www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.12
How to Cite:
Shunkov, V., Marushko, L., Mykhailov, V., Lutsenko, Y., & Teslenko, S. (2023). Ways of implementing information technologies
in professional training of future specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 140-148. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.12
Ways of implementing information technologies in professional
training of future specialists
Шляхи впровадження інформаційних технологій в професійну підготовку майбутніх
Received: February 15, 2023 Accepted: March 20, 2023
Written by:
Vasyl Shunkov1
Web of Science ResearcherID: ABD-1268-2020
Larysa Marushko2
Web of Science ResearcherID: I-4607-2018
Viktor Mykhailov3
Web of Science ResearcherID: HSF-4232-2023
Yurii Lutsenko4
Web of Science ResearcherID: HDA-5027-2022
Svitlana Teslenko5
Web of Science ResearcherID: GYQ-1527-2022
Creation of modern effective technologies,
automation, intensification of production,
implementation of planning and management with
the help of modern information and communication
technologies are the main factors of acceleration of
scientific and technical progress. The purpose of the
article is to show the importance of using
information technologies in the training of future
specialists. Without the integration of the
educational environment of the higher school into
the informational educational environment, without
the exit of the educational process into the global
information space, significant development of
modern educational systems is impossible. In order
to substantiate the principles of improving the
professional training of education seekers, a
quantitative analysis of open educational resources
is proposed, the most popular platforms on which
Candidate of Chemical Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biological and General Chemistry,
National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Ecology and Pharmacy, Lesya Ukrainka
Volyn National University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Sector
of Fire Safety and Technologies of the Research Center of Fire Protection, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil
Protection, Ukraine.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Sector of Fire Safety and Technologies of the Research Center of Fire Protection,
Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Shunkov, V., Marushko, L., Mykhailov, V., Lutsenko, Y., Teslenko, S. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 140-148 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the path to open educational resources is designed
are determined. The article examines the conditions
by which the effectiveness of pedagogical support
is achieved in the distance learning process. The
substantiation of the most essential criteria and
indicators involves the assessment of the quality of
personality education in the digital educational
space. They offer the perfect use of digital
information, readiness for communication, critical
thinking, digital and social competence.
Keywords: information and communication
technologies, professional training of future
specialists, open educational resources, distance
learning, student.
All over the world, the development of the
educational sector is observed and global
changes are taking place in the information
society, in general, and the intensive
development and use of information and
communication technologies is being carried out
in all spheres of society, including the
educational sphere, in particular. Such a situation
that has developed in the world significantly
affects social relations, the nature of scientific
research, the content of production, the
educational sector, everyday life, culture, etc.
(Lukyanova & Komar, 2020). Therefore, the
development of society depends on deep
economic and social transformations, which
depend on the constant achievements of
scientific and technical progress in all spheres of
human activity. Therefore, the use of information
technologies in the field of education is necessary
and opens up positive opportunities not only for
the creativity of specialists, but also for the
creativity of students (Kuchai, 2014).
A qualitatively new level is beginning the
development of the world economy in our time.
At the same time, in order to achieve high socio-
economic results, the main importance belongs to
the knowledge that specialists have acquired
during training and information and
communication technologies, which are tools for
working with knowledge that reveal the
competitiveness of a specialist. The level and
quality of life of the entire society and the quality
of innovative activity of subjects of the world
economy depend on the quality and volume of
information and communication technologies.
With the help of modern information and
communication technologies, an information
space is created, which must necessarily be
unified and contain databases of scientific
information, groups of professionals in a certain
specialty, active, not passive consumers, where
knowledge is freely available. The higher school
sets itself a modern task - to integrate students
into the new information and communication
space and to provide active access to scientific,
modern knowledge and technologies that will be
needed in their future profession. Active is the
use of educational technologies that allow
teaching and learning outside the classroom, and
not only in the classroom. In connection with the
rapid development of information and
communication technologies, we consider the
information space not only as a place for
education and work, but also as one of the main
parts of the living space of a modern individual
(Podlesny et al., 2019).
