www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.4
How to Cite:
Pukas, I., Kozak, L., Tsukanova, N., Shulyhina, R., Harashchenko, L. (2023). Professional training of future teachers of preschool
education institutions to implement the development of child's abilities. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 56-65.
Professional training of future teachers of preschool education
institutions to implement the development of child's abilities
Професійна підготовка майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти до
здійснення розвитку здібностей дитини
Received: January 10, 2023 Accepted: March 5, 2023
Written by:
Ivanna Pukas1
Liudmyla Kozak2
Nataliia Tsukanova3
Raisa Shulyhina4
Larysa Harashchenko5
The article deals with the problem of professional
training of future teachers of preschool education
institutions to implement the development of child
abilities in the modern information society.
Attention is paid to the impact of childhood
education on achieving significant success in
various fields of Science and Art in the future. The
analysis of the works of scientists allowed us to
generalize the interpretation of the categories:
"makings", "abilities", "giftedness". The foundation
of a creative personality is its creativity, the
determinant of which is the activity of the
individual as a search and transformative activity
that is not stimulated from the outside. The
introduction of information and communication
technologies affects the education system, causing
significant changes in the content and methods of
teaching. The tasks that should be based on the use
of information and communication technologies in
preschool education are presented. The functions
should be performed by modern information and
communication technologies in the educational and
Ph.D. of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Preschool Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of Preschool and Elementary Education,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education, Mykhailo
Drahomanov State University of Ukrainian, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate professor of the Department of Preschool Education, Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine.
Pukas, I., Kozak, L., Tsukanova, N., Shulyhina, R., Harashchenko, L. / Volume 12 - Issue 62: 56-65 / February, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information environment of preschool educational
Keywords: professional training, information
society, future educators, pedagogical practice,
preschool age.
One of the strategic directions of the state-
building process in Ukraine at the present stage
is the reform of the higher education system. The
educational process in higher education
institutions is organized taking into account the
scientific and pedagogical potential, material and
educational-methodical base of the institution of
higher education, modern information
technologies and one of the most important
components in teacher training is pedagogical
practice. Education focuses on the formation of
an educated, harmoniously developed
personality capable of constant updating of
scientific knowledge, professional mobility and
rapid adaptation to dynamic processes in the
educational and socio-cultural spheres, branches
of techniques and technology, management
systems and labor organization in a market
We must train an innovative educator who will
be able to introduce new approaches, new
technologies, new thinking, and attitudes to
working with children in the modern information
society into the educational process.
Modernization of the education system in
Ukraine is caused by changes in the socio-
economic and socio-cultural spheres of our
society, whose needs for a competent person put
forward increased requirements for the
construction of a personal value system, as a
result of which pedagogical science faces the
need to rethink traditional attitudes among
children and young people.
Literature Review
N. Liubchenko, O. Prokopenko,
A. Vynogradova, E. Chernyshova (2012)
revealed the content of the All-Ukrainian School
of innovation of leading, scientific-pedagogical
and pedagogical workers, proposed a number of
theoretical questions on the formation of an
innovative educational space of preschool
education and highlighted the innovative
experience of preschool educational institutions
of Ukraine, which are participants in the school
of innovation. The main task of preschool
education and upbringing is to provide
conditions for the real, versatile development of
the child with the aim of raising an active,
creative personality. The basis of the new
education system is its preschool component.
Access to higher education takes its roots from
preschool education, because it is the basis for
the unified development of future citizens of
Ukraine, the basis for the creation of a modern
educational process.
V. Koshel & N. Yurchenko (2019) analyzed
general innovation trends in the context of
European integration and globalization processes
in the field of higher education, in particular
pedagogical education. Scientific and
pedagogical literature on the use of innovative
technologies for self-improvement of future
teachers of preschool education institutions in
their professional activities is analyzed.
Attention is focused on modern technologies for
the formation of professional competence of the
future teacher. The article examines a number of
contradictions in modern pedagogical theory and
practice regarding the use of innovative
pedagogical technologies for self-improvement
of preschool teachers in their professional
activities. That is why the problem of the quality
of professional training of future teachers in the
conditions of the educational process of
institutions of higher education is no less
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
important than changes in preschool education.
