www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.33
How to Cite:
Zhiliang, G., Solianyk, A:, & Karpenko, O. (2023). Digital services of regional centers for scientific and technical information in
China. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 330-341. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.33
Digital services of regional centers for scientific and technical
information in China
Цифрові послуги регіональних центрів науково-технічної інформації Китаю
Received: January 8, 2023 Accepted: February 28, 2023
Written by:
Guo Zhiliang143
Аllа Solianyk144
Olena Karpenko145
The article aims to study the current level of
digital services of the regional subsystem of the
National System of Scientific and Technical
Information of the People's Republic of China
and to determine its optimization directions.
A content analysis of 28 provincial institutes of
scientific and technical information’s official
sites was carried out; the most powerful of them
were identified in terms of resource and service
potential, the level of organization of corporate
cooperation based on consolidated digital
platforms of multifunctional user service. It is
proved that the level of efficiency of digital
services of regional scientific and technical
information systems directly depends on the
level of the province’s economic development
and the ability of its government to finance and
technologically equip information industry
centers activities, and to establish sustainable
interaction of all subjects of the information
market. Summarizing the results of the content
analysis made it possible to identify reserves for
improving the service capabilities of the Chinese
information industry’s regional clusters, to
design vectors for diversifying consulting,
expert-analytical, cognitive services of
provincial institutes of scientific and technical
information, the development of integrated
innovation-oriented intelligent service platforms
operating based on artificial intelligence
Рostgraduate student, Department of Information, Library and Archival Affairs, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, M. Ye. Zhukovskyi National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv,
Zhiliang, G., Solianyk, A:, Karpenko, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 330-341 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: regional institutes for scientific and
technical information, digital information
services, artificial intelligence technologies,
consulting services, innovation transfer.
In the conditions of digitization of all spheres of
society's life, China is rebuilding the National
System of Scientific and Technical Information
like the best world models. Based on the study of
the experience of creating scientific and technical
and analytical centers in the USA, Germany and
Great Britain, the study of the organizational
principles of the functioning of such powerful
institutions as the Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation of the USA Gold
Association (Information, Technology and
Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the British
Science Policy Research Unit, SPRU, Korea
Science and Technology Policy Institute
(STEPI), Indian Science Congress Association
(ISCA), etc., the People's Republic of China is
transforming the information service system of
specialists into a digital knowledge industry,
which relies on artificial intelligence
technologies capable of extracting knowledge as
a result of analytical processing of large volumes
of scientific and technical information. This
large-scale task requires an analysis of the
existing information and infrastructural potential
of the regional component of the National
System of Scientific and Technical Information
of the People's Republic of China, which is the
resource core of information service for users
throughout the country.
To realize the aim of the study concerning the
peculiarities of the current level of digitizing
Chinese society and transforming the regional
subsystems of the National System of Scientific
and Technical Information to determine its
optimization directions the relevant literature
was analyzed and systematic, classification,
comparative, and socio-communication
approaches were used. Works by Baiyang et al.,
(2020), Chzhylian (2022), Defang (2007), Jialin
& Zhang (2007), Jianxun(2019), Li & Guang
(2017), Li et al., (2021), Xin. (2022) were chosen
as the theoretical base of analyzing the study
problem. And as the main methods for studying
the current state and potential of 28 Institutes of
Scientific and Technical Information in different
regions of China were content analysis, the
statistical method and the ranking method. Using
the methodological tools allowed us not only to
study the current state of digitalizing regional
subsystems of the National System of Scientific
and Technical Information but also to determine
their directions as to forming regional science
and technology clusters, increasing generation
productivity, and introducing scientific and
technological innovations, which is badly
important for developing the economies of
China's poor provinces.
