www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.14
How to Cite:
Bondarenko, N., Cherepania, N., Malets, D., Klepar, M., & Matveieva, N. (2023). Tolerance as an important aspect of the
professional competence of future specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 158-167. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.14
Tolerance as an important aspect of the professional competence of
future specialists
Толерантність як важливий аспект професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців
Received: January 15, 2023 Accepted: February 21, 2023
Written by:
Natiliya Bondarenko1
Nataliia Cherepania2
Dmytro Malets3
Maria Klepar4
Nataliia Matveieva5
The article outlines tolerance as an important
aspect of the professional competence of future
specialists. The purpose of the article is
disclosed, which substantiates the foundations of
the formation of tolerance in students of
education as an important aspect of the
professional competence of future specialists.
The main positions of the formation of tolerance
among education seekers are shown and the
necessity of an important aspect of the
professional competence of future competitive
specialists is shown. The definition of tolerance
in various aspects is proposed. In order to reveal
the essence of professional tolerance, its
functions, which are important in our research,
are summarized. A typology of tolerance was
carried out according to the social spheres of its
existence. The article proposes and analyzes
three types of orientation of professional
tolerance of an individual: intertolerance
(external type of tolerance); intratolerance
(internal type of tolerance); balanced type of
tolerance (clear combination of intratolerance
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Social Work and Rehabilitation Department, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Special Education,
Mukachevo State University, Ukraine.
Postgraduate Student (Pedagogy and Management of Education), Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary Education Pedagogy, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian
National University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education Pedagogy,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.
Bondarenko, N., Cherepania, N., Malets, D., Klepar, M., Matveieva, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 158-167 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and intertolerance). In the article, the authors
define various principles and components of
professional tolerance. The criteria of a culturally
tolerant personality are singled out. The
principles and functions of professional tolerance
are considered.
Keywords: tolerance, professional competence,
future specialists, principles, functions, criteria
of professional tolerance, competitiveness.
Integration processes and a democratic approach,
which are urgent today, show the need for a set
of requirements for the quality of professional
training and upbringing of competitive future
specialists based on a new humanization of
education. Ensuring tolerance among students in
modern conditions is due to a high level of
mobility, constant growth of intercultural ties,
relations, and international contacts. One of the
urgent problems in the conditions of the socio-
cultural environment, which leads to the
improvement of the quality of life in institutions
of higher education, is the problem of education
of tolerance to form a culture of interpersonal
relations among students of education (Kozlova,
The problem of forming tolerant relationships in
an individual, and the need to overcome
discrimination in the world has an ancient
historical basis. Many generations of well-known
philosophers, pedagogues, and psychologists
worked on the problem of the formation of
personality tolerance, in particular, developed
forms, methods, and techniques.
The beginning of the worldwide movement for
the ideas of tolerance in 1995 was the
justification by the United Nations of the
"Declaration of Principles of Tolerance". Such an
event became a well-known, significant stage in
the consideration of tolerance as "respect,
acceptance and correct understanding of the
entire diversity of culture, forms of self-
expression and manifestation (Zhuravel, 2008).
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the
foundations of the formation of tolerance in
education seekers as an important aspect of the
professional competence of future specialists.