The purpose of the article: to show the
importance of using information and
communication technologies in the professional
training of future specialists. In the article we
considered: the task of education using the
leading trends of information and
communication technologies; models and tools
of best global experience;to increase the level of
knowledge, the most common free courses; ten
educational platforms are interpreted for
summarizing the research results; the ways of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of the young generation; the tasks
facing a person in the information society.
Literature Review
O. Kuchai (2014) proposed «ways to solve the
problem, that is, to improve the theoretical and
methodical training of specialists by means of
information technologies in institutions of higher
education». The peculiarities of the use and
application of information technologies in the
training of specialists, in particular, in the field of
pedagogy, are shown.
Yu. Lukyanova & V. Komar (2020) showed
«the necessity of using information and
communication technologies in education;
revealed the most promising ways of intensive
development in the information society and
showed the latest approaches to the use of
information and communication technologies
and their impact on education, scientific
research, the nature of production, culture, etc».
S. Podlesny et al., (2019) considered «the
possibilities of information and communication
technologies as a necessary part of the human life
space of the 21st century, which have become an
integral part for work, education,
I. Dotsenko (2017) wrote out the obligations that
Ukraine undertook in accordance with the
"Geneva Declaration of Principles" ratified by
the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
I. Bezzub (2017) wrote Lifelong Learning. The
author proves «the inadequacy of knowledge
regarding the use of information and
communication technologies for a normal,
fulfilling life, which a person receives during
education». After graduating from a higher
education institution and working professionally,
possessing information and communication
technologies at the level of an ordinary user,
there is a need to constantly update knowledge on
the use of information and communication
technologies, because professional knowledge is
rapidly aging, and information and
communication technologies are developing and
D. Dzvinchuk et al., (2020) proves by examples
that «the constant development of modern
educational systems cannot exist without
purposeful use of information and
communication technologies». The authors
showed the possibilities of integrating the
educational and information environment,
proved the need for education to enter the global
information space.
O. Semenikhina, et al., (2020) showed «the
effectiveness and necessity of quantitative
characteristics of open educational resources in
the field of information and communication
technologies, the purpose of which is to identify
the main ways of improving the professional
training of students».
H. Murasova (2012) in the context of the
application of information and communication
technologies, identified the main forms of
professional training of education seekers and
considered distance education that meets the
challenges of society.
At various stages of the work, theoretical
research methods were used - the study of
modern psychological, pedagogical and
methodical sources on the content of professional
education and the educational process gave us the
opportunity to clarify the content of the main
concepts of research, comparison,
systematization; the analysis of the practical
work of higher education institutions gave us the
opportunity to identify the level of training of
future specialists for the use of information
technologies, to show the shortcomings that need
to be eliminated; applied the design of content,
forms and technologies for the formation of
specialists' readiness for the use of information
technologies in professional activities; analysis
and synthesis became necessary to determine the
structure of specialists' readiness to use
information technologies and the system of its
In the course of the study, praxis methods were
also used (analysis of the activities of future
specialists based on the results of their
professional activities); structural genetic
method; methods and information technology
(identification of statistical dependencies;
correlation analysis; computer-statistical data
New information technologies are an
indispensable component of the process of
forming the professional potential of university
students, so it is necessary to structure the
didactic capabilities of these technologies and
identify all the appropriate directions for using
new information technologies at each stage of the
professional training of future specialists. The
professional potential of a future specialist is a
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
type of intellectual potential of a person,
including motivational-targeted, meaningful,
operational-activity, reflective-evaluative
components that reflect the totality of personal
qualities and abilities, psychological states,
knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to
achieve a high level his professional
The theoretical and methodological strategy for
constructing a concept should be such a scientific
approach to the formation of the professional
potential of university students using new
information technologies, which would ensure its
adaptation to the conditions of an external
constantly changing environment in the
conditions of interaction of all subjects and
objects. The principles underlying the theory and
practice of the process of forming the
professional potential of students with the use of
new information technologies must be
represented as a three-level system: theoretical,
methodological and technological-oriented
The methodology for forming the professional
potential of university students using new
information technologies should have a structural
organization and be implemented in the
following substructures: target, content,
technological, organizational and executive,
Results and Discussion
According to the goal, we have identified the task
of education using the leading trends of
information and communication technologies.
