Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.21
How to Cite:
Galtseva, T., Saliuk, M., Кutiepova-Bredun, V., Ploshynska, A., & Hrysenko, N. (2023). Peculiarities of personality resilience
formation in modern conditions. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 213-220. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.21
Peculiarities of personality resilience formation in modern conditions
Peculiaridades de la formación de la resiliencia de la personalidad en las condiciones
Received: February 12, 2023 Accepted: March 25, 2023
Written by:
Tetiana Galtseva1
Maryna Saliuk2
Viktoriia Кutiepova-Bredun3
Anzhela Ploshynska4
Nataliia Hrysenko5
The speed, complexity, and all-encompassing
nature of modern socioeconomic processes place
high demands on such personal qualities as
resilience, stress resistance, competitiveness, and
the ability to self-develop and self-help. These
qualities are essential for successful functioning
in society and overcoming serious social
challenges. According to psychologists, the
modern conditions in which people live and
realize themselves are extreme and stimulate the
development of stress. The article aims to outline
the key trends in the modern scientific literature
on issues related to the formation of resilience. It
is equally important to study the practical aspects
of the development of this trait as one of the key
factors of a successful life in modern conditions.
In the course of the study, the analytical and
bibliographic method was applied to study the
scientific literature on resilience formation.
Furthermore, the authors of the study conducted
an online questionnaire survey to clarify the most
important issues related to the formation of
personal resilience, given the challenges of
today. According to the results of the study, the
Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, Director of Humanitarian Institute, National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Associate Professor, PhD in Psychology, Department of General and Social Psychology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
Dnipro, Ukraine.
Associate professor, PhD, Department of general and social psychology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Associate professor, PhD, Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
Dnipro, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Educational and Developmental Psychology, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
Dnipro, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
main most important theoretical aspects of the
issue of the formation of personality resilience in
modern conditions are identified. Moreover, the
viewpoints of scientists and practicing
psychologists on the key aspects of this issue are
Keywords: resilience, overcoming life's
difficulties, stress resistance, self-help, vitality,
effective social interaction.
The current stage of development of
psychological science is characterized by the
growing interest of researchers in the formation
of human vitality. This situation can be
explained, on the one hand, by the general need
to solve real practical problems of personal
expression and forms of interaction with the
social environment. On the other hand, it can be
explained by the development of psychology as a
science, the achievement of a high level of
theoretical and methodological basis, and the
possibility of fruitful research on personality
The theoretical part of this study substantiates the
relevance, concepts, components, and
prerequisites for the formation of human
The practical part of the article includes an
assessment of the importance of the factors of
change in public life. This should be taken into
account when planning work on optimizing
resilience, and identifying the most important
components of the concept. This is especially
relevant in terms of the need to give priority to
the concept in the process of practical work with
people in need of psychological assistance.
Meanwhile, the survey allowed for the
identification of the main aspects of resilience.
These aspects require special attention as areas of
preventive measures to ensure a person's resilient
attitude to changes in the environment in the
future. The study also identified negative factors
that can have a significant negative impact on the
development of human resilience in adulthood.
Moreover, the characteristics and traits of the
personality, the formation of which is positively
influenced by the presence of resilient beliefs, are
Based on the results of the study, conclusions
have been drawn on the issues raised. It was
found that rapid social and political changes in
society are the key factors of changes in public
life that should be considered when planning
work to optimize resilience. According to the
survey results, it was found that one of the most
important components of the concept of
resilience is the ability to build a full life in
difficult conditions (adaptability). These aspects
should be considered in the process of practical
work with people in need of psychological
assistance. However, among the aspects of
resilience that require special attention as areas
of preventive measures to ensure successful
personality development and create prerequisites
for a person's resilient attitude to changes in the
environment in the future, it is worth noting
stability and balance. The survey participants
identified the most important factors that, if
present in a person's childhood, can have a
significant negative impact on the development
of their resilience in adulthood. These include the
lack of support and encouragement from loved
ones, as well as the presence of alienation from
significant adults. Furthermore, the study showed
that individuals with high resilience scores have
a greater sense of competence and higher
cognitive scores. Moreover, they have better-
developed coping skills and are more capable of
building trusting relationships, and can maintain
high standards of personal interaction with
The research aims to determine the position of
scientists studying the issues of personality
resilience and practicing psychologists on the
peculiarities of forming personality resilience,
given the challenges and peculiarities of today's
Literature Review
Nowadays, it is no longer enough to successfully
overcome another life crisis and draw the right
conclusions for a successful life. The changing
present forces people to live effectively in an
Galtseva, T., Saliuk, M., Кutiepova-Bredun, V., Ploshynska, A., Hrysenko, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 213-220 /
February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
extreme environment, in conditions of the need
to constantly set personal goals, work with their
feelings, communication skills, etc. (Melnychuk
et al., 2022), (Bertrams et al., 2020).
