Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.61.01.30
How to Cite:
Bakai, Y., Nanivska, L., Semenets, O., Hetman, Y., & Pryma, V. (2023). The efficiency of language teaching through integration in
future philologists’ foreign language competence formation. Amazonia Investiga, 12(61), 297-306.
The efficiency of language teaching through integration in future
philologists’ foreign language competence formation
Ефективність навчання мові через інтеграцію у формуванні іншомовних
компетенцій майбутніх філологів
Received: February 2, 2023 Accepted: February 28, 2023
Written by:
Yuliia Bakai127
Lidiia Nanivska128
Olha Semenets129
Yuliia Hetman130
Viktoriia Pryma131
The article aims at determining the impact of
integrated methods and approaches to language
learning on the development of various students’
foreign language competencies. Methods. The
research involved the questionnaire method, the
method of expert evaluations, and the method of
analysing the development of language
competences. The obtained data were processed
by the methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. It was found that the indicator “grammar
knowledge” had a high correlation with
“vocabulary” (r = 0.73) and “listening skills” (r =
0.69), which indicates the tendency of students
with a high level of grammar knowledge to
enhance their vocabulary and improve their
listening skills. Some other indicators such as
“writing skills” and “speaking skills” also had a
fairly high correlation with “listening skills”.
Conclusion. Summarizing the conducted
research on the effectiveness of language
learning through integration when building
future philologists foreign language
Assistant Lecturer at the Department of General Education, College of Education and Languages, Lebanese French University,
Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Education/Pedagogy, Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Military
Translation, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology and Journalism,
V. I. Vernadskyi Tavria National University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, H.S. Skovoroda
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Faculty of Trade and Marketing,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
competences, it can be stated that this approach
is effective and contributes to the improvement
of language learning quality in higher
educational institutions. Prospects. Future
research could focus on different languages and
students’ nationalities.
Keywords: competences, educational method,
education, innovations.
The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that
future philologists need to study language on the
basis of integrative approach to be competent in
intercultural communication. This makes it
possible to be competitive in a globalized
context. Language learning through integration is
an effective means of foreign language
competence formation, which helps students
learn knowledge and skills more successfully in
the context of culture and social environment.
Furthermore, language learning through
integration helps to keep students motivated to
master the language and make the learning
process more engaging and meaningful
(Vanichvasin, 2019).
A number of different approaches to language
learning were examined, but integration in the
formation of foreign language competences is
one of the most effective methods. The need for
intercultural communication has increased
worldwide, as well as the requirement for future
philologists to be fluent in the language, to be
fully aware of the culture and traditions of the
native speakers (Zadorozhna, 2022).
If conducted effectively, language learning can
undeniably ensure success in intercultural
communication and future career. From this
standpoint, integration in foreign language
competences formation becomes a key factor in
enhancing the effectiveness of language learning
(Yeromenko, 2022).
One of the main aspects of integration is
mastering the language in the framework of
country's culture and history. Such an approach
allows students to study not only the language
more thoroughly, but also to familiarize
themselves with country’s traditions and history.
Hence, students have every chance to better
understand cultural differences that can affect
language and identify adequate ways of
interaction in diverse situations (Huz, 2022).
What should be stressed here is that yet another
aspect is the use of multimedia resources and
technologies in education. Consequently, this
approach allows students to learn the language in
real-time conditions and communicate with
native speakers, making learning more effective
and engaging. Moreover, their use allows
creating more diverse and interesting tasks that
stimulate students to actively engage in learning
the language and practically apply it (Pak et al.,
Furthermore, in the formation of foreign
language competences, integration involves the
students’ engagement with the projects and
research related to culture and language of the
specific country. Consequently, this allows
students to develop not only language but also
research and analytical skills. As part of projects
and research, students have the opportunity to
address in more detail the history, traditions,
literature and other aspects of country's cultural
background, which facilitates the understanding
of language and culture as a whole (Kalinina et
al., 2022).
It is worth mentioning that one of the fascinating
aspects of effective language learning through
integration is active speaking practice. Students
need to be able to use the language in different
situations and with different interlocutors so that
they can develop their linguistic and intercultural
competences. Therefore, it is important to
organize a variety of communicative tasks that
contribute to the development of students'
language skills (Chernysh et al., 2020).