Literature Review
The analysis of publications by Chinese
librarians and computer scientists devoted to the
evolutionary changes of the National System of
Scientific and Technical Information of the
People's Republic of China made it possible to
determine the regularities of its development and
diversification of service functions under the
influence of sociopolitical, economic, technical,
technological and cultural factors. The works by
Chzhylian (2022), Defang (2007), Jialin &
Zhang (2007), Xisheng (2022), Yan (2022) and
others were particularly significant in this
context. The study of the main historical stages
of the state's development of regional institutes
of scientific and technical information and the
legal basis of their coordinated functioning
developed by Zhou et al., (2019) is fundamental,
as well as the results of the research by Shilin et
al., (2022) in the context of forming state policy
to ensure national security is of great interest.
The author's classification of scientific and
technological services of regional institutions of
the information industry of China was developed
by experts of the Information Resources
Research Center of Wuhan University such as
Baiyang et al. (2020). They emphasized the
objective regularity of the transition from a
resource to a service model of proactive
information service for users, which is due to the
modern pace of mastering the latest technologies
of the global digital society based on cloud
computing, big data, 5G, and blockchain. The
trend of diversifying the range of information
services under the influence of Internet 3.0
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
technologies is confirmed in their publications by
Hannas & Chang (2022), Huld, A. (2022),
Shelestova et al., (2021), and others. The
effectiveness of implementing digital platforms
for providing intelligent services in the regional
system of scientific and technical information is
evidenced by the results of the research by Li et
al., (2021) who are specialists of the
Documentation and Information Center of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences. Yi et al., (2022)
as experts in the field of automation of modern
information services by using the example of the
integrated service platform of scientific and
technical information of Shaanxi province,
reveal the possibilities of building innovation-
oriented intelligent service systems of the new
generation. The peculiarities of the System
Function of the Science and Technology Service
Industry were researched by Jing et al., (2006).
The results of the research by Chen et al., (2017)
devoted to implementing Chinese innovation-
driving factors including regional structure,
innovation effect, and economic development
data contributed to the policy measures to
implement innovation-driven strategies. for
improving the information support system of
regional innovations.
A complex of scientific approaches and methods,
which complement each other's heuristic
capabilities, was used to achieve the goal and
objectives of the research. The systematic
approach made it possible to establish the
structure and functional features of regional
components of the National System of Scientific
and Technical Industry of China, to determine
their connections and contribution to the
formation of integrated information resources
and to provide remote access to them for
collective and individual users. The classification
approach made it possible to organize various
digital services of the regional Institutes of
Scientific and Technical Information of the
People's Republic of China; the comparative
approach allowed defining advanced information
institutions that implement actual competitive
intelligence services and semantic methods of
searching for hidden knowledge and develop
analytical brain centers with expert services for
evaluating the prospects of innovative projects.
Combining the possibilities of information and
socio-communication approaches with historical,
genetic and socio-cultural ones made it possible
to prove the importance of the aggregation of
consolidated information resources at the
national and interregional levels, their unification
with the help of network communications into a
single system of multifunctional information
centers that can level the digital and economic
inequality of the rich and the poor provinces of
the People's Republic of China by providing
high-quality scientific and technical service to
their industrial enterprises.
Based on the application of content analysis and
the statistical method, the sites of 28 Institutes of
Scientific and Technical Information in different
regions of China were surveyed, the ranking
method helped to determine the most powerful of
them, with a developed system of digital
products and services.
Results and Discussion
The evolution stage of China's digital
information industry began in 1997, when
Wanfang, the first professional database
manufacturing company, was established in the
country. Its activity stimulated the development
of other high-tech database aggregators
Tsinghua Tongfang and Chongqing VIP, etc. The
next important step in forming a powerful
resource base for the production of digital
products and services by regional NTI Institutes
is the creation of the National Map of Science
and Technology in June 2000, which, under the
auspices of the National Science and Technology
Library (NSTL), united all branch databases
created by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the
Chinese Institute of Chemistry and Metallurgy,
the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and
other branch scientific centers into a single
network to exchange of scientific and technical
information. Based on them, the Consortium of
Information Resources was created, the access
points to which were designated at the regional
level by regional NTI Institutes. Currently, on
their official websites, subscribers are offered to
search for information in such authoritative
databases of Chinese scientific and technical
literature as CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP
Information, Guoyan, numerous databases of
regulatory, patent, periodical, and other scientific
and technical publications in foreign languages.