Many scientists nowadays pay special attention
to the study of a person's internal capabilities that
help him or her to withstand difficult life
conditions and preserve personal essence,
integrity, and identity. According to
psychologists, this ability can be characterized as
resilience. This concept is usually viewed from
two perspectives: as a set of components that
help an individual build a fulfilling life in
difficult conditions; as a functional ability to
adapt, protect and maintain the stability of the
personal system. Thus, resilience is the
individual ability of a person to manage their
resources in the context of social norms and
environmental conditions. One of the specific
and basic forms of resilience is overcoming
unfavorable conditions for personal development
(Cangiano, Parker & Yeo, 2019), (Lavrusheva,
When studying the mechanisms of social
transformation, scholars point out that a modern
personality must navigate the expanded social
space and demonstrate internal flexibility.
Moreover, he or she needs to strive for a variety
of interests, and self-improvement, and perceive
the present as a special important temporal
dimension of human existence (Chang, Kuo &
Ni, 2022).
Therefore, the efforts of scientists in this area are
primarily aimed at studying the specific abilities
of an individual that help him or her successfully
adapt to a complex dynamic environment.
According to psychologists, this ability is
interpreted as flexibility, resilience, elasticity,
and resistance to external influences (Logan,
Berman & Prescott, 2023).
Resilience is an integral and stable personality
trait. It varies depending on the type of stress, its
context, and other factors that can be defined as
risk and protective factors (Leontiev, Mospan &
Osin, 2022).
From another perspective, resilience is viewed as
a person's energy potential, which reflects the
degree of ability to overcome adverse
circumstances, as well as the degree of effort
made to work on oneself and one's life
circumstances. This trait is an integral feature of
personal maturity and a form of manifestation of
personal potential and self-determination (Keefer
& DeBeliso, 2020).
One of the specific forms of manifestation of
resilience (personal potential) is overcoming
unfavorable conditions for personal
development. There are objectively unfavorable
conditions for the formation of a personality that
can affect its development. However, such
influence can be overcome following the external
and personal capabilities of a person (Gray et al.,
The level of development of resilience as a trait
that reflects the ability of a subject to find a
balance between compliance with existing
conditions determines the degree of protection of
a person from various threatening influences.
These are associated with a person's perceptions
of his or her ability to achieve expected results,
successfully implement the necessary forms of
behavior and overcome the negative impact of
the environment (Buchner et al., 2022).
An empirical study of current trends in the
formation of personality resilience was
conducted by interviewing 246 scientists and 211
practicing psychologists who conduct research
and practice in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky, and Kyiv oblasts of
When organizing the survey, respondents were
asked to evaluate the importance of each option
in every question in the questionnaire as a
percentage from 0 to 100, based on their
perceived importance.
When processing the survey questionnaires, the
average value of all respondents' answers for
each answer option was calculated. After
summarizing the results of the survey, the
respondents reviewed the data obtained and,
having agreed with its results, gave permission to
publish the results of the study.
The group of respondents was selected
considering the gender and age proportions of the
population in each region of the study.
The study was conducted using the SurveyGizmo
According to the survey participants, in today's
conditions, the key factors of changes in public
life that should be considered when planning
work to optimize resilience are primarily (Figure
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Thus, the survey showed that, according to both
scientists and practitioners in the field of
psychology, rapid social and political changes in
society affect people's mental health and well-
being. They cause stress, neuroses, depression,
and inadequate behavior and, accordingly,
require increasing the resilience of individuals
exposed to such factors. Therefore, the issues of
formation and preservation of subjective well-
being, quality of life, high vitality, and resilience
of a person are of increasing need and scientific
and practical interest for research.
In the course of the survey, respondents
identified the most important component of the
concept of resilience for them, which should be
given priority in the process of practical work
with people in need of psychological assistance
(Figure 2).
Figure 1. Distribution of importance of factors of changes in social life that should be considered when
planning work to optimize resilience, %
Source: built by the authors.
As can be seen from Figure 2, both components
are extremely important in the work of
strengthening the resilience of an individual in
life circumstances. However, the ability to build
a fulfilling life, namely adaptability, is the most
important vector of resilience formation.
Figure 2. The most important component of the concept of resilience, which should be given priority in the
process of practical work with people in need of psychological assistance, %
Source: built by the authors.
Rapid social
changes in
changes in
public life
Political changes
in the world
information flow
Rapid technical
34 37 31
29 39 34
From the perspective of scientists studying the issue of personality resilience
From the perspective of practicing psychologists
The ability to resist
destruction (to deal
with difficult life
situations, to
protect one's
integrity) -
The ability to build
a full life in
difficult conditions
- adaptability (to
plan one's life, to
adjust to a certain
46 54
From the perspective of scientists studying the issue of personality resilience
From the perspective of practicing psychologists
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
During the survey, respondents identified aspects
of resilience that require special attention as areas
of preventive measures to ensure successful
personal development and create prerequisites
for a person's resilient attitude to changes in the
environment in the future (Figure 3):
Figure 3. Aspects of resilience that require special attention as areas of preventive measures to ensure a
person's resilience to changes in the environment in the future, %
Source: built by the authors.
