous
development of innovative pedagogical
technologies in the modern educational process
is the constant implementation of system analysis
when solving practical issues related to the use of
educational process equipment and technological
means of learning. When carrying out a system
analysis during the planning of educational
resources and before their implementation in the
learning process, the main criterion is the
criterion of optimality. Therefore, the application
of system analysis in the creation and use of
teaching aids is a promising and positive thing,
and the constant planning of the activities of the
teacher and students of education makes the
forecasting of educational results justified.
Pedagogical technology, which we understand
broadly and when defining it, we mean its orderly
system of actions. It is these proposed actions
that lead to the desired achievement of the
pedagogical goals set by us. We mean:
developmental training, problem-based training,
credit-module training, etc. When applying
educational innovative technologies, a general
strategy for the development of education takes
place, and when applying pedagogical
technologies, their implementation tactics are
implemented. Learning technology comes from
the Latin word valeo which means health; studies
all approaches to improving the individual health
of the individual and society as a whole. So, from
here it can be stated that learning technology is a
valeologically, pedagogically, and economically
justified process of possible achievement of
educational results and contributes to learning as
a whole. For the creative professional
improvement of the teacher's qualifications, his
self-realization, as well as to ensure the
competitiveness of the education seeker, we are
interested in researching the impact on this
process of teaching technology, which represents
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a set of substantiated innovative techniques,
methods and means for implementing the
updated innovative content of education within
the limits of both the subject and individual types
of educational activities using innovative
approaches. With the help of innovative
teaching, stimulating, innovative, innovative
changes in education, and therefore in culture
and society, take place. Innovative changes in
education are aimed at obtaining innovative
changes, with the help of clear new approaches,
as a result of which there is a process of
individual readiness for education, dynamic
changes in society in connection with the
development of creative abilities, taking into
account various forms of imaginative thinking
and logical thinking, as well as leads to a strong
ability to work in a team with other people
(Bakhtiyarova et al., 2017).
The 21st century is a century characterized by a
mandatory and undeniable transition from the
energy to the information age. And this era is the
main basis for the development of all spheres of
life on our planet. Therefore, the principles
related to the training of competitive specialists
of all levels and areas of training must always be
improved and changed. The need to improve the
professional training system of competitive
specialists depends on the conditions and
organization of the education process itself, and
the use of innovative learning technologies in this
process is important. The quality of professional
training of competitive specialists is achieved by
increasing the amount of information,
rationalizing the education process, and building
a cognitive process with the help of highlighting
important, essential knowledge and skills for
specialized training of competitive specialists.
Practice requires that the main goal of a high-
quality educational process is a specific
competitive education seeker. This means the
personification of the process of professional
training of specialists (Shestopalyuk, 2013). We
see the problem of inconsistency between the
requirements of competitive specialists and the
educational technology of a higher education
institution that provides educational services at
this moment in time, taking into account changes
in the social environment from the outside. We
see the possibility of eliminating such
inconsistency in the mandatory appropriate
adjustment of the information society, in
particular the information and pedagogical flows
of this very society, aimed at increasing the
productivity of educational technology through
the use of innovative approaches, which is the
relevance of our research.
The purpose of the research is to reveal the
peculiarities of the training of specialists using
innovative approaches.
Literature Review
Modern pedagogical science is characterized by
the search for innovations aimed at creating
conditions for the formation and development of
a whole, creative, free personality capable of
socialization, adaptation and self-realization in
society, as well as revealing the essence of
innovative approaches in the educational process
and taking into account the main components of
influence on their implementation. The general
nature of educational reforms in Ukraine is
primarily related to innovative trends in the
development of education. Pedagogical
innovations, which have become widespread in
education, include ideas, methods, technologies,
a complex of elements that carry progressive
principles; creative search; an original solution to
pedagogical and educational problems.
It should be noted that the topic of innovative
technologies is the subject of discussions and
disputes among many scientists and teachers.
O. Podpletnya and others. (2018) highlighted the
different approaches needed to implement
innovative forms of learning. To improve the
quality of training of competitive specialists, the
functioning of distance education on the open
Moodle platform, which is very popular in global
practice, is shown.
In the studies of V. Tyutyunnyk (2021), ways of
introducing innovative technologies and their
implementation in higher educational institutions
are considered. The current state of
implementation of innovative activities in
institutions of higher education is analyzed.