Literature Review
Modern science considers the problem of
tolerance in philosophical, psychological,
pedagogical and socio-cultural contexts. Various
aspects of the problem of tolerance, in particular
the understanding of the essence of the
phenomenon "tolerance" and its special
significance for the formation of the
professionalism of the teacher's personality, have
been investigated in the scientific works of many
I. Voloshchuk, A. & Vakulina (2020) considered
the development of tolerance qualities of future
specialists and showed ways to improve them in
the professional training system for the formation
of a competitive specialist. The problem of
tolerance is considered from the point of view of
professional significance and professional
quality of the specialist, which is based on
professional knowledge and professional
The theoretical content of the formation of
tolerance of future specialists was carried out by
G. Mukhina (2021). Problems of tolerance are
grouped. The concept of tolerance is
characterized as a psychological and pedagogical
phenomenon, and based on the study of this
concept in various sciences, a conclusion is made
about the meaning and essence of the concept of
tolerance. The definition of tolerance was also
defined by T. Zhuravel (2008) in his work. The
author defines tolerance in any civilized society
as the moral basis of communication. Proves the
popularization of tolerance not only as mutual
understanding between individuals, but as
personal interaction that reduces the level of
conflicts and crimes. Proves the importance of
the level of tolerance for the inmates of the
colonies and notes that increasing the level of
tolerance in human behavior contributes to the
achievement of the goal of resocialization. The
scientist substantiates the impact of the change in
the negative behavior patterns of the inmates of
the colonies, shows the change in their attitude
towards society, moral restructuring, and the new
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
vision of the inmates of the colonies of their life
K. Khomenko, O. Khomenko, & Ya. Khizhnya
(2018) showed the importance of a doctor's
tolerance for his professional competence. The
formation of personal qualities of future doctors
in the conditions of hostilities is substantiated
and the abilities corresponding to the challenges
of the time are determined.
I. Targonii (2020) conducted a study and
substantiated the significance of the complex
problem of tolerance of education seekers,
showing the process of formation of tolerance of
education seekers during professional training in
pedagogical colleges and in extracurricular time.
The author theoretically substantiated and
experimentally verified the pedagogical
conditions for the formation of tolerance of
students of pedagogical colleges during
professional training and in extracurricular
The above-mentioned authors emphasized that
tolerance is of primary importance in the work of
a teacher, and it is precisely in this that,
unfortunately, a rather significant lack of respect
and tolerance is felt. The understanding of
tolerance as respect and recognition of equality,
rejection of domination and violence, recognition
of the multidimensionality of human culture,
norms, beliefs, refusal to reduce this diversity to
uniformity or to the superiority of any one point
of view should be the basis of a teacher's
professional activity.
The author O. Bryukhovetska (2018), in turn,
analyzed the process of formation of professional
tolerance among the heads of educational
institutions, made a theoretical generalization of
this problem and presented its new solution,
specified the content, presented the essence of
the formation trends. of professional tolerance of
heads of educational institutions, professionally
important qualities of heads are grouped and the
possible levels of formation of tolerance of heads
of general educational institutions are
determined, and the components of tolerance are
highlighted: actual managerial tolerance, self-
tolerance, tolerance to interaction. with subjects
of the educational process.
A. Molchanova (2013) highlighted the direction
of the specialist's professional activity,
highlighted the essential signs of tolerance,
revealed the substantive meaning, presented the
types of the analyzed phenomenon, substantiated
the value approaches to the education of
tolerance in students, considered cultural,
psychological and communicative approaches to
the specialist's tolerance, proposed the author's
recommendations regarding the process of self-
education of a future specialist, tolerant
interaction with education seekers.
V. Lyapunova (2016) researched and analyzed
the components of the professional training of
specialists, singled out the main problems that
affect the process of deepening the competence
of specialists, and also devoted her research to
the issue of the formation of tolerance in
children. The scientist substantiated the
psychological principles and presented the age-
related possibilities regarding the level of
children's assimilation of tolerant values,
revealed the methodology of forming tolerance
in children, analyzed the world experience of
training teachers to form tolerance in children.
L. Kondrashova (2006) developed the criteria of
a culturally tolerant personality, provided
methodical advice on the formation of a
personality as a unique personality, conducted a
typology of tolerance according to spheres of
Analysis of the researchers' works revealed a
number of problems that significantly reduce the
level of tolerance. Among them, the following
can be distinguished: inadequate attitude of many
of them to each other; persistent need to discuss
all the problems that concern them; inability to
listen and lead a discussion; intolerance to the
views of others, etc. Therefore, education
workers have a difficult task to teach and educate
young people along with the development of
their own national culture, to educate them in the
spirit of peace and respect for all peoples, to
understand and appreciate the uniqueness of
other cultures.