Among the basic digital services of regional
institutes of scientific and technical information
to individual and collective subscribers, which
they produce based on powerful digital platforms
of NSTL, the following are the most popular:
implementing collection, comparison and
analysis of scientific and technical data,
forming information resources of the
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
province, in particular scientific and
technical archives, integrating profile
databases of scientific and technical
direction, providing services for searching
scientific and technical literature, scientific
and technological novelties, international
patent online searching and consulting on
copyright for all segments of society;
supporting science and technology
departments of their provinces in project
management, such as research and
development plans in key sectors of the
economy, the opening of research institutes
and scientific and technical associations,
analyzing the effectiveness of introducing
innovations, collection and provision of
statistical indicators of the development of
science and technology in the region;
advertising of scientific and technical
achievements through the preparation and
publication of annual statistical directories;
reporting on realizing plans for the scientific
and technical development of the province
and the market of its technologies, as well as
popular science magazines that form an
attractive economic image of the region.
Under the influence of the development of the
digital economy and knowledge society in China,
there is a diversification of digital services of
regional NTI Institutes as consulting centers and
technology transfer centers, and information
brokerage agencies.
Thus, nowadays the leading regional NTI
Institutes already offer:
providing decision-making consulting
services, such as the study of the
development strategy and economic policy
of the region, planning of innovations and
creating a technical road map for their
implementation, participating in tenders for
technological projects and competitive
intelligence for business structures and
government departments at all levels and in
all sectors of the national economy;
industrial cluster research, regional
planning, development of business
incubation strategies, intelligence analysis
and operational economic planning for
provincial governments, science and
technology parks, business incubators,
manufacturing enterprises, and transfer of
their technologies.
One of the key tasks of regional scientific and
technical institutes as information intelligence
agencies is to help the government and
enterprises to make innovative decisions,
substantiate forecasts and development
strategies, and evaluate production and
management technologies. They perform the
function of a strategic intelligence service and a
think tank, which are an important basis for
making timely and effective management
decisions. For example, the Guangdong Institute
of Scientific and Technological Information
provides the provincial government with high-
quality consultations on the strategic directions
of regional planning and conducts research to
assess the economic efficiency of Guangdong's
industrial and regional development. The
information resource center of this institute is one
of the most powerful platforms of the network
created by the National Science and Technology
Library (NSTL) for the exchange of scientific
and technical information and access points to
such authoritative databases of Chinese scientific
and technical literature as CNKI, Wanfang Data,
VIP Information, Guoyan, databases of
periodicals and other scientific and technical
publications in foreign languages. Awards for the
high level of information service for users of
scientific and technical literature and
documentation were received from NSTL in
different years by NTI institutes of the provinces
of Gansu, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, Hubei,
The most powerful institutes of NTI, in particular
the Institute of Gansu province, create Systems
of cloud services for searching scientific and
technological information and Intelligent
information systems for search management for
scientific and technological novelties
(SNRMIS). These high-tech systems of the new
generation apply cloud computing, intelligent
data analysis, text messages on mobile phones,
and WeChat to realize the effective management
of business processes, such as the search,
collection, analysis, and introduction of scientific
and technological innovations, assessment of
intellectual property protection and the prospects
of scientific and technical achievements.