Unresolved issues
In educational institutions for decades language
learning was conducted through integration and
was addressed by a number of scholars, some
aspects of this technology still remain
unresolved. One of the unexplored issues is the
influence of integration on the development of
Bakai, Y., Nanivska, L., Semenets, O., Hetman, Y., Pryma, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 61: 297-306 / January, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students' speaking competence. Although there
are studies that show the positive results of
utilizing this method, it has not been studied in
detail how integration affects the development of
certain language aspects such as grammar,
vocabulary, phonetics, etc. (Baumert et al.,
A number of other unaddressed issues are the
impact of integration on the development of
students' cultural competence. A language is
closely related to country’s culture and traditions,
so it is crucial not only to learn the language, but
also to be aware of the cultural characteristics of
the nation. That said, integration helps students
not only to learn the language, but also to
familiarize themselves with the culture of the
country where it is used. This allows students to
facilitate understanding other people and also
enhance their chances of successful intercultural
communication (Korol & Levytska, 2022).
The effectiveness of language learning through
integration is not restricted to consolidation of
language mastery and communicative skills, but
also in the formation of foreign language and
cultural competences indispensable for future
philologists. Probing deeper into this topic can
help to develop more effective teaching methods
and improve the quality of education in the field
of linguistics.
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the
effectiveness of an integrated approach to
language learning as a means of forming foreign
language competencies of future philologists.
Tasks / research questions
1. Research into the effectiveness of integrated
methods and approaches to language
learning in the formation of grammatical
knowledge in philology students.
2. Study of the integrated approach impact on
philology students’ lexis development.
3. Research of methods and approaches to
language learning that contribute to the
development of listening and speaking skills
in philology students.
Literature Review
Currently, pedagogical science faces the task of
educating the new generation of competitive
staff, which is why a broad number of studies are
available today aimed at finding effective
methods of forming foreign language
competence. We can single out among them the
work of Alibekova and Urinboyeva (2020),
which regards the use of communicative methods
in language learning. The authors note the need
for full immersion of students in a foreign
language environment. This method, according
to the authors, will yield effective results. When
studying different approaches to the formation of
foreign language competence, one should not
limit oneself to the experience of teaching a
particular language. The authors highlighted the
peculiarities of foreign language competence
formation during the study of the German
For the purposes of this study, the seminal article
by Naidesh and Bilokopyta (2022) should be
mentioned. The authors make an attempt to
reveal the major universals with the help of
which it is possible to form foreign language
competence regardless of the chosen foreign
language. With that in mind, they note that on the
basis of these universals, it is possible to develop
effective methods of teaching foreign languages
that will be effective for students of various
specialties and in various educational
institutions. The authors also conducted an
analysis of different approaches to learning
foreign languages and determined that the
integrated approach is one of the most effective
for the formation of foreign language
competence in students regardless of their
specialty. In this context, Uztosun’s research
(2021) is worth highlighting, in which the author
considers various methods’ effectiveness as
regards acquiring foreign language competences.
It should be mentioned that numerous works are
available that are devoted to independent
language acquisition, for instance,
Serdiuchenko’s research (2021). Among other
enquiries, the authors drew attention to the
importance of self-regulation in language
learning and its influence on the development of
foreign language competences. Shen (2021)
probes into the features of self-regulation and
self-motivation in the process of learning foreign
vocabulary. The author analyzes the problems
faced by students during their studies. Likewise,
Nuritdinovna (2022) highlights not only the issue
of motivation, but also the importance of
immersion in the language environment.
According to the author, it is this mechanism that
helps to overcome cognitive resistance during
training. An article by Pak et al., (2022) deals
with the key methods of organizing language
learning. In particular, it is held that learning a
foreign language should begin in childhood,
given that this process is far more effective in the
early stages of development. It is worthy of note
that Fayzullaev and Eshnazarova (2019) examine
pedagogical methods in general, which are of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
utmost importance when choosing language
learning methods depending on the purpose of
learning. In the context of this study, the article
by Chala et al., (2021) should be mentioned. The
authors reveal the impact of various teaching
methods on the formation of components of
foreign language competence. In this light,
despite numerous and variegated studies on the
topic, it is nevertheless difficult to find relevant
research on the above topic.