The analysis of modern scientific and
pedagogical literature indicates the need for
further study of the problems of tolerance of
future specialists, since certain aspects of it
remain incompletely covered, in particular: the
peculiarities of the preparation of the future
teacher for the education of tolerance in student
youth and his readiness to create a tolerant
educational environment; the influence of
external and internal factors on the education of
tolerance, etc. Under such conditions, the
problem of tolerance of future specialists in
educational institutions becomes especially
urgent, and its solution requires changes in the
domestic system of pedagogical education.
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
To achieve the goal and implement the research
objectives, a set of methods was used: theoretical
- analysis and systematization of scientific
literature on the research problem - to determine
the object, subject, goal of the research,
formulation of its tasks, clarification of the
essence of the concepts "tolerance",
"development of tolerance among students -
future specialists"; synthesis, comparison,
classification, generalization and systematization
of theoretical and empirical data; empirical -
diagnostic (interviews, testing, the method of
unfinished sentences, solving life situations),
indirect observation, to determine the levels of
tolerance development in future specialists in the
process of professional training.
The methodological basis of the research is the
main laws of dialectics (transition of quantitative
changes to qualitative new formations of the
personality); the position of the theory of
knowledge; the position of philosophical
meaning about the relationship of special,
general, singular; principles of the
interconnection of phenomena and processes in
science, the universe, the educational process;
psychological and pedagogical theories of
personally oriented, axiological, activity, system,
competence, environmental, integrative,
approaches; psychological and pedagogical
theories of the development of education seekers
and self-development of the individual during
life; interrelationship of quantitative and
qualitative parameters, processes and
phenomena in the educational system of learning,
acquisition of professional qualities of the
individual, their systematic analysis and
modeling; general didactic and specific
principles of training highly qualified specialists.
Results and Discussion
For the comprehensive development of the
individual as a unique integral structure, an
important factor is the formation of a society that
creates conditions for development in the process
of active self-realization and improves creative
potential in the system of interaction with other
civil subjects. Great importance is attached to
tolerance as the ability to interact with society,
which manifests itself in the exchange of skills,
information, abilities, activities, skills, and
experience. Within the scope of his research,
G. Mukhina (2021) considers "tolerance" as a
meaningful characteristic of a developed
personality, which is consciously carried out: in
the settlement of emotional, and adverse factors,
in mental stability under stressful conditions, in
the acceptance of different views, in
manifestations of external influences, agreement
of other people's opinions.
E. Koikova (2008) analyzes tolerance and reveals
its essence in four aspects:
1) as a virtue of the individual, identified in the
world with the art of living, acceptance of
different ideas; which accepts the ability to
obtain freedom and have one's rights, while
not violating the freedom and rights of other
2) as the acquisition of an active life position,
based on the recognition of another subject;
3) as an attitude towards a person who freely
accepts another person as he is, with his
multidimensionality and identity inherent in
his culture, its norms and rules, respecting
his personal point of view and position,
understanding and accepting the traditions,
values and culture of the representatives of a
different religion or nationality;
4) as a quality of the personality, while
considering the limitations of the personality
or quality of the personality to be a stable
property that can determine its activity,
behavior, and thinking characteristics.
Analyzing tolerant qualities, we note that their
development must organize the educational
process in such a way that during its
organization, mandatory elements include: the
formation of behavioral and cognitive strategies
of a humanistic orientation, communicative and
tolerant attitudes, value-oriented personal
formations, etc. Such a strategy makes it
possible, when structuring the components of the
personality, to show the ways of the harmonious
development of a tolerant person, who can help
build effective relationships with other people in
the place of a competitive specialist, expand the
boundaries of their understanding and world
perception, and work on personal aspects of self-
development and self-actualization (Voloshchuk
& Vakulina, 2020).
Tolerance is the art of coexistence in the universe
of different individuals and their ideas, with the
ability to have their freedoms and rights, without
violating the freedoms and rights of other
individuals. Tolerance is based on the way of
interaction, focused on determining the
boundaries of self-identification, self-
development, and self-knowledge, which
promotes cooperation with people, the
humanization of society, and those who differ in
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
language, beliefs, appearance, faith, or customs
(Bartosh et al., 2021).