Problematic points in the modern education
system regarding the introduction of innovative
technologies are shown.
The authors emphasize that innovative
pedagogical activity is connected with the
rejection of stereotypes in education, creates new
norms of personal and creative, individually
directed activity of the teacher, develops
pedagogical technologies that are implemented
in this activity.
In their research, O. Marinovska and R. Zubyak
(2018) systematized and showed the importance
of the information space regarding the
approbation, implementation and development
of innovative work technologies in general
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
secondary education institutions.
O. Shestopalyuk (2013) considered the content of
innovative educational technologies in
institutions of higher education and the
possibilities of their use in the education system.
A comparison of the main technologies was
carried out and innovative models of education
were analyzed.
Research by L. Nezhiva and S. Palamar (2020)
shows the need to introduce interactive
technology into education, which changes the
focus of lectures through dialogic interaction
with students, ensuring real improvement of
practical training through the use of master
classes and quests.
In the studies of the authors, innovations are
caused by new socio-economic transformations
due to the need for fundamental changes in the
organization of the education system,
methodology and technology of the organization
of the pedagogical process in educational
institutions of various types and the need to train
a new galaxy of scientific and pedagogical and
pedagogical personnel; the tendency to humanize
the content of education intensified, new
academic disciplines appeared and there was a
rapid need for teachers who could provide a
creative, innovative approach to the
implementation of these trends; the emergence of
competition between state and non-state
universities, which provided an opportunity for
young people to study where there is innovative
potential and quality of education.
G. Rozlutska (2011) substantiated the definitions
of "pedagogical technology", "educational
technology", "pedagogical innovation
technology", "teaching technology" and others.
The advantages of innovative technologies and
the activity and possibilities of use in the
educational process of the higher school are
Generalizing the above, in the context of
innovative education, the requirements for the
teacher's personality take on a completely
different meaning. Having analyzed the scientific
sources, we emphasize that the innovative
renewal of the pedagogical system should ensure
the growth of the personal potential of both
students and teachers, should contribute to their
self-improvement, the expression of
individuality. A teacher must know his subject,
master teaching methods, have knowledge in
related scientific fields, orient himself in modern
social and political life. Taking into account the
peculiarities of the professional training system,
the specifics of educational activity, the
peculiarities of becoming a teacher as a subject
of innovative activity and the content of teacher
training for innovative pedagogical activity, the
creation of an innovative educational
environment of a higher educational institution is
relevant in the training of future teachers.
To achieve the defined goal of the research and
to solve the set tasks, a complex of research
methods was applied: theoretical: a comparative
analysis of philosophical, psychological and
pedagogical, methodological literature,
normative, and legislative documents - to clarify
the state of development of the problem of
training specialists using innovative approaches,
clarification of conceptual -categorical apparatus
of research, determination of the essence and
component composition of the studied ability;
synthesis, generalization - to substantiate the
theoretical and methodological foundations of
the research.
The leading idea of the study is based on
identifying the peculiarities of training future
specialists using innovative approaches in the
process of professional training, which ensure
effectively, targeted formation of professional
competence of future specialists in the created
innovative educational environment based on the
modernization and modification of the
components of the methodological concept of
purposeful formation of competitive specialists
in the process of professional training represents
the main innovative approaches to the study of
the specified problem:
competence-based, which provides
guidelines for the education paradigm for a
creative, active, independent educational
process while revealing the essential
potential of each future specialist, while
providing an opportunity to actively act and
apply the formed competencies in various,
not only professional situations but also life
systemic, which provides an opportunity to
provide a comprehensive study of the
methodology of the formation of eco-
competence of future specialists during
professional training at all stages of training;
to organize systematic actions aimed at the
perfect formation of a professional
personally oriented, involves the creation
and provision of methods, content, and
environment for revealing a unique potential
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
in the future specialist, forming an
individual trajectory of development, self-
realization, and self-development of the
personality qualities that are formed based
on harmonious interaction with the
surrounding world;
axiological, directs the activity of a
specialist to humanistic development,
substantiates value orientations, regulates
moral and ethical norms of relations between
society and man, establishes the moral
principles of harmonizing human relations
with the surrounding world, which are based
on the absolute value of life;
activity, which substantiates the formation
of professional competence of future
specialists in the process of training
specialists with the help of innovative
approaches, interaction with the surrounding
world based on sustainable development,
active activity;
reflective, aimed at forming the ability of
future specialists with the help of innovative
approaches to realize their responsibility for
self-monitoring the effectiveness of their
professional activities, to stimulate self-
improvement and consequently, develop
humanistic, in which we observe the
personal growth of specialists with the help
of innovative approaches, taking into
account oriented values in the conditions of
educational activities for competitiveness in
their professional activities.