In recent years, the Science and Technology
Information Research Institute of Hubei Province
has implemented about 300 projects above the
regional and ministerial levels, received about 10
provincial-level awards for promoting scientific
and technological progress, and issued about 100
intellectual property rights, such as invention
patents, useful models, software, has provided
users with more than 3,000 informational advice
for decision making. The effective activity of the
Institute made it possible to create social and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
economic benefits in the amount of more than 3.5
billion yuan, to satisfy the information needs of
about 3.5 million users; produce more than 800
scientific and technical television films, videos,
feature films, documentaries, and news films,
including on CCTV and Hubei TV. According to
the analysis of the Institute's powerful
information resources, its employees discovered
40,000 scientific and technological innovations,
acted as mediators in more than 200 successful
technological projects with a new initial value of
nearly 400 million yuan; completed more than
600 research projects in the field of soft sciences
at various levels; provided more than 3,000
pieces of information for the adoption of
management decisions by state bodies. The
business philosophy of the Institute's service to
universities, research enterprises and investors is
based on "building a green bridge between
technology and capital", integrating the
information market and technology transfer
market and promoting the transformation of
scientific and technical achievements into real
productivity. In addition, Hubei NDINTI
publishes China's most influential academic
journal "Scientific and Technical Progress and
Countermeasures", which is indexed in the
authoritative scientometric databases of CSSCI.
In 2019, this publication was included in the "List
of the Impact Index of World Academic
Journals" in the field of humanities and social
In one of the most powerful provincial Institutes,
the Guangdong Institute of NTI, the Industrial
Technology Research Center has been opened,
which provides services for the management of
the full process of scientific and technological
projects in the key sectors of the economic plan
of research and development of Guangdong
Province, and also conducts promising
interdisciplinary research on the main strategic
issues of industrial development region The
service of integrated management of scientific
and technical projects assists in preliminary
analysis and strategic evaluation of research
results, preparation of plans for its
implementation, project approval, signing of the
task log, management of project launch,
assessment of allocations at the second stage,
evaluation of effectiveness and acceptance of
project completion results. It is important to
emphasize that problems of scientific and
technical projects, which are realized by the
Guangdong INTI, are devoted to the
development of such extremely complex
industries as the technologies of artificial
intelligence of the new generation; chips,
software and computing; laser and additive
manufacturing; virtual reality and information
security networks; production of intelligent
robots and equipment, cars running on new
energy. The center provides information and
consulting support for the research of
innovations in the field of industrial technologies
of Guangdong Province through the provision of
information on industrial technologies and
development strategies, a support system for
innovations in the field of industrial
technologies, technology transfer; research on
the formation and development of industrial and
innovation clusters in Guangdong Province,
including the development of traditional
industries and characteristic industry clusters, the
development of new industry clusters, industrial
technological innovation policy, industrial
development strategy and planning, as well as
strategic planning and management of corporate
One of the mandatory services of provincial NTIs
is forming digital scientific and technical
archives of science and technology departments
of their provinces to provide services for
managing the implementation of innovative
technologies and realizing strategic research. In
the 2000s, most of the regional NTI institutes
transferred the work of the archives to a digital
format, organizing the reception, processing, safe
storage, daily management, and maintenance of
a large number of files of scientific and
technological documents of the provincial
departments of science and technology. On
average, about 20,000 files are processed and
stored annually in such archives, and about 1,000
services are provided for searching scientific and
technical archival documents, which provides
effective information support for the introduction
of technological innovations.
An important area of activity of provincial INTIs
is the popularization of the scientific and
technical achievements of their provinces and the
promotion of their scientific and economic
development through publishing monthly
magazines in the field of science and technology.
Leading institutes of NTI, such as Guangdong,
can support publishing two magazines, such as
"Science and Technology" and "Research on the
strategy of scientific and technical innovative
development". The purpose of these publications
is to provide intellectual support for innovative
development strategies realized by the regions of
the People's Republic of China.
The experience of building digital e-commerce
platforms in the field of science and technology,
operating in O2O mode, by Chinese regional NTI
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
institutes is also effective. These platforms are a
link that brings together scientific instruments
and equipment, scientific database s, intellectual
property rights, research and development,
business incubation, scientific and technical
consulting, scientific and technical financing,
technology transfer, and other scientific and
technical resources and services Thanks to the
functioning of such platforms, an organic
combination of scientific and technical resources
and services, public procurement and financial
support for innovations of small and medium-
sized enterprises is carried out.
