Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.13
How to Cite:
Kostyria, I., Bereziuk, D., Sadovyi, M., Podoprygora, N., & Tryfonova, O. (2023). Use of smart technologies in the training of
specialists in higher education institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 149-157. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.13
Use of smart technologies in the training of specialists in higher
education institutions
Використання smart-технологій у підготовці фахівців у ЗВО
Received: February 5, 2023 Accepted: March 20, 2023
Written by:
Iryna Kostyria1
Dmytro Bereziuk2
Mykola Sadovyi3
Nataliia Podoprygora4
Olena Tryfonova5
Attention is focused on the importance of the use of
smart technologies in the training of specialists in
institutions of higher education. From the
perspective of the educational system, smart society
and smart education are presented, which are
included in the content of a new type of education,
in which the use of smart information technologies
is mandatory. The main task of the educational
space for smart education is written down - creating
a basis for the possibility of realizing the intellectual
and creative potential of education seekers. New
opportunities for the education system created by
smart technologies are described. The advantages
of smart technologies and the features of their
application in the educational process are listed.
The main principles of smart education are
highlighted and the components of smart education
are listed. Online platforms, online services,
portals, and applications, which are presented as
smart technology tools within the scope of the
study, were identified and divided into the groups
of smart store, smart interaction, smart response,
and smart trainer.
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
PhD Student of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Technological and Professional Education, Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Natural Sciences and their Teaching Methods, Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Natural Sciences and their Teaching Methods, Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: smart technology, smart society, smart
education, specialist training, higher education
The world society makes modern demands on the
new generation of education seekers, for which it
is necessary: not only the creation but also the
application of educational systems of a new
format; changes in the educational process;
updating methods, means, and forms of
education. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce
innovative technologies in education and realize
opportunities in the educational process of
professional training of future specialists in
institutions of higher education. Not just the
development, but the ultra-fast development of
information and system technologies has offered
profound transformations in all spheres of human
activity. Therefore, today's information society is
moving from an information society to a smart
society, the main paradigm of which is the
possibility of improving all spheres of an
individual's life with the help of information
technologies to ensure a new meaning of life
(Rogulska & Tarasova, 2016).
In connection with the creation of a smart
society, the very personality of the future teacher
has changed, as well as his teaching methods,
mechanisms for conducting classes, and
technologies for forming the professional
competence of a future competitive specialist.
The purpose of the article. To reveal the need
to use smart technologies in training specialists
in higher education institutions.
Literature Review
The use of smart technologies in the modern
educational space has been actively studied not
only in recent years but also remains quite
relevant right now.
A. Kushnir (2020) highlighted the meaning of the
following concepts: "smart society", "smart
technologies", "smart education"; the author's
interpretation of the distribution of smart
technology tools by the following groups is
offered: smart interaction, smart store, smart
response, smart trainer; the advantages and
disadvantages of using smart technologies in the
educational process are analyzed.
S. Podlesny et al., (2019) set the goal of finding
out the possibilities of innovative technologies,
showing the advantages and features, the
prospects of using smart technologies in the
educational process of a higher education
institution to qualitatively form the professional
competencies of future specialists.
Yu. Lukyanova, V. Komar (2020) showed
varieties of smart technologies, noted and proved
that smart technologies are the beginning of a
new educational paradigm. We described the
possibilities of smart technologies for
implementation in the educational process and
developed a trend for the implementation of tasks
for the formation of a modern creative
personality in this educational process; proposed
ways to use smart technologies in the learning
process that encourage students to creative,
cognitive activities.
Yu. Drachuk, L. Savyuk, Ye. Snitko (2019)
singled out the stages of using smart
technologies, revealed their priority direction in
the educational process of higher education
institutions. Scientists have defined criteria and
indicators; the principles of effective use of smart
technologies are described. The professional
competencies of specialists acquired with the
help of smart technologies are indicated, the
Kostyria, I., Bereziuk, D., Sadovyi, M., Podoprygora, N., Tryfonova, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 149-157 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
possibilities of using smart technologies in the
educational process are shown.
O. Rogulska & O. Tarasova (2016) revealed the
meaning of the software-technological
educational complex based on the smart Board,
which is the main component of smart
technologies and is known as the "interactive
whiteboard". It allows the creation of an
information and communication environment
with the help of traditional and innovative
pedagogical learning technologies.