Research procedure
The first stage of the study (April-August 2022)
consisted in conducting a literature analysis on
the integrated approach to language learning and
its impact on the formation of foreign language
competence. Various studies and publications
were considered that reveal the essence of
integration and its role in the formation of foreign
language competence, as well as the methods and
techniques used in this approach to language
The second stage of the study (September-
December 2022) included planning and
conducting an experiment using an integrated
approach to language learning with philology
students as part of one of the foreign language
courses. To evaluate the effectiveness of this
approach, tests and questionnaires were used that
assessed the level of philology students’ listening
and speaking skills as well as knowledge of
grammar and lexis.
The third stage of the study (2023) embraced the
analysis of test results and questionnaires. Based
on the findings, the effectiveness of using an
integrated approach to language learning for the
formation of various foreign language
competencies among philology students was
determined. The data were analyzed and
interpreted to develop recommendations for the
use of an integrated approach to language
teaching in higher education institutions.
Formation of the sample
A sample of 115 respondents studying at various
faculties and universities was formed for the
study. The sample included students of the
general education faculty of the College of
Education and Languages, the Lebanese-French
University, as well as students of the Department
of Foreign Philology and Translation of the
Faculty of Trade and Marketing of the Kyiv
National University of Trade and Economics.
The selection of respondents was carried out
taking into account various criteria, such as age
limits, level of language command and academic
performance. To conduct the research, two
groups were created - experimental and control
ones. In total, there were 60 people in the
experimental group, and 55 people in the control
group. Also, a group of 30 experts was formed
from among the teachers of the above-mentioned
Three research methods were considered for the
scientific article. The first method that was used
was the method of expert evaluations. With the
help of this method, the level of effectiveness of
the use of innovative methods and technologies
of teaching biology was evaluated.
The second method that was used was a
questionnaire method (Appendix A). It was
applied to collect data on students' opinions and
impressions about the implementation of
innovative methods and technologies of teaching
The third method that was used was the method
of analyzing the formation of language
competences. In fact, this method made it
possible to determine the level of development of
language competence of students after using
innovative methods and technologies of teaching
biology. The use of these research methods
enabled collecting objective data on the
effectiveness of innovative methods and
technologies for teaching biology and
determining their impact on the development of
students' language competence.
Data analysis
1. The Cronbach's alpha method can be
applied to analyze the questionnaire
reliability. This method enables to determine
the questionnaire’s degree of internal
consistency by calculating the Cronbach's
alpha coefficient. Cronbach's alpha ranges
from 0 to 1, where 0 means no consistency
at all and 1 means full consistency. The
Alpha-Cronbach coefficient is calculated by
the formula:
󰇨 (1)
the total test score variance;
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
variance of element і. Values in the range
of 0.7 - 0.8 are considered to be satisfactory.
2. Analysis of the obtained data was carried out
utilizing statistical correlation. The Pearson
test was used to determine the correlation
coefficient (Ali & Bhaskar, 2016):
 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 (2)
where хі - the value of variable X;
yi - the value of variable Y;
- the arithmetic mean for variable X;
- the arithmetic mean for variable Y.
Data collection
Several methods were used to collect data in the
second phase of the study. The first method was
the use of Google Forms to create a
questionnaire, which provided an opportunity to
collect students' opinions and impressions about
the effectiveness of an integrated approach to
language learning. The second method was to use
social media to conduct focus groups and
dialogues with participants to obtain additional
information and answers to questions. Finally, an
analysis of the data collected during the academic
semester was conducted to investigate the
students' progress in the development of various
foreign language competencies. The use of
various methods made it possible to obtain a
more comprehensive picture as regards the
effectiveness of an integrated approach to
language learning.
Еthical criteria
It should be pointed out that while carrying out
the research ethical principles were strictly
observed, in particular, confidentiality and
voluntary participation of students in the
research. Anonymity of the data was ensured,
which made it possible to avoid the disclosure of
personal information. Moreover, the study
respondents were informed about its purpose and
gave their consent to participate in it voluntarily.
Compliance with ethical standards was ensured,
which guarantees the proper data collection and
analysis of data, as well as the processing of
research results without violating human rights
and dignity.
To calculate the reliability of the questionnaire
using the Cronbach's alpha method, it is
necessary to have answers to all questions from
all respondents. In the pilot group consisting of
20 people, the questionnaire was filled out and
the results were processed. According to the test
results, Cronbach's alpha coefficient equal to
0.85 was obtained, which indicates the high
reliability of the questionnaire. Analysis and
calculation of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was
performed on the basis of the obtained data to
determine the questionnaire reliability.