For example, since 2008, the Beijing Institute of
Scientific and Technical Information has
significantly expanded the range of free services,
providing in particular competitive intelligence
services that improve users' understanding of the
competitive environment and reduce decision-
making risks. Such services are especially
important for high-tech enterprises, investors,
state institutions, and branch authorities. In
Beijing and other powerful regional centers of
scientific and technical information, specialized
laboratories of "competitive intelligence and
evaluation of innovations" have been created,
which serve the needs of business groups
engaged in the production of high-quality
equipment, intelligent transport, IT technologies,
and other innovative projects. Carrying out
professional competitive intelligence, regional
intelligence agencies monitor internal and
external factors affecting the development of
science and technology, and propose to state
governing bodies several action plans built
according to possible financial and other
economic risks. An important service of NTI
regional institutes should be realizing the
functions of think tanks, the task of which is to
collect, sort and analyze information and its
intellectual screening, as well as further
processing for decision-making. Thus, since
2015, the Center for Documentation and
Information of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
has been implementing a strategic plan of
transformation into a scientific, technological
and analytical center with innovation assessment
and competitive intelligence services. Similar
tasks are set before the regional institutes of NTI.
Their expansion of the range of free services
through the provision of competitive intelligence
services improves users' understanding of the
competitive environment and reduces the risks of
their decision-making regarding the opening of
high-tech enterprises in the region and
communication with investors and industry
However, the level of service and participation of
scientific and technical analytical centers in the
development of each province is different. It
depends on the ability of the governing bodies of
the province to finance and technologically equip
the activities of such centers. In total, China has
34 provincial-level administrative regions,
including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4
municipalities directly under the central
government (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and
Chongqing), and 2 special administrative regions
(Hong Kong and Macau). To establish the
presence of regional NTI Institutes in these
administrative areas and the level of digitization
of their services, a content analysis of their
official sites was conducted as a basic channel for
providing digital products and services.
According to the results of the content analysis,
problems with the stability of work, prompt
updating, and the quality of the content of the
sites of NTI Institutes of remote autonomous
regions: Inner Mongolia, Guangxi-Zhuang,
Tibet, Ningxia-Huei and Xinjiang-Uygur were
revealed. Among provincial institutions, the sites
of Guizhou, Liaoning, Hainan, Shanxi NTI
Institutes, and Shandong NTI Academy, which
make up 30% of the total number of regional NTI
centers, are the least informative and partially
outdated. The sites of NTI Institutes in such
regions as Beijing, Gansu, Guangdong, Tianjin,
and Hubei were recognized as the most
informative and meaningful from the point of
view of the presence of advanced intellectual
management systems for the search for scientific
and technical innovations, which is 15% of the
total number of surveyed sites. The established
ratio of the degree of informativeness of the sites
of the regional institutes of the NTI of the KRN
is illustrated in Figure 1. It clearly shows that
55% of the sites of the regional NTI Institutes of
China still need improvement as channels for
providing subscribers with a modern range of
digital services comfortably and efficiently.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 1. Degree of informativeness of sites of regional institutes of scientific and technical information of
the People's Republic of China
Thus, the actual trend today is that the NTI
Institutes of economically developed provinces
significantly deepened their analytical activities
in the early 2010s, which allowed them to move
to a qualitatively new level of user service by
creating consulting divisions. Thus, in 2012,
relying on the support of the Department of
Science and Technology of its province, the
Research Institute of Science and Technology
Information of Zhejiang established a
consultative committee for the development of
science and technology in its province. This
Advisory Committee on the development of a
Regional Innovation System and Scientific and
Technical Activities currently plays an important
supporting role in creating and implementing
development strategies for the economic growth
of Zhejiang Province.