The world society is constantly moving towards
the "knowledge society", the era of the
information society, in which there is an urgent
need for information and computer technologies.
And such a need becomes the main competence
requirement for an individual at any stage of his
existence. In accordance with the ratified
"Geneva Declaration of Principles", education
has set itself the task and made commitments:
to improve the use of information
technologies, communication infrastructure,
knowledge information;
update citizens' computer competence;
increase the security of the use of
information technologies;
create a favorable information environment
at all levels of human development;
to develop new and expand the existing
application of information
to encourage cultural and informational
educational diversity in education and to
respect it;
to expand the role of mass media;
to improve the ethical aspects of the
information society, to apply information
and communication technologies in
international and regional cooperation
(Dotsenko, 2017).
Summarizing the best world experience, we will
offer the following visualization of the leading
trends in the use of information technologies
during the transition of humanity to an
information society. We describe the selected
models and tools.
Computer Based Training - computer support for
training plays a major role in the implementation
of a high-quality educational process, it involves
the following procedure for organizing the
cognitive activity of education seekers, in which
the key tools are: computer and communication
equipment, information and communication
technologies, information networks, software.
Global Education Net - an educational
environment that is virtual and global, provides
participants in the educational process with the
opportunity to use the information bases of the
world's leading educational institutions, national
libraries, museum exhibits and other material
useful for the educational space.
Open Educational Resources (OER) free open
educational resources, open to all education
seekers and self-educators in freely accessible
digital format textbooks, manuals, training
programs, online courses, educational tests,
video lectures, multimedia presentations, etc.
including new software offered by educational
centers and universities. The purpose of the
proposed depositories is to provide free access to
education for a large number of people from
different parts of the world; improving the
quality of education, improving the educational
opportunities of people in the modern world, in
which education takes the first place, which is the
main guarantee of economic, ecological, and
social progress.
Lifelong Learning (LLL) - learning throughout
life. This idea is based on the understanding that
"today it is not enough to graduate from an
educational institution and work competitively
with the acquired knowledge and without
developing and improving one's abilities,
possessing information and communication
technologies at the level of an ordinary user.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Constant improvement of fundamental and
applied knowledge, as well as knowledge of a
technological and production nature, provides
such conditions under which the rapid "aging of
professional knowledge" occurs, and therefore, a
decrease in the competence of a specialist by
50% is observed, and this happens in less than
five years" Summarizing best world experience,
we will offer such a visualization of the leading
trends in the use of information and
communication technologies during the
transition of humanity to the information society.
We describe the selected models and tools.
Computer Based Training - computer support for
training plays a major role in the implementation
of a high-quality educational process, it involves
the following procedure for organizing the
cognitive activity of education seekers, in which
the key tools are: computer and communication
equipment, information and communication
technologies, information networks, software.
Global Education Net - an educational
environment that is virtual and global, provides
participants in the educational process with the
opportunity to use the information bases of the
world's leading educational institutions, national
libraries, museum exhibits and other material
useful for the educational space.
Open Educational Resources (OER) free open
educational resources, open to all education
seekers and self-educators in freely accessible
digital format textbooks, manuals, training
programs, online courses, educational tests,
video lectures, multimedia presentations, etc.
including new software offered by educational
centers and universities. The purpose of the
proposed depositories is to provide free access to
education for a large number of people from
different parts of the world; improving the
quality of education, improving the educational
opportunities of people in the modern world, in
which education takes the first place, which is the
main guarantee of economic, ecological, and
social progress.