T. Lagutina (2014) described the necessary
factors for the use of smart technologies: fast
transfer of information and knowledge; dynamic
adaptation of future specialists to the surrounding
environment and social changes; reforming the
educational system by the requirements of the
information society.
A. Sydorenko (2019) shows the significance of
the following technological smart tools for the
field of education: smart projectors (smart
screens); smart boards; software for the
implementation of an educational process of an
interactive and communicative nature; programs:
Bridgit, Calameo, Prezi, PhotoPeach, Dipity,
which allows you to qualitatively carry out the
educational process and quickly conduct
presentations for partners around the world, etc.
Achieving the goal and solving the set tasks was
facilitated by the use of a set of methods:
theoretical - comparative analysis of Ukrainian
and foreign works, theoretical analysis,
synthesis, systematization and content analysis
of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical
works, concretization, typology, extrapolation
to reveal theoretical, methodological, and
methodological the principles of using smart
technologies in the training of specialists in
higher education institutions, as well as the
interpretation of the received empirical material;
comparative-pedagogical analysis of research
and classification to clarify the essence of
scientific definitions and the categorical-
conceptual field of research; systematization and
modeling; the selection of promising ideas and
approaches that constitute the methodological
and methodical basis for the generalization,
design and correction of theoretical and
methodological positions and experimental data
- for the development of the educational and
methodological use of smart technologies in the
training of specialists in higher education
Results and Discussion
Smart education became possible through the
creation of e-learning and the use of distance
education, which started a new global
phenomenon. This training is freely available, is
carried out with the help of global content in the
interactive space of education and is a new
philosophy of education and a system of
innovative technological solutions (Kuzminskyі
et al., 2021). Smart education allows students to
generate acquired knowledge, create the
personality of a smart person who is fluent in
information and computer technologies, can find
and analyze information, applying innovations.
"Smart" training makes the educational process
effective thanks to the transfer of the educational
process to the electronic environment. The
considered approach allows to "copy" the
teacher's knowledge and make it available to
everyone (Rogulska & Tarasova, 2016).
In a smart society, it is necessary that for
competitiveness in the labor market, a lifelong
learner must constantly acquire and update
universal, life-affirming, professional
competencies. Smart education is a formative
paradigm in education. The smart component is
necessary to determine the properties of the
process, the system acting in relationship with
the environment, which necessarily responds to
adaptation or changes in the educational process.
Smart education is an educational system that is
based on an innovative type of education, which
has the goal of adaptive implementation of the
educational process, in which the use of smart
information technologies is mandatory. In this
way, a virtual educational environment is
created, in which the use of interactive means of
information and communication technologies is
mandatory, there is a constant update and
replenishment of knowledge, which is checked as
part of monitoring the quality of education.
Smart education is aimed at interaction with the
economic, social, and technological
environment; the acquisition of knowledge,
skills, and competencies based on pedagogical,
technological, and organizational components.
The decisive factor, the main source of the
growth of the educational process is the use of
smart technologies, which are a priority direction
in the educational process under the conditions of
globalization of the country's economic
development. The key figure in this process is
education, first of all, the education of mankind,
the competence of the individual, the creative
abilities of competitive specialists and the
possibilities of their implementation. It is the
education and high-quality professional training
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of a specialist that becomes the primary source of
a specialist's competitiveness and advantages in
the 21st century (Drachuk et al., 2019).
A new quality of the society is a "smart society"
(Smart Society) in which a combination of
technical means, services and the Internet, when
used by trained specialists, leads to changes in
the interaction of subjects and allows showing
and discovering new economic, social and other
advantages for improvement life (Smart
Technologies, 2022). In the smart society, a
transition is being made from traditional
education to smart education. And professional
education, which is the main reference point for
the competitiveness of a specialist in the global
dimension, is becoming one of the globally
updated fields both in its content and in the
application of educational technologies and
teaching methods (Rogulska & Tarasova, 2016).