Currently, the key trend in the transformation of
regional NTI centers is to change them into
centers for promoting the development of science
and technology in their provinces. Their
functions include not only scientific and
technical information services but also strategic
research, scientific and technological consulting,
innovation evaluation and competitive
For generalizing the nomenclature of basic
digital services of regional Institutes of Scientific
and Technical Information of China, an analysis
of the organizational structure of 28 institutions
of the following administrative regions at the
provincial level such as Zhejiang, Fujian,
Jiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong,
Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Beijing,
Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai,
Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Guizhou,
Yunnan, Chongqing, Liaoning, Jilin,
Heilongjiang was carried out. Figure 2 illustrates
the 100% availability of documentation, search
and consulting services in regional NTI
Institutes. Regarding the degree of development
of high-tech information services related to the
evaluation of innovative technologies and
enterprises, the examination of scientific projects
and competitive intelligence, they are
systematically provided only by 65% of the
provincial institutes of scientific and technical
information of the provinces, in which
specialized units have been created for this
the least informative and partially
outdated sites of the total number of
regional NTI centers (Guizhou,
Liaoning, Hainan, Shanxi NTI
Institutes, Shandong NTI Academy)
the most informative and
meaningful sites of the total number
of surveyed sites of NTI Institutes
in such regions as Beijing, Gansu,
Guangdong, Tianjin, Hubei
sites of the regional NTI Institutes
of China still need improvement as
channels for providing subscribers
with a modern range of digital
services in a comfortable and
efficient manner
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 2. Organizational structure of provincial institutions of scientific and technical information of the
People's Republic of China
The analysis of the organizational structure of the
regional institutes of NTI allows us to determine
the main functions of these institutions:
implementation of information support for the
scientific and technical development of their
provinces based on the formation of local
databases reflecting the industrial profile of the
territories, as well as databases of scientific,
statistical, patent, expert-analytical,
scientometric, archival, marketing information.
Thus, the majority of NTI Institutes of the
provinces play an important supporting role in
the creation of regional innovation systems,
providing informational and mediating support to
subjects of production and the introduction of
technical and technological innovations.
But in the conditions of the exponential rate of
increasing flows of digital scientific and
technical information and the economic
backwardness of China’s poor regions, there is a
need to reorganize the NTI network of the PRC
by integrating it into the National Scientific and
Technological Platform for the Management of
Scientific Research Projects and Innovations at
all levels from national to regional and local.
The model of this platform proposed by the
specialists of the National Institute of NTI of
China is open, integrated with the latest big data
processing technologies, which is capable of
information monitoring of all processes of a
scientific and technical project’s life cycle: from
planning, realizing, evaluating effectiveness,
advertising of results, and implementing and
distributing through transfer technologies. The
service potential of the system should be aimed
at scientific research institutions and their
employees, project managers and decision-
making subjects in the entire digital environment
of scientific research.
The reorientation of the regional component of
the National NTI system from scientific and
technical business to scientific and technical
management will allow engineering thinking to
be built into every link of the process of
information support for the discovery and
implementation of innovations, and the
introduction of artificial intelligence tools into
decision-making support processes. The
construction of a unified and open national
scientific and technological management
platform aims to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of the implementation of scientific
projects through the unification of information
resources, avoidance of duplication, and
optimization of scientific and technological
planning management systems at the
interregional, interdepartmental, interbranch and
interdisciplinary levels. This will make it
possible to implement integrated management of
science and technology at the state level,
integrate the industrial chain, the chain of
innovation and capital, and form an open, secure,
unified, interactive, fully functional, and
effective platform for information support and
innovation support.
On the way to building this integrated platform,
Hubei Research Institute of NTI plans to provide
comprehensive and multi-level information
support for technological innovation, producing
services for the provincial government, various
research and business structures, and focus on
creating an effective business support system that
will combine the source the cultivation of
6% 6% 4%
Scientific and technical documentation Centers
Consulting centers for finding scientific and
technical novelties (28)
Scientific and technical centers of statistical
analysis (26)
Technological Policy Research Centers (25)
Joint innovation service centers (Soft Science
Management Service Centers) (18)
Technology assessment centers (13)
Technological archive centers (11)
Industrial Technology Research Centers (10)
Enterprise innovation research centers (7)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
modern scientific and technical thinking, a
scientific and technical center for public service,
a center for the promotion of industrial
innovations, and a center for scientific and
technical communication.