Lifelong Learning (LLL) - learning throughout
life. This idea is based on the understanding that
"today it is not enough to graduate from an
educational institution and work competitively
with the acquired knowledge and without
developing and improving one's abilities,
possessing information and communication
technologies at the level of an ordinary user.
Constant improvement of fundamental and
applied knowledge, as well as knowledge of a
technological and production nature, provides
such conditions under which rapid "aging of
professional knowledge" occurs, and therefore, a
decrease in the competence of a specialist by
50% is observed, and this happens in less than
five years."(Bezzub, 2017), therefore, it is
necessary to constantly update the specialist's
professional competences, to provide
opportunities for constant mastery of modern
knowledge throughout life.
Education Roaming (eduroam) - the international
roaming service of scientists and educators of
higher education institutions is a network tool for
accessing knowledge bases, a global system that
provides access to the worldwide educational
environment and any registered person
(specialist, scientist, graduate student, student)
who has a free roaming access to the Internet, can
use any open educational resources for free.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) integration
of personal gadgets into the educational process.
Microsoft Corporation launched a project based
on the phenomenon of psychotechnology, the
purpose of which is to give the opportunity to
young people who are used to not letting go of
their own gadgets, to constantly acquire
knowledge and improve.
Long-Distance Online Learning (D-learning) -
distance online education is a successful practice
of using information and communication
technologies in the educational environment.
Further development of the educational
environment is impossible without the
integration of the educational and informational
environment, the constant use of information and
computer technologies, the exit of the
educational process into the global information
space (Dzvinchuk et al., 2020).
The Microsoft company is engaged in a constant
search for new opportunities for the use of
information and communication technologies,
the creation of new pedagogical technologies, the
development of software and tools, in particular
for the management of educational institutions,
e-learning, etc. For example, Youth Spark from
Microsoft works in three main directions:
education, student employment and development
of entrepreneurship, creation of innovation
centers in higher education institutions.
Educational content, in particular, electronic
educational resources in most countries of the
world are cheaply and safely stored on cloud
servers. This approach makes it possible not only
to access them very quickly from a tablet,
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
smartphone, computer, smart TV, but also to
study remotely using multimedia interactive
electronic educational resources. The greatest
value of Internet educational services is the
availability of multimedia electronic educational
resources for which distance does not matter, and
the possibility of serving users is unlimited and
does not depend on regions or countries of the
Electronic education is used in all countries of
the world and globally. For example, in the USA,
more than 90% of universities and schools use
this form of education.
On the Internet, you can constantly find and use
online courses from well-known educators, for
example, Coursera, Muks; many online portals
that provide educational materials for free.
To increase the level of knowledge, among the
most common free courses available in your area
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
mit.edu - OpenCourseWare University
2. Open University open.ac.uk OpenLearn
3. Carnegie Mellon University - cmu.edu -
materials using the Open Learning Initiative
4. Tufts University - tufts.edu -
OpenCourseWare university curricula.
5. Stanford - stanford.edu - Stanford University
has joined has Tunes U to provide access to
Stanford courses.
The use of information technologies in education
as a service is a new evolutionary step in the
world (Podlesny et al., 2019).
The use of the latest massive open online courses
(Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) is a
paradigm shift in the development of the
educational sector worldwide. These are large-
scale, free, interactive educational courses that
operate in open access on the Internet.
The revolution in education is the launch of a
new platform for MOEs - NovoED (access mode:
http//www.bing.com) developed by experts from
Stanford University, which grouped practice-
oriented courses with mandatory features
characteristic of them (rating system, lack of
tests, work on projects, teamwork, increased
communication in work groups, performance of
joint tasks). Innovations motivate education
seekers to study and contribute to the successful
assimilation of knowledge.