While conducting the research, the questionnaire
responses submitted by students were analyzed
(see Table 1). The data yielded the results as
follows: the experimental group learners who
studied in accordance with the integrated
approach, had significantly better results in the
formation of foreign language competences, such
as grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, and
listening and speaking skills. The study findings
testify to the effectiveness of the integrated
approach to language learning and its impact on
the development of students' foreign language
Table 1.
Correlation matrix for questionnaire answers
Source: compiled by the authors based on research findings
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The matrix obtained as a result reflects the
correlation degree between each pair of questions
in the questionnaire. Each cell contains a Pearson
correlation coefficient that ranges from -1 to 1. A
value of 1 indicates a full positive correlation and
-1 indicates a full negative correlation between
the two questions., whereby the values close to 0
indicate no correlation. It is of note that this
matrix can help determine which of the questions
correlate with each other, and which of them
have the greatest impact on the formation of
foreign language competences.
Thus, an analysis of the correlation matrix
containing the results of the responses to the
questionnaire from 115 people participating in
the study was carried out. Overall, several
significant correlations were found between the
various indicators.
The indicator "grammatical knowledge" had a
fairly high correlation with "vocabulary" (r =
0.73) and "listening skills" (r = 0.69), which
indicates that students who had a high level of
grammatical knowledge had a tendency to
improve their vocabulary and enhance listening
Notably, some other indicators also had a fairly
high correlation, for instance, "writing skills" and
"speaking skills" had a significant correlation
with "listening skills" (r = 0.64 and r = 0.63,
On the other hand, weak correlations were
identified between "speaking skills" and
"vocabulary" (r = 0.29) and "writing skills" and
"vocabulary" (r = 0.25), which may indicate that
in in these cases, the influence of the integrated
approach to language learning on the formation
of these indicators may be less significant. The
following is a table of the formation of foreign
language competences among CG and EG
respondents (Table 2).
Table 2.
The formation degree of foreign language competence components in CG and EG
Foreign language competence components
Experimental group
Control group
Grammatical competence
Lexical competence
Listening competence
Speaking competence
Reading competence
Writing competence
Source: compiled by the authors based on research findings
The analysis of Table 2, yielded the findings as
follows: the experimental group had higher
formation in all the foreign language competence
components as compared to the control group.
The most noticeable difference was in the field of
written tasks, where the experimental group
outperformed the control group by 15 percentage
In particular, in the experimental group 80% of
students stated that they are able to write texts in
a foreign language without problems, while in
the control group only 65% stated this. For
listening and reading, the experimental group
also scored 8-10 percentage points higher than
the control group.
Analyzing the Table 2, it can be concluded that
the integrated approach to language learning
significantly affects the formation of students'
foreign language competence. However, it is
necessary to take into account that this
experiment is only the initial stage of research
and has its certain limitations - in particular, in
the size of the sample. To obtain more accurate
and representative results, it is necessary to
conduct further research with a larger sample and
different frameworks of using an integrated
approach to language learning.
That said, the comparison of the results between
the experimental and control groups indicates
that the integrated approach to language learning
has a positive effect on the formation of foreign
language competences. In particular, a
significantly higher level of vocabulary and
grammar was observed in the experimental group
compared to the control group. However, some
components of foreign language competence,
such as listening and writing, showed little
difference between the experimental and control
groups. This may indicate that an integrated
approach to language learning may not have as
strong a positive impact on these components as
it does on vocabulary and grammar.
Volume 12 - Issue 61
/ January 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The obtained results can be expedient for the
development of language teaching programs, as
well as for the improvement of foreign language
competence assessment methods. Most recent
research in language learning has focused on
individual components of foreign language
competence, whereas the current study focuses
specifically on an integrated approach. Below is a
Table 3 with the dynamics changes in academic
performance for the experimental and control
groups at the beginning as well as at the end of the
experiment. The results are presented in average
points on a 10-point scale.
Table 3.
The dynamics of respondents’ academic performance
Assignment 1 (Beginning)
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Source: compiled by the authors based on research findings
The study results elaborated that the average
scores in the experimental group differed
significantly from the control group (F (1, 8) =
15.73, p < 0.01).
Drawing on the research results, it can be claimed
that an integrated approach to language learning
has a positive effect on students' academic
performance. The results show that the
experimental group had significantly higher test
scores compared to the control group at the end
of the experiment. However, more studies are
needed to confirm these results with a larger
sample and in different learning settings.