Among the urgent tasks of all provincial NTI
institutes are the unification on a single digital
platform and the corporate use of resources for
innovation and entrepreneurship to provide
services such as the sharing of equipment,
innovative ideas and creativity, authoritative
expert assessment, and the transformation of
scientific and technological achievements into
real economically profitable projects. The
priority tasks are also creating a system-
integrated platform for joint work for all
members of the China Science and Technology
Association, intensifying data management
processes, implementing an integrated work
scheme for the Smart Association of Science and
Technology and the Smart Society, constructing
a digital scientific information platform for the
Smart Association for Science and Technology,
which will allow more efficient extraction of
knowledge based on automated processing of
large data sets. This will significantly increase
the accuracy and efficiency of the processes of
searching, obtaining, analyzing, and using the
intellectual resources of the National NTI system
of the People's Republic of China.
In the conditions of a complex and tense
international political situation, guaranteeing the
access of Chinese researchers to big data plays an
indispensable role in increasing the efficiency of
scientific research and producing innovations,
which are the basis of the development of the
national economy. The Documentation and
Information Center of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, as a national-level institution that
provides state guarantees of user access to
consolidated resources of scientific and technical
information, initiated the creation of a scientific
and technological platform of big data based on
the aggregation on its basis of strategically
important databases from the leading sectors of
the economy. Innovative information products
and services produced by the Center based on the
big data platform should become a new engine of
scientific discoveries and innovations in the field
of knowledge management.
In the digital society, researchers find an
increasing demand for prompt access to relevant
research information and active research
interaction. Effective and qualified information
support is necessary at all stages of the creation
of additional value of technological innovations:
from fundamental research and their applied
implementation to marketing intelligence on the
demand for innovative ideas from consumers.
The production of innovations is significantly
hampered by scattered and isolated data sets, in
which it is difficult to extract new knowledge.
This necessitates a fundamental restructuring of
the activities of scientific and technical
information services based on their use of the
latest big data management technologies.
Thus, with the support of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, specialists of its Documentation and
Information Center created a series of intelligent
service products "Hui" for scientists. These
products are developed based on the "Big Data
Science and Technology Platform" of the
Documentation and Information Center of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences under the new
model of knowledge discovery and scientific
research. This series of products are intended for
the category of scientists who embody the
modern paradigm of knowledge discovery with
the help of artificial intelligence capable of
computing big data. Scientists of the Center solve
the problem of overcoming the dispersion and
isolation of big data in the field of science and
technology, which significantly reduces the
possibility of objective assessment of the value
of knowledge and the effectiveness of scientific
research. In the conditions of China's
development of the digital economy, the need for
radical modernization of the traditional
architecture of searching for relevant
information, which is currently offered to users
by the majority of regional NTI centers, is
extremely overdue.
Such modernization is more effective based on
corporate cooperation of the subjects of the
development of the digital communication space
in the field of the state system of scientific and
technical information. The National Scientific
Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in
cooperation with the Central and Regional
Institutes of Documentation and Information,
including Lanzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, etc.,
created a Cloud platform for the monitoring of
scientific and technical information
(http://stmcloud.las.ac.cn/). It is a specialized
knowledge service platform designed for
advanced research groups, academic library
librarians, and strategic intelligence analysts,
providing prompt and relevant industry
information retrieval. The platform is based on
the processing of data generated by specialized
Chinese and foreign institutions in various fields
of knowledge. The website of the platform
automatically collects, evaluates, selects,
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
describes, systematizes, and publishes significant
achievements in the scientific and technical field,
scientific research reports, information on
funding sources and budgets of leading research
projects of scientific institutions, etc. The
platform allows for information monitoring of
the latest scientific and technical developments
in leading fields of knowledge and helps to
quickly inform researchers about the emergence
of scientific and technological innovations,
search for information about partners and
competitors, timely identify key achievements
and promising vectors of development in a
certain field of activity, justify breakthrough
scientific and technological solutions.