Let's find out what types of tolerance can be
divided into according to the social spheres of its
1) gender tolerance - the attitude of impartiality
regarding a person's attitude towards
representatives of the opposite sex, the
inadmissibility of a priori attributing to
another person the disadvantages of the
opposite sex, the impossibility of giving
preference to one gender over the other;
2) age tolerance the impossibility of
admitting a priori "flaws" of individuals that
relate to the age censor, the combination of
age tolerance with respect for persons of
advanced (respectable) age, which is
commendable in many cultures;
3) educational tolerance - observed in the
household sphere, provided that the level of
legal education of people is the main factor;
4) inter-ethnic tolerance - a positive attitude
towards people of different nations, the
ability not to apply negative actions and
shortcomings of representatives of
nationality to people who do not belong to
this nationality, the ability to relate to any
individual from the position of "presumption
of national innocence";
5) racial tolerance a positive attitude towards
persons of a different race;
6) religious tolerance a positive attitude
towards religiosity, dogmas of any
denominations from the standpoint of
believers and unbelievers, persons from
groups of different denominations;
7) geographical tolerance - the inadmissibility
of disrespecting people living in provincial,
small villages, towns, and other regions by
people living in big cities or the capital;
8) cross-class tolerance tolerant attitude
towards people of different property strata
the positive attitude of the poor towards the
rich and the rich towards the poor;
9) physiological tolerance a tolerant attitude
towards the disabled, the sick, persons with
physical defects, the physically
handicapped, etc.;
10) political tolerance an unbiased attitude to
the activities of various associations, parties,
tolerance to the statements of party
members, etc.;
11) sexually oriented tolerance respect for
individuals, regarding their choice of non-
traditional sexual orientation;
12) marginal tolerance impartial attitude
towards drug addicts, beggars, prisoners,
etc. (Bochkor, Dubrovska & Zaleska, 2014).
There are different approaches to the education
of tolerance in students of higher education
institutions, which are inseparable from the
search for the mandatory settlement of intolerant
tendencies during the communication of students
who are not the same in terms of ethnic origin,
racial principle, do not share worldview values
that are different, but for I have different life
goals (Kozlova, 2019).
It is the task and duty of every person throughout
his life to constantly cultivate in himself the
values of human dignity and respect for the
human personality and inviolability. Tolerance is
based on the formation of value orientations,
taking into account the interests of the future
highly qualified specialist. And the result should
be the development of a spiritually rich person
who will be able to resist inhumanity and
technocracy (Khomenko, 2018).
One of the social institutions is education. It
contributes to the formation of tolerance,
provided that cooperation, dialogue, and mutual
respect are used. Tolerance is considered from
different positions. We justify these positions:
1) the dialectical essence is manifested in the
form of empiricism and rationalism;
2) the moral and ethical basis is conscience,
duty, pluralism, and non-violence;
3) tolerance manifests the optimal mechanism
in interaction with society, manifests itself in
the individual's desire to get along with other
people, coordination of all possible motives,
orientations, and attitudes, while not
showing suppression of human dignity and
4) with the help of cooperation, mutual
understanding is realized, while
clarification, and acceptance of all people in
all their many aspects, dialogue is important;
5) tolerance is a form of socio-psychological
adaptation and a human condition (Targonii,
Consider the professional tolerance of a
subordinate and the head of an educational
institution has three types of orientation:
intertolerance (the type of tolerance is
external). This type of tolerance is aimed at
the environment and learners of the
educational process. This type of tolerance is
characterized by: acceptance of others as
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
they are, excessive yielding to other people,
rejection of one's own beliefs in favor of
another person, change of goals and
intentions of one's activities and living
conditions, the ability to treat oneself too
critically, to have self-doubt in the
uniqueness of his personality and as a result,
there is a decrease in the efficiency of the
work of both his specialist and the
organization in which he works, that is, the
internal desire to externally comply with the
norms of tolerant behavior about
subordinates, colleagues, parents, the public;
intratolerance (the type of tolerance is
internal). This type of tolerance is aimed at
the manager and his personality. This type of
tolerance aims at self-respect, positive
acceptance of one's personality, self-
confidence and belief in one's abilities,
attitude towards oneself as self-worth,
personal independence, and attitude to the
chosen profession for self-realization.