Having proved the importance of application and
showing the need for the development of a smart
society, we assert that it is:
1) the paradigm of the modern development of
the universe, for which the Internet is a
necessity and professionally trained people
who create new scientific systems are an
important lever of modern society, a smart
society that represents not just the
development of a model of the future, but an
attempt to characterize and reveal its
2) the quality of society, which offers a new
approach to the educational environment
and professional activity, where the
combination of technical means, services
and the Internet, their use by professionally
trained people leads to qualitative changes in
the interaction of people and makes it
possible to obtain progressive effects -
economic, social and other advantages,
which lead to a better life (Biletska et al.,
An important quality of a smart society is such
technologies, the basis of which was previously
based on information and knowledge, and now it
is being transformed into technologies based on
the exchange of experience and interaction.
Smart technologies give things and phenomena a
new essence, starting a "smart" object based on
innovative changes in its essence. People in a
smart society are specialists who think creatively
and flexibly, their thinking is open, creative, they
work and think in new ways; have the ability to
quickly and effectively find a result, competently
apply knowledge, operate with information and
have an information culture (Kuzminskyi et al.,
An information smart society is formed from
various levels of educational institutions,
enterprises, organizations, authorities and civil
society institutes. The key basis of Smart-
education is the introduction of an adaptive
approach, which includes people's motivations
for change and the mentality of the country's
citizens (Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
The situation developing in the world raises the
following questions:
How to motivate staff?
How to preserve intellectual property for the
The transition to smart education involves the
answers to these questions: the wide
implementation of international standards, the
growth of electronic mass media, the opening of
the content of educational institutions, the
emergence of vertical and horizontal
competencies, the use of electronic textbooks,
educational platforms, the possibility of realizing
the competitive potential inherent in scientists,
teachers, students, specialists, increased attention
to innovative resources (Podlesny et al., 2019).
The basis of the space for smart education is the
development of conditions for the
implementation of a creative approach and the
increase of the intellectual potential of education
seekers. Smart technologies are integration
methods for the quality education of future
competitive specialists who pass through the
advanced aspects of information and educational
technologies available in the world.
Let's list the new opportunities that the use of
smart technologies creates for the educational
integration of educational institutions into
the international educational space;
coverage of additional categories of
students, foreign students;
application of new educational technologies
and innovative means in education;
creation of new guidelines for education,
education seekers, teachers, monitoring
strengthening the role of scientific research;
introduction of new, innovative and
effective models of management and
administration (Kuchai et al., 2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Let's consider the requirements proposed for
educational resources within smart education:
openness. Open Educational Resources was
launched in 1998 by UNESCO. Further
development can be seen in the EU
Memorandum on Lifelong Education in
2000 and the Cape Town Declaration "Open
Education - the Future of Education" in
modules containing structured educational
resources, i.e. knowledge necessary for the
modern development of society, elements of
activity for the formation of necessary
competencies in a certain direction of
self-sufficiency in the module for the
formation and improvement of professional
competencies of future specialists,
interactive learning of knowledge;
subject orientation of the module on the
development of the individuality of the
student's personality for successful
educational activities;
meta description of the module, for
automated search in repositories;
availability of an intelligent authorized
module search system based on its meta
the possibility of using the module
autonomously in any sequence, taking into
account the use of individual elements, their
transformation to form the personal
trajectory of the student of education.
For high-quality mastering of the methods and
techniques of smart technologies, interactive
training of students in the field of smart
education and updating the qualifications of
higher education teachers through the creation of
new methodological support for educational
courses for the effective application of smart
technologies is mandatory (Lukyanova &
Komar, 2020).
Let's note the mobility, accessibility, ease of use,
cheap introduction of smart technologies in
education, which are becoming common means
of education, influencing education from a
methodical and didactic point of view. The
teacher needs to possess a range of not only skills
but also skills that offer confidence and adequate
use of these technologies, the application of the
teacher's organizational skills. All this leads to
the necessary improvement of successful
practices, the application of new competitive
models of training specialists and innovative
training methods:
a group of methods of organizing and
implementing the educational process:
educational discussions, analysis of video
situations, research method, method of
independent activity and creativity -
implemented with the help of such smart
technology tools as blogs, smart textbooks,
programs for conducting webinars,
YouTube, Facebook, WiseMapping,
LinguaLab, Kahoot, Lyricstraining, Twitter,
Instagram, Word it out.
a group of methods of motivation,
stimulation of the educational process:
storytelling and role-playing games,
gamification - their implementation is
possible with the help of YouTube,
Lyricstraining, Learning Apps, Quizlet,
Kahoot, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
a group of methods of control, monitoring,
self-monitoring for the effectiveness of
educational activities (this group also
includes the project method) we offer
smart technology tools, such as Learning
Apps, Thinglink Kahoot for their
implementation (Kushnir, 2020).