The teacher of preschool children is called to
establish before the child the world in all its
manifestations, to help him enter this world
without fear, with real interest and love.
A. Bidа (2012) argues that many extremely
gifted people did not realize their capabilities due
to unfavorable educating in childhood. The
article shows that there is no consensus on the
types of giftedness and their signs, but the article
presents the results of research by scientists that
make it possible to summarize the materials of
gifted children: academic giftedness; intellectual
giftedness; special giftedness; creative talent;
general giftedness.
I. Voloshchuk & M. Evtukh (2009) reveal the
mechanism of creativity. Scientists believe that
creativity is provoked by the need to understand
and improve. These needs, being conscious and
unsatisfied, contribute to the accumulation of
negative emotions.
V. Moliako & O. Muzyka (2006) believe that a
feature of giftedness of preschool children is the
reflection of their own abilities and the
possibility of their development, a conscious
distinction between their own and imitative
actions, awareness of the transfer of imitative and
inventional actions. The perfection of imitative
activity combined with the ability to consciously
purposeful use of inventions as means of
creativity is evidence of the formation of creative
orientation and one of the key indicators of the
development of creative abilities of the
L. Onofriychuk (2020) defines media education
as a process of development and self-
development of an individual using mass media,
which aims to develop a culture of
communication, the ability to consciously
perceive, realize and interpret media texts in
order to expand general and professionally
significant knowledge, creative and
communicative abilities of a future preschool
education specialist. In the article, the authors
consider the media literacy of the future
preschool education specialist in the context of
the ideas of the New Ukrainian School. Emphasis
is placed on the problems of preschool education
in the conditions of modern society.
L. Shisholik (2015) considers it necessary to use
information and communication technologies in
preschool educational institutions, which is an
enriching and transformative factor, which is one
of the ways to update the content of education
according to modern requirements. The article
emphasizes that during the formation of a new
system of education, focused on entering the
world information and educational space, this
process is accompanied by substantial changes in
the pedagogical theory and practice of the
educational process, connected with the
introduction of changes in the content of learning
technologies, which must be true to the latest
technical reserves and help the harmonious entry
of the child into the information society.
The purpose. The purpose of the article is to
improve the training of future teachers of
preschool education institutions to implement the
development of child abilities in the modern
information society.
To achieve the purpose, theoretical research
methods were used: study and analysis of
philosophical, psychological, pedagogical,
methodological literature, normative sources,
scientific heritage of domestic and foreign
scientists on the problem of research to outline
the conceptual boundaries of the phenomenon
under study and its semantic load; logical and
system analysis, classification, analogy,
induction, deduction, generalization of scientific,
theoretical and practical data.
Active use of pedagogical innovations by
educators has become an integral part of the
development process of almost every modern
preschool educational institution. The main
functions of a preschool education teacher are to
educate, teach and develop preschool children
using various forms, methods, technologies, and
work tools. The training of the teacher, his
knowledge, experience, the formation of his
professional skills, culture, and the realization of
creative potential should be aimed at the
implementation of these methods.
The training of educators outlines the creation of
a set of psychological and pedagogical
conditions for increasing competence in the
scientific-methodical and organizational-content
fields of professional education, based on the
system of professional training taking into
account the ripe problems of preschool
Strengthening the requirements for the
professional competence of specialists
determines the improvement of the quality of
their training, revision of the content and
teaching methods, the introduction of effective
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
pedagogical technologies and teaching methods,
the introduction of the latest educational parts
into professional training, we consider all these
provisions in our article.
Results and Discussion
Despite the expansion of the indicated areas of
research, the problem of the professional training
of future educators of preschool education
institutions to achieve the development of the
child's abilities has not found proper scientific
and methodological development.
Contradictions are obvious, in particular: the idea
of a new philosophy of education, which
recognizes the child's right to be himself and the
traditional pedagogical position of treating
children primarily as objects of educational
influence (Rogalska, 2009).
N. Lifareva (2003) notes in the textbook
"Personality Psychology", establishing the role
of childhood in the formation of personality, that
in early childhood, personality traits are formed
as a result of the interaction of genotype and
environment, and then develop on the basis of
socio-psychological laws. "At preschool age, the
makings are formed, but the sensitive period of
development of abilities based on them continues
until the end of school" (Stratan-Artyshkova,
Kozak, Syrotina, Lisnevska, Sichkar, Pertsov, &
Kuchai, 2022).