Without a type of internal tolerance, the
leader allows immersion in long-term
reflection about his actions and himself.
Therefore, such tolerance is the main
prerequisite for the survival of the
individual. This is a special system of
attitudes, values, views, and motives, which
is manifested in the desire of the boss to
build relationships with himself with the
help of a responsible and free choice;
a harmonious combination of intratolerance
and intertolerance (the type of tolerance is
balanced). This type of tolerance is
manifested in professional activity (in the
active position of this activity) and is
represented by a positive attitude both
towards the surrounding reality and
employees and towards oneself as an
individual and a manager. The following
positions are relevant in this regard:
striving for novelty and flexibility in
personnel management, using one's original
management techniques;
readiness for cooperation, dialogue, and
positive interaction with persons of any
social group while preserving one's own
the ability to unconditionally and positively
manifest all aspects of one's "I", to
demonstrate a sense of one's competence and
the ability to competently and tolerantly
solve professional issues. Understanding the
value of one's individuality of a manager or
a subordinate as an individual and manager
becomes the norm and is always supported
(Fabian et al., 2022).
The professional tolerance of a subordinate or
manager involves the willingness to accept other
people as they are, but at the same time it is
necessary to preserve individuality, one's values,
respect, and to recognize the equality of each
individual. All these positions inherent in
tolerance should not be reduced to conformism,
indifference, or limiting one's interests
(Bryukhovetska, 2016).
Let's analyze the principles of professional
the inadmissibility of violence as an
impossible means of attracting employees to
the proposed idea, which must be turned into
a result - implies mandatory voluntary
choice, freedom of action, and belief. The
idea of tolerance, in this case, can be a kind
of reference point that provides
commonality and makes employees like-
minded. With this approach, one cannot
condemn or blame those who have not yet
had time to fully integrate into the team and
are not able to work fully;
without forcing others, the ability to force
yourself. With this approach, no violence or
coercion matters, but conscious, voluntary
self-restraint. We proceed from this position
because coercion and fear from the outside
do not contribute to tolerance and restraint,
although as a factor of education at a certain
moment employees and the entire team are
disciplined. Such an opportunity by example
and behavior of employees to tolerance and
this is necessary for employees and
strict observance of norms, laws, and
traditions. An important factor in the
development of the organization is the
recognition of the legitimacy of the
legitimate interests of others, obedience to
the laws, and not to the whims that the
manager comes up with;
acceptance of another employee who differs
in cultural, national, religious, and other
characteristics. If the manager wants people
to treat them tolerantly, he should treat his
subordinates the same way, but without
giving up his position and imposing it on his
employees (Perveen et al., 2020).
To reveal the essence of professional tolerance,
let's summarize its functions, which are
important in our research:
regulatory function - the essence of the
analyzed function consists in the
implementation of an adequate state about
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specific situations in management, to each
individual, to professional activity, taking
into account the relationship to one's
behavior and employees in the performance
of the professional activity. All these
essential positions are possible only based
on adequate self-esteem, which has always
been, is and will be a regulator of behavior;
motivational function - forms the strength
and composition of the teacher's behavior,
his motivation for professional activity,
expands his horizons and, under the
condition of managers, skillfully evaluates
other points of view of employees and
evaluates another vision of the problem and
its solution, provides an opportunity to
develop life experience;
evaluation and prognostic function - forms
the ability of the individual to work
constructively not only with the staff but
also with the environment from the outside
and in conditions that are constantly
changing; show clarity of actions to build a
strategy of behavior, taking into account the
existing norms, possible consequences of the
prosperity of management situations. With
such a human position, it is necessary to be
in the trend of constant demands from
society, to expand contacts, dialogues, and
adaptation function - can effectively
counteract the negative factors of the
professional environment, is aimed at
preserving the adaptation potential, and
allows the individual to apply an emotional,
positive, constant, stable attitude to the
object and subject of joint relations in their
activities in the process of cooperation. The
adaptation function is in constant connection
with the positions that a person should
demonstrate in the process of his
professional activity: self-control,
willpower, self-regulation, endurance;
developmental function - provides the
ability for an active life position, for self-
regulation, development, the autonomy of
the individual, provides deeper motivation,
contributes to the development of judgments
based on moral values;
psychotherapeutic function - supports and
develops the self-esteem of the individual,
contributes to the reduction of a person's
sensitivity to adverse factors, and is the main
factor in normalizing the psychological
atmosphere in a certain institution (support,
an atmosphere of trust, recognition, respect);
integrative function - counteracts internal
and external conflicts, which are threatening
when preserving the workable atmosphere
of a certain team; ensures the stability of this
team, and in further activities stimulates the
further moral development of a person in a
certain team and provides opportunities for
self-determination to the professional during
interaction and communication in the team
(Bryukhovetska, 2016a; 2018).