MOOC is not only a network project of US
educational institutions, but also attracts a large
number of educators from all over the world. For
example, during the year, the following joined
the EDX project: Hong Kong University of
Science & Technology (HKUSTx), The
University of Hong Kong (HKUx), Kyoto
University, Japan (Kyoto University, KyotoUx),
China (Peking University, PekingX), South
Korea (Seoul National University, South Korea,
SNUx), Peking University, Seoul National
University, etc. The first European MOE was
launched. The project contained 40 courses in 12
different languages, which is important - free and
launched by the European Association of
Distance Learning Universities (EADTU)
(access mode http//www.eadtu.eu). The partners
of the project are Italy, Lithuania, the
Netherlands, France, Israel, Spain, Great Britain,
Turkey, Portugal, Slovakia, etc. Therefore, there
is no need for each institution of higher education
to develop its own MOOC (Gurevich &
Kademiya, 2016).
It is worth highlighting the work in this direction
of South Korea, which has been using e-learning
since 1997, creating more than 20 cyber
universities in which all services are provided
electronically. This approach is effective in
society, saves time, is flexible, enables round-
the-clock training, and is in demand from an
economic point of view. Currently, in South
Korea, more than 4.4 million students are on e-
learning, which is an indicative resource for the
country's development. In this country, it was the
government that created such an infrastructure,
an environment for the widespread use of
computer technologies, a system of indicators for
monitoring the activities of electronic
universities, and this makes a significant saving
of money. Control, development and distribution
of e-education in the country are handled by
established support centers, each such center
includes 10 - 15 universities. Such a positive
influence of the government on the use of open
networks makes it possible to establish
cooperation in the international space and to
simplify the procedure for the recognition of
foreign diplomas of higher education (Podlesny
et al., 2019).
Scientists Semenikhina O. et al., (2020) offered
«…the most popular platforms that provide
access to open educational resources». Recently,
the quantity of open informative resources
presented by depositories and university project
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
sites has improved significantly. According to
statistics from ClassCentral (Shah, 2018) the
online course catalog, which is free, has provided
more than 11,500 courses from more than 900
universities in recent years alone. This
distribution of courses makes it possible to
popularize developers in the fields of "Social
Sciences" (about 11%), "Technology" (about
20%), "Business" (about 18%), there is a
shortage of courses in the fields of "Art and
Design" (5%) and "Mathematics" (3.1%).
According to Class Central, the most popular
platforms for education seekers are: Coursera -
37 million, Edx - 18 million, XuetangX - 14
million, Udacity - 10 million, FutureLearn - 8.7
million (Shah, 2018).
On the portal reviews.com (The Best MOOC
Platforms, 2019) "The Best MOOC Platformsfor
2018" rating was issued, which was influenced
by: integrated forums for social interaction,
evaluation and review of completed courses,
quality and interactive content of presentation of
materials by the educator, etc. Coursera received
the highest score of 8.8 out of 10, followed by
Edx with a score of 7.4 out of 10, followed by
Udemy with a score of 0.4 out of 10.
The generalization of the obtained results led us
to choose the following, the most important, ten
educational platforms: Coursera (Coursera,
2019), Edx (EdX, 2019), Udemy (Udemy, 2019),
MIT OpenCourseWare (MIT OpenCourseWare,
2019), OpenLearn (Open University, 2019),
Prometheus (Prometheus, 2019), UoPeople
(University of the People, 2019), Open Learning
Initiative (2019), Maidan Open University
(Maidan Open University, 2019) Maidan Open
University (vum.org.ua) is the first distance
public education platform in Ukraine (Maidan
Open University, 2019). The platform offers
educational courses, represented by practical
tasks, control questions, video lectures, from the
best educators of business schools, the public
sector, specialists of practitioners from the social
sphere and business. Topics of educational
courses are social, related to entrepreneurship,
personality development, realization of potential
(Semenikhina et al., 2020).