Results and Discussion
Under innovative education, we understand not
only a certain educational technology but the
principle of conscious application of all the
possibilities of the most effective elements of the
system of the educational process, which are
constantly being improved. Note that the
innovative approach in education is manifested
not only through the use of the selected, most
dynamic model, but also through the mandatory
ability to model and design the educational
process in a higher education institution with the
mandatory use of the most effective innovative
approaches (Shestopalyuk, 2013).
Innovative approaches to high-quality training of
specialists are divided into two types:
1) innovations-modernizations that modernize
the education process and are programmed
to achieve guaranteed results within its
traditional reproductive orientation;
2) innovations-transformations that serve to
change the educational process according to
the traditional scheme and set a goal and
achieve a result that is aimed at ensuring a
research-innovative nature, including the
mandatory organization of search
educational and cognitive activity. Let's
define the main difference between the two
approaches, which is precisely the role of
education seekers, in particular, in the
implementation of educational activities.
With the traditional approach, the learner is
a passive recipient of the provided
educational information, and when using
innovative new technologies, the entire
educational process is aimed at improving
the active process of assimilation of
knowledge and skills by the learner. It is the
second type of innovative education that is
necessary, promising and effective today,
which makes it possible to update the
education process and to teach students to
independently carry out innovative
Innovative processes in education, in general,
and the scientific discipline "innovation", in
particular, aim to use the essence of the masterful
embodiment and scientific design of innovative
technologies, to identify the natural connections
between traditions, approaches, and innovations,
to apply innovative approaches and management
models of systemic innovations in institutions
education (Dake & Ofosu, 2019).
Let's highlight the main components of an
educational innovation:
theoretical components of creating
innovative approaches in the education
system (neology);
methodology of perception and its
assessment, interpretation of novelty in
sociology, psychology, didactics, and
practical application of innovations in
education, technology, and experience.
With the help of these interconnected
components, the structuring and formation of the
essence of theoretical educational innovation
take place (Omonayajo et al., 2022).
Let's focus on promising areas of an educational
definition of the content, structure, subject,
functions of innovation in education, using
innovation as a separate branch of scientific
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
knowledge, taking into account it’s one of
the main places in the system of sciences;
scientific understanding in the modern
philosophy of education of innovative
processes, in particular, innovative
development of management models using
innovative processes in modern education;
highlighting and substantiating the
contradictions of innovative approaches in
activities and ways of solving them;
determination of patterns of socio-
psychological changes in the development
of innovative processes;
consideration of the conditions for the
implementation of innovative processes in
education and the description of the
necessary and sufficient categories of their
substantive analysis of innovative activity
and development of norms, etc
(Bakhtiyarova et al., 2017).
Тechnologies and products of computerization
have a short life span and it is getting shorter and
shorter, and aging is happening faster and faster.
This causes more and more innovations
(Kremen, 2008).
Let's consider the main innovative technologies
in education, which have recently been
introduced into the practice of higher education.
Technologies of modular training. Let's consider
the main content of the elements of the
technology of modular learning and the logic of
construction. The structuring of the educational
process according to the modular principle is
used when studying a topic or section. The study
of the educational material is not conducted in
parts but is presented as a generalized module in
lectures as a whole. The duration of innovative
lectures is adjusted by the methods of structuring
and volume of theoretical material with the use
of innovative methods with the help of
information technologies. The founding
innovative lectures highlight the problematic and
complex issues of the topic, applying the latest
facts and events. Activation of the thinking of
education seekers in the course of innovative
approaches to lectures is ensured if the lecture
has a problematic innovative character. The role
of the teacher in the implementation of
innovative pedagogical technologies is also
changing. The teacher performs the role of a
consultant when applying innovative approaches
(Rozlutska, 2011).
Problem-based learning technology.