An important component of the portal is the
consolidation of information on the most
important industrial projects, including
nanotechnology, water pollution control,
broadband mobile communication, food and
nutrition, prevention of complex diseases,
genetically modified organisms, renewable
resources, creation of new medicines, air
pollution control, etc. Another infrastructure
subsystem of the portal is the domain information
platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,
which combines six of the most powerful
networks: the energy information network,
materials production information network,
biosafety intelligence network, ocean
intelligence network, Yangtze River basin
information network, optoelectronic industry
information network. The convenient interface of
the portal allows you to track the latest news in
the scientific and technical field, inform
specialists about them promptly, and implement
the production of personalized and proactive
information products and services.
According to the results of the content analysis of
the resource content of the websites of the
provincial NTI Institutes, it was established that
from the point of view of creating corporate
platforms that reflect the directions of regional
innovative development, only five provinces
(Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shaanxi, Zhejiang)
implement such projects. Unfortunately, the ratio
of the number of such platforms, which allow
linking technological and scientific data at the
level of several provinces, is still extremely
insufficient, which is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Ratio of corporate and regional aggregation information platforms created by provincial institutes
of NTI of the People's Republic of China.
In particular, the corporate platform of the cloud
service of scientific and technological
innovation, created by the Zhejiang Institute of
Scientific and Technical Information, combines
the information resources of scientific research
institutes, and high-tech enterprises and consists
of 5 cities and 6 district service platforms. Such
cooperation of city and district institutions
contributes to the spread of innovations and
savings of all types of resource potential of the
region. The "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei" innovative
platform of scientific and technical resources was
jointly created to meet the information needs of
local enterprises, which contributes to the
improvement of the efficiency of industrial
development. This platform combined the
information and service potential of such
powerful institutions as Beijing-Tianjin Research
Institute, Jinghe Research Institute, Handan
Branch of Beijing Academy of Sciences, Beijing-
Tianjin-Hebei Research Institute Alliance, and
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Research Institute
18% 23 provincial institutions
5 provincial institutions
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Intellectual Property Application Alliance to
boost technology transfer and generate profits of
more than 700 million yuan. The Alliance
established scientific and technical cooperation
with 329 institutions in 57 countries and regions
of the world, launched the Zhongguancun Global
Alliance of High-Tech Analytical Centers,
created the International Training Center for
Scientific and Technical Cooperation "One Belt
and Road" and actively integrated into the global
innovation network.
Thus, the analyzing information services of the
state system of NTI of the People's Republic of
China and the vectors of their transformations
allows us to state that at the current stage, this
system is being modernized into a digital
industry of aggregation of innovative knowledge,
production processes of which are based on
artificial intelligence technologies capable of
extracting knowledge as a result of analytical
processing of primary and secondary information
resources. Among the breakthrough projects of
the development of China's information industry
is the development and application of Smart
Knowledge Service ecosystems, which function
based on big data management, which is carried
out by artificial intelligence. In the advanced
regional institutes of NTI of the People's
Republic of China, service departments have
been created, which, with the help of intellectual
means of information analysis, acquire explicit
and hidden knowledge, which is the basis of the
development of technological innovations.
Among the strategic plans for improving the
information industry of the People's Republic of
China is developing a national research center for
designing new-generation artificial intelligence
technologies, which should investigate the
economic and social consequences of using this
innovative phenomenon; acceleration of
constructing research centers of breakthrough
technologies and their forecasting platforms;
creating a national scientific and technical
information center of big data, which will allow
integrating relevant business resources and big
data resources into the chain of management of
national plans in the field of science and
technology. Priority attention is planned to be
paid to improving the quality of information
services in the five most promising breakthrough
industries of the national economy: biomedicine,
cars powered by new types of energy, intelligent
manufacturing, the latest materials, and
information technologies. At the level of
individual provincial NTI Institutes, it is
necessary to intensify the development of
corporate platforms that combine information
resources and services of powerful industrial
enterprises, research institutions, universities,
and scientific libraries. This will contribute to the
formation of regional science and technology
clusters, increase in generation productivity, and
the introduction of scientific and technological
innovations, which is especially important for the
development of the economies of China's poor
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