Let's consider the importance, necessity and
difference of distance learning from traditional in
terms of forms of interaction between the
educator and the learner. The traditional model of
education includes lectures, seminars,
laboratories, games, independent work of
students, etc. The basis of such training is a book
and a educator who provides knowledge.
Distance learning provides fundamentally new
learning models in the educational process:
project work, trainings, holding conferences and
other types of activities with information and
communication and non-traditional technologies.
The methodical approach to distance education
maximally engages students in active learning,
increases students' motivation to pursue
education and offers their professional training
through distance education, which provides the
opportunity for: quick feedback, constant
presence of a educator, consultations, at the time
when it is convenient for the student, creating a
forum for communication; interaction between
students and the educator contributes to the
satisfaction of students from the educational
process (Murasova, 2012).
A person's life in the natural and social world and
his direct participation in the modern
digitalization of the educational process is
evidence of his life in a complex civilized
society, when there are no boundaries for
intercultural constructive exchanges. Such
conditions of digital global consumption
emphasize the practical and scientific value of
the corresponding products, broadcast without
limits. In the context of the competence
capabilities of a specific individual, the problem
of the degree of their use arises (Kuchai, 2018).
With this approach, constant innovative
improvement of the educational sphere, which is
primarily aimed at the creative development of
the student of education, is mandatory. A person
who is in the effective field of digitalization
learns the number of situations, which is
unlimited in terms of content. The situations
sufficiently reflect human activity in the
professional field. The nature of digital
information correlates with the perfection of a
person as an individual. Educators need to pay
attention to the fact that education in modern
conditions of society partially loses its potential.
But socialization, in its digital form, plays a very
effective transforming and personal role. This
position must be taken into account in the
modern educational process.
The formation of personality in digital global
dimensions provides an opportunity to
experience the world both in modern realities and
in the future. And as a result, the conclusion will
be that it is possible to predict education in the
modern conditions of social existence and, as a
result, to improve life activities with the help of
world contacts. If a person joins the digital global
space, then he is widely integrated into society
and can join the world community. If a person
has exceptional perspectives, then the whole
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
world obeys him.
With this approach, the young generation moves
along an intensive path of development:
accumulate a volume of information;
formulate and structure information;
expand the range of their prediction abilities;
get the opportunity to predict their career
from the perspective of expectations;
enable prevention of possible failures.
Nowadays, a person's life in all its internal
processes is subject to increased tension, because
it is in an information all-encompassing intensive
field. A person faces a task:
to prevent mental deviations, actively using
internal protective reserves, which a person
must manage and own his psyche;
respond intelligently and in a timely manner
to progressive global challenges that dictate
one's standards of communication, behavior,
and activity.
Assessment of the quality of personality
education in the space of using information and
communication technologies involves the
identification of criteria and indicators that
reflect critical thinking, the clear application of
digital information, digital and social
competence, and the ability to communicate.
Such criteria make it possible to determine the
level of personal competence of students of
education in the digital space of education with
the help of: diagnostics, monitoring, testing,
questionnaires, analysis of problem situations,
the method of expert evaluations, observation
and self-observation of students of education,
etc. (Kremen et al., 2021).
The importance of using information and
communication technologies in the professional
training of future specialists is shown.
Visualization of the leading trends in the use of
the latest tools for the transition of humanity to
the information society is offered. The specified
models and tools are characterized. Quantitative
features of open educational resources in the field
of information and communication technologies
are analyzed and ways to improve the
professional training of education seekers are
outlined. Effective platforms available for open
educational resources have been identified.
Features of distance learning are listed and
advantages and differences from traditional ones
are indicated. The conditions that affect the
effectiveness of pedagogical support in the
process of distance learning are revealed. The
criteria and indicators that characterize digital
information and its rational use, digital and social
competence, critical thinking, readiness for
communication is substantiated.
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