Professional, creative training of future
competitive specialists becomes purposeful and
real when innovative problem-based learning
technologies are used. The very name of this
learning technology speaks of its focus and
capabilities. Problem-based learning is related to
a problem, problematic tasks are formed by the
teacher, an innovative problem-based
explanation of the educational material takes
place, the content of which is presented using
innovative approaches. This is the essence of
problem-based learning, which forms research
activity, creative thinking, critical thinking,
dialectical thinking, independence of students,
and solving theoretical and practical tasks with
the help of innovative approaches, which are
important in the formation of a future
competitive specialist (Luo, 2022).
Situational modeling technology. Innovative
teaching technology sets the following
conditions for the presentation of material:
curiosity, vividness, and emotional imagery. The
purpose of situational modeling technology is to
create such educational conditions when every
student would study not only successfully, but
with interest, revealing his talents, and abilities
and being ready for creativity and self-
Interactive learning technologies. Recently,
interactive learning technologies are often used,
the meaning of which is to activate not only
cognitive activity but also to activate the labor
activity of students, increasing interest in classes.
Thanks to the use of interactive learning
technologies, students acquire an attitude of
constant search and creativity when completing a
task. The business game is the main component
when using interactive technologies (Diaz-Parra
et al., 2022).
Business game technology. The essence of the
use of business games in educational institutions
is manifested in the development of the
independence of the future competitive
specialist, in the activation of thinking, in the
formation of creativity, and in the situation of
approaching the realities of life (Morze et al.,
Developmental learning technology.
Developmental learning technology is a didactic
system. The purpose of developmental education
is to focus not only on ready-made knowledge
but most importantly on the principles of
acquiring new knowledge. The technology of
developmental education, which takes into
account the peculiarities of the mental
development of students of education, is based
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
on the concept of developmental education,
ensures the personal formation of students of
education, their development as subjects of
education and later professional activity.
Case technology. Case technology ensures the
use of the principles of problem-based learning.
Provides an opportunity to acquire skills in
solving existing problems, ensures the work of a
group of education seekers on a common field by
applying a specially developed problem; thus, the
process of acquiring knowledge is more
adequate, it imitates professional processes from
real life, applying life situations. This is better
than memorizing terms, and retelling them,
because such an innovative approach requires not
only the mechanical acquisition of knowledge,
understanding of terms, but also skillful
operation of these terms, which makes it possible
to solve problems by building logical schemes,
and makes it possible to argue one's opinion.
The technology of collective and group methods
of learning. The basis of the technology of the
collective and group method of learning is a
person-oriented approach related to the
interaction of the teacher and students of
education. This approach is based on
opportunities for all participants in the
educational process of natural communication.
Technology for the development of critical
thinking. The purpose of technology is to form
positive personality traits, such as independence,
creativity, and responsibility; to organize work
that will make it possible to solve urgent
problems and achieve the programmed result; to
form communicative skills: justify thoughts,
hear, discuss, listen, express; acquire the ability
to control oneself, evaluate others and oneself,
self-improvement throughout one's life;
determine the purpose of the activity, solve
problems, organize cooperation, develop
responsibility, initiative for decision-making,
overcome conflicts.
The technology of programmed learning. The
positive aspects of programmed learning
technology are as follows: the possibility of
individualizing education; the development of
independent work of education seekers and its
activation, the ability to focus attention, develop
observation; using feedback to ensure thorough
assimilation of the material; the ability to
perform work clearly and correctly; objectively
determine the level of assimilation of skills,
knowledge, and skills (Bakhtiyarova et al.,
The introduction of ICT technology,
technologies of critical thinking, project activity,
augmented reality, activation of the educational
process in the preparation of future specialists
contributes to the innovative assimilation of the
information provided, the improvement of basic
professional competencies, and thus the
competitive growth and ensuring the
competitiveness of graduates in modern global
labor market relations, which is necessary for the
assimilation of educational material and
increasing its volume during life (Plakhotnik et
al., 2022). With this approach, when the
educational process does not depend on the
location of the student in time and space and a
specific educational institution, the value is given
to the independent study of the material during
life, dialogic exchange between the teacher and
the student (Kuharenko, 2002).
The main innovative approach that is
increasingly necessary for education is distance
education. We justify this statement. By the
distance education system, we mean a form of
obtaining education, when not only traditional
approaches are used during training, but also
innovative approaches to education, and forms of
education based on telecommunication and
computer technologies are a mandatory element
of the application of innovative approaches
(Podpletnya et al., 2018).