V. Maliako & O. Muzyka (2006) exploring
abilities, creativity and giftedness, note that
makings are an innate education, and abilities are
acquired. Initially, abilities are not the reason for
a person's success in activity, but a consequence
of the development of inclinations in activity. By
being involved in the activity, the subject
mobilizes its makings, which are restructured,
fused and create a qualitatively new education
It is the professional training of future educators
of pre-school education institutions to achieve
the development of the child’s capabilities, the
child’s interaction with what surrounds him
mastering the language, assimilation and
application of the knowledge and skills
accumulated by generations of people the
source of his formation based on the general
capabilities of the human brain and individual
aptitudes of various abilities The concepts of
"abilities" and "giftedness" should not be
associated with the idea of a ready made gift of
nature: only a prerequisite, one of the
conditions for the development of mental
properties. The formation and development of
abilities is necessarily an introduction to classes,
the riches of culture, it is the work of the child,
his perseverance, passion for business. And, of
course, a lot depends on the caregiver: whether
he will be able to support, direct, inspire the child
in time. No makings in themselves determine its
future" (Bida & Chychuk, 2017).
In the practice of preschool teachers, it is
customary to give approval for the exact
reproduction of a given type of activity by a
child, and not for its differences (creative
actions). However, one of the conditions for the
development of creative abilities of preschoolers
in productive activities is the recognition and
approval of adults not only imitative, but also
creative actions. Scientists suggest that the
development of creativity and creative abilities
of preschool children is carried out on the basis
of value regulation of imitation.
I. Voloshchuk believes that that a person is born
with certain intellectual endowments, which are
manifested in the form of general and special
abilities, that intellectual endowments grow in
the form of analytical and synthetic abilities of an
individual, and that is why it is worth taking into
account in the professional training of future
educators of pre-school education institutions to
achieve the development of the child's abilities.
Analytical abilities of an individual are the basis
of cognitive activity, the key to his successful
learning. Synthetic abilities are responsible for
the creation of new ideas and are the basis of the
creative activity of an individual (Voloshchuk,
We note that as a result of the development of
abilities, such traits as kindness, responsiveness,
hard work, and the like are previously laid down
in the child's character. They are formed and
fixed in children's games, in accessible types of
work this is in early and preschool childhood.
Those traits in the character of a child of this age
that are constantly reinforced are supported by. It
should also be noted that gifted children aged
about four years are characterized by early
development, good memory, quickly accumulate
vocabulary, and show interest in certain
We consider the concept of "giftedness" through
the prism of motivational, emotional, individual
and other personal qualities. In the process of
analyzing the works of scientists - teachers,
psychologists - various approaches to the
problem of giftedness features were revealed,
because of which it can be concluded that a
child's giftedness is an ability to a certain type of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
activity that develops based on natural
inclinations. In addition, it is a complex
phenomenon of the human psyche, including the
unity of intelligence, creativity and motivation,
develops in creative activity, and is determined
by the motivation of educational activities.
As for the generalized position of scientists in
determining the essence of the category
"creativity", it can be noted: creativity is
determined by the activity of a person aimed at
creating qualitatively new material and spiritual
values, has social significance, is marked by
uniqueness, originality, provides for certain
personal characteristics (skill, imagination,
intuition, etc.) (Voloshchuk & Yevtukh, 2009).
The analysis of the works of scientists makes it
possible to generalize the interpretation of the
category "abilities" - individual psychological
properties of the individual, thanks to which a
certain activity is realized and its success is
ensured. The development of abilities is
determined by the makings - innate anatomical
and physiological features of a person. The ease
and speed of mastering knowledge and skills
depends on their development (Bida & Chychuk,
A creatively gifted child needs an adult who is
ready to see a creative personality in her, to give
her a violin or a paintbrush, to support her
initiative, to approve her originality, which must
be taken into account during the professional
training of future teachers of preschool education
institutions to achieve the development of the
child's abilities. The kid is ready to use the
experience of his teacher and imitate his idol. It
is important to remember that the innate
inclinations of a child can be realized only in the
active life of an individual, in a favorable
environment, under the influence of proper
educating and training. Therefore, an artistically
gifted child from the tribe of Central Africa will
never become an artist just because he does not
get his hands of paints with which he could
express his inner world (Bila, 2008).