The use of smart technologies is determined by
several factors. Let's list them:
1. increasing the transfer of information and
increasing the speed of knowledge;
2. dynamic adaptation of education seekers and
specialists to social changes in the
surrounding environment;
3. the need to update the educational system to
the capabilities and requirements of the
information society (flexibility and
transparency of education; increasing labor
productivity; the educational process by the
abilities and needs of education seekers)
(Kiryakova et al., 2018).
We will reveal the advantages of using smart
technologies in the educational process:
the possibility of using smart technologies
during the teaching of professional
effective assimilation of knowledge;
increasing interest in education among
modernization of the educational space with
technologies and their perception and
understanding by the students of education.
With the help of Smart technologies, it is easier
for the teacher to collect material, present the
material in an accessible form, make it
interesting, quickly monitor the quality of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students' knowledge, increase interest in the
educational process, and reveal the creative
abilities of each student of education (Lagutina,
Smart education provides an opportunity to use
all the advantages of the global information
society to improve educational needs and
increase the interests of those seeking education
(Dake & Ofosu, 2019).
Smart education is a concept that enables the
modernization of the comprehensive
implementation of all educational processes,
methods, and technologies that are present in
these processes.
We emphasize the flexibility of the concept of
smart education, which provides:
availability of an unlimited number of
maximum multimedia diversity;
quick and easy adjustment according to the
level and needs of the students of education
(Sydorenko, 2019).
Let's consider the main component of smart
technologies, which is a software-technological
educational complex based on SMART Board,
which we know as an "interactive whiteboard".
The program and the technological educational
complex include:
touch-sensitive smart Board screen,
Personal Computer,
multimedia projector,
communication equipment.
The software-technological educational complex
makes it possible to create an information and
communication environment for the use of
traditional and innovative technologies in the
educational process. To work with the screen, it
is enough to be a computer user. Interactive
methods are built based on DViT technology,
which provides the opportunity for several users,
independently of each other, to work on the board
at the same time. Thanks to such innovativeness
of the device, teachers use possible program
resources and themselves create interesting
development of various types of vocational tasks
for individual or group forms of work, which
have different levels of complexity for students
of the appropriate level of training (Omonayajo
et al., 2022).
The smart Board complex has application
programs and settings: a program for conducting
instant conferences, a recording program, etc., as
well as an application program for ensuring
collaboration with other Microsoft Office
applications (Microsoft Office such as MS Word,
MS PowerPoint, MS Excel). For students to
create compositions from graphic and textual
fragments, store materials, reproduce them
during the demonstration, there is a smart
Notebook application, which is the basis of the
smart Board software complex. Learners of
foreign languages use smart Notebook for
various tasks: compose and act out dialogues,
form sentences, connect their parts, finish
sentences, place them in the correct order,
highlight the main points in the text, play games,
combine words with their meaning, determine
parts of speech. Learning becomes easy,
interesting, and relaxed. With this approach, the
dynamism of the educational process, the desire
to understand, learn, possess, and use innovative
information increases (Rogulska & Tarasova,
Let's highlight the main principles of smart
use of current information of the educational
program when solving educational
independent, research, cognitive, and project
activities of education seekers;
implementation of the educational process in
the distributed innovative educational space;
interaction of education seekers with the
professional community;
individualization of education;
flexibility of the educational trajectory;
multifaceted activities in the educational
space (Luo, 2022).
For the training of specialists, we will distinguish
the following components of smart education:
update of educational programs, use of
information with the help of process
project education;
interactive forms of education (workshop,
web quest, training, etc.);
use of electronic notes of lectures;
use of methodical recommendations for
independent work of education seekers;
distance education;
practical education in a professional
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
an example of the activities of successful
specialists in the information sphere;
joint work of education seekers and teachers
on projects during scientific research work;
joint work of students and teachers in social
networks (Telegram, WhatsApp, "Media
Business" group on Facebook, groups on
formation of innovative, analytical
competencies; problem-solving skills in a
complex manner, the use of intercultural
communication, etc. (Kuchai et al., 2021).