The formation of intolerance or tolerance occurs
during the evaluation of the object. With a
positive assessment of the object, there is a
positive attitude towards it, which leads to
positive motivations regarding its position. The
consequence of this is natural tolerance. If the
evaluation is positive during evaluation, then we
have positive intentions and attitudes toward the
object. A positive assessment also includes an
assessment of a person's behavior as a colleague,
subordinate, or manager. Such a process is
identity tolerance. If the assessment of the object
is negative, then constructive tolerance appears,
that is, there is an opportunity to benefit from
those personality differences that appeared in the
process of people's contact. If a person does not
want to deal with the object due to a negative
attitude towards the object, then this indicates the
presence of adaptive tolerance, and this approach
makes it possible to adapt to adverse factors
(Stoykov, 2019).
The advantageous position of condescending
tolerance is that what a person has a negative
attitude toward does not affect him personally,
otherwise he would not show tolerance.
Permissive tolerance, in most cases, is formed
during upbringing.
If a person receives a negative evaluation and if
a negative motivation and attitude towards the
object have developed, there is no cooperation,
then intolerance arises. If there is an instruction
for cooperation, even though the assessment is
negative, problematic tolerance can be formed
(Budnyk et al., 2022).
As the final result of the formation of human
tolerance, there must be a culturally tolerant
Let's note the criteria of a culturally tolerant
a person who respects ancestors and their
cultural and ethical heritage;
understands the ambiguity and
multifacetedness of the educational
ready for adequate, unbiased evaluation,
manifestation of empathy by subjects,
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
perceives adequate judgments about
themselves and other people;
determined to respect, and positively interact
with people of other cultures, adequately
accept their traditions and views, etc.;
shows a tactful attitude toward the subjects
of cooperation or communication, a
respectful and benevolent attitude to the
habits, traditions, beliefs, views, opinions,
beliefs, and behavior of other people;
adheres to socially accepted norms of
behavior in activities and communication,
appearance, etc (Kondrashova, 2014).
Let's single out the most important criteria of a
culturally tolerant personality (according to L.
Kondrashova (2006). Such criteria are:
Cognitive criteria. They are characterized by the
manifestation of the importance of understanding
one person to another, the manifestation of
humane feelings, and a benevolent attitude
towards a colleague or interlocutor (expression
of a personal attitude towards another person,
benevolence, affection, friendliness, sympathy
for a person, sympathy for the interlocutor,
expression of joyful feelings from the success of
a peer, whether an elderly person, the desire to
please her); understanding showing respect for
opinions, giving them importance, supporting
ideas and values that are important to other
people; respecting the equal rights of every
individual (the right to play, the right to express
one's opinion, etc.); confidence in the need to
respect the opinion, culture, and traditions of the
surrounding people;
Emotional and evaluative criteria. They provide
an opportunity to speak when a person is ready to
compare his actions with acceptable moral
norms, taking into account interpersonal
interaction and the ability to evaluate other
people from the position of benevolence; the
desire to assess the prediction of the
consequences that may be due to any reason, to
the ability to assess the state of a person and the
further development of the situation, during
which the emotion performs an anticipatory
function and leads to the possibility of
performing moral actions; the opportunity to
evaluate one's actions and the actions of one's
employees, comrades, or other people, relying at
the same time on the norm of behavior in public
places, etc.