Professional training of future educators of pre-
school education institutions for achieving the
development of the child's abilities must take into
account that it is of great importance for the
formation of a creative personality as a conscious
social being that at each stage of its development
it occupies a certain place in the system of social
relations available to it (in families kindergarten,
school, at work), performs increasingly complex
duties. The foundation of a creative personality is
its creativity, the determinant of which is the
individual's creative activity as an unstimulated
search and transforming activity.
Creativity is the ability to abandon stereotypical
ways of thinking. Creativity as a natural creative
potential of a person is determined genetically.
There are six main parameters of creativity
1) ability to identify and pose problems;
2) ability to generate a large number of ideas;
3) flexibility producing a variety of ideas;
4) originality the ability to produce distant
associations, unusual responses, and
respond to stimuli in a non-standard way;
5) ability to improve the object by adding
6) the ability to solve problems, that is, the
ability to analyze and synthesize (Klymenko
& Flys, 2018).
Scientists assign a significant role in the
development of a child's abilities to others:
parents, educators, and teachers. The
combination of childlike spontaneity and adult
experience can give a special creative impulse if
an adult manages to act like a real master jeweler
who cuts a diamond, removes excess and makes
it shine. Most famous people who have achieved
significant success in various fields of Science
and Art have already received a thorough
education in early childhood. Thus, G. Leibniz
received such knowledge from his father by the
age of six that after his early death he could
independently continue his education: at the age
of eight he learned Latin, at eleven he knew
Greek, and at fifteen, he entered the Leipzig
University; Mozart was a prodigy (Bida &
Chychuk, 2017).
We emphasize the importance of pedagogical
practice in the professional training of future
teachers of preschool education institutions for
the implementation of the development of child
abilities in the modern information society. The
purpose of teaching practice provides: to create
conditions for the student, future specialist in
preschool, sufficient knowledge and skills
necessary for a modern teacher; to help the
student understand the factors that affect the
process of teaching (learning) (children, types of
educational institutions, cultural context,
curriculum, educational material, technical
means of teaching, traditions). Educational
practice is an integral part of professional
training and ensures a smooth transition from
study to work, in order to avoid confusion and
inability to manage the situation during the first
meeting with the group. Novice educators need
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
strong support and guidance (Kuchai, Skyba et
al., 2022; Kuchai et al., 2022).
A new approach to the organization of
pedagogical practice is formed on the following
principles: the key tasks of pedagogical practice
are to develop individual pedagogical abilities of
students; pedagogical practice is an integrated
part of all theoretical training programs in a
higher educational institution and, above all,
disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical
cycle. This combination of theory and practice
ensures a comprehensive correlation of
theoretical knowledge with teaching activities.
Pedagogical practice is carried out in partner
kindergartens of higher pedagogical institutions.
Pedagogical practice contributes to the
elimination of the barrier between the theory and
practice of training educators, the development
of students' self-activity and ensuring their
creative activity in the implementation of the
development of child abilities in the modern
information society.
Interesting is the characteristic of V. Bazurina
types of pedagogical practices in the UK which
is necessary for the professional training of future
educators of pre-school education institutions to
achieve the development of the child's abilities.
There are two approaches to its implementation:
block practice and serial practice. Serial practice
lasts one day a week for several weeks.
Educational institutions try to combine serial and
block practice to develop students’ professional
competence. Practice in preschool institutions
contributes to ensuring permanent ties between
higher education institutions and preschool
institutions, allows future educators to delve into
the process of education and training of children,
helps to establish pedagogically appropriate
relationships with children and colleagues, leads
to the possibility of developing the child's
abilities in the modern information society
(Bazurina, 2006; Kuchai, Yakovenko et al.,
During teaching practice, students should
introduce interactive learning methods used by
teachers of higher education institutions. Various
approaches to combining students in pairs and
small groups allow us to significantly activate
their educational activities both in practical
classes on the methodology and in the process of
conducting seminars during intern practice.