Therefore, smart education is a formative
paradigm in the educational environment,
constitutes an educational system laid as a basis
for the education of a new generation, which
provides for the adaptive implementation of
education, where smart information technologies
are used (Sydorenko, 2019).
Within the scope of the study, online services,
online platforms, portals and applications were
defined as tools of smart technologies, which are
divided into groups of the smart store, smart
response, smart trainer, and smart interaction.
Smart technology tools are used when
introducing new material or checking learned
topics to improve the skills of students.
Using the tools of smart technologies in
education, students become active participants in
the educational environment, cognitive interest is
manifested through an active relationship to the
subject of knowledge, that is, to smart
We justify the division of smart technology tools
into groups (Diaz-Parra et al., 2022):
smart response group. Smart technologies
are included, which are necessary for
creating and conducting testing or surveys
using personal devices (Kahoot, Plickers).
Smart stores use components that can be
useful for hosting educational content that
changes and is filled by users independently
(YouTube, Smart textbook, blogs).
smart interaction group. It can be used to
create a communicative space and ensure
relationships between teachers and students
(Instagram, Facebook, programs for
conducting webinars, Twitter).
a group of smart trainers. Smart technologies
are used, which independently create an
interactive task, offer a wide range of created
exercises that directly affect the training and
improvement of language and speech skills
(Word It Out, Learning Apps,
WiseMapping, Thinglink, LinguaLab,
Quizlet, Lyricstraining) (Kushnir, 2020).
The new global task that Smart-society sets for
higher education institutions is: training
personnel with creative potential, i.e. thinking
individuals who can work in the new world. For
this purpose, it is mandatory to learn new skills
of a practical nature: changing the nature of the
educational process, communicating in social
networks, working with electronic sources,
compiling personal knowledge bases, and
selecting useful information (Shunkov et al.,
Smart e-learning is used for personalization and
adaptation of training; flexible education in an
interactive environment; free access to content at
the global level.
Smart learning is used when using the Internet,
technological innovations that allow students to
acquire professional competencies based on a
multidimensional system vision, studying the
material taking into account their
multifacetedness, and continuity of updating the
content (Morze et al., 2017). Smart education
should be a mandatory component in the life of
an education seeker, be based on innovative
technologies, and have an informal nature. To be
in the context of new changes and growing
demands of education seekers in institutions of
higher education, it is necessary to meet the
following requirements: innovation, flexibility,
quality indicators, and adaptability (Kotiash et
al., 2022).
So, smart technologies in education, which are
gaining more and more importance in the world,
allow to optimize of the costs of educational
institutions for material and technical support
and bring the quality of education services and
learning products to a new level; are used to
implement educational programs, which include
not only instrumental technologies for
conducting the educational process but also
innovative curricula and disciplines; allow to
develop innovative teaching and methodical
materials, to form individual trajectories of
educational activities for education seekers
(Podlesny et al., 2019).
Smart education is represented by an educational
system, which is a mandatory component in a
new type of education, which has an adaptive
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
implementation of the educational process, in
which smart information technologies are used.
The justification of the smart society is presented
as a new paradigm of the development of society,
for which the necessary components are the
Internet and trained specialists who provide new
knowledge because the smart society represents
a new quality of society in which the use of
technical means, services, and the Internet leads
to interactive changes in the relations of subjects.
The main task of the space for smart education is
written out. Factors for the use of smart
technologies are proposed. The advantages of
using smart technologies in the educational
process are indicated.
The necessary technological tools for the field of
education, which are considered as a start, have
been determined; software for creating and
implementing educational content; various
For quality training of competitive specialists,
the main principles of smart education and the
components of smart education are highlighted.
Within the scope of the study, online services,
online platforms, portals and applications were
defined as tools of smart technologies and
divided into groups of smart response, smart
store, smart interaction and smart trainer.
Further research will be aimed at training
personnel with creative potential who will be
able to work in the new world.
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