As shown in Figure 3, these aspects are primarily
stability and balance. An essential result of the
survey was to identify the most important factors
that, if present in a person's childhood, can have
a significant negative impact on the development
of their resilience in adulthood (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Negative factors that, if present in a person's childhood, can have a significant negative impact
on the development of their resilience in adulthood, %
Source: built by the authors.
As shown in Figure 4, the development of
resilience in adulthood is most negatively
affected by the lack of support, encouragement
from loved ones, and the alienation of significant
adults in childhood. In the course of the survey,
the participants identified the characteristics and
personality traits that are positively influenced by
the presence of resilient beliefs (Figure 5):
49 47
32 34
44 48
31 33
From the perspective of scientists studying the issue of personality resilience
From the perspective of practicing psychologists
Serious illness of the
person or his/her
Significant financial
Divorce of parents
Lack of support,
encouragement from
loved ones
Lack of participation,
alienation from
significant adults
34 33 38 47 49
37 31 35
52 51
From the perspective of scientists studying the issue of personality resilience
From the perspective of practicing psychologists
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 5. Characteristics and personality traits that are positively influenced by the presence of resilient
beliefs, %
Source: built by the authors.
Research has shown that people with high
resilience scores have a greater sense of
competence and higher cognitive scores.
Moreover, they have better-developed coping
skills and are more able to build trusting
relationships and maintain high standards of
personal interaction with others.
The problem of human resilience to various life
difficulties is and has been one of the most
important at all times in any society. It has always
attracted and continues to attract the attention of
philosophers, writers, doctors, educators, and
psychologists. Researchers rightly characterize
the rhythm of modern society as stressful,
sometimes even extreme and critical. The
optimal overcoming of difficult stages of life is
very topical for the modern development of our
society (Carrillo, Etchemendy & Baños, 2018),
(Fruchart & Rulence-Pâques, 2022).
Resilience is considered the main functional
component of vitality that maintains the stability
of the personality system and is a systemic factor
that sets the parameters of the main components
of life. Furthermore, resilience is a central
personality variable that mediates the impact of
stress factors on somatic and mental health, as
well as on the success of individual activities
(Kokou-Kpolou & Park, 2020), Stuart-Edwards,
Resilience in overcoming difficulties is
manifested as the ability to believe in oneself,
self-confidence, self-reliance, and the ability to
effective mental self-regulation. Moreover, it is
manifested in the preservation of the individual's
ability to function, exercise self-determination,
develop, and adapt. Reduced resilience
encourages a person to overcome a risky
situation with negative consequences for mental
and somatic health, personal development, and
established interpersonal relationships. The
balance of resilience is defined by scientists as
the ability to correlate the level of stress with the
resources of one's psyche and body, to minimize
the negative impact of stress, and the ability to
keep stress within acceptable limits (Goldbeck,
Hautzinger, & Wolkenstein, 2019), (Yin et al.,
The most important aspect of resilience is
individual and personal self-sufficiency in terms
of freedom from dependence. Resilience is a
personality trait, some aspects of which are
stability and balance. This allows a person to
withstand life's difficulties and unfavorable
pressure, and to maintain health and efficiency in
various challenges (Kukita, Nakamura &
Csikszentmihalyi, 2020).
Scientists mainly see the main function of
resilience as ensuring the ability of an individual
to effectively interact socially and find optimal
ways of self-development and self-realization in
difficult life circumstances. The personal
property of vitality emphasizes the attitudes that
encourage a person to transform stressful life
events. A person's attitude to change, as well as
his or her ability to use available internal
Highly developed
cognitive skills
Skills to overcome
A sense of purpose
in life
Ability to build
Ability to maintain
high standards of
personal interaction
47 51 48
51 4949 48 52
53 51
From the perspective of scientists studying the issue of personality resilience
From the perspective of practicing psychologists
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
resources to effectively manage it, determines to
what extent a person can cope with the
difficulties and changes he or she faces daily
(Chen, Wu & Biljecki, 2021), (Garau &
Annunziata, 2022).
The essence of constructive forms of behavior in
difficult situations is that they allow one to cope
with a difficult life situation, to act vigorously,
consciously, purposefully, and adequately to the
objective conditions of the situation and one's
capabilities. Depending on the situation,
attention can be paid either to changing the
situation or to activating and developing one's
skills. In the broadest sense, constructive
behavior is ensured by a person's vitality, his or
her ability to withstand life's difficulties, and
preserve oneself as a holistic personality (Purvis,
Mao & Robinson, 2019).
Thus, the analysis of the scientific literature on
the research topic and the results of the
questionnaire survey showed that rapid social
changes are constantly increasing the importance
of the degree of development of human vitality
in various spheres of life. Largely, this also
applies to professional resilience, which is one of
the most important components of a person's
overall viability.
The theoretical analysis of the literature on this
issue and the results of the survey indicate the
crucial importance of resilience. It is considered
the main functional component of personal
development that maintains the stability of the
personality system. Moreover, resilience is a
system-forming factor that sets the parameters of
a person's basic capabilities. Through resilience,
people perceive life problems as less threatening
and respond to them in a more productive way
for their health, personal, and professional life.
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