Paying great attention to the development of
analytical abilities of intern students, P. Sheal
offers to teach them how to set: what, how, why,
and why happens in class. According to the
British researcher, observation training should
take place in three stages:
1. Diagnostic observation. At this stage, a
preliminary discussion of the next lesson is
held, monitoring the activities of the trainee
and children in the lesson and discussing the
2. Formative observation. This stage involves
observation at a new level, namely the
concentration of observation on the
implementation of developmental purposes.
3. Summary observation. At this stage, general
(diagnostic and developmental) monitoring
of the course of the lesson is carried out, and
the results of the work are summed up.
Three stages of training the trainee's observation
are carried out in subgroups of 3-4 people; the
time for which they must express their thoughts,
comments, suggestions is strictly regulated, that
is, they are required to make concise, precise
statements, which contributes to the formation of
skills to highlight the main thing, to focus on it.
(Kuzminskyi, Bida & Kuchai, 2018).
A creatively gifted child needs an adult who is
ready to see him as a creative person, give him a
violin or paintbrush, support his initiative, and
approve of originality. The kid is ready to use the
experience of his teacher and imitate his idol. It
is important to remember that the innate
inclinations of a child can be realized only in the
active life of an individual, in a favorable
environment, under the influence of proper
educating and training (Bila, 2008).
The results of research by V. Moliako and
O. Muzyka (2006) indicate that preschool
children's awareness of random productive
inventions and their further purposeful use to
obtain creative results is one of the mechanisms
for developing creative abilities in imitation. It
is revealed that random inventions occur at any
stage of mastering activities due to the inability
of preschool children to accurately reproduce the
actions of an adult. However, if at the initial
stages of mastering the activity, children are
guided by imitating the actions of an adult and
reject random inventions, then when the task is
completed perfectly, inventions arouse the
interest of both the child and his peers. Because
of repeated successful inclusion of random
inventions in the content of activities, children
were aware of their value as a means of obtaining
recognition for creative results.
Also, in the professional training of future
preschool educational institutions to achieve the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of the child's abilities, it should be
taken into account that a sign of the giftedness of
preschoolers is the reflection of their own
abilities and the possibilities of their
development, the conscious differentiation of
their own and imitative actions, the awareness of
the transfer of imitative and inventive actions.
Reflection as one of the mechanisms of activity
regulation requires a sufficiently high level of
development of abstract thinking, as it involves
"detachment" from one's own processes
(Moliako & Muzyka, 2006). Therefore,
professional training of future teachers of
preschool education institutions should also take
place in line with the development of the abilities
of educational applicants in the modern
information society.
Informatization of education is a large space for
the manifestation of creativity of teachers, which
encourages them to look for new, non-traditional
forms and methods of interaction with children;
it helps to increase children's interest in learning,
activates cognitive activity, and develops the
child comprehensively. Knowledge of new
information technologies will help the teacher
feel comfortable in the new socio-economic
conditions. The use of a computer, multimedia
and other technical means in the classroom for
the purpose of educating and developing the
child's creative abilities, forming his personality,
enriching the intellectual sphere of a preschooler
allows us to expand the capabilities of the
Summing up, we can conclude that it is necessary
to implement information and communication
technologies during the professional training of
future educators of pre-school education
institutions to achieve the development of the
child's abilities, because their implementation:
helps to improve the professional level of
teachers, encourages them to look for new
non-traditional forms and methods of
teaching, and show creative abilities;
helps to increase children's interest in
learning, activates cognitive activity,
improves the quality of assimilation of
program material by children;
contributes to improving the level of
pedagogical competence of parents, their
awareness of the activities of preschool
institutions and the results of a particular
child, cooperation between parents and
preschool education institutions;
the introduction of information and
communication technologies in the
educational process of preschool institutions
allows you to make classes attractive and
modern thanks to the design of the
information provided;
computer technologies help to consolidate
children's knowledge, skills, and abilities,
solve cognitive and creative tasks;
the use of information and communication
technologies makes it possible to model and
solve various problem situations;
helps you check the correctness of children's
answers, complete tasks using the screen;
the use of multimedia in teaching not only
increases the speed of information to
children and increases the level of its
assimilation, but also contributes to the
development of such processes as attention,
memory, thinking, imagination, speech,
develops a sense of color, composition,
participates in the intellectual, emotional and
moral development of children.