According to the results of the study, students
who participated in the program of language
learning through integration demonstrated a
significantly higher level of language
competence compared to those who studied
using traditional methods. Similar results were
obtained in a study conducted by Berkson et al.,
(2020) and Asadchykh & Kindzhybala (2022).
This can be explained by the fact that an
integrated approach to language learning allows
students to practice speaking skills more in a
variety of situations and contexts. In addition,
this approach allows students to acquire
knowledge from different disciplines at the same
time, which contributes to their intellectual
development. This is revealed in the works of
Banegas & del Pozo Beamud (2022) and Barski
& Wilkerson-Barker (2019). Both studies note
the high role of innovative educational methods,
in particular the integration method, in the
formation of foreign language competences.
However, there is another point of view in the
works of Hilgendorf (2020) and Horbatiuk et al.,
(2019), the authors question the universality of
the integration method and point out that it needs
additional updating.
However, it should be noted that integrated
language learning may require a higher level of
training for teachers and students. According to
the conclusions of Romanіuk et al., (2022) and
Ternova (2020), teachers need to be ready to
elaborate the integrated learning methods, and
students need to be actively engaged in such
classes. In addition, integrated learning may
require more resources and effort on the part of
both teachers and students.
It is worth mentioning the studies of Kolhan et
al., (2022) and Mishchuk & Yushak (2021). The
scholars have shown that using an integrated
approach to language learning can facilitate
students' academic performance. This can be
especially important in higher education
institutions, where academic success is one of the
key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of
the educational process. The current research can
therefore be useful both for theoreticians who
work in the field of foreign language learning,
and for practitioners who are engaged in planning
and conducting the educational process. Thus,
the research made it possible to expand
knowledge about the integrated approach to
language learning and its impact on the formation
of foreign language competence and academic
success of students. The obtained results can be
expedient for teachers of foreign languages who
want to enhance the quality of teaching and
increase the level of foreign language
competence of their students. In addition, the
research findings can be used to develop more
effective language teaching methods and training
programs for students.
The main theoretical research findings are the
establishment of connections between various
components of foreign language competence and
the effectiveness of an integrated approach to its
teaching. Knowledge of these connections can
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
help in further research on this topic, as well as
in practical work on learning foreign languages.
With all the mentioned aspects, it cannot be
denied that the practical relevance of the research
lies in the fact that its results can be used by
educationalists during the planning and
development of study programs for learning
foreign languages. In particular, an integrated
approach to language learning can be used to
improve the quality of learning and ensure more
effective students’ mastering of the material.
The main limitations of the study includes the
number of participants, which does not allow the
results to be generalized to a wider population.
Also, only one method of assessing foreign
language competence was used in the study,
which may not be sufficient to obtain a complete
mapping of the participants' abilities. In addition,
the study did not take into account the individual
characteristics of each participant, such as the
level of previous training and motivation, which
can also affect the results of the study. Finally, it
is worth noting that the study was conducted
under the conditions of a controlled experiment,
which may not fully reflect the real educational
Topicality. Research on the effectiveness of
language learning through integration is
important for the development of students'
language competences, especially in future
philologists. Currently, in a globalized world it is
important to have competencies that allow one to
communicate effectively with representatives of
other cultures and establish international
relations. Conclusions based on the obtained
results. Basically, the study findings demonstrate
significant correlations between various foreign
language competencies and indicate that an
integrated approach to language learning can
have a positive impact on their formation.
However, more studies with a larger sample size
and different data analysis methods are needed to
more accurately assess the effectiveness of this
approach. In addition, it is worth considering the
possibility of comparing the results of using an
integrated approach with other methods of
language learning, which can help in more
detailed determination of the effectiveness and
application of such an approach in practice.
Applicability. The study findings can be applied
in the context of improving language teaching
methods in higher educational institutions. They
can help language teachers and educators
develop more effective and innovative teaching
approaches that meet the demands of
contemporary globalized context. Furthermore,
the research results can be used to develop
language training courses using an integrated
approach, which will allow for more effective
formation of students' foreign language
competence. In general, the results of the study
can be useful for everyone interested in
improving language learning and developing
intercultural communication. Future research
perspectives. Further research could target the
effectiveness of an integrated approach to
language learning in other contexts, such as other
subjects and other language environments. Also,
longitudinal studies embracing a long-term
monitoring of students' foreign language
competences over several years can be conducted
to determine the long-lasting and stable effect of
integrated approach.
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