For the implementation of distance education and
its development, platforms are used, that is,
software to support distance education, without
the use of which the distance education system is
impossible. Today, in the distance information
society, there are a large number of platforms to
organize distance education. There are two
categories of platforms: open source, which is
distributed for free, and closed source, which is
paid, commercial (Sysoeva, 2011).
Distance education is a regularity of the
adaptation of education to modern educational
conditions, it does not develop by chance,
because its task is: fulfilling the social order of
educational space for society with minimal
material costs from the state and combines full-
time, part-time, extramural, and evening training
based on innovative information multimedia
technologies and systems. Therefore, we
consider distance education to be a set of
innovative information technologies that provide
the learner with all the necessary amount of
material; interactive interaction of students and
teachers during the educational process and
provide an opportunity for students to
independently work with literature for qualitative
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
learning of the material; and also provide an
assessment of knowledge and skills in the
education process and carry out its monitoring
(Kiryakova et al., 2018).
Distance education is based on electronic
textbooks, the use of personal computers, and the
use of telecommunications, which constitute a
qualitatively new innovative approach to
education. For such an innovative approach in
education, the main thing is a strong cognitive
motivation, which is provided by the Internet and
helps to improve the quality of training of a
competitive specialist (Kravchenko et al., 2022).
This quality of distance education is an
innovative technological approach to the
education of the XXI century. The characteristic
features of the innovative technological approach
are modularity, flexibility, the coordinating role
of the teacher, economic efficiency, monitoring
and control of the quality of education, the use of
innovative approaches of forms and means of
education (Rozlutska, 2011).
The result of applying innovative, technological
approaches in education depends not only on the
skill of the teacher but also on the motivation and
ability of the student to study independently and
analyze the literature used. Innovative
educational approaches lead to the effectiveness
of education because they are aimed at the high-
quality training of highly qualified specialists,
who are needed by the modern world, who can
successfully master new knowledge throughout
their lives, flexibly, innovatively, and
dynamically respond to modern socio-economic
conditions; to possess civic and moral qualities in
the innovative space of education. This is the
result of the education process (Podpletnya et al.,
Innovativeness in education is based on the value
perception of the world by the individual, and
individuality in the relationship between the
teacher and the student of education. Innovative
approaches in education are complex and
responsible and are connected by significant
human factors. We are witnessing the beginning
of innovations in education: from the change of
the traditional "teacher-learner" relationship
model to the "person-person" model; out of
respect for the individuality of the student of
education (Shestopalyuk, 2013).
Innovative education and innovative approaches
in its development are considered as the principle
of justified use of all the possibilities of the
elements of the education system. The definition
of an innovative approach in education is the use
of an innovative model through the possibility of
modeling and designing an innovative
educational process in a higher education
institution using innovative approaches.
Innovative approaches to education are grouped
into two types: innovation-modernization, to
modernize the educational process and aim at
achieving accurate results of the traditional
reproductive orientation; innovations-
transformations, which aim to transform
traditional education into a research approach,
the organization of search and cognitive
activities in the educational space. A clear
difference between these two approaches is
singled out, which is the role of education seekers
to innovatively learn and self-learn with the help
of innovative approaches and creatively
implement educational activities in the process of
competitive work for society.
The components of educational innovation are
revealed: a theoretical approach to creating
innovations in the educational system; activity
assessment methodology, perception of the
global educational dimension; interpretations of
the innovation in psychology, didactics,
sociology, and management; technological
approach, the experience of educational
innovations in the practical dimension of society.
These components are interrelated, structure and
form the main approaches to theoretical
educational innovation. Prospective directions of
educational innovation are highlighted.
The importance of the main innovative
technologies in education, which are leading in
higher education today (problem-based learning
technology, modular learning technology,
business game technology, situational modeling
technology, developmental learning technology,
interactive learning technologies, case
technology, collective and group learning
technology, is substantiated), programmed
learning technology, critical thinking
development technology. It has been proven that
the use of these technologies is necessary for the
education system of future specialists and
promotes the active learning of material that will
be necessary for their professional activities and
will ensure the development of key competencies
and will contribute to the professional growth of
specialists, ensure competitiveness specialists in
the modern labor market.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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