The use of information and communication
technologies in the professional training of future
educators of preschool education institutions to
achieve the development of the child's abilities
and in a preschool educational institution is an
enriching and transforming factor, which is one
of the ways of updating the content of education
in accordance with modern requirements.
(Shisholik, 2015).
The application of information and
communication technologies in the professional
training of future preschool educators to achieve
the development of children's abilities and in
preschool education should be based on solving
the following tasks: development of multimedia
electronic educational resources, electronic
educational and methodological complexes,
electronic control and measurement materials;
introduction of electronic educational systems
and development of methodical aspects of e-
learning technology based on them; taking into
account the components of the quality
management system during the organization of
educational environments.
Among the basic components of the network of
the information environment of the institution of
higher education for the professional training of
future teachers of pre-school education
institutions for achieving the development of the
child's abilities and the institution of preschool
education that will apply computer technical
innovations, the following can be distinguished:
a full-fledged multifunctional media library
that covers multimedia, interactive
educational programs from various branches
Volume 12 - Issue 62
/ February 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of Education, Science and Culture,
educational and methodological materials on
the main areas of preschool education,
designed for different age categories of
a virtual online library that provides ample
opportunities for all participants in the
educational process of a preschool
institution to use the necessary information,
organized into sections;
information or editorial and publishing
center that will provide creation, support and
updating of websites, educational, creative,
search, research, experimental projects,
publication of informational publications,
newspapers, methodological and
educational manuals, etc.;
catalog of information databases that contain
comprehensive organizational, meta-
consulting information on the
implementation of educational and creative
an electronic library of methodological
materials, search, research, and
experimental works on various sections of
the preschool education program is
structured (Lyubchenko, Prokopenko,
It is the older preschool age that is characterized
by manifestations of criticality, which is
expressed in the desire to find and clarify
mistakes and inaccuracies. And the rapid
development of the media acutely raises
questions about the training of future specialists
in preschool education to achieve the
development of the child's capabilities, because
it is on them that the development of
preschoolers' critical thinking, communicative
skills and adequate self-evaluation of their
statements and actions, their own capabilities and
achievements in various activities depends.
Let's single out the reasons for the priority and
relevance of media education that have a positive
effect on the professional training of future
teachers of pre-school education institutions for
achieving the development of the child's abilities:
the high level of media and the saturation of
modern societies with mass media; the
ideological importance of the media and their
influence on the consciousness of the audience;
rapid rate of growth in the amount of media
information, strengthening of its management
mechanisms and its distribution; the intensity of
media penetration into the main democratic
processes; increasing the importance of visual
communication and information in all spheres;
the need to educate students and orient them to
meet future requirements; strengthening of
national and international processes of
information privatization (Onofriychuk, 2020;
Polishchuk, Khlystun, Zarudniak, Mukoviz,
Motsyk, Havrylenko & Kuchai, 2022).
The emergence of creativity in preschool age are
determined both by the peculiarities of mastering
the content of the activity itself by future teachers
of preschool education institutions, and by the
peculiarities of relationships with the
environment and depends on their preparation.
When professional training of future educators of
pre-school education institutions for the
achievement of the development of the child's
abilities, it should be taken into account that the
driving force behind the refusal to imitate the
actions of an adult and the transition to the
conscious inclusion of inventions in the activity
is the possibility of satisfying the need for
recognition by means of inventive and creative
The driving force behind the refusal to imitate the
actions of an adult and the transition to the
conscious inclusion of inventions in activities is
the ability to meet the need for recognition by
means of investment and creative imitation.
Parents and educators should help develop the
creative abilities of preschoolers. Therefore,
improving the training of future preschool
teachers in the process of teaching practice is an
important task of our time.
The article deals with the problem of professional
training of future teachers of preschool education
institutions to implement the development of
child abilities in the modern society.
The importance of pedagogical practice in the
professional training of future teachers of
preschool education institutions for the
implementation of the development of child
abilities in the modern information society is
The tasks that should be based on the use of
information and communication technologies in
preschool education are presented.
The functions should be performed by modern
information and communication technologies in
the educational and information environment of
preschool educational institutions. Let us
highlight the reasons for the priority and
relevance of media education in preschool
educational institutions and in the professional
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
training of future educators of pre-school
education institutions to achieve the development
of the child's abilities.
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