Behavioral criteria. They focus on stable
formulas in behavior, that is, on etiquette rules,
using their independent use in situations of
standardized speech communication (politely say
goodbye, greet warmly, listen carefully, do not
interrupt the interlocutor, politely make a
request, use words of gratitude, apologies during
communication); the need for comfortable
language interaction when working with subjects
of communication, to maintain a friendly
atmosphere during communication; to have an
emotional and positive attitude to the actions of
the community and to show cognitive interest
and to comply with the norms of cultural
behavior in transport, public places, in the
theater; understand and accept someone else's
way of thinking, feelings, ideas, thoughts or
beliefs; to always be ready to cooperate with
people, respond to the emotional state of people
who differ in language, appearance, beliefs, etc.;
the ability to tolerantly show interest in the
opinions of other people, because every person
has the right to his own opinion; in the process of
realizing a valuable attitude towards the
environment, treat other people loyally, give
colleagues or friends, students of education
freedom of choice, show selflessness; to
positively direct one's actions towards
partnership in behavior and communication;
show kindness when communicating with peers;
be ready for respectful, constructive interaction
with people of different nationalities; be guided
by the norms of benevolent behavior of people;
show respect for representatives of other
nationalities, be tolerant of their culture,
language, etc.; show humane feelings in
everyday life towards each other, etc.
Let's consider the components of a tolerant
personality (according to V. Lyapunova (2016):
motivational and value component
perception of the culture of tolerance as a
value, formation of motivation;
cognitive component the presence of
conscious knowledge about ways to react in
different situations;
emotional-volitional component the
manifestation of a positive attitude towards
other people, self-control of the individual,
human endurance, assessment, perception of
one's actions and the actions of other people
about a tolerant culture;
behavioral component - tolerance is
manifested in the restraint of criticism,
relative to a different point of view;
restrained reaction to troubles, conflict
Today, great importance is attached to the
researched question in the preparation of future
teachers for the education of tolerance in
education seekers. Education of a tolerant
personality involves, first of all, familiarization
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
with the principles of tolerant pedagogical
interaction and obtaining ideas about
international tolerance, problems of tolerance,
formation, and education of tolerance. Such
training will be effective under the condition of
ensuring the flexibility and multicultural focus of
programs, and curricula of higher education
institutions, as well as the use of the latest
technologies in education, the mandatory
integration of all educational courses, which are
based on the following approaches: activity-
based, competence-based, personally oriented,
humanistic, comparative, cultural.
Tolerance is a global problem and education is
the most effective way to its formation.
Education contributes to the formation of
students' thinking skills regardless of the
situation, and critical thinking based on moral
Being a tolerant person means recognizing the
possibility of a person differs in position,
appearance, behavior, interests, and values and
not belittling his individuality at the same time
(Molchanova, 2013).
The foundations for developing tolerance in
individuals, as a primary aspect of professional
competence for future specialists across all
levels, are established.
Various definitions of tolerance are provided,
and a typology of tolerance is developed based
on the social spheres in which it exists.
Three types of individual professional tolerance
orientations are analyzed: external tolerance
(intertolerance), internal tolerance
(intratolerance), and balanced tolerance (a
harmonious combination of intertolerance and
The principles, functions, and criteria for
professional tolerance and a culturally tolerant
personality are emphasized.
A study of the current state of future specialists'
training reveals that their preparation for
fostering tolerance among young people
primarily involves familiarization with the
fundamentals of tolerant pedagogical interaction
and acquiring general knowledge about
international tolerance, as well as certain aspects
of tolerance-related issues, its development, and
The typology of tolerance based on the social
spheres of its existence requires further
exploration, which will be the focus of our
ongoing research.
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